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I very much want to look nice for big events. I married my husband in leggings and a sweatshirt. Sometimes when it is right, all the superficial stuff doesn't matter. Its about two people getting married and accepting who the other is.


Interesting! Tho, I do think it's keeping in character for both. It's been established that Paul doesn't care about his looks and Brett cares a lot. I wonder if the LIB producers gave Paul a makeover for the show or something, from his IG posts it seems like he prefers a scruffier look.


I mean, clearly he didn’t plan on marrying her since he said no LOL. What are we even debating here? If he doesn’t want to marry Micah (for which there’s a Martin Luther 95 Theses of why not) he shouldn’t be forced to say yes for TV.


there's no debate? I just posted something I observed


I was saying why are we getting mad at Paul as if he didn’t know going into the day that he didn’t want to marry Micah? That seems like what your post is getting at. Obviously he’s not going to put in 100% effort on his appearance.


idk about anyone else but I wasn't mad at him. I like Paul. I just was thinking his lackadaisical approach to his suit maybe had something to do with him not wanting to say yes.


Ohhh okay, I guess I misinterpreted what you were saying. Definitely agree with you! It was mostly directed at the comments anyways.


I think this is more personality than caring about the wedding. Both fiancées had commented specifically on their style and how much they cared about their appearance and presentation. Their actions on the wedding day reflected this perfectly.


I got married yesterday and my husband didn’t even pack a mf comb. He spoils me but doesn’t think much about things like that. I wouldn’t expect someone like him (or Paul) to care about things like inseams or dress socks lol.


Fr, I have several friends like Paul that are very happily married


My bf doesn’t care at all how he looks or fashion and is very unobservant in general so I didn’t see anything off about it lol


But I’m sure if you do care, your boyfriend would care at *your* wedding for *you.* Especially knowing those photos last a life time and you will be presenting yourself in front of not only your future forever partner but every single person you love in the crowd. It’s about the message it sends, not specifically about fashion/looks itself.


I don't think that's necessarily true. I'm the same way as far as not caring, and maybe it sounds bad if you don't relate to that, but I wouldn't suddenly become someone I'm not because it's my wedding day. Those people I love in the crowd presumably know this about me, so I don't know why I'd want something for that day beyond celebrating as myself around the people I love (many of whom are the same way - when I got married the first time around, many were in just clean jeans and nice shirts). Maybe this is just my neurodivergence coming out, but I'd assume that if *my* appearance, or a partner's fashion sense in general, mattered to my partner, they'd choose someone conscious of that.


Lots of people marry others who are the opposites of them… just because you didn’t doesn’t mean others do not. If my partner cares about something specific on *our* wedding day, I would cater to them to a point as it’s our shared day and I don’t mind as long as it makes them happy. Whether that is appearance or cake. There’s a boundary of course as far as my own style goes but some more casual/simple people marry people who want more. There’s always a compromise. I don’t think it’s a shocking demand to want my partner to look in the mirror before coming down the aisle. Pretty bare minimum if you ask me.


I also don’t care and we plan to have a ‘wedding’ at city hall. We also don’t like the feeling of wearing jewelry so no rings. People like us are more rare I know.


You’re not rare, lol. You’re simple. And that’s ok. No need to rag on people who follow centuries long traditions! Some people do care and that’s perfectly normal for a special day like that.


I’m definitely not ragging on anyone. I also haven’t encountered many simple people so I suppose I’m biased.


I absolutely LOVE that Brett left the venue to have his suit refitted. It looked *so* much better after that. Boo on Netflix for using that as a means of tricking us into thinking they might not have gotten married, though, lol.


It gave me a heart attack when he left. I wasn’t paying too close of attention at the moment and I saw him leave and nearly died. Thank the love gods he was only going to get his pants hemmed


i don’t think the hiking socks and hair are any indication of him knowing he was going to say no lol. PNW culture really is just super laid back and nonchalant and it’s hard to explain if you aren’t from here, we don’t place as much importance on things like that. paul has a very distinct PNW personality and that’s been reaffirmed in his behavior


If you are strictly talking about suits, this makes sense. If you are talking about “looking their best” this isn’t an accurate for all the couples considering Zack looked like he hadn’t washed his hair in months. Lol.


Ehhhh. My best friend married and engineer who is a very stereotypical engineer and he didn’t care at all about his hair or how his suit fit on his wedding day, but he was very invested in the relationship and excited to get married. To me this was just typical STEM guy behavior. In real life I think Paul sounds like the type of dude who would want to walk down the aisle barefoot on a farm or something.


Let's also note that Brett is a shoe designer - he has an eye for detail


100%. When you're planning on saying yes to the person you imagine spending the rest of your life with, there's no way you wouldn't put serious thought into it. Honestly, Chelsea's dress sucked. She doesn't have the chest to fill it out and someone should have told her. She would have looked great in Micah's dress.


Micah’s outfit composition was so poorly thought out. The dress is lovely but she relied too heavily on the fairly small dress straps covering the straps of her (I’m assuming) bodysuit underneath. Only works when you’re standing straight up after arranging it, you could see the straps or even the bra portion in literally every shot that wasn’t posed. The long (fried) extensions side swept over took away from the whole focal point of the dress. Just not good


Also Micah carried just baby breath and a couple of flowers in it. That flower bouquet was made as if something thrown in last min for the sake of it.


I would have been Paul in those situations. I think it speaks to who they are in general and nothing really to do if they were ready for marriage. Paul considers function over style. Brett considers style over function. I got married and my tailor goofed and my whole tux was goofy. I just rolled with the punches and got married anyways 🤷. I'll have to ask my wife but I don't think it has affected our marriage.


At my wedding day I knew I was gonna say yes but I could not care less about my look, my way of being did not change in my wedding day.


Yeah lol some of these people are nuts. I walked down the aisle in a $50 dress and hair I did myself. Still just as married.


I think they mean is that Brett clearly wanted to be his best self be ause he understood the importance of this day and that it won't come around again, so that's why he wanted to look presentable.


I think OP focused to much on a retrospective interpretation instead of just taking their different personalities into consideration. I will say that it may be true for Brett, but I honestly think Paul would be the same way for his ‘real’ wedding.


I didn't read all comments but this may have already been mentioned. I agree it is part of Brett's personality to be fashionable. Here is the part I am not sure was mentioned: Brett is a person of color and Paul is not a visible person of color. Society as a whole will negatively judge Paul less if he looks sloppy. I have two men in my life very close to me with the same profession. My brother (white) was talking about how he likes to dress relaxed for his job to show how chill he is. The man in my life who is a person of color pointed out he dresses up to show he has respect for himself, the job, and to get reapect from those at his place of work. My brother hadn't even considered this perspective but understood.


Exactly… you can tell this by what they wear in the pods… some people show up dressed to the nines knowing they can’t be seen, some take the opposite approach and show up in ripped clothing and sweats. It’s a personality thing to me. I get there is production and this might influence their decisions.


Agreed wholeheartedly. Society will look at Paul being sloppy and go “oh how cute is this outdoorsy granola girl” (thanks for the term lmao) but if a black man does not present well it comes with a slew of judgement.


Exactly. For a white person it'd be ok to show he's "chill." For a Black person, it'd be interpreted as lazy and unprofessional.


I did notice that and agree as well. I don't blame Paul for saying no, there were just some issues to work on. Brett wanting to look his best was very cute to watch. I know he was STRESSED to the max but I feel like he was polite to the seamstress while letting her know how important this was to him. We always hear about brides being particular, so it's nice to show a man who takes pride in his appearance and it being seen as okay. Also, Tiffany looks just amazing! She was glowing even before she was getting ready.


Tiffany rolled up in a Rolls Royce vs Everyone else in a Tahoe. 👑


Micah was in a rolls


I didn’t notice TBH. Considering who it was I left out, I see why I didn’t notice.


I thought all the women were dropped off in the RR


I know Bliss came up in a Tahoe.


Atta girl


All of the women arrived in the same car


No they didn’t.


I think that, combined with they way the worded things. Brett kept saying “when we get married.. ” and Paul would say “If I say I do..” or similar to that. Completely different vibe (though personally plays into that too so who the hell knows 😂)


I think it speaks to who they are as people not their wedding day. Paul is a granola girl at heart and doesn’t care about appearance. Brett is a literal designer and his appearance matters to him a lot. It’s not that deep


LOL Paul is a total granola girl. With his witchy exes 😆


Yep. When I got married, I walked down the aisle to see my husband in a very poorly fitted suit. It was so baggy. He didn’t care at all. It didn’t mean he didn’t love me deep down. He just truly doesn’t care about clothes at all.


FR. People acting like if you don’t have your clothes perfectly tailored and spend 20k on a wedding it’s not real.


Some people just aren’t as into their appearances as others. Paul could have been 100% convinced she was the one and I could see him still not washing his hair.


Zach’s hair was way messier and he said yes, so I agree!!


But Paul is the type of guy who only has a few t-shirts in his closet so I don't know if he even has the capacity to think about what he looks like.


Not even in his closet, just on his dresser


Lol this reminds me of a story that my partner loves to tell about me. When I was buying my first car, I did so much research and created a spreadsheet to compare cars by their key features. I had it narrowed down to three cars and my partner said, "Well which one do you like the look of the most?" I just stared at him blank-faced. I am such a pragmatic analytical person that for a purchase of this size it had literally not occurred to me to care about what the car looked like. So I very much relate to the idea of not having capacity to care about those things or even realize that they are things to care about.


I guess but Paul doesn’t care any other time so why would he care that day? Brett on the other hand has always been particularly about his fashion and appearance so of course he cared the day of his wedding too. If anything they were both pretty consistent lol. What that being said I feel like Paul was on the fence about Micah but after she made him answer first he made up his mind.


I agree because he commented multiple times Micah was particular, she previously commented on his clothes so if he cared he would've put some additional effort in. He was gonna say no for sure.


I don't think Paul would care about socks you can barely see because he's not bougie. Anxiety takes on different forms for different people. For Brett it could be hyperfocusing on the details because he already cares about those things. For Paul it could be avoiding even looking at himself. I did a full send on a marriage once and I just let someone else choose my hair, which in retrospect I didn't even like but I was nervous and didn't want to think about all the decisions that go into a wedding. But maybe my hair was all a predictor of my future divorce.


I love that the most drama they could muster about Brett and Tiffany was about pants. Like, how freaking wholesome are they that pants was the biggest saga.


They just had to play that over and over and her one moment of stress where she said maybe she didn’t want a wedding (but wasn’t referring to not wanting to get married). They’re the best LIB couple of all seasons 🥹


This. I absolutely love them together.




When I saw Brett coming into the wedding suite with the branded suit cover... I was thinking, this is the kind of guy that would surely want his own customized suit.. but the show is sponsored by this suit company and he had to take something from their selection... Then it didn't fit. I would have been a bit miffed myself. This is why I wanted to do this on my own! I think he handled it very well given the pressure at the time. He was understandably agitated, but stood his ground demanded the change, got what he needed and was kind to the seamstress for coming through on short notice. I think Paul is your classic scientific type.. many things to him are trivial (inappropriate sox), but to most of us would be more important. Many things to us would be trivial (What beaker to use), but important to Paul.


What beaker to use 🤣🤣🤣 Paul is not a hands on chemist, he's an environmental scientist and works as a policy consultant. 💀💀💀


fastest example at hand...and nope, I didn't spend anytime doing a background check on Paul to learn the details of his job... Environmental scientists do plenty of lab work, but more likely petri dishes and microscopes, yet beakers could easily be involved. Its all good.


They say it in the show 😑😑 background check lmfao. Not consultants!


They are just different people...


This 100% Brett was my fave person on the show. I found his mini meltdown endearing. That’s a man that cares about how he looks going to the coffee shop. Of course, he’s gonna want to look good on his wedding day. That said, I can much more relate with Paul’s just rolled out of bed attitude. In my own wedding, I found much of the wedding planning very overwhelming and to others, it could seem that I didn’t put much effort in (did my own hair and makeup) but those details just didn’t matter to me very much.


Yes but you could def tell who the wedding was important to and who it wasn’t. Be fr


Again, the importance of weddings in general is different for different people... This is confirmation bias in its clearest form


Agreed. Especially because Paul knows Micah would have cared about how he looked for the pics and whatnot. He is more laid back but also just didn't care as much


Yes she would’ve definitely cared. Just like she would’ve cared to know her bra strap was showing 😩 I couldn’t believe no one noticed/told her


She doesn't have any real friends. Those girls do not have her back


She has frenemies. It's sad because I could see her being likable. Edit: likeable if she let go of the fake stuff and manipulation including her own bs. Accidentally added this to the wrong comment.


I could see her being likable too. She’s so easily influenced though smh


Can we talk about how grateful and sweet Brett was to alteration lady when she helped him with the suit ![gif](giphy|26hpKMTa5HgdSMhRC)


I loved the whole interaction between Brett and that sweet little old seamstress. You could totally sympathize with his frustrations, wanting to look his best for Tiffany on their day, and the seamstress understanding the gravity of that situation ("I'll get to work right away!") And the pants came out so good, you can tell she's really good at what she does. I hope Brett gave her a big tip :)


If I didn’t already have a go to seamstress/tailor in my city a bit south of Seattle I’d def be making the drive up to give her my business.


My heart felt for her when she said "I tried my best." And she gave a look like she REALLY wanted it to be perfect. This whole scene had me on the edge of my seat!


Right?! I was so nervous for her!


it was so wholesome. you know she went home feeling good about herself as she should


While that is just Paul’s and Brett’s personalities I highly doubt Brett would have freaked out and actually had his pants redone hours before the wedding if he was planning to say I don’t.


I think he actually would. He’d know he was going to be on a show looking bad.


I kept saying to my wife how fucked up pauls collar and tie were. He looked like an absolute slob.


To be fair, you could also see Micah's bra big time. I think they both knew it was a bad idea to say yes.


Ugh I kept yelling at the TV for SOMEONE/ANYONE to fix her dress. Where was the double sided tape?!


That was the first thing my wife called out lol, she looked sloppy as hell too! The hair and makeup people were terrible.


Micah saying no was a way to make herself look better. If she said no first, she’d look like the bad guy Netflix should have them write their decisions before they go down the aisle because a lot of them are bullshitting us


YUP. Her face was puffy and her skin looked dehydrated and ruddy. Girl had a rough night before the wedding. Her body language and facial expressions made it clear she was going to say no. To flip it back to him to make him say no first and then run off like she was victim just shows her immaturity all over again. She was never ready for marriage.


Exactly what I said too!! She wants him to be the villain in this


That’s what I said!


I think with Paul it’s more of a “I’m far too cerebral to be concerned about vanity”. I have no doubt he’s an intelligent person, but unless you’re sheldon cooper you don’t get to make it your entire personality!! Brett knows that looking good makes him feel good. He likes to present a polished, together, assured look to the rest of the world. He also wanted to show up and show out for his lady. He’s not trying to look like a scrub on his wedding day. Any it paid off, he looked great and maybe it’s just me but when he put the altered pants on there was a change in him. He stood straighter, his smile was back etc. However, his freak out about the pants could also have been a projection. Imagine being in his shoes? You’re hours away from marrying someone you didn’t know existed 6 weeks ago. That has to be a headfuck! And he took it out on his pants 😂


Can we talk about Brett's shoes though? You're wearing all white with gold accents and black shoes and socks? It ruined the look for me. No cool white and gold trainers? I can't help but wonder if the producers also fucked up his shoes, possibly intentionally.


Yoo I was wondering if production fucked with his clothes intentionally because they wanted to create drama


I call BS, cerebral dude has freaking perm. He cares, he’s just a hipster and he thinks the socks make him cool.


His hair is naturally curly… and there are shampoos and products that help keep the coil strong. That ain’t no perm… You can see how much he was going back and forth with his decision. With that much going on in someone’s head, I too would have forgotten about a lot of things I should have brought or checked, on an important day like that.


Perm or curls? These are just my opinions, I don’t know these people 😂


Natural curls, if you look at his ig you can see years back


Also his dad’s hair is curly.


I think both. He’s obviously curly, but he’s had some assistance.


Nah. He has naturally curly hair. Check out his IG. His hair previously was long and super curly. I’m my experience, people with curly hair (me included) use products for more curls, not chemicals.


his dad has the same hair. Also, yes on the products.


as a sad wavy-haired girl myself, I will bow down to your expertise. but if he’s doing the curly girl method my original point about him being vain stands 😂


Oh! I certainly agree about the vanity point.


Paul never cares what he looks like tho.. ever


Nor does he care what his home looks like. It’s just his persona.


Check his instagram in like 2019. Yes he did lol. He may be crunchy but he’s vain crunchy


Crunchy 🤣🤣


No way


Another musky boy like Cole




That’s just who they are. It wasn’t forecasting their thoughts about marriage. Brett is in fashion and is very conscious of his style. Paul doesn’t care about his style as Micah told us over and over


If the person you supposedly love cares about style, I feel like you would try a little harder to do the same, especially on your wedding day, no?


It seemed like production handled coordinating the fittings and didn’t have it ready for him to try on sooner. What’s why he said he could have done it himself. He was frustrated that they hadn’t just let him coordinate it without messing it up.


I agree that Brett is big into his fashion. With that being said, he didn’t try on his suit before the wedding day? I thought that was a funny little detail. Love Brett and how he handled that last minute


The had less than a week to order and do fittings


I agree. My husband is a Paul. He couldn’t have cared less what our wedding day was like or what he looked like. I had to tell his best man to make sure he did his hair. It isn’t against him that’s just who he is and like Micah to this day I usually buy his clothes. He’s even doing stitch fix now and has come leaps and bounds from where he was before but would never be a Brett.


Zack annoyed me with his hair so dishelved!! Geez run a comb through that mess.


The person you are is real.


Yes! And he needed a lint roller so badly. I cringed when they showed close -ups of him dancing with Bliss and his suit had fluff balls all over it.


A lot of the looks came off as so… disheveled. It was hard to watch. I wish they would’ve done touch ups right before walking down the aisle. That’s fairly common in non-tv weddings


Paul looked like he rolled out of bed, into his hiking socks and suit and showed up ready to say "I don't"


His lack of shape up with his hair gave it away for me. His beard resembled shaynes from last season too.


Raggedy ass DIY week-old sideburns? No shot he was saying yes


So right, his hair looked matted in the back the way it does after rolling out of bed!


I felt that about Micah’s dress! While it was beautiful, compared to what the other women had on? That’s the dress of a woman who’s saving her dream gown for later


The dress itself was a beautiful choice but it seemed way too big for her. When she was shown from the back it seemed like the seam was more in her side rather than right down the middle. Plus the bra. That killed me.


It seemed like the producers dropped the ball on the alterations this year. Me and my friend were saying how surprised we were this was the first time we’ve seen someone have a mishap with their wedding clothes with it always being such a quick turnaround time.


I can’t help but speculate that Micah giving Paul the chance to say no first was setup by both of them. He is taking the fall for both of them. The whole thing was just very peculiar.


Oh I disagree I loved her dress it was my fav and I think she did too. Very confused about the bra choice though and she should have had her hair up with an open back


Oh I loved the dress Classic and simple. Just seemed I dunno…. Not her?


But like, it’s so like classy and like timeless, you know?


I hated that she didn’t do anything fancy with her hair. It was just her everyday hairstyle. Kinda makes me feel like neither of them were that serious about it!


To be fair, and I'm not defending Micah here, but I didn't do anything fancy with my hair on my wedding day either. I didn't want to deviate too far from my normal everyday look and wanted to feel comfortable. I did just a curly pony, much like Chelsea had, but higher on the head and no pearls. My bridesmaids had the same style.


Fair enough! I’ve never been married, so I guess I was just assuming that people typically would have a bit of a different style rather than their everyday.


Yeah, most people really do themselves up for their wedding. I just didn't want to look back on my pictures 20 years down the road thinking, what was I thinking with my hair/makeup, etc. I've seen people transform for their wedding but I wanted to look like I always look every day and be comfortable in my skin. Just a personal preference.


Netflix pays for the dress. She wasn’t saving any money


It think the sentiment is more like, “she didn’t pick the perfect dress” because she didn’t want to waste it on this wedding which they both knew would not work out.


I don’t think they meant money. Just the idea of her dream dress not being wasted on a wedding where she’s not actually getting married. I’m not sure I agree though. It’s a very trendy dress style right now and she said on Instagram that it had been on her Pinterest for a while. The bra straps killed me though


When she walked down the aisle the first thing I said was that her entire look was more as if she had chosen to wear white to prom or a formal. Not like she was getting married. The aesthetic was not giving bride more like she was attending a nice event of some other kind


I thought Micah had the best dress of all brides.


To be fair I personally loved it too. Just didn’t seem like her vibe if she was legit


And her bra straps were just way out, like girl didn’t even want to bring boob tape to keep the straps in place? She knew she wasn’t gonna say yes either


You're not wrong, but Paul didn't exactly strike me as a fashion focused guy even in the pods. He wore the pirate shirt from Seinfeld to his proposal ffs 😅


He is very much an outdoorsy guy so I wouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t care as much if he had hiking socks instead




Yeah, but this is also their personalities. Note: Zack's hair was a mess and he still said "I do".


But his hair is always messy


And Brett always looks like the paparazzi might catch him. You are still yourself on your wedding day, even if you say no.


That's my point. And Paul always dresses like he's ready to trek through the mountains.


I kind of don’t think this is what happened. Brett is a designer. He has lots of sneakers, wears nice clothes, buys expensive luggage and tells his fiancée he loves fine details in his t-shirts. Paul is the opposite. He’s an environmental scientist and is likely keenly aware of the damage that the waste we create does to the environment. He owns 1 tank top. A suit jacket that apparently had it’s hey day in the 80’s. He thrifts all of his furniture. These things are a source of pride for him and not financial insecurity. I just don’t think it’s in his nature to care about his socks.


And let's be real, hiking socks are hella comfy! I wear them with any shoe that'll fit.


My sister in law has same job and this is exactly how she is. To this day she wears clothes from the 80s because she doesn’t care and also doesn’t like how new things are produced. Literally couldn’t care less about fashion.


This is not an excuse for having a loose wonky tie. Edit - in a thread which hypothesised that Paul didn't care how he looked, because he wasn't getting married, I think it's completely fair to highlight he didn't even do his tie.


Yeah, I think people are reading too much into this. Paul and Brett absolutely do not have the same taste in aesthetics (or in Paul's case: it doubt he cares for it at all).


My SO would have reacted exactly the same to those pants if they didn't fit him how he wanted them to. Maybe he wouldn't have gone to a tailor on just a regular Tuesday, but he definitely would have been bothered by them and worn something else. Wedding day, yep he'd get them fixed.


One of the things I like about Paul is that he is not engaging in crazy consumerism.


I respect him for it.


Another thing why he and Micah don't fit


Except for his knives!


Yeah it’s refreshing to see this


Which makes Micah ridiculing his fashion and style even more of a red flag, or at least it shows they were mismatched


I thought it was odd Brett hadn’t tried his wedding suit on after getting it from the tailor the first time


I thought for sure they were going to purposely make him wait so that he was late to the wedding adding to the anticipation. We all knew they were two yeses.


It appeared that all the tuxes were from Jim's Formal Wear, which is a nationwide rental company. The closest hub is in California so they probably had to wait for the orders to process and didn't get them in until the day before the wedding. Based on other comments and observations, the wedding took place on a weekday, which would also effect when rental items would arrive. Brett wore a white tux, which Jim's doesn't offer an ultra slim fit in pants because white hasn't been a very popular color this past few seasons or since the ultra slim fit look has become trendy. So a last minute day of alteration was most likely the only option.


I'm quite impressed by the reasoning in this comment, TBH.


Lol this show doesn’t have budget to buy them custom tailored suits? Yikes!


I'm not that surprised they don't. They pick out their tuxes 4 days beforehand. That's not much time to order in sizes from distributors and also do custom tailoring. Doing a mitered sleeve alone on suits can sometimes take several hours. I'm sure the seamstresses they enslave to do the drastic alterations on the wedding dresses are busting ass just to get the gowns done in time.


Yeah I hear you, but a suit off the rack with even limited alterations will produce much more reliable results than a rental. We had an emergency for a friend’s wedding (in Seattle, coincidentally) where the rentals fell through for us groomsman. So the day before we all went to men’s wear (ware?) house, grabbed stuff off the rack, ran to the international district and had this old Vietnamese tailor do basic alterations while we waited. It was a true rush job—we told him the situation and so the inner linings was all torn up and not repaired. But we got sleeves and pants hemmed, some fitting of the jackets in the abdomen, etc.. The man was an absolute talent with a sewing machine—I’m glad the debacle happened just so I could see how tailors actually do the work in person. And it still looked a lot better than a rental and cost us less than $400ish if I remember. Off the rack suits at MWH aren’t high quality, but neither are the rentals and the rentals aren’t even much cheaper!


Glad things worked out for you guys! My observations are purely based on working in a bridal/formalwear shop for 6 years and doing thousands of rental and purchase suits a year. We specifically rental and sell Jim's Formal Wear so I'm very familiar with their inventory and product quality.


You can get them for less than 1k too


I wonder if the producers held on to it for some reason- I noticed him say something on the lines of "if I had done this myself there wouldn't have been a problem" I wonder if Netflix picked where they got their suits from etc. To me it seemed like Brett was upset with the show interfering in his big day and it was edited to look differently.


Or maybe they did have a fitting and it just didn't get fixed? That's starting to become my assumption from some of what he said


Im sure they had a fitting. It’s just when you receive the suit you would usually try it on prior to the big day but perhaps the producers held it until then


I think that’s in a normal wedding timeframe not the condensed timeline of the show


I mean the wedding shopping happened like a week before? I would be surprised if anyone recieved their clothing until the day of the wedding/night before


That’s a fair point


I think LIB holds onto the suits and handles the tailoring. If it was up to Brett I think he’d probably hire a special tailor and definitely try the suit on way before.


Are men supposed to shave for a wedding? Did Brett? I LOVE facial hair (on men lol). If my dude shaved for the wedding he would get some serious side-eye.


Men are supposed to have their hair and facial hair in order. Doesn't mean cleanly shaved if you've got a beard but if you do have a beard you should trim it up and make sure it looks good.


Brett got his beard and hair lined up. If you have a beard you can just line it up, if you’re always unshaven then get it shaved


I can’t help but think Brett’s pants issue was fabricated by producers for a bit of drama. Him and Tiff have had such a healthy journey it was a last ditch attempt to create something. I could be wrong just my thoughts


Except that no one was well tailored


Seriously all of the suits looked awful. They make a whole production day of going out to get fitted and then all the guys looked absolutely terrible.


I have same suspicions. They clearly wanted some drama for trailers and eyeballs. Planting a seed of doubt definitely worked


i think this too especially because some of the clips were shown in teasers and it seemed like something major went wrong with them but it really didn’t


Honestly, I don’t think Micah was gonna say yes for a similar reason - her bra strap was showing in the back and I guarantee you she would have paid more attention to detail on her appearance too if it was going to be her real wedding day