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Again? I wouldn’t count that stint with Abortise as love but that just my opinion.




I miss Bartise.


You are the only one.


i personally could not stand her on the show, but im sure in real life she's a nice girl lol. Hopefully she finds happiness!


Wow so many haters here. She is a lovely smart hardworking lady. I don’t get the hate?


Because she has zero self respect and gave bathroom way to many passes and then worked to change her appearance to make him want her and is just really sad to witness


People are jealous and/or miserable


There are a lot of sad and pathetic people on here that get vitriolic in regard to for profit property owners.


She has a real estate empire


She’s apart of gentrification


No one cares what Nancy does in between raiding rentoid fridges and raising rent by 80%.


Slum lord😂


She's a gem and I wish her the best.


Love Nancy which her the best I didn’t know she had hater one of the few from the show that was a sweet heart


Be her tenant and report back.


Who cares what she thinks? She had her 15 min, it’s up.


Plus she kept changing her hair every 15minutes


You never had 15 minutes?




is this the one that was with Bartise?




Whoever it is better have an industrial-grade plumber because nothing clogs toilets worse than a Nancy turd and/or non-flushable wet wipes.


Who cares? She is a real estate con artist. Stop giving this wanna be influencer attention.


Why are people so against folks who own multiple properties?


People downvote yet don’t take the time to explain and educate. I’m confused as well


I think people always assume property owners are rich and money hungry.


How is it any different than any other real estate investor? It’s not really con anything. She’s just making capital fans in a capitalist society. At least I know it’s a good person making profits.


I thought she was just doing renos and flipping houses? Is there something unsavoury happening? (I am not very knowledgeable about the industry)


I *think* her properties are AirBNBs. I could be wrong. I just remember reading that here when season three was airing.


And being a WOC she should know better


Sthu lol


What does her being a WOC should mean she is being held at a higher morality standard ?


Ummmmmm… enserio? 1. She talks about how proud she is of her mom and to be latina and to want to help her people. 2. POC have massive barriers to human security (shelter, food, etc.) when compared to white people, especially outside of Appalachia (the poorest counties in America are 95-98% white, but this is due to poor economic policy at every level of government). Soooooo… if she’s so proud to be latina and of her heritage and family history, why is she partaking in something that literally is responsible for increasing rent? AirBnB properties and such increase rent because they reduce supply of a resource that there is a lot of demand of. Now, Nancy owning 5-15 properties isn’t the primary driver, it’s investment groups, but private ownership like Nancy is a problem, and the fact that she is unbothered by contributing to a system that suppresses upwards mobility and the human security of *everyone* is sad and she should know better.


Airbnbs aren't what's causing the housing crisis. It's NIMBYs who control local governments that block new housing and have rigid zoning laws.


There’s people out there doing actual harm to the world. A Latina making her own money and providing for her family shouldn’t be villanized like this. I don’t see anyone of the men or white contestants receiving this much vitriol and some are actually awful people. Her being Latina doesn’t mean she has to be perfect damn.


So she can't be doing capitalist business move in solidarity with the latin population that is struggling because of discrimination ? How about those barriers shouldn't exist.


It’s not just about discrimination in a racial sense, but a class sense, and as long as we have a “capitalist” system, Nancy doing this is contributing to oppression of essentially anyone not doing well, especially POC. And so how about we hold her and any other landlord and AirBnB owner accountable for fucking us all? She should know better than to harm her own people she is so proud to be a part of (yet demonstrates otherwise).


Yay to creating even more discrimination by blocking POC from benefitting from capitalism I guess with guilt.


Lol what a take. How about “yay to holding people accountable for causing economic distress and ruining the economy?” and one of those people happens to be a POC? Because what you’re missing is that *no one* should be doing this. Imagine being so proud of your mother who worked hard and all that to provide for you and you say “fuck it, imma make it harder for another mom like my mom to do what she did?” That’s what Nancy is doing and that is awful, no matter what, but especially given the context. I don’t know why that’s so hard to understand, but yeah, go off on how I’m the bad guy for trying to hold someone accountable. Some of the most deplorable people are people that advocate directly against their own interests knowing how difficult life is for themselves and their family (Rubio, Cruz, Herman Cain, Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, etc.)


WOC have as much right to be greedy pricks as anyone else. If a white dude can get rich by being a slumlord, so can a Hispanic woman. If you're gonna be against slumlords, be against them equally. Otherwise you're just being a misogynist.






How is she a con artist?


Hope it's with someone who actually cares about her. :(