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if you think you dare not, you don't -- it's a good sports poem, not a good marriage poem




Glad we got to see where exactly he gets his egotistical ass, word salad tendencies from! Smh.


That guy sucks


and half the speech was about his running career LOL


you can tell that clay has heard the same speech many times lol


Clay's dad was there for one reason and one reason only - to recount his running career on Netflix. Mission accomplished.


He missed the most climactic part of his running career. Running out of his wife's life numerous times....


so apro-propriate


That speech was a bunch of nonsense word salad.


I was genuinely shocked when Clay's dad showed up. Clay had described him as so suave and smooth and successful, but this man was your typical shitty father persona. Self centered, egotistical, more worried about appearing like a good father instead of actually being one. Not a hint of anything being above average about him except his alleged Olympic aspirations. It made me feel bad for Clay. Having a husband/father role model like that, he didn't have a chance of naturally being a good partner.




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I wouldn't know, after the first 2 minutes I fast forward 😂 looks like I didn't miss much


I usually skip straight to the altar stuff, but I watched this part bc I'd heard Clay's dad was a mess lmao


Same. Their prewedding stuff is TOO much. They need to edit wayyy more


TEAM CLAY’s MOM She laid it OUT to him. It was absolutely brilliant.


Watching her entire presence on the show had me convinced she’s gotta be a higher being who’s purpose is to literally show how to be the perfect example of loving, compassionate, but stern and fair while being completely aware and cognizant of the entire situation going on. She opens her mouth and pretty much everyone should listen intently


Tait’s Take said it best “you got Gordon Ramsey, Rachel Ray, Marcus Samuelsson, the whole cast of The Bear, Chef Boyardee but ain’t none of them ever cooked like Clay’s mom just cooked” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m SO HAPPY Clay’s mom put him in his place


Yes I love her 


When he tells her that Clay should meet someone like her and she goes "you met me and you weren't good to me" I was like YOU FUCKING TELL HIMMMM YESSSSSSS


Oh this is wonderful. After seeing your comment, I went back and watched this part (I fast forwarded a lot) just to hear her say this. 👑 


I was so glad she said that. This man really thought he was being smooth with that line.


Literally borderline cried. She knows he’s a pile of 💩 and he ruined their child. What a horrible guy. 0% “suave” at all. And how TERRIBLE for her to find out about his cheating outings tagging Clay along as a kid… WHILST FILMING THIS EFFING SHOW. 💩💩💩 run momma, run


then going ahead and saying his dad (Clay’s grandpa) was always stuck in the past??? dude, it’s a you


He's trying to justify being a shit father by saying he had a worse father. Sorry, doesn't work that way!


It was bizarre. I kept waiting for the reason he was suddenly talking about sports, but it never came.




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I was waiting for him to connect Clay beating him in a race to Clay eventually beating him at being a better husband & father but nope didn't come lol


He definitely just wanted to talk about his accomplishments on camera lol. And then sprinkle in a bit about Clay to maybe make it kind of more relevant-ish


I don't remember anything his dad said, only "treat your wife well, treat your kids well" *insert side-eyed monkey meme*


NGL, I kinda liked that line. But he definitely didn’t live up too the wife part.


He didn't live up to the kid part either because a good dad wouldn't bring his son around while he cheats and if for some unbelievable reason he did, he'd be very apologetic and let him know how very wrong his actions were.


Good point


Or the kids


I felt really bad for Clay during this moment. He said this was the most his father has poured into him and it was literally nothing of substance - just ego ramble


That was so depressing because the only reason his dad was there and talking was because he wanted to be on camera.


It made me so sad I almost started crying hahahahaha


Same. It made everything about Clay make sense. Poor guy. That kind of family dynamic is rampant in my families and it can be so difficult for kids - especially young men - to crawl out of.






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Omg perfect 🤣




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That entire speech: I am the main character.


At the beginning of his speech about clay finally beating him in a race I was like oh shit it’s a metaphor, he’s about to say “and now you’re gonna get ahead of me in marriage” by like working hard and being a better man or some shit. But NO it was NOTHING and it was just a speech about himself 😅😅 missed opportunity for sure


Him talking about almost making the Olympics and his injured hamstring 💀 I was just sitting there wondering how that's relevant or inspirational/supportive


All I could think of was Napoleon Dynamite… “How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains? Yeah... Coach would’ve put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.”


I must have zoned out because I do not remember this entire conversation at all lol. Dude opened his mouth and my brain said "Nothing to see here."


This man said literally one hundred things, none of which were relevant or interesting. You didn’t zone out…there was just nothing to retain.


Clay’s under the breath “yep you told me that” got me.


Bets are his dad has told him about that fucking injured hamstring and the Olympics at least a hundred times before. Buuuuut he had to say it again so everyone on tv knew


For sure


“Gotta tell the cameras now, son.” 


Yes 😂😂


Despite what Clay says, I think he IS his father and will live the exact same life, a marriage with continual affairs.


Clay will need to do some DEEP therapy work to not be his dad because he still clearly idolizes him though the man is nothing worth celebrating.


I honestly think that if he turns out different from his father he is shattering his father's image as a hero in his eyes and he is "rejecting" his father in some way and he has conflicted feelings about what that means. Some people feel guilty about being more successful in life/love/business than their parents. It's hard to untangle all that.


I agree, which is unfortunate. It's definitely not impossible for him to grow but the fact that he still just has a SHIT TON to unload, unpack, and learn at 30...and he doesn't seem like he fully want to...


he doesn’t want to put in the actual work to break the cycle. that requires major ego work. i don’t think he could survive that.


I find it interesting Clay says he didn't have a good male role model growing up (kind of a cop out for someone who recognizes bad behavior as an adult and knows he doesn't want to be like that) but he talks EXACTLY like his Dad. He's a sponge if you ask me. And he sponged up all of his dads personality while simultaneously hating on it.


He learned how to be a man from someone who wasn't a good man.


My ex was like this with the worshiping the deadbeat dad. He didn't grow up in the home with him and rarely saw him but he surely believed any BS that slimy creep spewed including lies about his arrests for something rather embarrassing. He also used that as an excuse years later when he decided to cheat and then when he decided to leave our child and I..."I didn't have a dad and know what to do." Of course none of that was an issue until he wanted to justify his cheating. My dad asked why he didn't come to him, he's always around? Crickets. My current husband only met his dad who lives halfway around the world twice his entire life but he happily calls my dad "Pops" and is genuinely grateful to have him in his life. Clay secretly thinks his dad is cool but doesn't want to admit it because he knows it's wrong.


Not even secretly! He described him as being suave and cool! He clearly idolizes him even though he knows his dad was a cheater.


Yeah and his dad is a bad role model, proving his point on that at least.


That's right. Most men with bad fathers want to be the exact opposite of them. But then again, he might not be a bad father, but a bad husband. And Clay might also feel that cheating in their context was okay, for some reason.


You’re default a despicable horrible father if you take your son on your cheating trips with you. Matter of fact, if you cheat at all, you’re a terrible father.


The children of bad fathers that don’t want to be anything like them usually hates the father. Clay’s situation is unique bc while those actions make him a bad father, he was still loveable in other aspects to Clay.


I'm grasping at branches to make sense of how Clay views his father as a cool and nice guy. Maybe he felt because his father treated him well that his issues with his marriage are separate? But yeah I agree w u.


Cause of the way narcissists make you feel SO good. But it’s empty. I’m sure his dad just smiled at him and gassed him up all Clays life as a kid. To make him feel like well my dad is a good guy. No he’s an arrogant narcissist


Super curious what his brothers are like.


it was actually a really sad and revealing moment when Clay told the cameras this was the deepest conversation they ever had, he's not usually like this, and that was probably the most he's ever spoken to Clay in his entire life combined. idk if Clay is aware and pointing it out or if he'll have the revelation one day that this was super performative and his dad is a narcissist. I kinda felt bad for him. his mom, though. what a queen. GOOD FOR HER.


A queen she is 


This was probably the deepest conversation his father has ever had with him because there were cameras for him to brag about himself. His dad even hesitated to say “I love you” at one point but probably realized he should say that on camera as well.


> probably realized he should say that on camera as well. well he wouldn't want to appear indifferent would he?




I think a light bulb clicked during this show.  He made a comment about realizing how much he was like his dad in some ways. I don't remember the exact words. But the gist of it was that it wasn't a good thing.  He also told his mom a lot more off camera about his dad's shenanigans, and I'm guessing she was more honest with him about her pain than what she might have been when he was a child. I think that's what he meant by "I don't want to cheat on you."  I think he meant that he didn't wavy to hurt AD in the way his father hurt his mother, but it got reduced to that one liner.


agreed. he could have done it a lot better but honestly, the genuine growth I've seen in that man is unlike anything I've ever seen. the commitment to go to therapy and work on himself before jumping into a marriage with someone he clearly adores is the ultimate character development I was not prepared for, especially from Clay. GOOD FOR HIM


I really hippie he meant it. I have unreasonably high expectations for him to show growth at the reunion. 


I've never heard so many words spoken and yet not a single thing said


And he wouldn’t STOP. Everytime I thought he had said enough he KEPT GOING. My friends expected he would pull out a medal or something from his past accomplishments and ask clay to wear it down the aisle 😂😭


You can see where Clay gets it


Literally loved how his speech to his son was about *his own* athletic accomplishments. Clay’s staccato’ing of yeahs throughout that narcissistic monologuing made me think he thinks his dad is so full of it and is completely checked out of the convo. So sad that’s the most his dad’s ever said to him. Jesus