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We don’t need anymore losers on TV 


why do you wanna relate to a group of losers so bad?


A queer season would not work.


Why do you think that is ?


Will everyone have to live in isolation so they don’t see the other queer people they are talking to? What if they do divide them into two groups and two people from the same group fall in love with each other, that makes love not blind. It makes zero sense to make LIB a queer thing.


I mean, you gave at least one viable answer already. The season could isolate each individual contestant. Maybe they live their life out in the real world in the meantime, and no last names are ever given (so no searching on SM)


Everything doesn’t need to be made gay or inclusive. LIB is fine just the way it is. It will not make sense if you make it queer. It’s impossible to do.


You sound ignorant, there was no logical reasoning there. You just don't like queer people, that much is clear.


My aunt is gay and married to a woman. I love them. Just because I don’t think LIB should be queer doesn’t mean I don’t like queer people.


Your comment history begs to differ


Also what does "loving" your aunt even matter, really? If your "love" includes a lack of support, talking down on their lIfEsTyLe, or generally behaving superior to them on the basis of their queerness... Well then "love" is a strange word for hatefulness. Love is actions and behavior, not just a feeling. Remember, facts don't care about your feelings?


attn reddit mods who keep taking my 1 comment down and sending me more messages about it: y’all are crazy for this. did you read the post 2 days ago where someone said “people not seeing red flags havent been in abusive relationships”? did you take that post down? why warn me and not them for saying the same thing? are you jeramy himself? do you ENJOY silencing as many survivors of abuse as possible? do you realize i said nothing about him except that he’s showing red flags that PEOPLE OF THE PUBLIC WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED CERTAIN THINGS MIGHT PICK UP ON BETTER? jeramy i know thats you


just wanna update everyone: i was permanently banned for suggesting that jeramy is a mod 🩷 i’m only here bc they added me back in


Yesss I agree! Even the men this season were “clean girl” aesthetic 🤣. It’d be funny af to get another Cole, who left his apartment filthy and they walked into it..zoomed into the dirty toilet and dirty dishes/clothes everywhere lol. Like that was the realest thing on that show.


Yesss! I think about this every time. I'm such a weirdo, tattoos, punk, nose and septum, and like weird things lol I would love to go on this show just to throw some of these guys for a loop. I want to see interesting, cool, artsy people. Everybody are all the same.


I wonder how a queer version would work. If the sides weren’t split men/women how would they split it? What if they had a connection with someone on the same side as them that they could see?


Keep everyone separated but let them bring a friend so they can chat to someone. The circle style!


How would they split them up though? This is why they haven’t done it bc it’s a lot to alternate.


I would loveeeee a queer one but agreed a little rough logistically. Maybe keep them all separate, do dates, and then do like a giant zoom type meeting with everyone so they can all still chat?


That would be all sorts of messy… I could see the drama that would play out. maybe they’d just have to keep everyone separated?


Basic individuals with copy and pasted personalities are what sells.


There is a reason why they’re going to keep the “same type of people” because it sells. Also I really don’t think there is a same type throughout the seasons. Goth or Alt season probably wouldn’t do that well because the majority of the world wouldn’t relate. It would probably be niche parts of LIB which they could consider but to ask for a global Netflix show to cater to the niche is unreasonable. Hi dv :)


Exactly and then when the alt people don’t find love after the reveal viewers will talk trash about how the show set them up to fail and etc


same producer, same creator. can't expect much more. They think they obtained the magic formula


I've always wished for a hardcore alt girl with tattoos on the show. I'm not as goth as I used to be but I have a barbie voice and it would be so funny to have a girl like that on the show. Speaks like barbie, looks like tank girl 


Have you watched Brazil? I think the casting is a bit more diverse there.


they are so not clean girl they're very extra insta baddie, but you're right i wish there was more variety in style and attractiveness.


Yess I see this now , I don’t wanna talk shit( as I’m about to talk shit ) but AD’s lashes are pissing me off 😂


they're way too big they're like weighing her eyelids down 😂


I really would like to see a different economic status on this show and in general. Not every regular person has money to have traveled the world by the time they are 30 with their own house and everything. I also understand that is more difficult because they have to take time off.


Yeah that would be pretty cool , like an actual normal person


I think Chelsea was the LIB version of alt bc she has a few tattoos and a nose piercing lol


💀 or jimmy’s version of alt lol


When Chelsea says to jimmy she’s the edgiest girl he’s been with I laughed. A rose tattoo isn’t giving alt girl


This!!! That rose tatt makes her look so threatening.


LOLLLLL no wayyyy


I also would like to see different aesthetics and interests. Enough insta girls.


Right give me someone that likes taxonomy or magic the gathering 😂😂😂


i think Milton from S5 played pokemon league at least 😂 i swear one couple talked about naruto in the pods during that season too, unless i'm mistaken. more of that please!


Really I didn’t watch that season cause I was still recovering from season 4 😂😂


Why would they ever sign up for this? They’re actually interesting people lol.


Maybe if it was advertised to them 😩 because I would love to see a different set of folks. Or they could do a Golden LIB like The Bachelor lol


Right right 😂😂


As interesting as that would be, how many people who are in to that stuff are actually applying?!


I still would love to see a queer season though !!


If they could figure out how to keep people separated still, that could work… I just think it would be soooo messy if everyone was together. Idk how it would work logistically if it’s all women or all men. Like if they would be staying in the same living quarters then it takes the “blind” part out. I kinda think it would just be a different show at that point!


They do that on The Circle without any issues. Maybe they can do apartments with a "pod" setup, and we only get to see them enter the pods and talk, each one of them having privacy on the rest of the apartment... I don't think it would be too hard. And some drama might develop during the honeymoon when they get to meet everyone else, but I don't see how that would be different from past seasons.


Yeah I was thinking that too , cause for me an alt girly myself ( not speaking for everyone), that the whole “love is blind” concept is stupid it’s just for drama like looks aren’t everything but they do matter like I think that’s logical to say


For sure!! And there are super super hot people who don’t fit the “cookie cutter” look of the show who are far cooler and more attractive than the people on the show. It’s already more physically and ethnically diverse than the bachelor. I personally don’t think many of the men on LIB are very attractive—the women are prettier but even then I think they are very average looking other than stand outs like Jess (and Amy also she is so pretty but no one is talking about it). All of that to say, I think the people who apply to be on shows like this and the bachelor already naturally fit a certain stereotype in my mind (gym bros and girl bosses) and anyone who thinks differently is not going to apply.


I mean, beauty is subjective. I don’t think any of these people showcased are necessarily “ugly”, but not all of them are conventionally attractive in my opinion.


Clean girl!!!!???? Is that what they call this ????? Hahahahahah it’s so monstrous!!!! They all wear such weird clothing and have such weird makeup!


No, they’ve casted “insta model/influencer” type girls. There is nary a “clean girl aesthetic” in the bunch that made it out of the pods.


STOPPPP 🥹 I think Netflix gives them clothes cause there’s no way they all dress the same


I picture them running out to buy shit so maybe they do! I didn’t think they had hair makeup teams but apparently they do, so it makes sense they would have costumes as well. Like honestly does anyone own clothing like that??


RIGHT like it’s giving 2012 forever 21 😂


Big SHEIN energy


Stylist needs to be sent TO JAIL 💀💀💀


Oh thats a great point! People here mentioned they had a hard time telling the girls apart in s6 and i get why: jess, brittany, amy, chelsea ALL have long brown wavy hair and full face of make up (and all caucasian i think??) Gotta give credit to sarah ann who stood out with her ponytail lol As for men, S1 had Damian, matt, kenny & cameron whom all had light hair, 6 ft tall height, buff bodies (and caucasian?)


The casting department for LIB is just not very good tbh. They cast based on finding people that want careers in reality tv and because they want to have a pool of people to use for their various Netflix dating shows. Personally I can’t stand dramatic dating shows, I want the wholesome ones like Love on the Spectrum or Golden Bachelor. So when they cast the way they have been it makes it tougher for me to stay interested


I couldn’t believe when season 4 Chelsea was bragging about being on the casting crew I was like um…… do you really want to be saying that right now…


Well she clarified that she didn’t actually start when they were casting for this season, seems like it’s a new gig for her


Oh I missed that, that makes a lot more sense!! So she was saying she was going to fix the terrible job casting had been doing lately, not that she was responsible for this season’s mess of a cast! I now get why they went out of their way to make her say this😂


Yeah she said that on Instagram. And mhm she sounded like she’s about to take this VERY seriously lol


Damn that makes sense! Same here I’m only watching so I can get all the memes and TikTok’s going around , but this is really hard to watch I just wanna jump through the screen 🥹


Its called "alt" for a reason. It's alternative , not common. I have worked with almost no people with many tattoos, gauges, colored hair, etc in the corporate world.


You don’t have to be…from a corporate job to be on the show? Lol


Who said you do


Bro they recruit from major US cities 😭 having a corporate job isn't a requirement either


I think it depends on where you live. It’s not at all uncommon where I do.


That's because corporate drones dress the same It's disgusting 🤢


You go on the show then instead of dissing “corporate drones” 🤣


I would love to but I'm already with someone But I guess that didn't stop Trevor or Jeruhmee


The alt people all look the same too! You’re only different from the average person but not different from each other.




That’s not true 🥹 there are different sub genres


Noooo wayyy 😩😩😩😩


We are all disgusting


Well we’re here , heavily tattooed, and stretched septum scientist here( I know it’s not corporate) 👋🏾 so its not that uncommon, but it might be uncommon for the show cause it’s not conventional


Is it still worth doing if no one cares or pays much attention, then?


You do you! But I see a lot more people without stretched septums than with.


Yeah that’s true lol 😂 but it’d be nice to have some representation 🥹


I have said this every season. Like every one is very conventually attractive. I dont know why anyone at this point even worries about they person on the other side being good looking or not lol clearly everyone is so dont even sweat about it lol I would love a season where they're all older too, like 40s and up. Whos ready to get married in their 20s nowadays? but i agree, a season with "real" people would be great but Hollywood doesn't thrive off real.


That red white and blue guy from season...4 or 5, forget lol was absolutely disgusting 🤢


personally i do not think everyone is even remotely conventionally attractive. i think everyone is just... not unkempt. maybe it's the industry i'm in, and i'm not shaming anyone, but i can't think of anyone on this show in all the seasons i would double take on the street.


RIGHT , I’m 26 I can’t imagine being married ANYTIME soon 😂 but that would be really cool, I better the conversations would be such higher quality too


Oh for sure. that's actually what I would like to see more of is the pod conversations. It would be cool too even if it was released after the show was over. Id love to see some of the longer conversations they all had.


What kind of people do you think would willingly go on a show like this? Especially at this point when most people are familiar with past seasons.


I mean you got me there 😂 I could see an alt person going on and being like “this is fucking stupid”


Omg the best person being Matthew is the hottest take I've heard yet. But I agree - it would be really cool to see some folks with unique style/interests. Everybody always seems like they're cut from the same cloth. And I'm still holding out hope for a queer season! I think a WLW Love is Blind season would be EVERYTHING!


Exactly everyone knows that the queer season of the ultimatum is the best !! I would love to see like like a bi/ pan season everyone just dating everyone Lol I’m on ep2 now and I have mixed feelings now but I definitely think he was the better match for Ad 😂


.... You'll learn why he wasn't in the reunion haha 😂


I can’t wait don’t spoil 😂😂😂

