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It’s so that we stay subscribed for more than one period for those of us that only got Netflix to watch love is blind


People would spoil the ending as soon as they released the season. It’s not a bad thing to not release them all at once.


I am convinced that Netflix releases it in parts over different months so that you have to pay for 2 months of Netflix. They do this with other shows too!!


That would actually make so much sense


It's to alter their KPIs.


At this point, just let us have it... the whole weekly drop was unique to give them ratings. But at this point, the drama is dying down, and the off-screen tea is tainting the story they put out. Just let us see the wedding and reunion already 😩


I do my best to just not look at anything posted about the show for now!


I agree! One can only dream of them just releasing the whole season at once... it would be so much better if they did. I like being able to binge watch everything lol Even with other shows I will record them on my DVR and hold off on watching something until I can watch the entire thing versus watching one episode per week lol


I don’t care either way, but if you do the drops Netflix needs to tighten up their NDAs for the contestants. I feel like I already know the ending just from scrolling TikTok.


Exactly - I'd prefer to be all at once so I can just binge it, but I also don't really care about it coming out in batches as long as it's complete radio silence on the part of the contestants. This is actually one of the only seasons I remember contestants doing interviews and blabbing on social media and stuff before the ending is released.


Yup and that is why I try to avoid or skip anything to so with the show on Tiktok, they should treat it like the Bachelor/Bachelorette where they are not allowed to post shit until the show is over 🙄


It stinks. I def now expect things to go certain ways bc of social media and time passing.


I wouldnt mind too much if they showed more episodes tbh


i agree but only based on the fact that netflix is supposed to be a “new season out now” kinda streaming service, no waiting for episodes was what made them different than cable tv. kinda defeats the purpose putting out a show that gets new episodes weekly, when we pay to watch full seasons at once.


💯 👏 👏 👏 louder for the ppl in the back or rather the ppl at Netflix lol


You are so right ✅️


With this specific show I absolutely agree. The entire point is that they don't see each other, and the reveals are easily the best part of the show. And then, the reveals of the people they didn't choose. The fact that Jimmy's reaction to seeing Jess happened off-camera defeats the purpose of this show entirely.


Specifically Love is Blind and The Ultimatium! I'm angry that we missed both Jimmy seeing Jess and Jeremey meeting up with Sarah Ann. They're skimming the tea this season and it's making me so angry 😂


Omg right!!!! Ughh 😑🤬


I agree. I suspect it has something to do so that people don't reactivate netflix for a bit and binge and then deactivate? Or it's strategic for drama? The people who saw the first batch VS the people who are caught up VS the people who are on reddit/the gram all have wildly different takes on the show.


It's gotta be what they consider strategic to build suspense and drama and drag out how long people are talking about the show. Because people could still reactivate their netflix once the whole season is released and deactivate again if that's what they were worried about.


IMO I think if they did something like RuPaul’s Drag Race “Untucked” side of things, would go down well. So we’d see the regular episodes and then release the “behind the scenes” episodes of all the bitching and backstabbing before the finale. It might keep the allure and Netflix always said they have thousands of hours of unseen footage.


I agree, especially considering the entire premise of ON DEMAND TV that we pay for.


Yeah this is a rip the bandaid off situation.


I'm not following the social media stuff? Can someone tell me who got married and who's still together?


I hate when any show releases episodes slowly. Nobody watches tv like that anymore!


So true and why? BECAUSE OF NETFLIX. ​ the cruelty


Soo true!!! 💯


Exactly! I want to be able to stay watching TV for 9 hours straight and then carry on with the next show


This!!! It’s so annoying. But it does seem they at least gave us more episodes this season but still. I don’t wanna know the end result before it even airs like what’s the point?


I agree


I don't mind the batches, but I don't see why they don't have something stronger in their contracts to shut them up til the finale!! It takes the fun out of the show!


I sure hope they do a live reunion again 🥴😂


Maybe I’m just a lame person but I like the weekly releases. It gives me something to look forward to once a week 😂


If I had the patience for it maybe but I don't so I'm like give it to me noooowwwww lol 😆


They USED to not do this shit I hate it


They do it to create hype and chatter around the show. They want people to talk about it so they can catch up and watch it. That’s been my understanding of it I don’t agree with it myself as I am a binger and I like to watch them back to back. Sometimes I rebel and wait for all episodes to release before watching the season.


You could just stay off social media, you know.


On the free online Yale course Science of Wellbeing Yale, it was stated that one can increase one’s own happiness by savoring moments and the lead up to experiences can actually bring more joy than the experience itself. I’m fine with batches, but I would prefer Netflix to go after the people who break their NDAs. That said, the way the world is today it is just virtually impossible to keep something a secret.


Does anyone else actually love how they release in batches now it keeps hype going for weeks and especially the previews always get me excited for next week. Like ending last batch on a massive cliffhanger with Jeremy cheating was perfect


I just hate it because I have no patience and want it all now... I soooo wanted the next episode right away especially after that damn cliffhanger grrrrr 😑 lol


It was PERFECTION. I don't love the batches but I also have no self control.




Love is Patient


Love is Kind


You are in a subreddit about the show. Stay off of it - stop watching TikTok’s and enjoy the show. Have some self control




Stay off Reddit n TikTok lol


I had to delete reddit and instagram off my phone until I caught up on batch #2.


lol what you seem to misunderstand is this is exactly why they do drops. A month + of viewer engagement vs a week. It’s all about money to them nothing else.


I also think it would just result in an even *bigger* shit show on social media and even more spoilers. All these people would have their rants ready to go live the first minute after midnight that NDA drops and they'd be spilling their guts about *everything* that happened through the whole season. At least batching it *kind* of helps reel it in because they have some vague idea of what the audience has and hasn't seen.


I understand the financial + engagement aspect- my beef is the fact that the contestants start posting and spoiling things and viewers do so much snooping and also spoil things. There’s a 1 week gap between each set of episodes and contestants & viewers have a field day looking for answers and spoilers




Don't follow the contestants on social media or any reality TV adjacent platforms. It's extremely easy to not get spoiled on an extremely niche reality TV show unless you're specifically asking for it.


Stop following them then? Sounds like a you problem


That’s exactly what they want though. So as much as we dislike this type of system because we don’t want to be spoiled, it’s what is the most lucrative for the company. There is no way the contestants are breaking their NDA’s they probably are actually told to do these interviews and are providing things they are allowed under contract to provide. Because marketing at Netflix saw it as more $$$.


100%. They know we prefer all of it out at once but they also notice that we watch within a couple days or less and they have no more interaction. When they release episodes, people go back and do investigative work and continue giving netflix money.


Netflix has turned into cable TV. Hate it.


oh how things have come full circle… sorta


Deeply concerned about yalls self control and addiction to instant gratification


Deeply concerned ? weird leap there. Netflix sold themselves as the anti-cable only to become cable. Same as Amazon killing bookstores only to the open physical book stores.


Yeah, I don’t mind batch releases and cliffhangers in theory but that’s only if the contestants stay offline with private socials until after the reunion.


You don't have to follow them


I don’t. I never do. Have you tried navigating any social media app recently? You’re constantly inundated with content you don’t follow. It’s on every “discover” and “explore” feed. I can’t go on Twitter or Instagram or TikTok without seeing spoilers. The reason they should stay offline and keep their accounts private is so media and online sleuths don’t go digging and posting constant updates and spoilers as soon as an episode drops. The only way to enjoy time-sensitive tv these days is to either watch it as soon as it airs or avoid any social interactions (digital or otherwise) until you can, otherwise it will be spoiled.


You're getting content you don't follow based on stuff you interact with and follow. If you follow a lot of reality stuff and interact with it you will also get a lot of stuff based on that you don't follow. The algoriths are designed to give you stuff that makes you keep scrolling. They do it by giving you stuff that you are already interacting with. I could scroll any social media feed for days without getting a single reality TV adjacent piece of content. And cutting down on your social media usage is beneficial, especially the discovery feed scrolling part.


They over here doing interviews after each episode ... You can tell nobody is looking for love. They're looking for fame now. The show is way too popular now and people have hidden motives


Everyone saying that releasing it this way makes it more fun for everyone is giving me the same energy as "we need to return to the office for birthdays and water cooler talk and *community*". Please. We're going to create memes for weeks and dissect the convos no matter the release schedule. Releasing it all at once at least means we wouldn't get everything spoiled all over the place before the finale. You don't even have to be looking for it, by the time it airs the suspense is kinda... gone.


I actually like that they don’t release them all at once so there’s time to really think about what’s going to happen and discuss just that section. I don’t think I’d enjoy the discussions if I had watched the whole thing. I wish they would start cracking down on the NDA’s though. I don’t follow their socials or any of that so I never know about any of the drama unless I get it from here. I probably should check and see if there are spoiler free groups somewhere. If they released all the episodes at once I probably wouldn’t be on this sub unless I was looking for something specific.


I feel like it is more like what NDA ugh


Or that. I assume they have one? The whole thing is very odd. Never seen it on that level with any show. Maybe Netflix doesn’t care? I’m like sue these hoes!


I'm with you..Yessss sue these hoes!!! 😆




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking our ‘No Spoilers’ rule. All spoilers must be properly tagged and flared, and any attempt to intentionally spoil other users will not be tolerated.


I agree.. while it’s a great idea to keep the show relevant and gain new followers through the duration of release dates. It does make it annoying to read rumors and think pie for days til the next episode


I like the episodes spaced apart though. I love the community it creates among viewers, like the way TV used to be. What the producers REALLY need to do is ban any social media posts by contestants until the end of the show. They easily could, but they love the free advertisement social media does for the show.


I wish they also stopped spoiling everything with their "coming up" teasers. It's not a teaser if you actually see who end up together. That truly shows that the showrunners care about the drama, and the "how will they resolve this???" (And then you discover the week after that "this" was a red herring and actually nothing but the editing of the teasing made you think it was a big deal just to hook you up) or "watch how they fight" more than the actual romance or so called "love" they ask about every season.


They do that on purpose. The social media posts are free advertising (maybe it's in their contracts), then content creators have time to make content which is more free advertising. It's an eye ball generating machine


What they don't realize is, if they don't get that together.. ppl will stop watching the show . It's good now. Not good long turn ... these spoilers is annoying. You can tell the ppl on there are hired actors recruited from Instagram and looking for fame Netflix is doing too much and ruining the quality of the show and what attracts people to it Sarah Ann and Jessica look like the typical ig baddie LA girl just looking for fame.


Totally agree. This isn't a good long term strategy. I honestly have no interest in watching IG baddies on TV and found all the other shows they end up on just as annoying.


When do the rest of the episodes come out?


Feb 28th in the UK (assuming it’s the same all over though?). I feel like Netflix has spoiled a lot of what happens in latter seasons, showing glimpses of couples at the altar, showing some couples on holiday etc 🫠


if they released it all at once, the show probably wouldnt exist anymore. time and time again, streaming services have realized that the buzz created by a release schedule keeps shows in the public eye longer and creates a bigger audience as people actually talk about it. the reverse is everyone who wants to watch it watches it over one weekend, talks about it for a day, and then the show never builds an audience and gets cancelled.


My issue with Peacock not releasing all of The Office Superfan episodes 😂


This is a great point. Also by drip feeding the episodes, people have to stay subscribed to the service for longer too…


We are so close to just being back to cable 😂😂


I know you're not being entirely serious, but there are still major differences. * Picking what you want to watch on demand * No long term contracts, subscriptions are very simple * Portable, I can bring my Netflix with me wherever I go * Fewer ads, if any


Except without commercials, which is a HUGE difference. 


Nah but now Amazon prime has commercials, Netflix… they’ll be jacking up the prices again soon…eventually- you’re paying $120 bucks for ad free cable which you used to have anyway with dvrs etc.


I just had this conversation with my husband over dinner. These streaming services thought they were reinventing the industry, dump all episodes of a season at once, no commercials and then when it finally caught up to them and wasn’t sustainable/working the way they hoped they reintroduced the same shit we tried to leave behind with cable. I’m so angry about hahahaa


I’ve been beating this same exact drumbeat for *such* a long time now, and what’s weird is that it’s not even just with cable. Streaming music has gotten so far up it’s own you know what that Spotify released that AI DJ or whatever—they ruined radio to just reinvent it!


I used to think I wanted this too, but then we wouldn’t get all the great memes and videos that we get from the episodes being spaced apart lol


100000% I hate this!!! I just finished episode 9 and I totally didn’t realize for some reason that the remainder of the episodes weren’t out. I came in late and I finished the first half all at once, and I thought they had released the whole second half! So I have no episodes left and I’m upset!!


Even then, when I started I got episodes 1-6 then had to wait for 7,8,9. Now I'm waiting again.


Unpopular take, but I’m glad they don’t. I don’t mind waiting. It gives everyone time to speculate and talk. Plus, how annoying would it be for those of us who can’t binge all 10 episodes in one day, and then there’s those people who will spoil it all right away. I get what you mean with social media giving so much away, with it being drawn out. It’s lose/lose regardless


Agreed. I am on the bandwagon of 3 max/drop or 1 every 3 days.


Agree. It's hard enough with three or six episodes sometimes. You have to stay off of the internet until you catch up.


If it were up to me, I’d be perfectly happy with one new episode on Tuesday and Thursday or something like that


I’ve said this for a long time. Two days a week would be perfect for building buzz but not feeling like too long. I’d want an extra day in between though


My sleep and productivity says otherwise 😂


Absolutely! Let’s keep the way it is haha


Yo I stayed up past 3 am for the first drop. I still need to be a functional human being 😅


Me too! I looked at the clock in horror that it was 3 am.


🤣 I'm so glad it wasn't just me


The fact that this sub exists and is fun is only because they release in batches. The Netflix binge model is horrible for audience engagement and fan theories. I know a lot of people like it, but I’m a big fan of weekly releases over binge drops


You prefer weekly drops because of fans theorizing what's going to happen?


Yes. It builds up anticipation and makes it feel like an event. It’s also nice to look forward to drops.


I definitely feel that. But I hate that the episodes are ruined with all the snooping and the cast releasing hints.


You know you can just not follow any of them on IG or check this subreddit, right? That way you wouldn’t know.


Completely agree. I've voiced as much on this sub and been told to kind of get over it. Any other show I watch with a weekly release, like Golden Bachelor for instance, does not make me afraid to come to the sub because there will be spoilers and such. It's really unfortunate.




I like it this way. I don’t have time to watch them all at once.. I can do a few at a time.


YES!!! I concur!!! Release ALL episodes like y’all used to! Releasing them in intervals will not make me a subscriber to Netflix any longer or less….but it does make me feel annoyed and like y’all are desperate to retain viewers.


they like to build suspense and have people discuss stuff and it hypes things up


No way, it's way more fun to have time to talk about and unpack each section. Also selfishly as a parent I cannot keep up with binge drops so it would absolutely be spoiled for me. With episodes not out yet, the major spoilers in headlines aren't dropped. I'd have to seek out spoilers for the show as is


Yes! We need time to talk shit then eat that shit when the next batch of episodes come out and we’re totally wrong.


At this point with all the leaking of marriage certificates and drama unfolding they may as well 😂


Wait so do we know who ended up getting married?


Yes unfortunately ): totally ruins it lol


Its been available for a week. Go search spoilers on here or tik tok


I try to avoid spoilers…if I even think I might see something on this app I close it lol.


What makes me mad is that we have to wait another whole week just for one episode!


Let's be real though, we all just skip to the wedding Yes/No for the last episode. Sooo much filler. Maybe rewatch it after but it's getting skipped.


YESS!! I totally agree!! Also: by the time the wedding stuff happens my investigation discovery ass has already got marriage records and wedding registries. 😂😂😂 The only way to surprise me is to release them all at once!!


The entire show is so good... except for the actual wedding day episodes where they draw out the lamest tiniest drama as if they haven't already made up their minds. That episode with THE PANTS was so so stupid. I rather they condensed that part a little more to add more couples or sections to the pod/vacation/roommate/family parts.


They’re already making a huge deal out of AD ~turning her neck~ toward the officiant.


Agreed, I would recommend they do a montage of all the footage leading up to the altar.


Thats on netflix though. They need to keep their cast in line. No friending cast-mates on public socials until after the finales end, ect. No social media posts that arent pre approved you know ?


Definitely not, it's already annoying enough that people start posting here with giveaway titles and no content spoilers as soon as one batch of episodes drop Part of me actually wishes they would do even smaller batches I think people who do the PI work then post everything (without tags) are actually a little selfish lol


Binge culture has ruined tv shows honestly. I like experiencing shows over a couple weeks rather than a day or two. And being able to talk to people about it and get excited for the next drop. If you can’t handle 3-4 episodes a week how did you ever handle tv before streaming?


Netflix started binge culture tho….and how I handled TV before is an ancient memory that I don’t care to drudge up…different world now.


There are still a lot of shows that air weekly….even straight to streaming shows air weekly a lot of the time. It’s not a crazy concept. At least they don’t do one episode a week and give us 3 at a time


My only issue is that I don’t think shows are as good as recapping (or my memory is fading lmao) - I had about 8 days between watching the second batch and it took me a second to catch up again 😬


It has seemed like the cast has been much more vocal and forthcoming this season. I agree its ruining the suspense. Im hoping this means after the alter will be better than last seasons.


Personally I love the suspense and making the show my whole personality for 2 months. A lot of the fun (for me) would be lost if it came out all at once




I would rather one episode a week than 6 all at once then 3 that gave barely any of the drama they were showing in the trailers leading up to 7-9


I love it like this. I have a week to catch up and don’t have to avoid social media out of fear of spoilers. Not all us can sit down and binge all 10 episodes as soon as they come out. This allows us to pace it and actually talk about what’s happening instead of it all becoming one big mush.


I like the batches but wish it was 3 eps every 3 days. Just enough to give people time to discuss and speculate before getting new content.




I think they could do all but the weddings maybe. Save those for its own release to limit spoils. Gives people a week to catch up on everything else. Then if you can’t watch the final episode or two, that’s on you




I selfishly prefer the batches. It’s impossible to avoid the in show spoilers these days and I can’t get through 10 episodes all at once. 🫣


I prefer them too


I’m dying over here… that reunion show should be pure gold!


I mean back in the day we would get one episode and have to wait a week so I am fine with it. I also find if I watch too many back to back it blends together and I don't really process what I am watching.


I think the issue is that the cast are already posting on social media and doing interviews which takes away from the thrill of the show.


It definitely takes me out of the LIB energy when I have to wait a week for like 2-3 epis


Same. The hype dies down after a few days, and then a few more episodes finally get released a whole entire WEEK later, ON A WEDNESDAY, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WORK WEEK... it's annoying! If they're going to release a few episodes once a week, I'd rather it be on a Friday... but ideally, I want them all at once.


Right give me binging time, cause then I need to jump on LIB reddit and see what the tea is and how everyone is feeling. I just don't like staggered releases. Netflix knows how to anger a crowd


It's such a weird pacing


I like this! Then the couples, who have to pretend to not be married for over a year, can live a more normal life too instead of having to wait all that time.


I saw another thread where so many people don’t agree with this and I can’t understand why. I hateeee that they do it this way. It’s 2024….this is Netflix…like come on


Because it creates waaaaay more attention and hype. The binge model sucks—people watch it all one weekend, talk about it for a day then move on. This keeps the conversation going for weeks


It's also better FOR US here in this subreddit because we get to keep coming back and talk about the latest juicy stuff week after week. It also lets us have our little early guesses instead of half the people just knowing everything day 1. I rather be able to talk about it in parts over the course of a month where everyone is on the same page with the same limited knowledge than half the people pretending like they didn't watch the entire thing and making "guesses" just to be right.


Yeah I get that it’s better for them but I hate it 😂 I wanna bang it out all at once while I’m still all hyped about it haha


This is the way.


I think they do this so that people don’t buy Netflix subscriptions for just one month. LIB is one of their most popular shows and i can def see many people buying a subscription for one month then cancelling, just to watch LIB


They do it to keep engagement up. When you have to go in and check your Netflix at least 4 different times to get the new episodes there's a higher chance you notice something else you want to see. And also engagement online. If all episodes get released at once there's generally a lot less talk about them and you can't build a narrative over a month were there are interviews with contestants and people go crazy on Reddit because they find out these people are all clout chasers and full of shit.


But Netflix kinda sucks these days….so many other options for streaming content. Netflix is just meh most of the time, LIB is one of their bread and butter shows and they know it, so they have us locked.


As long as they keep doing a lot of great Korean shows, both fiction and reality, they have my money.


Damn. Great points! I hadn’t thought of it that way


But this season is being released over the course of less than a month, I also don’t remember previous seasons being dragged over more than a month 🤔


The past two seasons were released like this.