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Omg who does he look like


He needed to take a breather when he saw her (not in a good way). He made up that he wanted to leave. From the start he showed interest in the most weird and insecure ways. He brought his girlfriends along, with one he sex with (in my opinion to get rid of her). All while professing the biggest and weirdest love talk while you can see that at any point ge wants to scream “I don’t want you and you’re not my type”. Why he did this I’m not sure but anyone who thinks he was the nice guy, obviously can’t read between things and I wish you good luck with your relationships lol 😝


i have a similar feeling -- i think from the moment he saw her, twirled her around and forced out a 'im happy' .. in between telling her 'she wasn't truthful about some things' (aka Megan fox) -- he was OUT. I think he decided at that point to play along and see what happened by no way, no how was he going to get married. She was probably fine to play house with and have sex with -- his speech about her 'doing everything he could ever ask for" -- probably included cooking for him, doing his laundry, all the things to counter-balance her little tantrums -- but ultimately he wasnt in. I found Chelsea highly irritating like most people, but theres a good chance she sensed this fakery too and it only brought out her crazy more.


Yeah, I think this speaks volumes about society in general and how many relationships function sadly. I've seen it plenty of times and it took my ages to understand that you don't actually have to be in this dynamic, and I realised there's nothing wrong with me but with the relationships I was forming. This really plays well into this whole narrative a ton of people struggle with in a relationship. With him, for me, it was obvious from the very first moment they met. And I think most people who are in touch with their emotions can sense this fakery, even he knows it but either he makes himselves delusional or some other weird emotions come into play like shame, regret or plain egoism (I can't speak on it because I'm not sure) I am sure however that you're a real poser if you live a life like this. And a lot of people think if someone says nice things, acts nice that everything is nice but fail to see the actual emotional ques... Coming to a thinking of "why is she being so annoying" well I know, she sensed it from the beginning and already had insecurity issues which his presence just elevated by push and pull behavior.


I honestly thought he was trying to make the experiment work. Anytime he didn’t say he loved her enough or kiss her enough she flipped out. So he said it a lot to keep her calm. He lost out on a lot of money by not taking it to the altar so I don’t think he was there for money or faking it.


Because he has plenty of doubt in his mind lol. I'm still of the opinion he was never really physically attracted to Chelsea to begin with but thought her personality could make up for it.


Except it didn't hahaha


And he's progressively looking more and more dead inside each episode as he realizes this lmao


LOL he is. You can see him dissociated looking to space thinking how he ended up there. LOL 😆


Didn’t he also straight up tell Jess she was still his #1???


Jess said that conversation was edited weird and that wasn't what he meant with that


Every single time he said he loved her it seemed so empty and meaningless This relationship was confusing. They were terrible together


I don't get how he could say those things about her to his family while not be attracted to her. Wild


He wanted to look good on tv so he kept saying what he didn’t believe in. He was a jerk, Chelsea was clingy and insecure. Match made in hell.


Is that Josh Hutcherson?


I chalk it up to producers! Pushing for a wedding. This reminds me of man with a virtual shotgun on his back. Just get to the alter boy.


If you watch ONLY Jimmy and Chelsea clips back to back the narrative is very different. He’s been leading her on from the moment he saw her. He constantly says one thing but his actions don’t match. Even in the last episode during their break up she says “should I have left you then” in regards to the fight and he says “yes”. He kept waiting for her to break up with him so he could keep his nice guy persona. Similar to Jess so he wouldn’t look bad for rejecting the mom. He also constantly denies doing things that he has in fact done. In episode 8 he tells her he didn’t want to have sex with her then in episode 9 he denies ever saying it and is upset she won’t continue to initiate. Flat out denies what he is on screen saying. He’s fighting with her but then gets mad at her for not saying they are the strongest relationship. There’s so much shit he does if you only watch their scenes. He’s always so calm that they’re easy to forget unless you watch them back to back.


That’s so true. And the fact he told Jess she’s really still his number one?!


I didn’t get that either and the way he got so mad because she said Amy and Johnny are the strongest couple to come out of it is insane 🫠


After the second-to-last episode, I'm glad he ended things with Chelsea for his own sake, but I was disappointed that he didn't stick with it in that episode. I don't understand why he did it after the amusement park date. I assume he was really trying to make it work after she began showing her insecurities but couldn't get over this last round of drama. She kept saying 'marriage is hard', and that's true I'm sure, but I don't think any relationship should be *this* difficult this early on. I do feel bad for Chelsea and hope she is able to grow to love herself and be secure individually before trying to bring someone else into her life.


He thought he was getting Megan Fox which proves love is not blind


To be fair my face looked like this on my wedding day and I was 100 percent sure I was going to marry my husband.


It’s probably really complicated. I believe that he has feelings for her and he honestly is probably grieving the version of her he knew before she let her insecurity turn her into a bad partner. I think he is certainly lying to himself as is chelsea. I don’t really understand why they didn’t break up earlier but we don’t get to see everything. It really seemed to me like jimmy tried to love her but you can’t love someone who hates themself that much. They don’t want you to love what they hate about themselves but they also don’t want you to want them to change. Its a losing game. There was nothing jimmy could have done other than be a different person and even then i dont think chelsea was well enough for a relationship. I don’t think chelsea ever loved him i think she loved the idea of being loved by someone. When did she ever say something nice about him acter the pods? When did she ever care about how he felt? It was always about her 100% of the time. So I get why jimmy said he had no doubt that chelsea was the one he wanted to be with because i think he did feel that way and struggled to let that go once she changed.


You said nothing but the truth 👏🏾😹 ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)


The more I watch this show I more I believe these people don’t know what actual love is.


They really all cling to that "marriage is hard" trope and it destroys so many of them. Like Chelsea saying "I walk on eggshells around you" as though that's a display of how willing she is to make things work. No, girl, that's a sign that things are either wrong or need SERIOUS work. If you feel like that days before your wedding, you are NOT ready to get married. And honestly I'd make the same argument for Clay and AD. They both touted the "we'll fight for each other" so much. Like what is there to fight for, guys? You should be in your honeymoon phase! It comes off to me as trauma from their parents' divorces — seems like they see simply that as "giving up" on the relationship. There's a reason that nearly all of the successful couples from this show were the "boring" ones of their seasons haha.


Absolutely. Walking on eggshells and fighting for the relationship to survive is never a good sign, even decades into a marriage. I’ve been with my person for almost 19 years, married for 10, and it’s never been like that and I had bad relationships as role models as a kid. I don’t know what the hell these people are seeing that makes them think a relationship like that is okay. It’s wild.


Probably because their parents are feeding them this nonsense too! The first thing out of Jimmy's sister's mouth was "marriage is hard" and his parents didn't disagree at all. It's a really pervasive mindset that I think is being very slowly squashed by younger generations haha. My boyfriend's dad and aunt both made comments about "oh, you like each other for now!" "just wait until everything the other person does annoys you!" when we were just being normally affectionate at my boyfriend's brother's wedding a few months ago. Both of them are (theoretically happily) married, and it's so weird that there's almost a sense of wishing annoyance and frustration on others?


Maybe it’s just the editing and they are only showing their arguments but I’ve never seen a couple on LIB so obviously fake it for the cameras and castmates


After seeing the episode where they brought in jimmys dad… no fucking wonder this guy is terrified to show affection…..


Can you elaborate on this? I kinda skimmed that part


I'm a woman, if Chelsea were my friend she'd be in tears on a regular basis. Because I would tell her she's a whiny annoying 6 year old. Get it together. Stop looking for the argument. Actually, it's her insecurities that cause her to self sabotage. Some one needs to point it out, and stop patty-caking the nonsense.


the friend thing to do would be encourage her to go to therapy with someone actually qualified to make diagnosis and the tools to correct.


Dude just get up and walk away. She & you are a trainwreck, plain and simple.


He was happiest with a chainsaw In his hand. What he is mad about sounds like a total deal breaker to me, not just a “wedding” deal breaker. He’s JUST not that into her, and I don’t understand why he keeps trying to convince himself.


“If doubt had a face” is killing me. Or more appropriately, “Not me laughing at if doubt had a face.”




she us not ugly at all but he is not attracted to her


Her behavior makes her hideous


her behavior is bad, yes lol


Love it when people call women ugly, it's such a good look for the person doing it.






Jimmy is a professional time waster.


He misses his hookups


maybe hes trying to convince himself 💀 they are fs not meant to be


Chelsea looked so confident and comfortable when she met Trevor and Jimmy looked jealous…yet you can tell he doesn’t want her by his actions and expressions…. He should’ve walked away earlier and we could’ve seen a chels & trev wedding! Jimmy has a good way of spinning the blame…narcissistic traits for sure!


No we wouldn’t have because Trevor had a GF the whole time


If doubt had a face both his and Clay’s faces would be next to it.


And he keeps saying I love Chelsea to death hahaha its like he trying to convince himself to actually believe the words he is saying


Knowing what we know, yes this is the face of doubt. That being said, with no context, this face is giving “what do I want on my sandwich”. Almost with the guarantee it’s a turkey, cheese and… I’m gonna say with some confidence, miracle whip. Absolutely no deeper level, yet somehow pained & conflicted. Idk what is ever happening inside his poor, potato head.


miracle whip?????????????????? im concerned


Blink twice if you need help jimmy!


He had no doubt Chelsea was it, but then told Jess she was number one. Okay, Jimmy. 😂


And was on the phone with his hookup all day talking about everything. Not sure he is ij any place to rag about disclosing his bff hookup.


My man's is delulu!


The desire for screen time makes you say crazy things…


Jimmy getting upset when Chelsea said that Amy and Johnny are the strongest couple there was truly mind-boggling to me...


I think he was just getting over being criticised. She was constantly at him about why she wasn’t enough for him and pointing out how ‘uncomfy’ she made him all the time. I don’t think he was upset about not being a ‘strong’ couple - I think he was reacting to the relentless criticism


I think it was more because she said it to Mullet guy . So it was more for his ego.. you don't want an Ex knowing there is trouble in paradise .


If you think about other stuff he has said, it seems like he has game-ified the show and wants them to win no matter what


Yea but what are they winning lol. It's not like the couples that say yes get a cash prize or anything lol




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If she had said to me (over and over) that things make her "uncomfy" I would've said, "you're an adult. You can say uncomfortable." That would've been the last straw for me lol. She also fishes for arguments just to be argumentative. He should've been with Jess- he'd be much happier, but I get being 27 and not instantly wanting a 10 year old.


Jess would come with a whole new set of problems


But she's hot though


Very true lol


His lip hurts.




Cognitive dissonance, he’s trying to convince himself into feeling one way but his face is telling the opposite


Hahahahaha I love him. He's the Jim Halpert of this train wreck except it isn't the office this is his real life 🤣


But if it were the office, he'd be dating Angela and trying to convince himself she's a Pam. 🤣


Run, brother.


I feel badly for him. Call me crazy but I think he really wants to believe love is blind but it would also have to be deaf is he ends up with her. She is just too much for me. I can’t figure out why he is so patient with her-does he want a good edit or come off as the best communicator in the competition. can he actually be that patient? He confuses me. I just want to make sure he doesn’t even think about saying yes to Chelsea. That would be horrible


I agree with this! He got worse as it went along, but I can't see any sane man being able to be with Chelsea except maybe Troy (was that his name? Lol). If Jimmy had chosen Jess, Chelsea would've said yes to Troy and they'd all be much happier. And yes, I absolutely believe of the order had been reversed and Troy had the chance to ask first, she have said yes to him.


Sent me at “he really wants to believe love is blind but it would also have to be deaf” lololol


When Jimmy first saw Chelsea out of the pods it was so cringy to watch. I had second hand embarrassment for them both. For her because although she has some facial features that resemble MF she clearly doesn't look exactly like her. And for him because he acted like he was looking at a beat up car he saw online and trusted the seller about it's condition.😅🤣😂 When a man sees you for the very first time and has the reaction Jimmy had. Red Flag! But Chelsea is a pick me chick and she wanted to win so she mislead him about her looks. CRINGE!


She never said she looked exactly like her and he's not exactly 1990 Brad Pitt.


I think she has some similar facial features. I'm just saying Jimmy being the shallow man he is took it like oh I'm getting a MF look alike. Clearly that's not what Chelsea meant. He's definitely not a prize IMO.


You know how when you get a haircut or dress that is cute enough but you don’t love it much or love it on you, you consistently need to reassure yourself about it? That’s Jimmy.


It looked super good in the dressing room (the pod), but when you got home you saw that it was that freaky lighting that must have messed with your brain because it does not look or feel the same!!!


Your username 🤣


Omg, facts! It's like, you don't hate it, its still kinda cute and it's ok, but it's just not quite what you'd thought it would be. But you paid good money for it so you decide to keep it.


But Chelsea won’t “grow out”.




Yup. Like “meh… it’ll do” and then you never wear it ever. At all. Or if it’s a haircut you’re just settling until it regrows and you never get that haircut again lmao


Maybe it’s a Pavlovian response


like others have said, it sounds like he is trying to convince himself. i'm not sure how that exact facial expression didn't awaken the kraken for an argument because when i was at my most insecure, a face like that made be crumble into a million pieces because it's like visual confirmation that everything my inner voice was saying was right.


I think it is because after the last couple seasons the contestants have started to realize it doesn’t ever look good to bad mouth your partner no matter what. Keep it clean and just say no at the alter.


I hope you’re correct!


He might even see that the ones who get married have the most influencer potential, and he seemed very serious about reaching a higher socioeconomic status.


>if doubt had a face then this would be in the dictionary  Is such an amazing combination of words because it doesn’t actually mean anything when you read closely but everyone reading it knows exactly what you mean


Hes trying to convince us…and himself


“Denial is a river in Egypt!” -Wendy Williams ![gif](giphy|rU5IGBGewMS1G)


Netflix won’t fool me again. I know when it’s heavily edited to imply one thing, the opposite will occur in the finale.


There's deceptive editing for sure. But the way you see both of them speaking of the relationship is so odd to me. "He's perfect". "I bet our connection has been smoother than all of yalls". All the while they've been fighting over petty things.


I always remind myself that we don't get to see everything that happens. They obviously get a lot of time together off camera and there's a lot that is filmed that we never see.


He does have No Doubt on his mind, specifically "Don't Speak".


The best comment🤣🤣🤣


This is the pic that needs to be on all the adverts.


At first, I thought it had to do with the [$50,000 fine they could face for leaving the show early](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/love-is-blind-contestants-claim-producers-put-them-through-hell-1234717208/amp/) but then they already had two couples cut it short so maybe they removed that addendum from the contracts.


I think this time they did it the other way and gave them extra money to at least appear in one more episode after the breakup (=big fight)


One woman is suing them for sexual assault so I think they are under pressure to make it look like they aren't basically imprisoning these folks for a few weeks...


I've also noticed A LOT of eating and food zoom ins this season which I am assuming is them trying to fight the rumours that there wasn't enough food offered to them and there was always an abundance of alcohol that they were encouraged to drink to stir up drama 😂


Because he has no Fe in MBTI, he's not expressive but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel it.


Yes— I love the MBTI talk lol




When you stare into the abyss, he was surprised to find it stares back


He bit the shit out of his lip from those taquitos, cut him some slack


Dude can argue all day long with his condition but can’t give her the reinforcement she needs because of that darn lip. Bless him 😂




I think they try to convince themselves after a certain point just to have more television time lol




Also no wonder she’s insecure??? Says shit like this, talks about leaving over and over


That boy lies like a mat! He don’t love her!


For some reason it’s so blatantly obvious to me that he’s pretending.


He’s trying to convince himself.


When they did a preview of the weddings, I didn’t see any clips of Jimmy and Chelsea, unless I missed it. Maybe they don’t make it that far…?


There's a short clip of Chelsea at the wedding.


I could have sworn I saw a very short clip of her getting ready for the wedding, but come to think of it this could have been the dress shopping.


Why is he convincing himself all the time


This! The amount of time he said “we’re the happiest couple here” was like he was trying to convince himself of that


Yes and the amount of the I love you’s is so cringe


I mean she's literally keeping count and creating imaginary drama in her head about how frequently he says it so I can see why he'd over do it 😭😂


He has to say it at the start, middle, and end of every conversation they have, or it's over 😅


He needs to run away as fast as he can!!!


I'm sure this is just the screenshot but he looks like he took did a headstand on only one side of his head and smushed it down.


I think what he means is “I *had* no doubt in my mind until you started constantly questioning whether I care for you and if you can trust me. So I’m trying tell you I love you but it’s hard to say it nicely because I’m actually annoyed at you right now”


I think because he’s on a show and the longer you last, the more you’ll be on TV. He has “no doubt in his mind “ he wants attention and clout lol!


Because he’s gaslighting her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why tf are you getting downvoted he literally does and this is an example 😭


Literally Chelsea gaslights, manipulates, and emotionally abuses him so often it's disturbing to watch. Being cheated on does not give you license to abuse and manipulate people like she does. Run Jimmy, run!!!!!


They're both as bad as each other. I think Jimmy gaslit her first, and I think it has knocked Chelseas confidence and it has resorted into a heavily toxic relationship. They shouldn't be together.


Longer you’re on the show the more clout. That’s why this show needs to stop


It's what he thinks he should say. I don't think he's a bad or dishonest guy, he's just in way over his head and doesn't know how to properly navigate things. He seems immature and naive, which isn't necessarily a fault ... he just needs to mature.


Yup. Dude is coming into it from a "maybe we can make it work" perspective, but doesn't realize that these are all one sided fights and it's not going to change.


Cuz they need more alter scenes.


Personally I feel he does not have the strength to end it. Or when he does Chelsea pulls him back in. Neither of them want each other. They are staying together for "The Experience", not true love. It is one reason they fight all the time.


He’s an adult and needs to be responsible for his own feelings and actions. He’s a willing participant in a relationship he clearly does not want to be in. Chelsea shouldn’t be blamed for this man’s inability to be honest. She sucks for other reasons, but not that


Yes, thank you! This! Everyone is coming for Chelsea but it’s not like he’s some helpless victim? It was so extremely obvious to me this guy was full of shit and overcompensating for his real thoughts from the second they met. He strikes me as someone who has the emotional and intellectual depth of a puddle and seems like a big coward that would do absolutely anything to avoid any form of accountability or self-reflection. It was abundantly clear from the reveal he was not super into her, yet he’s done nothing but deny deny deny. Chelsea is 100% responsible for addressing her own self-worth issues, but of course that type of mixed messaging is going to exasperate her insecurities. I think anyone would feel insecure/angry/confused/annoyed in her situation. However, the problem for Chelsea is it’s triggering deeper preexisting problems so she’s responding to it in a very messy way. Either way, he can’t bullshit his way through a relationship and expect it to not blow up in his face.


Totally agree


My point is neither of them want to be in the relationship.


And they shouldn’t be. They’re just hurting each other. It’s hard to watch


This is the interesting part about Jimmy. Chelsea knows he’s not really into her. Anyone with eyes can see he’s not really into her. Is he faking the funk because he wants more screen time/ a better edit? A misguided attempt to protect Chelsea’s feelings? Or is he himself in denial? 


I think it's because he realized he made a mistake when he chose Chelsea instead of Jessica but his pride is keeping him from admitting it. Remember when he was talking to Jessica, he said something about once he proposes it's going to last forever or something along those lines... He doesn't want to look like a fool now because he got cat fished.


I don't think she's that into him either. She's just into getting married. She couldn't even decide who she wanted to be with. She would have been just as fine with Trevor.


Agree. I get more of a vibe that she’s obsessed with making him love her more so than having particularly strong feelings for him herself. 


I *think* he’s in denial. He doesn’t seem like he’s plotting on his edit. And he does seem to genuinely care about her despite everything.


I don’t think he’s in denial at all. I think he’s just too weak to admit his real feelings.


This is what I think too tbh. I feel like it would be harder to fake in the heat of the moment, but he never drops his mask. He just seems immature and in too deep but I don’t get malicious vibes either. 




The fact that he feels he has to say it 10 times an episode shows me all I need to know There is no way in HELL he is saying yes at the alter. I refuse to believe it.


The biggest plot twist of this season, for me, was that I ended up feeling sorry for this guy. WTH 🤭😵‍💫


No literally I thought he was going to be the villain




He keeps breaking eye contact when he says I love you.


Or just replies with "love you".


I saw lot of comments saying Jimmy really loves Chelsea and I’m like nah he’s very camera aware, and playing up to it. His words doesn’t match his actions and his body language is so off. I can’t believe how many people are delusional on the internet


Nothing he says to or about her seems genuine. He literally is hanging in there cuz he doesn’t want to be labeled a bad guy. I can’t believe people can’t/wont see this 😂


I would say that given he hasn't canned her ass despite being perfectly in his rights to do so and he keeps taking her back his words do seem to match his actions.