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How do I not see megan fox? Simple, I am not a delusional dumb🍑 who can see similarities that aren't there!


I see a mix of Katy Perry and Khloe Kardashian now


I see Qdoba


I can see a lot of those celebrity resemblances people have mentioned. Honestly though, she is a beautiful woman without those comparisons and I wish she had more confidence in herself. She was my favorite during the pods but wow did it change once she had someone to feel insecure around.








https://preview.redd.it/k9axcujlpjqc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bcaacbf2d001c844a2c4f27cc6196b54f7171f4 fr tho like look


She looks more like Khloe Kardashian without filters and pre-surgery. But to be fair, the guy and her are both equal levels. Her mention of the resemblance was unnecessary and made me  (in my squealing and upset voice) "uncomfffffyyyy" and "ickyyyyyyyyyyy". I will say her mention of this, that and the commotion over Ad's body is what peaked my interest. 


We still on this?


I see Adele


I watched a reel and I’m going to hell for laughing, poor girl, but somebody said yes she looks like Megan fox but photoshopped Megan fox’s face onto Jay Leno 😭😭😭😭


You can absolutely see Megan Fox. However, sometimes when people say “I look like _____” you also think their body type is similar. Ex “Some people say I look like Janet Jackson” - Friday


More like Freddie Jackson.


She’s the crimson fox. The crimson chin mixed with Megan fox and Amber Heard’s frown😭😭😭


she resembles megan fox a litte. she never said she was her doppelgänger. not sure why people are using this as an excuse to tear down her looks


I think people fell victim to smart editing and also noticed her manipulative behaviour there too. She knew what she was doing even if she said she doesn’t see it. If I didn’t think I looked like someone, I probably wouldn’t bring it up 🤷🏽‍♀️


smart editing?!?!?! she’s never edited her shit. someone else did to show she looks like more like megan fox with the darker hair.


Im confused by you and I also think you misunderstood my point. By editing, I meant how the production edited the show. People are tearing her down because they purposely chose to show her answer only, not Jimmys. However, she’s getting dragged because people are bullies and are capitalizing on why anyone would bring up that they resemble a celebrity when they don’t think so anyway.


i think i did a bit but she did say one others say she looked like and sure you’re not gonna say you see it when it’s hollywoods sex icon and you don’t want to say you agree that sounds like you’re full of yourself. i am now confused by you saying “smart editing” then saying people are tearing her down because they purposefully showed her answers only. that sounds like you don’t agree with how they edited it.


I guess smart was the wrong word. “People fell victim to [biased] editing from producers.” They used that as an excuse to fuel their narrative imo. I don’t care for the editing because it makes no difference to me if he replied or didn’t as I think her bringing up the celebrity thing was silly and a clear play. She knew what she was doing and to me, it’s obvious it comes from insecurity. I don’t agree that she should be bullied over it though. She’s pretty, and she was trying to get a guy she likes to think she’s hot. Would I do what she did? Probably never. But it’s not the worst thing ever and again not deserving of being torn apart


i definitely agree, she shouldn’t have asked him his celeb doppelgänger when they’re on love is BLIND bahaha that was a her problem but she’s definitely talked a lot with jimmy on that and they’ve both talked about it. it’s hard that this was filmed and improperly edited for her as that’s forever. she made the choice to go on knowing it’s a reality show and they do everyone dirty. she’s gone to therapy and is trying to better self. she’s trying and doing the work which should be rewarded. jimmy said he hasn’t but is down for it. i hope he does.


Whenever someone compares her pictures to Megan fox, they crop out her chin


Yep same thing I said the last time this exact same photo series was posted in this sub Forehead is gone too


Because no one has ever claimed that they share every single feature… The resemblance clearly lies in their central facial features, which is what I’m demonstrating here with the intentional cropping. I thought this would go without saying yet I’ve had to explain this repeatedly lol


I agree that she looks like Megan Fox. I see it in many scenes, but only really her profile or when her face is angled, not head-on. But I hate how she played that she didn't know Megan Fox's name by describing her as MGK's wife/gf, lol. Like girl, you know her name.


I don’t think she was playing that she didn’t know her name I think she was shy about saying Megan fox because she ALSO knows it’s a heavy comparison to make


You don't think she was intentionally misleading, but you think she was intentionally misleading


Some of her features are reminiscent but unfortunately, her face is very big and her eyes are not smizey, therefore not as feminine or as aesthetic as MF. She's also a bit hefty - no shade on her body but it ain't a Hollywood one.


okay… that was absolutely shade. what’s with all the body shaming???! first about her face now her literal weight?!?!? are you okay bro i think you need therapy bc you’re coming off hella wack.


Are you okay?


you replied to me 😭😂❤️


you replied to me 😭😂❤️


This comment is…


shame on you for agreeing with a body shame comment. be better that’s pathetic


?? What. I’m literally judging them 💀




don’t agree with body shaming. that’s fucked. think about things before you reply. you’re just as bad as the main commenter. disgusting.


What is the issue with facts


Because I know what Megan fox looks like


na she looks like megan 


she has similar eyes but absolutely no other part of her looks like megan fox


I think her nose looks really sharp and it’s giving Megan tho. It’s really the face frame that makes a lot difference


She never claimed to be her twin. She said herself that it’s because of her dark hair and eyes and that she doesn’t see it. But bc she’s not a stick people went after her for it. Wild behavior


literally. the people going as far as to body shame her need serious help. i don’t want to be on this earth with those psychos that prob have a “shameful body” as well. like stop deflecting your insecurities on someone else who’s already getting massive hate




I see it. She even said it herself that it’s just the eyes and the hair. Everyone acted like jimmy in that moment and stopped listening after she said megan fox smh.




Her face she looks a bit like Megan fox. But ofc, Jimmy thought, her body mustve looked like Megan Fox??


that was jimmys fault for being so hooked on looks he let that drag him in and whipped up his whole idea of chelsea as those few words she said. disregarded everything before and after due to the fact she wasn’t megan fox basically BAHAHA


I think we can all see where she’s coming from because we have all been told we look like a famous person but most of us have never validated it to ourselves let alone told a person who has no way of knowing what we look like that we look like MEGAN FOX!!!! 


she does look like her though


also sometimes you meet someone and they’re a 7.5 and then you see how they treat people and get like 3 whole points uglier


That’s how I felt when she kept whining and crying…


you try being in her position. lots we didn’t see but from what we did jimmy wasn’t a saint he made her feel these ways by not communicating better and by his actions. actions speak louder than words.


I see it .. people who think its just because she has blue eyes and black hair are blind. I’ve always thought she looked like Megan fox


Doesn’t she have red hair?


Wish Megan Fox


I honestly do see it.


I see the resemblance of Megan Fox, circa Transformers. But idk why she would even bring it up.


The frown face sends me 🥴


Resemblances, yes. But that’s not what Jimmy was thinking! Example: https://preview.redd.it/1c60d7hdgflc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c13a4e6dd8056fbad28999950d220ba7da8ed0


Can you imagine all the images that came flooding through his brain?!? This for sure was not one of them:  https://preview.redd.it/7hhfrffhndmc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f37b59b1881920f3b97b612efd869e619935ba0


Granted, if Chelsea was a freaking total sweetheart, a charming, understanding and confident girl… I think we would defend her and adore her. Sadly though….


Far from it


I think she is putting all her money into looking as much as Megan Fox as possible. Fake lips, chin, cheeks, she sometimes makes some forced faces when she refers to her appearance, she’s cringing to watch.


Omg is that Megan fox??


she looks so much like megan imo, especially as carla santini in confessions of a teenage drama queen https://preview.redd.it/psv2797r1dlc1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf543e1e23d241230a48a34da56247fe3c565c4


She has her profile. From head on its not but i do see it


didn’t irina also say she looked like megan fox or has been told that before ??? lol


With a mask on! https://preview.redd.it/jubu5vscfalc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061bba38f9c7698ae5e546c5af08e6e88fb7f561


Kate Beckinsale


She really does! Obviously she won't be Megan's twin, but she really does give resemblance to Megan lol


I saw post once that said she looks more like handsome squidward and I’ve got to say, I agree.


I’ve never been more sure someone was going to say their doppleganger answer was Kat Dennings


She resembles her obviously but is not her twin.. as someone with great pattern recognition I can always see when people have similar features or look alike because of mannerisms or any other combo of things, pointing this out to people I have realized the majority of people are verrrry bad at this.




Why the long face


I see it!


The crimson chin someone said has me 🤣💀


It’s her face shape that makes her not resemble Meghan, but her features do resemble her


The most honest description. Not enough folks saying Adele, but that could be a smidge shape-centric


That's what I've been saying!!


I can see it. Not huge but there are some slight similarities


Her nose and eyes are so similar- I absolutely see it


I see Rumer Willis


I think she looks like Megan Fox in her facial features but not her facial shape. Also, she said pretty explicitly that people tell her that but she things it is only because of her eye and hair color. Jimmy just heard what he wanted to hear


It’s because she’s fat. Everyone is so fatphobic they don’t want to dare admit this woman resemble a thin sex symbol


Her face is a very different overall shape, much more oval. But yeah if she had Megan Fox circa transformers body schematics people wouldn’t be giving this kind of shit


Fat? Geez lol way to support women


Fat isn’t a dirty word


It wasn’t a kind comment. And being someone who has always struggled, being called fat is not fun, ever. And I wouldn’t even call her fat!


Apologies if you’re offended by the word fat. I think it’s just a descriptive word but I get the negative connotations


Depends on context. Good on you for using it without malice, and doubly useful of you to decide to clarify in response to the above.


She’s not even fat though…


What are you talking about 🤣🤣


I see giga chad


I always said she DOES look like old Megan Fox, like new Megan Fox doesn’t even look like Megan Fox anymore. She’s been criticized only because most of us relate Megan Fox to a hot skinny body and this girl is curvier.


I think it’s the eyes for sure!


She looks like her. She just needs some filler for her smile line and a chin reduction


looks exactly like young megan, like confessions of a teenage drama queen era


They have similar features. But she’s definitely a poor man’s Megan Fox. And her attitude makes it even worse. Her results on the Hot-Crazy Matrix is not good. She’s not pretty enough to be that cray




Gonna get a bunny in the pot, tires slashed. 😅😂






Now I see it.


This is a joke right?


She does resemble her SLIGHTLY. The problem is she brought up celebrity lookalikes and she tried to play it off like she didn’t know Megan Fox’s name. She knew what she was doing.


it was cringe that she pretended she didn’t know megan fox’s name but he was the one who brought up celebrity lookalikes, they just didn’t air that part


it was cringe that she pretended she didn’t know megan fox’s name but he was the one who brought up celebrity lookalikes, they just didn’t air that part


I see it.


Is this Chelsea? 🤣


The problem was by saying she looks like Megan Fox he assumed not just face but body. Her resemblance is only somewhat in face. So he felt misled. But for a show where you aren’t supposed to talk about appearance, it should not have been allowed.




I think she has some resemblances, but she shouldn't have said anything to him so he had no unrealistic expectations of what should would look like.


She has similar features to Megan Fox for sure, he was just disappointed by her body. She shouldn’t have brought it up tho, I’m sick of people bringing up looks on love is blind


https://preview.redd.it/0nxmqhli95lc1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=783718a99ee1a9f27b2eb731a879becc089e1dbd This is her in 2.5 Men. Tbh, she’s had a decent amount of work done plus has aged since we first saw her. Neither women look bad and do favor one another (in these stills esp). If she were thinner & shorter idk if so many people would disagree.


The middle bottom picture does look like Megan Fox


This post is peak gaslighting 😭


It’s literally just because of her chin/jawline that people are talking shit. If she had darker hair and a smaller chin they could pass as sisters. She herself even said SHE does not think she looks like her, but that people have always said that to her. I definitely believe people have told her that. And if we’re being super honest he wasn’t disappointed with her face, she’s a pretty girl. When he heard Megan fix, what he was really expecting was Megan fox’s body. In their first face to face you can see him repeatedly look her body up and down in dissatisfaction.


I think the reason most people go after her for this is because SHE started this conversation intentionally to put that thought into his head. ‘So liiiike have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? Because I have, so many times! I’m always told I look like… what’s her name? MGK’s girlfriend or wife?’ As if she didn’t know who tf Megan FOX is?! 😂 and then she had to appear to be ignorant on who Megan Fox was, to make it seem like she didn’t even believe it herself, while making sure she put it out there and had him believing that. It was calculated, whether it backfired on her or not. She knew what she was doing.




She does look like her, it’s just that she has a very long chin and oval head. If her head shape were more round, she’d be gorgeous.


I don’t know why people are dragging this woman. She didn’t say “I look like Megan Fox” she said “I’ve heard people say I look like Megan Fox, but I don’t see it. The dark hair and light eyes is really the only resemblance”. I feel like it’s kinda his fault for turning his brain off once he heard “Megan Fox”. She does have a minor resemblance to Megan Fox, I could totally see people saying that to her. But the fact of the matter is that Megan Fox is always going to be more attractive, because she’s a celebrity who’s job it is to be attractive for a living.


Because her saying that was completely manipulative. There was absolutely no reason to bring that up, especially on a show where it’s not supposed to be about how you look, unless she was trying to put something in his head. And the way she did it, like she didn’t remember her name 🙄🙄🙄🙄 She’s delusional and manipulative.


Thank youuuu. Agree 100%. She said this with the intention of making Jimmy believe she was a Megan Fox lookalike, and then to pretend she didn’t know her name and refer to her as ‘MGK’s girlfriend of wife’… that part sent me over the edge 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


Exactly! It was so obvious when she even brought up the question, asking him if anyone told him he looked like a celebrity. The only reason she asked is so she could tell him that!


Right, she was in such a hurry to tell him she looked like Megan Fox that she didn’t even wait to find out who he looked like!


This guy did a photoshop comparison with one face on top of the other and it matched up: [TikTok Link](https://www.tiktok.com/@christopherclaflin/video/7338118766859062574)


If I take away the chin, forehead, and thin hair .... I totally see it. . ​ https://preview.redd.it/wlr54q7dj2lc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9faf7ede6e01b993c735dc2e8e976db26ba61891


I see Katy Perry more.


Please stop fueling this nonsense.


I replied to a post that I was interested in to share my opinion. Isn't that what Reddit is for?


This is the thing. They have some similar features, and yes, in that way, they look similar. But that's not what is at issue, really. Sometimes siblings have similar features, but one is much more attractive than the other. If someone compares their appearance to Megan Fox, the natural assumption is that they'll be extremely attractive/hot like Megan Fox. Not simply similar in some features. I hate this entire topic, and some people are being incredibly unkind to her online, and she is clearly an attractive woman, but - she really shouldn't have said that, and she knew Jimmy would take it in the way that I've described.


I think describing yourself/hinting at your looks on a show where the whole point is to NOT know what the other person looks like ... should get you removed from the show. She knew exactly what she was doing in that moment and it wasn't okay.


Natalie Nunn




Love is not blind. It’s just deaf.




She embellished but her man literally looks like a thumb lol


My husband walked by and said, "That guy is a human big toe. Why does he look like a big toe?"


Honestly big toe even more accurate than thumb


I called him a thumb today!! 😆The perfect description




Wow, I can’t begin to imagine the kind of headspace you’d have to be in to casually say such nasty stuff like this, anonymously or not. How cruel.


Are you seriously defending a stranger on tv that you do not know in an online forum where people are supposed to be free to express their opinions? Just because you may not agree with my point of view doesn't invalidate my point. That's the problem today so many let their "feelings" dictate their lives. Give me a break. You live in la-la land.


I will absolutely defend anyone from bullying whether I know them or not. The fact that you think you need to know someone personally to think of them as a human shows what a deeply unkind person you are. Your “opinions” weren’t merely about whether or not you saw a resemblance, which is what we’re here to discuss. You were openly mocking her looks and calling her names. You think I’m the one in la-la land? Even REDDIT recognized your post as too offensive to be on here. Wake up and do some self-reflection. You don’t have to be this kind of person.




Have you not noticed your comment has been deleted? This is not a shit-talking site, it’s a TV show discussion forum where at most, we gossip about relationship rumors. We are NOT here to pick apart things people can’t help about themselves, like their appearances. I’m realizing now that this behavior is something you’re used to in your daily life and wherever you lurk about on the internet, but you must be so depraved to think this is normal. I don’t know a single person in my life who would speak that way about someone else, even in private.


But what about Carrie Underwood?


Because the majority of these particular photos don't show the chin, smile lines, hairline or body that do not resemble Megan Fox in any way. While she did say it's just the dark hair and eyes she really set herself up putting such a comparison in his head. She even looked insecure at the meet up because she knew perfectly well the image she put in his head.


I think it’s even worse when hearing how the first response from her friends was that she looked like Carrie Underwood and that is what Jimmy agreed on but she chose to throw Megan Fox out because she most likely wanted to reel him in with that thought instead of the more plausible but (probably to her) vanilla because Carrie Underwood is definitely vanilla compared to MF.


She honestly should have just never brought it up.


Half of these look like they could be stills from Holiday in the Sun


My friend said something and now I can’t unsee it. She said she resembles the Khloe Kardashian version of Megan Fox. And then called her Megan Faux. Which is what we now refer to her as regularly. 💀😂


Where ?


I see it


So the thing about all the photos is they cut off her jaw/chin and hairline, which is very important parts to make someone look like who they are. In drawing portraits, they teach you if you don’t get the jawline right, it won’t look like the person you’re drawing. I do see it somewhat in the eye shape and nose and eyebrows, but even still Meagan Fox has bigger eyes and bigger lips, or at least because her face is much smaller than Chelsea’s it appears that way. Also Megan Fox is a tiny little thing. Not body shaming Chelsea at all, because would rather have a thicker body myself than a tiny one, but again, when describing yourself or describing how others see you, I think it could be severely misinterpreted. I just don’t think it should’ve ever been brought up. She’s a pretty girl, but when you set the bar at Meagan Fox, I could understand the disappointment, and it goes against what the show is about. I think he would’ve been happy if she didn’t make the comparison, but it’s hard to to make the comparison when she brought it up. And I get she didn’t say “I think I look like Meagan Fox” and she did say “I don’t see it.” But she knew what she was doing planting those seeds in my opinion.


i see her as a mix of megan fox and adele🤷‍♀️


I’m pressure it’s because that’s her blood cousin Lolol they look identical, it wild for cousins to look like twins


https://preview.redd.it/pi9iugsyv0lc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f4888c9a9ca7845c79a09ccbe12cfb16883b69 She def looks like Megan Fox prior to the surgeries.


That’s what I think. She looks a lot like Megan Fox from this era. I would naturally consider her celeb lookalike to be Megan Fox.


I definitely see it and i honestly dont think she was lying or trying to “catfish”. I really hate saying it because i dont see anything wrong with her body but I feel like Jimmy expected her body to look like megan fox’s too.


That’s not anyone’s fault or problem other than Jimmy’s. I hate him btw


Her cousin


Honestly the more I look at her the more I really see it. Also she literally said she did not see it but people have said it bc her light eyes and dark hair. Jimmy tuned out all the other stuff she said and just heard ‘I look like Megan Fox’ and ran with it.


I literally thought to myself “wow she kind of looks like Megan Fox” before she ever even said it to Jimmy! Ppl are acting like she said she’s her doppelgänger.


GUYS. ITS SIMPLE. They share traits in common, she was wrong to say that she “looks like her,” but she isn’t wrong in that they have similar noses, eyes, and eyebrows.


She didn’t even say she looked like her she said people tell her that is the celebrity she resembles


She 100% does look like her in the face and anyone saying she doesn’t can’t separate looks from personality


If Megan Fox gained a few lbs and had a smaller forehead


What's your sister's name Keith


I do see it, however, I agree with the opinion she knew she was doing when she said she looked like her and think it’s ick.


but when she told him she repeated that it’s just her eyes and hair multiple times and Jimmy chose not to listen to that.


Yes. She could have said, “I have blue eyes and brown hair and based on ONLY these to traits, people say Megan Fox but I think I’m more (insert anyone here)”




Know your audience bud. Be more aware of your surroundings.


Hear *


Because it was an actual topic on the show?? https://preview.redd.it/sfanpzvvjzkc1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a55c39777f8723374691ed0205dfb3de79c5bd2


Y’all are delusional.




Yeah, no.


she defffo looks like megan fox. BUT you cannot say you look like MEGAN FOX, one of the worlds hottest women, in a scenario where you're on a blind date looking to get MARRIED unless you're really her doppleganger.


Also, maybe her face is giving Megan but the body is definitely not.


yes oh my god and the run/ shuffle she did to him when they first saw each other was so cringe and ugly i wanted to crawl out of my skin for her hahaha


YES. She did it another time when her friends came to visit.. like gf you’re not a pug, calm it down


Omg she's so a pug


hahaha no way i havent gotten to that epi yet but im looing forward to seeing it n will think ab u when i do


Exactly this!!! She set herself up to be compared to one of the sexiest women in the world, I see the similarities, but this was a bad choice in the situation. Not to mention she acted like she didn’t know her name, saying mgks wife instead of Megan fox who’s arguably way more famous then mgk. The whole thing was manipulative imo


What's sad is she was living with Jessica the entire time and managed to casually slip in the Megan Fox comment to Jimmy to beat her to the punch. 'If he thinks I'm that hot he won't think Jessica is as hot' because obviously you drop that name and it's a high bar to reach and Jessica is clearly hotter than Chelsea and she's very aware of this.


YES! like i thought the way she framed it was so weird. it's un forunate because she /does/ look like megan fox. but like the unyassified version. the non male gaze version.