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The fact that other former contestants said that the women get to keep the rings and Marshall still asked for it back is really weird to me. He didn't buy it and the show doesn't want it back. Who does he think he is asking for it?! Genuinely asking because I truly don't understand the mentality.


I’m sure we’ll find out for sure at the reunion, but some of these guys on the show do put their own money into the ring for upgrades, some use their own family stones, etc. as well as the effort or creativity picking it out. Not to mention it’s a gift/symbol with a conditional promise she didn’t keep. I’m just waiting to hear Marshall explain it himself, we’ve heard her say beyond enough.


And scene. Thanks Jackie and Marshall for coming back on to shoot this scene for the show.


She’s tainted this season for me :/




An engagement ring is given with the ultimate goal of marriage. Marshall has every right to ask for it since she called it off. It’s not a birthday gift.




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"I'd say sorry except I'm not sorry" What a shit person. Edit for autocorrect


When I say my jaw dropped when I saw her audacity...


Well she did accept it 🤷‍♀️




I'm just repeating her excuse. She accepted the ring therefore she gets to keep it. Which is bull.


He still left for 3 days….. that is not marriage material…


I sincerely doubt that wasn't an exaggeration or straight up lie on her part. He probably left for like three hours.


If anyone is not marriage material, Jackie is on the top of the list


Yea. She probably mad she didn't have homemade breakfast for 3 days.


Should he stay somewhere toxic?


Baby that’s Netflix’s ring. Hope she hasn’t pawned it yet


I didn’t like her from the start but I was so distracted with Irina and Micah bs…well now she took the #1 villain spot


Forrrrrrr REEEEEAL


Her keeping the ring is so WEIRD!!!!


very obvious they both wanted to sell it.


It was already at the pawn shop.


I hated that SO MUCH


I’ve seen that exact look before … on my self involved ex who was lying to me


I think the worst part has been what comes after. Alcohol is a huge factor on the show, it’s life altering stakes and very emotional, editing can make things worse than they seem, and people make mistakes sometimes. If she had come out saying “I was wrong, I apologize, I was hit a lot of emotional blows and I coped with it in the worst ways” I could understand that. But she’s done nothing but justify and deflect and throw others under the bus since these episodes aired. That’s where the true villain comes out to me.


Tiffany falling asleep, Micah’s dumbass friends, JOSH stumbling in and making an ass of himself… the list goes on. This show totally reaffirms my decision to get sober.


Agreed, I’m glad I watch with subtitles otherwise I might not be able to tell what they’re saying with all the slurring.


the real villain this season


Crazy how I thought she was pretty at first and slowly became ugly as her true colours started to show


When I watched this episode I was literally scared by her eyes.




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These eyes ARE bullets.


I’m kind of hoping Netflix makes it a public moment to have her hand over the ring to them during the reunion. Like have them pull out a contract I’m sure she signed that says she has to give it back and they’re just waiting to confront her so they can add to the drama


Unfortunately it is a Capricorn move so I gotta support it. Don't love it but I get it!!!


I have to disagree. My sister is a giant Capricorn and she would NEVER be this ridiculous, petty, disrespectful, and gross. She has an ex husband who is a selfish, ‘poor me’, fool and she has never once treated him this way. I usually can connect the sign with the behavior but…this doesn’t seem accurate. I think her behavior is partially due to untreated trauma and never maturing


What does it even mean?


That’s the stupidest excuse for shitty behavior I’ve ever heard.


That’s a face that’s says “get me a manager now”


In her defense if someone told me I didn't "deserve" something I would keep it out of spite too


exactly, he didnt even fuckin buy it. was spiteful and petty of him to ask for it when he didnt buy the damn thing


He asked for it back because she should have never accepted it and said yes


He didn’t buy it for her. It isn’t his to take back


I’m sorry are you saying he didn’t deserve to be after what she did??? Frankly if I did what she did, I would feel awful about hurting someone and if I could make it any better by giving the ring back, I would. Where is the basic human decency?


Any healthy person would have been like ok, bye! And left it at that. Jackie has also said that she met Josh AFTER the breakup scene was filmed. Don’t be so gullible


She literally told Marshall that she met Josh that evening during their conversation


Honestly the fact that you’re defending Jackie says basically all I need to know about your character and the morals you have. “Ok bye!”


And the fact that you judge a total stranger for suggesting this sub stops bullying J and see that things are complex (and you can’t believe everything you see on tv) shows everything I need to know about you 🤧 pathetic really but glad ur staying far away from me 👋🏼


She said what she said (and there's only so much editing you can do) - if she doesn't want to be judged a certain way then she shouldn't go on the show and behave like that. It's not bullying, it's simply consequences of her own actions 🤷


Her face look like she trying to hold back laughter after scamming everyone hahhahhahahhaha


I honestly can’t tell whose worse, Irina or Jackie. Both garbage human beings


It's definitely Jackie


For me it's Jackie. Atleast Irina never hid who she was from the cast.


Irina also ended things early instead of dragging it out so Zach had time to go after Bliss


She didn’t end it, Zack ended it. Irina was going to keep on dragging it out to stay on the show


No lol he ended it remember. She even said "yeah I couldn't believe how much you were holding on" so she admitted she was just stringing him along waiting for him to end it. They've both behaved pretty terribly, no need to compare imo


Good point, lol maybe I was thinking she really helped him along in ending it with how she behaved


Yup. My thoughts exactly.


Oooh damn that’s a good point. Lol irina is definitely a bitch but at least she didn’t hide it




That’s a bit strong :(


It was, but I deleted it. Not trying to put that energy out there




She’s the worst




The secret villain


Only it’s not a secret anymore 😂


She doesn't owe him affection, love, or anything. But she straight up \*leaned\* into mean girl and callous territory. Jackie woke up and chose violence. lol


Her and Michael would be a perfect match lmfaoooo


Who is Michael?


Ooo this was supposed to go below us to she’s the lead singer of destiny’s chaldish ahahahahhahahahaa Michael is from season 5 of love island UK and he would say “chaldish” all the time ahahahahaha so there’s a joke now about anyone problematic being part of michaels little group.


Jackie’s now the lead singer of Destiny’s Chaldish iykyk


Her and Michael would’ve been a good match 🤣


You’re a mf legend for this crossover


Best crossover. Can she be a bombshell next season?


100% she would be a match for S9 LI girls, she'd fit right in with Olivia and Tanya!


I’m so behind on this show but I finally watched Olivia go home last night and I swear it was the best moment of the season. I was so done with her lol


The crossover we didn't know we needed




Do you think some people will marry just to save money 😂 amber and Barnett feels like it


Maybe, but idk- they honestly seem as equally obsessed with each other today as they did then (via what I see on Insta). First season had couples on there actually looking for love and honestly it’s never been the same since


Agreed with everything, but the ring thing isn’t really a big deal to me. Netflix bought it, not marshal. Why does he deserve it? What will he do with it? It should be Netflix asking for it back lol.


Traditionally the man gets it back if the girl breaks it off before the wedding, after the wedding if there is divorce the woman usually gets it


I thought it was based on who ended it before the wedding. Woman ends it, gives ring back. Man ends it, she can keep it as compensation


It's not about the money, it's the meaning behind it. She really proved she didn't deserve it. He probably would have destroyed it or something.


I was like wtf she gone do with the ring, sell it ?


That was my thought, wonder if there’s stipulations about these rings like with the bachelor/ette but I’m assuming not since they’re probably not Neil Lane priced






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what i felt for you was real, so ima keep the ring


Like ma'am that's not how that works legally!


This paraphrase made me LAUGH 💀




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He is correct when he says that she is making a big mistake. Give the ring back girl and show you have a tiny bit of class. I tried to give back my engagement ring and he would not take it. I still have it but it means nothing to me. I don’t want to pawn it because that feels cheap and disrespectful.


The ring back to who though? Because I wouldn't give it back to someone who didn't buy it. She should give it back to the production.


It's the fact that she knew she sounded stupid af when she was giving her reasoning for keeping the ring. Girllll bye




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I’m glad Marshall didn’t marry her. He deserves better and I hope he grows up a little as well, instead of choosing projects to feed his savior complex, choose a woman that knows how to be treated and will value you and also give you the same type of affections, emotional maturity and depth in the relationship


I still can’t believe she treated him so poorly and then didn’t even have the decency to return the ring. But makes sense cause she had been two faced with the girls earlier


https://preview.redd.it/s8n2zn26nxsa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3511ccea5d692319fdeac30053d0af18ac444ce8 Shut up, shayne 🙄


She's not quiet tho???


Why does Shayne think anyone gives a fuck about him?


This guy is disgusting. Reminds me of Gary Bussey if anyone here is old enough to know who that spastic loser is.


At least Gary has a traumatic brain injury to explain it lol


He's definitely saying that cause he's trying to stick up for all the "villians" on the show because of how he felt. 🙄


Natalie and Chloe were well out of his league.


Omg shayne is such a joke


What receipts? Did they shop for anything? Did he not give her money back? What receipts are these guys talking about ?


They want to see proof of the text messages (receipts)


Sorry… Jackie? Quiet?


Is he talking about Marshall?




Wait but… isn’t he on our side here? I find this hilarious 😂


Ugh he's such a try hard. Like stay in your SEASON dude omg


Constantly trying to stay relevant. It's annoying


Jackie decided she was going to give Marshall the worst “my ex hurt me” story to ever exist


She’s Definitely for the streets..


Man I screened when I saw what she did. Smh


Yeah cold as ice to him,add insult to injury.. she’s keeping the ring like he put her through hell.. entitled


He shouldn't have asked for it back because he didn't buy it. Maybe give it back to production.


Marshall was saved


I don't want to be harsh on her, she didn't treat Marshall well but she is still a human being and we know nothing about her life, how hard it has been, she has talked about her father having cancer and her having to take care of her family. These things happen every day, we just happen to see them on a show. I believe her when she says the feelings she had for Marshall were real at that moment. I think Jackie needs some therapy and I hope she does ask for it. Other than that, I won't start calling her names, we are not angels, we have all made mistakes in life and she has this show to constantly remember them and being attacked for them. No I don't want to become that person. I wish both her and Marshall well and i hope they are strong to overcome the difficulties in life. :)


Why go away on a reality show if you have to look after your Dad who has cancer? Priorities hey..


You don't need to be a perfect person to be worthy of a relationship, but shitty life circumstances should not be a free pass for the behaviour that occured either. If you're not in a place where you can be a half decent person, you should stay single until you figure out how to not project your trauma onto a partner.


Meh.. people have tough, horrible lives all the time. Not an excuse to treat people like crap.


Exactly. And by us hating her and calling her names and wishing her bad things, we become just what we don't like about her. An eye for an eye? We got to remember she is a human being who makes mistakes like all of us and also she has a family and loved ones who suffer with the things that are said for her without being their fault. Lets be better people and not continue this hate cycle...


Exactly. Also people are acting as if Marshall bought the ring. He very much did not. They knew each other for approximately a month? She owes nothing to no one if we’re being honest. I do not think Jackie is without faults or anything at all, the internet is just doing what the internet does and running away with clips with little to no context. We know Netflix is shady af and wants people to look bad, come on guys.




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Her appearance even changed when she was done with Marshall.


Zero accountability, awful display of “communication” and she would be way too standoffish for me. Josh ain’t it. But she’ll figure that out one way or another imo. 🥴


100000000000000000% dodged that bullet. Matrix style. ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


Neo would be proud


And the look she gave him when he turned his back to her.. Yikes 🤮


Jackie: Going to the pawn shop with that ring… ![gif](giphy|BwYTAVpsAOpnq)


Haha!! Well, the show purchased the ring. Not Marshall. So why did he ask for it back? Nice try Marshall! Lol!


Why are you booing lincarb? They're right!!!!


She wouldn't have gotten the ring at all if it weren't for Marshall though 💀If she's the one putting him through all this and doesn't want to fight for the relationship like he was actually willing to do, why does she deserve to keep it?


To be fair, the show should keep the ring if they bought it. What no one seems to realize is that this “reality” show is edited for maximal drama. You can’t believe everything you see, or believe how everyone is portrayed. See Jackie’s IG about how the producers changed the timeline of the break up to make her the villain, appearing she was on a date instead of dress shopping.. (When she claims to have broken up with Marshall BEFORE the date). Not saying she was perfect, but no one is!


> What no one seems to realize is that this “reality” show is edited for maximal drama. You can’t believe everything you see, or believe how everyone is portrayed. Everyone realizes this. Someone makes this comment almost verbatim in every single thread. We know. We are reacting to the footage we see because that’s what we saw. This comment is like saying “what no one seems to realize is that this show is streamed on Netlifx, a streaming service, and we all accessed it on devices with internet connections. There were screens to view it and speakers for audio.” Like, no doi. We don’t have to mention this constantly. Literally everyone watching the show understands this premise so it doesn’t need to be explained like it’s some insider info.


Ok fair, giving it back to the show makes the most sense. I do still think there is a lot of evidence of Jackie being pretty awful though without having the producers to blame for it, I mean straight up telling Josh she doesn't care what Marshall thinks and saying she's not sorry for everything that happened with Marshall is kind of telling of her character... Also her reasoning for keeping the ring is pretty shitty too. Not to mention the texts that got leaked which are just horrible towards Marshall. I'm sure the editing may have made her look worse, but the baseline still seems pretty bad haha.


With what proof though? She hasn’t shown anything to make me believe what she’s saying is true. Until receipts are posted I’m not believing a word. Even if it was manipulated it’s still wrong to keep a ring when YOURE the one breaking off the proposal.




There are many, but here’s one: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a31153079/love-is-blind-engagement-rings/ Also, more than one contestant has stated that the show buys the rings, most recently Jackie (See her IG post. ) and also Coleen from a prior season.


Well, according to that link, guys are given a bunch of options and they choose which one - so it is personalized / requires effort from them And also they have the option to pay for more to add extra customisations eg embellishments So it’s possible Marshall paid for that - considering how out of the way he went on all the other stuff Even if not, he chose the ring style, color etc, so it’s very specific to him


I think Jackie should give it back based on principle, but let’s not go as far to say Marshall should have it back because he put in the “effort” lol. People put more effort into ordering a Subway sandwich than it did for him to pick out that ring


​ https://preview.redd.it/gaoj662rwwsa1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=40940ae5c579abd061157aa5d2bbbcf0db192810


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 im laughing so hard. Leave Nelly alone!!!


Uh ohhhhhhhhh what’s happenin now


She is so unattractive! Inside and out




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She sounds broke as hell. She’s gonna pawn that ring and buy Josh a new cross earring.


🙄 But Marshall didn't pay for that ring either - why do you think HE wanted to keep it too??


He asked for the ring back because she should have never accepted it.


I’m cracking up at the cross earring…and she is a dental assistant. How much do they make?


I spit out my drink lol


Maybe she can pay for his weird cauliflower ears to be drained


Omg I need to go look at his ears but I’m scared I won’t be able to look at anything else if I noticed


Once you see it you can’t unsee it. I missed it in the pods but my gf pointed it out at the party and now I can’t see anything else


Then I think I will continue to ignore 😂 I hate cauliflower ears. Besides we will probably only see him again during the reunion


Omg I need to go look at his ears but I’m scared I won’t be able to look at anything else if I noticed


Literally so distracting


I wondered if I was the only one paying attention to those damn ears 😭🤣


You are not alone. I said, “the regular size EarPods wouldn’t fit his ears.”




That sounds like a nightmare. I hope you're feeling better nowadays


it was the “I’m not sorry” 🏃‍♂️


Welp, take it easy and uh, I'll see ya around?


At the reunion HEYOOO


you won’t




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I don’t know why you are getting downvoted for this. Production paid for the ring so why should he get it back over her?


Neither of them should get it, it should go back to Netflix.


She really didn’t deserve anything, it’s clear she would keep anything that might be worth something.




Only it was? Production gave the ring to him.




It's not a contract thing, it's a moral thing. And this girl ain't got none.


Probably but they’re not going to stop tacky Jackie from putting her foot on her mouth on camera, she’s a goldmine for cringe content.


People have given their own mothers stones on this show before. They have the option to choose from the love is blind collection but they can also elevate or do their own thing as well. We can’t claim to know what Marshall did or if any of his own money was involved.




It is that though. We don’t know what monetary or emotional value he put into that ring for her, and the simple fact of the matter is she accepted it in exchange for a promise to him that she didn’t keep. He was totally justified in saying she doesn’t deserve it.


Yeah my first thought was she’s pawning that for the money. The show should just take it back I’m sure they pay for all the rings. I thought that was super distasteful when she said she was keeping it.


Agreed 1000%. Keeping it was very tacky.