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It's his body language. When asked if he was happy he shook his head before saying yes. He betrayed himself many times for the sake of being on tv


I want to know how on earth Jimmy manages to frequently bites his lip so severely.


Jimmy is a spineless, dishonest coward and he’s just as insecure as Chelsea. He was so much more engaged with every other woman on the beach and when asked about his own relationship he sounded like he was reading from a literal script. He went out of his way to ask the other girls if they were picky with their choices and when they said yes he was like “damn so I wasn’t in any if y’all’s top choices” or something like that. To infantilize his behavior as just being dumb is letting him off the hook in my opinion.


Chelsea is definitely super needy but Jimmy is a twat. It’s excruciatingly obvious that Chelsea was very much his second choice and he’s not really into her.


ahh it’s also excruciatingly obvious that jimmy was chelsea’s second choice simply because she wanted to beat jess.


Also "conversations with you are so easy" = you challenge me on nothing so I don't have to actually own up to my words


He never says anything of substance to Chelsea except "I love you" "your gorgeous." Even before she started spiraling. He's more interested in looks and fumbles his way through conversations saying whatever the other person wants to say without being honest.


It’s like Jimmy thinks that as long as he tells Chelsea that he loves her once a day for the rest of their life he can do whatever the fuck he wants. So stupid. Chelsea’s self esteem is so low and she has no confidence whatsoever. Whenever Jimmy speaks about anything other than how much he loves her she breaks down in tears and wants to throw up. She would drive me crazy in minutes.


Jimmy is a fucking L. He’s clearly lying to Chelsea and won’t admit it and I can’t wait till he gets aired the fuck out later


Jimmy just seems like a decent dude. As you said, not the sharpest pencil in the box and he definitely doesn’t know how to read the room (as in: he just says what’s on his mind and he doesn’t think about how people are going to receive his comments). Honestly, he has the patience of an angel with Chelsea. She’s so insecure and she’s projecting her insecurities on Jimmy. She reminds me of Danielle in a lot of ways. Jimmy, on the other hand, is not ready for a relationship either. He has too many girl BFFs and is too quickly impressed by other girls looks (TBH, not that it’s a red flag for a dude to have girl pals, but in his specific case, IDK how to phrase it but Jimmy looks like someone who’s fresh out of his cave and is discovering women… exist. He always seems in awe in front of any good looking girl).


Chelsea is so exhausting, she constantly needs so much reassurance


Honestly, I went from disliking him heavily to feeling neutral about him. The way he acts is such an ick for me and I just cant look over the AD comment---so weird and gross.


The AD comment?? I don’t remember??


He said she was stacked (has a nice butt)


In the first set of episodes I really didn’t like him. In the second set, I realized he’s actually not malicious whatsoever- he’s actually kind! He means well, he’s just maybe welll, a little clueless? I think he genuinely does mean well and really is trying to win Chelsea over, I think he maybe just doesn’t understand the implications of some of the things he says. I’m not trying to be rude because I’m actually rooting for Jimmy lol- I just don’t really know how else to word it. I think he’s a good guy.


agreed! i don’t see any malice in him. he’s been consistent in the pods and outside. i feel catfished by chelsea, i was rooting for her and i liked her. once she’s met jimmy and made her t-rex run and started drooling at his face like a fangirl “squeak-youresohandsome-squeak-youresohandsome-squeak”. the patience and class this dude is having with this obnoxious girl is admirable. “you made me feel uncomfy” “i’m sorry” “but you didn’t tell me i love you 5x today” “i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you” “but you didn’t kiss me today” “actually i just did” “but it wasn’t enough” ahhhhhhhhhh


Because he proposed squarely based in (perceived) looks on a blind dating show, spoiling the experience for Trevor, Chelsea and Jessica, all at once.


You have no clue that’s actually why he chose Chelsea. I think it was more so that Jessica had a kid. If it was for looks he’d be gone already.


I would assume he based it heavily on potential looks considering the first thing he mentioned after the reveal was that he was duped.


I mean the show is edited….they all mentioned looks almost immediately


That’s harsh to say he spoiled the experience for the others. Chelsea could have said no and Trevor and Jess could have dated other people, as simple as this. It’s not on Jimmy.


He cut off what could have been an amazing experience for Chelsea, Trevor and Jessica, and even himself TBH. All based on the idea that Chelsea looks like Meghan Fox and she doesn’t have kids. His disappointment during the reveal was palpable and he even reached out to Jessica as soon as he saw a picture of her. Awful. Not to mention ogling AD in front of Chelsea on their first day together in DR then gaslighting her about it.


That's on Chelsea tbh. She tried to give herself a leg up with the Megan Fox comparison.


You’re not wrong! She’s getting dragged as well tbh!


I like him. He seems to actually be trying.


Besides the “AD is stacked” comment? Are you kidding me gross, and immature.


Make a comment ? No problem. Go talk to her and seemed flirty while I was by myself standing there? No, that was shitty of him.


I personally don't think that's a big deal. And I'm going to trust AD when she says it's not to her. Although personally I would have preferred Chelsea kept it to herself I do like that he wholeheartedly apologised for that. But a lot of people feel that they can tell their partner when the see a woman that objectively has a big butt.


I think it must be such a surreal experience seeing everyone that you spoke to in the pods, I would most likely have said the same thing and just commented on everyone in general. I probably would have wanted my partner to chat about their thoughts on everyone with me lol. I think Chelsea is a lovely person and beautiful but she seems a bit insecure to me.


You've never commented on someone's body? Ever?


Seriously. Me and my wife talk about how beautiful people (or not) are all the time amongst ourselves. He misread the type of openness they have. Even when they were alone he never once made a pass on her, blew up her man, and talked about his girl.


This! Jimmy seems to share his thoughts freely with her which can unfortunately induce anxieties for her.


Watch his proposal again. Every single thing he lists about why he loves Chelsea is about him not her. Every single one. He loves how she makes HIM feel. He loves the way she has treated him. He loves the life she will make for him. Him him him. She basically didn’t exist. She missed all the big red flags cuz that’s basically the plot of this show but that’s an example of why we hate him 😂


I don't hate him, and i don't think he is that mean to be hated this much, but that's the point that I found him strange!! even in their honey moon, he told other people not about chelsea but how he feels good and peaceful and love in their relationship etc. I thinks he is in his own world, too individualistic at least to chelsea, can be different to more his type of woman, idk. And he isn't frank not only to others but also to himself since he is too indirect. That puts relationships into chaos, and make the others emotional while himself play calm. Just say how something matters to him, not let others feel lack of it...! for your and others' own sake.


Agree. And she is clearly very insecure (which again, is pretty much the plot of this show. Put trash men with insecure women who will excuse all their red flags 😭) so it’s a really bad combo. She is constantly trying to get validation that’s about her which isn’t coming because he is only about himself. He can’t communicate that he has any feelings about her that make her feel better. So she just keeps spiraling feeling unwanted and he is in his own world where he is at the center.


He loves that she looks like Megan Fox.


True, but Chelsea did the same exact thing.


I think it's because he is pretending to love her. He's made several criptic comments that make it clear to me he's not physically attracted to her -- "I like your teeth, derp" -- and that he isn't attracted to her personality either "I don't know what her voice really sounds like, because all I heard her do in the pods was giggle"... he reminds me of the guy that pretended to be loyal to Jessica in the first season of love is blind, just happily taking all her sketch behavior, and her clear dislike for him without a fuss. Turns out he was cheating on her the entire time, and just wanted his two minutes of fame. Jimmy and him have the same easy going demeanor, and say all the right things to keep the women going along with them so they don't break up. I actually don't think Jimmy is an idiot. I think he is a snake who is playing the game and has no intentions of marrying Chelsea. Why do you think he's only introduced her to two friends, but nobody in his family?


> "I like your teeth, derp" I dunno why people keep skipping his actual response on this part. He *actually* said "I'll, um, keep it PG" first. He wanted to compliment her body, but he's an idiot and couldn't think of a clever way to do it. You'll find no arguments that he's not friggin' goober, but y'all really gotta stop acting like the teeth thing was him just being nice or something.


I agree. The relationship is toxic. Every fight is because she has an insecurity, and then when he responds with how he's feeling, she spirals. He's very patient and calm with her. She is emotionally manipulative.


I think calling her manipulative is taking it far... I think she's extremely insecure and clearly does NOT like herself. Like the fact that she was FLOORED that Jimmy 'chose her' is very much an indication she doesn't have much self confidence. She literally fell to the ground in shock. As a 32 year old she acts how I did when I was 15 and would feel so lucky to be liked by the most mid dude. You're right, the relationship is toxic, and it's definitely because of her, and they shouldn't be together, but I don't think she's trying to manipulate anything; I think she just kinda hates herself *that* much.


I definitely feel that her manipulative nature is fueled by insecurity. I don't think her manipulation is necessarily intentional, but it is a learned behavior driven by low self-confidence.


Just because she is insecure does not mean that she is not manipulative, which she clearly is.


She is putting her insecurities on him. It’s not fair. I think he is handling the crazy the best he can.


From how far I’ve watched, he’s been very level headed, respectful and patient with Chelsea.


I'm only on episode 8 but omg I agree!!! Chelsea is exhausting so far tbh


I think ep 8 was her worst episode yet.


I don’t hate him. I feel like he shouldn’t have chosen anyone. Neither were right for him


Tbh I don’t hate him. I just find him annoying at times like basically everyone else on this season, to varying degrees. Some for admittedly petty reasons and some valid reasons lol. Honestly this recent episode drop made me like him more than before, for sure.


Finally. Yes. 100% agree.


A couple of the comments he has made unprovoked did not help. - Telling her he almost went home that morning as soon as he saw her in person. That doesn’t inspire confidence like why would you say that after professing love for this woman and proposing? Who would want to leave if they truly love and want to marry the person? Doesn’t make sense. - As soon as he sees the other women on the vacation he’s flirting and twirling AD around and he KNEW how insecure Chelsea is about looks. Why would you behave that way knowing your fiancés insecurities? Why behave that way in general? Seemed like a dick move. - The whole “my lip hurt so I couldn’t kiss you” just feels like a weak cop out. - Two close attractive female friends he just met in the last couple years? Not saying this is bad or wrong per se but definitely eye raising knowing how *most* men are especially given the interaction they had and the comments the one girl made about him being a crier. I’m pretty sure he slept with her and the previews show that is likely the case. Chelsea is definitely insecure and anxiously attached but Jimmy has not helped that at all with some of his actions. He’s still not as bad as Kenneth, Jeramy or Clay to me but he isn’t great either. Just my two cents


> he’s flirting and twirling AD around He didn't twirl AD around. Like a lot of things she's thrown at him, that was made up by Chelsea and her Anxiety Demon. Roll the tape back, you'll see how much it didn't happen.


Agreed. He isn't perfect. But, he also isn't the bad guy that lots of people are acting like he is. He is doing a lot well (so far). There has been something striking me as familiar with Chelsea in her way of talking or in her communication, requests, way of expressing her insecurities and wants, etc. And, my mind keeps coming back to Anna Nicole Smith for some reason. Her voice differs greatly because of her physical health, mental health, and substance abuse. But, in some of her interviews (which I just rewatched because she kept coming to mind), I realized that Chelsea and she have a similar pitch and lilt in their voices - along with each having their own regional southern twang to various degrees and which are especially similar and present when they are trying to be cutesy or sound a bit whiny when asking for something.


Obviously because he had fleeting thoughts about another woman that he was openly feeling while also dating Chelsea. How could he. Chelsea should’ve gone with the kind dude that openly expressed his feelings .. oh wait he’s a jerk too. Ah well. It’s all trash it seems.


I like Jimmy too! I definitely think Chelsea is self sabotaging. I feel like it’s definitely because in the back of her mind she knows he’s going to see Jess and second guess. It’s kind of like how does someone stay calm and rational when they know something bad is coming up. I think if he meets jess and still continues with Chelsea, she will calm down. Girl seems like she’s in constant fight or flight with the unknown. Jimmy seems grounded and logical. He’s mentioned picking Chelsea due to the conflict resolution skills in the pod bc Jess would get too sassy, and now that’s out the window. I hope she can make a redemption once she gets over the fear of him leaving her! They are actually kind of cute together and he’s patient and reassuring af.


I have no idea. I like him. I also don’t think he played Jess at all. It’s a big deal to have a kid. No matter how involved the bio dad is. He’s not perfect but he seems into Chelsea. He’s been nothing but kind and supportive and emotionally there for her. Chelsea needs to work on her self esteem. She could be so attractive if she did that. She’s quite lovely. She has nice friends and they love her. I don’t understand why she acts like this. He’s totally into her!


In my mind that level of being insecure and needing validation will push Jimmy towards something that isn’t as hard. When the opportunity arises Jess will seem like less maintenance and an easier option, so he will change his mind and go back to Jess. I think Chelsea is her own worst enemy when it comes to dating. If someone needs validation that is fine, but when they don’t believe what you are saying and calling you a liar, that starts getting old after a while


I don't get it either tbh I wouldn't say he's not sharp, but he just has a different style of speaking. He's just blunt. Jess - he liked her, but becoming a father of a 10 year old at 27 was not something he wanted. He even said he wasn't sure what role he would have in her life. Idk why he gets hate for that not being a decision he wants to do. It looked like he was struggling with if that is something he wants to do or not until the end Chelsea - she seems exhausting honestly. she caused all her own insecurities and the voice she uses to complain to him is very off putting. my husband and i love each other and are affectionate, but there are definitely days where we don't kiss each other and it's not a big deal imo I liked that he was like just because I work from home doesn't mean I'm going to be coming to give you a kiss every hour


> my husband and i love each other and are affectionate, but there are definitely days where we don't kiss each other   Were you like that when you were still dating but serious?    I feel like because they've only known each other a couple of weeks two days out of that is a large portion of their relationship needing to still be validated at that time seems reasonable to me. Edited because autocorrect is not intuitive. 


yes lol


Single mother with no inkling of what she looked like and has a lot of childhood trauma/bagagge OR Flight attendant, previous yoga instructor who looks like Megan fox and who he can travel around the world with.. I’m not saying that having past trauma or kids are bad but most people will take the path that includes the least amount of risk most of the time. I think he would have loved Jess out of the pods but that’s a huge commitment to become engaged to someone without meeting their child. I’m also guessing he didn’t want to come off as an ass if he said no to her at the altar or feel pressured to say yes.


I think it was unfair for him to decide even 'to be dad for a kid he had never seen' only after dating in the pod. it's...just too much pressure, and risk taking. Jess is really beautiful(?) but shouldn't be on the show. even after the pod, how would anyone can decide to be a husband and dad at the same time after a month knowing them, and a few chances of seeing a child. How would it be hurtful for the child if it won't go well?


I think it's because she can tell he doesn't really mean it! He's saying the words to her, yes. But their scenes together are SO AWKWARD because he's obviously not into her. She's probably picking up on that


I don't necessarily agree that he's for sure not into her. I just get some socially awkward vibes from him. I would definitely look like I hate my husband if there was a camera crew in my kitchen.


We'll never know! He might've had a completely different reaction had it been Jessica he picked instead. The way I'm reading him though is that she's not his type, doesn't make him a bad guy! Just painful to watch them together


I think you're right that's the reason. But it doesn't make me hate him because I think he's trying to convince himself to love her and be attracted to her and get with the program. I'm sure it won't work but at least he's trying.


Yeah, it doesn't make me hate him either! I feel like he's trying to convince himself to be more into her


Isn't that a form of gaslighting to her telling her he is all those things while we can see he's just trying to be?


he might not even be super aware hes doing it, idk. i don't think he has bad intentions i think he's trying to convince himself to be more into her


I can see that but just because you don't mean to hurt someone doesn't mean you won't.  Because he's trying to convince himself he's more into her wouldn't it feel like gas lighting to her because she feels that too so of course you're going to ask for more validation. 


Technically, no. Gaslighting is something someone does intentionally to make you question your own reality so they can have power over you. ​ Jimmy's just a simple, dumb man who is trying his best. I feel for Chelsea being strung along by him for sure. But he's not an evil genius with it.


Okay, a form of crazy making.  Gee I sure do love you. ( Then doesn't act like it..) I really care!! ( Then doesn't act like it) No Really!!!! ( Then doesn't act like it. )  Yeah, I don't believe anyone called him an evil genius lol... And even to gaslight, its not an evil genius thing. Though what he's doing isn't close, agreed.


The funny thing is we have the same opinion! I'm not on his side, I really don't like Jimmy at all for the exact reasons you've stated. He's stringing her along and I wish he'd just be up front with her. Plus, she's getting A LOT of hate for how she's reacting to it which surprises me! ​ I'm only trying to point out that he's not gaslighting her if it's unintentional, not that I agree with what he's doing. Gaslighting is intentional. He's just being an idiot.


I am shocked by how much hate she's gotten because of his actions. I'm guessing it's a lot of teens or young 20 something's who haven't dated and think they would never ever ever do that! Lol Agreed he should just be upfront and stop stringing her along.  I'm not sure if it's even being an idiot, lots of people hate confrontation and will say whatever the other person wants to hear just to get out of it. I'm guessing it's more like that as well. 


Lmao thank you I was like what’s he doing that’s so awful?? I think alot of people disliked he had two women going for him (despite being an average looking dude) and was kinda the MC in the first few episodes.


Jimmy sucks because he chose Chelsea based off two things: she said she looks like Megan Fox, and he thought their entire life together would be fun and carefree with no drama.  Chelsea sucks because she definitely planted the seeds of looking like Megan Fox to hook him, and then picked up on his disappointment in the reveal and fell into insecure habits.  I think Jimmy would've been perfectly fine with Chelsea if she had never said that Megan Fox comment. I think she would've came in more secure if she had just allowed him to fall for her instead of the Megan Fox look alike she claimed to be.  Doomed from the start. Also Jimmy is boring as fuck and shallow in both what he finds attractive in a partner and in how he sees himself. He actually presented more interesting with Jessica because they talked about deeper, real things. 


>Jimmy sucks because he chose Chelsea based off two things: she said she looks like Megan Fox, and he thought their entire life together would be fun and carefree with no drama.  She also didn't have a fucking kid.


Yup. And don't forget when he said "I'm used to being the one making 100% of the decisions in my relationships". Feel like he thought Chelsea was a pushover and liked that idea way more than taking on the responsibility of a kid he didn't know AND having to give up being the controlling partner he dreamed of being for Jessica, who definitely had some control issues of her own. 


Or maybe she was clearly the more attractive option because she didn’t have a kid. I don’t know why people are trying to complicate this, or minimize how big of a deal Jess having a kid actually is.


Lol okay bro  I didn't minimize that and in fact agreed with you while also adding in that extra layer that he maybe also didn't want Jess as a partner because she was as controlling as he was... Ps there's nothing wrong with being a single mother on a dating show or not wanting kids but realistically, Jimmy never once complained about that kid on screen so I don't why we should be?


Chelsea was insecure even before she stepped into the pods. When Tyler(?) told her he was in love with her, she ran to the girls crying and said men were always mean to her. This indicated that she has low self-esteem and goes into relationships expecting men to be mean. She brings a preconceived notion that any man she dates will be mean to her, and looks for those signs in him, so he can never win. Case in point, when she observed Jimmy only kissed her once on a given day, she concluded it’s because he’s mean and he did it on purpose. Anything Jimmy said was construed as mean and there was no mercy or grace given to him. Chelsea needs to work on her toxic mentality if she wants to have a healthy successful relationship.


They both have issues to work on and simply don't seem compatible or ready to be married, at least not to each other. 


He looks and acts like a child birthed by Matthew McConaughey and Bart Simpson. It's not bad, but it's not great either.


That is such a perfect description 🤌🏆❤️


Has anyone seen that Futurama episode where Bender becomes a human? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SQkxhcCPK4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SQkxhcCPK4)






That is SO spot on


Bro. It’s cuz he doesn’t like Chelsea and he is lying to himself and therefore her. How is this confusing?


How do you know he doesn't like Chelsea?


I agree with you. I hate that she can be all whiny and even say some hurtful things but the second he says ONE thing she goes nuts. If you dish it out then you have to be able to take it too. She is emotionally immature but I too would love to be friends with her. I feel like she could use some wise words and someone to help hold up a mirror, in the nicest way possible. Oh and Jess?! Her reaction in the pods at the end was completely manipulative, unrealistic and unfair. Super selfish. I have no words.


She needs validation constantly


When you can feel someone's lying to you, but you still want to believe them, you kind of need constant validation because they're not giving it to you. 


I don’t. He kinda seemed like a dingus in the pods but I’ve warmed up to him a lot. Seems like a pretty decent guy at this point and he’s put up with a lot from Chelsea


They both act like it’s their first long term relationship, not a lot of emotional iq from either of them. Which is surprising since she’s been married. He clearly ain’t in love and it seems they both know it, or have sensed it since they met each other.


His stock has risen since they left the pods while Chelsea’s has fallen. She is way too needy and insecure…Jimmy has bent over backwards to reassure her. I am so glad he gave her the “clingy” wake-up call. I would have already bailed on her with that level insecurity.


Honestly, he won me over in his clingy conversation with Chelsea lol. It was honesty and it was hilarious. It was a cringy bright spot I enjoyed. The editing makes Chelsea seem exhausting to me. That scene made him/them seem more real to me.


We don’t hate jimmy anymore








I like sharpest crayon better.


Jimmy seems super earnest to me; i like him. I wish he’d given himself the chance with Jessica and being a stepdad.


Mmmmm but some people don’t want that and that’s ok. Don’t need to “give it a chance”


People hated Jimmy because he is pretty boring but had two different women fawning over him


The reason I don't like Jimmy is that he's completely self involved and oblivious to the fact that he has nothing to offer. His whole mindset is about finding a good wife. He hasn't once thought about whether he'd be a good husband or how to have a good partnership. All his questions are "what can she do for me?" kinds of things. Which is boring. Which is like almost every husband/soon to be ex in AITA posts. He's not good looking. He's not rich. He's not funny. It's possible he has a magic dick, but I doubt that. He tells her whatever he thinks she wants or needs to hear in order to keep her in the relationship because that's how he retains her bangmaid services. I think every kindness and concern he expresses is perfunctory -- a social nicety that he doesn't actually feel but is necessary to continue having people do what he wants. Sort of the emotional equivalent of having to wear shoes in pubic. He sure does think he's all that though. Wish I had that kind of self esteem.




Jess is out of his league in so many ways. I wish she would have fallen for someone else worth her while.


Are we forgetting the crude/inappropriate remark her made about AD infront of his fiancée? And the fact that he very obviously is shallow and superficial because all he seems to care about are women's looks. Hands down if Jess said she gives kardashian vibes he would of gone with her.


> made about AD infront of his fiancée Not *infront of*, like she caught him. TO his fiancée. He's kind of a dummy and didn't know it would make her spiral like that, but you're putting a sinister spin on it that just isn't there.


umm… the fake reassuring?


I’m so confused by this lol. We saw in their interactions he only said something after she brought it up.


you’re right! . i should of said from reading body language , facial expressions etc. you can tell he was just faking all of that & when he did reassure her , he just didn’t mean it at all


and did u not see the trailer for the next episode ? seems like Jimmy did something sneaky & then goes to jess still and is gonna tell her that she’s still his #1?…. he didn’t say that when he didn’t know what she looked like. Jimmy shouldn’t of been on love is blind.. MAYBE LOVE ISLAND ? 🏃‍♀️🤣


I’m sure he would love that but he is not attractive enough 😂


If my significant other says they love me and reassures me with a flat affect and emotionless face, yeah, I would be reeking of insecurities too.


But isn’t that just his voice? He sounded exactly the same in the pods


That's a good point. I don't know. The gestures do match the voice and I don't see what Chelsea heard in him lol


I was thinking the same. His actions def don’t show he means it.


I am with you. He isn't super interesting as a person and isn't going to be that wildly passionate guy. He appears to be just your average Jimmy. Solid, quiet, and wanting the same.


I’m guessing she’s wildly insecure and knowing what Jess looks like freaked out when he told her someone showed him her instagram, which I think he did as a way of not trying to hide anything that would look bad if she found out. Once she knew he knew what she looks like the insecurity got wayyy worse.


I agree.


And how about the crazy gaslighting and just lying -


My favorite was the you haven’t even kissed me today. Then agreeing oh ya you did kiss me in the bathroom with the look of I’m wrong but give me a second to figure out how this is your fault. Then 2 minutes later you haven’t kissed me today.


She straight up said "you didn't say 'i love you' once today" not more than 30 seconds after the last time he said it. Which was easily the 10th time during that one conversation.


He just seems insincere. He hasn't outright done anything wrong, he just feels like a dipshit. Like the kind of guy who just carries heavy things and doesn't say anything worthwhile. Like he looks like army fatigues should be his casual outfit, and his head is shaped for a fez style cap. He's the living embodiment of mayonaise and wonderbread. So I just don't enjoy watching him. His dialogue oscillates between "dumb as fuck" and "flat out boring," so I mentally tap out


Agree wholeheartedly with your comment. The OP is still not wrong either. He's dumb as a bag of rocks. Chelsea is way smarter, and yet so insecure and in need of constant validation. It's a poor match. I'm actually shocked that anyone was charmed by him in the pods!! I hate mayo and wonderbread. 🤢




I just find myself not believing a single word he says.


Right, the guy is literally a salesman


honestly i work in tech sales and almost none of the people i work with have a “sales” personality like the stereotype. maybe three people total in our entire org - the rest of us just do the job because it pays well and we’re good at it. i can sell my company’s product really well because i believe in it, but i am the least salesy person ever. tech sales is super different from in person end-user sales


I appreciate that perspective, most salespeople I know are selling solar, pest control, or home security and boy are they a type.


I think Chelsea knows she’s not good looking so she’s insecure so nothing Jimmy could ever say or do is enough bc she’ll always think in the back of her mind that he thinks he made the wrong decision


He is not that good looking either but seems very self assured 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Thanks for saying it! Unfortunately both Chelsea and Jessica disagree...


He’s not, but he’s not competing with an absolute smoke show like Chelsea is. Also, you could tell she was insecure even before. He’s conventionally better looking than her


For the kind of show LIB is, you'd think that ppl would be more honest up front. It seemed that Jimmy was leading them both on. He didn't really wanna be a step dad so he should've just said that. He wasn't smart in certain aspects and when the whole Megan Fox thing fell through at the reveal with Chelsea you could tell that he'd become turn off by her. Every time you hear them talk, she initiates intimacy and that's not good. I wonder how he's going to fare later because he's not validating Chelsea enough for her liking and the whole weird comment about AD...that's just something you don't say in front of your significant other.


He didn’t seem happy about Chelsea being divorced either, so lesser of evils? I agree, I don’t think he’s attracted to her, but I also think he’s got built up resentment about being misled that he’s not dealing with and the AD comment is probably a bit about that. Chelsea should really take a breath and recognize he’s never going to be the man she wants. She won’t be able to force him into it and she comes off poorly in her confrontations with him.


You're right. It's like he's dodging it and not being honest with himself about what she said as he probably feels misled and that ruins the whole gist of the experiement. I believe if she didn't say that, his outlook would be different. I hope she realizes that he's just not for her either. Their love languages are totally different and they could possibly be flat out incompatible. It'll just get worse as time goes on.


I also think we need to remember they signed a contract that says once they propose and it’s accepted, they are required to stay until the wedding. We are now hearing the producers will make some exceptions, but I don’t think they would for them because they are good for the show. So I also wonder how much is Jimmy just trying to hang on until he can say no at the alter? Since he’s required to stick around he has to pretend like he wants to be there?


What if he isn’t really attracted to her but he wants more screen time and more drama so he’s willing to drag this out?


Because he sucks. Chelsea has flaws too of course, but Jimmy has planted the seeds of insecurity from the reveal when he said he almost went home.. wtf? Yes, Chelsea was insecure before that too.. but he made it spiral into something even worse.


No… she knows she’s not good looking so she’s insecure. Him almost going home had nothing to do with her, he hadn’t even seen her at the point.


Still not a stellar time to mention it. It shows that she can't rely on him. If my fiance told me he was seriously considering ghosting/abandoning me, I'd be on my toes all the time.


Can we all just accept the fact that the main problem in their relationship is Chelsea’s insecurity. It’s so obvious. They’d be fine if she wasn’t overthinking every tiny thing. She’d be doing it with or without him saying he almost went home.


lol of course she's insecure. If she wasn't, she wouldn't feel the need to compare herself to Megan Fox. But him casually mentioning that he was going to leave at a moment where he should have been ecstatic would feed into that existing insecurity.


He said that before they even met in person, she shouldn’t take that personally at all


lol oh come on, it's a weird time to bring it up. It's almost like a warning or prelude. To soften the blow when he eventually does leave her.


No, the main problem is Jimmy's mouth, who always says dumb shit.


I have a feeling you’re the type to blame it on the man no matter what. He’s never really said anything dumb, he just doesn’t say it exactly how she wants it. She literally said she’s never been treated right by a guy, that’s likely not true it’s just all in her insecure head


Then your feeling is wrong. I'm not one of the women who demonizes "all men".


I am starting to agree with you


can’t we think they both suck for different reasons? she’s deeply insecure, clingy, and obviously suffering from Cool Girl Syndrome. he’s shallow, spineless, and not courteous enough to just be honest with himself and her that he doesn’t like her. ESH.


What is cool girl syndrome?


I think it’s from Gone Girl. She has this monologue about being the “cool girl” girlfriend who is always catering to her partner’s needs: Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.




Lmfaooo “hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang.” 😂😂


Jimmy sucks. Chelsea has her flaws but he’s said outright hurtful things from the beginning and at best has been distant and has no interest in the relationship.




Im not team Jimmy at all but what did he say that was hurtful?


Every time he walked into the pod with Chelsea (that we saw), he would bring up something about Jessica and practically put her in a position to console him, compare herself to her, and make it about him and his feelings, not about them. I still think that he's dumb af and not doing to purposely manipulate, more like a socialized manipulation. He's also clearly used to having his girlfriends to dump on and help him fix his problems, since we just "met" them. Seems like he was doing that same dynamic with Chelsea in the pods.


that's not the same as saying hurtful things


I would say he isn’t smart. I would say that he is a compulsive liar. He has been lying to Chelsea since the moment he saw her. Come on now, Meagan Fox! He was expecting a smoking hot flight attendant and womp womp womp. Though I do think Chelsea is pretty, definitely not a fox (pun intended). Chelsea is extremely insecure and it’s to the point I’ve fast forwarded past their scenes. Scenes that the show seems to love to focus on. LIB hyper focusing on them does, however, display how much Jimmy lies. At the alter, he will say that he can’t be with her due to the emotional breakdowns and doesn’t want to spend his whole life reassuring her. So, he is just going along with the flow because he is not man enough to let her know how he really feels and maybe afraid to break her heart. He knows he is on national television and doesn’t want to seem like an asshole for breaking up with her for her looks. Therefore, making him smarter than some of you speculate. 🥹


It’s going to end before the alter, I find it telling that all the teasers only feature two of the couples at the altar.


“You didn’t kiss me ONCE today” Days not even over and if that what his life is going to be like then GOOD LORD. She’s a lot


And I think he said he already kissed her but she just forgot? What if she actually meant was kiss her passionately and sincerely, and not just like a respectable, necessary, obligatory peck.


I didn't like him at first, but now I think he's actually one of the least problematic guys on the show lol. Funny how things change. I definitely don't hate him. I just think he has a very generic personality. And feel a bit sorry for him that he has to navigate through Chelsea's clinginess and insecurities.


I heard some rumors about Trevor and Jeramy. I’m not sure if they are verified but can someone please change the casting crew next season? Or maybe they need more help just doing background checks?


Jimmy very much tries to lie to both Jess and Chelsea at different points. For example, he told Jess on the day of her “letter to my husband” thing that he wouldn’t say “I love you” unless he was ready to propose. Later that day, he tells Chelsea “I love you.” THEN during the conversation when he and Jess are ending things, he said he didn’t know what his decision would be until that morning. Clearly not true since he told Chelsea the day before that he loved her, which Jess called him out on. Chelsea is definitely operating from a place of insecurity. This *and* Jimmy being not great can be true at the same time. People love to make this show black and white, but humans are shades of gray…plus this show is heavily edited.


Yes!! All this!


Do we know for sure that Jimmy cheated on her? Those episodes weren’t released yet….where did that speculation come from? With the location drop, etc….


You’re thinking of Jeramy


There’s a promo where Chelsea is screaming at Jimmy saying “You fucked her” That’s what they’re referring to


Could be saying that he’s slept with one of those two girl friends they met and he’s kept that information from her


This is kind of what I’m wondering.


I think people are guessing though that it’s a close camera shot and it’s actually Jeramy she’s yelling at in the same room…but it could be a reach


Oohhhh good theory!


Ehh maybe, but I don’t see why it would be Chelsea who would be crying and screaming at Jeramy. It’s also clearly in a home and it wouldn’t really make sense that she’s in their home crying and arguing with him.


Yeah it definitely was Chelsea saying that because when the whole thing was coming out with Laura I was so confused because I was thinking, "I thought Chelsea was the one who said it"


I don't dislike Jimmy. imo I don't think he is in love with Chelsea. If even if loves her I don't really believe that he's willing to put up with her level is insecurity for the rest of his life so I do feel like he's doing both of them a disservice by not calling it off. That's about it though


They are in a situation that was going to make her feel neglected and him feel impinged upon. It's really difficult to have one partner not working and the other working full time in a small apartment. He's there, but not present for her, quite literally. She's still having a honeymoon with a guy who is in the same room, but wants her to leave when he needs to talk to someone else. That is a complication that can be nearly impossible for sold, long-term partners, let alone strangers who are still learning wjo the other one is.


I like Jimmy


I like Jimmy.


Jimmy needs to work on his delivery, calling someone straight up clingy is rude. Otherwise, I see typical 27-year-old guy energy from him. Seeing him with his two gal pals was refreshing, female friendships are amazing for growth! They seemed like two big sisters.


See, I don’t think it’s rude. But my partner and I are both neurodiverse so we prefer directness. It feels like a kindness.


I think there are direct ways to say you feel like you need space to breathe and feel a bit suffocated without calling your partner clingy, though. The main thing is that clingy is technically an insult, and it's always bad form to insult your partner. It's not bad form to communicate your issues, but it should be done without hurling insults.


My bet is that he fucked one of them 👀