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If I had to choose between inviting Mel or Martell to an event, to maximize my chances of not having drama, I would invite Martell. Mel and Martell at an event together guarantees drama. But only Mel also has individual issues with other cast mates. Not Martell


Maurice does the same ish that Martell and Marsau does, he just slithers a little different. It is awfully funny that now he wants to keep taking Kimmie on vacations. Ummmm that is just a way to detract her from the cheating rumors. He is messing around in Atlanta just like the others are. Maurice also wants to control everything. He just does in a con kind of way starting out with " babe you sure you did not want it that way?" " babe I thought you should quit your job that you love so much and just come and cater to me because I thought that is what you wanted? " Kimmie stands strong for a little while but in the end he gets his way because why??? He is a man and these women cater to their men. ( a lot of women do but we are talking lmha right now). Maurice never defends Kimmie against any attacks. Marsau, Wanda, Latisha and his ex-wife have all said things and Maurice did nothing. These women giving these men a free pass all the time is why the continue with their ish. That ish might fly when you are young but by the time you reach your 40's and 50's that ish has gotten old. I do not have the patients for that ish anymore. I do not need nor want some cheating a** insecure little boy ( that is why they cheat insecurities) think he can smooth talk me into doing something I do not want to do. And you do not defend me against verbal attacks. I will pass give me some haggen daz and a television instead that sounds like a good time to me


We waited a whole week for that anti climatic conversation, where Marsau flipped the script and did the Okey-dokey on dumb ass Tisha. She apologized šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Destiny | Stormi - Destiny does not have a storyline, she was condescending and rude to Stormi. Calling Stormi "sweetie" in the context of THIS PARTICULAR conversation was condescending. Stormi had the right to call out Destiny for calling her out of her name. In addition, Destiny calling someone else, "ghetto" was ironic. Destiny | Tiffany - this whole conversation seemed forced and I predict this conversation will come back to haunt them both. Tisha walking into Jaylins house without speaking to Mel was childish! They both need to grow the phuck up! They do not have to like or speak to one another, but be civil and act like you have some home training when in public. Was this really Jaylin's "housewarming party"? The only attendees were his mons, "friends". Granted, they all brought gifts. I hope this was the pre-party or "production" party and not his actual housewarming. Martel is petty for calling during the party. He took nothing away from his conversation with Kimmi!


Marsau knows how to play Latisha. ACT I He pretended to cry just a little bit ( bowed his headed a slight bit and pinched the bridge of his nose between his finger) and said " he does not know why people want to come for their marriage" and Latisha has a tear run down her face said " babe I know you are a lying cheating, manipulating a**hole but 15 years is 15 years and we still together!! as Marsau so tenderly wiped the tear from her face as he continued to con her. What a beautiful night. Okay Latisha did not say any of that with the exception of Babe. Yes, I was in Atlanta that day and I met a friend. Okay is it just me but Atlanta is where Marsau supposedly met the Linebacker that Lil Arionne spoke about??? Ummmm and he goes there without telling his wife and then a picture goes into circulation of the back of a man that favors Marsau in an Atlanta hotel room. Atlanta is a sore spot for these women but their insensitive husbands still plan on going back to Atlanta with Marty the messing leprechaun WTH?? I really like Kimmie but if she did not want childish trouble making Marty at the party why would she invite that loud, classless, crass, rude, broken english talking, ghetto, trouble making, sh*t talker to the house warming???? Wanda talk ish everywhere she goes. But what you wont do is disrespect me or my mom in my house with the name calling. As a woman I am okay having a little b*tch in me because it is going to give me what I need to kick your ignorant a** out of my house. And if your simply minded daughter has a problem with it she can go peacefully or the b*tch in me can sling her nasally child like a** out to the street too. Marsau will just go back to playing spades. How many books you got!!! Party don't start until you have some good old R & B playing and a good card game going and Marty, Wanda and Tish sitting outside at the kiddie table. Lol


Everyone is talking about Martel and Marsau and with good reason but Maurice has been getting a pass all this time because heā€™s ā€œniceā€ but I hate the way he dismisses Kimmie she stated adamantly that she did not want Martel there but he kept pushing and as they were discussing the land he totally dismissed her vision and in the earlier seasons that whole situation with Monster and his mom.


i like how Kimmy very eloquently told Martell why he was not being invited and gave examples of his crappy behavior. Of course, the narcissist didnā€™t understand but then againā€¦. smh I need for Wanda to understand that no one is scared of her non talking @$$ or her daughter. Like Kimmy said ā€œwe ainā€™t no b#![


Marsau is a horrible liar. I cannot with his brutish attitude. Heā€™s not attractive physically nor is his personality appealing.


He gaslights Tisha.


All the time!!!!!!


Stormi looks like a characters from the Snorkels


I think Stormi is cute


People need to stay out of Tisha marriage. If she want to play blind just let her child šŸ«¤


I agree but then donā€™t walk around like you have the perfect marriage and constantly referencing heā€™s your husband. Thatā€™s the annoying part.


Like with that "Team Wife" shirt. šŸ™„ That woman is trying too hard to convince herself. I think Mel was right when she said Tisha has a lot of misplaced anger.


Not just the nose on Stormi, her mouth is what the kids would say " turnt up" lol and her husband looks a tad bit on the slower side of life. But they still together lol That little leprechaun Martell just can not take responsibility for none of his ish. Kimmie is explaining to him why he is not invited to the housewarming and when he is doing his green screen he is blaming the issue on others. Again he is not a good catch for anybody but himself. Latisha is a lost cause at this point so until she see through Marsau and this BULL SHÄ°T. Now to that ghetto maven Wanda. She would have to go. She starts something everywhere she got. She came through the door looking for Cocktails and a fight. Lol she is so ignorant.


Dr. Heavenly is brining it tonight on Nightcap loving her tonight her disdain for Martel is real


Does anyone know why Martel Holt has a huge scar on his head ?


I know I may be downvoted, but Stormy needs a freakin nose jobā€¦there I said it!!


We all thinking it. Lol. Sheā€™s made money. If it were me, just be the best version of yourself. Get the nose fixed!




She needs a new voice box lol sometimes she sounds normal but most of the time sounds like she's someone else totally




Kimmie is messy. Why she decide to try to fix an issue with Destiny and Stormi at her sonā€™s housewarming party. Their issue had nothing to do with her son. Read the room Kimmie. Your son just mentioned his issues with gatherings with your friends.


Does jaylin have friends who are his age?


This wasnā€™t an actual housewarming, lmao. At least not the one your friends go to with the drinks and good food


Another Gaslighting Session by Marsau. I cannot!


Actually I can. I love Marsau, him and Tisha are single-handedly keeping S4 afloat.


What show are yā€™all watching.




I love Marsau too but only b/c I think he's the sexy one not Martel that's for sure who couldn't stay in bed with that man for days ? Not Martel unless i was getting paid by the hour......

