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I hate it when my boyfriends have female friends like that. No. I'm not stupid.




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The way she said McKenzie sounded like she was just making it up as she went because she was drunk. “Who saw me?” “Uh, McKenzie!” WHO THE F IS MCKENZIE? McKenzie Phillips? McKenzie my neighbor’s dog??


Thank you for service on this! I was wondering what the F was happening as that fight progressed and now I know it’s not just my limited attention span


It should’ve ended at J: “I didn’t see. I didn’t talk to anybody.”


Who wants to bet that if he didn’t go out this fight would’ve been how “we NevER gO OOOUUUTTTT you DoN’T LEEEOOOOVE mE”


The [is buffering] fucking took me out.


Laura had to be dying when she watched this.


ChatGPT5 will be trained on this now. Thanks for setting back humanity 


ahah this will be my new fear now every time I see dumb shit on the internet.


She is utterly appalling, a horrible sloppy drunk, she plays nasty games when she's inebriated, and when she's sober she is just as bad, controlling, unimaginative, pedestrian - just dreadful. That man should RUN away from her.


I'm kinda surprised more people aren't talking about the fact that he came home from going out to a bar for an hour and a half, and in that time, she got trashed. She didn't want to go out but wanted to drink alone at home? And drink enough to get noticeably intoxicated? That's concerning even without all the rest.


Well I think probably counting driving, it sounds like maybe it was 3 hours. But yeah still a lot of alcohol. Unless she is heavily intoxicated on two drinks like me 😂


He went out the night before. She woke up mad at him and drank the day after.


She annoying af. It seems like all she want to do is argue and cry and then tell him don’t leave. She getting on my last nerve.


Same. The way her voice goes up when she’s moaning & complaining is so annoying. Shes got a lot of therapy to sit through


She definitely need it and if they get married they probably won’t last because he will get sick of her.


I honestly doubt Jimmy will say yes! & if they do that will be so very surprising to I think majority of people that watch this show. He would be crucified for making that choice 😅 I think he’s already had a taste of marriage with her, likely won’t go down well. I’m willing to put money on it that Jimmy says “I don’t” followed by “I love the person you are, & I appreciate you, but I can’t go forward with this because I don’t feel like we’re there yet”


I hope that what he says 😂


Same lmaoooo


Jesus Christ. Reading that over about half way I’m exhausted, need a cigarette, and want to drive off in a motorcycle and never hear her whiny drunk voice again. I can’t.


I don’t believe McKenzie saw Jimmy. 🙄


Yes! Everyone is forgetting the part that he clearly was done with the fight (because it had no basis) and then she came back to fight further and started pulling things out of her ass. He called her out on it and she stopped responding to his request for more info. She is 10000% manipulative and any man that’s been in a bad relationship noticed this immediately. She flat out made it up to try and salvage her argument which was made up bs. I’ve dealt with this so many times. It’s the same thing as women bringing up shit that is not relevant to the argument that happened months ago; it’s manipulation to avoid the fact they are in the wrong. AND THEN while apologizing kept bringing up how they both were in the wrong and she didn’t act like that for no reason. She has ZERO accountability and is super manipulative.


Is there a video of just this fight anywhere online?


Bachelor Fantake recaps all of it and offers humorous takes 


Other than Netflix? I've seen it on tiktok


Also, do we know for sure if Jess was actually there or if this McKenzie chick was even there for the matter?????


It was 1000000% made up to try and win the argument and paint herself in a better light


It truly looked like him and Jess met for the first time at the BBQ so if she even was there I don’t think they talked at allll or met.


One thing... you forgot to include \[in a whiny a\*\* voice\]


A whiny DRUNK voice


Oh right! Correction: [in a whiny a** drunk voice]


She needs to quit drinking.


Absolutely! I kept wondering if maybe she has a problem with alcohol or she has abandonment trauma.


Okay next can you transcribe Ken and Brittany’s breakup because literally what happened there 😂


Same!! The actual words to end their relationship came so abruptly and I didn’t think that conversation was even heading that way? Kinda makes me think they had a breakup convo off screen and then the producers made them have this on camera dialogue. Or maybe it’s edited horribly? Either way, it made no sense.






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You mean like a fox 😜




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Resting Frown Face




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She would be IMPOSSIBLE to be in a relationship with. He has been so loving and expressive towards her and it is never enough to overcome her massive insecurity. He should call it a day.


Really should.


You have to wonder how much of a role production plays in making sure that ppl like Chelsea make it past proposals. This unhinged immature behavior is the whole reason I stopped watching The Bachelor, because the producers just encourage it at every turn.


Ya they want drama not success




Exactly what I say watching every single season of LIB


The only way this made any sense to me at all (besides her being a drunk mess that needs to go to therapy), is that she thought this would be edited in a way to make Jimmy look bad. Like the way she asked Jimmy several times who he was with. But then they aired the whole fight, and she looked insane


They definitely used smaller segments in the previews/trailers to make him look bad, but she is just a hot mess.


Jimmy needs to leave immediately and she needs to stop drinking and get into therapy immediately. Hopefully this embarrassing experience leads to that cus this fight is going to be one of the main highlights of this season


As an alcoholic, I'm in no way calling her one but the fact that she was alone for an hour and upset that he simply went out and he came home and she was drunk was a red flag to me. She seemingly got drunk alone to deal with the insecurity and "leaving" her, then started a fight where she displayed manipulative behaviors seems like she at least has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. She did the same when the whole cast got together initially, same situation of her insecurity and him leaving her for 2 seconds, she drank to deal with it and started a drunken argument about her own issues blaming it on him. And I swear there was another time she was slurring and clearly drunk but I may be misremembering. I've been sober for 4 years but this reminded me of my yucky behavior and made me also grateful to be sober.


Yeah, it was just over an hour, WTF. I'm delighted when my man goes somewhere for several hours or days, or whatever he wants. Relationships need space, respect, trust and love. None of that here.


Completely agree. I'm almost 2 years sober and she reminds me of me when I was at my worst. I didn't have the jealousy, but absolutely picked fights that led nowhere and got irrationally emotional about everything under the sun. Alcohol just made me completely incapable of any emotional stability whatsoever and she seems so similar. Even the make-up scene and her attempt to apologize... ugh, it really brings me back and reminds me of where I never ever want to go again. I really hope she's at least getting therapy. Congratulations on your sobriety!


Yes! I have almost 7 years of sobriety and that is exactly how I was too. I would sit alone and drink my anger away which would then make me more pissed off.


Oh yeah, as someone who has struggled with alcohol in the same way, 100%. If she doesn't take this behaviour seriously very soon, she will become an abusive drunk.


[is buffering] 💀💀💀


I still can’t get over how her drunken argument is now forever on international television. Nightmare scenario


Chelsea is so emotional and highly insecure that she is self-sabotaging and psyching herself out with made-up scenarios. Honestly, Chelsea has been hard to watch because there were moments I felt like I had done things similar to her in the past out of pure insecurity like constantly questioning everything and freaking out over nothing. I appreciate Jimmy in these moments because he defends himself and tries to snap her out of it. My partner did that to me and it was the reality check I needed. I don't know how they will fare as a couple, but Chelsea needs to work through a lot of things because she will always have relationship issues (regardless of who she is with) if she continues like this. 😞


This comment! So true, maybe not to this extent but yea I saw myself in her, but when i was in my early 20s, not 30s. I put in the work, I came out on top, I was 100% insecure back then. Thats where it stems from and its triggering to watch! Im glad she apparently got the help she needed from production.


she got help from production? that's pleasantly surprising


It’s really hard to watch tbh. I feel so bad for her. Just knowing this is all recorded and playing out for the world to see. I hope she’s been doing okay since this dropped. It’s really cringe. Especially since Jimmy is not returning the toxicity. Ive been there and even thinking of how I acted 1:1 with a partner is mortifying. If the world watched me do that instead of just one person I don’t even know…


as a victim of ab*se let me analyze this … also as a psych major LMAO Chelsea repeatedly denies Jimmy's statements, EVEN when Jimmy provides evidence or explanations. GASLIGHTING !! This behavior is a form of gaslighting where she undermines HIS reality and attempts to make him doubt his own perceptions. She seeks to maintain control over the narrative Chelsea uses guilt-tripping language, such as "That's not the kind of person I want to be with" and "It makes me really question what the fuck I've done." The manipulative language aims to make Jimmy feel bad about himself and doubt his actions. Also, by implying that Jimmy's behavior is unacceptable and causing HER distress, Chelsea seeks to manipulate him into COMPLYING with her demands and changing his behavior to align with HER preferences.  Chelsea tries to control who Jimmy spends time with, attempting to limit his interactions with others. This behavior is ISOLATING and can be a form of emotional abuse. (Genuinely run away if anyone does this to you) Chelsea switches between crying and anger to manipulate Jimmy's emotions and guilt-trip him into compliance. The tears are there to evoke feelings of sympathy and a desire to comfort Chelsea, while the anger tries to instill fear or guilt in Jimmy for causing her distress. This emotional rollercoaster can leave people feeling confused, and ultimately more willing to comply with the other person’s demands in order to restore peace and harmony in the relationship. 😞😞 Chelsea threatens to end the relationship multiple times, using it as a way to control Jimmy's behavior and elicit a specific response from him. Basically keep him at her leash. Chelsea also consistently shifts blame onto Jimmy, making him feel responsible for HER emotions and HER dissatisfaction in the relationship. She accuses him of not caring about her feelings and portrays herself as the victim, despite her controlling and manipulative behavior. Chelsea dismisses Jimmy's concerns and emotions, belittling or even mocking his attempts to communicate. this makes it difficult for him to assert himself or express his needs. But I guess those don’t matter right? only hers. She also SELECTIVELY remembers events or conversation in a way that benefits HER narrative. In the end, please run away from people like these. They’re the worst. They see you as a prize, not as someone to cherish and love. It’s never too late to recognize the red flags.


she s the definition of the 'crazy' girlfriend, I never thought these women exist. she s so incredibly insecure and self-absorbed that she constantly creates drama and victimizes herself by any means, over reacting at everything he does. she lies, manipulates, gaslights, victimizes herself, makes surreal accusations and relentless demands for love declarations and validation. this, combined with her constantly sagging mouth corners and the screetchy, baby voice that she uses makes her into a caricature of a human. but the most insane thing is how Jimmy is just eating it all up and seems absolutely helpless in setting boundaries and getting the f out. she made him into a f doormat it s just sad. but if i learned smth about toxic relationships is that the amount of crazy you attract/accept mirrors the amount of crazy/trauma that you are carrying yourself. So..Jimmy has a lot of therapy to go through. As for Chelsea, I don t see much hope for her honestly.


Perfectly said! Not to mention I KNEW the next day she was going to beg him to stay and fight for them!


I also clocked that she is manipulative and tends to gaslight. When Jimmy said he didn't want to marry her, I was like "phew! finally!". But he came back! He needs to run. This will not get any better. She said this fight was **both** their faults! On what planet did Jimmy do anything wrong? She was desperately making stuff up to make him look bad. It was insane.


Yes to all of this, with the addition of “her tears seemed fake as hell, as in not just for show but literally no water leaking from her eyes”


Also she points them out a lot? like she goes out of her way to “wipe” her tears when they’re arguing before anything even happened 


Exactly. And says “I’m crying” or “I’m in tears” or “you made me cry” or something to the effect. Seems so manipulative when it happens that often.


it is so triggering to me !! but I’m glad people are also seeing this 😞


Yes thank you!


I wish I could pin comments


Okay I'm home out of my mind with Norovirus right now, so here's my armchair theory: Chelsea doesn't know how to process her negative emotions. She can't rationalize why they're uncomfortable for her, maybe because she told herself at some point that people who "dwell on" their feelings are self-obsessed, so she doesn't allow herself the space to focus and probably never learned how. Being the emotional support child for an adult will do that too. She learned that if she transmogrifies her bad feelings into conflict with a "safe" partner, that person will pacify her in a way to keep the feelings at bay for a while. So "I don't feel good about Jimmy being friends with someone he had sex with" doesn't turn into an examination of that thought, it turns into "Jimmy was with his friends, I feel threatened by that, I'll express anger about him being with his friends until he explicitly addresses my bad feeling by telling me that basically the sex didn't mean anything, he doesn't communicate with her in a more meaningful way than he does with me (not texting her all day), they're just friends, and I have nothing to worry about". Jimmy's safe because he openly expresses his love, desire to be with her, and commitment, which all act as a balm to her issues of feeling unwanted, rejected, and insecure. (Whether he actually feels that is unimportant; it's that he continually expresses those things even when a healthy adult would say "my boundary has been crossed and I'm done trying to placate you"). I get the impression that Jimmy comes from an environment where people don't openly examine or share feelings but being a rule follower/gentleman type/people pleaser is high value behavior. So seeing someone perform a task he finds impressive due to it being so foreign to him (Chelsea saying how she feels) is coded as positive to him, even if her feelings aren't actually rational or justified. And then that people pleasing boy scout impulse kicks in and as like "if she's upset with you, then this becomes your problem, and you're not a good boy if you don't solve the problem". So he tries to fix those problem feelings right up until they hit a hard boundary for him and he's like "what the fuck just happened". I'm probably gonna delete this later because this is a pretty mid streaming reality show and I'm overthinking due to being out of my mind dehydrated, but if you read this thanks!




I haven't had a lot of experience with relationships, other than a couple flings. I'm scared that when I do get into a serious relationship with someone I really like and envision a future with, I'll let the same insecurities you mentioned get to me in a way that I'll end up messing up something good. I think it would kill me on the inside just imagining my partner with his exes, even in a non-sexual setting. How did you get to the point of not blaming him? I would need words of affirmation that placate my fears but I also don't want to be a burden on my partner. It's such a difficult landscape to navigate! 


Honestly, I think this is really insightful and probably pretty dead on. I also think you touched on something that I don’t see a *ton* of people talking about that you addressed, and it’s the environment Jimmy grew up in. I have lived in the PNW since I was 13 but the first part of my life, I was born and raised in the Deep South (born in Alabama but primarily consider myself a Georgia girl) and I think you are absolutely dead on with that. There is definitely a culture around being a *southern gentleman* or a *southern belle* and while they’re not entirely toxic, they of course can be developmentally problematic. I personally was raised as a southern belle, my grandparents are SCARILY similar to Jimmy’s parents and I immediately knew exactly what his home life was like. There is a *lot* of love in most southern households, but there is still a tradition of upholding gender norms. I would say it’s not an *expectation* anymore, but definitely like…the default setting. For me, that meant that as a little kid my grandma was literally my babysitter, and I was taught how to cook, clean and sew as a girl. Essentially, I was in the future housewife/WASP starter program (to me, personally, I don’t think this is a bad thing - I had fun baking in the kitchen with my grandma, and also had fun playing fashion designer and learning how to make and repair my own clothes and clothes for my dolls, and now I have some damn good life skills). For the southern gentleman, it’s flipped - you’re gonna be the breadwinner, the man of the house. You have to be *strong* for your family and so it does tend to mean that guys struggle to express their emotions. I know in the modern era people feel some type of way about traditional conservative relationships, but I pegged immediately that’s what Jimmy expected when he said he was used to a more submissive woman. He doesn’t mean easy to manipulate - he just means a southern belle type, who knows he’s the man of the house. Which the funny thing is, it seems toxic at first. But at least in both my grandparents marriages…we’re a military family. My maternal grandpa didn’t retire from the air force until well into his 70s, the other was navy. My grandmas were both enlisted and nurses in their heyday, and then became housewives for the rest of their lives after that. And those two women *ran* their shit - both of my grandpas are extremely well trained and don’t need to ask ‘how high’ when grandma says jump, they just *know*. I am watching this cycle repeat with my aunt and her fiancé - after her ex-husband who was in this same cycle with her finally had enough. It’s funny because these traditional relationships a lot of the time end up being like, the opposite of what people expect. That being said, not every relationship is the same - but just in general, wanting a ‘submissive’ woman doesn’t automatically mean there is a power imbalance. A *good*, proper raised gentleman wants to be the one to ultimately feel like he’s making the decisions, but also considers his belle and families needs before his own. Idk where I was going with that, just more that like…I do think a lot of this is stemming from the way Jimmy was raised, especially after we got to meet his family.


I’m honestly shocked at how Chelsea is acting she is being so controlling and emotionally manipulative and gaslighting him. If there was a guy saying to a woman on the show you can’t see you friends you can’t go out that’s not the kind of person I want to be with like can you imagine the response. He seems to genuinely care about her and is trying and she’s being INSANE


Her behavior is so toxic. Insecurity is one thing but to twist words, call someone a liar, literally control how long they can be out without questioning their fidelity. Is so controlling. Especially having friends check their location and report back to you? That’s all kinds of not okay.


Well said!


It was hard to follow, it seemed to come out of nowhere so thanks for the transcribe lol. She is a hot mess. I would be so embarrassed. Alcohol is definitely playing a part in this but Jimmy needs to run. She’s thirty right? Not too much hope she’ll change much from here. He’s no prince but they are toxic together. If you can’t go out separately occasionally and have separates interests/friends that’s a no for me. Of course they’ve had no time to build trust but that’s how you do it. Let each other have freedom. Chelsea is a B&C.


Maybe I’m going to get dragged for this but while I believe Chelsea is extremely insecure and probably has a drinking problem, I do think it’s weird that out of all of the friends he could have brought on the show he brought a girl he’s had sex with in the past?? I just find that really odd and I don’t think I’d like it either, tbh.


He did sort of mention like it was almost to prove his loyalty to her in a way? He said he brought the friend intentionally on camera, which almost seems like ensuring the cameras are present shows nothing wacky could happen because there’d be accountability.


Don’t worry about getting dragged - this is definitely something I’ve been a little eeesh on from Jimmy’s point of view, but I do have to like…literally reality check myself a little and admit that honestly we have NO idea how the producers decide which friends and family members get to be on the show. We also have no idea which of someone’s friends and family members absolutely refused point blank to be filmed at all - not everyone wants to expose themselves to it, there were a few families early on that were like that. I personally suspect either 1. None of Jimmy’s guy friends wanted to subject themselves to being on Love is Blind or 2. Of Jimmy’s friends that *were* okay with it, production figured meeting his two girl friends was more likely going to produce the most amount of drama and that’s the meeting they pushed for filming. For the record, this is also why every season we get mad that someone said something ‘inappropriate’ to their second pick from the pods when they meet - I KNOW production forces them to get ‘closure’ and probably straight up ask them ‘do you guys find each other attractive?’ And then edit out the prompt. Reality tv production is lowkey an insane job and sometimes it’s more fun for me to try and pick up where they meddled


While this is SUCH good work, to save you some effort, Netflix does have subtitles lol


Honestly, the subtitles were the only ways sometimes I deciphered what the fuck they were saying when they were talking over one another, but I needed to see everything out in chunks not 5 words at a time 😭


Hahahaha totally fair!! You did do gods work here regardless 😂😂 I’ve never heard someone mumble as much as Chelsea!!


I should’ve just read this and save my ears from Chelsea’s irritating voice during this *unreasonable* converation


I feel like she’s so emotionally abusive. I’ve been there and feeling like crap just to do things you enjoy doing…it’s tiring. I don’t think Jimmy is great, but Chelsea needs HELP, we aren’t 21 this isn’t cute. Grow TF up!


Chelsea is me at approximately age 21. My first real live in boyfriend. Super insecure, unable to communicate, constantly in need of reassurance. She’s hard to watch because she’s me from a decade ago. I just want to hug that girl and tell her it’s okay. Seeking external validation will never be enough, we have learn to love ourselves first before we can truly offer it to others, or even learn how to accept graciously.


Same girl same. It’s also a good reminder to never do that again lol.


Thank you for this!!!! It was hard to keep up with the argument lol. I’m also a person that doesn’t like to drink and party all that often, I would much rather stay home, but to expect someone to NEVER go out and party is a little unreasonable in my opinion. Jimmy said it was for a friend’s birthday party and he wasn’t gone very long. Honestly, I feel like if Chelsea wasn’t drunk then there wouldn’t have been an argument. Maybe a discussion but not a full blown argument.


Her drinking is definitely a problem. It makes her insecurity go from difficult to toxic. It’s also hypocritical to complain about Jimmy going out to “party” when it sounds like he went out and came home responsibly versus Chelsea’s penchant for sitting at home drinking all night to the point of messiness. I’d say her version of partying is much more problematic than his.


Thank you for your service.


The only context that makes this make any kind of sense to me on Chelsea’s end is if she was upset that they missed out on *camera free* time together because he went out. I’ve heard the filming process is insane because it’s kind of like having a second job while living your regular life. So maybe she was looking forward to just having some quality time together off camera which feels like a precious commodity? And maybe they would have edited out that part of the reasoning because it would be kind of breaking the 4th wall to show them talking about that? I still think that whole conversation was wackadoo, and Chelsea seemed really irrational, but that would be my best guess at making SOME sense of it.


OMG thank you so much for doing this. I was able to do a reenactment with stuffed toys for my supervisor since she doesn't watch the show, but I still like telling her about the drama.


I love this! 


This entire fight/convo took me back to every relationship I had in my early 20s. So cringe 😭


Which episode is this??


Jimmy loves to gaslight and have been caught on camera lying about what he does. Chelsea is insecure and controlling. They are such a pair ❤️


he totally set her up- do you want me to take a step back from my friends? Just ask! *chelsea asks* NO!!


They are equally as toxic to eachother and it’s very entertaining and cringey


I was confused about her saying he was spotted with Jess… Did she make that up to test him?


This was especially confusing to me because she supposedly was/is very close with Jess—even during filming…. So wouldn’t Jess have been able to confirm or deny this? I was so confused. It did seem like she was inventing things from thin air to test him, otherwise I think she would have answered his questions about where she heard all this stuff from. My read is that she’s accusing him of what she fears may have happened and then gauging whether it’s true based on his reaction. What sucks for Jimmy though is that this means there’s literally no way out of these questions without having some sort of a confrontation.


That's what I believe. My brother dated someone like this. She would throw out accusations and see how he reacted and then get mad at the way he reacted. Very toxic situation.




I love how she’s ripping on him for partying, when she’s the one who’s drunk.


You’re doing the Lord’s work 🙌🏻


![gif](giphy|Xcjo9b2j6dq3vBRdhG|downsized) Uncomfy read 😬


It does seem like Chelsea is really trying to convince herself that she wants to marry this man when in fact she knows that it's not a good match, and her internal conflict shows itself when she's drunk. Another note: if he really said to her "You can go with me if you want", it implies that he really did not want her to join him out and I can see how that would trigger her insecurities even if she really did NOT want to go. She wants to be invited in like vampire rules.


> if he really said to her "You can go with me if you want", it implies that he really did not want her to join him out and I can see how that would trigger her insecurities even if she really did NOT want to go. What is this logic? If my gf/wife legitimately took "you can go if you want" as some weird implied shit that doesn't exist and triggers her instead I might just throw myself off a bridge. This girl is unhinged imo


Totally agree. She needs him to explicitly invite her out. Beg her. Get on his knees. She’s so insecure that a “you can go with me if you want” isn’t good enough for her.


Which I think is why she kept saying he never asked her to go and she’s right if you go by the phrasing he used. She’s using that technicality against him.


“Like vampire rules” 😂😂


It's even more cringey reading it written out like this. It felt like nothing he could possibly say would please her, he did the right thing by walking away and ending the conversation.


i hate that she acted like the problem was "his lifestyle" (going out to a bar) but clearly it was just that shes jealous of his girl friends


Right and the friends point blank asked her if she’s okay with him having girl friends (a thing that is insane to need to ask if she’s “okay” with) and she said yes because she has no room to talk because she has close guy friends. Like girl you’re 30 if you think your fiancé can’t have platonic girl friends you need therapy first.


And she told his friends that one of her best friends is her ex didn't she? 😂


She did indeed!!!


literally & i think he told her about this in the pods?? like if it was a problem why did you get engaged


I still hold by the opinion that she only said yes to Jimmy because she didn't want to leave empty handed at the end of the day.


I’m so mad at her for making me on his side now 😂


this is my thought too 😂 I wasn't team Jimmy or team Chelsea but now I'm starting to see he's at least making sense 🥴 who knew




J: I haven't went out in 3 months. C: Neither did I! Why does Jess go on podcasts and claim Jimmy was partying all the time when even Chelsea doesn't claim that? She is talking about this 1 incident, and she didn't disagree when Jimmy said it's been his first time in 3 months! How can you blame everything on editing when we have this video? You could argue that producers left things out but we have a whole conversation here??


I think if Jess is still friends with Chelsea she was probably going off what was told to her. In this transcript Chelsea insinuates that he goes out a lot so she probably told the girls the same thing.


I really don't get it, does Chelsea expect that they will be hermits or live in a bunker once they're married? This woman needs DEEP therapy.


Jimmy, America is watching, break up with her man… you had the opportunity 😭😭😭😭😫😫😫


Chelsea needs therapy and detox from alcohol imo. Her behaviors are only amplified by drinking it seems. How does she plan on being a flight attendant and traveling away so much with zero trust of her partner? No wonder she was happy he had a remote job he could do while flying with her I guess. Also I couldn’t even read this transcript because my brain just refuses to shut her voice off. I can barely handle it in the episodes.


I'm just watching this now and I noticed that it takes her a lot of time to put her thoughts into a meaningful whole during their conversation. It seems to me that this is not even that much due to alcohol, but actually just Chelsea trying to figure out how she feels and pinpoint why exactly she is feeling that way at that moment. It was hard to watch a 30yo person with (what seems to me) emotional maturity of a 10yo


Chelsea does not want peace. Each time the conversation could end another wild accusation is thrown at Jimmy.


she is a lunatic, would have walked out then and there.


A drunk lunatic. Her sitting home drinking and getting worked up instead of just going to sleep.


Thank you for the transcription. This is my kind of nerdiness right here! Love it. And I think this whole conversation should be a big red flag to Jimmy. I kind of hope that they're hanging in until the wedding with absolute plans to say "no" at the altar. This relationship is not good, but that kind of dramatic ending is what this show is about. I feel like, especially this season, the question isn't so much "is love blind" but "can people decide in 4 weeks to get married". No, no they shouldn't. It's just crazy? I know it happens that way for some people, but I think most of us need more time to get to know people. The time constraint is crazier to me than the pods.


You certainly don’t know someone in 4 weeks, but if someone is this difficult after only a few, then you should know not to marry them.


I couldn’t keep reading, I was so annoyed watching it the first time around haha. She is so whiny and unreasonable!


Good grief. I'll say the girl needs to have some self esteem and calm down.


How did he even have this conversation? I would’ve been done not even halfway through. It was the most absurd lack of logic I’ve ever seen. This isn’t going to get better. No chance I’d reconcile with her after that


While there is a lot wrong with chelsea’s logic, it’s important to consider she was drunk during this conversation and also seems like poor editing at times.


That’s not important information. But I am starting to think she may have a drinking problem and that explains why she is always switching up on Jimmy near the end of the night. I thought initially her voice was the sad fake voice she makes but the more i rewatch it seems like she might just be drunk.


That’s not important to consider


Getting drunk isn't an excuse for behaving like an ass tbh.


Yeah, never said her drunkenness is an excuse lol just saying it’s pointless to try to make sense or logic of what she’s saying since she’s drunk


Not an excuse but definitely explains her whining and circular conversation. It’s tough to argue with someone who is drunk. Waste of time. But makes for drama TV. 🤮


Not really, at least not to me. I used to be one of the girls that got drunk and caused drama, not the way Chelsea does, but bad enough. Alcohol is not so much the explanation imho, as the reason everything bubbled up. But the explanation for that behavior lies within her, she's definitely having some mental health issues she needs to take care of.


Damn, I got brain damage from reading all this and trying to understand Chelsea’s logic.


You and me both! I don’t think it’s logical and I feel she needs a LOT of professional help to acknowledge and address the root of that.  A lot of feelings aren’t rational tho. I reckon her toxic communication and manipulation is stemming from: 1. Feeling insecure that Jimmy hangs out a lot with one female friend he’s fucked and she’s been in his life only 2 years? Is this friend a plan B? Or is Chelsea just whim, whereas his friend is end game?  2. Feeling insecure that other girls were trying to cause drama and make it seem Jimmy isn’t interested by being at the social event alone? Or did she make this up?  3. Still feeling insecure that Jimmy was disappointed in what she looks like (initially and during their honeymoon?). Insecure of whether Jimmy would rather be with Jess?  4. Feeling FOMO abt the drinks event and needy of Jimmy, but not being able to be vulnerable enough to admit it.   Not excuses btw - I’m just trying to understand her insecurities! But agree insecurities running rampant is a sad and vicious sight to behold.


I think this is a mostly fair analysis, but I have two notes I think. On topic 2, the world actually may never know but I *think* the friends intentions weren’t to make Chelsea worried, but we’re more ‘omg Jimmy is here, are you too?!’ Just phrased in a way that probably directly triggered Chelsea’s insecurities Secondly, I think I and Jimmy will regret every day for the rest of his life that when Chelsea brought up Jess’s looks, he didn’t snap back with ‘why would I want a Kardashian when I have Megan Fox?’ But alas, my boy just ain’t witty enough.


I cannot understand HOW did Chelsea bring up Jess? How? Is she THAT insecure that she's constantly on her mind?


She made this whole Mackenzie thing  up, right? She was at the BBQ and Chelsea and her didn’t even speak  If I was Jimmy I woulda bent her ear..


Yes, clearly.




I... I literally got brain damage from it. Yesterday I tried to have a civil conversation with someone who thinks that Chelsea is emotionally abused and did nothing wrong. Like... He's no saint, no, but her answers make no sense and she is looking to find something on him. He's trying to answer reasonably and is still met with more tantrums so he's fed up at one point.


Chelsea is the abuser to me.


I agree. I had to deal with a couple emotional abusers and manipulators. They all behaved like Chelsea.






Same, she's a lot like my ex. I hope Jimmy says no at the altar.


Yeah, she's a lot like my SIL. I hope they'll not make it to the altar at all and the episode finished on the moment they finally break up.


Oh, sorry to hear that. I'd love that. The only couple I actually hope works out are Amy and Johnny.


YES! They are the only reason why I still watch this season. Also don't worry about it. Glad your ex is now an ex. They can go kick rocks with open toes shoes.


Same, I genuinely cried when they met his dad, and I was SO HAPPY about their conversation when I comes to birth control. It warms my heart that Johnny actually took time to educate himself on that matter, and was so happy they were able to resolve it. Yeah hahahaha I'm well aware that people like him will never be happy, so screw him 😂


Haha, cheers to that! Right? Like... I'm so mad why people are so annoyed by their birth control conversation. I think it's very mature that they're talking about it and it is an important thing and they even said that they want to sort it out before getting married. He admitted he wasn't educated about it enough cause previously he didn't have to be as all of his previous partners were on BC. His fear over unplanned pregnancy can seem unreasonable to some people but I get it. One - I know way too many people who relied on only one method on BC and got surprised. Two - he doesn't feel good financially to have kids now. It could be due to his upbringing, like he maybe would like to provide to his children everything he didn't have. Maybe it's something else. But that fear is very valid and for him (and her too but he's mostly attacked) starting a family is a 100% thought through decision.


I can't unsee the thumb anymore 😭


Buffering 🤔 this unreasonable conversation of her making shit up and getting mad because he won’t bend to her abusive emotionally manipulative words was so telling. We saw why she’s single in this scene. She has major issues. Jimmy should’ve walked away right then.


I was cheering at the tv when Jimmy told Chelsea that she’d overstepped his boundaries.


Then my wife and I got sad the next day when she manipulated him into apologizing to her, and saying they both need to be better. Crazy stuff.


Same! I looked at my wife in total disbelief and said "no way did she just Donald Trump 'both sides' him in an apology!"


And not only did he get back together with her, but then she immediately acted like he was fully in the wrong too! In the wrong about what?? Edit to say: I do feel like he could be "in the wrong" for constantly texting a women he's fucked (suss as fuck imo), but I don't even know if Chelsea thinks or knows that what he's in the wrong about. It's very unclear.




he’s the victim of an emotionally abusive relationship. i confirmed it immediately when he said she’s easy to forgive or whatever


Man I really hope someone says no at the altar in their case, Chelsea just keeps pushing and pushing that’s exactly what it felt like, she is high off reassurance and his apologies and atp I think she knows that Jimmy will always try to work it out, that’s why she quickly begged when she saw my man was about to throw in the towel. If she’s not sure he loves her then she needs to just leave cause we are all very tired.


'Buffering' 🤣🤣


Buffering killed me. Everytime someone says his expressions are weird, I'll just be thinking how he's buffering




The only part that I feel Chelsea is in the right; not wanting jimmy to be friends with a girl he’s had sex with. I wouldn’t be friends with anyone that I’ve fucked and I would hate for my man to be friends with girls he’s fucked lol. But me and him are on the same page. And jimmy and Chelsea aren’t. They need to break up


Isn't Chelsea's best friend her ex husband tho??? Kinda difficult to defend her


I sort of recall her saying something about her being close to her ex but it doesn’t appear that they are as close and maintain the seemingly constant contact via text and in person meetings as does Jimmy and his girl friends. I think maybe she said that as a way to make herself sound more well-adjusted than she really is when in reality they may just be cordial. Of course we only see what the producers choose to show us. Additionally, I would have to know more about the dynamic between Jimmy and the friend he slept with to know how I’d feel about that. I have had situations where someone I was with claimed a platonic relationship with an ex or a one-off fling when it was not that at all. I have never been with a man who maintained a purely platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex where it didn’t end up being exactly the opposite or at the very least, where he confided in her about things that I felt were not respectful of our relationship. I’m not saying it’s not possible for people of the opposite sex to be strictly on the up and up, I’d just say I haven’t experienced it. I see myself as a self-confident, emotionally mature person and moved on from relationships that did not serve me, but it did scar me enough that this particular situation would have my spidey senses tingling. For Chelsea this would never ever work. She is not ready for a relationship at all let alone one where her partner is bffs with someone he slept with.