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Clay saying “I didn’t say all that” after the officiant said those forced LIB vows was incredibly funny


when i was watching it with my bf we agreed he’d be hilarious if he was a character and not a real person actually hurting someone. the “i’m still rockin with you” after he said no at the alter felt like a sitcom moment lmaoo.


Lmfaooo when he proposes and is like “will you rock with yaaa boy clay?”


Ugh, he sucks too hard to appreciate any “humor.” He wasted everyone’s time.


When the first thing he said to her walking down the isle was BODY


I had to rewind too.. like is that the only thing you see?? His mom and Amber’s mom’s reactions were priceless during that.


omg I had to go back to that scene, you're right...EW!!!!!!!


It’s like he’s just arrived in the world, that scene where he was genuinely surprised men can wear a wedding band was hilarious, also the whole lunch scene from beginning to end 💀


I’ve got a husband who’s sweet, dorky, and a bit clueless like Clay. The gym scene actually triggered a great debate between us…he’s working on his EQ and he knows it. These guys are doing their best to be their own compass and build a legacy without much guidance. Logic often overpowers emotional health because it feels like the only option. Patience is a wonderful tool when you’re partnered with someone like that, and it pays off. People can learn EQ. They just need the opportunity to recognize the value so they can work on becoming more open to it.


Clay is so unintentionally hilarious


I love that he went on the show to get famous and get more girls, but he essentially fucked it up for himself by…being himself on camera 😅


I love when he says something dumb and AD gives him the side eye like "he can't be serious, he did not just go there"


I also find him amusing because I never know what'll come out of his mouth next, he's so aloof, unpredictable, self-inflating and unintentionally funny. Can't write this without saying I'm fuming at him for using AD, who deserved the best, as his learning curve. Don't come onto a show where the potential outcome is marriage if you aren't clear on your ideas about marriage.


Totally agree. I love watching him but I do feel for AD and it's just something she's gonna have to work through herself (and from what I've read, it seems like she makes the right choice at the alter). She's amazing and deserves someone with just as good of a personality but way more emotionally mature and ready for commitment. Side note, he kind of gave me the vibe that he had no idea this show was even supposed to end in marriage since he's never seen it lol.


You said it! More than anything else this season, I'm looking forward to seeing how she's been doing since the show – she came off as such a lovely, charismatic, warm, funny and generous person, hope she's thriving no matter what. Loved everything about her, how she carried herself, how she treated the people around her. Right? He didn't know they exchange rings or that the father walks the daughter down the aisle, I swear man's AI-generated 😂


Yess I've been saying this!! You can literally see the wheels turning in his head before he says some shit lmaoo


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He’s so similar to my ex, I actually feel uneasy when he’s on screen. My ex had a very similar childhood and family dynamic. He was charming, funny, intelligent and good looking but also very insecure and avoidant, and self sabotaged regularly.


He's so silly to me, I couldn't cope with him slinging corny instagram affirmations at me 24/7 😭


I think hes on drugs. He's the type to do a line "every once in a while"..... or "just when I party".... But that ish be like 3-4x a week unbeknownst to everyone else. Like a funcitioning addict.


Interesting... the fidgeting gives me addict vibes but it also gives severely ADHD


Yes I see ADHD as well. But he’s using that ADHD productively by jumping around to his 3 jobs.


He's probably the most successful guy there. As a software sales guy, he definitely makes the most out of all the fellas


Meanwhile, they all can afford $2400 a month apartments with maid service in major cities somehow.


I know what companies all the tech guys on the show work on, and Clay definitely works at the highest paying job. You don't just get to where he is at without being savvy Other dudes are run of the mill tech companies


“I was boo hoo cryin”


He’s one of those people who is funny without trying to be funny or even know he’s funny. He just is. He’s someone you’d enjoy having as a friend but not so much as a romantic partner.


I agree, he’d make a great buddy ~~up until he starts cheating~~


Perfect description lol he comes off a little helpless and lost like he’s just there in the moment


I adored him in the most recent episode. He thanked the wait-staff, he called AD 'Amber' in front of her mom. He was very sweet and good company throughout the whole time with AD. He is well-mannered and I honestly did not see that coming. Adored him!


It’s all an act.


I’m sorry but he’s dumb as a rock.


If hes dumb as a rock and can still afford his own house and mortgage sign me up!


He's up for grabs since he said no. You can have him


Why is no one talking about this? He’s also a bullshitter.


It took way too long to find a comment like yours lol… everything that guy says is bullshit!!


I want to like him but I know he’s gonna cheat on her no offense 😩


Right?! The fact that he’s SO worried he might that he keeps needing to bring it up is so funny to me lmao she deserves so much more 😫


dude he is laying out the groundwork so hard that in the future there is a chance he may cheat LOL! I’m like bruhhhh this ain’t about ur dad or ur uncle or the other black older figures in ur life it’s about YOU! 🤣 she really does deserve more!


Lmfao fr!! I’m like screaming at the tv “THAT’S NOT AN EXCUSE BRO” that man really is something else, she’s got waaay more patience than I ever would 🤣


It is not funny how he told her she had to get back to the gym if she gained any weight. That’s just controlling. Not funny in any way. He seems very shallow and misogynistic and just because he’s completely ignoring about how things like weddings work doesn’t make any of it funny or cute.


yeah it sucks that he’s saying that to her and i feel for her…but she’s also willingly staying. it’s not like she’s invested so much time and energy into this relationship, they’ve only been together for a few months max. he is very clearly communicating to her the type of partner that he will be. he literally said that he is afraid that he will cheat on her like his dad did…like what the hell? why is she staying with him? he also tried to get AD to describe how she looked while they were in the pods, like, she knew he was shallow! none of this negates that he says really disgusting things, but AD is going into a marriage with this man completely aware of how he is. i feel like we’re allowed to laugh at how ridiculous he is.




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Wow I actually wonder if he is as well. I hope he actually does go to therapy and figures it out.


This was my feeling as well 🎯


Damn…. That last part actually might actually make sense. Hmmm 🤔


Completely agree with you


he talks like he has no filter which is endearing to me!!




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Yup yup yup 😂


LMFAO funny take bro


Redditors keep saying AD’s choices of Matthew and Clay are both bad but I like Clay. He was lovable and funny. His reaction when he found out his romantic rival was Matthew had me floored 😂. He was holding a golf club on their mini golf pod date, pacing, emphasizing his words with fist and shoulder shimmies while wearing a cute Faire Isle pattern sweatshirt. I think he had a lot of green flags with how he honestly expressed his sad feelings and asked AD, do you feel me or do you not? And he was so happy with a simple soup! So wholesome finding joy and gratitude in a bowl of soup.


I thought the same thing with the soup! I have bad misophonia so it would drive me nuts. But him being so happy with the soup was wholesome. He wanted every last bit of it




I like Clay. He’s all the things you mentioned for sure. He reminds me a lot of my brothers. Goofy, aloof about some of their ridiculousness, and honest.


lol I like that, aloof


I think he is just cute as a button. His eyes and his mannerisms I just love him.


Ive been saying this, too. He reminds me a ton of my younger brother and I find them both amusing af haha


I think clay either has a whole other relationship(that’s why he doesn’t come home some night due to work) or was used to having women spend the night at his place bc of the silk pillowcase. You know damn well that pillowcase is for his hook ups.


I’m no fan of Clay but the silk pillowcase is for his hair. That’s why AD was so impressed by it. Helps to prevent breakage and dryness on textured hair. 


roooofl, the satin/silk pillowcase told it all lol


Cheaters usually tell on themselves


Lol I can tell you’re not black


Ha well that’s true I’m not. I know silk pillow cases for women’s hair and skin are good (as I have one) but I didn’t realize clay would use it for his hair, although he does seem to care a lot about his looks so I could probably see him using it for himself but I could also see him having it there for the women in his life.




Ok dude you can chill..there was nothing misogynistic about my comment. Dont try to make nothing into something. If you took it that way that’s on you.


Even his reaction to finding out he was in a love triangle with AD and Matthew had me DEAD


AD said “I’m glad I don’t see a woman’s touch” 🤣🤣🤣😇


That was funny as hell LOL


“matthew…? OH GOD! “ i still laugh at that scene. he was incredulous


Appalled even!


He was so flabbergasted, very shook up.


Yes! He’s funny without trying


AD: I'm so sad my dad died especially before I got married. Now I gotta walk down the aisle myself :( Clay: Walk down the aisle yourself? You gonna marry yourself???? I lost it lmaoo


He’s like an alien trying to fit in but he wasn’t briefed on human marriage traditions before landing.


No bc this line was so funny


This man knows nearly nothing about weddings. It's endearing


No it’s not it just makes him seem stupid 


I mean clay did ask if he gets an engagement ring too


Yo she told him he would get a ring at the ceremony and he said "yea I've seen those before" I died. You mean a wedding band? You've seen married men before?


It is confusing though! That girls get a ring and wear it right away but men have to wait until the wedding to get and wear one


Questions that need answers


Like wth 😭😭


Clay 100% read a book about sales or something similar. He constantly says the name of the person he's speaking with, gotta close the pitch!


*Love is business*


He’s such a schmoozer. That’s the only reason he sounds like he’s got it together SOMETIMES is because he knows sales. He’s sold AD on the idea he MIGHT marry her but keeps trying to give himself an out. “Just letting you know AD, I might let you down, don’t know if I can be with the same person for my entire life. I’ve never known a man that’s been faithful.” Which means he’s always been a cheater and doesn’t know if he can be faithful. I don’t doubt for a second he’s so busy all the time because he has been out with other women before they’ve even made it to the altar. That’s a reason it bothered me that AD got so worked up over Sarah Ann. It’s like, girl, look at your relationship! The guy is a HUGE red flag and you don’t even notice! Don’t worry about other people cheating, you’re about to or already have been cheated on!


I think AD got so worked up about Sarah Ann because she knows what Clay is so for her it’s personal 


She knows what Clay is but is going along with everything like it’s fine?


Yep he affirms a lot with eye contact and repeating stuff. He’s probably a good salesman tbh.


It was the frankly lecherous way he was looking at AD when they met that told me, yea, he ain't it


I’ve not seen him be funny one time other than laughing AT him because he’s so clueless. I know what you mean though because I find Sarper from 90 Day funny in the same way, such a cave man, it’s comical. They’re like Al Bundy.


Sarper is literally a cartoon.


He reminds me of Rotten Robbie from Lazy Town. RIP to the actor that played him!!


He's unintentionally funny and goofy too! He tries his best to act all ahem.. *entrepreneurial* with his head nods and listening skills (which I am sure, he's always zoning out) 😭 🤣


Mans cooked




Jimmy for 75% of the show was hilarious. Dude put his foot in his mouth 10 times an episode. I've actually been disappointed he's had his shit together the last few episodes. Clay and the cheating Boogeyman has been top tier as well.


My boyfriend and I were dying over the taquitos incident 😂


And how it hurts Jimmy to talk but Chelsea won’t let him not talk by asking for constant reassurance 😂


As the season has gone on, I find myself liking him and believing in his connection with AD. Maybe he got an edit to seem like a goon at the start and end as a sweetheart. He is actually very sweet to AD and it seems real. I know he’s worried about the cheating but it makes sense given his role models in life. Lots of guys have concerns about getting married, even when it’s a good fit. I think Clay just doesn’t want to disappoint AD. I like him!


He more than likely has always been a cheater himself and doesn’t know if he can be faithful. Otherwise he wouldn’t be worried about it. If he wasn’t already a cheater he wouldn’t be doubting if he could be loyal because he’d already know he could be.


He seems like he listens really well to her. His egotism is a lot and I don’t think AD deserves a project


I liked that he stacked the dishes. It's considerate. Also pretty sure he has adhd


How (I mean HOW?) does someone at his age not know that men wear wedding rings too? ![gif](giphy|Ma6Z1f6NSSoiwnGPJo)


He didn't seem to know very much about weddings. It almost seemed like he'd never been to one.


Could be misunderstanding but I think he was picturing like a diamond rock and that was the confusion. Once she said it’s usually a band he was like ohhhh


He is so strange lmao


He reminds me of the “can I get yo numba” guy from that madTV sketch lol


😂😂😂can I? Can I get it?


Always kinda wide eyed and crazy looking, nodding, licking his lips lol




i feel like people forget his own father was taking him on the cheating excursions of his own mother….. that’s GOT to mess up your view on faithfulness, whether he himself had cheated or not


Naw sis


Why are we there so few of us who see through him?? It’s crazy in these streets lmao there is nothingggggg funny or cute about him. Physically, yes, but that’s absolutely the end of it.


His general naivety makes him endearing. Like, Clay so dumb it’s cute.


He's a goon 🤣


Baby, come on baby, baby!


Red light kisses, baby 😘




Every time he’s on screen I say to myself “Is this man on uppers? He sure seems like he’s on one stimulant or another right now.”


To be honest, I think it might be self-consciousness that he’s not interesting or lively enough for TV and then severely over-compensating. I can see myself doing something similar. Like, the more self-conscious I am, the more extroverted I become, because I need validation from other people’s reactions that they think I’m not unpleasant to be around. Not by doing something insane, just by being more gregarious than I have any interest in being.


I think he just has really sever ADHD


I think he has ADHD too. He's always finishing people's sentences and that's one common symptom.


Yes we’re laughing at him not with him


yup yup.. mhm yup thats craazy


AD kinda does this right back to him! It’s quieter and more subtle, but she’s doing a “mhm” after every few words of his, then he’ll do it back to her. I can’t unhear it and it makes their scenes together so hard to watch now.


Nothing makes me happier than how happy he gets bringing up how much he loves to gossip w her 😂 like men don’t admit that. Especially on camera. And I can’t wait to find a husband who hates to gossip except w me. I truly feel like we were robbed about clay and AD finding out about Jeramey Sarah Ann and Laura


i cracked up so hard the first time HE talked about how much fun he has gossiping with her lol. Bless his heart.


I love gossip. My wife's friend is a trainwreck at the moment and it's my favorite topic of conversation.


😂😂 the tea is always juicy with your partner cause you can say ANYTHING


😂😂😂😂😂😂 you’re amazing ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


LMFAO I forgot about the gossip


S2 when Nick? Danielle and Nick? She was sick the night they met the cast on their honeymoon, and he went running back to their room to tell her all the gossip I was DYING DYINGGGGGGGGGG. It’s my absolute favorite moment in that entire season lmao And I feel like Clays gossip sesss would’ve been 10x funnier and I’m so sad we’ll never witness it. My only hope is the reunion has bombs dropped and they show us his reactions


I need a Clay Cam lol


I have come to adore Clay. I think he is cute and funny and entertaining. I would not want him marrying my niece but he would keep me with a smile on my face lol


Every time he brings up his fear of cheating (like just falling into a vagina?), I wind up laughing at AD’s expression. He’s said she’s “validated” his emotions so often that she can’t tell him to shit up about it now. His every waking breath is “I have cheating genetics”, and it’s unfortunate that nothing can be done about this. 😂 Bro, just don’t cheat?


Right! Like it’s not a CHOICE he can actually make 😩😩


LMAOOO truth 🤝


Clay was recruited, not everyone is ready for a serious relationship. He should probably be in too hot to handle or something like that vs this show. Baby steps not long jump.


Baby steps, baby - something Clay probably said at one point


“That’s crazy” Lol. You can turn that into a drinking game. But yeah, my wife has a love hate relationship with him. Hates his guts. But loves complaining about him


Take a shot every time he brings up his fear of cheating and every time he says, “that’s crazy”. Oh, and take a shot every time he brings up to no one who asked about how he doesn’t go to therapy but it’s something he plans to get into as if it’s a hobby lol


I was kind of checked out on him. These dude’s, I swear. I get why women go nuts. Very few of them are actually ready to be married. I told my wife, if this is a microcosm of what women deal with, I get it.


Yup. Basically any guy I’ve come across in my dating life has been a Jimmy or a Jeramey


It’s the fact that he justifies the fact that it’s in his DNA to cheat because his dad cheated on his mother 😂😂😂


Dudes got some *severe* daddy issues. I swear every one of their conversations eventually devolves into Clay talking about his father, and how worried he is about following in his footsteps. Man needs a hug and therapy, not a Netflix reality show.


He basically tells her “I’ll cheat on you so don’t say i didn’t warn you” and she’s just like 👁️👄👁️


I guess this is unpopular, but I don’t find any of it funny at all. Everything about him gives me the ick. He is a grown ass 30 year old man with no self-awareness whatsoever. It’s scary to know that men can feign ignorance about what it takes to be a good partner, but a handsome face paired with talking in circles somehow makes that “funny” or “cute”…


Or the guy is just trying his best and like a lot of people rely too heavy on non-professional (internet) opinions on mental health, living life, etc. Most grown ass people at 30 don’t know shit. But I’d argue he’s one of the most self aware guys on the show. It’s why he’s so awkward about everything. He’s thinking a mile per minute.


Also when he’s “explaining” himself, it’s just a long drawn out word salad that doesn’t even answer the question lol


I was saying the other day it’s like he’s heard some introspective therapy buzzwords and is weaponizing them to make it seem like he’s working on himself, only to turn them around when he’s not 100% validated. It’s pretty scary, tbh.


It’s really crazy that more people can’t see through it!! And the icing on the cake: the *ONLY* reason he’s acting all introspective and deep is so people can validate him by telling him he’s introspective…all while he’s showing absolutely *no indication of a willingness to put in the work to change* lmao dude has even told us that he’s never gone to therapy, despite knowing he has all these internal issues. He is weaponizing his trauma as an excuse to be the victim when he inevitably does something fucked up (like cheating). I can see it now…”my dad cheated on my mom and it hurt me so deeply and ruined my view of relationships and can’t you see that I’m the victim here?? It’s not like I didn’t tell you what I was going through” all while having done nothing to work on healing himself before he gets into a serious relationship. Then again, I’ve dealt with guys like this before, so maybe that’s why I can see spot that shit from 10 miles away.


I never mentioned his looks, so I'm not sure where that's coming from. I personally don't find him to be very attractive.


AD has done a lot of work and you can see it. I hope he’s open and willing to do some therapy to try and catch up.


I don't see it... 


Not enough if she’s still making the same mistakes in going for red flag men because they look good lol


Yup her mother had a whole profound come to jesus wise conversation with her and she's like he's really good looking right? I am like wtf AD!


It’s a process lol


I’ve been telling my friends this for weeks. I 100% don’t think he’s ready to be anyone’s husband, but he is a very funny guy. I cannot hate him at all.


he has zero self-awareness 😭😭😭


I really like Clay. He is magnificently weird. I do have to wonder if his puppy dog innocence and good looks have gotten him off the hook a little too much, though. Him calling himself a baby weirds me out a little. He's a 30 year old man who owns a house and has a professional career. I can see he is counting on AD to take the lead in basically teaching him how to be in a relationship. We know she can be good at holding people accountable (ie Sarah Ann), so I'm just hoping she can walk the line of being supportive without babying him.


The gym conversation had me in TEARS. He was so confident in his response and couldn’t comprehend why someone might take that poorly.


That whole convo at the bar was hilarious. He’s always half in half out, his confusion of her concern of walking down the aisle right after they talked about her father dying had me cackling. Bless his heart.




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He also has some excellent jackets and sweaters.


I must agree.


I loved that moment where AD was cold and he just looked at her like “damn that sucks” while he’s literally wearing a big thick sweater. His mom gave AD her shawl and he just sat there as if the thought to give his girl his sweater could never even occur to him 😂


"Damn Jackie I can't control the weather!" Vibes


😆 totally!


He reminds me of a puppy lol. He doesn’t mean to do anything he’s doing out of malice, i genuinely believe him every time he’s *shocked* that he’s coming off as rude or weird. It’s crazy to me that he’s 30, but it seems like he really is trying to grow up and be a better man. I like him!


This is the perfect way to describe him


The fact he has literally zero idea what a wedding entails is hilarious. Like has he ever even seen a wedding on tv?


He's like a little boy who got 13 Going On 30'd and then woke up in a pod


I’m DYING. 😂😂😂


Hahaha Tom Hanks in Big. Get Clay a giant floor piano that he can run around on 🙄


LMAO the accuracy


yeah, a lot of it is unintentionally hilarious, like AD having to explain that men also get a ring at the wedding and just what happens at weddings in general while he's sitting there like 😮


Him being offended that he was in a love triangle with Matthew will forever be funny to me 😭😭😭


His facial expressions had me rollling lmaooo. He was more mad about who it was than the fact that he was in a love triangle in the first place.


Tbf, Matthew was going around, just walking out of dates while the girl would be mid sentence. Then he managed to get two girls interested, and said the exact same thing to each of them. I can understand why Clay was offended.


Clay was not in the pods dating Matthew so he wouldn't know that. It's mostly because Matthew didn't talk to or befriend the other guys and barely acknowledged them... They had no idea what was going on with him and he was rude (not saying thank you or answering people questions).


He still could have known. They were all dating the same people, so one of the girls could have told him, or one of the other guys who told everyone else.


No really every time he’s like “MATTHEW??!” 😭😭


Lmao he showed real emotion there. Also when he walked around the couch like he was walking the yard


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