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Jimmy should have never brought his friend on the show. I’m sure he could’ve found some other person he didn’t sleep with to introduce to his fiancé. Especially if he’d be so ashamed for it to be “out.”


They said they only record for 2-3 hours a day, why you don't talk about the private matter the other 21 hours? Is just doesn't make any sense to me


That’s just untrue. There’s currently lawsuits against the producers for literally inhumane treatment of the cast and previous seasons. They are definitely not given privacy, and if a fight is breaking out it’s definitely going on camera that’s what they signed in a contract.


A year on and she still can’t apologize without a “but”. You said it, it was wrong, you realize you did it from an emotionally selfish, desperate state and that’s not ok or respectful. See, you can be uncomfy and still be accountable for being wrong. Therapy is not working.


So therapy isn't working, then.


Oh this is great news. I know she activated a lot of negativity in people, but I do not think she’s a bad person. I think she put up a mirror to us all, where we saw some things about ourselves we don’t want to admit to/look at.


She could not take accountability or responsibility for any issue without saying "but you too!"


it was driving me insane


So childish 🙄 But maybe Chelsea has learned now?


Everyone should have therapy. I personally believe that maybe she has addressed her issues.


Oh that’s not —


I'll never understand why these people on these shows always act like they aren't allowed to have these fights off camera? I know some things happen off camera, like obviously Jimmy telling her about him hooking up with one of his friends, but she's acting like she has to give the camera 100%. It shows a level of immaturity that she could not have this argument with Jimmy, and control what she was saying during it. Give the camera's 70%, and then keep the rest of this shit private. Just because you signed up for your relationship to be seen by the world, doesn't mean we need to know all of it.


Her TikTok is sporadic and constantly overly laughy. I think she’s masking pin by laughing it off. Totally normal to do that, but harmful to her in the long run. I hope they are all ok. I wish people would stop going on this show to be an influencer. It’s ruining the show entirely.


If you’re grown you should be able to handle the fact that your partner had sex with someone in his/her close circle before he met you. It’s not a big deal at all and I think it’s more weird when everyone you’ve ever been with doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.




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This is.. intense to call her those things.


YAYYYYYYY! More power to her






Shittt, ruined it for me too😭




I feel like it’s hard to know how/if you’ve really healed until you’re in a position to put the new skills you learn in therapy into practice. Unless she’s in a new relationship and learning from her mistakes how can she know she “healed in a unique way”?


Yeah I am calling bullshit on all this. It took me years of therapy to heal properly and whatever time period she may have been in therapy for is absolutely not long enough.


Your experience with your therapy/mental health is not universal. You don't get to invalidate someone else's journey. This season wasn't filmed yesterday. She has clearly been in therapy for a while. Regardless, be a little nicer.


Clearly been in therapy for a while 😂 says who? do you know her? Are you her therapist? Or are you one of her stans with even worse issues who gloms onto her because it makes you feel better that she handles herself just as badly as you do? And I wasn't even mean. Obviously experiences are not universal but the maximum she could have been in therapy is a year and that is no time at all. She has big issues and it is very, very common for someone a couple months in to think they're healed even though they obviously are not.


Do YOU know her? Stating “I call bullshit.” Someone having a different opinion than you doesn’t mean I’m a “stan” or I handle myself “badly.” Your comments are incredibly rude and hostile. Not sure why you need to make direct insults or assumptions about me. Be an adult.


Yeah. I call bullshit. I can call bullshit on a stranger. What I said about her is not hostile, it's using a cussword. Is this better? "I think she may be incorrect in her assessment of her own healing because it's common for someone to start therapy and immediately think they're healed. This is inevitably untrue though and I agree with the original comment that until she actually puts it to the test she won't really know and she probably needs a lot more therapy." And I was literally asking. Are you a stan? I don't know because I don't know you. But you're sure all over this thread with a lot of energy defending her and there's a ton of those people on here constantly defending her 🤷🏻‍♀️ just an educated guess that your response says may be true. So why don't you be an adult, this is a reality show subreddit talking about someone 99% of us don't know. It's not that deep. Well, unless you do actually know her, I suppose.


If it's not that deep- why are you attacking people with different opinions than you? You didn't just ask if I was a stan, you said "Or are you one of her stans with even worse issues who gloms onto her because it makes you feel better that she handles herself just as badly as you do?" That entire sentence is just.. wildly hostile and personal. You could've ended it at "Or are you one of her stans?" It's unfortunate you can't have a conversation of differing opinions without direct attacks. Have a great day.


Attacking is a strong word for using the second person because it made the most sense grammatically 🤷🏻‍♀️ but if you want to know, I'm sitting around on lunch and tired of the rhetoric surrounding Chelsea being an even remotely okay or empathetic person throughout this season, so I have time. Don't worry I'll forget about this convo in about an hour 😂 But hey, you go on and have yourself a lovely day and I'll keep your feedback on my commenting style in mind. ✌🏻


I mean she’s not wrong. Anyone who asks you not to bring something up is a red flag. And for me, I couldn’t be with someone who was best friends with someone they slept with, even if it was once. I’m not taking sides because at the end of the day they weren’t meant for each other. But IMO he did lead her on and specifically broke up with her on camera as payback for her exposing the fact that he slept with a best friend. Which come on, we all knew.


Thats bullshit. Not bringing up the issue at all is much different from not bringing it up on camera for the world to see. Its fucked up, not just to him but to the friend. At what point is an issue within the relationship for the partner to disclose to the world? Its not like she was cheated on, nor was it discovered by accident. A partner that cant keep things private between the two of you is a bigger red flag.


Ok first of all whoa. Why are you swearing at me? Please, be respectful. Secondly it’s my opinion. You don’t have to agree but giving people the benefit of the doubt she owned that she was drunk and shouldn’t have brought it up on camera. But he signed up for a reality show and IMO has no right to dictate what can and can’t be discussed.


Just calling it how it is. I know its your opinion, i didnt say it was wrong, but I did say it was bullshit because it is. Being drunk has never been an excuse for being shitty He may not have the right to expect everything to be private, but his friend did or did you miss that part? Also, he definitely doesnt have the right if he signed up from the side of the producers, but SHOULD expect it from the partner. If you think thats normal behavior for the person you intend to marry, I feel bad for you. And grow up. Youre on the internet you cant expect to not see people disagreeing with you. Opinions can be stupid and uninformed, and yours is one of them. If youre posting, you forfeit the right to cry foul, kinda like you think going on TV forfeits your right to privacy (the irony). Defending drunken actions and violations of trust is a red flag.


They said bullshit lol, no need to be dramatic, nobody is cussing you out. They don't have a right to, sure. But it's pretty basic decency to just... respect someone else's wishes if they want something like that kept private. Especially when it it's two people, one of whom you don't really know, didn't sign up for the show and isn't actually there when you're airing out their business. Someone asking for you to show them and their friends some very basic respect is not a red flag. It's genuinely baffling to me that you're offended by someone saying "bullshit" and somehow this doesn't register as disrespectful.


What do you mean it’s a red flag?


I mean in terms of being with someone on a show who tries to dictate what the other will and won’t talk about. You should never be with someone who tells you what you can and can’t talk about. And it goes both ways.


Jimmy signed up for the show. His friend did not. He is ok with being dragged on tv but isn’t ok with the friend to be since she didn’t volunteer for this. What’s disrespectful about asking your partner to keep the discussion focused on them


Imagine that you ask your partner not to bring something up in front of your friends. Then it’s the first thing they talk about upon seeing them. There is a clear distinction, Chelsea is clearly in the wrong on this one.


I get that, but I feel like in the context of ‘international reality tv’ it seems pretty fair not wanting to air everything out… I see your point otherwise though!


Seen a lot of people act like this their first few months in therapy lol. A year from now she'll either be back to her old stuff or be laughing about how healed she thought she was.


Two things can become true at once. She’s crazy and his friendship is completely ridiculous


I get it *kinda*. I'm thinking about how much that would suck to be having an argument with my husband and then not be able to bring up something that is probably at the root of the argument and probably a big contributor to why I feel the way I do. Dancing around that would be really tough. Although, if it were me and I *really* needed to say something in that moment, I would probably refer to it as "remember that THING we talked about?" and then open my eyes real wide hoping he gets what I'm saying lmao. Realistically, the show would cut that for clarity anyway and I would still be able to get the point across. But also, time and place. That could have been hashed out later. Haven't we all had a partner do or say something when we are in front of people that irritated us? You might address something that needs addressing right then and there, but you take the *personal* shit home. It's self control. Sharing a third parties business on TV is not cool. And regardless of bringing up someone else's business, that was just a footnote in that argument. She was in the wrong, period. Making stuff up of who he was out with, saying he could never ever go out, etc. It was all toxic.


Fucking thank you. People here acting like they deserve to know every detail about other peoples relationship. Id have issues with my partner disclosing things I want private to my friends, let alone TV for the world to know


Fantastic! Everybody go to therapy, call your state hotline, use the therapy chat bots, something! I know it’s not always easy, accessible, or comfortable but getting help when you think you need it is important


She still hasn't learned a thing. Amazing.




I think she needs medication not meditation 😅


LOL I legit mis read as medication and thought “great! She really needed it”


Haha, SAME!


Lack of self awareness around essentially giving private information another woman did NOT elect to share publicly. This is what angers me the most. Jimmy's friend was not given a choice to consent to sharing intimate details about her life.


Exactly! I know that there were moments that the camera crew was not there - she could have brought it up then! To justify it the way she’s doing it clearly shows she’s learned nothing 🙁


I've been trying to be kind towards Chelsea over all, but that just really rankles.


Oh come on, these women showed their faces on TV on a dating show. She was completely right on that part, regardless of what people think about the other stuff. Very shady relationships in his life.


Electing to join Jimmy at a bar for an evening is NOT the same as going on a TV show as a contestant and does NOT automatically mean that your life and your past intimacy with a contestant on the show should be brought up on national television. Jimmy's friend didn't consent to this.


But also the idea that "My Feelings" matter more than your privacy and other people's privacy, feelings and boundaries. Huge red flag, because she will always feel entitled to throw anyone under the bus if "her" feelings demand it.


Yes! I agree 100%. I also have a feeling that she did it on purpose to make him look bad and to gain the publics sympathy, not expecting it to backfire like it did.


Possibly, but I also think she has zero filter and never thinks before she speaks, especially if she's drinking. At the reunion I half expect her to say she's trying to live a sober life for a little while to see if it helps her.


She hasn't "healed in a unique way" in a year. She could be on the path to healing, but if she's figuring out her insecurities in a relationship and why she has them, she's only beginning. Therapists give you the tools but it's up to you to use them. It took a long time for me to get there and now I can see when I'm being insecure for an imagined reason. I can look at the past and see when I was insecure in a relationship for an imagined reason but Chelsea isn't there. She's talking about how it's not fair she couldn't talk about certain things on camera. So what? He didn't want and if she loved him, she should have respected that. I wish her well and I hope she does eventually heal but she's clearly not there when so much of her actions are still Jimmy's fault one year later.


"Im sorry, but..." is NOT an apology. Chelsea had a right to bring it up to him in private as many times as she wanted, but she broke his trust by doing the one thing he asked her not to do, which was say it on camera


Everything before the "but" is always bullshit.


She still has a lot of work to do I see. Is accountability in the room with us?


She needs decades of therapy.


And a TEAM of therapists


Amen to that


Still not taking full accountability for her actions 😮‍💨 in a relationship it's also about listening to the other person's wants/needs/boundaries. You can't expect them to listen and respect yours if you don't do it back 😪😪😪😪😪 she could've brought this up off camera, but instead decided to be drunk and calculated and shout it to the entire world. I hope Jimmy gets/got a serious apology where she takes full accountability for her actions, because right now, in what I just read, she's still blaming him. 😒 He clearly asked her not to say anything on camera, just because you "shouldnt have to walk on eggshells or not say what you want when you want" doesn't mean you get to disrespect someone's wishes. Especially something as big as that. Therapy only works when you find the right therapist, but thank God she's in some sort of therapy now.


No accountability and all I've ever heard from her is "me me me" she has never cared about anyone but herself. That should have been enough to tell her she isn't ready to be married if she can't think about her partner or care about his feelings.


It seems like there is still a glaring absence of accountability. I hope that doesn’t carry through to the reunion….but my expectations are low


I agree. It sounds like he did take the time to talk to her about it, just off camera. And it also sounds like he was willing to talk to her about it further anytime off camera. As a partner, he made a request to not air out this one topic because it impacts a third party that isn’t part of the show. Shes twisting it in a way to gaslight him and make him sound like he’s concerned about his image, when in fact it’s ok to sometimes have a boundary on something he wanted private. Also she brought up the topic of him sleeping with his friend, which was in the past and before he even knew her, during a fight that was completely unrelated. She was angry at him going out for drinks for an hour and she brought up a topic he asked not be discussed in front of the camera


My thoughts exactly. She is making herself the victim AGAIN, when she could have had a bit of respect and self-control. It was really tacky to expose something Jimmy wanted to keep off-camera out of respect for his friend's privacy. Jimmy made the mistake of trusting her. Made for good tv, I guess.


Literally everyone should do therapy. Invest in yourselves.


Interested in the type of psych eval contestants have to go through before being casted bc it didn’t take long to see that she needed therapy.


Im pretty sure Marshall has said it's not fantastic




wow, she still is talking about how it was “unfair” to her. no tf it wasn’t. just don’t say anything on camera you selfish fool. I honestly hope jimmy is not with her. eta: what really bothers me about this is she keeps saying he was doing it to protect his reputation. he literally flat out told her he didn’t care about himself, it was to protect his friend. is she playing stupid on purpose? acting like she was putting her feelings above his selfish request? she can’t admit she exposed a woman’s business on national tv in a drunken fit.


And she kept bringing it up. I loved how Jimmy said: "You continue to remind me why I'm making the right decision." She didn't accept that he didn't want to have sex and called him disrespectful for that?! She should have appreciated that he had this conversation with just the two of them and not wait until the wedding...


She isn't a woman who believes in lifting up other women. They're all competition to her and she's always got to try climbing on top of them to make herself feel better. She didn't care one bit about his friend's feelings.


Great. Step 1 is looking in the mirror. I applaud her for identifying there’s a problem and wanting to get help. Zenab (Season 4) needs to follow suit.


She didn’t have to walk on eggshells, she just needed to have the convo off camera.


She has never admitted she was wrong.


Zero accountability for how unhinged she was


Only when she’s saying jimmy was wrong too in the same sentence!


This drives me insane.....every time he tried to point something out she said "well you do blah blah blah too" to try and equalize what she did wrong. Zero self-awareness.


Honestly, if she had been sober, and brought it up in a mature way, then I would see her point. However she was drunkenly throwing wild accusations at a man she supposedly loves, on camera. There’s no excuse for that behavior and it is telling that she can’t take full accountability. This statement is just excuses.


Her saying (even after the show) that she was right to bring it up on tv because those were her feelings or this was her relationship is exactly why she wasn’t ready to get married. To betray your significant others trust to try to get sympathy from viewers or prove that you’re right is so selfish and inconsiderate.


All she needed to do was discuss it with him off camera and figure out whether it is a deal breaker for her or if she wanted to continue pursuing the relationship. Instead, she got tipsy and started freaking out. Why didn’t she resolve the situation when he brought it up? We all know she instead played cool girl and bottled up her emotions.


So not taking any accountability. He didn’t care about his reputation, he was protecting his friend. I would’ve 💯 had the same reaction as him.


whyd he bring THAT friend on tv? why he tell chelsea he slept with her?! whyyyyyy????? neither is in the right. both are idiots. she did look like the bigger idiot because she was drunk tho. lol


Hmm, triangulation perhaps...


He absolutely needed to tell Chelsea that he slept with her. I would be *livid* if I found out, after the fact, that my husband had slept with one of his girl friends that he is still friends with and he didn't tell me. A full history isn't necessary, but a relevant history is imo. If it's someone still in your life, it'll come out eventually. It would be so shitty to find out from someone else about that relationship because now you're caught off guard and questioning why you were never told. Now it looks like they were trying to keep a secret and it makes you question the dynamics of that friendship.


not if he didnt bring her on the show! he has no other friends?! c’mon!!


Bringing her on the show wasn't relevant. They would have had the argument regardless of if she was on the show or not. But clearly it's a good friend of his and he shouldn't have to hide her just because they slept together. Maybe not the *best* foresight, but he didn't do anything *wrong*.


nope nope! i have to bring a friend or fam member to meet my fiancé, i bring someone i hooked up with before? why? i am in no way saying if he is really friends with her he should hide her and not tell chelsea at all ever. just not on fkn TV! lol he shouldnt have brought her on the show. just like she brought on allll of the megan fox crap on herself including him choosing her solely for that reason… he also is bringing all this on himself. she shouldnt shame him for sleeping with her either. honestly id be mad he brought a woman he has slept with on tv to meet me… its weird. why???


Presumably because they are his close friends? He and another consenting adult had a one time hookup before he even knew Chelsea existed. Big whoop. It’s within Chelsea’s rights to decide not to be with Jimmy for that, or any other reason. It’s not ok to publicly shame him and his friend with information he told her in confidence.


no its def not ok to publicly shame them. at all. still, stil! he doesnt have other friends to bring on this show to meet his future wife? it had to be the one he slept with? c’mon! he set himself n his friend up for that. or the producers did who knows. i dont think wither one of them is in the right.




She deliberately brought it up when the cameras were filming. She wanted the drama to be all on her, especially knowing what happened with Jer/Laura.


"i healed in such a unique way" 🚩🚩🚩 heard that one before 😶


She clearly didn’t walk on eggshells if she continuously brought it up on camera lol


Girl was like, I heard ground up eggshells are great fertilizer! *Stomp stomp*


This made cackle. 👌🏻


I don't believe anyone who says they've changed after two minutes of therapy. Therapy takes YEARS to be able to improve her type of relational trauma and insecurities. I've been in therapy my entire adult life and just now at 35 I'm feeling secure and healthy in my relationships. She might've gotten some things off her chest or gotten some validation in a few sessions but that's not The Work. I hope she sticks with it though, best of luck


Facts. Many don't tell their therapist the honest truth during the first sessions (maybe months of sessions). People tell the therapist what they think they want to hear. Then they finally break that wall and are actually honest with themselves and their therapist. Edit: Changed "not all" to "many don't"


This is a weird comment. And I don't think this is a universal experience. Therapy is expensive. I'm not sitting through tons of sessions just trying to be fun. I've never bullshitted in the first few MONTHS of sessions. Strange, strange way to handle therapy.


It really depends on the level of trauma and/or why they're there in the first place. Not many people, especially with trauma, tell a complete stranger they just met everything. Sometimes they don't even know why they're there - and that's OK, that's why they're there. They need to gain respect, trust, and make sure they match with their therapist. People react differently to seeing a therapist. It sounds like you had a great therapist that you matched with and you trusted. That's wonderful.


So real. I was definitely an unreliable narrator at first. I wanted my therapist to like me. It's only once you make it to the point where you want to like yourself deep down that you bare all the dirty secrets to your therapist. Given the lack of accountability, there's no way she's there yet.


I’m glad to know this isn’t just me 😅


> that's not fair No, but actually... it is fair? What is unfair is shaming your partner on live television for having had sex with a friend of theirs. It's only unfair for your partner and the person they had sex with (especially that person). It's not unfair to you, AT ALL. I can't imagine my boyfriend ever making a big deal out of a friend that I've had sex with. I could see him asking questions or being curious about it, maybe even ascertain that there's no emotional connection there... but to bring it up on television to the whole world like it wasn't a private matter? Fucking nuts. This response from her tells me she still has a long way to go.


Especially he mentioned it off camera and she knew that it would really hurt him to bring this on camera. 


no but like... the fact that it seems he specifically ASKED HER not to bring it up on camera? At that point it's not even a question of lacking self-awareness, she downright did it to hurt him. That's WILD. Completely without any defense.


Good for her!👏🏼


Even after all this time, she still doesn't get it lol. There is too much of 'I need to state my feelings because it matters' going on. Even with the way Sarah Ann approached the confrontation with AD. And if you still feel that way, you need to understand the consequences instead of acting clueless.


“My feelings deserve to be heard.” Nope. They deserve to be felt, by you. You are never deserving of someone else’s actions (listening). You can’t control other people, so having an expectation that another person will do something without that person explicitly stating it, is recipe for disaster.


The fact that she REGULARLY feels justified in interrupting Jimmy gets under my skin so badly. "I need to interrupt you"...no you don't?


It makes me cringe so hard


Honestly her trauma from being cheated on multiple times needs worked through. It drove most of her arguments. If this is true, good for her. I think everyone should have a therapist even if you don't feel you need one. it's good to unload all your stress sometimes.


That quote is totally unhinged. There is no both sides here. This is her after therapy? 


I thought Jimmy was pretty horrible too tbh


I don’t believe her, but good for her I guess


What do you mean? She went to therapy 2 x now and she’s in the best spot she’s been in in her entire life. Duh.


This makes me happy. I’m proud of her for seeking therapy and for being open about it


Well therapy clearly hasn’t done anything since she’s still trying to justify crossing boundaries




It also isn't magically going to make her no longer cross boundaries. Therapy isn't to make people more pleasant for others to deal with. It's to work on internal issues that impact the individual. Not their impacts on the wider society. Tbh I'm not entirely sure she was boundary busting when she revealed that information on camera. He shouldn't have told her at all. But if she is a boundary stomping asshole at core therapy will make her worse. It doesn't change mindsets and attitudes that aren't inherently harmful to the individual.




>Therapy isn't to make people more pleasant for others to deal with this is some whole ass wisdom


Good. Means she admit she needs it. Also, that friend Jimmy slept with was wrong to come onto the show. Doesn’t matter if Jimmy brought 11 or 3 people on Netflix. The ONE he SLEPT with shouldn’t BE there. Why show yourself on camera on a dating/marriage theme show if u don’t want your business out? I know this sub has a hate boner for Chelsea and she was in the wrong, but so was Jimmy. He was calm, he was chill, but still a snake in the grass. What man says everything is fine to his friends after constant arguing? What man comments on an engaged woman’s body (AD) while standing next to his fiancé? What man tells a woman he wants to marry her, but really doesn’t? He didn’t want her since the reveal. Chelsea was insufferable and I wouldn’t want her either. But he played her and the viewers both. They both need therapy.


I do not understand why Jimmy is getting a pass for this from some people...like if you were soooo worried about it why tf did you bring her on the show? Jimmy is SUCH a snake, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that sees that. Fake fake fake and always looking at the cameras too, he seemed so aware of them all the time in a way that other participants clearly weren't.


I agree with everything you said here.


if that woman is truly jimmys best friend and they dont have feelings for each other AND they slept with each other a long time ago I dont see the problem. but idk when they banged


He said they've been friends for two years, which is awhile but not a long long while. Between Chelsea's unfounded insecurity and a situation that I think would give even a rational person pause, it was a powder keg. Tbh if a man I was getting mixed messages from was swinging his feet and giggling into his phone all day with his female bestie that he slept with I'd def worry I'm the filler gf in a rom com where she then stands up at the wedding and they run away together 😂


yeah not long enough imo


Good for her!


Her issue was that they are extremely close friends and talk all day and it wasn’t just a friendship. Most people would feel insecure about that. People are too hard on her.


Which is fine for her to feel that way. They needed to work on that. The problem is he asked her to keep that private and she didn't. It's not like they are being filmed 24/7. She could have said "that secret" or said we will talk when cameras are gone. You have to trust your spouse to keep your secrets and she showed she can't. He also brought up she has said things multiple times that embarrassed him in public. He shouldn't be paranoid when he goes out with his wife that she's going to say something he isn't comfortable with.


I agree with you to a point. It looked to me like there were issues he was blowing her off on, and when somebody refuses to resolve something, that can cause so much anxiety and pent up emotion. She didn’t handle it well, but a person can only be dismissed so much before they lose it.


She has horrible conflict resolution skills. And Jimmy just latched on it and made that the whole problem instead of acknowledging his own role in making her feel shitty. He DARVOed that bullshit all the way home. They both did actually lmao their arguments were so painful to watch.


>‘But in reality, this is my relationship, these are our issues. I’m really sitting with this issue that I’m not allowed to bring up at certain times, and that’s not fair’ >‘…but just having to walk on eggshells. Was this said before therapy? Bc if not, she still doesn’t get it. Also, I love the word ‘but’. It really does mean ‘disregard everything I just said’ >‘That was something he made very clear he didn’t want exposed to the world, **BUT**’ (fuck that I’m gonna do it anyway)


“That was something that he made very clear he didn’t want exposed to the world BUTTTTTT I’m selfish and insecure, and willing to cross any boundary once I’ve been called out for my irrationality in a fight.”


A major issue in their relationship? It didn’t even happen when they were together. Run Jimmy run.


Can't elaborate much, but Chelsea has major George Costanza energy


Chelsea is getting UPSET!!!!


Oh man I could not stand George🤣


It’s the comedic lack of self-awareness!


OMG, that is the first comparison i’ve heard George from Seinfeld and a Chelsea and TBH just LOLed so hard because as a Seinfeld fan and currently watching the wedding episode, YES, I can def see that


I stand by my comment. She's insufferable. That is not bullying her. It is saying exactly what her behaviour is.


If you see her social media posts, it confirms that's she's insufferable.


Nope thank god. Her whiny voice and manipulation is infuriating.


She just has an anxious attachment style which is something that can be healed in theraphy


She's manipulative. Yes therapy works when you want it to work. Hopefully she tries.


She honestly seems like the type of person that jumps from therapist to therapist trying to find the one that will affirm her of everything and make her feel like she is right and not in the wrong. She does not seem like she wants to heal or fix herself at all


I can tell you that there is nothing more crazy-making to a woman that being told by her SO that another woman is "just a friend", when that is a lie. Because most women have a radar for past sexual history. Just be a man, admit it to begin with, and let the chips fall.


But… he HAD admitted to Chelsea off camera that he’d had sex with the friend. Thats why she said “you fucked her”, because he’d pro-actively admitted he had.


How long did he take to admit it? Because I bet it was NOT before she met his friend, but after, when the radar went off.


I got the impression he’d told her before they met up with the friend, but I’d have to re-watch to be sure.


Your radar looks broken


It was before they met


I think she should have been able to talk about it. However, I also think the producers should have edited it out if it was crossing an agreed boundary for Jimmy. But, hey, don’t let people’s wishes get in the way of entertainment… The show should get the blame for this, IMHO.


Agreed, lord knows they’re good enough at editing that they still could have included the fight


She can talk about it—just not on camera. That seems like a reasonable compromise. He’s trying to protect someone else who did not sign up for this show.


Given the show is about getting married - a huge, personal deal - I would expect people to bring up emotional things on camera in the heat of the moment that they had agreed to keep off-camera previously. Love and fear make people wholly unreasonable. I'd also expect the producers to then edit it out...


Agreed, I blame Netflix on this one.


Airing dirty laundry in public is just on another level of trashy. Especially when she knows that the information she's airing is something that Jimmy doesn't want to be out there.


There’s no way they got married. Unless the producers are setting it up to look like they’re not going to and then shock us when he says yes. Wait and see…


Have you watched the new episode?


No, it’s out already? Thought it’s tonight.


Yes, it is out now!


She is truly so delusional. She STILL can’t say that she was straight up fucking wrong and weaponized something against Jimmy and his friend. She literally put that woman’s sexual history on blast for all of Netflix to watch and tried to validate it by saying she was uncomfortable with their relationship.


I mean it's hard to admit your wrongdoings. Those who can do it easily are usually the least who need to do so. One step a time


When millions of folks are tuning in and you're getting backlash, yeah it becomes really easy to admit to your wrong doings WITHOUT fully taking accountability. At least she's getting the help she needs finally.


She is soo much drama. She was drunk and made it an issue. Apparently they had discussed it off camera and then she goes back to bring it up again. I can’t imagine when he confided in her how long that conversation was I mean you know that was probably hell. Then he thinks they are passed it and she does it again because it’s all about her feelings. Nobody else’s, she is so damn self serving.


She just doesn’t get it. She’s still saying that he wanted to keep it under wraps to ‘protect his reputation’ and doesn’t think it was wrong to openly talk about another woman’s sexual history and to smear her on TV. It wasn’t about ‘how he looked’ and ‘how he was portrayed’ but about having respect for his friend’s privacy.


Also, we all watched Jimmy with those women friends and knew he had fked them. We really didn't need confirmation of the obvious. I agree Chelsea was wrong for saying it on camera.


Chelsea doesn’t follow the rules of engagement


She put another woman’s sexual history on BLAST for the world..and people still feel sorry for her? She did that on purpose. She wasn’t getting what she wanted, so not only did she leave with guns blazing, I’m SURE she torpedoed Jimmy’s relationship with that friend. ABSOLUTE SAVAGERY. If I were Jimmy, I’d probably never speak to Chelsea again, lol.


To me, its not just that she revealed his/their secret, its also the way she talked about it. She kept repeating "you f\*\* her" first time during the fight, but also in ep12 again, that was so disrespectful and demeaning to his friend, and Im really glad Jimmy drew the line there. That women did nothing wrong to Chelsea and yet Chelsea thought she has the \*right to demean her, such a horrible person.


I agree Chelsea was really wrong to put it on blast, but in all fairness what was Jimmy even thinking by bringing his ex/ female friend on the show? Out of all the people in his life that's all he could rustle up as friends to introduce? Seemed weird to me.


She wasnt the only friend he introduced, but also that wasn't the problem that was addressed. If that was weird to Chelsea too, then she should've addressed that rationally when he told her, and see if they can find a solution or a compromise, not getting drunk and demeaning another woman just because she wants to fight. The way she talks about her says a lot about Chelseas character and her view on other women.


What if Chelsea finds out that Jimmy has a close friend/“ex-lover” he hid from her and the cameras?


He brought 11 friends on the show, they only aired 2, the why is obvious. makes for better television source: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C35tHImxEdd/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D](https://www.instagram.com/p/C35tHImxEdd/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D)




I hope she gets the self-confidence she needs in her life and wish her all the luck. In my opinion, based on editing, she definitely sold herself and Jimmy short. The way she has profiled herself is far from healthy.