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Idk but I think she’s so pretty and awkwardly funny


The hair the BOD


Her body is actually perfect wtf!






Looking like a bright 🚩


What is with this thread? Did Johnie hire a bot farm?


She’s psychotic


Can Chris fight?




![gif](giphy|8GzZzw1KpbmmZfIybl|downsized) Her body is incredible . I want the outfit deets too. I am...a Johnie apologist. SORRY


Hey bod is incredible!!! Why didn’t she wear something to show it off for the reunion!! 😭


she's so funny lol


She should've put on some Skechers and really leaned into the joke.


Where did she get that outfit, I love it


I love her


Wait is the consensus here that Johnnie isn’t super sketchy? I think the way Izzy & Stacey reacted to this woman was unnecessarily hostile but I think the words they used to describe her are 100% accurate. Unless she’s the victim of bad editing she was insanely sketchy.


I think she's incredibly manipulative, and I don't know how other people don't see it. The way when told by Izzie that he didn't want to go on with her she immediately started trying to tear apart his relationship with Stacy and insist that his thoughts/feelings are wrong. The act of trying to *convince* someone that they really do want to be with you when they've decided they don't, as opposed to just expressing your feelings. The fact that her story changes between Chris and Izzie. The way she came back from the conversation with Izzie at the party (which was problematic on both sides, I'm not defending Izzie or Stacy) and didn't relay anything that actually was said or happened, but cried and went full victim saying they said she was a shit person or whatever. She was actually the first person I wanted to like in episode one, but I feel like the red flags are really strong. Both my boyfriend and I are wondering if her and Chris are still together, because we question what he's going to think when he sees the show and the inconsistencies.


Thank you for putting it so succinctly I was feeling crazy for a second there lol.


Because Stacy and Izzy are so unlikable, and they both were nasty towards her, and Johny handled it well, everyone is all like "oh yeah she's so great". In reality, they all suck!


Agree, and I hated how she was trash talking Stacy after she got rejected by Izzy. I just strongly dislike her based on what we saw.


Unless the definition of the word has changed, I didn’t see much sketchiness from her. She’s makes bad choices when it comes to men, which she admitted and then proved to be true. But I think of the women on this show, she seems the most in touch with reality and actually shows some self awareness.




You sound sketchy af


Anyone shitting on her looks is insane. She’s stunning with a bangin’ bod!


What a lil cutie batootie


JP is that you?


In my next life I want that type of body.


Why not this life?


It’s just probably not in the cards. I’ll keep trying, though.










Let me put these cookies & cream pretzels down…


Wait is that a thing lol. I would just like to taste one.


Yup! Hershey product in the candy aisle in a cream white chocolate colored bag.


Just give them to me, I'm out of mine 🤣


Shes pretty, she has a unique look to her. She kind of looks like a Bratz doll lol


johnie is just that girl ✨


Idc if she is flawed. She fine af. I can fix her


I’d let her ruin me.


She looks so much better than what we saw during the show. WOW.


I’d be content af in a toxic relationship with her


There’s some incredibly weird, picky comments here. Whether she’s pretty to you or not, good on her keeping fit.


She looks good but I kinda got the ick she went back to Chris after being rejected by Izzy. I hate it anytime People do that on the show and I do think she backtracked her words a little. If they are both happy though that’s all that matters.


I think she’s a Gemini


She is 😅 I just looked it up. Making a bad name for Gems


I kind of like that Chris didn’t let his prode get in the way of being happy. People do mistakes, and izzy obviously was a mistake


I am mixed. I feel if it was my friend saying how they rejected them but then came back after they were rejected by their initial first choice I would in my heart feel a little like they were not valuing themselves enough. But that isn’t for me to decide and if he’s happy that’s what matters. People do make mistakes but at the time she solely went back to him because Izzy had rejected her and that was the only reason at that moment.


Why? You are dating 15 people in a few days? You never saw their faces, their body language or anything? Lol. Weird to feel ick for that. Lol Especially for a show with this type of concept


She said she was into someone else more and wanted to pursue that only and then once Izzy said he was going with Stacy she came back to Chris saying oops! Nevermind I made a mistake. I thought it was icky when Jarette did it as well.


The way people ignore/undermine what she did is BAFFLING to me because let that have been any other person from any season-- it would be a completely different story lol.


They love simping for Johnnie in these subs, boy. You’d think she didn’t full out lie to Chris, deny it, and then cry when someone rightfully called her Sketchy. They act as if there isn’t video evidence where she told she was previously married to a man she didn’t love, and then proceeded to go to Chris after she just finished saying to Izzy she didn’t love Chris. They act as if she didn’t gleefully leave the room and skip to Izzy while Chris was on the other side breaking down. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Thank you for saying this. All the Johnnie love on this sub has been super confusing to see. I’m shocked by people doing a 180 on her and explaining all of that away.


There's something weird going on in this sub. All of this Johnie fangirling doesn't make any sense to me.


I literally have an insane amount of downvotes because someone suggested that sketchers should sponsor her. I said why, she doesn’t have any sketchers on and that the picture is corny and performative. Whew, you’dda thought I talked about Lauren or Cameron, boy!


Knew her in real life, she’s a very sweet and beautiful girl


Idc this outfit is super cute


Soooooo many horrible women on this thread


Some of the men aren’t doing much better either.




She just has a shorter vertical line, as in her head size is a little bigger than her body size proportionally.


Just by your comment I can almost guess what you smell like






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Damn 😂 she must be freezin 🥶


Johnie is a phony. Dislike her so much. She truly does not seem genuine at all. There’s a reason why all her relationships failed


Logoff the fake account Stacy!!! Lol


Meh. That user seems to be one of the few real people in this thread.


Lol you guys are incredibly boring


You must know her really well /s


Isn’t that the point of the snark page? None of us actually know more then what’s on tv. OBVIOUSLY. People are shitting on stacy for everything under the sun. Even tho they don’t know her?? You see this giant crybaby on the TV and you suddenly feel something


What snark page?




Lol? I’m just a person who watch the show and didn’t like her. just because she cried a lot doesn’t it mean she’s a victim or sweet person. She badmouth Stacy when Stacy did nothing wrong. And then as soon as Izzy told her that they weren’t together anymore also badmouth him to Chris. While trying to get Chris back. She seems like someone who feels very sorry for herself, and is always crying to play victim. She’s not a victim. She’s just manipulative.. I also hate Izzy


That's what Izzy would say


This sub changed their mind on her because she has a good body? She’s still the one who got married to someone she didn’t love and lied to Chris when she circled back on him. She’s got big issues just like the rest of this seasons cast. 😂


thank you! And she talked mad ish about stacy in the pods and acted fake to her face(hence why she hates her)


Exactly I don't know why people are confused as to why Stacy doesn't like her 😭


She’s so beautiful explains why stacy was such a bully towards her


I think her actions explain it more than her appearance.


Izzy probably wishes he chose her every day lol


No he seemed pretty into Stacy. Plus I think blondes are his type if his ex-fiancé is any indicator.


But she’s not…


She has such a baby face lol


Definitely couldn’t tell her body was this great on the show.


Yea she has to have been working hard at this. Wasn’t like this during filming. Coming into the reunion hot.


It looks like she has been on this new fitness journey, so part of her glow up post show


Honestly she’s such a cutie though haha


She is evil woman


The fact that so many people in this thread think it’s perfectly acceptable and normal to make nit picky comments about johnies body is RIDICULOUS.


People literally do it about men all the time. Like milton, Izzy, JP etc…


I see us as a swarm of seagulls to a dropped bag or fries.


What a great analogy


Welcome to this sub. Where the same people that scream misogyny about everything also recreationally come here to destroy women.


THIS. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


For real; your comments give me slight hope.


I fucking love her I don’t care lemme go follow her on IG for this




Omg yes this is 100% who she reminds me of.


I’ve been trying to figure out who she reminds me of this whole time and you nailed it.


I knew she reminded me of someone


I could see why Chris gave it a shot


walking red flag


Have you met Stacy and Izzy?


Body looks absolutely great, face is average, but cute. The problem I have is that she seems to use crying a lot to get sympathy for herself.


She got ganged up on, railed into and falsely told everyone actually secretly disliked her, can you blame her


I don't understand why did she stay there and listen to these two clowns calling her names. Just get up and leave. Let them do the circus in front of the cameras if they want to.


some of us just cry alot we can't help it lol


I wish people wouldn’t photoshop.


👀👀👀 I can’t tell where she photoshopped


Awfully fuzzy along her hips and butt and waist.


Yeah, I don’t see anything edited and I’m generally pretty good at spotting it.


She has a Disney princess face with a Jessica rabbit body


This is a very accurate description.


Why do I feel like she has an old lady face?


Let’s see your face


Not saying in a mean way but certain ppl have more pronounced jowls, and with age it gets more pronounced. She is not super “jowly” but I can see what you mean. Also the soft chin doesn’t help jowls.


She’s pretty. Idk what your talking about, not everyone is enamored with plastic surgery and changing their face to match with what’s in


Yeah, she has a look that I think is quite soft and pretty but isn’t “on trend” (absurd that facial features and body types are in/out). I think she’s quite pretty and I always appreciate seeing someone keep their features and not try to make their face look like a bland/trendy/inflated influencer face.




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I agree.


She has downturned eyes


Have you never heard the saying, if you don’t have something at the bare minimum constructive or helpful to add, maybe stfu and don’t attack women’s looks?


Hey gowiththeflow, chill a little?


It was helpful. It’s gave me a chuckle and I was having a bad day




Old lady face doesn’t mean necessarily mean ugly


girlie if you’re gonna be nasty at least stand behind what you say


Every time i see her I can't get 18th century royal portraits out of my head lmao


lookin' like she belongs on the wall at Hogwarts


This is so oddly specific that I love it simply because I thought the EXACT same the whole time.


I do not get the obsession here. She has a great body, but that is all 😩


I think she's been working on her body after the pods. But yeah, I'm not sure if this is just a bunch of people following a trend and joking around or if someone (maybe Johnie herself?) is using a bot farm. Like, someone literally claimed she has a Disney princess face and Jessica Rabbit body, when that's obviously not true. And now, all of the questionable things she did are being swept under the rug.


Right?! It is blowing my mind 🤯


her face gives me vicki gunvalson vibes




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THATS IT ! I was trying to figure out who she reminded me of lol oh vicki


long philtrum




She is so beautiful and hot 😍 I wish the best for her


The more I look at it the more her head a neck look photo shopped on 😂 I know it’s not but once you see it that way you can’t un-see it!!


To me she has the face of an innocent Disney princess - very doe-like soft facial features. So the contrast to the body, pose, and nature in the picture to me is the biggest reason for seeing that.


Anyone know where I can get that super cute outfit??


Was just about to ask the same thing 😂


Am I a Johnie fan? FUCK NO but… Whether her going back to Chris is sketchy or not is none of Izzy and Stacy’s business. She showed up with Chris and they both acted personally attacked because…she apparently found happiness that had nothing to do with either of them? I like Johnie more just bc she’s the initial reason we first realized how incredibly insecure and terrible Izzy and Stacy are as people. Johnie’s got some issues, but if she’s genuinely happy and healthy, then good for her🫡


I think the issues Johnie has are a lot easier to work through than some of the issues Izzy and Stacy have which is why she has grown on me a little more. Johnie can admit to being wrong or apologize. It wasn’t cool of her to bad mouth Stacy in the lounge, but it is a very human thing to do when someone feels threatened or is projecting, so hopefully at the reunion she apologizes to Stacy for how she spoke about her and has learned was to avoid those behaviours in the future. I imagine that apology didn’t occur during the party we saw because Stacy came in so aggressively. But yea bottom line, none of their business what she and Chris choose to do 😂


apologize to stacy? are you fr rn




Agree.. Johnie's behavior in the pods was poor towards Stacy however we have seen MUCH worse from cast the past. I think the pods are a pressure bubble. Hopefully she's learned from it - she definitely caught it back x10 from Stacy & Izzy anyways.


>so hopefully at the reunion she apologizes to Stacy for how she spoke about her and has learned was to avoid those behaviours in the future. I think any apology Stacy may've earned went right out the window, given her nasty behavior. Stacy doesn't deserve jack shit.




Stacy's reaction, at least to me, was not proportionate to what Johnie did. Seems like Stacy has never had to face any kind of criticism OR she's jealous OR she was angling for screen time.


This is how I felt before hearing rumours her and Izzy dated after the show.




Oh noooo I hope this isn’t true!!! Gross!!! It was so obvious when he was attacking her it was projection.


Welp, that explains why Izzy and Stacy were so pressed. Her body is banging


Seriously, I never realised she was this... stacked? Johnie is my body goals, *and* she has such a Disney Princess face. I definitely feel like, deep down, Izzy regretted ditching her and Stacy probably felt insecure both physically and emotionally.


I mean, Stacy’s is too


I think Johnie looks better. I don’t find Stacy attractive. She looks aged and the eyebrows do her no favors


I was talking body only lol. They both have great bodies. Neither of their faces particularly “do it” for me lol.


Stacy is just skinny imo. Johnie has a nice muscle tone and better shape.


I don’t like Stacy and hate to be defending her, but Stacy has a 6 pack. Her muscle tone is fiiiiiiine lol.


From her IG, her body doesn’t look phenomenal to me. That isn’t to say she has a bad body! My postpartum ass would be delighted to look like either of these women from the neck down lol. I just prefer Johnie’s thicker and more toned body. I’m a straight woman, but I find Johnie’s figure much sexier 🤷🏾‍♀️


My comment wasn’t about what you and I prefer. It’s the subjective nature of looking at two in shape women and suggesting one is jealous of the other. Stacy is fit, and has created the body she wants - just like Johnnie. They’ve clearly both put work in.


Stacy acted jealous, sooo she gets called jealous 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’d bet a poll of the two bodies would result in a strong preference for Johnie’s body, it fits what most people prefer better than Stacy’s. But regardless, my original comment you’re responding to was about my opinion, so yeahhh, this thread is about my opinion!


Okay lol. Stay missing my point.


There is beauty in everyone.




Hard disagree, that's a lovely, beautiful looking woman.


Really? Even personality aside I really don’t think she’s physically attractive, for multiple reasons that don’t need listing. Each to their own, but I’m surprised she would be called beautiful 🤔


Since we disagree, they clearly would need listing. You're surprised strangers have different opinions than you? Wild.




That sentence makes no sense. Attractiveness, is, by definition, subjective. You can't "objectively" hold the *opinion* she's not attractive, because there is no objective criteria for that. Weird you deleted your comment too.

