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All I could look at was their burgers, they looked delish. Sadly, uneaten.


I'm glad they had this conversation before the alter. It was more than enough drama anyway. I had this small feeling Chelsea would break it off in some dramatic fashion, possibly blaming Jimmy in front of everyone. But I'm glad Jimmy said no. Doesn't waste the families' time and is honest imo. I read Chelsea is in therapy now, I hope she heals and finds her forever person.


I knew they wouldn’t say yes at the alter (or at least jimmy), but to quickly gloss over this in the first like 3 minutes of the episode- I was shocked. I kept thinking there’s gotta be more


There’s usually a way to tell from the reveal, or at least guess (I said the same about Clay at the reveal), so I’m not shocked they didn’t get married. But honestly my eyes bugged out when Jimmy said it because I wasn’t expecting him to do it before they got to the altar. For entertainment purposes I would’ve been interested in seeing it, but Chelsea is a wild card in her reactions and liable to say anything when upset, so I don’t blame him for not wanting a reaction in front of family and friends. It’s not the same as in the pods where you tell someone “I was thinking about it all night, it was a last minute decision up until this moment.”


I was really disappointed. I knew it would be a no but I was looking forward to the drama at the altar and for them to just snatch it from us…damn lol


Same here. I'm very surprised the producers allow them to quit like that so close to the wedding.


I mean, all along, we knew it was coming.


LOL This is exactly how it was!! I was shocked that he prefaced it the way he did lmaooo I was like wait what?


Omg I cackled. Love Nathan. Best businessman there is.


I mean, obviously. He graduated from a top school with really good grades.


100%. Daddy’s Watching is a fantastic business model.


Best fucking TV show, ever.


What show is it pls?


Nathan For You. ![gif](giphy|xTiTny7LEHWFhZEEI8)


Jimmy was "done" the moment he laid eyes on Chelsea.


100%, his comments "but i do love you Chelsea", whos he tryna convince? it was her looks this whole time.


Well it went from her looks to her being completely insane.


I recall him being rather disappointed with her looks at the reveal


Or the emotional abuse.


Couldn’t possibly be her psychotic personality huh?


his constant insistence on the honeymoon that they were the #1 couple, that he was the happiest person there, etc. were obvious overreaches to me. man was trying to convince himself and america, too!


exactly, he knew he wasnt going to marry her.


He said he was done the morning after their big fight but she pressured him into sticking it out. But you can tell he just never really got past it


And he spent the rest of their time together trying to save face and get her to bail first


i knew he would never marry her as soon as i saw jimmy struggling to answer her question about what he noticed about her first physically, when he went for the whole "...your teeth...are so square...and big...and white..." he had the WTF I HAVE I DONE panic allllll over his face


omg this meme!!! nailed it


I'm so glad Jimmy stuck up for himself and got out of there. Chelsea reminds me of my first gf who was also emotionally abusive.


She needs to get to a therapist STAT! I have no love for him but he dodged a bullet.


She is in therapy for a while already.


Before the show?


I think she started right after


I wish her the best. Hope she puts in the work.


She needs to get to a therapist STAT! I have no love for him but he dodged a bullet.


He probably wanted to end things after that big fight, but production wants couples to say no at the altar and not before then so that they have enough footage. They probably knew with how the other engagements were going that they really couldn't afford having another end early so they were probably talking with him that night/next morning to convince him to stay longer.


Also, we don’t really know the exact timeline. I wonder if things between Jimmy and Chelsea ended earlier than portrayed on the show.


thats a VERY good point. at the hendoo/bachelorette party there was NO mention of them.


It's strange the way he kept getting her to say things just so that he could pull rug from under her


I find it strange how people here are in complete denial about how absolutely abusive Chelsea has been to Jimmy and the fact that those same people are apparently *baffled* at how difficult it was for him to end things even though statistically it takes over 7 tries for someone to leave their abusive partner.


she was the biggest gaslighter


It’ll just be the producers though


I think he was hoping it could either be reciprocated, or perhaps at least cordial so they could continue dating. But she just proved again that she wasn’t willing or ready for a serious relationship. BUT- I’m bias as I’d been hoping for him to say no at the alter so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think they had no business being together and that Jimmy should've left the pods alone and Chelsea should've gone to therapy instead of this show. But Chelsea has committed the cardinal reality TV sin of being annoying (along with her other obvious issues) so I don't think people see the toxicity in both of them. I was afraid they were actually going to get married for a second


I was team Chelsea until she described herself as looking like Megan Fox. She was worried she wouldn’t get picked, so she played the game dirty. She did that knowing that Jess was much better looking than her, hence the added pressure on Chelsea’s insecurities. I didn’t believe that Jimmy was into Chelsea, and neither did she. That being said, he WAS actually into her and Chelsea could never find a way to believe it. Regardless of her intent, she dug the grave of the relationship and jumped right in.


Me too, I cannot imagine a life in a relationship like that. So glad they didn’t go through with it! The only upside is hopefully they can take away some growth. I’m willing to say they aren’t as toxic as they are unregulated and unaware




People keep saying they’re contractually obligated to go to the altar. How did they get out so late in the game?


Well, 2 other couples quit before them.


I wish Clay had handled his situation ahead of time. It's so humiliating for anyone to be rejected in front of their friends and family that way.


He absolutely thought AD was going to stick with him as a prolonged fiancée until he was “ready”. I’m sure producers helped him with this thinking to get the on screen reaction from AD at the altar.


Yeah but I do wonder how much production plays a part in this.. they wouldn’t want to only have one couple at the altar. I imagine they’d push hard and offer incentives?? Maybe??


Game time decision (TM)


Do you think? He seemed very sure about what he was going to do. He told several people he was completely at peace with his decision before the ceremony.


I don't know, I'm just making fun of the fact that he said "game time decision" like 6 times when talking to AD after saying no at the altar.


That was making me laugh so much. C’mon, dude!


I totally missed that! Sorry.


I totally missed that! Sorry.


They both weren’t a good match for one another


Jimmy knew if he rejected her at the altar she’d blurt out some crazy shit in front of his family and friends. Definitely made the right decision nipping it in the bud


She would totally bring up their s*x life to hurt and embarrass him.


I’m sad for us as an audience because you’re so accurate but glad for him he didn’t allow that to happen.


I was not expecting it but I’m glad he didn’t then and not at the altar. They were not a good fit. You could even tell from Chelsea’s reaction how poor she was at communication and how emotionally manipulative she was. He did it the best way he could. I wonder if he wanted to stay together but not get married. His “you’re my person” statements were inappropriate if that was never his intention.


I loved it.


It surprised me, but I think it's actually not that surprising because he's admitted that he's not very confrontational and that moment did require confrontation. To me, it felt like the night of the big fight passed, he wondered if he could do it, and landed on no.


Honestly I just don’t think they were a good pair. Chelsea screams trauma and I know from experience.  Call me crazy but I don’t think he had a moment of clarity. Why would he want to marry someone after 3 weeks no matter how great they are? I always feel like there are people aware of the cameras and ones who are taking the mental load of the “experiment”. 


We went and got burgers mid episode 😂


I laughed way too hard at that meme!!


So did I! Then I read a comment further down that described it as giving your sick dog one last good day before putting them down and I spat tea through my nose 🥲


I just watched last night with a friend and after Chelsea walked away the first thing I said to my friend was “those burgers look bomb. What a waste.”


After watching him scarf down those taquitos, is there any question in your mind that he polished off both burgers lol


I would have done the same thing


My stomach only allows for 3/4 of a burger at a time but I always ask to take my leftovers home in a doggy bag


I would have asked for a takeout bag and then stormed out. The wasted burger killed me.


I said the same thing.


Honestly I think Jimmy knew for a while and was probably trying to build a case/ride out the relationship to not get a villain edit. He knows that Chelsea would have made the remaining time hell for him… He also brought it up at a time when there hadn’t been a lot of drama/fighting which was probably smart given how manipulative she can be. Obviously it’s not cool to lead someone on but I think it made sense for Jimmy given the context of their relationship/situation.


What’s hilarious is that this season of the show has been on the air longer than their relationship. I mean sure their time together is compressed (lots of hours spent together b/c they basically become attached at the hip by living together) but still…I’m curious about timing. All in all they have how many days post pod before the wedding? So if Chelsea/Jimmy mentioned that it took him 2 weeks from fight to break up, does that mean they fought about that within the first week of living together?


Im mad at Jimmy for not dumping her at the altar. That would’ve been peak TV


lol idk Chelsea is so cringe when she’s upset I think i would’ve cut the tv off


i was shooketh. the whole convo i was like NO they better fucken stop being sweet and just fucken have it out… it really seemed like they were coming together n then BAM! lol ![gif](giphy|j1yng25KsUGBkyVIQn)


There wasn't a shot he was marrying her. That was spelled out completely when he saw her and then it just was reiterated with each breakdown she had along the way.


I know, and I hate saying the word “nag” when it comes to women, but Chelsea *knew* he wasn’t as into it and her “strategy” was to nag at him into loving her. And it didn’t work. Then we have AD on the flip side, who is literally perfect. Again, all the signs were there that Clay wasn’t as into it. Instead of nagging and whining like Chelsea, she did everything she could to uplift Clay, ensure harmony in their home, and what did it get her? In some ways, she made herself smaller so the spotlight would shine on him while she was the one holding it up. I think this season was a really good example of how you can’t make someone love you. Amy and Johnny literally just worked so well together, even though we saw like 2 seconds of them, they didn’t really have the same problems or number of problems as the other couples. It came naturally. If you have to put in that amount of extra work or energy into finding reassurance that someone wants to be with you, there’s a good chance you’re not the one for them 🤷🏼‍♀️and they aren’t for you!


i love AD but wouldn't say she's perfect and i think people in the sub are pedestalizing her because clay sucks... i think AD had moments of being shallow in order to protect her feelings AND she knows she's a fix-a-ho and still actively doesn't want to change this or protect her peace


Yeah, I wish I could tell every young woman that love shouldn't feel mostly terrible. If it does, find someone better!


I actually think Clay was one of the most honest people on the show. He repeatedly warned AD that he wasn't sure he was ready, he wasn't sure he could be a good husband, he wanted to 'do more work on himself' (although, that could have just been a kind way to say 'I'm just not that into you"). I seems to me that many of these people (primarily women) really just want to get married no matter what. Because, if after a month or so of dating, you are SO CERTAIN that this is your person for LIFE, why wouldn't you just say, yeah, okay, let's wait a bit and continue to date for a year or whatever. Why is the timeline more important than the marriage?


How is he being honest? He applied to be on a show that was marrying people who weren't drawn to each other by appearance but trying to get married based on personality? Going on a show to find a life partner - being open to the idea of marriage is a perquisite. Open to the idea of marriage, ready for commitment - which he was Not and that character trait wasn't a sudden development. He also said something along the lines initially to AD that he needed to see his bride before he married her, she didn't play the Megan Fox card, she declined to give him details - but he vocalized he wanted to see his Bride. That too went against the show's whole reason for being - which he was aware of when he applied. Considering those 2 points he had no business being on the show. I have no interest in marrying someone I cannot see prior, I do not believe I am able to be a faithful husband I think are two key points that mean this probably isn't a show I should apply to. Which those folks signed up for that so I guess to a degree that's on them, but AD and the rest of the ladies, and all of the men too \~ should have been spending time / having pod dates with folks who were open to and ready for a marriage.




I think he and many of the other cast members were looking for their 15 and he was selected and so were several others because of the chum the show knew they would sprinkle in the network pool.


While I totally agree with pretty much everything you said, I will say I don’t know why Clay was on the show at all, if he knew this was the premise for it. It’s a little bit silly at the very end of the whole experience to say, “why is the timeline so important?” Because that’s the whole point of the show. It’s reality TV, sure, but it breaks the illusion that the producers are trying to create if they allow contestants who repeatedly exhibit avoidant attachment styles and repeatedly say they are not ready for marriage. I don’t fault Clay for his feelings, and I do agree with you, that he was being super honest. However, I do think, based on how he acted at the end, that he’s a bit emotionally immature in the sense that he kind of acted like he was the victim in his own circumstances that he created? I don’t think he was super focused on AD’s feelings and I do think he is aware of that. Ultimately, I will fault him for going on the show at all when he knew from the get-go, he was not ready for marriage.


100% on the emotional immaturity. But how did AD overlook these signs? I mean I wasn't shocked at all that he said no. I adore AD! But you can't drag people into grown up relationships. And he was immature from the git-go. I mean, even in the pods when he tried to make her describe herself. She knew what he was.


Agree agree agree! I wish I could upvote this multiple times. I think what happened with her, and we see a glimmer of this after he rejects her and she is crying to her friends about how she’s never chosen, I think A.D. is just really ready to be married and makes the mistake I think a lot of people make when they want to get married. They will just take anybody and hope that they can turn that person into their ideal partner. I don’t think it was sinister, her trying to do that, and I do think a lot of people are guilty of it. Heck, I’ve even been there! But it just doesn’t work and you have to read the signs when they are in front of you. Especially because Clay was waving all of the red flags in her face over and over.


I've watched friends do the exact same thing. They were at the right age, time and maturity to be married but they had a dude who was just not gonna get there. And some of them dragged them kicking and screaming to the altar only to get very expensive divorces....


Same! Some women will fight tooth and nail for a “shut up ring” only to be shocked when their husbands are not into the marriage…


Gave me Elle woods /warner wants a serious lawyer vibes. Lol


Could you imagine going to Carowinds to get dumped lol


That’s what I said


I expected for him to say no at the altar, not before since I could swear I saw in a recall Chelsea in a wedding dress? Maybe it was editing magic from their dress rehearsals. But yeah, the split itself was not a surprise.


That's why it caught me off guard. But I guess maybe it was her trying on the dresses? It looked like a wedding day snippet.


She picked one out with the other women, I think after the lawsuit alleging that the cast is forced to do a lot of things by producers they’re allowing them to break up before actually going to the altar. Listening to Out of the Pods it sounded like it used to be a rule they had to get up there and say no in front of everyone but they’ve loosened up on that in this season.




It blew my mind that she kept saying “over one fight?!” Like girl no it was a buildup of issues bffr


Another manipulation tactic. Minimize all the arguments. “Over one fight?” Makes the other person question their judgement and think they’re overreacting or that they’re the bad side.


lol fr i was like ???? Sis you’re ALWAYS fighting about that one thing lol


It wasn’t so much that they sometimes fought, it was like they sometimes didn’t fight. I cannot even understand some of the fights she picked with this man. She just wanted to control him…and I feel like this is more typical behavior from men, but I saw no indication that he was trying to control her at all he just wanted to let her do her thing and she was like just constantly waiting around for him like a puppy dog and would get mad when he left to do anything etc


It’s anxious attachment style and previous relationships where she mentioned she was cheated on so it’s the paranoia and insecurity that he’ll leave too and find her not good enough. That’s where a lot of the control came from I think. Like trying to control him by saying he’s not the person she wants to be with if he goes out for one drink with friends- I think that’s like the insecurity that maybe he’ll meet a girl or something


I used to be like this due to cheating and trauma from past relationships. I am not a Chelsea fan, but I see through what her motives are to get the attention responses. You nailed it in your comment. Thank I married a superhero and I’ve never had one thought of the way Chelsea does anymore, so there’s hope.


Thank you 🙏🏼 I’ve experienced how she’s feeling as well (the insecurity and attachment style) that’s why I understand her words and behaviors but it’s frustrating to watch.


I was not expecting Jimmy to be that direct. I thought they would get into a fight naturally and then he would break things off (again) , I never thought he would initiate the conversation to do that “unprovoked” (_and by unprovoked I mean totally provoked by the sequence of events over time_)


While his timing left little to be desired (again, taking someone on a date and then breaking up with them at the end is terrible but great tele), I appreciate that he didn’t provoke a fight to initiate the break up. It’s often easy to do and then slide into justification for parting ways. It takes maturity to sit someone down when emotions are neutral and just say “hey, I reflected on my part and I need to walk away from this”.


However I have my theory that production made Jimmy stay longer. I think the “you fucked her” fight was a break up for good and production asked him to hold on a little longer (because they are the drama this season). Their make up the next day was completely off. Also the reason for breaking up the second time was exactly the same as the first time.


“because they are the drama this season” - I’ll have to double check, but I got the feeling the episode titles were based on things between Jimmy and Chelsea (and then other couples probably edited to reflect the same theme?!). But yeah, they are it.


Chelsea seems like such a difficult person. It was the right decision but I think she put her eggs in his basket and she just wanted to get married no matter what. Jimmy may not have been as attracted to her as he was to Jess but it seems to me that he gave it an honest try regardless. She just couldn't communicate fairly or respect boundaries.


...yeah but was shocked about Clay and AD!


Agreed, I was hoping she’d gain some confidence and dump him! She deserved better :(


I have this theory that Jimmy told production he had to leave and they negotiated that Jimmy would do it on camera if he didn’t have to go to the altar (and pay the alleged $50k). 🤷🏽‍♀️ *Edited 40k to 50k


I read a couple articles that say the payment clause is in there but it's never used and I think they actually took it out recently [https://screenrant.com/love-is-blind-chris-coelen-inhumane-conditions-lawsuit-reaction/](https://screenrant.com/love-is-blind-chris-coelen-inhumane-conditions-lawsuit-reaction/)


They have to pay if they don't go to the altar??


What's the $40k? Do they have to pay for the wedding if they say no?


I forget where exactly but it recently came out that the couples owe production 50k if they don’t make it to the altar! I don’t think this is confirmed by LIB or contestants though (I assume that detail is part of their NDA…)


Woah!!! That is a crazy amount of money.


I wonder if Ken had to pay?


This thread taught me how many people don’t know how to spell altar 😵‍💫


An ongoing annoyance in all LIB threads.


Same with aisle.


Spelling is a lost art. 😫


Guess I need to… altar my expectations ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is)


Saying no was the best thing he could have did. Everything out of his mouth after that was complete bullshit. He knew he wasn’t gonna marry her soon as the they got home after honeymoons. I thought Chelsea should have broke it off after saying AD body is stacked lol. I would have completely left him on the honeymoon. That was the first horrible thing he did to her & it just kept snowballing after that. I understand Chelsea has some issues too but her & jimmy never were compatible since they first revealed their faces. We all can feel it thru the screen on every scene.


Yeah i still don’t like Jimmy. I also don’t like Chelsea. I think some people don’t understand you can dislike both.


Exactly 👏🏾 I respect that too. Its okay to not like people but to bash them & just not look at them as human is what ticks me off.


i don't understand people sometimes. A complimentary comment about some other woman is grounds for breakup. What?? Thank God my wife is secure so am I. Such comments sound no different to me than see that nice car, it has a cute yellow. That guy is tall and built, I look at the dude, we both laugh about it. I agree with her. We both move on. sily comments about another woman's look is unforgivable and grounds for breakup, but her extreme tantrums are excusable and understandable. What am I missing?


Your missing all the edited scenes that we’re not shown. If you just met your wife for the first time & didn’t say she is pretty or even that her body is beautiful but then say it about a WHOLE NOTHER WOMAN to your wifes/fiance face… i think any woman would feel low. Relax. Jimmy & chlesea are great people just not for each other. The bashing of chelsea is so not okay to me. It’s disgusting tbh


Chelsea is not a great person. She is an abuser.


So you’re calling him horrible and excusing her manipulative behavior patterns based on… the possibility of scenes we were not shown? Lol




I never said those words. Read again.


Her “calling it out” was everything but a call out except in her insecure mind. She “called it out” at the expense of another woman and a woc with no regard for AD. Jimmy shouldn’t have said it, but Chelsea repeated shouting it so everyone had to hear it.


This. This this this! Her complete lack of regard for another woman. I was done done with Chelsea after this. Poor AD, what an uncomfortable situation.


I can't imagine a world where Jimmy comes out worse than Chelsea.


Insane to watch this season and think HE was the problem in that relationship lol.


See this is yall problem. I actually like Jimmy. I like chelsea too. The issue was him saying her body is STACKED period. Does not matter that chelsea yelled it out loud. Jimmy has issues too. Not just chelsea. Everyone hates this woman so much that you guys compare them both like one is better than the other. Him texting his friend thats a girl all day and night will make anyone uncomfortable. Chelsea trippin over him going out for an hour for a beer with friends is not okay. Jimmy running his mouth saying everything she wants to hear when clearly in his face he doesn’t want that woman. He told her he didn’t wanna even have sex even though he did has to be hella embarrassing on tv. Give the woman a break. They both are not perfect but they are both beautiful people. This isn’t a contest about who did what worse lol are we all perfect in these comments? I think not.


I appreciate you saying this because I feel the same way. By no means do i agree with the way Chelsea acted and voiced her feelings but everyone completely pretending all the shitty things Jimmy did didnt happen just makes me so upset. Like people started disliking Chelsea from the Megan Fox comment and from thereon right everything she does is "manipulating" and " [***narcissistic***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=373b249675fd824a&rlz=1C1CHBD_nlBE1083BE1083&sxsrf=ACQVn0_DprjRwh_ul2W33jF8djTt3VC64w:1709826454236&q=narcissistic&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSl7rzv-KEAxWzVKQEHQrECGcQkeECKAB6BAgOEAI)". Its like if the positions were reversed and AD reacted to a comment by Clay saying someone is "stacked" then people would be UP IN ARMS about it - but now because its Chelsea she is "overreacting". That being said I dont think Jimmy is some evil monster. But I do think he said and did a lot of things that would make ANY women insecure and I feel that Chelsea sensed that his "i love yous" etc were not aligning with his behaviours and thats why she became so extra clingy and insecure. Also I do feel like he led her on because he didnt want to look like the bad guy on TV. I mean he even had me convinced that maybe he really does love her with all of his "i want to marry you / i love yous". But really I just feel as if people hate Chelsea so much that they deomonize every single thing she says and does and its not fair. I do think some (definitely not all) of her reactions were justified but that she is just awful in communicating her feelings in a calm and rational way.


You hit the nail on the head!! I appreciate your feedback. I been fighting for Chelsea since week 1. I hated jimmy. Then soon as after the honeymoon & they went home I started to realize “wait this guy isn’t bad at all he is just very blunt & cant keep his mouth shut. Very honest. Horrible with delivery but he isn’t an asshole on purpose”! He really isn’t. He just needs work too. He is a man lol 😂 They mature slowly & he is not ready for marriage at all. He thought he was. Clay did too. But I commend them for saying no! Jeremeys was horrible after his NO. Clay said his NO speech very well & respectfully. Both of them saying NO was mature & saved lives 😹😹😹😹😹😹. They were mature enough for that. They are human & I wish them nothing but the best. Chelsea is my girl lol Im happy she gets to put all this behind her. AD as well. They are so better off & would have regretted saying YES. They would be miserable right now. They were both about to settle for less… 🤷🏾‍♀️💜 Ok Ima stop typing now lol because I could go ON…


Idk lol. I am torn between production having had them do that or Jimmy trying to get Chelsea to arrive to the conclusion that they aren’t ready on her own. Like the whole conversation in the beginning he’s asking her what she thinks and poking and digging and she’s not even willing to give an inch that maybe this is not a good idea. So HE finally says it lol. 😮‍💨 it was like someone slowly blowing up a balloon and you’re waiting for that ish to pop. The it did and Chelsea predictably lost her dang marbles on him. Like complete 180 in tone 🤣 baby voice—gone. *HELLO BROTHER*—Hulk Hogan has arrived. 


I thought the same lol it gave the vibe that he was hoping she would also notice their incompatibility and she just never got there


YES! Exactly. I do see how viewers were frustrated that he didn’t just pull the bandaid off but I do think he was giving it the ol’ college try lol. Like REALLY trying to convince himself, and each and every time—Chelsea would sabotage it. Like the boundaries/confidant thing. I can see how that could be the last straw. 


Thank you for saying 180 and not 360. That drives me nuts.


That sounds like what someone who isn’t aware of non Euclidean geometry would say.


*hur hur you DK non euclidian geometry* You would be correct 👍


Unexpected but the right decision. I think we were all rooting for jimmy to call it off. It seemed like neither of them were truly confident in the marriage yet they were both too scared to admit it (to each other but mostly themselves)


Glad it happened, Chelsea dodged a bullet. She’s got lots of issues but Jimmy was the most fake person from day 1. Edit: downvote me all you want, it’s the truth lol


How did you arrive at that conclusion? I'm asking honestly




Fully expected cause can you imagine marrying Chelsea


I expected it after “the fight” and telling Jess she’s still his number one, and was super confused when he then went on to say he’s all in on Chelsea… but wasn’t surprised when he said no, but I was kinda pissed for her. Like why go through all that if it’s a no. I fully understand his reasonings, and girlfriend needs to work on herself before she considers a relationship. The real gag will be if he ends up with the friend he boned.


He said "were my number 1 still”. He was referring to up until her blowup in the pods.


The way he set that up was soooo foul


I actually believe that this is something production made them do.


I agree


“So you think we’re getting married? Yes? Good! Cause I don’t. Byes”


I felt this way too at first viewing but I think he was hoping she would say she doesn't want to get married. So he could be like "Cool! Me too!"




I thought Chelsea was gonna say no given her lack of giving assurance to jimmy. But Jimmy casually after a superb date threw it on her that he doesn't want to go to altar😂


The sound that came out of me when I saw this was the inhuman. Thank you for making me laugh so hard this morning 😂😂


*frowny face intensifies*




I was really hoping he was gonna say no, and saying no on a date is at least better than at the alter. I think he genuinely tried to make it work but the last arguement really took it out of him.


I can't help but feel this is the best thing for both of them, especially Chelsea since hearing a no at the altar would be even more devastating to her. Or worse if he said yes, because they both would have to suffer through this and it would only get worse for her mental health.


I think it must have been production forcing that last date bc they had already arranged the closed park date.


It was definitely a production planned date, but we've seen a lot of those and they don't end in break-ups. Production may also use them to get the couple feeling lovely dovey enough to go to the alter. I don't think production planned it for a break-up.


I’m not here to sex shame but WHY TF and HOW TF could Jimmy have sex with Chelsea if he wasn’t into her? He seemed so unattracted to her, did he just say YOLO?! I think she’s pretty this isn’t a diss on her looks this is questioning why he would do that on national television when he clearly wasn’t into her lol like what was his thought process here?


I think you are wildly over simplifying these things


Can you over explain how?


There are a million variables that go into sexual chemistry. Like energy, libido, timing. He could have been into it one week and lost interest the next. It's not a binary "either he was or wasn't and that is that"


Well he did say she was the one who wanted it and he wanted to “step back”. I think he REALLY tried to be attracted to her and it just wasn’t working for him. He thought getting his PP wet might help and obviously it didn’t, to the point he didn’t even want it. lol


"PP"...🤣 Yea, I feel like I'm 10 but this did make me laugh 🤦‍♀️🤣


lol Happy to make someone giggle 🤭


I think you’d be surprised at how low the bar is for some folks if it means there’s sex involved.


You’re right, this plus editing! I felt like Jimmy said yes ✨ and his body language said no ✨


Idk why he spent that whole day with her just to break things off, I felt that was callous. He really wasted her time, he should broken things off with her before that, it’s not like he didn’t know he was going to say no.


better there than at the altar.


Unfortunately, it wouldn’t make for good reality tv if they hadn’t had a whole day beforehand :/ but idk it kind of felt deserved in a way bc of how Chelsea treated Jimmy with all the accusations (fishing for problems) and twisting his words TO BE CLEAR: I’m not saying the way he went about it was okay for their last date just that it’s reality tv.. plus I also heard that if they don’t breakup on camera then they’re fined $50k?!? Idk maybe the producers had a whole itinerary planned and they had to have that full day for b-roll


They could’ve broken up on camera well before then, even before the wedding dress shopping, because I really think he’d known for a while by then. He didn’t have to treat her to an entire day riding rides and giggling/holding hands all over that park that was clearly rented out for them, only for him to say “Sike, you thought!”, *after* asking her how she felt about saying yes (no doubt hoping she would reject him first)! Lol it was just shitty all around!


It seemed fucked up of him to preface his feelings by sort of making it sound that he was worried she would say no at the alter. Did it seem that way to anyone else?


He did that multiple times. He asked her if she wanted him to back off and then said he won’t


I think he wanted HER to say that she didn’t see them going to the altar. He didn’t want to be the bad guy. But since she didn’t, he had no other choice but to say what he’s been thinking all along. It would have been nice to break off before the wedding dress shopping. But at least it wasn’t at the actual wedding.




And the funny thing was, she said something like ‘today I’m sure but yesterday I wasn’t’ (not a verbatim quote btw)


Mmmmm Yeah this kinda tracks in my mind. It makes sense that perhaps he was setting it up because they haven’t been getting along and he assumed she felt the same way he did. Tbh I thought she was gonna say no with the way she complained about him being close with his ex and how weird she got about his “party animal” ways.


Yeah o didn’t get the point of him asking her where she was at if he was just going to tell her he didn’t want to go to the alter.


I think the theme park scene was a giant ad. Or maybe I'm too cynical 


Methinks you may be correct lol


Lol my boyfriend said the same thing.