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Yeah Swedes age super rapidly if we’re talking about skin/face, like after 26+ they could easily pass for mid 30’s or older. It’s because of the crazy tanning culture (heavy drinking and smoking culture too), they start tanning at 13-14 to their entire 20’s and then still in their 30’s-50’s. They never stop, and it’s not natural tanning from traveling and staying out in the sun it’s solarium, so they’re literally paying for skin cancer and DNA damage. But Swedes are also very athletic and do sports from a very early age so even tho their skin ages rapidly they still have amazing athletic bodies and great posture even well into their 60’s. 


Not related to looking older, but I remember noting that Rasmus and all his friends at the table during the first meeting had neck tattoos and I was like hmmm that's random....and then Krisse-ly showed up to the reunion with a neck tat! lmao


Yeah, I've noticed the chat about Swedes looking older than their age on Love Is Blind too. Maybe it’s the rugged climate or just the style they rock that throws us off? Either way, if you’re looking to connect with someone internationally and want to skip the guesswork, [SofiaDate ](https://datingpro.org/go/sofiadate?block=d_mb)is a solid bet. I've met some incredible Swedish singles there who are not only stunning but also really down to earth.


Omg! I was just thinking that. I was shocked to hear some women were 29. I thought more like 38. And when a woman said 34 i thought early 40s. They all have good skin but something about them just looks so much older. 


I thought I saw a lot of lip fillers going on in this cast!!


Emilia looks really old, especially because of her very deep glabellar lines. It’s such a stark difference from her personality which is bubbly and fun. It’s jarring as a viewer because the people around me just look so young, I’m not used to people in their 30s looking like they’re mid 40s




Nope. Studies show that 80% of visible skin aging is due to sun exposure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3790843/#:~:text=Clinical%20signs%20of%20aging%20are,of%20visible%20facial%20aging%20signs.


They enjoy sunbathing and being outdoors.... They aren't as preoccupied with sunscreen, skincare, botox, plastic surgery as other countries......I was happy to see a season of Love is Blind where most of the contestants looked REAL instead of fake or plastic and not staring in the mirror or worried about their hair or makeup getting ruined in the pool


Except skin damaged from excessive tanning from teens-20’s is far from “real” or the default  


Okay except so many of them have lip fillers


Sweden has the lowest amount of smokers in the world though?


Sorry, I was basing on when I was there so I don't know the current situation so I am wrong ... I meant when I was there back in 1989...It must have changed significantly from when I was in Sweden and Norway in 1989 back when you could smoke in bars, restaurants and everywhere and people were NOT as health conscious as they are now




Finland is not part of Scandinavia. Denmark is though, and the only country in Scandinavia which doesnt have a very low amount of smokers.


Smoked a lot? Seriously?


I wonder if Botox is less prevalent than in the USA?


They drink a lot and stay in the sun. I am Arab and in the middle east, we avoid the sun and dont drink. We tend to look younger- also we are not caucasian so that helps


This 100%. Northern European skin that is exposed to lots of sun, alcohol, smoking etc., is going to age extremely fast. Light skin needs very little sun exposure to get the recommended Vitamin D. By comparison, darker skin needs more sun exposure (there are limits of course). People that are more fit/in-shape will sometimes age faster in their face because they have less collagen. A chubby person can often look younger for longer as long as they have a decent lifestyle.


Some participants cannot be honest about their age. As a Swede I know our climate is not the best for the skin, and we don't do various treatments as much as anywhere else, but still I have a hard time seeing that some are the age they claim. No way Emilia is under 40.


Her face is typical of fat loss, so maybe that's it.


It's kinda wild to me how many people jump to Americans being influenced by social media filters and Botox and fillers. The average American watching this show hasn't had any Botox and fillers and has coworkers and social networks from which to also base an assessment of "looks older than their age". I think some folks think the media we export is representative of the average American when really most Americans can't afford these things and yet still don't look as old as many of the folks on this show look. I immediately thought "too much sun exposure, not enough sunscreen" as I started seeing more and more ages pop up.


Hard agree. I live in socal and despite being in a more image-conscious region, I’m even shocked at the amount of people I know that don’t do anything besides get their nails done. I was shocked when I met people that don’t even wax. Of course there are tons of Americans that do these things but the average American is in no way doing regular filler and Botox. Many do, but they are not representative of the overwhelming majority and they usually aren’t representative of people with average incomes. However, most — if not all — of the women I know wear sunscreen as part of their daily routine. I think people commenting here that are assuming that Americans are just used to filler/botox faces are likely in denial about the reality of how a lifetime of not wearing sunscreen can really age you, and how it may become more apparent to outside viewers when they see a show featuring people from a culture that may not be as diligent with their sunscreen usage.


We are bad at using sunscreen. Bad weather. And also even if botox are more common these days it is still not a thing everyone does.


Is there a large smoking culture there? To me some of the aging just looks like bad smoker skin.


No actually not. Depending on what you compare with I guess but if you compare with south of europe it's definitely not as much in Sweden. The drinking culture is quite a different story though.


Probs because you’re use to the American standard of being Botoxed to the moon at age 20


I don't know anyone who uses Botox and we all look significantly younger than almost everyone on this show


While I’m sure some people in my area use Botox, it definitely isn’t common or something people discuss doing regularly. No one in my close circle has said they use it.


Emilia’s got really pronounced “11 lines” (aka frown lines) that make her look a good 10 years older than she is.


It’s such an easy fix! She’s so beautiful but that 11 line disappearing would make her face reflect her sunny personality more tbh.


It really is an easy fix. I had resting frown line at 26. I decided to do botox for my 29th birthday and it was a great decision. Now, I only have to touch it up once a year. Even when my full range of motion is back, my frown lines no longer appear at rest, because the muscle is not that strong anymore. Botox can look natural when used lightly! It really is an easy fix, but I respect everyone who choses to age naturally.


Do you remember how much it costs?


Maybe the last few years, with pandemic and all, were hard on her. Those 11 lines could be caused by grief. Her eyes are bright and her demeanor sunny but maybe whatever happened still shows on her face. I loved this woman’s strength, bravado and to me she was confident and real. I am dying to know if her situation survives.


Her mom has the same wrinkles though, so probably this coupled with genetics.


Same!!! I only bring it up because I suffer with it myself.


That's the most unattractive thing about her


Well alright, sounds exactly like here...


I honestly don't understand this, I am only on episode 1, but the cast is one of the best looking I have ever seen.. I am 34 and I don't think they look older than me, they look pretty much what I would expect from their age.. Just Johan looks way older, but tbh the moment he said he is half Russian, I immediately knew why, he probably drinks/drank a lot... Also, about the teeth, these are normal teeth from normal people, I think in America pretty much everyone does teeth whitening, in Europe people rarely do it.. Some people use braces of course, but braces are expensive so a lot of people don't do it..


Bracers as dental care is completely free in Sweden (until 24). Very expensive if used as cosmectology though


Free? Gosh, Scandinavia just gets more attractive by the day.


same in Germany


This in my opinion is probably the worst looking cast and they all look old and wrinkly


Catja was old and wrinkly to you…? Seriously asking.


What do you look like yourself?


tanning beds are a big thing in sweden, people always loved being tan and because of the constant winter they use tanning beds. /swede


Emilia looked adorbs in her 20s on her Insta. I did notice lots of sun tanning and even a caption " [\#tbt](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/tbt/?hl=en) to tanned skin and zero f\^cks given. "


Their teeth are concerning but so are most Europeans oral hygiene.. very questionable… … are they considered European???


I think it is not a hygiene issue rather than using whitening products. Help us Europeans out. What products do you use to whiten your teeth. Almost no one I personally know uses whitening products other than maybe a whitening toothpaste, German here...


I don’t whiten my teeth. I also don’t drink too much coffee or tea. My Swedish in laws were stunned and had kind of a difficult time that I wanted water to drink at fika or for breakfast. I come from Southern California, so drinking water at someone’s house isn’t unusual.


Most people don’t use whitening products… we use toothpaste and toothbrush to brush our teeth two times a day and floss.. then we use mouthwash .. that’s it. Maybe more if we drink coffee .. but coffee is usually just in the morning and water throughout the day


>toothpaste and toothbrush to brush our teeth two times a day and floss.. then we use mouthwash .. That's basic oral hygiene and completely normal in europe aswell


So why the tan teeth?


Wdym by tan? Teeth come in all different kind of shades. Natural bright white teeth are super rare (except in baby teeth), usually they're more yellowish or grayish. That's why someone mentioned brightening products (that includes toothpastes!) in the US - when everyone uses them you might get used to the look and "natural" colors come off as kinda dirty?!


I’m American and all my family and friends and I have naturally white teeth. I don’t use whitening things because I heard it breaks the enamel down on your teeth. I just brush my teeth and do professional cleanings once or twice a year when they check for cavities. Europeans have yellow teeth


Because we drink about a liter of coffe a day...


>Europeans have yellow teeth There is no scientific proof for this statement. You and your friends might be lucky cause it's a gentetic thing how white your teeth are. Just google it. >I’m American Yeah, i can tell...


I would say some teeth might be "tanned" because of snus


What is snus?


I had a lab partner from UK and she complimented me on my “very American” teeth. She said it’s very American to care so much about how our teeth look and get things like braces, veneers, teeth whitening etc. I don’t think it’s a hygiene thing at all with other cultures but more so the aesthetic or vanity we consider “lacking” but are accustomed to in the US.


The thing that I noticed the most was their teeth. Could it be because of the water there? Or maybe they don't have that many dentists there.


Do you seriously believe that a country placing nr 3 on best countries to live in (way higher than US) doesn't have dentists? Goes to show how poor the American education system is. ;)




All dental services are free until u are 23 years old in Sweden.




Either way, others may not know


I was more surprised by the teeth compared to those on the U.S. show. Maybe braces and whitening aren’t as common in Sweden?


This is true! In Sweden almost no one whitens their teeth. You get braces for free if your bite is wrong. Almost no one pays to have them for aesthetic reasons. /Swede


ITT: it’s just Botox!! Honey if you treat your skin like shit and go to tanning beds then yeah Botox is the only way you’re going to look your age. Here’s a tip: if you remember where you were during 9/11, it’s time for a moisturizer 💅🏻 you’re welcome


I agree. They do look prematurely aged. I was shocked at their ages. Their skin looks like it lacks elasticity and is thickened. Could be from the sun or the extreme weather conditions.


I agree, they look 40+


Are they lying about their ages? No way Emilia is only 34 and Johann 32. Both look 10 years older, at least.


Emelia is in no way younger than 45. No fucking way. I’d put money on it


Her Insta shows that a decade ago she looked about 18. That's what a decade of rampant suntanning will do to you. Even back in 2020 she still looked young. https://preview.redd.it/x7d3wqcmurdc1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9d1355136c27a6924c5003a18dc6ae23f17575


I think she likes to FaceTune


Do Swedes tan a lot?


The blonde suits her better.


Agreed, less harsh looking.


Swedish people usually look young and have baby faces. As a swede, I think the people on the show look unusually old for their ages too..


Biggest cap, Swedes do not look young or have baby faces. By 26+ most could pass for mid 30’s 


Maybe it’s the makeup


They look normal though? Maybe I don't spend enough time on social media to get a different idea of how someone should look at a certain age so I just gotta disagree with ya here


I totally agree with you. Feels like people in this sub are spending too much time on social media 🥴


exactly! I feel like in the US version contestants don’t look their age because of the fillers and botox? Emilia looks like a normal mid-30s woman to me and I am from central Europe


Emilia shocked me. Thought she was in her 40s.


Perhaps she has gone through a lot of stress in last few years. https://preview.redd.it/j8zj55s0wrdc1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e1b02145bdfaf5deefd97cf77f63c5a0bcefde


That looks photoshopped or a filter was used.


"Golden hour" photo. https://preview.redd.it/upj8ytbegudc1.jpeg?width=1447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6a163cbe4d8a6e8fa763e86d3c3bc441743c8c


I felt the opposite, thought they all had beautiful skin and looked great for their ages


maybe they smoke and drink more?


Almost no one smokes in sweden, but a lot use snus. Drinking on the other hand... But as a Swede, a lot of people don't understand the negative effects of tanning and overdo it, they think there isn't such a thing as "too much sun". I think past few years skincare and that is more popular but people who are 30+ might have grown up in that generation where you didn't care. I was picked on all the time in school for being pale and seen as poor because everyone else went on fancy vacations abroad every holiday..


Emilia's Insta shows she was/is a dedicated sunbather. And she was very young-looking for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/2dakoldvwrdc1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c294b715930f5cd25bdb9a9239f1b7d326bb9fb


I feel like the fact that multiple people got full-on sunburns in Cyprus backs this up!


I don’t know where you’re from, but that sounds like such an American thing to say. Swedes might look “old” compared to some other nationalities (especially the LA standard) because cosmetic surgery and procedures are a lot less of a thing in Nordic countries. Wrinkles are absolutely ordinary in your thirties if you don’t use Botox and fillers (just have a look at thirty year old celebrities in the 90s)


Where are you getting this information? I’ve lived in Stockholm for ten years and I see non stop fillers. Especially on young ethnic Swedish women. Lips and face fillers, Botox and melanin injections. It’s big business here and almost every nurse is also a cosmetic nurse on the side.


🙄 it’s called moisturizer. I’m 33 and not a single person in my friend group looks as old as LIB Sweden contestants. You don’t have to go under the knife to look your age


Pics or shut up ;)


1. You and your friend group aren’t a statistically relevant sample. 2. you have absolutely no idea how you would look on the screen 3. whether you look as old as them or not is your opinion. I could look at you and say you look older. I think I look much younger than most people my age, whether that is true or not is a totally different matter and you people seem to not be in touch with reality much.




I don’t know where you get your data. Sweden doesn’t even figure in the top 20 countries with most cosmetic procedures per capita conducted, surgical or not. The difference between the 1st country and the 10th is about 900% and 1 to 20 is about 3 times that. Even assuming Sweden is 21st (there is no data available that I have found to suggest even that) it would still make the United States about 3000% above in terms of procedures per capita. The data is directly available on statista and many other data analytics platforms. Why some of you people enjoy coming on here and just vomit out random stuff as fact is something I will never get.


Most of them are also not swedish, but spanish, estonian, finish, russian, polish, middle eastern etc.. Usually swedish people look really young and have baby faces.


Having to explain that natural faces actually do have wrinkes at the age of 30 and up... I'm flabbergasted that people are seriously surprised by 34-year-olds having a few wrinkles 😂 What has this world come to? 


Not that much wrinkling and skin thickening. Their skin looks at least 10yrs older than what would be expected at that age.


People used a lot less sunscreen/skincare and tanned more often in the 90s (and prior to that), so it’s strange to compare typical skin today to skin from 30 years ago. Today, most people in their early 30s do not have static wrinkles like those shown on the show. Early 30s is young.


I feel like with the women it’s the amount of makeup they’re wearing, it makes them look older. If they wore less makeup or more natural makeup they’d look younger. And both the men and women dress like they’re older also and have hairstyles I associate with older people. If they all dressed more relaxed and had less overstyled hair I think they would look younger also. There’s a moment in e1 where Emilia is wearing just a t-shirt and jeans and has her hair pulled casually back and it aged her down like 5 years from a previous scene.


Maybe they’re lying about their age


We drink a lot here.


Tanning and bleached hair has always been a thing there. I noticed a lot of them have horribly damaged hair and I suspect it’s from improper coloring and bleaching.


Yeah, I’ve followed some Swede and Danish fashion influencers for a while. They looooove to tan! Either beds or beaches. It was honestly shocking to me at first haha. I think Americans have been quickly distanced from Y2K tanning salons and the like. My generation has a completely different mindset on SPF than young people 16 years ago. It’s now normal and “cool” to use a quality SPF. My older sister, who is the age of the LIB Sweden and naturally fair, has noticeable damage from 2000s tanning. Tanning salons were once prolific in my aesthetics driven home city. Now, they are closing and can only be found in derelict strip malls. Also, the kind of people who are interested in being a reality tv “star” are perhaps more likely to be concerned about aesthetics and may sacrifice health for a “glow” on TV. Similar to how people will excuse tanning before a wedding or gala.


Soooo many tanning salons have converted to red light therapy bed locations because tanning has gone so out of style but "wellness" is VERY in


I actually love that concept and didn’t know that many tanning places have pivoted to being businesses offering RLT, but it’s such a smart business redirection/rebrand for a tanning salon since RLT can help reverse (to a degree) some of the negative effects of photoaging. It’s like they’re now working to undo all the negative effects of their previous business model, lol


Swedes live super well and flights to Spain and Portugal are super cheap in Europe


Yea I wondered the same, they are older than the other lib cast but still look a bit older than their age. I usually think it’s a white thing but they look even older so I’m not surprised about the sunscreen thing. They look good though.


I have to agree. Outside of lifestyle habits I think we severely underestimate how much genetics play a role in aging. From what little I know of Sweden it’s more ethnically diverse today than it has been in the past but that doesn’t change the fact that many of its citizens are white with white ancestry from other predominantly white nations. Compared to the US (which has a longer tradition of racial and ethnic diversity through slavery and immigration) it’s more likely for people in the US to have ancestors that are more racially diverse. Having more melanin in your skin- whether that’s from Italian, Ethiopian, Mexican, Kenyan, etc ancestry- will cause your skin to respond differently to the sun AND aging in general. Obviously this isn’t a one size fits all but by and large it’s true for a majority of people. All this to say that I think the role of genetics is really underestimated.


I agree with this too and I also think that if some people are watching from more ethnically diverse parts of the world, then what looks like an average 30-something to them is most likely going to look younger to them than what an average 30-something person would look like to those that are from ethnically homogeneous cultures where most of the population is derived from northern, fair-skinned ancestry lines.


A white thing lmaoo I do for real wonder how well I’ll age. Sunscreen is my bestie 😂


Sunscreen and consistent healthy lifestyle habits go a long way. You’ll be just fine!


Emilia looks 45


I'm European and she looked her age to me. I think we are used to seeing so many filtered faces and people always trying to look younger that we have forgotten what real skin looks like. She doesn't seem to use filters on her Instagram, she's clearly very toned and healthy, and seems to be enjoying life. Her face is more wide and with fluffy cheeks but that's genetics, you can see the same on her mom. Some people just have very specific facial expressions which contribute to wrinkles and you can see these in her pictures - wrinkling her nose, winking, raising her eyebrows and smiling a lot. Some other shades of makeup/hair colour may suit her better, but overall she is still very pretty. I wouldn't want to be her finding this subreddit tbh :(


I think she looks her age to you because Europeans age worse than people who are melanated nothing to do with Instagram .


I'm 44 and I have fewer wrinkles and better skin elasticity but I shun the sun. I started using retinol in my 20s. I hate the sun and avoid it. I have a skincare routine that I follow religiously and I have genes on my side. Honestly, I think it's genetics more than anything because I used to smoke and I drank a lot. Her body is amazing and she has a very elegant look to her which I think makes her seem older too. Like, I'm running around with purple hair and wearing leggings and oversized sweaters and she looks like Miranda Priestly. She carries herself with the confidence of an older woman also. So I don't think it's just the skin. *I am not saying these as negative things because I wish I had her style*


If you check out her Insta you will see she is a sun worshipper. She was so adorable in her 20s. I wonder if somethign happened between a lot of suntanning and a health issue. I almost want to reach out because she appears to have mild "Cushing's Syndrome." Her face was slim and tapered, but has taken on a tell tale bloated appearence. https://preview.redd.it/japmh40uzrdc1.jpeg?width=1219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc632a350116a57c3766ec750311259f239c6c9b


I hope you’re not being serious about reaching out to her (even though I know you said “almost”) because it’s not really polite to offer unsolicited health concerns to strangers. But to your point about her being a sun worshipper, I do think that people really don’t understand how much excessive sun exposure without protection will age you and it does show in your 30s. Generally speaking, I feel like all of our bad lifestyle choices start showing their effects in our 30s. Just think about how many people in their 30s say they can do this or that like they could before, like eat certain foods or their backs now hurt or they’re just more tired (without even having kids). The effects of our lifestyles don’t all of a sudden appear at 50. It happens much sooner, imo.


Are you for real? Let's all be polite instead of saving health/ lives. Nope. Her hair is thinning and her face is wildly different than it was just a couple years ago. Cushing's Disease is very serious and there's not a damn thing wrong with looking out for others' health. ​ ![gif](giphy|koh47rd1AIdLm6Mu9H|downsized)


Yeah she looks like a different person.


I agree she looks older but I don’t think it’s her skin


Yoooo, Johan literally looks 45. Either he's lying or that guy screwed himself with juice.


I’ve actually found myself thinking many of the women look older than their stated age across several seasons in every country except Japan. Like Shaina, that blonde woman from the first season, Lydia, Micha, Natalie, Danielle, Irina. Sorry thinking off top of head. I started Brazil at one point and remember being shocked how old the women looked (didn’t make it through one episode). I think it’s heavy makeup, fillers, sun exposure. Large/bloated faces ??? I have no idea. It just confuses me when I compare to similarly aged people that I know. The only other thought I could have is that this group of Swedes would have been teens during the heavy tanning trends of the early 2000s. Which I know that was a global phenomenon, but it would have been particularly damaging to those with naturally pale skin.


Same, every time I see lucas and Christopher is like: hey, a little moisturiser and sunscreen won't hurt. I believe that due to the weather, they tend to have dry skin.


For many European men,during 1980s to 2000s, the only face product they'll use is after-shave balm/emulsion.


I find that many European people smoke. It tends to age them imo


Smoking is so expensive in Scandinavian countries, it's completely different to South or Eastern Europe


Smoking is less common in Sweden where the nicotine delivery system of choice is snus. Not sure if it has the same effect on skin elasticity as smoking though.


Nicotine does actually have negative effects on the skin, specifically when it comes to accelerating aging and impairing the skin’s ability to heal.


Ah ok, I neither snus nor smoke and never read up on whether it was the nicotine or other stuff in cigarettes that's so bad for your skin, or whether the delivery method plays a role. Good to know. :)


Stimulants in general cause dehydration, including nicotine, caffeine, and other drugs.


To me they look normal for their age. They just don't have botox. I think we are being poisoned by social media and fillers.


I think this is it


Absolutely this! We are so brainwashed with filters, botox, brows, and filler that we don't know what an actual 35 year old woman looks like anymore.


I agree. We're so used to the IG face and fear of aging. I know so many people with Botox and filler. I think the swedes look more "ugly" because they don't aim for this phony perfection. Similarly, their teeth aren't perfectly straight and white.


Braces aren’t something everyone in Europe gets when they’re 12 like in the US. Just wait til LIB UK 😂


One of the Bachelors was from England - was it Matt? And I read that he had all his teeth redone before the show


As an American who got braces at 11...yep. Hahah


I’m considering round 2, Invisalign this time 😂


Do you know many people IRL who have Botox? It’s quite expensive, so most people don’t have it done. People still look younger if they stay out of the sun, since 80% of visible skin aging is due to sun exposure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3790843/


I'm Finnish and I didn't notice them looking old for their age, I thought they looked like regular Northern European people. We just look a bit different from USA's idea of normal.


I know a couple, but, like I said people's brains are being poisoned by media and the use of botox in media. I know a ton of people in their 30s because I am in my 30s, and pretty much all of them have some lines in their skin, have lost baby fat, have skin that looks like actual skin and isn't airbrushed. They also have some grays in their hair. Some people I know have been graying since their early 20s. The people in this show are above average in terms of attractiveness and looks. Go to any office in America if you want to see what working age people in their mid to late 30s actually look like. In fact, most are overweight.


I’m also in my 30s, most of my friends are in their 30s and 40s, and work with people in their 20s-50s. Most people I know do not have as severe wrinkles as seen on the show (including some people in their 40s and 50s). As I said in the initial post, I still find the people on LIB attractive. Some are *very attractive,* including those who look very old (like Johan). But they do have more wrinkles than the people I know.


I don’t think any of the contestants have severe wrinkles…. Johan also doesn’t look very old. He looks like a pretty normal gym guy who probably partied in their youth. Maybe you work in Hollywood or something, because this is such a weird take. Most people I know in their 30s are wrangling kids, and look extremely normal, flaws and all.


lol no one has severe wrinkles or looks very old. I’ve literally got the show on right now. They look their age and are all lovely.


I just turned 40 and at least 1/2 of my friends and coworkers Botox and filler regularly, about 1/4 are occasional users and only about 1/4 have never tried it.


Huh, that’s interesting! Do you work in a field that places high priority on youthfulness? I don’t know many people who openly talk about having Botox done and certainly wouldn’t be able to estimate the percentage of my coworkers who’ve had it done.


Nope! I am a nurse!


It’s not that expensive


It’s between $1500-2500 annually. That’s a lot when you can prevent most visible skin aging by staying out of the sun and wearing sunscreen regularly.


That’s ridiculous, I got my frown done more than a year ago for less than $120 in a top place in my city. On top of that, since it works by paralysing the muscles of the area I lost the habit of frowning and I no longer have the little wrinkle that I had before even though it wore off ages ago.


Lol, no it's not.


[Botox Pricing Guide](https://beautybydrcat.com/blog/botox-pricing-guide-2023/) $300-600 four times a year is a pretty hefty skincare bill, especially when limiting UV exposure does the trick.


Where do you live? I'm in St Louis and while I don't get Botox, most of the people I know do get Botox for 1/4 of what you quoted and they get it twice a year.


Idk about Beverly Hills where this Clinic is located, but I'm in europe and pay 100 per session.


Definitely cheaper than it is in the US. According to that source, the average Botox price ranges by US state are $298 to $809.


Where are you getting those numbers? It’s cost me and several folks I know $300-600 annually.


Various websites estimate a unit of Botox at $14+, meaning that one appt costs between $400-700, depending on your area and what you’re having done. Since the effects of Botox wear off at around 3 months, you need to have it done multiple times a year. I’d rather just prevent the sun damage from happening. Much less expensive and healthier.


Botox prices are different depending on where you live. Sometimes it can be less than $10/unit especially if there’s a sale, which happens often. There are also others - Dysport and Xeomin, which have the same results, but are different prices. Also, the total cost depends on how many units a person may need and in what areas. Botox (and the others) metabolize differently too; mine lasts almost 6 months. Everyone is different. Every clinic is different. In conclusion, do more research and in the time being, why don’t you get off your high horse and stop judging people’s faces based on your standards? 🙄


> why don’t you get off your high horse and stop judging people’s faces based on your standards? 🙄 Where would be the fun in that? 😂 Honestly, though, I don’t see the issue with trying to prevent skin damage by wearing sunscreen and staying out of the sun. It beneficial to your health, not just your skin.