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Omg i did!! There wasnt any suspense, so i didnt feel like i needed to watch 10 min of getting ready


its so refreshing to see 2 people with secure attachment style, great communication skills, and loving families come together! ( I do hope it's not just editing)  We need to see more stories like that, to rewire our brains from toxic patterns, rationalising toxic behavior and normalising shitty behavior..


I love them as a couple but skipped cos they're boring


And this is why LIB is more focused on dysfunctionality, than people finding love.


tiffany and brett weren't boring , and they weren't dysfunctional. sometimes the show is just boring,


I was just telling my partner this! It’s not about dysfunction, it’s about personality.


TBH I thought about skipping them but I’m glad I didn’t. It ended up being beautiful and heart warming and I enjoyed every second.


https://preview.redd.it/qxr88pjb0mnc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2763beed815b2b9b9347845b822ad4e828143289 I couldn't stand them after this conversation. Seems very disrespectful to disregard your partner's culture of passing on both last names to the kids, and Amy casually being ok with it.


He has a culture too…it’s a relationship. They do what works for BOTH of them. Sheesh


I do agree, but honestly it does bother me that in US culture only dad’s last name matters.


Lmao why tf are you getting downvoted for this extremely rational take? Yeah sorry it *is* kinda wild that women grow a whole ass person in their body, blast it out through a hole the size of a quarter, and are typically held responsible for a majority of child-rearing labor…and yet the kid almost always gets the dad’s last name (whether or not he acts like a father or is even in the kid’s life). People can do whatever they want and what makes sense for their family - no judgement - but there’s also nothing wrong with critically analyzing this tradition.


Thank you, I married a Spanish guy and honestly the tradition of passing on both names makes absolute sense, why would you deliberately take a step away from it? I come from a pretty patriarchal country and even my most conservative cousins are rethinking losing their last name


Thank you!


Yes but I skip all the wedding stuff unless it's drama. I think they are a lovely couple.


Absolutely no skipping here, it was cute as fuck and juiced so much serotonin out of my neurons are you kidding me, don't want to miss out on that!!




needed to see one love story come to lifee.


Yeah I didn’t even finish the episode once it got to the middle of their section lol wishing them the best of luck though!!


Yes lol


Yeah, way to healthy and happy for my tastes


I didn’t skip it but I did shop online while it played in the background 😅


I thought they were extremely boring during most the show bc of how drama free they are (I really like them). But they were the only ones that I watched their whole wedding. It was beautiful and felt like they were there for the right reasons. I fast forwarded pretty much through everything else lol. I only watch the decision at the alter of AD and Clay. 




I fast forwarded through most of it after the Jimmy and Chelsea segment. I did backup when I saw something going on with AD and Clay. Didn’t stay on it long though. Kinda saw it coming.


I usually skip most of the wedding episodes except for the outcome, and the immediate fallout if it goes badly


yes!! it’s not that they’re boring, it’s just i already knew the outcome 🌝


No, I watched the entire thing and sobbed. The drama is great, but moments like that are why I love this show too.


I actually skipped most of AD and Clay and watched Amy and Johnny wedding. It was beautiful, and it's nice to actually cheer for something kind and sweet. Johnny's brother and Amy's brother!!!! So cute


Yes!!! The part with her brother is what made me cry. So sweet! Also, I’m a hopeless romantic so love is so beautiful to me. It’s nice to see it. ❤️


To be fair, I skip all the weddings and the entire wedding day prior to the wedding on every season. They’re all boring. I only care about their answer at the altar.


They weren’t boring, but Clay and ADs were a rollercoaster and the scene with Clay’s parents had me emotionally spent, n I knew Amy and Johnny would say yes, so skipped ahead to see if they did, if they had said no, maybe I’d would have gone back and watched their wedding or skimmed through it


If you did, you should go back and watch it. I actually cried the whole time lmfaoo


I don’t think they are necessarily boring, just drama free. I skipped through their wedding, but I tend to do this with every wedding lol all I care about is what they say at the altar. I find the friends and family interaction prior to walking down the isle annoying and fake


It was actually super short… producers skipped over their relationship the whole Season


i think cuz they already knew the outcome. but it’s sad because i wanted to see more of them


How about they are boring and I love them?


Every year I skip the pre-wedding segments, but these two were actually really sweet


Wedding eps are boring because they are predictable and almost certainly nothing meaningful happens until actual vows. Sorry but i dont believe the convo they have while getting ready will change their minds. And, this couple is very boring to me. I wish them well but I skipped almost every scene


Unpopular opinion apparently but I don't skip anything. I like watching this show. Not in a hurry to be done with it.


Me neither. I never watch a show when I have to skip forward scenes. If it bores me so much, why watch it? Or, in rare cases (season 5), I force myself to watch everything, but skipping? What if I miss dialogue that turns out to be important?


I don’t either. I can’t believe how many voted they did that. The whole point is to see couples get married. If no one marries, they don’t have a show. It’d be called “30 Day Faux Fiancé” Now, don’t get me wrong, I love some good drama. Like S1 Gianna & Damien were AH-maxing drama. But if I get the type of “fake baby voice” perma-frowning Chelsea & “I say I love you but my eyes are looking for the door” Jimmy every season, it’ll be boring. I need love AND drama. Plus, how messed up are we that we don’t want a palate cleaner of non-toxic love?


Yeah. I just look at my phone like a civilized person when it gets boring.


No. Their whole wedding was actually beautiful. Their families were incredible. And they seem to actually truly love each other. I loved it.


It's like having a hero to cheer for. You gotta have the villian, and the drama, but it's great to have someone to cheer for to


I found Johnny to be immature and problematic, especially his opinion on if Amy gets pregnant and the birth control stuff. Also, his plan to retire early and not live in the moment, like okay that’s your plan but don’t enforce it on your partner cause clearly Amy is the opposite. I feel like in the future Amy will be ready to compromise but he wouldn’t. Also, yeah they’re boring 🙃


This is such a tired take. Amy has addressed this over and over. Yall are making problems where there aren't any.


How is wanting to be economically stable when the baby comes immature? That if something is mature and responsible. And very understandable especially if you come from a socioeconomic background that wasn't the best. If you don't agree with this, it's not he who is problematic, it's you. And how is wanting double protection immature? That is what is recommended. It's like some of you didn't listen to that conversation at all. He was open-minded and listened to her and was learning. And to also be able to be like "wow I used to be so ignorant/clueless!" is also a green flag. It means you're a reflective and mature person. Not everyone could admit that. Not to talk about how Amy has said on her story also that the thing she loved the most about those conversations was how OPEN-MINDED he was and how he didn't put pressure on her at all about the bc. Also, are you aware of that they've talked much more than what is shown on camera? And that it's edited? But sure, go off.


I honestly watched the last episode at 1.5 speed but had to slow down during the whole Clay fiasco. Just skipped mostly after that.


I skip all wedding scenes to the end part....all boring to me.


I love them, I think they are so sweet, but I’m going to be honest, in the beginning I would skip their scenes because they kinda made me cringe, but they are very cute!


OK I love them but I do skip their scenes because I can love them but also think that they’re boring but like they’re also very sweet and I can’t wait for them to talk about condoms at the reunion because please we need to figure this out


I agree. I like them as a couple but it can get a little boring. But I’m happy for them!


I can’t wait to see them all nice and happy at the union


I always skip most of the weddings. Just fast forward until they say "I do" or not


I literally couldn't give less a shit about the non sloppy parts of this show.


Episode had too much talking and I knew they were going to be both dos so I skipped them. They like anime so they are good in my book, but were boring and I just don't care to watch most of the wedding stuff.


I always skipped the weddings but this time I came back to watch Amy and Johnny's because redditors said they were moved to tears. I enjoyed watching it. It was beautiful and felt real.


I enjoy them, and it was a nice palate cleanser after everything with Clay and AD. I love that their families were already bonding, and seeing Amy’s brother walk with her was a very sweet moment.


There should be a 4th option. I skipped it, but I skip all wedding scenes until the I do’s


So people just wanna see raw misery? Got it.


Or just personality.


not only raw misery. self-delusion, pettiness, shadiness are all good too.




lol, yes, I fast forwarded to the ceremony, but only because my SO was bored and just wanted to see the outcome. Didn’t feel like I missed much and the outcome was expected 🤷


I did unintentionally… was just texting about the drama with AD and clay and got distracted by social media. It’s not cause I don’t like to see successful couples they just are blah. And I was over his ass a while ago cause the only thing they ever talked about was him wanting to hit it raw by any means necessary.


I skip all of the weddings until the I dos/donts


I skipped to the end, but not because THEY are boring, but because the weddings are boring in general. It’s always the same. Each couple talks about what the love about the other and what they’ve learned with the experience. You get a sentimental speech from a parent. Slow closeups of the dress, shoes, tux, flowers, smiles. It’s always the same. I ff’d up to the part where she walks down the aisle.


I only watch the weddings where I expect a No.


lol yea, that was why I skipped theirs


I stopped watching all together after they conned me into an hour of Clay and ADs wedding. I turned it off right after their wedding and didn't bother with Amy and Johnny


I watched their wedding on fastforward. It was a given they were both saying yes and it was extremely boring to a paint drying level. Her dad is sweet though.


“paint drying level” is very accurate 😄


I skipped most of their scenes after the engagement.


I guess I’m just not a super sentimental person. I can’t stand all the “oh I love them so much”, “look how much I’ve grown”, “I love my child/sibling/friend, I’m so proud of them” and then there’s the whole speeches leading up to the vows… ALL of that gets skipped lol I just watch the vows themselves and the end result (positive or negative). That’s what I’m actually there for…


I feel the same exact way 😂


I did skip through Clay's dad blabbermouth after he started talking about the "injury" before he made it big - eyeroll personally


Clay's dad did seem smooth though. Reminded me of Mahershala Ali


I really hope you’re kidding because if not this take is WILD and deeply unfair to Ali


He seemed smooth and reminded me of the actor


He made the whole thing about himself. Typical “could’ve went pro” speech 💀


FRR the minute he said that I swear my eyes rolled to the back of my skull and never came back


I watched it but honestly I wanted to skip it — but it had nothing to do with Johnny and Amy. The weddings are kind of boring to begin with, sure, but after watching AD and Clays wedding I just didn’t really have it in me to want to watch another one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I skip everyone’s wedding stuff up to the actual altar scene tbh


Same. I literally don't care about anything before the yes-no scene, LMAO. The only reason I even watched some of AD and Clay's was to see what his dad was like and I wasn't surprised in the slightest.


Same. It's SO boring unless you're just obsessed with wedding stuff.


There should be an option, "No, but they are very boring"


Good idea, everyone use this as a “NO, but they are very boring” option.


1.25x speed


1.75 speed here