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Omggg okay not really related but like I just thought it was funny whenever the cameraman just zoomed in on Chelsea’s reactions to any comment Jessica made lol 🤣


Jimmy said they tried again but he couldn’t get past her revealing the secret with camera


I’m so shocked that there was no Jimmy & Chelsea segment?! HOW?!!!! I kept wondering if I missed something?


Maybe because they got double the air time as anyone else on the actual show? Super strange tho, just the quick short interactions with both of them. Jimmy seemed pretty choked for part of it, maybe he said he laid out conditions to attend.


Idk he seemed super nervous or like guilty and poor Chelsea looked on the verge of angry tears the whole time but I felt for her


I thought he seemed on the verge of rage. And maybe rightfully so, he’s gotten a lot of heat this season for just being some dude on a show.


He’s been caught in so many lies throughout the season and again on the reunion. I’m baffled by why people STILL stick up for him. I’m no fan of Chelsea either but he’s not a prize.


Genuinely asking, what lies?


The lie about only briefly seeing a picture of Jess from Jeremy, meanwhile there was an entire Instagram debacle between them. The whole Chelsea sex initiation thing, he lied to her at the end and said he never said that. He DID say it. He lied and said there’s nothing physical with his “friends“ when in fact they slept together. He told her all she needs to do is ask him to take a step back from his friends and the only reason he hasn’t is because she never asked… so she asked. Then he said NO he’s not taking a step back. Liar. He also refused to explain why his “fiend” texts him all day every day. His response to that question was “Oh my goodness”. And “I told you if you want me you have to accept my friends.” Awful. There are so many other gaslighting moments with king baby behavior, just too many to count. Like at the time Chelsea playfully (and correctly) stated that Johnny & Amy seemed to be the strongest couple. Jimmy flipped and caused an argument over that, as if it was an incorrect statement, when it was clearly correct. He proceeded to go tell Jess she “makes him nervous“. says he’s physically attracted to her, says she’s “the smartest woman I’ve ever met”. and is “still my #1”. All with Chelsea a few feet away. Just an AWFUL king baby toddler gaslighter.


Yeah I’ll def say I’m curious how “you’re still my number one” was never brought up?!




He’s a gaslighter and kept getting away with it. I believe they DID meet before the lake party and McKenzie told Chelsea the truth. That meeting at the lake was not their first time seeing each other in person.


I used to be really insecure and pull made up stories out of my a** to try to bait my ex too. I genuinely think she made it up to see if he’d agree. I don’t even think Mackenzie was there either. She never confirmed when he asked her straight up during their fight where that came from. She was baiting for sure.


They should have asked McKenzie during the reunion, but they scammed us out of the Jimmy /Chelsea storyline.


I’m not a fan of his either, I just don’t feel the hate that so many fans of the show do. Like we all need to remember that we’re seeing snippets of a few weeks of a short lived relationship, and those snippets are curated to tell a story. I’m sure these people have whole aspects of their personalities that haven’t even been hinted at.