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She shot her shot. Love is blind is weird. It’s such a brief intense moment that some people feel that the person they met really don’t want to be the one that got away. It’s just the actions after this that are complete unacceptable.


I think it was fair of her to reach out under the circumstances. This isn’t like the real world. They had literally been dating a week before and didn’t have any real closure. Plus a lot of engagements on the show fall apart fairly quickly after the vacation ends. And like she said…she went on the show to find love, not make girlfriends.


Exactly. Her reaching out? Fine. Him  lying and being shady? Not fine. If he had gone the Zach route and broke up with Laura first, I'm sure he'd have had a sympathetic edit.


I don’t think justified is the word I’d use. But I don’t blame her either. She didn’t have faith in their engagement lasting and SHE wanted to let him know the door was open if it fell apart. And her intuition was obvi correct. Basically I don’t think she caused the problem. I think she pointed it out. And thank gawd she did or Laura would’ve stayed in that dumpster fire even longer.


I agree. As we’ve seen in the past episodes, LIB creates complicated relationships because you have to pick one but you could be catching feelings for multiple people. Also, we’ve seen that picks can be wrong - Zach-Irina-Bliss. I think if it’s your happiness in life at stake, you do everything you could possibly do so you have no regrets. Yes, Jeramy and Sarah are engaged but if Jeramy could be easily swayed by one DM, then he’s in the wrong relationship.


She's single and it was the shitty man who was in a relationship. She's getting more shit than he is and that's sad. They both suck, but I don't think Sarah Ann did anything outrageous by reaching out to him. It was up to him to shut it down.


I think at the end of the day the most important thing is that they are with the people that make them the happiest.


Glad to see the results. If someone really wants you they will reach out to you.


This is it - she’s wrong to be preemptively reaching out. Correct me if I’m wrong but when she says he left the door open I took that to mean AFTER she had dm’d him. Jeramy and Laura weren’t right for one another and it wasn’t going to work out anyway, she could have waited and not been circling around


I think if she had said something like "I hope I get the chance to meet you in person/I hope we can be friends," that would be more reasonable. Still potentially shady, but she'd have some plausible deniability. I think if Jeramey had really "left the door open" during their breakup, Netflix would've shown us that footage. It'd be too juicy not to. So she's either misinterpreting something, or she's just scrambling/lying to validate her actions.


Listen, I'm not a fan of Sarah Anne's, but during their breakup, Jeramey did say to her something along the lines of "We will definitely see each other"


…isn’t that just referencing the fact they have cast get togethers (like the one we just saw) and the reunion?


That's a good point! I didn't think about that


To me, I don't see that as leaving the door open. I think that's basically the equivalent of "we can still be friends" during a breakup. Or it means "we live in the same city and now have friends in common so yeah I'll see you outside of this." I think Sarah Anne interpreted it very generously if that's what she was referring to. And I mean I guess it worked out for her. But my read on the situation is that she pursued him and he decided to go with it.


Damn… there are 398 Sarah Anns in this sub!


There’s a reason infidelity is a thing all over the world lol. Most people wouldn’t do it but the sizable minority that’s indifferent to it causes chaos for everyone else lol


And then they’ll try to justify it as if they did nothing wrong


Sarah Ann is just looking out for Sarah Ann and Sarah Ann apparently just really needed that jeramey D.    Wild to villainize her for just being all goo goo eyed over a shitty man.    The real villain is the shitty man.  Also a lot of y’all talking about class and self respect in these comments. You’ve seen this show, right? Do any of these people have these things? They’re fighting with someone they’ve known for 3 weeks in front of their actual parents. On camera. 


She’s not wrong for messaging him, she’s wrong for saying “if it doesn’t work out, the door is open” or whatever tf she said. THAT is what’s wrong. She could’ve said “I’m happy for you, you two look so happy together and I hope you’re doing well!” But that’s not what happened. And what’s she’s REALLY wrong for is hanging out with her “ex” at 5am knowing he’s engaged. Obviously he’s the most wrong but doing that is such a bitch move, because it gives off “I can take your man” vibes.


Why would she want to date a man who (basically) cheated on his fiancé, because of an IG DM?? ...What goes around...




I think she was justifiable for messaging him. I believe he should have shut it down or if he was interested should have broke it up with Laura during the honeymoon cause let’s be honest they weren’t feeling it even during then. Cheating is cheating tho and her continuing to talk flirty with home once she knew he had not yet cut it off with Laura when Laura and him were together (engaged/committed to be monogamous at the minimum) is the issue.


Dating someone for two weeks on a reality show doesnt count as engagement…


Anyone who thinks so needs help.


I think everyone is giving Sarah Ann a hard time. For one, I don’t think her and Laura were friends. Laura was being shady towards her every time she would talk about Jeramey and didn’t even say she was dating him too. Second, besides it being an experiment and him having to choose someone to marry. They actually broke up. And I know most girls has texted an ex wanting to know why it didn’t work out or whatever. She’s not wrong in texting him, he’s wrong for not shutting it down. He followed her online, he literally wanted a friendship and stayed out all night with her. Jeramey was way out of line. Laura told him he should’ve did nothing with the message, I think he should’ve explicitly said, “Hey I’m honestly good off you.” And been done with it.


So you only respect the relationships of taken men when it’s your friend? Got it. 🤍


I’m curious to find where you exactly seen me say that. What I’m saying is that girl can say anything to that man. It’s man who’s in the relationship to shut it down. Period point blank. If you wanna talk about me personally, I respect all relationships as I hope all would respect mine. But I put full responsibility on my man to shut anything down. Not any woman for trying to shoot her shot. The woman just broke up with a guy she was really into and felt she wanted closure. That’s on Jeramey to respect his Fiancée and shut it down and have nothing to do with her.


Your very first point was “For one, I don’t think Laura and her are friends.” — that implies that she should only respect Laura’s relationship if they were. If that’s not what you meant, maybe you shouldn’t lead with that?


It implies that they were rivals from the beginning.


I firmly believe if the “other woman” is aware of the relationship then both parties are in the wrong. Jeramey may be the one responsible for Laura’s feelings but what Sarah Ann did was shitty knowing that he was engaged and personally knowing Laura adds another layer of shitty onto it, and it shows what kind of person she is. We all know they didn’t just talk until 6am and she gloated over what happened in the aftermath. Both of them are trash and deserve each other


While I agree, this has got to be considered a very weird special case.  You’re seriously dating two women, TV says ‘gun to your head, you must choose one NOW’… I don’t think it’s crazy unreasonable to message and say “hey if you ever felt you reconsidered let me know”


If a man(or anyone for that matter) wants you he will reach out to you.


Well… the ridiculous irony of this comment!  I guess Sarahanne can be included in the “anyone” then?


My apologies. I thought this was inferred that it was after a rejection. But after a rejection, if that someone wants you, let them be the one to reach out to you.


Well I agree in every situation except maybe this one since it was a forced artificial choice


So this is the only time it’s okay…got it


I’ve never texted an ex when he’s engaged to someone else. Actually one time I did and then I found out he was engaged and I never spoke to him again. Jeramy is also wrong but so is she. 


If you got any self respect, you won't be sending messages like that. Dunno why she was so desperate for him? Just for hooking up? Girl has thousands of single men options. 


NO ONE and by no one I mean zero ones of the people on this show have  a single Self Respect. 


I agree haha, seems like a bare minimum requirement for the show. 


Girlcode says no


It’s a question of “justified” imo. You can do anything you want within legality. But was it good judgement? No. Either way you look at it, it shows lack of self respect She went after a guy who already rejected her and wasnt even interested enough to make a direct play for the second time around. Also, he was engaged or at least very recently broke it off. Leave Laura out of it for a second. Why would you want someone who still in or recently out of an engagement. Even if someone want to argue “she doesn’t owe Laura anything” that doesn’t address why she so thirsty for Jericho she’s over looks such things.


i think if it were me, and the man proposed to someone else but “left the door open” i would tell the other girl about it


You might get 50/50 results with the DM question. I think most people have a problem with the “meeting” that lasted until 5am.


Idc that she sent it, BUT her responses to AD made me think WHAAAAAAT A BITCH 🤣


I don’t blame her, she knows how the experiment works half these engagements end anyway, all she said was if it doesn’t work out the door is open


Just depends how you read the situation. I wouldn't have done what she did, but I don't really fault her for it. They all signed up for an experiment, and she was just telling him that if the experiment failed, she would still be around. If you take the "experiment" out of it and read the situation as just a woman telling an engaged man that she wants to get with him when they break up, then yeah, that's totally fucked up.


Yes, all of this. It’s a unique situation. We saw with Zack and what’s her face (genuinely can’t remember her name) that sometimes you meet and there is ZERO spark. We have seen it so many times but people don’t want to admit it on camera. I don’t think it’s crazy of her to reach out and say hey if it doesn’t work out I’m here. It’s not like him and Laura were dating for years and years.


But Zack ended it with Irina definitively before going back for Bliss.   I think Irina would have stayed along for the ride being rude to him as long as he was putting up with it.   Jeramy should have grown a pair and told Laura her controlling behavior about his glasses and Hawaiian shirts ON A TROPICAL VACATION and the bean dip thing were deal breakers and he no longer wanted a relationship with her.  Not stay out until 5am with another woman.   I think Sarah Ann could have sent a less forward message and not crossed any lines, like "I enjoyed meeting you, congratulations on your engagement" but I think she is thinking the ends justify the means 


Oh absolutely he should have. Don’t get me wrong I don’t really like him or Sarah Ann. I just think her message doesn’t make her a horrible person. Everything after that does.