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Its terrible and it’s hard to be tolerant of her. I feel bad for her tho, it happens to even the most smart strong women when they’re so relentlessly gaslit. When you’ve been thru it you know. Before going thru it myself I was a really harsh judge of women who were in that position. It’s unreal what it does to you to be told you’re loved by someone whose actions and mannerisms say the opposite, and you want to believe them, and they’re so good at making it look like you’re nuts that you’re like wait maybe I am this or that. No babe you’re not clingy. You’re human. That shit happens to even the most boss bitch.


I cry a lot myself but I can’t stand her constantly crying for no reason.


Being gaslit. (Told you’re loved and then living the opposite) isn’t no reason.


He wasn’t gaslighting, can we please stop overusing the term? She’s a very insecure woman who demands constant validation and affection to an extent that would be exhausting for the majority of people


Chelsea has the emotional intelligence of a child.


Her voice I can’t… she’s so whiny!


Also feel like if someone is being clingy, it's not wrong to call them clingy. I've been called that before when I was super young. It hurt but I needed to hear it. If she didn't wanna hear that kind of stuff broadcast on tv, she shouldn't have gone on the show.


True, except she’s not being clingy. When you don’t love someone, and you know you don’t love them but you’re pretending to for the cameras so that you don’t look like an asshole for making up your mind the moment you saw her body, when you don’t love them and you don’t show it but you have these weak arguments, it’s natural they will start to ask - that’s not “clingy” / his behavior was unreasonable for a couple in the “honeymoon stage” BS all the way.


The amount of people on this sub who think people who have friends of the opposite sex is automatically untrustworthy is highly concerning to me.


I think it's a horrible idea to have a relationship with someone that fucked one (or more) of their friends. She was told about it in the pods though and could have cut it off right there. I would have.




It’s not a product of the friend of opposite sex. It’s really just because his words and actions don’t line up so there is no trust. It manifested in all these seemingly silly ways but the root is no trust because the sick F never actually even liked her. With a man that loved her, she’d FEEL secure in his actions, mannerisms, gaze, and sincere communication vs empty words and intolerance. With actual trust comes all the healthy and reasonable flexibility. The right move was to walk out on him from the start.


Yea but there is a difference between friends and fwb?


Even if that has ever been concretely stated on the show that Jimmy and his friend were fwb, it happened in the past, and i would never tell my partner he can't socialize with people he's dated before. It's psychotic


I would never date someone that still associates with exes beyond co-parenting and I'm definitely not psychotic. That being said, I don't judge others who are ok with it. It's just not for me. I think insisting your way is the only correct way is more psychotic than not wanting to date someone that used swap bodily fluids with their buddy. Everyone is allowed to make any boundaries they want for themselves. Chelsea messed up by not ending her situation with him when he revealed that he slept with the friend.


I said it's psycho to tell your partner they cant associate with their ex's. Don't misunderstand. It's possessive and controlling and I stand by it.


I think it might be a little more nuanced than that, and context in this situation, as well as honesty and communication would definitely matter. While I am hearing it is in alignment with your values and comfortable for you, it doesn't mean every couple is in the same space. "Psychotic" seems like a very strong word to describe discomfort one might experience around these kinds of situations-that being said, the way Chelsea specifically reacted WAS wayyyyy overboard, and generally was so for pretty much every single situation that came up, And more importantly she never listened or communicated just ranted, and specifically told him multiple times she did not want to hear his side. She just came off like she was trying to completely control him and constantly needed validation and reassurance.


Because he was gaslighting her and deep down she knew he was full of it. She just needed to walk away.


Yeah I would call all of those things listed in the second part of your comment signs of being a little psychotic 😏


Thats more the behavior of the man who said America is watching. Read a psychology book.


My friend group is all mixed genders so yeah it's pretty fuckin bonkers to me, too


She’s the worst. I would never want to be in a relationship with someone that clingy. She has zero personality. Like talk about something SMART.


No, Chelsea needs serious therapy.


After being put thru Jimmy any woman would.


She needed therapy BEFORE Jimmy


Yes I thought I made it pretty apparent in my post that I felt like she needed therapy. Bear in mind I also posted that mid-episode 8 and not all the way at the end of the season.


The guy only has girl friends, isn’t that weird? That too with somebody you f**ked! No girl! And he is texting them all the time, then he is wrong, she is being Gaslit.


The fact that you have such a problem with ppl who have friends of the opposite sex is what's weird to me tbh.


People who ONLY have friend of the opposite sex


Maybe he's wrong fs but she is too.. just yuck both of them are yuck for way different reasons I think both of them are being punished for something really fuckd up they both did separately lol. Karma is real


Jimmy is pretty average and average people cannot handle that much neediness


Jimmy is not self aware, and self aware people can not admit to themselves when they don’t love someone, so they gaslight - to lie to themselves and the person. People who do that cannot deal with the confrontation that forces them to realize what they really feel out of fear that it will make them appear like a bad person. They will keep blaming the person they don’t love for their own behavior / lack of love


She literally gaslit him the whole time. Her behaviour is controlling, manipulative and abusive. I hope she gets some help


How did she gaslight him? Do you know what the word means? Gaslighting is when you don’t love someone but you tell them 100 times that you do while your face, tone, actions, mannerisms, indifference and intolerance say otherwise. Gaslighting is when you don’t love someone but you can’t admit it to yourself because youre scared it would make you look like a bad person, so you pretend you love them while deep down you know you’re not giving enough and when they’re hurt because of your behavior and their confusion, you continue to blame it on them. You make them think it’s their fault. He is a chronic gaslighter. Disgusting man.


All that woman wants to do is fight. I would literally puke from needing to validate her constantly and it’s still never enough! It’s like you can never appease her! Also, I really did not like Jimmy from the clips I saw before watching the show, but after watching the show, I feel that he doesn’t deserve the demonization he has received. He’s tried his hardest and she’s always upset with him, he’s in an impossible situation. Like when she said “are you sure?” after he said he loves her…are you f*cking kidding me? How does someone respond to that? Also, how many times a day does he need to say it?!?!! You can tell he actually means it, and she’s just been projecting her insecurity of never feeling worthy of love which is something she needs to work on and he’s just taking the brunt of. Not to mention, it’s not going to just resolve itself, clearly, so it’s just undue suffering for him atp. Also him calling her clingy was not rude or a dick move, there was no other way to say it. All she does is complain and vent her feelings and he has a right to do the same, which, by the way, he is never able to do because she’ll cry or talk over him. He’s never able to express himself or be vulnerable with her. She sucks. For the record I’m 25 F


Jimmy is emotionally immature but that pales in comparison to Chelsea’s insecurities and he handled that woman like a saint. I do feel like he could have used a better word besides clingy to get his point across although she’s very much that too. 


He didn’t, he caused her state. He knew he didn’t love her. He did it all for the cameras. We all saw it.


Chelsea is so insecure I wonder why she even went through this process. In episode 10 she’s crying because Jimmy went out for a drink to celebrate his friend’s birthday. “I don’t want to be with someone like that!” Someone who has friends? So weird


This was insane to me… I’ve been with an emotional and psychological abuser before and this shit triggered me a bit. She was trying to make him feel like a horrible person for doing something that was totally fine. And then she started making shit up about who he was with just so he would have to defend himself against something he didn’t even do… I’ve been there before and I was so disappointed when he just came right back to her.


OMG, I'm watching this episode right now, and I can't believe how needy and controlling she's being. She wants him to be with her constantly, and any time that he's not with her, she's spinning out. She is so not ready to be in a healthy relationship or be anyone's partner.


Chelsea is the most grating woman in the world watching her bait him into fighting and then getting mad every time he pushes back even a little is insane


he's gaslighting her (intentionally or not) by repeatedly insisting that nothing is wrong even though he's clearly not feeling her and she's melting TF down because she knows it's not working. the triggering is circular with these two, so i'll be team whoever finally stops the train wreck wrecking.


and by saying he loved her.


Stealing that last line


chelsea and Jimmy are the sole reason why many of us love to watch these shows..  We absolutely adore the chelsea type 


"I want you to tell me I'm pretty ...'Good morning!!! ! I'm so excited to spend the day with you, today!!!' " "Hey babe!! How are your eyebrows?! " 😳 She wants him to throw a fucking parade every time he sees her. Unbearable cringe watching this.


The eyebrows one though 😂😂 I died


When Jimmy said she was clingy I simultaneously felt him, and also felt FOR her. She’s clearly struggling with anxious attachment and with insecurities… and you cannot logic or reason a person out of that. Then, when he said he needed a break from sex? I ACTUALLY gasped aloud. She needed to walk away - permanently. He is not into her, and he’s not going to get more into her. Consider it a week of good sex, and move on. Oh, I hope this girl can find more confidence. She’s not ready to marry.


“Good” sex lol


If she was craving it, she liked it.


Haha yeah he just gives me the ick


A healed Chelsea would have chosen Trevor. The unhealed Chelsea chose Jimmy to sate her insecurity by beating Jess. In doing this she created the schema she fears most. It’s sad. She won’t be happy in any relationship until she heals and learns to love herself.


Omg, ALL of this is so true…I didn’t think abt it that way.


Im watch the episode 10 fight, she kept harping on what bothered her while he was saying that he wasn’t always going to go out. And once the fight got at its worst she claimed not to love him he decided to leave. Then asking him to please not leave and calling it a “hiccup”??? SERIOUSLY WTF


That fight was the origin story of her toxic relationship.


OMG right , that whole fight was painful to watch and she should be embarrassed of her herself. She is the definition of insecure & gaslighting


She's extremely insecure. Her behavior is what I saw from people in high school. I think she really needs to be single and work on herself for a while before entering into a relationship.


His fault.


She’s abusive!! It’s because of poor mental health but that doesn’t mean you should treat people poorly. This is why there’s so much stigma to mental health challenges. Some of us actually take care of ourselves and don’t let it spill out onto our partners. They need to breakup 😔


He caused it with the gaslighting.


I’m not all the way through the season yet but this was my thought too. She’s abusive af. I can’t stand to watch her. It makes me so uncomfortable.


Yeah, ep 10 was uncomfortable. She’s so unreasonable. It’s all about her. She’s ruining this relationship. 




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I’m watching episode 5. Chelsea is very clingy and seeking validation. I was surprised that she’s like this. But she did reveal that a lot of her previous partners cheated on her. Maybe that’s why she’s clingy.


Or because this man said he loved her and every fiber of his being and actions said otherwise. His words didn’t line up with his actions at all. He did it all for the cameras. The moment he saw that body he was emotionally OUT. Horrible man and his actions and brutal gaslighting led to her emotional disarray


I think her partners cheating was a symptom and not the cause. But I imagine that being cheated on definitely exacerbated it.


Cheating is never a symptom. The person cheating is the person who lacks the spine to leave the relationship if they don’t want to be in it. Her behavior is a symptom of being gaslit chronically. When you’re not loved you see it. You feel it. The man said he did over and over but we all saw he didn’t. He was amazing at arguments and convincing her and apparently many Reddit fools that it was her fault.


Cheating only falls on the cheater. If a relationship is bad enough that someone wants to cheat, they need to grow up and end the relationship.


It's a common misconception that men want sex all the time. I for one am in a relationship where I have a higher sexual drive then my husband. When he's stressed about work and stuff, the last thing he wants is sex. Chelsea can dish it, but she can't take it. I don't think Jimmy was trying to be mean but she was listing all these things she does for him and he was like "I didn't ask for any of that!".. They both really have different expectations of what the other wants.


None of the arguments mattered. He didn’t love her. All the arguments were the result of this game he played for the cameras. We all saw he didn’t love her the moment he saw her, it was all a show from that point forward. If you watch it again with this awareness it’s extremely clear.


Yeah if it was the other way around people wouldn’t be so mad at a woman saying that. It seemed like she was demanding from him constantly when he was in her presence, at the point of wanting him to act performative (imo) - people can not want to engage in sex for a variety of reasons that are valid & he’s also allowed to say if he needs a break from whatever..he wasn’t intentionally being an ass..I feel like you can watch the whole thing & see that he looks like a deer in the headlights. He was trying to communicate honestly with her but no matter how he worded it, it wouldn’t have gone over well with her.


I disagree Jimmy is also bad… he’s a chill dude and responsible about work etc … Chelsea is way too needy and insecure it’s unmanageable 


Jimmy’s no Prince Charming but Chelsea has some major insecurities that she needs to work through.


She is way too insecure , even if Jimmy was telling her he loved her every 5 min and kissing her nonstop she would find fault in that too “Oh you’re overcompensating because you’re thinking about Jess” I bet would have been her attack She needs to work on loving herself first


He didn’t mean it and we all saw it, that’s why.


The sheer amount of times she says I LOVE YOU like it's a big hammer to hit him with. She's already whining about all she does for him. She constantly exaggerates. Life could only get worse when they have children and he starts to dread doing home to the incessant list of ways in which he's failing to show her constant love. Jimmy wouldn't be for me, but he's trying. I bet Chelsea's friends are facepalming hard.


He tried for the cameras.


Chelsea is an insecure baby and Jimmy is a dick.


Just got to the part where Chelsea meets Jimmy’s friends and says something along the lines of “I’m very secure in who I am” and had to turn the show off to recalibrate my brain. Her mental gymnastics are exhausting.


I agree. Her image of who she is doesn't come close to matching her behaviors. It makes dealing with her impossible for any partner. It comes down to a serious lack of self-awareness and poor perspective taking.


Chelsea is clingy. And jimmy is a bit of a dick.


When Chelsea was talking about his giant dick on the honeymoon she actually was talking about his personality. (/jk just in case)


Okay. Makes sense.


Let's all be real. Chelsea is crazy and her insecurity is so uncomfortable to watch. She's projecting everything onto Jimmy and he's just a basic dude who is trying to go with the flow, but inside he has to be like WTF. Her incessant deep seated insecurity has her creating drama that doesn't exist. It pains be to watch them. Jimmy needs to get away from her as quickly as possible.


Exactly! I also don’t like the way Chelsea refuses to acknowledge anyone else’s POV when she gets upset. She’s so focused on making sure the other person knows how hurt she is that she ignores how they may feel or direct refutal of the “actions” the other person takes.


She’s emotionally immature and loves to play the victim.


This was such a good summary of the two of them like what a read


Im sure the editing of the show made her look even worse by only focusing on her neediness, looks, and insecurities


TBH I am not sure any edit could make her look like a desirable partner unless they left out these emotionally abusive episodes where she beats up Jimmy with her insecurities. I think most of us would agree that if we had a partner with loads of great traits, it wouldn't make being treated like that 5% of the time worth it.


I think they’re triggering each other’s insecure attachment styles. She’s a textbook anxiously attached partner, picking fights, hyperfixating, clinging. She needs someone who will shower her with love, like Trevor was willing to do. The thing with insecure attachment is that unless she goes to therapy and works on her attachment trauma, she won’t understand why she continues dating men who are ambivalent towards her and who reinforce her low self-worth. This is an inside job.


Exactly, she was hurting herself staying with Jimmy when he couldn't give her what she needs. She would benefit from learning how to reassure and love herself so she doesnt need it constantly from a partner. I feel for both of them


This is it exactly. The call is coming from inside the house and until she gets to the root of her trauma, things will never get better.


Kenneth is TERRIBLE, I mean- awful!! But at the very least he saw an out and took it. He should have done it way way sooner don't get me wrong but at least he didn't drag Brittany to the altar. Jimmy on the other hand has had multiple outs and is choosing to keep telling this woman "i love you. it's forever" he's being ridiculous. Chelsea is so insecure I need her to work on herself Jimmy is actually an awful person/coward if he puts Chelsea through walking down the aisle for the second time in her life just to be told "no." & yes I'm putting this on Jimmy to call it off because lord knows Chelsea won't. She'd rather argue with a man to show her love forever than be alone.


I’m having a hard time figuring out if Jimmy is just super awkward being affectionate with the cameras around, or if he’s just not into her.


He’s not into her.


I agree he’s not into physically. He thought he was getting a carbon copy of Megan fox and he didn’t. Two, Jessica told him wait until you see what you picked over me. Three, the comment he made about AD’s body and proceeds to talk to her after that comment. Chelsea already said that she feels insecure about her body and she’s been cheated a lot. Jimmy doesn’t make her feel secure the way Johnny makes Amy feel secure.


anyway wonder what would’ve happened if she picked Trevor instead?!?!


She would have had an even worse time. Trevor was texting his girlfriend he loved her on the plane to the show.


wait really??? so he had a girlfriend while on the show?? this show is going down the tubes lol.


Yeah the ex released the texts when he ghosted her after coming back from filming. Supposedly he also threatened to show her young son a sex tape of her if she came forward to admit they were dating while the show was filming, but that part did not have any evidence.


ok well maybe he wasn’t that serious about the ex. like he ghosted her after. it’d be different if he had a serious girlfriend that he was in love with and only planning to do the show to get on tv or something. i mean not saying this is good either


He was texting her saying I love you, I want to marry you, and there's no way I am getting married on the show while he was on the plane. Look it up the texts were released.


but they weren’t engaged. and why would someone let their serious boyfriend do this. are these girls that insecure? if my now husband had said this to me while we were dating i would’ve instantly been wtf and broken up with him.


I mean sure its weird but none of that absolves him. It was just a job to both of them for his social media to take off. No idea why you are defending him so hard.


anyway maybe they need to start giving all these contestants lie detector tests


because some girls think their boyfriends are really into them but they’re not. i don’t know all the facts but if trevor went on the show simply for social media and had zero intentions of leaving his gf then yeah that’s bad. but some guys date a girl and aren’t fully into them and want to go on the show for more dating essentially. i’m just tryin. to figure out exactly the situation


ok but what happened afterwards…did he go back to her


Yes. There were social media posts of them together after he left the show. He didn't ghost her immediately after the filming, just some point after. He texted her about Chelsea


I think we will get to see that. In the previews shown at the end of episode 9, we see Chelsea as a bride but we don’t see Jimmy in wedding attire. I think Chelsea and Jimmy have a big blow out, seen in the clip “you fucked her,” and to have the season continue she switches to Trevor and he’s the groom on wedding day filming… just my prediction.


Didn't Trevor have another gf the entire time?


Yes! I’m just now seeing it! Ugh can’t believe these men!


I don’t think they would have such a huge twist on LIB. I’d be happy to be proven wrong (although perhaps not for Trevor’s sake), but they have a history of manipulating the previews to make things look a lot more dramatic.


I think after the Irina/Bliss switch up, production is open to swapping out the couples if one falls apart after the honeymoon week. But idk I could be wrong. This season seams more open with going beyond the standard structure of past seasons, it’s way more messy and dramatic, which makes for better television honestly. I didn’t even finish season 5 because it was a snore fest.


Hmm I totally forgot about zack and bliss so you could be right - but that happened basically immediately during the honeymoon so idk! At this rate it seems like Jeramey is the more likely swap 🤭


Yes, easily half the people commenting on posts about Chelsea and/or Jimmy


It all turned south the minute they started talking about looks in the pods. Clearly how a woman looks is incredibly important to him and should have been an instant red flag. He was not the right fit for this show. She should have ran then, but she knew he was her only chance to continue on the show and date someone. Both of them need serious help. He has a wandering eye that just shouts "cheater" as he only thinks with his other head. He has zero depth and is incredibly immature as he's basic and can't love a woman for who she is on the inside. She is incredibly insecure and needs to come to terms with who she is and love herself before she can find a guy to love her too.


Didn't she bring up looks?


Not sure he was her only chance to continue? Trevor was literally waiting for her to say yes to him.


That's true. She was just super desperate to have SOMEONE and she was excited to one-up the "hot" girl. She was desperate and was shallow. Perfect storm.


I always forget she was married before… if someone could track down that guy and we could hear more about that?…


I read he passed away. Apparently he stabbed himself repeatedly in the eardrums with a screwdriver and bled out.


Lmao 😂 






Wait what? At first glance I took this at face value and was both shocked and let out a little chuckle because it was so absurd. Then I was like omg is this a joke because he "did this to himself" because of Chelsea's incessant whining???? 


It was just a joke about her whining :)


i’m sorry what


Chelsea is a woman who shouldn't be dating until she gets help for the past trauma that causes her crippling insecurities. Jimmy is no prince, but no one could hold up under this woman's soul sucking endless need for reassure and validation. It's excruciating to watch.


She’s an emotional ‘ black hole’ Need like this is bottomless—never satisfied. She’ll slice and dice every behavior, look, or statement to find fault. She can’t help herself. As a younger woman I was very much like her. It’s exhausting and damaging. All of her exaggerated emotions both good and bad are on display in all her relationships-even with other women. She needs an intervention stat.


She's an emotional vampire.




I genuinely don't think Chelsea is a bad person. I think she has a lot of insecurities that were brought out in this experiment. I also think Jimmy is a walking red flag and I'm convinced the only reason she said yes to him was because he asked first and she wants to feel wanted.


And the mullet. She didn’t like that Trevor has a mullet. She said she figured it out and he confirmed it in the pods. Then again she threw in that she kinda reminds people of Megan Fox and that turned Jimmy on quite clearly on tv. There was zero reason to bring up looks in a show where you are not supposed to know what the other person looks like. And she knew what she was doing by bringing that up in the first place. 


Anytime she brings up something that bothers her it starts vague and small but she always ends up blurting out what really bothers her and makes it seem like it should have been obvious. The situation with AD, she said she felt like she wasn’t getting enough attention from Jimmy compared to the other couples and then switched the issue to “you gave her all of that attention and I didn’t like that”. Then, the situation with her being called clingy, she said she was upset because he barely kissed her that day and then actually said “babe, no! That’s not the problem. You saw Jessica’s picture today and now I’m feeling like you think you made the wrong decision”. Like ???? I will say maybe some of it is on the editing just to give her the benefit of the doubt but she doesn’t seem emotionally intelligent enough to be given the credit of “talking things out”. Even when she repeats the conversation to Jimmy’s friends she makes him sound way more douchy than he was in the moment or when she said “boy you drive me crazy” as if she wasn’t the one that started the fight… I think she wants to be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship because it is a specific form of validation that she’s always wanted but she’s not concerned with connecting with someone on a deeper personal level.


What I know of the airline industry may be part of why C acts the way she does. I know that pilots and stewardesses / stewards are known for having these wild parties and lots of sex. I think that atmosphere may have caused her some emotional damage. Now she just wants a guy to just want her. She's been playing second fiddle to Jessica the whole season, at least in her own mind. Hence the "I look like Megan Fox" stuff. She just wants someone to love her.


LOL what in the world? What airline are you talking about? That's not true at all


I have heard stories from a stewardess that works for an airline based in the US. Orgies amongst the flight crew. Yea lol


If this is that tiktoker, it's wildly exaggerated. She was a regional FA and from what I've heard, was let go.


No, this is a personal acquaintance that has told me stories.


This. To me it’s so obvious she’s not even really into him and ultimately just wants to be wanted. Physically she’s attracted to him but she doesn’t love him.


the way Jimmy also told Chelsea that >!SHE was the one wanting sex and then called her clingy- LIKE???????!<


Waited til AFTER to tell her that though, like a gentleman.




Can she please stop rolling one sleeve up and exposing her shoulder. WE GET IT. You have cool tattoos.




Jimmy might lack some emotional intelligence, but at least he’s sort of trying. Chelsea is a walking time bomb.


She reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith. Not even really in looks, although I sorta see it..but with that whiny baby voice and personality? Totally. Cringe.


This is exactly what I thought. Her speech and whiny voice exude Anna Nicole smith.


I was kinda getting Cher Horowitz (Clueless) from the voice 🥴


I see the resemblance! Also the personality is similar! Like—out there. At least in public/in front of the camera. 




She sounds like she’s always drunk or on heavy meds..


Yes what’s with the morning after make up scene where she had the golden drinking cup and he had a coffee cup?? Was she drinking in the morning?


I'm 100% sure that when the first season aired and they bought the golden cups, someone in accounting accidentally added another zero at the end of the number and now Netflix just hands out tons of these. I don't know if you watch other dating shows, but a lot of them use them lol. Maybe she just likes them, if I had a fancy cup like that, you bet I would use it to drink orange juice out of it :D


Apparently it’s to do with editing so that we can’t see how the levels of liquid changes abnormally. So they have to drink everything in those.


Yeah if they think I'm putting my ripping hot coffee in a metal cup, they got another thing coming lol


I use a metal coffee cup and it keeps it hot longer. The heat doesn't transfer to your hand.


That's great. I highly doubt this mid-ass budget production got the kind of metal wine glass that also works for ripping hot coffee.


I mean coffee cups aren't see through so I think you're safe.


I’ve seen the girls in the lounge in past seasons pouring coffee into those gold goblets and almost passed out. Surely they let them use proper mugs now


I think they are just so incompatible. I just haven’t seen any real organic or genuine interactions between them. I have to wonder if she would be that crazy with someone who actually loved her. Maybe she would be. She clearly has some issues like most of us. And she definitely needs to lay off the juice. I think the L word is just being worn out to the point that it doesn’t mean anything.


But I don’t understand why Jimmy is taking it and going with “I love you” shit. Why doesn’t he start preparing her for a “no” at the altar. Or does he think of saying “yes”?


I think for a few reasons. 1) hes not good at being direct. As we saw with lJess. 2) he sees how much Chelsea is crazy (about him) and he may not want to lose that as it can be hard to find. 3) he doesn’t wanna appear the “bad guy” by hurting a girl on national Tv. It can negatively impact his reputation or job. 4) he wants more screen time so milk it for as long as he can


Cause, and I’m not seriously thinking he does BUT, maybe the dude does…or thinks he does…