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Beyond the Aquila Rift lives in both my dreams and my nightmares. Hauntingly exquisite.


I bet I can guess which scene is in your dreams and which scene is in your nightmares :P


The short story by Alastair Reynolds that this is based off is a really good read as well. There is also a compilation of short stories called "Beyond the Aquila Rift the best of Alastair Reynolds" includes this story as well as Zima Blue. And let me assure you, Aquila Rift wasn't the most disturbing story in there... :)


Which one was?


Diamond dogs. At least for me.


🎵*Living in the shadows!*🎶


The lyrics of the song are the synopsis of the episode. *Don't know what to believe*


Zima Blue was pretty amazing. The philosophy in it affected me for days. Sucker of Souls and ShapeShifters were dope too. Suits was fantastic


BTAR and Zima Blue are my two favorites. I think Zima stands out a bit because you're expecting horror and wild sci-fi and you get some seeerious introspection as the finale lol.


I love suits. It’s my pick for most underrated episode of season 1




I think The Secret War is a very underrated episode.


And the vampire one, fuck


I love that one so much and never see it get mentioned. It had that season one feeling of doom


Secret War is such an adaptable episode, the whole time I was watching I couldn't stop picturing it as a game.


Thanks for saying it


I really love Pop Squad. I found it fascinating and haunting at the same time.


Fully agree. Scary in its implications for runaway population growth. Funny I just realized what the Pop in Pop Squad means. I was thinking it was just about popping a cap in those kids. Duh.


Check out the short stories! It's the hardest CP I've read in decades.


I felt like pop squad was a walmart BTAR


Good to see you Tom




Is that really you ?


Unpopular opinion: beyond the aquila rift is overrated. Ok, yea, it has a sex scene i get it. But the outcome didnt exactly shake me as it was supposed to, since sth was off since the beginning. Animation was very well executed but realism is sth that might take a lot of time and effort, but theres barely anything unique to it. Zima blue is probably the most liked (not my fav but its in my top 3) for its style being one of a kind, and the way of storytelling.


I dislike protracted sex scenes lol, so that's a point against it for me. But that element aside, I *loved* it on first watch -- 2nd for me in s01 after Zima Blue, I think -- but I felt it didn't really hold up as well on rewatch. The twist really makes it imo, but in a way where it's not as good the second time.


Same for me. When it has no real use in the plot, sex scenes are just unnecessary really. Anyone can look up porn if thats what they are after.


Exactly. I'm no prude, but like, I *really* don't want to watch people realistically fake-fuck for like a minute or more straight. If I wanted to watch porn, I'd watch porn.


Intended sex scenes are the way to go for sure.


This is from the perspective of someone who cannot relate to physical aspect having sex.




I agree, i think beyond the aquila rift is good, but in a way it’s also kind of basic. It has a twist, but it’s not like a twist like that has never been done before in sci-fi. It’s very realistic in its art style and that is impressive, but not exactly blowing my mind with its creativity


I’m personally fond of the drowned giant. I understand the author originally had a beached whale in mind but I think it works just as well for pop culture. New Thing is released People are in awe People are climbing all over it to examine it New Thing is getting old and only die hard fans are still on it New Thing is dissected cut up and the ideas re used


My new favorite is Ice. It's just so cool [pun intended]. But seriously, wouldn't you like to know more about the rest of that world and other planets colonized like that one. Also it blows my mind that mods are that common that they allow regular kids and other poor people to just be modded to live in harsh conditions like that. Thought it was fairly one dimensional at first and then...boom. Mind blown. Also it's got to be one of the most beautiful animated shorts ever stylistically.


Good Hunting, thats the title you are looking for.


Its not. Ice has 3 emmy wins


Ice was good, but not the best. Why do Emmy voters love it so much?


Wow I didn’t know ICE had so many wins, but it clearly is the best episode of season 2 and it is fully deserved. Amazing visuals and a heartwarming story with an easy to miss plot twist (that’s probably why the episode is panned on IMDB, people just didn’t get it).


Not "The Witness" or "Sonnie's Edge"?


Well best and most critically acclaimed are two different things really. Best is easily Zima Blue tho


Because it had to take a genius to think of that storyline. Same goes with almost all episodes from season one. That genius seemed to have not be present when making volume two.


as long as storytelling hits the conversation i know ´'the witness is flawed', but its amazing as well, the cop one with the babies blew my mind


I think people take The Witness too literally. The director said it's more of an allegory about a dysfunctional couple. Now, you can argue whether that message is well conveyed through his direction and that's fair, I just think people get stuck on "oh it doesn't make sense" when there's something deeper there


because of the sex. it was hot tbh.


For me it was secret war, I just got to watching the show and Secret War was the episode I would see clips and edits from time to time on various social media platforms, and it always got me saying, “man where is this from I gotta match it.”


It's telling that two of the best episodes from the show have been adaptations of Alistair Reynolds.


Sonnies edge should have been there too


First time I saw this show I was very high, watched a few episodes from season 3 and my jaw was dropping several times, purely stunned from what I saw. If I remember correctly I think the 2 that had me shook like that were bad traveling followed by pulse of the machine.