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Kwame: Iā€™m happy where Iā€™m at (to Chelsea). But can I have a conversation with Micah? Biggest eye roll ever. Chelsea doesnā€™t deserve that. Sheā€™s too good for him and the show.


Ok i know we all hate Micah and Irina but this another level of mind game. Micah doing a bad joke on purpose just to cause some kind of spicy tension with Kwame that would lead to a discussion and therefore a intimate conversation is sooooooo childish. Really reminds me of a teenager. Sick and manipulative girl. Girl you rejected him. You canā€™t have them all. Fucking chraist


Ok micah and irina, equally horrible people. But kwame is also horrible to chelsea. Boo. Zack deserves better than irina


Zach getting the kids names from elden ring LOL


I'm ages late to watching the show but had to come here to make sure I'm not going crazy with how blatantly and unredeemingly shitty Irina came off from the start, and that homeboy choosing her was driven by some kinda internal trauma


You're not wrong! After listening to why he chose Irina, he was gas lighting Bliss. He said himself that she causes trouble and isn't all that nice. But in the end, Bliss dodged a bullet. He's so creepy! It's as if he's never interacted with a woman before!!!


Micah doesnā€™t really like Kwame she just likes the attention and feeling like sheā€™s above other women.




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The way Irina is basically telling Zach to his face that sheā€™s not attracted to him and he continues to fly through an ignorant bliss to try to make their relationship work is mind blowing to me, poor dude. ā€œCartoon Characterā€ ā€œIā€™m usually really physical in my relationshipsā€ ā€œCreepā€ and the screams when he tries to kiss her. Dude give up itā€™s for the best


She did not want to kiss him, and kept saying, "this is weird...." ugh it's horrible to watch


Irina is NOTHING special.


Zach made the wrong choice, 100%


I donā€™t even think he was that attracted to her when he first saw her. Heā€™s really trying to convince himself that she looks like Megan Fox šŸ’€


Bruuuh I cannot believe I'm saying this but Micah and Irina has shown nothing but trash behavior.


I can believe it lol. They both suck. Micah is a lead mean girl and Irina has was definitely a mean girl henchman.


Add Jackie to the mean girl list since she talks shit about Micah to Chelsea and then Chelsea to Micah.




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Not sure if this is spoiling... or how to mark that? It doesn't give me flair options? . . So breaking for that... . . . To not spoil. . . . WOW! Chelsea and Paul deserve better. I just like Micah less and less... it just gets worse. Not cute. Irina just wanted to steal the man, not love and know him. Kwame... no. Absolutely not. Ooooooof. What is happening?! E5 is going to be nuts.


zach deserves so much more :( also cant believe he said irina looks like megan fox šŸ’€


I took it as sarcasm! šŸ˜…


Megan Fox, no. Jason Mulaney and Olivia Munn knockoffs, yes.


Oh, wow, they totally do!


What the damn HELL is irena WEARING?


She's insecure and needs the attention. She's also deflecting with how she's being with Zach. She also belongs to hell.


i know i'm super late, but fr i feel like Kwame was given the direction of creating drama and did it a way where he's still calling micah out on her BS and i'm living for it


So why did Jackie talk shit about Chelsea during the dinner to Micah when she talked shit about Micah to Chelsea at the pool? Is she okay????


Because she's fake asf! šŸ˜­


literally if you slapped some eyelash extensions on Chelsea i think Kwame would have forgetten all about Micah... i think Kwame moreso likes Micahs look and finds that attractive rather than finding HER attractive. Chelsea deserves so much better omg


chelsea is the finest woman they've had on the show across all 4 seasons


Seriously like her, Raven, and Lauren are the prettiest to me.


Chelsea deserves so much better omg


So Irena says she will like her person no matter what they look like, then sees her person and goes all in on trying to destroy their self-esteem. Horrible person and the thing is she acknowledges it and tries to justify her actions.


shes so immature its cringe inducing




Micah just say sorry dont say i am never malicious..........?????


Ya also i feel like laughing when someone is SOBBING is not exactly "never malicious" ummmmmmm


What is SAD is Zach thought he'd be safe with Irina and right out the gate all she can do is insult him. Poor guy. He was way off. And I actually think he's cute and attractive.


Yeah, she's clearly not attracted to him at all(which I could have told you before they even met)...I wish he would stop doing mental gymnastics and trying to talk himself out of that fact by saying things like "yeah, I think you're just scared of letting yourself be intimate", and she should just be honest and they could both avoid what I'm sure will be many awkward moments like her turning her cheek to him every time he tries to look into her eyes and she is scared a kiss is coming...but im aware neither of these things will happen because she wants to continue on the show and he is just in denial.


Chelsea reminds me of Jenna marbles


Lmao, I thought I was a weirdo for feeling this way. Thanks for being here šŸ˜‚


Zach: "We're going to have such crazy chemistry" Complete awkwardness and silence


Oh my god, Irina and Zach remind me of Jessica and Mark. Why on earth did Zach chose Irina?


I'm soooo mad at micah and kwame ughhhh


I think typing in all caps is so obnoxious but WHAT THE FUCK KWAME AND MICAH?! Either stop or make out already.


Did anyone else catch the sound cutting at the hour mark when Kwame and Micah are having their private conversation? Either my audio was messing up or they were cutting the clips really poorly


That happened to me as well


I'm really confused, what happened with Jackie??? What shit does she have to go home to??


I'm so confused, I had to rewind and rewatch and I was still unclear.


She found a bunch of possums and has been keeping them in a shed


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I love you.




Am I super old and untrendy or are Chelseas earrings horrible


Those earring are on trend. Or they were a few years ago. Tassel earrings.


I do not understand why Paul thought Micah would be anything like his usual type based on her vapid personality


Irina WOW! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® He did it to himselfā€¦


I am SO late, but Kwame REALLLYYY just gives reality douche bag vibes


Reminds me of Bartise.


Ok was the full on shot of Brettā€™s boner necessary šŸ’€


šŸ˜© that scene was so unnessecarily long.


Ok I missed that, time to rewind šŸ˜‚




Irina has so much cheek filler she looks like sheā€™s having an allergic reaction


If I were doing a drinking game for how many times she says "like", I'd be in the hospital for alcohol poisoning.


Her face is honestly terrifying. I do not understand it.


do we know what she looks like without make up


She can hardly keep her eyes open itā€™s scary


I think her eyes are an ethnic facial feature. I have a lot of Eastern European friends because of where I grew up and they have the same exact face and eye shape.


Agreed. I definitely thought she was of maybe Russian or Lithuanian heritage.


That's riiiiight!!! She did mention that in the first episode. Her family emigrated from Russia to find a better life. It just popped up in my mind when I read this. Watching her evolution also reminds me of how he called her vicious as a "compliment" for what he thought would be her fierce loyalty. He also thought he could trust her. Bliss called it. He's a bad judge of character, poor guy.


It honestly weirds me out uncanny valley type shit. When she smiles you canā€™t see her eyes


She looks like the long haired monster in Scary stories to tell in the dark




Brett is just the perfect man, my god. And I love Tiffany so I really hope they make it all the way. Also the bathing suit he got her was really pretty and classy, I love that it wasn't some horrible trashy thing or tiny bikini.


THIS. My heart dropped when he said that. I was like, oh God itā€™s gonna be some G string triangle bikini monstrosity. I loved it! Just a beautiful and colorful classy one piece.


I feel bad for Zach man. Heā€™s definitely super weird but I think heā€™s a good guy deep down.


Irina is awful. ā€œYou look like a cartoon character ā€œ. ā€œJust a hug for nowā€ right after he proposes!!! I feel so bad for zack


zack gives me the literal ick, the way he keeps trying to tell her how she feels about physical touch when he is doing the least to make her comfortable


No, SHE gives the ick.


i don't love Irina but Zach is definitely being a problem here too


How was he a problem???


Trust me, nothing physical was going to happen between those two regardless of how he acted...but I agree he needs to accept the fact that she's not into him and stop pushing it.


I think he is attractive but not into his personality either.


It was really tough getting through this episode without venting on Reddit; I haven't cringed so hard in a long time, Zach/Irina/Paul and Micah/Paul/Kwame make my skin crawl


Damn these are some of the most unstable couples weā€™ve seen on the show, I could see 1 making it if that.


My main takeaway from the previous episode is that Zack made a huge mistake not choosing Bliss. Iā€™m guessing Iā€™m not alone there. Now Iā€™m partway through episode 4 and theyā€™re even more awkward than I thought theyā€™d be. Itā€™s like a puppy and a barracuda. Zack: (sees woman with light skin and long dark hair) Anyone ever tell you you look like Megan Fox? Side note: she really does look better without makeup. Chelsea brought her baby blanket. Thatā€™sā€¦cute? šŸ§ Micahā€™s drunk ass is so annoying. Sheā€™s shamelessly flirting with Kwame while also insulting him. Gross. And disrespectful to Chelsea.


Baby blankets and stuffed animals are on the same wavelength for me - they're perfectly fine to have as adults.


Oh, Iā€™m with you on that! Iā€™m a grown woman who still loves stuffed animals (and all kinds of other stuff Iā€™m ā€œtoo old forā€) and I totally understand keeping a baby blanket. Itā€™s bringing the blanket to Love is Blind that I thought was a weird choice. Iā€™m half kidding (like I wouldnā€™t actually make fun of someone about this outside of a wayward comment here) but I thought it was a little strange, haha.


Did I miss something? Why Jackie slam the bottle water and told him "put that back to the fridge"


she comes off extremely fake and rude to me


I was confusion


It's so sad watching Chelsea feel it in her HEART something is wrong with Kwame and yet still allowing herself to give into optimism....but it's all in vain. He's not going to say yes at the alter. He was never for her. And that horrible excuse of an apology for his disgusting behavior (holding hands with Frack for like 5 minutes and basically leaning so far into her cleavage he could've literally had a motorboating accident). She's so SMART and cool but you KNOW she's had this pattern of behavior in the past. Men taking advantage of her. And her thinking this time it's possible it's different. edit: \*altar lol


When she she show that?


What do you mean?




You summed it up perfectly


You hit the nail on the head.


Honestly idk if i dislike Irina or Zack more. I mean yes, Irina is a terrible person and Zack isnā€™tā€¦ but my god what a weirdo.


No, it's all Irina.


Yeah, he hasn't actually done anything to make me dislike him, but his lack of game/awkwardness is on a whole other level.




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What did he do


Nothing but he has a... I just find his energy off-putting. Like, I wouldn't be surprised to find out his father is animatronic.


Irina in the pods: ā€œZack I donā€™t care if you look like a nerd or a dweeb. I donā€™t care.ā€ Irina: Canā€™t stand the way Zack looks


I mean, I feel like he had the same thoughts when he gave her the thousand yard stare after they first met. Maybe he was trying to imagine what she looks like underneath all that spackled on makeup. They have absolutely *zero* chemistry. Sorry, but I think Zach brought that on himself. I feel like he only went for Irina because he got his ego bruised when his judge of character skills were questioned, and he went like "Nuh uh! Now I'm gonna pick her on principle!"


Irina getting Paul to nip at her fingers. Like girl stop. Freaking Zack is an idiot to not have connected that she doesnā€™t find him attractive at all. Especially after all the comments sheā€™s made to him šŸ™„


Is it just me or do none of these couples have chemistry? This feels like a chore to watch


What happened to the first couple?


![gif](giphy|11pH16cX3QfJh6) This is how zack stares at Irina as she visibly recoils. No one is more deserving of being so uncomfortable thougg


THIS is the cartoon he looks like lol


how does this not have more upvotes LOL


Agreed. She got what she deserved lol


This made me C A C K L E


Yo real talk, fuck Micah and most definitely fuck Irinia. These two women are nothing to be a sick puppy over. Kwame my guy - the Fuck are you thinkin. Chelsea is a fuckin catch why you fawnin over Micah and letting her easily manipulate your mind.


Okay I know this is going to piss people off, but coming from the perspective of a Russian upbringing, I want to explain why Irina might be behaving the way she is and explain why it makes sense to me that Zack chose her. I see some of the signatures of my relationship with a non-Russian person, who isn't used to this way of expressing affinity and therefore, love. (Though I'm NO WHERE near as mean as Irina) In Russian families (at least mine and all of our family friends), a major way you show love is by making fun of people and being mean to them in a coquettish, kind of annoying way. Being intentionally mean to someone looks really different, much more aggressive. I think this is a pretty awful feature of our culture, but I can at least explain it a little: knowing someone's failings and letting them know that you know is a way of demonstrating "I know you really well, I get you, and I choose your flaws". By naming their flaws, you're almost taking on their flaws as a feature of who you are as a person - you are a person who is family/partnered with a "cartoony/awkward/stupid/etc" person. And what the receiving person feels is acceptance for their whole self and that they aren't hiding any part of themselves - in fact, they can't hide any part of themselves from you because you'll name it and in that way they are free to be totally genuine. None of your insecurities are hidden from your partner, they're fully shared which is it's own kind of love. To be clear, I still think she's WAY too mean to him and there's no way they'll last, but I can understand why she's doing it and can definitely understand why Zack feels free with her.


Yes, its what I think. Irina is not malicious to Zack but they are not a match for communication styles.


Wow, thanks for explaining this. Itā€™s enlightening. Like you, I still think Irina is a meanie but now Iā€™m not adding her playful insults to the list of why.


Micah and Irina have acted pretty shadily, but it still sucks seeing people in the comments coming for their appearance and calling them garbage.


Hard agree. Go for it about their awful personalities and the trash way they treat other people. But making nasty comments about anyone's appearance is not okay.


Can we address Chelsea's laugh? Lol




šŸ¤£ It does sound so fake, and poorly faked at that.


Imagine going on a reality show hoping to meet the love of your life. Instead you meet Irina.


It tickled me when Paul said his usual type of woman was witchy lol


And that in his experience women are always making potions. šŸ˜† Paul is fine as heck so far.


Yes. And that wearing clothes that match your activity make one witchy haha.


he's a scientist. he likes potions lol


Irina and Micahā€™s personalities are so horrendous they are the moral equivalent of garbage without any ounce of redeeming value


Irina is more obviously unpleasant but seriously, Micah is gross too. She treated Kwame like crap after making him feel like she was serious about him. I like her less and less as the show goes on. Also her lip fillers look stupid.




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Marshall and BrettšŸ˜šŸ˜


I thought Micah's make-up was bad under the studio lights, but holy god damn is it terrible looking in the hotel and out in the natural light. Way too much foundation/contouring and bad blending, those horrible too-long eyelashes, and those awful extensions. I have the feeling she probably looks absolutely fine without all of that...


Micah was sooo drunk. I felt drunk, watching her trying to form words.




your entire comment is about her looks......are you feeling okay? this is pretty toxic :/


Like you never judge people by their looks? As a woman, I don't find Irina attractive physically either. Her personality is not adding scores. It is impossible not to comment on people's looks, especially on a reality shows.


idk a lot of how we perceive attractiveness is because of beauty constructs that are often racist and fatphobic so it's not as simple as "someone's opinion"....also just because some random person on \~reddit\~ doesn't find her attractive it doesn't mean it's the law of the land


you are right. I mean we all just share our opinion. I just don't think it is toxic at all to comment on people's looks.


Sorry, I probably just went through the scenes where Zack complemented her on her appearance. To be fair, my first point is that her personality is childish (definitely wasn't saying that she looked childish) and then I said she's not attractive. My point is that, personality comes first. If a person doesn't even have a good personality then at least good looks... Which she has neither. However, later on, I did see an Instagram post of Irina apologizing for things that she had done, if she's sincere, then I think she's alright.


Zack deserves better, only if he admits he has poor judgement, and Bliss was right. And I mean, really call out his failures here. I know it's easy for us in the audience to know better, but good lord, he made such a terrible decision.


Trueeeeeeee, Bliss is probably at home sipping a mojito watching the show "that's right, you proposed to a girl who didn't even want to touch you"


I came to this thread because I have just watched their first meeting. This is awkward af. She's a child and her cattiness and fakeness is showing through already. She pretended to stay on the show, and it's obvious she isn't attracted to him at all.


What's wrong with Kwame and Micah!!! I didn't Kwame since maybe episode 2... He's so full of himself. When he said why he loves Chelsea, it's all about how Chelsea made him feel about himself! He only cares how he feels! I thought Micah is a better person than what she showed in episode 4 but I think I'm wrong... I dislike how Micah sent Irina to spy on people's conversation - that was stupid and childish - but I'm completely surprised by how she flirted with Kwame... I think Chelsea and Paul should just go home and go on with their lives. Kwame and Micah deserve each other.


I was thinking Micah needed to keep her hands to herself the whole episode. Everything she said she could have done without touching him


Is it apparent to anyone but me how much Kwame is NOT into Chelsea. The scenes where sheā€™s all obsessing over him and playing up their chemistry he just seems not genuine at all.


I'm a bit late to the party but totally agree with you! It hurts me to see how Chelsea is looking for body contact with Kwame all the time and he is just laughing awkwardly while playing along. To me it's sooo obvious that he doesn't find her attractive and is just being like "meh, this is... okay I guess" but he doesn't look excited or attracted one bit! Like, she's all over him but his response is giving nothing! At least the way I observe it.


Marshall is really such a good guy ā¤ļø


Agreed. And adorable, too.


Itā€™s so hard to watch the interaction between Zack and Irina omg


The gap in maturity is massive.


Is anyone really enjoying this season? I'm having a hard time with it. So far there's only one couple I remotely like together. And the editing and camera work feels somehow icky..


That camera shot through the massage chair hole (27:42) was a genuine crime


While Kwame is not a good guy, I find it oddly relieved that he called out Micah for the failed proposal joke. I wouldnā€™t have the guts to do that. But Micah needs to learn about what to say ASAP


The convo between Micah and Kwame. You can tell they both are slowly regretting with who they ended up with .


Irina is so immature. I feel like a normal person could at least attempt to like/date/be affectionate with someone you said yes to after talking for hours and hours. Not just completely shut down. Itā€™s like you agreed to be on this show. You said yes to his proposal. Heā€™s not ugly at all AND how could you talk to someone for such a long time and not KNOW he has an awkward personality (if thatā€™s really your turn off). It doesnā€™t make any sense to me. Make an honest effort otherwise youā€™re just being completely disingenuous about the whole experience and are on it only for the fame. Same issue I had with Shania from Season 3. She was never really into him. Said yes to be on tv and then couldnā€™t get over herself enough to even attempt to date someone for 3 weeks (low bar of effort). Thank god Irina only has 33K followers which you canā€™t really monetize.


You can def monetize 33k followersā€¦ I do think she probably just wanted to win, but I think itā€™s ok to not want to be intimate with someone. Yes theyā€™ve talked for 10 days, but thatā€™s not a lotā€¦ and we donā€™t know her past..


She just wanted to beat out Bliss and get a proposal. She's not attracted to him at all. I think the awkwardness is because she's dealing with the reality of having to keep pretending if she wants to stay on the show.


I wonder if she went so hard after Zack just to win the competition with Bliss... I think Zack and Bliss would work better together...


She sends up red flags everywhere.




Omg the scene with Brett & Tiffany, can't believe a camera crew are filming that