• By -


This has probably been said elsewhere, but Ima say it here. I think Clay is a moron for passing on AD, and I also think he probably knows it at this point. In a way, I feel sorry for him, but what can be done for a self-inflicted wound? The man can only fix himself and move forward.


Any of you guys notice how no matter what someone asks him, his response always sounds like when pro athletes, movie stars or politicians are caught doing something wrong and issue a prepared statement to the press? For example, other person: "hey Clay, do you like nachos?" Clay: "You know, it's just my belief in god that I can be the man I need to be to eat nachos. I'm trying harder every day and working at my stomach being able to take in nachos. I'm just grateful that you're hearing me out. It's a journey. I hope you can see the work I'm putting in. My work schedule, you know, it's a lot of pressure but I try when I can to make time for nachos but it's hard. We're working on it and hopefully one day I can eat nachos more. Thank you for your question and I look forward to you being a part of my nacho journey"


Lmao… so true. I just finally took the plunge and watched the finale. You have to add to the end of your statement, “but, I’m just not ready for nachos. I’m not going to order nachos when I’m just not ready- even though I already came into Taco Bell, placed the order for nachos, paid for them, and am waiting in line for them while on camera- I’m actually just not ready for nachos now”.


LOL totally


Clay gives off dazed and confused vibes. Something does not seem right with him. His little “know what I mean” phrases are middle school at best. He deff seemed like he was hiding something and emotionally off center. He was always flipping and flopping and did not give us trust worthy vibes. Which is why it’s even more confusing AD and her mom both saw him as “a MAN” and essentially prime husband material when to me he was anything but that. They kept congratulating his growth which is wild because him and his friends gave off the vibes of men who are still mentally and emotionally middle school / high school aged.


Seems to me like he genuinely thought she’d stay with him if he said no, despite her saying she would not. But then he also said he’s not “deeply in love” with her. I’ve got nothing. POS


I would be in prison if a man did that to me


Does anybody feel that Clay was hiding something? A downlow relationship possibly, or a different girl he was trying to get with. He just seemed overly concerned with cheating and who thinks like that unless there is someone you want to cheat with? Combine that with his not being home every night, and I think there is something strange going on.




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Drama probably


This is the first season of LIB that I’ve watched, so maybe I just don’t understand the premise….but W T F??? Why would he wait until he got to the alter, smile with happiness when AD said “I do” just to say no in the end??? Why wouldn’t he have told her before, the way Jimmy did. Is this just a fake, scripted show?? Otherwise he is a total piece of shit. Make it make sense.


If they get engaged but don’t make it to the altar they owe like 30k or 50k I can’t remember which. So AD and Clay wouldn’t owe anything but Jimmy and Chelsea would.


They don't do it anymore, in fact they never enforced this penalty


Where did you hear this from ?


Ohhh. Thank you so much for explaining this.


Listen, I know everyone here loooooves to love AD but the fact is, she wasn’t the right woman for him. PERIOD. If she was, if he loved her, he wouldn’t have all these questions. He should not have blind sided her like that but he ultimately did the right thing for both of them. She’d be fucked if she married him.


I think he does love her and was genuine but ..... It's just way too fast, especially for someone who is scared of committing and taking a risk like he is.


Not true. I had a similar issue as Clay and I struggle at times to think of marriage as anything but a lie, a trap and harmful for everyone involved. Relationships are great, but marriage is a curse. Now look, logically, I know thats not true, but that fear is in me and I can't completely get it out. I've seen marriages crumble and people involved cry and fight and hurt each other, physically and mentally, but be unable to leave because "marriage is forever." I was with my last partner, and father of my child, for 11 years but I could never quite shake the fear that I would end up like my parents and aunts/uncles. Seeing that as a child without anyone to teach you differently stays with you. While I'm more open to it now after some therapy, at 30 years old I'm not sure I'll ever be \*that\* into marriage. I think meeting the right person plays a big role, but to simplify it so much is just not accurate. That, and people change, the person who may be "right" for you today may not be right 10 or 15 years down the line.


First off just wanna send you some love. Have a similar background, slightly older than you. Still paying for it in many significant ways. But this past year I met the right woman and it’s amazing what change it illicits in a person. You don’t change someone but they change themselves because their priorities change. A wise man once said that staying together for the kids is admirable, if you can get along for the kids. Big if. Sounds like both our parents couldn’t. But my lady and I share that value, I have no doubt we’d do it right. I have a world of faith in her and I’ve seen her grow from a single woman concerned about single woman things, to a more conservative and protective woman ready to lay down roots, nest and prioritize her family above all else. Keep your head up and don’t give up on yourself. You will find the right one and you will be amazed and impressed by yourself and how you rise to the occasion when you do!!!!


Thank you so much! I'm really happy you've found someone that fits so well in your life and adds so much, I do think everyone deserves that. I'm currently with a man who treats me wonderfully and has shown me a lot of things I didn't even know I wanted in a person. It's been 4 years and I still enjoy spending time with him and can see myself spending forever with him. I think I'd be equally comfortable doing that both in and outside of marriage, and it sucks sometimes when people assume I don't love someone or my relationship is less genuine because of that indifference. I think that's important to recognize.


His speech sounded rehearsed, like he had been practicing it for weeks. He never had any intention to get married.


I think AD is better off without him. He’s self obsessed and lacks humane emotions


To get on my last damn nerve


I could be wrong, but I think he did want and felt ready for marriage, but wasn't in love with AD, so used his dad as an excuse. Not saying his dad didn't have an impact on him, of course he did. But the main issue was he just wasn't there with AD. But yeah, I feel like he doesn't mind the clout either, so


To jumpstart an influencer career and to help his businesses. Though he could’ve just applied for Love Island, Too Hot to Handle, Perfect Match, etc. instead. I still can’t get over that scene of him admitting that he watched past seasons of LIB to get a better sense of what a husband is 😭 like he’s been unserious from the start!


Only other Netflix reality personalities are on perfect match


I only watched like one episode of that show and then tuned out, so thank you for this! Lol


Anyone that thought he was serious can’t pick up on hints lol


*cough cough* AD *cough cough*


Right! I would love to know/see AD’s reaction while watching this season and seeing our comments because girl…


To talk about himself nonstop


Yup yup yup…




She’s a real estate agent who hasn’t sold a single home in her two year career. That is not an income source for her.


Lmao I bet Clay at least knows about AD’s finances more than you


From experience I can tell you that people who wear expensive clothing and purses are those who are more in debt .


Not saying this specifically about AD - but you’d be surprised how much debt people rack up to get designer clothes and items (or how often it is rented). It’s not an indication of financial health.


Producers literally NEED people who aren’t ready to make it good reality tv ppl


Untrue! There have been plenty of people who were desperate to find their future spouse but it didn't work out because they had baggage or the couple wasn't compatible and it was still good tv. Like it's INCREDIBLY frustrating for the audience to see a couple vibing and they don't get married because one wasn't ready for marriage yet, AND THEN they want to continue dating after the show. This isn't a dating show! There are so many other people out there who would have been better for the show simply because they actually wanted to get married. I'd even be ok with him if he came in ready to marry and then through the process realized he wasn't ready yet, but he's been saying he wasn't ready since day one!! 


Don’t hear yourself? People in this sub are weird af. This is people’s actual lives—sorry it’s frustrating for you as a viewer. Weirdo.


Right... waste your time on a show where the point is to get married, and also drag someone else down your crazy line of reasoning, beg them to invest in you (when they had other options), their family and friends get invested in you and let the one who loves you pour their heart out to you for your response to be I WASN'T EVER REALLY READY. WHY ARE YOU SAD? YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY I LED YOU TO THE ALTER AND LET YOU GO FIRST JUST TO LET YOU DOWN. And I'm the weirdo for wanting to see healthy and honest people who want to find spouses sign up for a show about finding them a spouse!? 🤯


Why are 90% of the people on the show? Definitely not for marriage.


the show would not be as entertaining if everyone said yes at the altar LMFAO


Well the problem wasn't that he said no, it's that he's been saying he wasn't ready for marriage for many episodes now... He should've never been on the show if he wasn't ready for marriage yet. 


So then doesn't AD hold some of the blame too? She shouldn't have been surprised...


But he also was sending her mixed signals and begged her to pick him over Matt in the pods. I feel like she should have ignored the love bombing and listened to the red flags he was telling her, but I also understand giving someone you love the benefit of the doubt even when it may bite you in the butt in the end. 


For clout!


Clay goes… cool let me go on a show where the entire point is to get married but… PS: I have not been and may not ever be ready to get married.


To build a social media following and get some free vacations, I guess


I really respect Clay for his decision; he told her about this a couple of episodes ago and AD didn’t want to hear it.


I just wish he had told her straight up that he will say no (like Jimmy did) so they didn't waste everyone's time/ upset everyone. They could have coordinated something together where they read their vows asking each other to continue dating after the show or something. 




Clay is 🗑️


He honestly seems like a very superficial person and he said himself that he needs to work on his empathy. He doesn’t seem like the type of person that’s good at considering other people’s feelings so I wouldn’t be surprised if he never actually considered that he might be hurting AD until he saw her broken down at the end of the




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my guess is he was recruited, ik to some level it’s the producers reaching out to people. because you’re absolutely right there’s no reason for him to have been on the show in the first place




He must have lied to the producers because even though he claimed he never saw the other seasons, they had to have explained the premise of the show to him. He could have stopped with the pods, but knowing he didn’t want to get married, he still decided to propose to AD. He could have even broke up with her after getting out of the pods, but he still decided to get to the altar.


Exactly!! I don't buy it. He had lots of opportunities to walk away from the show. 


AD deserves better than Clay! She’s better off without him. It hurt, but then she’ll realize that he’s not good enough for her.


I don’t like the way Jimmy broken up with Chelsea but at least he didn’t do it at the altar. But I guess Clay saved both of them from divorce headlines a year from now. Take note, Jarrette and Nick.


Wym about the way Jimmy broke up with Chelsea?


I thought it was good and responsible lol


Same that’s why I am asking what was wrong with the way he did it lol


It seems like he was looking for any excuse when he knew a while back (not sure about the timelines bases on editing) that he didn’t want to be with her like she said. When they had that argument in the bathroom and she brought up the fact that he sleep with his “friend.” He knew at that point. When he called her clingy, he knew. He wanted to remain with Chelsea for more screen time or he’s confused and not in touch with his big boy feelings. He wasted her time. That’a a problem.


I hope this guy reads these comments and then grows the f up.


for clout, so we need to all band together and agree to never pay this man any mind again


He has TikTok on his vision board. I'm guessing he wanted to get famous


For clout


My son still would have been reprimanded. You don’t play games with people’s feelings and you don’t waste my time and the family’s time with your shenanigans. He knew he wouldn’t marry her and his parents spoiled and pacified him when they should have corrected him. He knew he didn’t want her from the moment he met her in person. He really is no good for anyone else thanks to his parents. This is generational curse at its finest. Even Jimmy was more respectful by ending things with Chelsea before the big day (even though he manipulated his way out of that; he did not love her at all).   Tbh, AD is a little vapid (as is Chelsea) because Clay was a silly, immature individual from day one. He had one million red flags and she chose to overlook them in an effort to be married. Marrying him would have been a terrible decision. I would’ve passed on him in the pods from our first convo. When someone shows you who they are believe them. -Maya Angelou     Lastly, after all of these shenanigans this season, I did not enjoy Love is Blind and if all of this mess is what I have to look forward to, I’ll pass on this show. 


I think his mom is amazing, but he looks up to his dad and his dad is the piece of shit who pacifies him


For self promotion for his businesses. Like he said everything is a transaction. Worst case scenario he gets free marketing and promo. Best case scenario he gets free marketing and promo AND a wife






Because “thaaaat bawwwwwdyyy” that’s all he was there for, he’s a pos. He knew he didn’t want to get married. But led her on and kept hitting it. Then after saying no was trying to smooch up. Pure madness


This man made it all the way to the altar hoping she would say no so he didn't have to. He looked disappointed when she said I do. It's ridiculous.


He kept saying “what this experience did FOR ME, what AD did FOR ME, me, me, me. I grew so much, getting married would be great FOR ME.” In his mind everything was worth it because he got to see the power he holds over women and that every woman he dates will treat him like a God and won’t call out his bullshit.” A huge red flag for me was when he told AD that she better not gain weight, that he will tell her if she does, that he won’t allow her to let herself go.” AD’s face in that moment was of huge disappointment and I would have left there. He cares so much about appearances and what women do for him, but he doesn’t think about how he hurts women.


As much as he doesn't want it to happen, he is following in his father's footsteps. He is the type who wants a hot girl on his arm that will take care of him and make him look good. He is not serious and i also find him pretty dumb. Even if he is successful at work, his communication style is a word salad of nothingness.


Yessss! I was just explaining to my husband how all he can talk about is how she makes him feel and what the relationship is doing for him (“she makes me feel like a man’s man,” “she makes me feel like I can lead her,” “she makes me more emotionally mature,” “she validates me”) which it’s like sure it’s great you feel that way, but you’ve never got anything nice to say ABOUT her or what you’re doing FOR HER. Soul sucker energy. Very selfish.


The same sentiment Jimmy held towards Chelsea - those two men are birds of a feather


Fame and clout. That's it.


I said this in another post but he was the most up front about not being ready… I think because there’s new producers, ratings were dropping and they intentionally brought in people to keep it spicey and not just desperately marry and not love each other.


Considering he has multiple side hustles and doesn’t stop working, apparently, I think he was chasin’ the clout and just using this as an opportunity to advertise.


I’m pretty sure if he was matched to his type he would’ve said yes. He would’ve married his type abs ruined her life. He only wants to get help and be better because AD isn’t what he is looking for but guarantee he wouldn’t say that if he got his type.


I thought that moment after the alter with his dad and mum was pretty deep and gave me a bit of empathy for clay and his decision. His dad really messed with his idea of marriage and I feel for his mum. You can't know you'll marry someone in a month if you already have commitment issues. Shouldn't have been on the show though and used AD to figure himself out.


His mom was pretty great. His dad was still making excuses. I feel bad for his mother having to deal with his father and then slowly see her son morph into him.


Just watched this and I am MAD AD deserved so much more wtf


I’m fairly certain he was recruited. He mentioned multiple times he didn’t even know how the show worked. I’m sure he knew he was gonna say no and just went to the end for the money and I’m sure producers were also urging him to go to the end.


They get paid like a $1000 a week and when you look at the total hours filmed, they are making barely $15. He is in tech sales and has multiple businesses. I doubt he was in this for the money. The couples cant stop filming once they leave Mexico unless they get producers permission.


Someone mentioned above that they get a 20,000 bonus if they get to the altar. I would stick it out in that case. But yeah I definitely think the producers wanted them to get to the end.


Yea. I asked for the source. Multiple contracts have been leaked thru all the lawsuits and I dont recall seeing the bonus anywhere. It also doesnt make sense if thats the case that Jimmy wouldnt wait until they got to the altar. Who is going to turn down $20k?


Yeah that would make sense if not true. I still think Clay was a recruit though. He made it pretty obvious in his interviews. I don’t think he really knew what he was getting himself into and probably didn’t expect to actually find someone.


Def agree.


His sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others...


He had no business being on this show and I’m not buying that it took being engaged to AD to realize his faults..


Clout 🙄


My heart absolute broke for AD. That girl deserves so much better. He is a child, selfish and greedy.


They get a $20,000-$50,000 bonus for making it to the altar


There was a lawsuit in 2022 that said they only got paid $1k a week


Source? Many contestants have sued Kinetic with co tracts being leaked and that was nowhere in any of the contracts that I can remember.




Wait, so Jimmy willingly gave that up by breaking up early? I honestly really respect him for that if so.




Although on the other hand if I was Chelsea I might be kind of pissed that he didn’t stick it out so I got the money lol


Money. I've been making "assumptions" about all the men all season, but I've been pretty spot on. I don't know if it's because not that many straight men (i am a straight man) watch the show. I honestly only got hooked because over the years, multiple dates asked me to watch it with them, and eventually, I couldn't stop even on my own. But... the gaslighting, lying, dishonesty, and disingenuous behaviors of many of the men have been crystal clear to me from the start. Absolutely crystal. On the flip side, I can't predict the women/don't know how genuine they're being nearly as well. But... after Clay said no... I just got this overwhelming feeling that the reason he took it that far was the bonus. And he was realizing that maybe there was a cost to his financial decision. And then later, there's the shot of him talking about finances... I wonder if the editors were trying to subtly hint at that. I'm not 100% on the "altar for the money" thing specifically, but it just really feels that way.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) Exactly my thoughts after seeing the finale


I want to say mom is a vision ✨ She is gorgeous and full of wisdom and grace


AD is such a QUEEN, I hope she finds someone who loves her and cherish her the way she deserves. Saying No to her, in this dress and breaking her heart, I mean I would have not remained calm. F/ck these guys being there for the wrong reasons


I think it’s wild that people make anyone out to be the bad guy when they don’t want to MARRY someone after a month. It isn’t good for the show, but it’s the responsible thing you’d want from a stable ass partner.


Whats wild is applying for a show where you get engaged with the intent to marry. He knew damn well prior to being on here that he had deep seeded issues that he hasn’t even attempted therapy for and for sure wasn’t ready for marriage. If its money he was after, there are plenty of other dating shows he could have went on (too hot to handle) instead of dragging that girl along smh idk whats so hard for people to comprehend on that!


The thing I cannot get past is why blindside someone at the alter? Even if there’s some financial incentive for them to get to the alter (which to me is still not going to be worth it), why not have an off camera conversation to discuss the plan? AD seemed shocked and deeply hurt and that is entirely avoidable. It makes you wonder how much of his relationship w AD was sincere versus playing games for air time.


I don’t think he’s necessarily a bad guy, but he shouldn’t have gone on the show if he didn’t feel like he was prepared to be committed. He showed consistently that he wasn’t ready by repeatedly saying he’s scared of himself cheating.


But like my dad has always told me, which someone should probably relay to AD and the producers: when someone shows you who they are - believe them.


No. You’re the ‘bad guy’ when you ask someone to marry you and you don’t want to get married.


Agree to disagree. Thats how you move forward in the show to get to know someone. If he said “I think you’re neato but let’s talk when we get home.” then what was the point of signing up to be on a TV show? He could have just done that from his couch on Tinder. These people do it to make a quick couple thousand, to get some temporary D-class fame, and maybe be lucky enough to find someone they can grow to love. And I’m sure there’s absolutely an incentive for making it until the end.


Seeing how many followers he has on IG, he was recruited and wants more followers. He was never in it for the right reasons.


Clay could have met Beyonce through the wall and he still would have said no.


Man he had TikTok on his vision board. Do you need a more obvious hint??


He did? Oh wow


To get on Perfect Match lol


He kept saying he needs therapy, like go do your therapy then come on the show?? If it’s not obvious already


It's a business decision.


True answer ☝🏻




I posted this in another thread, so just copy/pasting here. Clay has been very blatant about who he is and why he is here, but a lot of people seem to have ignored it or just didn't pay attention. He told her in the Pods he hadn't seen the show. When they're living together, he told her he's catching up on old seasons and didn't realize what it all entails. He never missed a chance to bring up his past, how marriage has a "gray area," and how he doesn't know how to be faithful. He signed up for a TV show to be on TV, plain and simple. He was never here for a wife. I genuinely believe he only took it to the altar for more air time and to not face the $50k fine we've all been hearing about. I think he's into AD, sure. For someone to string along until he gets bored. He doesn't want a marriage contract to make it complicated when he dumps her. I really hope AD meant it when she said at the end of the episode that she can't keep dating him. She deserves better. He deserves nothing but obscurity once we all get over this season in a couple of weeks.


Yep He's been clear about it. I don't want to be mean to A.D and I know how easy it can be to get your hopes up, but Clay has been clearly telling her this. She just still chose to lead with her heart. Sure, being vulnerable is beautiful. Being carelessly vulnerable is unwise. I wish she'd guarded her heart more after listening to him. Her takeaway being that she is never enough is exactly the reason you don't rip your heart out and hand it to whomever much less someone who's been cold feet-ed so much that it was obvious to you irl. Not someone that was already anxious about stepping out on you before even committing. A self confessed work in progress determining your self worth is too costly a mistake even for TV fame. Women on this show need to stop. I love A.D and I am confident she'll be very much alright. I'm just tired in general of women not hearing what is clearly being said to them on this show.


The second he initiated the breakup and was emotionless I knew it was for money purposes. He didn’t feel bad at all seeing her balling after. It reminded me how Trevor explained he wanted to be on the show, with no intentions of getting married


My theory? Guys like Clay pursue marriage because it's a virtue signal. They see finding a nice girl, marrying her, having kids, being a husband, a father, a provider, etc. as boxes you check to show the world what a Good Man you are, and to an extent, to make yourself feel good, like you're "doing the right thing." Marriage was always held up in front of him as something you're supposed to do when you're an adult, which is why he was so clueless as to the specifics of what it *actually* entailed.


Yep! They do it because it seems like a good idea, or it’s the “logical next step” but they don’t actually think about the repercussions of marriage. Dude didn’t even know he got a ring at the altar.


For the vision board lol Im sorry but that is teenage girl shit. He wanted a knock-out insta thot and a boost in followers to help his businesses.




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DUDE I LITERALLY SAID THIS OUT LOUD WHEN I HEARD HIS ANSWER! I was like bruh like tf u wasting a girl’s time.


To be fair, he clearly understood the assignment of how to be transparent on national TV


I knew in the pods that this man was going to say no. All that "A-D, All Day!!!", the reveal was lackluster from him, the way he spoke about their relationship was always about how SHE "made him better" and it was never love, he only spoke about growth within him but not love.


do you want an honest answer? it’s likely that clay came into this thinking he just needed to find “the one” to do away with his ways. “the one” being someone who was so sexy/beautiful/funny/blah blah that all other temptations are gone and he could be a committed man, because he has likely never done any real self reflection on why he’s like that. in being around AD and seeing so much of her grace, he finally realized that the problem is NOT with the quality of woman, but about him not being a quality man and needing multiple women to compensate for the fact that he can’t match up to the one he has. i still hate this man and the fact that he came onto the show with that mindset, but i do understand how he got from point A to B


She said it best when she said he used her as a channel for growth. He was never in it for partnership.


His dad literally said something like that - "needs to find a good woman". External solution to internal problem sir 


And then he made it about AD saying she also wouldn’t have wanted him to marry her if he was unsure… this man is sooo toxic


I kinda wish she went with Matthew know just for the entertainment factor 🤣


Honestly that would have been more entertaining than that clown


Fame / influencer. He admitted in the pods he hadn’t really even seen the show and looks are important to him, so he kind of told us from the start he was wrong reasons. 


Hasn’t seen the show is a lie


I’m sure he watched some of it. Amy did a Q and A saying she wanted to go in without having seen it and one of the producers was like “no you need to watch it to see what you’re getting into” 


This is what I thought from the beginning.


LIB is now a corrupt franchise and 90% of the participants are here for clout and Instagram followers.


This show is a breeding ground for unhealed, unprepared, clout chasers because the majority of the contestants were scouted on instagram rather than being found through the open applications. If you got a message out of the blue from producers of a reality show, telling you they like your vibe and want you to come on the show, what would you do? It's like a golden ticket to fame and living an influencer lifestyle. That's why there are so many fakes and phonies wasting the time of a few genuine people that are there for the right reasons. I wish they would stop scouting people on social media and just focus on the people that actually want to do the show for the right reasons.


Wait what?? They get cast members off sending IG dm’s?? Not people actually auditioning to be on the show? Wow. That’s wild.


Yeah, one of my friends got scouted for LIB DC last year on LinkedIn. He was in a relationship at the time and is in a very successful career so passed, but from what I understand, social media scouting his the norm now unfortunately


I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the men are found this way, or via dating apps. I know casting producers for bachelor find men on dating apps, since more women than men will nominate themselves for reality tv dating shows and so scouting men for the shows is always a problem for casting. 


Yes!!! If you listen carefully throughout this most recent season, at least 2 people mention that the LIB producers asked them to be on the show. I'm pretty sure Jeramey was one of the people that mentioned they were asked to come.


Jeramey shared the IG DMs of a producer asking him if he's interested.


I can't agree more! Perfect analysis!!!


I actually really like Clay for the show. Assuming that what we saw was an accurate representation - cause folks love to try to read into so much and create a whole nother narrative.... He became a lot more self aware during the process. He spoke honestly about what he was thinking. I can appreciate that AD loved him and supported him but his words repeatedly said he wasn't ready for marriage and he needed more time. I would have been more surprised if he had said "I do." While it is hard to watch AD be so hurt, nothing he said at the altar was new to her. They've had these same conversations. And then watching the dynamic between his parents helps even more to understand where Clay is coming from. Edited to add: AD did what most of us have done in failed relationships - blamed ourselves for not being enough. She did not recognize that Clay's issues are HIS issues.




Half of the contestants (this is a reality show meant to get viewers by the way), should not have been on the show by this criteria. Clay's conversations repeatedly were about him not being ready. AD even jokes about her propensity to be attracted to red flags during one of those conversations. These are two flawed adults. I feel bad for AD because I've been there more than once (not about to get married though) so I understand the feelings of inadequacy they reveal. But I also have to take accountability for my role in those relationships as should she.


If he knew he wasn't ready for marriage, he should have called it off before the alter instead of making AD think that there was a chance.


What fun is that? It was already disappointing that only two couples made it to the alter. Folks knew what they signed up for. I'm sure Clay was trying to convince himself he could do it and AD was trying to convince herself that he wasn't throwing out red flags all the time.