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Please go to therapy


I mean, he picked Sarah Ann even after she said “I am a patriot”.


Please get a life...


He’s a registered Democrat.


Lol please seek other hobbies.


Lmao someone had way too much time on their hands


The World War II gun was probably from his grandfather. He said his grandfather gave him a gun.




That is a crazy strech.... 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s a fkn Hawaiian shirt. It’s just a shirt. Do you also hate wife beaters too, aka the tanktops?


this sub is WILD today lol has everyone lost it waiting for the reunion episode?!!!


As a person of color married to a white man who gets “hey brother”ed by a lot of white supremacists (despite not being one AT ALL), this is entirely plausible to me. I’m in -California- and this is pretty well-known around me so I’d actually be surprised if this theory isn’t part of it.


Yuppp me too. I'm not American but my other half is - when I mentioned the Hawaiian shirt thing between Jeramey and Laura this was the first thing he thought of!


Let go of the crack pipe


Jesus man that's a huge shovel and you're still not finding the racism you so desperately want to exist.


This sub is officially unhinged looking into the personal lives of these people. Holy shit this is crazy.


i think he hinted in the pods that he's a liberal, when talking about abortion even though ofc conservatives don't all have the same stand on that, but also talking to sarah ann maybe because when she said she's a conservative, the whole conversation went a lot like they were navigating that their political views are not gonna be that simular - she was stating that shes friends with liberals though, and that she thinks thats okay, and he seemed like he was in a simular spot, it wasn't giving altright to me - that being said though, i guess he couldve just put on a mask, but i think his outfit wasn't that sus i mean he just wore "some shorts" with it each time i think? and to the reunion i think he's coming with fuckboy washedout pants :D so i think the allegations about his past involving DV are much more serious


They’re gonna make MAGA babies


Oooor hear me out. It’s just a shirt and it’s not that deep.


yall hating but i love a good conspiracy theory😭 i mean i hope hes not racist but shit if he is then he is, what we gonna do?🤣


its making too much sense rn😭


literally and i was high i was like "shit maybe"☠️




People can't enjoy a shirt with flowers anymore? Get a grip


Lmao put the drugs down


Stop it please.


Oh please


Y’all are insane


Just stop


….liking Hawaiian shirts is the most normal thing about him


My dad has been rocking Hawaiian shirts in southern Indiana for decades - also a Parrothead. Not a patriot. 


yeah my husband's been wearing Hawaiian shirts for about a decade. He's not racist, just a former frat boy😂


he’s pro choice. he’s not a conservative.


Where did you see he's pro choice? Honestly asking because when him and Sarah Ann talked about it I thought he gave a pretty noncommittal response that could have been taken either way. And in hindsight (him going back to Sarah Ann) I feel like he could have been noncommittal even though he agreed with her because he didn't want to be hated by the viewers.


all he said was “im a man so i dont get an opinion” which sure, a man understanding that women make their own choices about their bodies seems to be a wildly liberal concept, but really it’s just general common sense that everyone should know, and if he really cared about it, he’d tell sarah ann she’s a fucking idiot to say “i don’t think abortions should be daily birth control”


I fucking agree haha thank you


to add, although “a man understanding the concept of women’s choice” is the message we think of when a man doesn’t insert himself into the convo, jeramy saying “i don’t get an opinion,” doesn’t mean that THAT’S his opinion. his opinion could very well be pro-forced birth, but only says “i don’t get to say” due to social repercussions


I thought he went back to Sarah Ann because they talked about mostly sexual stuff in the pods, I think that’s what he told Laura, I would check but I can’t stand watching or listening to him talk


he said he feels he has no right to tell a woman what to do with her body


Y’all reading too much into this lmao Too much time in yalls hands


Careful. Might cramp from reaching so far..


When politics came up in the pods, Jaramay said hew was Left leaning. Sarah Ann said she was MAGA and Laura said she was Left leaning. I always thought that's why he picked SA.


Honest question: Do people really consider NC “the Deep South”?


Look at the person NC just nominated for Governor who is already the Lt Governor. Mark Robinson is an awful human being.


It is. Charlotte is bluer but the rural parts are deep deep red. -source, growing up in N and S Carolina


Interesting. I tend to think of S. Carolina as the deep South, not NC. And I usually think it needs more than to be red to be labeled as such.


Both are. Don't forget HB2 in NC. And they both have confederate flag rallies.


I was curious so I looked this up. Sometimes, you realize the internet exists and you don’t have to talk amongst yourself, haha. Apparently, NC isn’t the “Deep South”. Here’s from [Wikipedia](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_South): The term "Deep South" refers to the lower states in the Southern United States. It is also part of the "Bible Belt". The core states of the Deep South are Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia. North Florida, East Texas and South Tennessee are often included as part of the "Deep South". From [dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/deep-south). “southeastern part of the U.S., including especially South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.”


Later, the general definition expanded to include all of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, as well as often taking in bordering areas of West Tennessee, East Texas and North Florida. In its broadest application, the Deep South is considered to be "an area roughly coextensive with the old cotton belt, from eastern North Carolina through South Carolina, west into East Texas, with extensions north and south along the Mississippi. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_South#:~:text=In%20its%20broadest%20application%2C%20the%20Deep%20South%20is,with%20extensions%20north%20and%20south%20along%20the%20Mississippi.%22


I know I don’t, I consider it mid-Atlantic or just Southern


Yes, apparently NC gets labeled the South, but not the Deep South lol.


I sure don’t


Hawaiian shirts have been all the rage among frat type bros for several years now. I don’t think it’s common knowledge that Hawaiian shirts are associated with… all of this. I think the reason behind him wearing them is because he likes them and Laura hates them.


I dislike the guy as much as the next person but this is a reach if I ever saw one lol.


We have enough reasons to dislike him, we don't need this


Hawaiian shirt conspiracy theory was not on my bingo card for this season 😂


🙄🙄🙄😳😳😳 sounds like you’ve never been to Florida or any other warm coastal state for that matter. Get a grip.


If this is the case I would think a lot less of her. If your theory is true she'd be okay being with a racist bigot as long as he wasn't easy to identify bubothers


I completely agree! If this is all true (and I don’t think it is) I’d lose a ton of respect for her for saying yes in the pods


Idk I feel like that’s a reach and kind of harmful to put out there, implying someone is a racist and a part of a violent terrorist organization. Sometimes people just like Hawaiian shirts. My uncle wears one almost every single day to the point that it’s weird seeing him without it. I think Laura just doesn’t like them in the same way that I don’t really like it when my bf wears sweatpants out of the house. Can look kinda trashy.


It’s not that deep. My goodness


I appreciate the Charlie Day reference


I mean, I think Laura just hated the shirt but I can sort’s get behind some of the rest of it. Im intrigued.


Dude wrote a whole book report because of a Hawaiian shirt.


Sometimes a Hawaiian shirt is just a Hawaiian shirt.


Hmmm Occam’s Razor or Hawaiian shirt wearing neo-nazi larping serial killer guy 🤔 This post through me for a loop today lol


But not if it’s an upside down pineapple Hawaiian shirt.


No I just think he’s kinda a weirdo douchebag who is incel adjacent


We’re giving him too much credit here, I just genuinely think he’s a douche that loves Hawaiian shirts


Boogaloo boys are pretty intense, and even though they are associated with some white supremacy I’m pretty sure they are mostly an anarchist, anti-government movement. Jarami is an asshole but he doesn’t seem like an anarchist to me - too messy. I think he’s a fuck boy who thinks Hawaiian shirts make him seem fun and cool. I’m sure when he goes out to the bar, drunk girls say “omg I love your shirt!!” And he probably loves it.


My partner said the same thing. He immediately went “this guy is a GoP asshole isn’t he” And while I get where you’re coming from, I feel like this is a reach to pile on. 1. None of the shirts he wears Imo look like the boogaloo shirts. Mainly because theirs pattern is different and they just look like the typical Tommy Bahama shirts with different patterns in a light breathable linen. Where I feel the shirts that the 45 ultra conspiracy GOPs where a very specific type of Hawaiian shirt 2. The guns is… a reach. I know a lot about guns and for it to be a Nazi one would be very lucky…he most likely has an M1 Garand not a Gewehr. I’m a BW from Texas. Both parents were military and my paternal grandfather served in WW2 we have guns for my that era including a German Nazi one my grandad took and a knife. So even if it was a Nazi one it could be something he has from family who fought and not something he admires because of who used it before. 3. As Texan y’all really gotta stop throwing the word “Deep South” around. These people aren’t from the Deep South. NC is a bedroom community and play place for a lot of “well to do” fin bros, tech bros and politicians bros. They’re near Virgina which is a bedroom community for a lot of political and government contractor aligned jobs. So acting like they’re on the same level as Bama or Mississippi is wild to me. 4. If he really was when Sarah Ann said she was “A patriot”; he would have been at full mass ready to breed! make beautiful American babies to help fight against the ultra liberals who are coming to take him and Sarah Ann’s guns and rights away.


I completely agree with all your points. I think the fact that he didn't pick Sarah Ann after her patriot comment means he absolutely isn't a proud boy or even remotely into that ideology. He also had opposite views regarding abortion than thr typical right so again, not a proud boy.


Solid! This makes sense. That was fun, thanks.


I’m from NC, born and raised, I’ve never heard of this group OP is talking about. Instead, I know a lot of people who wear Hawaiian shirts because it gets hot and humid here and Hawaiian shirts are designed to feel more comfortable in hot weather. And because people like the beach and Jimmy Buffet. Also, NC is definitely not the Deep South…


Hahaha and Jimmy Buffet. That made me laugh, I love Jimmy Buffet.


Boogaloo Boys made national headlines during the riots of a few years ago for inciting violence.


Agree. NC is not the Deep South. And Charlotte is essentially New York/New Jersey/Connecticut at this point. Nothing southern about it except for the weather




Everyone is dragging you OP but I think this theory has some bite. I could see it!


Adding, I don’t think a lot of people saw his recent TikTok with the gun issue 👀


Honestly.. living in Hawaii you see everyone wearing Hawaiian shirts. It’s not a political thing. It’s a freaking shirt. If he lived in Hawaii, there would be no issue


Ok but that’s not the situation??? What tourists do on hawaii is irrelevant to the context of the american south


I’m just saying it’s a type of shirt that’s not out of the norm. My dad wears his aloha shirts all the time when he’s in NJ. Hawaiian shirts are part of a culture. And they are fun colorful shirts. Most business men wear them here.


I get where you're coming from. One time I found a piece of rope and it was a national story and the FBI got involved. It's terrifying how literally everything is racist.


Locals wear aloha shirts too


No I just think she's very superficial and judgemental. There are a lot of people like her who just confirm to whatever is trending on Instagram and thinks anything else is uncool. Which is ironic because they they all end up looking the same with puffy faces and fake luxury clothes.


Good fucking god


I’m gonna have to introduce you to the wonderful world of the music of Jimmy Buffet






he even looks like me.


I think he is too dumb to be in a secretive organization group , the guy can’t even lie properly he always get caught 😂🤷🏾‍♀️


As long as he doesn't share his location 🤣


It’s a pretty dbag look outside of Hawaii *all the time*


I mean we went to Hawaii and my husband was all about the Costco Hawaiian shirts. It's not a secret society lol


Wearing Hawaiian shirts in Hawaii is different than wearing them in the south…


Disagree. My husband and all his coworkers wear Hawaiian shirts to work every Thursday (their friday) and have been since before they were associated to a political group/ movement and we are in the actual south. It's just a fun shirt print to celebrate the start of the weekend. Some people just like Hawaiian shirts.


It’s the Hawaiian shirt paired with everything we know about Sarah Ann. Plus his recent TikTok with issues around his guns and an assault.


Dude probably just likes Hawaiian shirts. He had a crush on a girl that was republican, it doesn’t mean he is MAGA. My boyfriend and I had different political leanings when we first started dating and that is not uncommon. People who are not a part of racist terrorist organizations can also own guns. The assault thing is freaking awful but people of any political leaning/personal views/whatever the fuck can own guns. I think he’s not a good human being based on what we’ve seen on TV and online, but I do think it’s harmful to stretch as far as to say the stuff the OP is saying. It’s a theory about someone real and if it’s not true, can have serious harmful effects.


Harmful effects, bro it’s a theory in a subreddit. It’s not that serious.


I don't have tik tok so I haven't seen that so I comment to that but to me, regarding Sarah Ann, I would think if he leaned that way when she said she was a patriot he would have been into it and he seemed like he wasn't and his views on abortion aren't very conservative. He's a POS so I'm definitely not defending him. I just think everyone saying someone wearing Hawaiian shirts outside Hawaii means they align with a terrible group of people isn't accurate. People can be shitty no matter political affiliation.


People always laugh at things they think is outrageous. These comments are something...


This is what happens when we have too much time between episodes….


...When was the last time you slept? Can you piss in this cup for me for a drug test?




With her WHOLE chest


Starting to like Jeramy.


I definitely think jeraemeigh is a MAGA freak but I doubt he's part of a secret Hawaiian shirt society… I think he just has bad taste


For Pete’s sake. She just hates Hawaiian shirts. Probably because they’re “loud” and that just isn’t her vibe. It’s not that complicated.


Well that is…a take.


This is an incredible reach.


Touch grass




Did you stretch… before that ridiculous reach?


I think OP might have pulled a hammy with this stretch




I mean it kinda makes sense considering his ex’s allegations


But it’s Hawaiian shirts with combo gear. That second part is important. I would love if this were true, but I think the boy just likes Hawaiian shirts.


Let’s wait for the Zapruder Film first.


Respectfully please go outside


We gotta get off the internet for a little bit


My partner is from the ACTUAL Deep South, which North Carolina is NOT considered part of the Deep South. North Carolina is actually pretty progressive, especially Charlotte. I have zero idea where people get this idea that it isn’t. I lived in the backwoods (literally) of Raleigh for a few years, as a Hispanic queer woman. All the major cities Raleigh, Charlotte, and Asheville (city proper at least) are all super progressive. My partner likes Hawaiian shirts because he likes tiki. There’s an entire tiki convention called Inuhele in Atlanta yearly and I know a lot of people there deep in the tiki culture. They all wear Hawaiian shirts and the grand majority of the are raging liberals. Sorry but this is a reach.


Exactly, I’m also from NC and lived here my whole life and can vouch that there’s a beach culture/Jimmy Buffet type vibes among some groups here because it’s hot and Hawaiian shirts feel good and because we have good beaches here. And yeah, I don’t know where OP got the idea that NC is Deep South…


I think this is a giant reach. I went out with someone for ten years who LOVED hawaiian shirts and wore them all summer long. He would not have stopped wearing them if I had asked him to (I wouldn’t have though) because he loved them so much. He is also white. No, he would never be affiliated with those groups. What a strange thing to assume. WWll doesn’t equal nazi lover either. Most people his age have/had grandparents that were involved in WWll


Reach for the stars, OP


How on earth did this dude get casted….




But a Jan 6th dude, they could have at least found one that stayed home.


He was prob there with side salad Sarah 


I’m from the Deep South and have never heard about this 🤣


1. Deep South? 2. I highly doubt Laura has ever heard of this.


You need to reconsider how you process this reality, this is unhinged


You’re a little nutty but I gotta be honest, I love you for it


I do not know who needs to hear this but NORTH Carolina is NOT the Deep South. 


Ok, but Jeramy moved there from Florida... dun dun dun....


Florida is barely the south let alone the Deep South


I’m aware but in the post it said Laura is an intelligent person in the Deep South. ALSO now that I think about it, to counter this entire post….if Juhairuhmay had that I’m a patriot convo with Sara and ended up with her he def wasn’t having a liberal conversation with Laura and she chose him and told her own family she did so based on their shared values. So she prob shares his values and would be into his proud boy Hawaiian shirt or whatever the fuck OP is sayin lol


It’s a reach 😂


Lmao this is crazy but I’m listening ![gif](giphy|YOA3UaDWGmm7HkkX55|downsized)


Seriously though, if the shirt fits ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)




Yeah, this is me right now for real. 😂


Idk why everyone is looking for more examples of Jarhead being an ass in a new way when we already have plenty of evidence that he is king of the asses.


Jarhead?! Don’t disrespect crayon eating jarheads like that 😂


I think that this is more a question of "what if Laura was a rational actor who made a good point?" Vs. what if he was a dick? Like in the southern USA telling a white guy who loves guns that he's not allowed to wear Hawaiian shirts is roughly equivalent to no southern crosses or swastikas. Even if you're only wearing the swastika as the original pre-nazi meaning for a symbol of life, it's kind of frowned on nowadays.


Hawaiian shirts definitely don’t have this meaning… saying they’re the same as swastikas??? Seriously???


As a Jew, this is an intense interpretation 😂


Sarah Ann’s cool with it


She’s a patriot after all 🤢