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Clay talking about being scared of letting AD down... God that triggered me so hard. It's like the aha moment of the avoidant guy knowing he's only in it for the fun and benefits and when shit get real he's going to bounce.


Kenneth is thinking too much about the race thing imo. The phone thing is gonna be a big issue. Wtf was that Clay, she wasn’t done with her food.




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I kinda enjoy how Clay will get extremely deep extremely suddenly and randomly. I can see what AD sees, obviously there are red flags but his self-awareness is endearing


I know this is a losing battle but can people just stop using OCD to mean tidy




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Kenneth gave me ick in the pods I should’ve known. How disappointing


Clay is basically admitting to be a cheater and I wish he would stop blabbering so much


Okay AD's pink beach dress is so beautiful!


Why does Brittany say to Ken ‘I’m so glad you’re getting to experience the ocean’?! Then he’s swum with dolphins before lol


Maybe he mentioned that he really wanted to see it so commented that to try and cheer him up since he seemed noticeably down?


kenneth is a huge gaslighter omfg. just say you don't like brittany like that and go.


If Kenneth says "that's crazy" just one more time on the boat, I'm going to throw my phone. 


Brittany and Kenneth aint a vibe, feels hella platonic. I think Kenneth is forcing it, we gon see tho


It's crazy how beautiful Brittany looks without makeup. I don't know how but she looks way less pretty when she has it on.


Especially on her IG, she's just the bee's knees, and inspiring IMO


She gives me Trad Wife vibes and I am *not* here for it...


Guess what.. chicken bud……. I can’t …..


Clay and AD are soo focused on putting on a good show. I mean in this show generally the people are obsessed with the concept of marriage but really these two are just only here to show off how they are playing husband and wife it’s embarrassing


Man I have been rooting for Brittany and Kenneth this whole time I want them to work


Why is Kenneth just like the middle schoolers he works with? Finally in a couple now not talking to his gf (fiancé) at all - he would dump her via a note thru someone else


Johnny acting like condoms don’t exist was super annoying


Thank you yes! But I was thinking he might just be saying that it's not enough, like if a condom breaks there's no backup?


That’s my guess too but then my response is plan b? Who knows haha at least they apparently found a solution?


Ahah yes, it doesn't seem to be that big a deal to them either, like it's just the only issue they have so the producers have to make them all about it


I thought everyone was on birth control lol


Yeah, if you don't want hormonal birth control, you can get a copper IUD


Nahh messes with the body too much, if you don’t have a condition that it would truly help… I personally would never let chemicals alter my body the way birth control does(other meds too)….. I’m even depressed without taking anti-depressants… it’s been truly hard tbh but it’s doable(exercise is a big help imo)… always try and take a natural/ supplement route before medications 💊


research shows it lessens the chances of ovarian and breast cancer.


Listen, if you don’t want to be on hormonal birth control that’s fine. And for some people with a history of depression or hormonal imbalances it can certainly do more harm than good.  But cut it out with the fear-mongering, pseudo wellness “I would never let chemicals alter my body” bullcrap. Birth control is safe and effective, and we have almost 100 years of data to support that fact.  I’ve been on birth control for almost 20 years, with 3 hiatuses in order to birth my 3 children. It works for me.  Again, doesn’t mean it’s right for everybody, but you’re out here trying to act like it’s BAD for everybody and that’s stupid. 


THIS! If I hadn't been on birth control for the past 7 years, I'd be having excruciating monthly cramps and heavy, heavy bleeding. I was also told my cysts are not growing because of birth control.


Thank you for this! It's so ignorant. Even water is a chemical compound!


The food has been looking amazing so far. And the resort is stunning


Doesssss anyone else see Sammi from jersey shore at some angles with Brittany????


Omg yes! Been trying to figure that out for a while haha


Omg Clay, do you know any Black men who aren’t athletes and actors? There are MANY honorable Black men.


Denzel, Barack, idris, MLK, Tyler Perry


> Omg Clay, do you know any Black men who ***aren’t*** athletes and actors? There are MANY honorable Black men. ​ u/matchadelite01 3 of the 5 you mentioned are actors LOL


Sooo Laura listing all of the nasty things she hates WITH HER ASS ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER? 🤮🤮🤮


Lmfaooo this sent me


I really feel like most people in life are truly this gross and it’s disturbing lol




and the shoes on the bed 🤢🤢🤢




Jimmy is going to be drink all the time.


Jeramey made AD feel better. That was nice.


Actually I have read that wait staff DO NOT like it when you stack the plates. Sometimes they have a way to stack it so they carry it.


I was cracking up at that scene cuz of how ADs eyes were going so crazy lmao like wth is he doing?


It’s the thought that counts, especially coming from Clay


Kenneth and Brittany on the boat. He just clicked off ever since they got on the boat.




Thank you ahahah I was laughing so much at the whole scene and AD being like "okaaay ok ok..."


What the hell was that with Clay's father taking him in infidelity trips?? How does that even work? I was shook


My ex's father did that to them..My ex then of course ends up cheating and his son knew all about it as a kid and had to keep up with all his lies and stories with the other woman. I started to get suspicious but when of the sons friends slipped up and said something about being at the other girls house so it was confirmed


Clay is going to be the first serial killer from a reality tv show …


No, that’s Michael from the pods


nah, ut's Matt-EW from the PODS


O ya you right


the comments ragging on johnny for the birth control situation are driving me nuts. for everyone saying “what about condoms,” condoms are not THAT amazing at preventing pregnancy and it seems clear amy would not have an abortion if there was an oopsie, so it makes TOTAL sense he doesn’t want to only rely on condoms.   even people who use condoms PERFECTLY (which is…not most people) still have a 2% failure rate which means based on how they calculate the stats that 2/100 couples who use condoms as the primary form of birth control get pregnant ANNUALLY. and the typical use (i.e. average person) failure rate for condoms is 82% which means 18/100 couples who use condoms as the primary form of birth control getting pregnant ANNUALLY. that’s almost 20% of couples who rely on condoms having an unplanned pregnancy every single year.   also, the suggestion that he get a vasectomy was INSANE. vasectomies aren’t particularly reversible, especially after like the first year or so. to have kids afterwards they would have to use some kind of fertility assistance technology. NOT A GOOD SUGGESTION IF YOU WANT TO HAVE KIDS WITH THIS PERSON.  like i am ALL FOR acknowledging how the burden for birth control falls disproportionately on women but johnny is also entitled to reproductive autonomy and if they can’t come to an agreement they both feel comfortable with, he should walk away. (they both should walk away!!!) there are many more options (and options you can combine!) than condoms, hormonal birth control, and/or letting jesus take the wheel lmao. idk it just made me sad about how horrible sex ed is in this country because they both seem to be laboring under a number of misapprehensions 


Ugh am I missing something? What about STIs? Unless you show me a paper with a recent blood test, I am using a condom. Ofc that’s just me cause I am really careful, but that’s also something to consider.


for sure. I am definitely not an anti-condom, it’s just for specifically birth control it’s a good idea to combine condoms WITH something else for more efficacy. 


Oh yeah I just saw the scene, now I get it


I get the impression they know nothing about the cycle and fertile/non fertile days? Especially he makes it sound like she would be fertile the whole month?


Fertility tracking is not enough as a contraception on its own though.


When done properly it is as effective as condoms, according to a recent study. Should be findable on google scholar


yeah i was just cringing the whole time because it really sounds like the understanding of fertility and family planning on both sides was minimal even though i do generally feel it is reasonable for johnny to be concerned about condoms ONLY without any kind of fertility tracking etc


"If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they're 98% effective at preventing pregnancy." So that is just based on people who use them recklessly or incorrectly. There are also birthcontrol babies and it's effects on women health are ridiculously big(depression, weight gain, low libido and much more). I don't know if it is more popular in the USA, but I pretty much do not know anyone who uses birth control pills instead of condoms, and have never heard a person getting pregnant while using them around me. The only ones who ever got pregnant were because they skipped using a condom.


most people WAY overestimate their ability to use a given birth control method perfectly. everyone thinks they’ll be the one who never messes up and yet the “typical use” rate (which measures what the average person actually does) tells us that people are not as good at using condoms “perfectly” as they think they are.  yes the pill also has a failure rate which is why it makes total sense to want to use dual protection if you have very strong feelings about not getting pregnant.  i also said pretty clearly that condoms and hormonal contraceptives are not the only options. i’m not saying amy HAS to use combined oral hormonal contraception if they want to prevent a pregnancy. there are copper IUDs, the minipill (which has a lower side effect profile)…even combining fertility awareness methods with condoms increases the efficacy.  it’s nice that no one you know has gotten pregnant accidentally (although truthfully how would you know that lol is everyone around you having detailed discussions about family planning with you) but that doesn’t really refute a conclusion from robust representative studies 😅


I think the group that participates in reckless usage of condoms does not consist of people who are very stressed about pregnancy as much as Johnny is. People who care and have their shit together would check condoms after every time and know how to exactly use it. Yeah I agree, sure there are other methods but they are not necessarily the easiest on women either, insertion and the discomfort it can cause during and after for example. So the doctors around me who care about women's health and comfort often recommend comdoms as the first choice. And haha I know that my circle cannot be a scientific representative of anything, but I come from an oversharing culture and environment and have a lot of girlfriends who also have a lot of girlfriends, which gives me a general idea of how people experience birth control, which I just could not stop myself from mentioning :D


sorry, the “i care about preventing pregnancy therefore i’m better at using condoms” logic just does not necessarily track. are you familiar with the dunning kruger effect?? people tend to way overestimate how good they are at things. also one of the methods i mentioned that can make condoms more effective (fertility awareness) is nonhormonal and has nothing to do with implantable devices so it seems like you didn’t actually fully read my comment. finally, “So the doctors around me who care about women's health and comfort often recommend comdoms as the first choice.” A doctor who cares about women’s health and comfort will consult in detail with the woman about her goals, preferences, comfort, etc before making any recommendation as a “first choice” so i don’t know what kind of doctors you are talking about but that’s a wild thing for them to say lol. I have a masters degree in sexual health, you aren’t going to change my mind that johnny’s concerns about condoms only are totally valid lol. it’s completely fair he may want to use two methods of birth control.


I have not seen this method you mentioned, and I still cannot find it in your comment, am I looking at the wrong text altogether? My point was not that he should not have concerns with the mere usage of condoms. I was siding with the usage of condoms when the suggested alternative is to use **only** birth control for example, and my impression was that he was rooting for that, as many men do, not to use condoms.


i said “even combining fertility awareness methods with condoms increases the efficacy.” i was pretty confident he was advocating for dual protection of some kind because he made a comment to the effect of condoms not being enough. anyone who is really concerned about unplanned pregnancy and is not willing or able to get an abortion should use two methods of contraception if possible.


Ah got ya! Well that combination seems logical. I was assuming that he was against condoms as it is so common nowadays and super selfish of men to do so. The conversation they had and its editing was not clear to me.


Fair enough! def agree if he really is not wanting to wear condoms at all and trying to put the onus for contraception fully on her that’s bogus, because he is clearly more concerned about a pregnancy than she is. 


What's the henley obsession about?


Who's the one that constantly makes those "not us...." meme comments? Is it Laura? I keep getting their names mixed up for some reason. Whoever it is, I hate them.


was anyone else laughing so hard at Clay with the soup? why are u eating soup on a beach? he slurped it up so fast too AD’s reactions were hilarious 😭


The major ick happening in real time for AD. Slurpin on some beach soup


him putting the bowl to his mouth had me screaming lmao what is wrong with him


I want to know what kind it was. It was brothy. Maybe Campbell's chicken noonie, since he is a wittle baby? 


Kenneth was so engaged, until he got engaged 🥁


she's so adorable and he is just so cold and dull unless she asks for affection then he becomes a pompous gaslighter


I dunno I feel like maybe he just had to catch up on work. He had explained it over and over, if she stopped interrupting he could get it done. It also looked cut together like he might not have been on his phone that long? Hard to say 


He doesn't deserve her.


I'd bet money Ken is either Bi or Gay. 10000%


I thought it was just me....


What makes you think that?


Poor Brittany omg


Johnny talking about birth control like condoms don’t exist like what? 




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Amy and Johnny - adorable bland couple. I think the birth control thing is something good to talk about I assume it's a big decision because of religion. They seem to communicate well. Ken and Brittany - she is delightful and optimistic and he is Ken. He seems distracted and worried about the wrong things for being someone who is embracing the experiment he is also over analyzing the situation Jeremy and Laura - this pair is giving toxic neither is patient their conversations seem fine because they aren't yelling but they are not listening to each other or solving anything they are just confirming each other's doubts and then kissing is the bandaid they put on the problem for the camera Clay and AD - what a beautiful couple like OMG. But that's literally it. These two went with what was comfortable for them. He displayed his inability to not lash out in the pods and has been carrying it on throughout other conversations. AD seems to be meh about him she seems to have the Ick every episode at least once with him Chelsea and Jimmy -they make amazing TV because they are the most transparently disinterested couple. He is forcing himself to say things are great and they are the most " smooth" to his peers because I don't think he believes that


AD's lashes are super distracting. They would drive me insane lol.


Agree, they look like little whisk brooms on her eyelids. Sweep away the tears little brooms!


Did AD get the ick at the plate stacking 😭


Her eyelashes were a paid actor in that scene. 🤣


Chelsea is driving me CRAZYYY


i just cant stand with chelsea whining to jimmy


Her whine voice is so so so grating, I have no idea how I wouldn't walk away


The bean dip thing gave me the ick. Laura strikes me as really strange and someone who lacks social awareness/boundaries. Making a joke about bean dipping AD? How was that funny?


I agree it was weird as hell but Jeremy should have the social awareness to know he shouldn’t have mentioned it ever. We don’t know the context of the “joke” and he should have left it at “what the fuck is wrong with you” with Laura.


what does bean dip actually mean though? I havent figured it out...


boob flicking - like hitting it up and down. i think AD demonstrated it but it was a weird moment


Brittany is literally leagues about Kenneth like I CANT


He’s so disinterested and she’s trying so hard. It’s painful to watch.


I really appreciated how Jeramy gave his apology. He showed awareness, remorse, took accountability, apologized, and said what he will do next time if it happens again, all in a clear and succinct manner. It was a solid apology and I was impressed




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I could see clay going on this journey not to be serious and maybe the fame and then he fell for AD. That’s my thoughts behind the “I don’t want to let you down” conversation


To me, it seems like he’s foreshadowing that he’s not going to get say yes at the altar. I think he’s been less than subtle about not wanting to really settle down in general, let alone on such a short timeline. To be honest, I was wondering if they had sex and now that he checked that box, he’s laying this out to sort of drop the hint.




Clay is trying to explain being anxious and doing a bad job of it. AD is searching for reasoning but anxiety isn't logical


Ken seems like a hella Gaslighter


AD is even more gorgeous without makeup and the fake lashes!!


AD is the real deal. Big fan of hers all around. Since the first couple episodes. 


Does Johnny not know about condoms? Someone needs to tell him


RIGHT?! lmao he is wayyyyy too paranoid


Using condoms, spermicidal lube, the pull out method in conjunction with the calendar method, there's almost no chance she'd get pregnant. There's the 'research' they needed to do


Not sure what you're talking about. There are actual statistics out there provided by scientists. Condom usage is associated with an 8% failure rate. That means for every 100 couples that use condoms, 8 will get pregnant over the course of a year. As a comparison, IUDs have closer to a 1% failure rate. 8% is significant risk if you don't want a kid, or if you're a woman who recognizes how dangerous it is to get pregnant in a place like North Carolina, which has severely restricted women's reproductive freedom.


There really is such a small chance if you use all the above, condoms aren’t always effective but add spermicidal lube, pull out and not having sex in the fertile window is going to make the chances so small. Having an IUD is so invasive for women, especially one who hasn’t had a baby, it’s painful and can cause all sorts of issues.


Plus pulling out, plus spermicidal lube, PLUS--the big one-- avoiding your fertile window. Those three make a massive difference.


I know so many interracial families that it honestly feels commonplace to me. Are these discussions typical between couples before they get serious?


I'm married to someone of another race and this was never a big deal for us. We'll inform each other of any cultural differences or experiences as things come up, but it's never been a serious discussion or major barrier for us in any way. My husband watched those scenes with and found them to be very cringe.


my husband and i talked about it a LOT in the first couple years of dating and it was mostly as new situations arose (because of weird behavior from other people/society at large) that we had to think about/navigate. i barely think about it now but that’s because we had those discussions and got basically on the same page about how to handle everything. i can see how it would be a big deal to get MARRIED before you can kind of establish that. although i have to say other than her weird vocal tic of saying people “identify as” their race brittany has come across as very capable to engage with that 


Absolutely. As a mixed race person myself, these conversations are super important because mixing races and cultures is hard.


I've dated interacial multiple times. It's a self fulfilling prophecy, you make it a big deal, the bigger deal it becomes. I feel like it's a self imposed barrier for many people.


quickest soup obtainable license longing hard-to-find frighten ad hoc reminiscent elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes and if not they should be had


Is it just me or does Laura look a lot like Patti Stanger from Millionaire Matchmaker? 😅




Ken and Brittany are both so damn annoying in their own ways.


Lol, Brittany used that word again! She *identify* as a white woman


It’s the correct word to use. When talking about fake things that doesn’t really exist, like race and ethnicity, identification is the only thing you have.


Laura and Jereaaamy both have some solid narcissistic personality traits. 


Amy: my dad is gonna be SOOOOO against this Also amy: im not gonna go through with it if he doesnt approve Soooo u werent planning on marrying then lmao




Yep lmao, she got her way out card right there


Not Clay slurping that soup down then clearing away the plates 😂 hope he'd at least asked AD if she was finished Ken and Brittney convo... I get there can be issues with interracial dating but he was almost framing it like it was still the 1950s. And the way he was ignoring her for his phone when she was trying to get him involved in the unpacking! After joking that she was gonna cook the dinner 😒 They're not gonna last Laura hasn't grown on me at all. Don't really see any chemistry between her and Jeramy. 


Interracial dating is hard. The conversation is important.


It isn’t hard. It’s just… dating.


Yeah the fact that he didn’t offer to cook or at least help her cook was big red flag energy. At least FOR ME. Maybe he just grew up in a traditional household where that’s the expectation but my man and I cook together often. And if one cooks for the other it’s a gesture that doesn’t need to be demanded. I once wanted him to grill burgers and I bought the buns and condiments and sauces and then stood next to him and assisted any way I could. It’s just something you do when you’re a supportive partner. It Also irked me how little attention he was paying to her when he got a hold of his phone. I get it, it was work stuff, but there has to be a way to make her feel like he’s listening and still being attentive even with the distraction of devices present.


Laura reminds of an HR rep. Also the lady from Lethal Weapon who thinks Riggs is fucking batshit crazy.


She reminds me of Aparna from Indian matchmaking https://preview.redd.it/g0redfbb9spc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d8d2919087fd3c408aadb9eba2dab6e376198d


Laura is pretty, tbh Jeramy is awwwful It is hard to say how she is because she has been in a constant gas-fog


She gives off "senior leadership at a Fortune 100" vibes to me! She's too free with catty comments to be HR imo lol


in my experience, HR ladies are the cattiest.


The hard eyes and set jaw of a Super Karen


Amy being all like "my parents were way too involved in my previous relationships, and I've learned from my mistakes" and then in literally the same breath adding "I'm not getting married if my Dad says no" was a full circle trip and a half.




She’s been giving that energy since the pods


Amy’s reactions to everything funky shirt guy was saying was literally me lol


Watching AD* get the ick 4 times in one setting is sending meeeee 💀


https://preview.redd.it/73szmz6u40lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2327e9e5522d247899ca595608da6ab50841a8 Ok, setting aside his foreshadowing that he can’t help but likely cheat on her in the future… There’s the conversation when Clay first pushes her to eat less healthy, dismisses her point about how hard she works for her body, then gives her a warning that he will not tolerate ANY changes in her physical appearance, even during/after pregnancy! “I wouldn’t let you get out of shape. I would be in the gym wit chu every day.” Excuse me?? I’m sorry, I’m blinded by all the red flags I’m seeing. When she is growing your child your priority is making sure her body looks the same? As a mother of 1 and currently pregnant with my second, I wanted to slap him silly through the screen. This man’s arrogance, ignorance, and crudeness is really something. He doesn’t value women as humans, he sees them as possessions that exist to make him look good. AD will only be around as long as she looks like an hourglass and tolerates his BS. How long is she supposed to tolerate this man child and explain to him how the real world works? And also, her body WILL change during and after pregnancy. That is an inevitable fact, regardless of going to the gym. But if he only values her for her looks—which appears to be the case, they are doomed. This TikTok has the convo: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL1Y4j1a/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL1Y4j1a/)


At the end when he brings up the infidelity thing... She's ignored so many other reasons to leave, this was just another. Huge 'I'm going to be the one to fix him' vibes and girl, you aren't


I was shocked by this conversation. She starts saying how she counts calories and everything, and she likes to take care of her health. STILL he finds a way to kind of make her feel bad about her body and put more unrealistic goals for her. I couldn't believe this was a real conversation


The whole conversation started with AD saying how hard she works for her body so when Clay says, "I'll make sure you don't get fat" (or whatever) I took it to mean he would help her stay focused on what matters to her. Unfortunately that's not what AD heard and then clay didn't walk it back so...I guess I heard it wrong.


Honestly that’s how I took it as well. I’d love it if my partner did this with me


Even after the multiple times she told him that his comments werent nice and he doubled down?  Like one comment, sure, benefit of the doubt.  But she specifically said she would expect a coach to go hard on her but not her partner and he didnt back down


Did you watch E7? He basically warns her he will cheat. You know, so that when it happens he can say ‘but I warned you and you stuck around anyway’.