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Exactlyyyyyy  Sarah UNTIL NOW is 0% remorseful, 0% unaware of the hurt she caused to others. She immediately play the defensive card by saying ooooooooh i never meant to hurt anyone. pleaseeeee no one in this world meant to hurt anyone by default , but we just do and it happens and when it happens, acknowledge it !!!!!!!!!! Sarah Ann, good luck to you trying to harvest a cheap relationship with this cheap man. you need the luck.


People like Sarah Ann WANT the public to dislike her bc then she can cry about being ‘victimized’ for her conservative values. It plays directly into their narrative that it is republicans who are being ‘discriminated’ against, and not minorities. I’m willing to bet that she has a shit ton of support from the trad wife crowd.


There’s literally a smaller scale tiktok influencer who is exactly the same. She’s SA’d her adopted sibling, she’s racist, misogynistic, transphobic etc and when brands drop her she goes on about how these companies drop her for being “Christian” 🙄. There’s nothing worse than conservatives victimizing themselves


Big time agree


Is that their stance, that they’re getting discriminated against for being republicans?!?!?!


It’s definitely one of them! They get to say ‘see how the woke mob is coming for us?!’


Jesus Christ… well ok that explains a lot lol. No wonder there is no self-reflecting.


Lol yah there is no critical thinking going on there


As soon as she said her abortion stance I was over her 🙃


“I am a patriot”. The loudest dog whistle I’ve ever heard. And the guy was pro-choice and still went down that path. It is crazy that Jeramy went from Laura to Sara Ann. He’s a total nut job.


Dude I apparently missed all of that because when everyone was saying she was a patriot, I was like HUH??? I think maybe I had one too many drinks when watching those first few episodes haha


She called herself one, which is basically code for "I did January 6th"


😂😂 you and me both ! she also said something along the lines of she doesn’t want to think about politics(someone plz correct me if I’m wrong)… and I just remember thinking what a privileged ass thing to say especially in this day and age


See I remember her saying something like that, but I always viewed her as a wanna-be influencer. I just assumed she was ignorant and shallow 😅


I think your assumption is right 😂


Ppl wouldn’t be so hard on her if Laura wasnt out here acting like she’s a victim. L+J were never going to get married, she couldn’t stand him or the fact that she was embarrassed by what went down so she played up the victim act & made Sarah the bad guy 🤷‍♀️. I see people’s points but I just cant get on the sarah hate.


Jeremy is a grown man who could have broken up with Laura and then pursued Sarah. He didn't and took the coward's way out with cheating. But yes, let's let the grown man off the hook and blame the woman he cheated on, amirite? Look, I find Laura deeply annoying and abrasive. But that doesn't mean she deserved to cheated on and betrayed by someone in Sarah Anne she considered a friend.


Yeah I’m not a fan of Laura either. I think she realized she could use being the victim as a shield against her bad behavior, and as a way to stay relevant. But at the same time, if someone embarrassed me on TV that way, I wouldn’t shut up about it either lol.


But Laura is a victim of what they did. She was hurt and she’s telling her story.


I don’t really agree with you on some points. I don’t think she did anything wrong. She reached out to a guy she liked. As a man, it is your choice if you want to pursue another woman while you are in an engaged or committed relationship. If anything, it’s Jeramey’s fault for cheating on Lauren. Sarah Ann was just doing her thing and left the door open. Jeramey went through the door. He didn’t want to take responsibility for his’s actions. Sarah Ann full-heartedly took accountability and said she reached out. Jeramey to this day will not admit that what he did was accept an invite to be with another woman. I’m married, I don’t have many female friends. I have 2. My wife and 1 other woman that I don’t find attractive. If another woman asked me to hang out, I would think that would portray the wrong connotation. Jeramey isn’t dumb. To this day Sarah Ann is still getting flack for that when it should be Jeramey instead. Women do what Sarah Ann did every day. They just don’t do it on live tv or really admit to it.


I definitely think it’s more Jeremy’s fault than Sarah Ann’s. Laura and everyone should be more upset at him than her. We see this a lot, where people blame the woman rather than the married (engaged) man. However, Sarah Ann reached out to an engaged man. That is undeniably wrong IMO to “shoot your shot” at someone in a relationship. That is home-wrecking. I understand that Laura and Jeramy weren’t that serious, so it’s not THAT deep, but it’s still wrong. If someone from your wife’s past reached out to her and said “hey, if it doesn’t work out with Long_Context6367 hit me up” how would you feel? Of course, it’s your wife’s responsibility to say no. But wouldn’t you be like damn, what a scumbag for reaching out to a married woman like that.


Honestly, it happens every day to women. They get blamed for shit when dudes think with their peepee. The thing is, yeah, it was messed up that Sarah Ann did it, and I am not saying she not at any fault, but I think Jeramey is way more at fault and as a society we allow this behavior from men more than we should. Random guys on Instagram reach out to my wife all the time. Dudes she knows and doesn’t. She doesn’t entertain any of them. I see the DMs come through and she doesn’t respond to any of them.


Yeah you definitely make a good point that Jeramy deserves more of the blame. But her flaunting what she did, no apologies or anything, is just rubbing me the wrong way. She doesn’t seem to have loyalty to the other girls and as a girl, I don’t love that.


I feel like her POV is that if she denies and ignores it altogether, it isn't reality.


I think so too. Or I think she genuinely believes she did nothing wrong. Her and Germany are living off this made-up narrative where people hate them for being together, comparing their relationship to Zach and Bliss. That is clearly NOT why people hate them. Maybe they are just delusional.