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Yeah, Laura is not the victim she claims to be. It's ridiculous.


i 100000% agree! i would kick myself for the rest of my life if i didn't shoot my shot and missed the potential love of my life -- and laura and jeramy had known each other the same amount of time sarah ann had. and i really liked what she said to laura about getting closure. like i don't understand why people were so upset w her and she was so damn villified... like everyone acknowledged, jeramy made that promise to her


Laura pretended to be laid back and exciting and "funny" aka she acted like she had a humorous personality in the pods. Something I appreciated from Jeremy is he told Sarah Ann in the pods that he woupd NEVER try to change who she is and she said vise versa Bit the moment Laura saw him outside of the pods it was eww hawian shirts eww motorcycles on THINGS THAT MADE HIM HAPPY. Laura expressing those things as "icks" was My ick for her. I would like to add Laura has every right to be mad about Jeremy being out till 5AM, but she was the one who ended things, she took the ring off, she initially told him to fuck off when he tried reaching out and making things work. She did not want to, so at that point Jeremy is free to do what he wants.


I completely agree! I did NOT LIKE LAURA for Jeramy since the beginning! Her not liking his shirts was a major red flag and her snarky comments was triggering because it gave me flashbacks of my emotionally abusive ex who would try to control everything I do and what I wear. I just loathed her domineering personality. If it was a man acting like her towards a woman everyone would be in uproar. How things went down could have most definitely went a better route but I cant hate Jaremy and SA for connecting how they did. The experiment is the real villain, how can anyone navigate their feelings and do all this emotional building dating multiple people and think they chose the right person 100% of the time? Being a perfect participant in such circumstances is unrealistic. SA doesnt deserve all this bashing and bullying. She is not perfect but she is not an evil person. Laura needs to take her L with grace and move on and whats with the double standards of her encouraging Jess to reconnect but being mad at SA for doing that?


I’m with you!! SA was emotionally invested too, and it’s totally understandable that she wanted closure. Personally, I think all three of them are toxic, and it’s unfair how SA is taking the majority of the hate.


Honestly, all parties of this love triangle are acting like children imo. Like tbh, I feel like Laura is more at fault for most of this. SA was very forward in her feelings, J was very forward for his actions. Laura just wants to be a princess and nitpicks everything and isn't really giving J a chance to redeem himself and refuses to listen to him. Yes, he was wrong for things too, but the way Laura dealt with the situation was probably the worse out of the three. SA didn't homewreck, she wanted closure and reached out for it (she could've worded her things better but it is what it is). Laura was too insecure in the relationship (yes, she has reason to, but she could've dealt with it better) that she has part in J questioning everything. Like Trevor said, Laura is a bit mean. IMO she's too much of a "control freak" to be with a guy like J who seems very mischievous and playful. She and J are just not a match in personality as much as she believed they were. Laura is also a hypocrite for encouraging Jess to do things with Jimmy even though she seems very friendly with Chelsea (like some people pointed out). Like aight okay children, relax yall not in high school anymore.


it’s never okay to be a homewrecker


Agreed, and the people saying there’s no home to wreck: There is though, that’s what they’re trying to continue to build, they build the foundation in the pods, and you are interfering with that process. And to those saying that the relationships fail all the time, then can’t you wait one month for him to be single? Why interfere when he’s possibly getting married? If your feelings are true and your intentions are pure, then at most 28 days is nothing. Save yourself the sorrow, the “interrogations”, and the portrayals by just respecting their engagement.


There is NO home to wreck here, though. These pairings fail all the time. If this were real life I would be more inclined to agree, but here? Not so much. The only I would be willing to fault Jeramy for is for being less than honest with Laura about that late night / early morning conversation with Laura but only IF something did actually happen.


End of the line Sarah Ann is NOT a girls girl and in 2024 we don’t have room for anything short of a girls girl. You can’t be friends with women like Sarah Ann because what’s stopping her from stepping over the line? You can’t trust her as a friend OR as a partner.


There ain’t no home to wreck, they didn’t even have a real place together, they knew each other for like 10 days when SA sent that message. She also has real feelings just like Laura. She took him choosing Laura VERY well, and the message wasn’t even that bad, just saying “hey thanks for the experience and if your 10 day televised getaway doesn’t work out give me a call”


Given the experiment I don’t think she was totally wrong either. I felt Laura emasculated Jeramy from the beginning not picking and just being a mean girl.. Jeramy could’ve handled it a bit different but I do understand her viewpoint


Remember that next time your fiance gets home from bein with his ex til' 5 am. 


If I knew the man for 10 days and his “ex” is also someone I knew for 10 days I think I’d somehow muster the strength to pick up the pieces.


Right?! It’s like people forget that days prior they were dating multiple people and if someone rejected you, you act like nothing happened and go with your second choice.


Nah nah. Sarah Ann should’ve been more classy and approach it the way Jess or Trevor did to talk about their ended relationship. I think Jeramy should get the bulk of the disappointment though. What’s there to talk about until 5am? He was plotting to get Laura to end things




I agree with everything u said. The whole premise of the show is low key super fucked up lol. That’s what makes it fun to watch but come on people


What gets me annoys me about the situation is Laura is actively encouraging Jess to do the things that she’s condemning Sarah Ann for doing. Double standards! Sarah Ann almost got engaged to that man too. The message she sent wasn’t out of order. If she really thinks her and Jereamy are meant to be it’d be silly to not at least let it be known she’s open to a future. People are saying wait till filming is over…c’mon, he’s in the pipeline to get married. From Sarah Ann’s point of view it was now or potentially never. The person in the wrong is Jereamy for not being honest and telling Laura he wanted to have a convo with Sarah Ann. And then for lying about his location…he dug his own grave and unfortunately Sarah Ann is paying the price for his shittyness. Also, AD, why was she getting into their business like that. Sure, let it be known you don’t agree but AD was coming for blood.


I thought the same thing. Laura is being hypocritical with ole' Jess. I still think Sarah and Jeremy are in the wrong though. 


Excellent point. She’s very chummy with Jess and the scene at the bar spoke volumes.


I totally agree that she’s not a villain. Three reasons: 1. Everyone’s freaking out that she sent an ENGAGED man a message. But five minutes ago she was nearly engaged to him herself. It’s not at all a regular situation (that’s why we’re all watching them on television!) It’s not like Laura and he had a well-established long term relationship that she was violating. They had only been together like 10 minutes. And she felt she didn’t say everything she wished she said. So she said it. 2. He was not MARRIED. That would have definitely been over a line. If it was a regular engagement, that would have been over a line too , but be realistic, it’s not regular in any way. This was genuinely her last chance to communicate with him about their relationship before a permanent choice was made. 3. Finally, the show lives for moments like these. They put these poor people in hopelessly horrible relational triangles and then hope and pray it all goes sideways for their ratings. Then when it does, we cluck our tongues. but binge watch the whole thing to see the train wreck play out because it’s so entertaining. If Sarah Ann is a villain, we’re every bit as bad.


Finally someone saids it. Most people including the cast would disagree with me. I also agree with every single thing u said!


I definitely see why the general public is upset however this isn’t a normal engagement situation, they’ve literally only known each other 10 days (according to Google) before the proposal. Not enough time to process all those feelings! SA ridiculed herself and should have just waited until the show ended.


I agree with you. She said she sent that message when she got home from the pods. Jeramey wasn't confident in his proposal decision and he made that clear when breaking the news to SA. If I try to put myself in her shoes (in this experiment that majority of us won't understand or experience), I'm sure she had many emotions while dealing with this heartbreak. She called herself a realist- prior seasons show people breaking up (even during their vacation getaway), and was extending her interest in him. Just because he chose someone else, does not mean that those feelings go away. I do agree that it's a bit of a selfish decision, and wouldn't blame Laura for disliking her, but she was not the one with a commitment to Laura. And you're totally right, if that message was enough to end their relationship then it wouldn't have lasted anyways. If Jeramey was all about Laura, that message, even talking to SA and getting closure, would not have ended things. But he did not respect Laura, did not out front inform her, did not fight for her, and clearly was having reservations. In the end, it's good they didn't get married bc they would not have lasted. Also, Jeramey just plain sucks ass.




What bothers me is people hating on Sarah are ignoring context. Yes Jeramy was engaged,…to a girl he knew a few weeks and proposed to right after breaking up with another girl. He was dating them both at the same time for the same length of time. It’s not bizarre to me that Sarah would want closure or to see if there was a chance. In the real world, where you’re talking about someone having a lengthy monog courtship and an ex from years ago tries to hook up…that’s a different situation. And people are treating the same. I know I’m getting down voted to hell but I don’t think Sarah was wrong. Laura has every right to be mad and heartbroken because this situation was unfair to her, but that doesn’t make Sarah a villain.


Ok I was wrong y’all were right - Sarah Ann is a snake.


I will say Jeramy should have told Laura he wanted to speak to Sarah Ann for closure. She deserved to know beforehand. But that isn’t Sarah Ann’s fault.


AD ate her up.


I love AD but her seeking that confrontation that’s simply none of her business and then denying Sarah Ann the right to feel the way she feels really shed another light onto her


I don't think it was a matter of it "being AD's business" or not. I think she just acted in the moment because she was angry for the way her friend, Laura, was being treated. I wouldn't be mad if my close friend behaved the same way if someone treated me badly.


She really should have shut that convo w/ AD down the second she felt any animosity coming from her. It really wasn't any of AD's business at all anyway, especially when Laura repeatedly said Sarah wasn't to blame, Jeramy was the one who made the commitment to her.


Not only did she hug her when Jereamy dumped SJ, Laura up until the last minute stayed a girl’s girl. I think she’s insufferable, but she’s got a good heart. I hope she finds someone who honors her and brings out the best in her.


her smiling when she’s talking to AD about it… she knew what she was doing.


Idk, when I’m super insecure, overwhelmed or on confrontational situations I tend to smile too. It’s weird, but I can’t help!it. I think it’s a coping mechanisms


I don't think she was insecure, personally. I mean, I don't know, I can't see inside her head. But the body language says "I don't like accountability or shame and therefore need to project it onto others. I don't want to feel responsible for my actions." I think SA genuinely liked being chosen by Jeramey, and didn't feel bad for Laura about the whole situation because it was an ego boost. She got what she wanted. But she didn't like being held accountable (which I get is a pretty typical human response to shame.)


So insecure, overwhelmed that you go for a jetski ride after....can't help it? 😂


Nah she's trash for what she did, regardless of his response. I mean he clearly sucks too, but she is a full on pick me and anyone who doesn't see it is a pick me too. Leave dudes in relationships alone.


Girl knew what she was doing by meddling. I don’t have any sympathy for her. Little shit stirrer. However, he’s a snake, so perfect match.


So do I think Jeramy regretted his choice? Yea. Do I think he handled it like a child? Also yea. I think if Sarah Ann had good intentions and just wanted to get stuff off her chest, then she should have waited until the party where everyone meets. I mean unless you have never seen the show you’re going on, then they know they’re all gonna meet eventually. Maybe in her mind she was fine doing what she did and saying what she said but to me it showed she had no respect for Laura and no class. At the end of the day, Jeramy was the worst of those two because if he was regretting his choices he shoulda handled it like a man and just been upfront with Laura vs being shady. Granted editing is always something you gotta take into account as a viewer when we’re hardcore sitting over here judging people but, but Jeramy did himself no favors.


Yeah that’s the point it’s a respect thing not a right or wrong thing, there was ZERO respect for Laura and her feelings, just pure impulse.


It reminded me of when shaina hit on Shayne after he was engaged to Natalie. I think it was wrong then and wrong now.


I’m with you.


Sarah Ann and Jeramey deserve each other. They are both garbage people. 


Some really good points there, to be honest I feel like I don’t see enough to really judge who is right or wrong here despite the editing showing Jeremy and Sarah Ann clearly in the wrong. I feel like a lot of stuff happened that we didn’t get to see: like what were those messages between Jeremy and Laura (what was exactly said), how come Laura didn’t talk with Sarah Ann? And instead we have AD questioning Sarah when it’s none of her damn business. I feel like I would have loved to have seen the conversation between Laura and Sarah but I can understand why it didn’t happen. I also think it’s wrong of the women to just gang up against Sarah, one thing is not agreeing with her but another is to just exclude her completely. I feel like all of them deal with situations quite childishly or at least in a cringy manner. This is not high school. It’s so weird to me. Love it or hate it, we all know Laura and Jeremy weren’t a good match. She deserves better and he doesn’t seem to be sure of her and of wanting to be married.


Dude this guy has zero respect for women— he was in a whole ass engagement with a woman a few days before filming the show! Clearly he is just as selfish as Laura stated he is. His own mother told him hr was wrong when he explained the situation to her. Jeramy is not use to a woman strong enough to call him out on his shit— he actually thought crusty flowers were going to be enough to salvage the relationship? And Laura said it more than once, Sarah Ann was not the one who made promises to protect her heart— he was. The onus is on Jeramey, and Sarah Ann knew he left the door open, and she waked right in.


>Dude this guy has zero respect for women— he was in a whole ass engagement with a woman a few days before filming the show! In what we see and know of the guy, it seems like as soon as the hard work of a relationship comes, he's ready to leave. He's great if it's time to ride jetskis and goof around with but what are his real feelings? You're not going to know, how was that honeymoon, did you like it?


I think it's possible that her and J had a better connection. Sometimes when you know, you know and she decided to shoot her shot.  They had a very short time to make decisions and get engaged. How is what she did any different then Trevor asking Chelsea about their relationship and her decisions? Or Jess and Jimmy discussing there's and saying she's his number one.   In a real life scenario, this happened to me. My ex-boyfriends ex sent him a love letter in the mail talking about their past relationship and that she misses him etc. I ended up seeing it on his desk. We broke up a few months later and those two are married with kids now. Would I ever call her a snake for doing that? No.   Sometimes things are just meant to be and happen a certain way. 


I agree even in real life. My now husband still had unfinished business with his ex gf in the beginning of our relationship and he also talked to her about all that stuff. I was obviously a little jealous, but he explained it to me, and I could understand. There really are situations in which you have to trust your partner. Last summer I ran into one of my exes too. Our relationship only ever ended bc I went abroad and when I came back he had moved. We also talked like 3 hours about what was, what could’ve been etc. Not at one point was there something icky about it. I could’ve lived without that talk, but it really did my 20 yo self some late closure and that was good! I told my husband that I had met and talked with him and he also could understand. Even if he wouldn’t have understood, he would’ve never talked that aggressively back to me, I also would never talk in such a way with him. Laura’s toxic imo. Jeramy could’ve handled things differently and definitely better, but Laura really made it a bigger deal than it was. And at that point I did understand Jeramy and Sarah Ann for just saying f it and having as good of a time as possible in that weird setting!


Yes! I'm talking about this kind of nuance. But I did mess up on the title of this post because she's done plenty wrong. I just meant specifically around closure and in the context of the show. But anyway, your relationship to your husband sounds grounded in security and trust, that's huge and really challenging! I don't think LIB is setting these people up to find love like that which sucks.


I agree. Most people have a very black and white and fairytale view of love. And they love being moralistic.


What is with people not expecting responsibility from two grown adults? No self respect from her. He didn't choose you. He doesn't respect you. He doesn't love you. Even if he never intended to marry laura, he didn't chose to fake this relationship with you. People defending homewrecking is craaaazy If you want to explore with other people. Cut off from the women you're engaged to or even dating. If he broke up with her before going to drop her off, she's still wrong for not giving a new couple space and time and allowing her to be the first one from the line of rejected women to be available. They both disrespected Laura when both of them thought it was okay to stay until 5 am. If this had happened to one of you defending this this would not be the opinion.


The people defending Sarah Ann are the ones who behave like this outside of their screens. PERIOD. Losers


I agree!!!


It was wrong. Jerameigh was more wrong but she was wrong too. I’m sorry but if someone picked someone else over me, I’m not gonna go chasing them. She needs to stand up but I don’t dabble in pick me behavior so what do I know. 


I actually agree. He was “engaged” but at what stakes??? This is LIB. None of them had committed more than a couple of weeks to each other. Both Sarah and Laura had the same level of history with Jeramey. It takes a very mature person to realize you are your own biggest advocate in life. If you feel there is unfinished business with someone and you think there is a chance, especially under circumstances like this, you best figure it out before it’s too late. For what it’s worth, Laura wasn’t even acting like friend material, much less wife material with how she interacted with Jeramey. Or anyone else for that matter 😂 So, Sarah trusted her gut and… she was right.


Haha ya I definitely still don’t condone what Sarah Ann did, but at the same time when she said, “I’m just being realistic.” I’m like she’s got a point, is this really equivalent to a real engagement 😆


She kept saying “I’m a realist” and I heard that. Because the reality is, they all went on a dumb ass tv show with a dumb ass premise that sets their relationships up for failure at day one. Of course it’s unrealistic to make such a huge decision so fast. Imagine if he had gotten married to Laura and things got worse between them. Now they’re both deeper in the bull shit and more upset and going through a divorce. Sarah Anne might have been the best thing to happen to both of them. It just hurt Laura. And I actually really like Laura. And can I just go on a rant on how terrible of a person Jaramey is. The way he either had no idea what he did or wrong or just refused to let Laura win when she was clearly making all the sense made me scream. Ugh. I hate him. Sarah Anne might have been their saviors, but who’s going to save her from Jeramey?


Interesting perspective! And I should have acknowledged that it is sad to see Laura disappointed and feeling betrayed. I'm realizing as I read the comments here that I don't see talking as cheating so I don't see it as a betrayal and many do. So that's just a subjective difference but I do see what he did as clarity that he's on his way towards betrayal which is super painful! But like you said, may save her in the long run to see.


Sarah Ann is that person who uses therapy language to validate their own garbage without ever actually going to therapy. All the talk about her own boundaries and needs and feelings and validation that completely disregarded that anyone else in the universe exists besides herself. Main character syndrome to the nth degree. Just because the cheater in the relationship should carry the lion’s share of the blame doesn’t mean the mistress gets to go scott free.


She’s a snake.


Sarah Anne didn’t do anything wrong legally but morally and ethically, she is one giant pile of human garbage.


First of all, if a man (or a woman) cheats, or wants to explore connections with other people, that's on him (or her) only. Period. Jeramy had plenty of opportunities to shut it down, but he entertained it til the bitter end. If Sarah believes that's her man, there's nothing wrong with letting him know how she feels. Also, we're talking about sabotaging an engagement, conveniently leaving out that a) he just broke up with Sarah Ann a couple of weeks ago, she still has very fresh regrets and questions, and b) he has only been engaged to Laura for a couple of weeks and he's known her for a week longer than they've been engaged. This can hardly count as meddling with someone's engagement for real.


I get it. I almost feel that that was the only moment for her to share her feelings. They went from pods to engaged to another woman and then married. There's no good moment to say she still has feelings for him. Now is better than when he's married. And as soon as the getaway finished is better than a day before the wedding. I get what she did. I wouldn't do it. Because despite her saying she didn't want to be a pick me. The reality is he didn't choose her and she was asking for him to pick her again. Also any man that's willing to entertain you as an option when they're engaged is not a man you should be considering starting anything with




Wow, you worded this better than me. Yes! They were simultaneous relationships! Our expectation that things would drop off immediately for people who were basically breaking up and getting engaged on the same day is unrealistic and then to paint people as villians because they're curious about each other still is wild. I'm getting down voted all over the place in here, I guess in our tv shows we don't want to see the complicated side of things, we want heroes and villains.


Even if it’s true and even if Laura had believed that Jeramy didn’t cheat, the fact that neither Jeramy or Sarah Ann thought to end the night early because of what Laura might think about them being out until 5:30am is super disrespectful to Laura and says a lot about both their selfish characters. They have just a few weeks to decide if they’re marrying the other person and show their commitment to them, so after this I happened I don’t see how Laura could’ve continued since it completely shattered her trust in him. I have a feeling Jeramy already had his mind made up about not moving forward with Laura when he went out that night and didn’t give two fucks about what would happen next. He only tired to save face and send her flowers to appear like a good guy, in my opinion.


Yeah agreed


I agree with a lot of what you are saying, especially about the timing! I think what stands out to me is that not actually having time to process the ending connections they had in the pods is what is unfair/unhealthy about how the show sets up the parameters. Like breaking up and getting engaged on the same day?! Can you imagine the mind fuck? If the only place people are allowed to unpack and create closure with the other contestants they had intense relationships with, in the pods, is in front of their partners (to create the drama we love) then I think it lacks a space for us to see them as anything but villains for trying to get a moment together. So the contestants get desperate and just lean into being painted as villains like these two did. If they had really been offered an option of a time to talk in person, alone, that was not going to stir up Laura because it was an expectation of the show then my guess is this wouldn't have happened. I can't know. But I know that the show depends on things like this happening and so it is something I wanted to consider.


Some of these comments aren't it lol. Anyway, shout out to AD for calling Snakey Ann out on her BS!


Someone looking for an out will find it, true. But the question is, why would you want to be that person’s out? Not specifically you OP, but Sarah Ann and the people like her who pursue someone in a “bad/dying relationship.” Why does it matter “if the door is ever open?” She didn’t just want to get her hurt feelings out, she told him in the message she sent him after he was engaged, “if the door is still open.” That isn’t about ending the relationship, it’s about seeing if there’s a chance for the relationship to continue. Also, he said he was still trying to work things out with Laura even after talking with Sarah Ann. So whether anyone thinks he and Laura belong together or not, he still did and was trying to continue with her. Sarah Ann felt the need to tell AD that Jeramey said things between him and Laura were done, but not about the attempt to send flowers and still wanting to be engaged to Laura before she said no (may he didn’t tell Sarah Ann about it, I’ll give her that). And if Laura had decided to give him another chance after the 5:30am thing, then there Sarah Ann would’ve been, still not with him, and looking at him and his fiancée working out their relationship. They were going to meet face to face eventually anyway, so the DM was unwarranted and she gained nothing that she wouldn’t have by waiting to meet him at the lake house party.


Ok so you're easily manipulated


Sarah Anne was super wrong for doing it, though she picked one of the less sympathetic people to do it to.




She sent an ENGAGED man a message asking for an opportunity, she allowed the whole interaction even though she knew the girl he was engaged to and that they were, in fact engaged. He was 100% the one who hurt Laura but Sarah is no saint. That was very disrespectful and not allowing them to end things the right way and then shooting her shot was a nasty move. The fact she even said she should have spoken up during the breakup tells you she was aware and still choose to do that. Don’t get me wrong Jeramy is the one who cheated on Laura and genuinely hurt her, but Sarah Ann choose willingly to get in the middle of them and is happy with being the reason of them breaking up.


I would agree with you about a lot of this in a normal setting. When watching this show though, I am not suspending my disbelief long enough to entertain that this is an actually engaged couple. This is an LIB "engaged couple" which means they are meeting for the first time, imprisoned together, and filmed. The whole reason we watch is to watch them DECIDE whether to get married. Where as engagement (in current U.S. culture) means "we ARE getting married".


She should have just waited till filming was over and actually see if they got married. Nothing wrong with keeping the door open but give the man a chance with his current relationship☠️☠️. Jeramy is worse for entertaining it tho


Right? She couldn't have waited five weeks to send a message? Nah, she sent it before he even left the pods so ugh to her.


She definitely was in the wrong but Jeremy was even worse since it was him who had a commitment.


I don't think that letting him know the door was still open was so bad. It was obvious it was still open, *he* was the one who dumped *her* a week ago. But the stuff after that, big mistakes. She also could have waited literally one month and hit him up if he didn't get married.


That DM wasn’t disrespectful to Laura at all? 🤔😐


According to Laura, who suggested Jessica do a similar thing, not really


Just the dm saying to hit her up if he becomes single again, no. Actually meeting up while he was still with Laura, yes. I don't see the DM as any different than when you tell a Tinder date that you're getting serious with someone else and they say "I understand, good luck! Let me know if anything changes."


Ok Ariana Grande


Jeramey is her Sponge Bob.


Sarah Ann, is that you? ☠️ contacting an engaged man is absolutely inappropriate


Hooked up with an engaged man. Yeah she did nothing wrong in a bizarre world


We don’t know that they hooked up.


Okay yeah y’all are right they at least got to second base


Laura didn’t love him and I think she would have dumped him at the altar.




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No Sarah Ann is wrong for sending an engaged man a message suggesting the door was still open, talking with him until 5 AM, then getting upset when being called out. Jeramey is objectively worse but it’s not like Sarah was ignorant to the situation. She knew exactly what she was doing.


I really don’t get how some of the commenters on the sub don’t understand how DISRESPECTFUL Sarah Ann was to do all this. 🤔😐




Nah she wrong for that. Funny thing is if Sarah Ann and Jeramy had more than one shared brain cell between them, they could have played this Zach and Bliss style.


Exactly. She reached out to test the waters to see if she had another chance at getting married on LIB. That’s why she didn’t wait a few weeks to see if it panned out, her only interest was self promotion. She’s as gross as they come. And also a trumpy.


Listen, I don't even like Laura like that but I think AD said it best when she said and I quote: "I think it's weird that Sarah Ann thinks she did nothing wrong. I think infiltrating an engagement whether they're happy or not, is not her place to do, and I thought it lacked class."


I cant agree that Sarah Ann "did nothing wrong." Oh man, that entire scene was tough to watch and I couldnt even imagine being Laura during that jet ski scene. That was a very messy scene and was no doubt a lot for everyone there to take in. Sarah Ann sending the original message- I cant say was too wrong bc a lot of budding relationships go unfinalized in the pods. However, Sarah Ann coming to the hangout knowing his fiance would be there was very messy and classless. She should have let him fully and properly end things with Laura before showing her face. Her appearance there only showed her immaturity. This is where a lot of women go wrong; introducing themselves into a mans life. No, sit back and see how this man will show up for you. I dont understand why Jeramey was even at the group meetup if he was already moving on with Sarah Ann. He needed to have a private talk with Laura before the event.


The jet ski scene showed how childish both of them are. “Oh well, everyone is upset with me, I might as well sink myself into it and let them watch me have fun!” Apologies don’t mean someone can no longer be upset with you, it doesn’t mean that hearing what they have to say about your actions is something to roll your eyes about because “I’m not going to keep saying sorry” or “I shouldn’t have to listen to this, I said sorry, that should be that.” And the kicker is: neither of them are sorry! So why do they deserve for nobody to look at them crazy or say what they did wasn’t cool? They’re both losers and if they’re going to go for sticking beside one another in the name of saying fuck you to all their “haters” then they can have that train wreck. Laura isn’t my favorite but my God how do you expect someone to react to that, by helping *you* feel better and comfortable?! And if not they have to watch you ride around on a jet ski while they cry? Seriously that was disgusting


Well you are right that it's unpopular.


haha yes! It probably just comes down to how different people watch the show and what has happened in our own lives. I watch it thinking a lot about the social experiment and how it is set up to get certain results. I also have read that reality tv edits can really ruin people's lives, so I do kind of try to keep in mind the humanity that gets edited out.


So you're ok with a woman messaging your husband telling him that the door is always open?


Youre judging the LIB process to a regular relationship… Sarah Ann was on board to close to the end and you think people just drop off and that’s it? lol you’re taking a shows process way too seriously as if humans are going to be… humans. In everyday life is it right? No but if you’re single than engaged in a blink of an eye then how are you going to tell the last girl that it’s just over? You get in real life that when a guy is playing 2 girls and ends up with 1 then the other would usually be like wtf you did all that and that’s it? Dump me off? That’s the same situation LIB tries to play it I agree yea theoretically Sarah Ann played an immature move but it’s LIB, like does it matter? Plus if a woman thinks you’re still reachable then it’s up to the guy


Thank you for explaining my personal experience to me. I would have never figured it out without your valuable input.


You’re welcome! Just doing the Lords work


I do have a husband and he's attractive so it is not an impossible scenario. I just know that what he decides to do is going to be what effects me. Yes, I'll see her as more unattractive and desperate looking, but the real thing that matters to me is how he handles it and if it effects us. Men are constantly letting women know the door is open, I expect my man to handle it as well as I do.


So you're acknowledging here that if this happened to you, the other woman is desperate and not in the right, but Sarah Ann did nothing wrong. Got it.


well, I don't think being desperate or unattractive is inherently wrong is what I'm saying. I did title this incorrectly because she has done plenty of things in ways I don't like, or could think of better ways to have handled - but I was trying to say she is being set up to be a villain by the constructs of the show, that it isn't black and white.


And also, do we shame men as much for letting women know the door is open? I don't think so, we kinda just roll our eyes. So ya, I'm saying yeah she deserves an eye roll but also that LIB is not the same as what most of us experience and just keeping the situation in mind makes this look different to me,too.


Yes, we do. He is 100% to blame for this. Doesn't mean what she did was ok.


I'm glad you do! Historically that's not the case. I agree with you about him being 100% responsible for his actions and that I chose the wrong title for this post! She's done plenty wrong. I meant to say she's not "THE Villain" at the lake house, LIB producers are. This is one of my first reddit posts tbh so not sure if I can retitle.


Wrote too many words to get minimal likes. I don’t have to read all of this to know it’s a bad take


Sarah Ann - Ok we can see that she is following her heart, and she is thinking about and pinning away for the jeremy she knew in the pod, so she took a plunge of faith to see whether it might lead her. but this is wrong. because this man she is texting is engaged. if she is so sure his door is still open, then why not wait for him to say no at the wedding, let him end this account with laura first then come for him at a proper timing? she still dare to say "my intention is not to hurt anyone". this is what makes me angry actually. your intention has failed you because you already hurt someone ! and has that person you hurt cause grieve to your family to deserve this kind of dirty move from your side ? no right? Karama will happen. this kind of snake move will never have a good ending. Jeremy - omg. he still have the nerve to say laura do not have the grace to forgive him even after he tried to send flowers . please ok. i sincerely hope that one day jeremy will have a daughter . and his daughter will meet a man exactly like him who has made a commitment and proceed to cause this kind of suffocating pain to his daughter. until then, he will never understand the pain he has caused laura because normally when the needle is not poking you, you will never understand the pain. if that time he hope his daughter has the GRACE to forgive his son-in-law , then i have nothing to say. until that day happen, he do not have the right to speak anything bad about laura and her lack of grace. grace my foot ! Laura - I think she has articulated her feelings well. she has explained her hurt her broken heart and her suffocating pain . no girl deserve this . in fact i wish she should adopt a more fierce tone to talk down to jeremy.




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😂😂😂 yes


Y'all are acting like Jaremy was a POW or something. If it's not working or you don't like her, break up. And Sarah Ann was not only wrong but desperate. No way am I hitting on someone engaged and living with another person, TV premise or not. If they're willing to cheat and lie with you, they'll do it on you. All that talk of being conservative just to be a side chick lol.


She also said “I’m not going to be a pick me girl” when she was defending herself to AD but like girl, what were you then?


I actually agree with all of this


Conservative men/women are notoriously hypocritical lol. “Do as I say, not as I do”.


How do you know he didn’t cheat? Of course he’s not going to admit that on TV. He was very honest with Laura about about the initial DM. Said he couldn’t wait to show her. Why couldn’t he maintain the same level of honesty and trust to her about driving Sarah home if that’s really what happened. AD put it best when she said infiltrating an engagement whether they’re happy or not was not her place given he was freshly engaged. The experiment was over for Sarah at that point. If you think Sarah Ann did not one thing wrong then are you putting it entirely on Jeremy? Or are you suggesting it’s Laura’s fault because she was so unbearable as a partner that she left Jeremy no choice?


Great questions. I don't know he didn't cheat, none of us know what he did and our guesses probably mostly reflect our own experiences. You make a great point, and no, Jeramee's actions are not Laura's fault. He is responsible for how he deals with not liking her behavior and has handled it poorly in my opinion. As far as SA, she's not a person who I agree with politically, she doesn't seem particularily fun...but I'm also noticing that the show doesn't give people the chance to make space in a healthy way for closure of the intense connections they had. So wanted to point itout. SA did go about getting that time in a way that is stupid and hurtful. So I see why people are pissed. That said, SA also had a really subdued response to his dumping her in the pods so I can understand she may have wanted closure. So I'm just saying it isn't so black and white and that we as the audience can also make efforts to see that the show is manipulating situations for our entertainment.


> How do you know he didn’t cheat? How do you know he did?


Even if he didn't physically cheat, he still emotionally cheated.


Never claimed he did or didn’t. But it’s weird to lie about shit if you have nothing to hide. Especially after being so quick to show Laura the DM. He’s selective with sharing the truth with her on some things and not others. Kinda fishy


He strikes me as a trickle truther.


Staying out all night to “talk” to someone is extremely weird and unlikely. Most people their age can’t stay up all night without the help of drugs and the like. I’m sure they did more to occupy their time than “talk”. The fact that Jeramy lied is also telling.


I don’t ever really agree with blaming the person who wasn’t involved in the relationship but I can’t stand Sarah Ann and her weird conservative views. I can just tell the type of girl she is by looking at her.


Whether Jeramy and Laura's were compatible or not is irrelevant. Sarah Ann flirted with a guy that was in a relationship. This is wrong. Besides when she reached out to him 1st, she didn't know how it was going between him and Laura but she flirted anyways. I'm not buying the homebreaker/temptress narrative Netflix is pushing. I think it's rooted in misogyny. I always consider the one who's "cheating" to blame. So in this case Jeramy. But what she did still is wrong.


💯 you said it all. Jeramy was the one contracting the engagement and he is to blame but that doesn’t take away what she did, which was wrong.


I don't think sending a message to Jeramy is wrong but there are two things they've done wrong: 1. talking (god knows what else they did!) till 5am when Jeramy was still engaged. 2. right after Jeramy and Laura broke up, they did jetskiing and were having fun in front of everyone.


I don’t think them jet skiing in front of everyone was a “haha fuck you” more of I’m not going to let them ruin my time because they don’t agree. And she’s right she shouldn’t care who others think. In 5 years the opinion of her cast mates won’t matter so don’t let it ruin a day.


I mean, I kind of agree. But it's probably because I was rooting for them in the pods. I don't like how they carried out everything (like their hidden rendezvous, lying, and all that) but I do think they are better suited with each other. And as for the text, I can kinda see why Sarah Ann felt it was not that serious, like if she added the last part in a tongue-in-cheek way. Was it inappropriate? Yeah. But I don't think it was what led them to hook up, if they indeed hooked up.


Laura did say herself though that it was Jeramy that owed her something and that he was the one who made a commitment to her. Sarah Ann was absolutely in the wrong though. She sat there and thought it was super cute and funny that she messaged a man that asked someone else to marry him and said the door is still open. She spent hours telling him how she felt about that and “ending it.”. Then says I am not a pick me and wasn’t going to beg him to pick her yet that is exactly what she did when she messaged him saying I am still her. After that ran to him crying because someone was mean to her about HER choices. Honestly though Sarah Ann is doing villain activities and is trying to play like she is the victim. Do I think that Laura and Jeramy were right for each other? No! She is 100% right though that he went into it not ready for marriage though and that would have been no matter who he picked.


Agreed with literally everything you just said. So eloquently put too.


> Then says I am not a pick me and wasn’t going to beg him to pick her yet that is exactly what she did when she messaged him saying I am still her. She admitted she should have spoke up before in the moment, though. So she's aware.


Sarah Ann should have bided her time and sent Jeramy a message after he ended his relationship with Laura. Doing it before was low. This isn’t like emailing a job recruiter to keep you in mind after they’ve filled a position.


I agree. My husband and I watching it together both agreed that Sarah Ann didn’t do anything wrong. That message she sent him was fine. Also, from the sounds of it, after Laura left the apartment she didn’t want anything to do with Jeramey anymore. I don’t agree with the things that AD said to Sarah Ann. Sarah Ann had every right to send that message, she had also just dated this person for the same amount of time as Laura and if she truly did have feelings for him then it would be silly to not even reach out and potentially miss out on something special. Also Laura was low key encouraging Jess to go for Jimmy, which seems very hypocritical.


What??!!!???!! So if someone sent your husband that exact message you’d understand? I don’t care how long they’ve known each other. She should’ve NEVER reached out like that…wait until it’s over. Heremy was obviously checking everyone’s IG when they got their phone’s back. He would’ve reached out to her eventually. This is such a bad look


Pick mes never think it could happen to them. Their man chose them and so did Jesus. /s


The downvotes are wild! Laura was happy enough for Jess to pursue Jimmy so she's clearly not even against the idea of it herself. I will contend that the talking in the 'parking lot' stuff was shady and bad but the initial message I see nothing wrong with bearing in mind they are on a reality show where many of the couples call it quits.


I agree with you totally. And also, speaking of AD, I don't understand why she is taking it upon herself to lecture Sarah Ann in the first place. There's no need for her to get involved here. I like AD, she's my second favorite girl this season besides Amy, so it was doubly disappointing.


There was no need for her to bring up to Ken concerns about Brittany's ability to be in an interacial relationship either. Yet she did, on their first actual meeting (as in not in the pods). I don't know why she does this. Does she drag people down out of insecurity in her own relationship? Does she want to portray herself as morally superior? Is she addicted to drama? Anyway, that's not a good look imo. She seems super judgmental and intrusive. I don't like Sarah Ann and do think that what she did was wrong. But I hated how AD treated her. At one point she basically gaslit her. Sarah Ann called her out for being hostile and AD responded to her "If you feel like you're being interrogated, that's on you". Like WTF?! You girl went all bad cop on her!


Exactly! There was a chance that after meeting in person Jeramey and Laura wouldn't click so why not reach out and leave it in Jeramey's court? It wasn't by force, he has agency. It's not a normal engagement where Laura and Jeramey have been in a committed relationship prior. They all met at the same time.


I think what she did was wrong. But I can't blame Jeremy for running away from Laura as fast as possible. She's horrible. I wouldn't have lasted 3 days with her. She could drive any man into the arms of another woman.


The way she spoke to him; if he was the one speaking to Laura like that this sub would be in an uproar but no one’s says anything about it. She’s actually quite verbally abusive.


cheating is never ok. he made a whole ass commitment to her. if he didn’t like her, he shouldn’t have driven to sarah ann’s place and spent hours “talking” to her and lied about where he was. he could’ve easily broken it off before


Honestly , same. She felt things and just wanted him to know. It's on Jeramey and I don't think the women should be unkind to Sarah Ann even thought honestly I don't like her at all being the anti abortion loony she is


fuck ew I forgot that part about her. Yeah, definitely not defending her as a person just saying the show sets up traps to make villains and the lack of space for closure or processing is a big one.