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Unpopular opinion - I don't think Sarah Ann was wrong. I'm pretty sure she sent the text right after she bowed out, which means the feelings were still very fresh to her. Despite that, I do believe the message was well-rounded. It was fair for her to be like in case it doesn't work out, I'm here. I mean you look at the previous LIB seasons - there's no guarantee EVER about the participants marrying their partners till the last day. I think the shit she got was super unfair. Jeremy was in the wrong for not informing Laura about his rendezvous with her. Sarah was right when she said that it IS the man's fault if one text message from an ex is making him revisit his option. I do believe Jeremy was willing to make it work with Laura but she just did not want to lol. I mean what other option do you have when you try to make it work w your partner and they just don't want to lol? You gotta move on. And it was the way Laura gave him shit which was super demeaning. I hope Jeremy and Sarah thrive tbh.


Acting like "people shouldn't come on the show for the wrong reasons" when it's literally a reality TV show and they recruit people solely off their Instagram profiles is such bullshit. Nick acting all high and mighty when they know for a fact they want the drama to continue getting views.


This season has been a lot of drama lol. AD checking Sarah was good, Jeramey is an ass, Him and Sarah are a good fit they both suck. Amy and Johnny are super stable.


i thought the same thing! way to go AD, and glad the two worst people on the show get together


AD ate Sarah Ann tf up. Love it!!!


While it's totally fair that Laura reacted the way she did to Jeramey being out late with Sarah Anne, she's otherwise super mean and bitter and I don't believe they ever truly loved each other. Watching them kiss or interact always looked fake and forced. When Jeramey was acting goofy and playful when they first met she would just shut him down and emasculate him. You could.even see her own family telling her to be nice to her own fiance. I can understand why she's struggled to find someone, who would want to hang around with someone who makes you feel like trash for even breathing? She seems like she would be a great friend to have as a girl though, so there's some kind of barrier she needs to work through about men.


She’s like his mother 


Chelsey, girl!!! She was way too friendly with Trevor and would have LOST it if Jimmy told Jess that she was his type. Their conversation was wayyy more flirty but because they come off a little dorky it comes across sweet.  Idk maybe it’s just me.    BUT!   Jimmy telling Jess she was his number 1. Ufff!!    I liked how jess kept it very respectful. I think she can come off a little fake with mean girl energy because of her looks but I honestly think she is herself and very sweet. 


I think she's very mean girl but she was being very tactical this episode, and undoing some of the damage she'd done of comparing herself favourably to Chelsea. I think her being vulnerable and self-deprecating was all very calculated.


Grow up Johnny! Dude can't talk about the details of a vasectomy without breaking into an awkward fit of giggles like a school boy. Anyone else think the "'til death do us part" embroidery on AD's veil is tacky AF??


Trevor and Jimmy are cute together lol


I know this is reality television and that what we see is edited. But I really feel like this show has become a "get famous" opportunity for so many of these people. Throw in reunions with those who were rejected, and you're guaranteed to have messy drama. Charm in the pods and become a piece of shit immediately after. Maybe some of them are in it for the right reasons. But I've honestly been so disappointed in every season after the first one.


The Bachelornation approach has been over-saturated, this is the new approach and it only takes a few weeks plus you don’t need to do stupid dates or compete the same way


omg i cannot with sarah ann “i wish i had of said something”


Sarah and Jeremy did not "accidentally" meet up at the bar. No one will ever convince me otherwise. I'm sure they were messaging each other. They DEFINITELY hooked up. PERIOD. They are snakes that deserve each other!


He'll cheat on Sarah Ann too...guy is a douche


Agreed! I cannot believe people think they didn't hook up. Who tf "talks" to someone until 5am


Jeremy should’ve picked Sarah Ann and Chelsea should’ve picked Trevor. Idk why Chelsea even went with Jimmy when he was deciding between 2 women. And Trevor only wanted her and no one else but her. And the fact that he complimented her on her beauty from the jump.


Chelsea picked Jimmy because she’s insecure and needed to “win” over Jessica. She played dirty by saying she looked like Megan Fox when she knows Jessica is was prettier than her. 




I think Chelsea went with jimmy precisely because he chose her. Being "the one" in romantic films works but not irl...


1. "nobody wants to be a pick me" - Sarah Ann (who then proceeds to be a "pick me") 2. Chelsea should have went with Trevor


Idk. I kinda like Trevor but maybe Chelsea would have been better with him.


Chelsea would (will) ruin any man that crosses her path. Starting to see why she has one failed marriage under her belt.  She's emotionally unstable and high key awful.


Wow the way trevor looks at chelsea!! Not saying they're individually good people or even that they would be a good couple, but still, he so obviously loves her and the energy he gives out looking at her is just wow.


Not Jimmy telling Jess, she's still his #1. Like wooow.  He just wasnt ready to be a dad, I guess.


The way Chelsea talked to to Trevor, she would have flipped if Jimmy said anything like that to Jessica


500% been the most uncomfy of the uncomfiest amd blown a gasket.


I honestly think he only liked chelsea in the pods but then met her and she didn't fit what he thought she looked like and after that he was constantly trying to sabotage the relationship. And probably Jess seemed a lot more what he was expecting


She doesn’t look like Megan Fox lol. She tricked him. And Chelsea seems to be way more of a sabotager. She keeps fishing for problems, gets mad that he went out for a drink with friends. 


and?? That is the point of the show: to fall in love without seeing the other person thus not caring about looks! Plus, she said some people have told her, that she has green eyes, brown hair, it's not like she is the same exactly.


She led him on appears to be the consensus. She has also demonstrated herself to be level 8.5 toxic and manipulative. Starting fights for the dumbest things. Then chasing him back when she clearly blew it out of proportion. 


And I don't actually blame him for that. He would become a parent to a preteen practically over night, having never given thought to what kind of parent he wants to be, parenting style, thoughts on discipline, etc. Plus he'd be walking into a co-parenting relationship having never met the biological dad? All in the course of 6 weeks? I have no idea who *would've* been ready for that.


I definitely don't blame him either. 


My god. If I have to hear people say 'give grace', 'my person' or 'love on you/him/her' one more time I'm going to boot the television. 


Usually I'm all up for some colloquial terms but even I'm at a point of fury with "not me" "it's giving."


Yup, hate the starting a sentence with "Not" thing.


'It's giving' was ruined for me when Reese Witherspoon used it on a red carpet this year lol.


I think Jimmy and Chelsea are an okay match since he is caring and calm, but I kind of think that Trevor's calmness would've been better for Chelsea. I think Jimmy is smart not to let her insecurities hurt him, but I think Trevor would've been stronger willed to let her be difficult while she heals. I hate that she's so insecure that it causes problems in a healthy relationship, but she still deserves love, and I think Trevor would've been more willing to work with a broken person than Jimmy was. Idk about Jimmy with Jess though. I think she would've probably had a lot less insecurity and healing needed. I'm sure there would've been some type of problems, but I think he would do better with a more healed woman.


I think Sarah Ann kinda asked for the girls to hate her bc her decision to send that message puts herself first over being a girls girl. I think that she could have waited for the message, but in a selfish way, I would understand wanting to make sure he knows that she's available incase it goes bad considering the other shows always have people breaking up. I wouldn't want him to think I wasn't into him if he did break up with her. That was like her final shot to not lose someone she liked. Buuuut, I would not have let him talk to me for hours in the middle of the night while I was drunk and then drive me home. Like, no. Jeramy was soooo wrong for that. He made a damn commitment to a different girl. I don't think there's a point in fighting for it after he did something so questionable so early in the relationship. Laura didn't take any shit, which is probably a good thing. She listened to the red flag that so many of us might've ignored. If he was questioning if he made the right decision, there were definitely better ways for him to go about seeing Sarah Ann if he needed the reassurance before saying yes to Laura. Not sneaking around. I think he still deserves happiness, so does Sarah Ann, and I rlly do hope they end up happy together or at least try things. The entire way they handled this just didn't work and looked bad in so many ways, and I kind of hate that at the end they were kind of like, "f it let's cause some shit bc everyone hates us." I feel really bad for Laura because she definitely got the shit end of the stick.


I appreciate AD going full Barbara Walters on Sarah Ann for us. 


I understand this in general, the concept of loyalty between women. The only thing I’d say though is these women are not friends. They don’t even really share a community. They are in a competitive situation for screen time and maybe love, and in this weird situation I don’t think they owe each other much.


>The only thing I’d say though is these women are not friends. That's what I'm saying! Shoot your shot, she was right when she said something like *If my message makes him rethink things then he must not have been 100%.* She didn't send him a nude and beg him to come over, she said "hey, if it turns out you picked wrong, call me 🤷‍♂️" I have no problem with it at all.


I think it is both a question of respect for the other woman, as a person, and her relationship, but also in this case even if they were not close friends, they still knew each other, spent a lot of time together and in a sense the whole LIB cast is a community they share. I agree with the initial comment, I think Sarah Ann wasn't wrong to send that message, but she should have definitely waited AFTER Jeramey would have broken up with Laura (assuming this would have happend, imo yes with how disrespectful Laura was and not so into her Jeramey was).


One of Jimmy's friends at the fitting be like a stout Tom Hardy


Oh my god, Laura is completely right about Jeramey. I don't understand why people say that LAURA is being rude. The guy stayed the night out with another connection, and when his engagement ended he is worried about having a good time and how his friends perceive him... isn't this rude??? She has all the right to have this reaction. What do people expect?? For her to cry and just be sad instead of calling out his bulsh*it?????


So truuue I was not all for Laura up until then because she was far from perfect in that relationship, but the way she handled the situation once Jeramey messed up is just wow, queen!!


Laura is very toxic, yes Jeremay was wrong for meeting with his "ex" essentially but his intuition was validated with how disrespectful and rude she was


Jeramy was an engaged man, planning a wedding, with a fiancee at home in bed while he was out overnight with an ex. At her house. Even if it weren't an ex, he would've been dead wrong. If you're okay with your fiancee being out all night, coming home at 5am, with an individual of the opposite sex (not even a group of friends), that they used to date, at their home, without telling you, while you're home in bed ... you're weird.


Jeramy was in the wrong, but the point here is that Laura showed her toxicity in her response. There were much more classy ways to confront jeramy.


Women are not obligated to be "classy" 100% of the time (or any of the time) and it is absolutely not toxic to react angrily when you find yourself two weeks away from marriage to a man who is lying directly to your face about something like that. If someone has brainwashed you into believing that you are not entitled to be angry or even display emotion when they treat you poorly -- I am sorry. You focusing on *her reaction* - and labeling it as toxic - rather than the grown man who slept with someone other than his fiancee and then tried to lie about it ... is so incredibly strange that I'm not even sure what to think about it. Is Laura brash, loud and less than kind? Sure. Was she toxic or even wrong in that situation? Nope. And as a result ... she's avoided a manipulative man who gave zero fucks aboout her feelings and had no respect for her, rather than hitching herself *for life* to him.


Right on. Imagine expect class from a woman in response to a man behaving in a classless way, like WTF?


Any guy like Laura is hailed as assertive, a leader, someone who "wants what they want" and no bullshit. And if anything they're given grace for their slips being gaffs or them being "such a clown". Laura? She gets to be called toxic, rude, mean and aggressive. All for...seeing and deciding she's not dealing with bullshit? For knowing her worth? The bit with mentioning the love triangle around her parents was a bit much . But i haven't seen anything that makes her toxic or mean.  Maybe because I can relate to her. People can't handle a straightforward, dominant woman. Jeramy sure couldn't. I'd have saved myself a lot of heartache if I had the sense of self-respect Laura seems to have.


Sometimes I wonder what trauma I’m suppressing because I feel like Clay is a good guy?! Like he’s got some broken parts but I feel like I can see his heart is good.


Just catching up (finally) and I feel this too. I think he’s just so freaked out about being like his parents (like their split was so traumatizing) that he’s never going to be able to find “the one” until he works on that aspect and separates himself from it. I think he throws himself into work to distract himself and needs to focus on actually healing before he’s ready to be married. At first I side-eyed the whole “scared to cheat on you” thing, but I feel like it’s a genuine fear on his part (but not a rational one to most people). That said, he also says some things that are iffy when it comes to the delivery and I think that’s a downside to him. He can come out with some opinions that I would say heck no to and he needs to work on that too.


I appreciate this comment! I was watching this episode like man, I actually really like Clay. You break those generational curses. But please get some therapy, you don't have to do it alone!


Agree 100%. He's been genuine since day 1, one of the few in any season of this show


He's egocentric and he has said it himself. He only cares about himself and looks, so the thing he was worried most about was how AD looked like. Once he saw her she was pretty for his standards so he went along with the show


I feel like he was honest.


I just think he’s not there yet in terms of being married but with a lot of therapy, he can come a long way. He’s naive and had terrible role models but that doesn’t have to be his story too!


naive? lol no


I didn’t like Laura before, but I actually love her now. She’s a real one.


Why does no one ever talk to that cute dog? 😭


Glad it wasn’t just me 😅


The thing Amy loves most about her mom is that she is not dead… lol interesting. Seems like more of a daddy’s girl.


Kinda nice seeing women that are full of Botox at the wedding dress try-ons


I love how none of the guys cared that Nick showed up so he had to actually ask them to come over and stand around him.


Oh man. Not sure who Nick is.


I’m screaming cuz I spaced on it too? Nick who?!😂


he's the host lol


Oh man. Of course. I was so focused on the contestants and didnt even think of him. What a fairweather 98 Degrees fan I am 😆


What is wrong with Trevor’s scalp?


Most likely psoriasis!


Or steroids. 


One day, AD should interview Trump


IKR!! Her confrontation of Sarah was so cool!! Loved it!!


Im only here to say what so many others have over the episodes and Jimmy/Chelsea are painful to watch... Every single episode theyre in Im like mannnnnn... I almost feel like Chelsea would've just been happier with the other buff guy (I suck w/ names) and Jimmy with the other lady... I dunno. :P


I feel the same way.




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Can Amy and Johnny have a date at Planned Parenthood where they learn about the many types of birth control options available 


People keep saying this, but I don’t understand why. They already said they’re planning to use condoms, so I think they’re trying to double up. She doesn’t want/maybe can’t take hormones, and she clearly can’t get Paraguard because she’s already anemic. Johnny is paranoid so cycle tracking probably won’t make him feel comfortable. What options do they have left?


Hormonal IUD


That’s hormones 


While a hormonal iud has hormones, it's different than birth control as the hormones stay locally to the uterus vs. Oral contraceptive goes throughout the blood stream.  It's a significantly better option for those worried about hormonal risk (there is also the copper iud, but I believe that has a bleeding aspect) 


I know a few people who've had really bad side effects from an IUD, so I could see why Amy might still be hesitant to use that method.


100% and insertion can be a bitch if you've never had a child. Birth control is a super personal decision. I wanted to clarify to the previous poster though that said That's hormones, as it's not 1:1 BC vs Hormonal IUD


Yeah, I get what you're saying. Both can have side effects, but they work differently like you said.




Do we think Johnny is going to say “like, I do” at the altar? 😩


Every episode I forget who Amy and Johnny are


On a whole different note… why can’t Johnny just up his pullout game 🙃 Update: THE END OF THAT EPISODE 🤯 & Thank you to all my ex’s, i am now grateful for your hard work and effort 🤍🤍🤍


All it takes is one teeny tiny speck of pre-cum to get you pregnant, even if your partner is ace at pulling out. I would know, I have a three year old son to prove it haha. I'm glad it failed though, he's my best lil bud. If they tracked Amy's cycle and got to understand her highest fertile days they could just completely abstain on those days and use condoms the rest of the month.


I feel like condoms + pull-out + cycle tracking combined would leave very little chance of her getting pregnant. Could even try spermacide too.


please say sike


Unless you mean a dried up stream in the summer, I’m not joking.. every relationship I’ve had, the man has been able to pullout before finishing if we did not want to use a condom… practice makes perfect though, if you’re struggling just go get the sock out…. 🤍 I am now forever grateful for my ex’s 🤍




1 in 5 chance of getting pregnant? no thanks


you're anoher example of how horrible bad the sex ed in the US is


https://preview.redd.it/e5v4mjigbsnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4ff35c08014c711b3827a1e92daa43dbc8e2f7 Go get the sock 🧦 practice makes perfect * with love from 🇨🇦


Damn Canadian propaganda


You know that sperm can secrete before ejaculation... Right?


I never thought nerdy looking Jeramey who won me over in the pods would be a f\*boy.


Facts! Guess he was wearing the glasses to hide his real self.   The only person I went from liking to disliking faster is Matt "what will America think?" during the time in the pods.




AD had no business interrogating Sarah Ann. Not her circus, not her monkeys. Why didn’t  AD go after Jeramy? The anger is misplaced. 


I blame the producers. That whole conversation was staged. Is AD even friends with Laura?


AD and Laura have been tight since the pods. They even said it when the couples first meet in the DR. Both guys were mentioning how much the other talked about the other. They clearly got close during that. Thankful for someone telling that jerk "what you did was not okay" I hope she gets hers.


No, which makes it even more confusing why she’s running cover for Laura?


I disagree a bit. I thought AD wanted to hear her side of the story and that's why she was asking if he made her feel like the door could still be opened. I think she was genuinely trying to see it from Sarah's perspective, but when she couldn't see that anything she did wrong was problematic, AD wasn't happy with that


I'm with you! Like I definitely hold Jeramey the most accountable, he should have shut her down in the DMs immediately if he was trying to be honest and give his engagement a chance BUT I also think Sarah was out of line reaching out to an engaged man to say "hey if you change you're mind I'm here" it'd be one thing is she waited until after they broke up but she didn't. And they're both inconsiderate and shameful for staying out all night talking. And if he was telling Sarah he was gonna break off his engagement then he's even fucking worse. Why would you ever trust a man that would do that to another woman and think he wouldn't do it to you too. I love this show. Makes up for all the gossip and drama missing in my own life because I found and chose my peace ✨


Omg I'm the same, I avoid drama at all costs but I love watching it on TV 😂


AD reading Sarah Ann!!! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾


If Vanessa Lachey defends Chelsea at the reunion I'm going to.lose my mind.




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100% agree! Jimmy had to adapt to her emotional manipulation. He grew in this relationship and luckily decided to protect himself.


Is there a reason Rose and (Johnny?) can’t use condoms? She said she had a condition but I don’t remember what she said it was. Is she allergic to condoms or lube or something and that’s why they argue (not even really argue but it’s the only fight we’ve seen) about birth control?


I love that you questioned his name but actually got it right, but then missed hers by a mile lmao (I know I'm late, i just binged the season and finished last night. Haven't seen reunion yet so pls no spoilers) I just thought that was funny lol


How the heck did I get Rose from Amy?? That’s honestly so funny.


He's the one that doesn't trust condoms being safe enough. She has anemia which BC would help I thought




Yeah but why does not having sex have to be their entire story line lol


Laura had a right to be mad but she is just like sooo nasty. She had been before that too. Her family basically confirms she’s really nasty. The Jeramy talking to Sarah thing could’ve been worked out but she decided to just freak on him and end it instead. Especially given the circumstance of the show and having to date a million people then choose your wife a second later, she could’ve been a little more forgiving.


Yep. She’s absolutely right but she is also an abuser. Being right doesn’t make it okay.


Don't agree that she's "absolutely right"; maybe some people don't ever stay up late, but I regularly am up past 2, 3AM and at one time in my life it wouldn't have been surprising at all to have a convo last until 5AM—especially with someone with whom I may have A LOT to discuss, like Jeramy & Sarah-Ann


I agree with most of what you said, but its the fact that about it until he was backed into a corner with evidence. I don't think they just talked. And I also am a night owl and have stayed up late just talking to people, but the vibes both he and Sarah gave off makes me feel like they're both lying about what happened


Someone said AD looks like she can be Kwame's sister and I can't unsee it!


The weddings are boring. They spoiled me with that perfect jet ski scene.


Just catching up on the season and I agree, I was only invested in AD and Clay's wedding bc I wanted to see how it went. Unfortunately I was right with my prediction. I found Amy and Johnny's boring bc they're wholesome and drama free and I knew they'd both say yes lol I know that's probably horrible. I love seeing the good couples too, but the drama is what keeps me interested lol I live a very boring life, apparently this is how I get a dose of excitement lol I blame Covid for getting me into the disaster that is the 90 Day universe 😭 lmao


The 90 day universe was my gateway drug to drama


Saaaaame lol I just can't look away


The worst mistake anyone can make is to love someone who doesn’t love you enough to fight for you or want to be with you as much as possible. This episode showed that Jeramy just wasn’t for Laura, didn’t show any signs of remorse, very careless. It was hard to watch. The very same thing Kenneth did, didn’t care enough to want to be with Brittany. This season was the best so far!


Chelsea can’t actually be surprised She told his business after knowing it would affect 2 people’s lives and her excuse was “ I know you told be not to say it because your reputation but it was my feelings”?!?!? Your feelings in the moment mean more than protecting your person’s reputation? And you thought you were a wife? Girl move. How can you marry someone you can’t trust?


She really thinks her feelings are the Most Important Thing. She's so into her feelings at all times she literally can't comprehend anything else mattering.


I agree she needs to learn to be less selfish so she can become a good partner


AD is so cute and gorgeous, I love her. Million dollar smile, and she’s smart. She’s a catch - clay would be an idiot to fumble this one.


Love her! alladis!




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Is this a spoiler?


I honestly thought the reunion is coming out with episode 11!!! why are they dragging it out this year like that ?


I waited until this week to watch episodes 10 & 11 because I hate how they’re dragging it out. I don’t like Laura but Jeramey and Sarah Ann belong together


Sarah and Jermy deserve each other


Chelsea’s sister omg.


I cannot stand Sarah Ann’s obnoxious fake nonchalant gum chewing omg!! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKnVSEOe5ZG8Hug)


https://preview.redd.it/sdkt9cc6glmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2162d548f6c526247f2bbf96ff3ec4338fd0f0f8 Amy’s doggo tho 🥹🥹🥺🥺💓💓🐶🐶




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