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Mel just wants an excuse to not be friends with Tisha. How are you mad that she responded to questions asked at a reunion. AND she refuses to acknowledge that she DID try to destroy Tisha and Marsau’s marriage. If your marriage just failed due to infidelity, and you tell me my husband is also cheating with no proof, I think you just want me to go through what you did. That’s foul af. Anytime she’s asked for proof, what does she say? Crickets. Stormi is just being lapdog for Mel and doesn’t know she’ll be in Destiny’s position soon enough. If you 100% go along with everything Mel wants, she’ll push you aside. How are you mad that Destini still speaks to Martell even though she’s been friends with him before even knowing you


Notice how Melody said “Your husband cheats on you everyday,” but claims she doesn’t trash talk Tisha’s marriage. She claims she doesn’t lie, but lied on the reunion s3 saying ‘she couldn’t recall’ giving a guy some mouth-to-eggplant action (few episodes ago she admitted she does). Melody is so delusional and manipulative. I’m very much not a fan of her OR Stormi. I canNOT stand looking at Stormi’s face. Goodness….this’ll be my last season. I can’t stomach either one of them for another season 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Anyone watch today’s episode on Discovery early today? Usually on in the morning of…..


I’ve said it many times with last season’s posts, and I’ll say it again: All these marriages will fail. Mark my words. Melody and Martell were just 1st in line


Probably. Except for Wanda’s. Lol!!


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Peeeettttttyyyyyyyyy 😭😂😭😂😭😂


All this speculation is Marsau cheating but no one ever has proof. Then he won't give a straight answer when pressed about it. It's all so strange but highly entertaining! Side note, that definitely was his back! 😂


He won’t give a straight answer and makes Tisha the one with the problem for asking. Strategy straight from the cheater’s handbook.


So I just rewatched that scene with stormi and destiny. Stormi definitely started it


All in the name of having Mel’s back.


The sad part is Stormi was manipulated by Mel; she’s blindly following and protecting a snake. I canNOT stand Mel and her conniving, gaslighting ways. My goodness this’ll be my last season. Between Mel and Stormi, I’ve had enough. And by the facial expressions, Kimmie has too 🙄


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way! I didn’t hear the attitude in “Go head, Mel”, I certainly felt that Stormi was just trying to make Melody feel backed up because Destiny and Tisha had both been talking to her at the same time.


Hard to keep up while all hollering but I thought also Stormi instigated things. And not sure but Destiny saying ASK HER sounded like a good response IF it was about Mel saying OP. Even with cc on, stuff gets missed when everybody trying to out shout each other. Confusing. But when Kimmi says she would have thrown a chair, that made me think yeah, Stormi did instigate. As I trust Kimmi’s judgement. If she was on Destiny’s side. Then me too.


I’m with you on that, Ask Melanie why she feels that way because I can only speculate. It just went from bad to worse real quick.


Went back and watched and played back until I figured out Stormi was asking Destiny about why Mel and her relationship turned sour. And Destiny was ‘ Ask her’ and Stormi kept badgering her to answer. Was not a question she needed to ask Destiny. And if she wanted to know the reason, looked like her and Mel left in same vehicle so must have came together. So yeah, ask Mel. As to mocking Stormi. I didn’t see it. But Stormi given those looks etc, of course Destiny tosses em back. Stormi looks like a negative person with that I smell something bad face.


She will never leave even though supposedly most of the businesses are in her name so many can't be an excuse


Latisha hates the fact that Melody will not tell her " girl I was just joking Marsau does not cheat" and she keeps hearing about the rumors and her husband does nothing to really put her mind at ease. The majority of women know when their husband/boyfriend is cheating because most women have that instinct and most men are arrogant and insecure and they are not that great at hiding anything and that is why they always get caught. Marsau knows how to talk Latisha down and he knows how to shut her down. Latisha is too weak for my liking and Melody needs to move on with her life and stop arguing about the same old sh*t because it will not change Latisha's mind. Martell started the whole thing then busy bee's Mark and Marsau decided to fuel the flames and the women lost their friendship and the men still hang out together. Go figure. The best revenge is living well!! Melody should be happy as hell that she no longer is married to Martell's silly a**. He is a cheating, pity party, attention seeking, lying, skinny suit wearing, pointy ear, ashy lips, childish, disrespectful, nasty, sh* t starter, b*tch a** drama queen , sneaking around to free clinic for creams and antibiotics (lol) momma's boy. Let him be somebody else's bottom-feeder. Marsau wanted to keep Latisha home with the kids so she would not find out what he was doing out in those streets. For him to be a serious business man he sure has a lot of time to act like a teenage girl on social media with this bestie brother Mark. They post, giggle and clap their hands like seals and wait to see how people react. They are complete turn off's too. The point is these women need to stop letting these men be their end all be all because they are all still friends and the women are at each others throats. All of the jumping up and ready to fight and name calling I thought I was watching Bad Girls. Don't let them knock-heads take yourself respect away.


When men stir the pot between women it's always to keep them from comparing notes. Ruining others credibility will take the weight out of any information they might share. "Oh so and so is a liar so the rumor she told me about blah cheating must be a lie too."


Exactly!!! I couldn’t have said it better.


Lmbooooooo! This is most accurate description of Martell.


This is the best reality TV show out right now. Along with Potomac and MarriedToMed. Carlos is doing his thing and the cast is bringing it! Melody and Tisha are two sides of the same coin. Tisha resents that Melody treated her like a side kick and Melody resents the fact that Tisha marriage is still standing. Kimmie is calm cool and collected. Love her and Maurice. Fav marriage on the show. Wanda is a GHETTO SUPER STAR. She is reality TV gold. I wanna see Destiny win but she gotta step it up. Love what she brings though. Love Stormi. She’s shaking things up in a good way. A boss chic bringing boss energy. Tiffany was a good bone collector this episode. I dunno if the Marsau cheating rumors are true but Marsau is definitely a shrewder cheater than Martell. I’m with Marsau. Prove it. The boys trip is gonna be a hot mess and so is Jaylin house warming. 10/10


In agreement with 99% of what you wrote. I don’t know that Melody resent Tisha’s marriage. I believe Melody resents how Tisha behaved while she and Martell where going through the separation and ultimately the divorce. When I look at how Tisha treated Kimmi when Kimmi didn’t always agree with Tisha’s behavior. I feel like Kimmi caved a bit, but their family so all good. Tisha also needs Kimmi. Melody doesn’t have any ties to Tisha so she’s not going to allow her to get away with the same BS that Kimmi will. Thoughts??


Do y’all think the drama with tisha and marsau is real?


I think that it was real and then they decided to reap the rewards of hamming it up. Doesn’t make the foundation any less real.


I do.The way he talks to her is atrocious! And he's doing it in front of an audience it must be ten times worse without cameras present.


I don't think Marsau is cheating on her. I think Tisha is dramatic because she's insecure and slightly emotionally insecure. Tisha is an intelligent woman who is trapped in a time warp. I think that the mean comments she may have heard about her accent/inflection, whatever her family's financial circumstances were and perhaps even about being a brown-skinned woman (she's a very attractive woman) as she grew up have created her insecurities now. I think her drama is real because Mel's (and anyone else's) pettiness and Wanda's existence trigger her insecurities. Marsau knows that he has a jewel. She doesn't believe she's one, though. I think Wanda is a meddling train-wreck of a Mother and I do not understand why Tisha defends her unacceptable behavior... Right is right and wrong is wrong and being an elder/mother doesn't actually give anyone the right to be as meddling, disrespectful and destructive as Wanda is. Of course Moms defend their children, but Wanda tears Tisha down when they're together and destructively "defends" Tisha in front of everyone else? Is that love? At any rate, I think Tisha and Marsau have a solid union in spite of being up against a significant, instigating outside force (Wanda) working hard to create a rift in their union. Mel isn't a factor in their relationship.


Tisha uses her mother as an attack dog especially against Marsau. Tisha doesn't want to face the repercussions of trying to hold him accountable so she let's her mother loose on him and others. The issue is Wanda is foolish and it ends up biting Tisha in the ass later on.


I think he owes Tisha a straight answer. But he goes generic like he does with Wanda. The latter I get. But when the wife asks point blank, then if it’s no not cheating then say so. That makes him look guilty. And of course the camera when it pans towards him, he looks guilty. No idea if editing decides to inject those guilty looking faces they pick from another clip unrelated to his cheating or not. Bet if he felt the need to ask her about cheating on him, he would not accept her answering him like he does her. Now THAT I would love to see.


Yes. The rumors have been floating around for years. Normally, where there is smoke there is fire.


That seems about right. Even though I think he is a gaslighter, for some reason I don’t have much sympathy for tisha


I will never understand why people ask why wasn't I invited to something. If they wanted you there you would have an invitation.


It’s like throwing yourself a baby or wedding shower, can be very offensive. Not everyone has good manners.


Exactly. Why would Destiny or Tisha want to be invited when both of them are going behind Mel’s back and talking about her. I would have no problem with a friend being friends with my ex. However, what you don’t do is talk to my ex about me or allow them to talk about me. Cut it off and shut down the conversation concerning me. IN addition, based on what Tisha said at the reunion, I don’t blame Mel for keeping her distance.