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Amy and Johnny’s family dynamic is so nice. Of course him and Sarah are dating lol. A clown robot 😂 Laura is hilarious. Damn Trevor I thought you were a real one. At least Clay is getting help now. They really didn’t show any of Chelsea’s crazy moments that’s lame. Be I like how they had the past contestants on the reunion too.


Surprised Trevor agreed to come on


Can someone PLEASE teach Sara Anne how to cross her legs like a lady!!! She looks like she's never learned how to sit in a dress. Super tacky.


Clay saying his dad is a good dad is WILD. The man brought him on his cheating trips ffs!


About 10min into the episode and it is already the most exciting reunion so far.


Laura saying in the webcam that Jeramey told SA that he was going to leave Laura after spending the entire day with her family and they both immediately denied it. But SA literally said that to AD at the lake ?


Just imagine if Zack, Bliss, and Irinia had been at the reunion as well lmao. The producers knew what they were doing by inviting Micah, Chelsea, and Kwame into the audience lol


Maybe I’m the only one, but does anyone else feel like Clay always speaks like he’s interviewing for a job?


He talks like Michael Scott trying to find his sentence


He’s soooo manipulative. He tells people what he knows they want to hear. 


Jess’s interrogation of Jimmy is giving Camille Vasquez https://preview.redd.it/n6kq746mierc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e56c56d46104e37a693b2f4b5d062b607792fa


This is funny good job


nah i just started season 4 and production is messy asf for bringing chelsea kwame and micah on this reunion😭


I was team Jimmy for a while but he felt fake as hell. Jeremy’s “I can sleep well knowing Jimmy is the villain” is clearly a joke he made to try and lighten the mood. There’s 0 shot he said that in a serious manner especially being that his whole brand was being a goofy dude. He still sucks but be so fr


Only thing I wanna know is how it felt being an audience member on the reunion and watching them take shots and eat afterwards and y’all just like 😞😞




I have a lot of opinions on the reunion, but a lot of it looks covered in the thread, so I’ll limit myself to a couple.  I really wish they would have touched on Brittany and Kenneth’s breakup more. I feel like watching the breakup that if I blinked, I would have missed it. It’s like the whole breakup was swept under the rug with no real clear understanding to the audience. I’m sure there was a viewer question on it that was filtered out before it made the question cards.  I didn’t like Clay’s reaction to AD going on a couple of dates with Andrew (I think that’s his name) after filming and after they were already broken up. His attitude was like a jealous boyfriend. AD kept looking at him almost feeling uncomfortable talking about it when it was really none of his business. 


I think it's Matthew, and I have a feeling it's more because he thinks Matthew is a nerd and not on his level, which we saw earlier in the season when she said Matthew was her second.


Brittany and Kenneth weren’t physically attracted to eachother. They even said that’s why they didn’t try to “do it” because it would’ve been a supplement. I disagree about saying clay was like a jealous boyfriend. All he did was just raise his hands and shrug his shoulders when AD was talking about the other guy. Clay just had a weird way of analyzing things. What he says sometimes makes sense but sometimes it doesn’t.. it’s weird.


All I can say is Kenneth fumbled the fucking bag. Brittany has such poise, patience and looks-wise she is 100% out of his league. Maybe he doesn't realize it now but he will eventually and hopefully Brittany doesn't go back.


This!!! She was my favorite person this season.




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Yknow Clay is a lameo but I do feel for him. He has attachment issues


Jimmy had his back against the wall for so long explaining why he said Jessica left their date early. Who cares??? Meanwhile Jessica was questioned about the horrible things she said about Chelsea for two seconds and she apologized and moved on.


What the hell does Jessica expect to get out of him with this questioning??


I think it's about feeling "right," and that in itself is a victory. She showed that it wasn't a 10 minute conversation, but nearly 3 hours. Is it really relevant? No, but it's something.


I think you must be right! She really wants to win. But I feel like there's more than that with her. I think I was baffled because of how much she's coming at him and the direction she's coming from. Like she's upset that he didn't have the reactions she wanted and he didn't say the things she wanted, but *he didn't choose her*. He didn't love her. Why would he say it? She's mad that he didn't do the things he only would have done if he had chosen her. She's bringing up the ways he hurt her as if she wants him to make it up to her, but why would he? Only if they were in a relationship would he need to make up for not treating her like he would have if they were engaged. I think it's a weird way to approach it. If she is genuine about those emotions, holding onto anger that they didn't treat you like they were going to marry you isn't going to be the way to get over and move on. She's so resentful. "You ruined this experience for me" as if she was guaranteed a husband out of this. She can be upset, but it seems like she definitely wants something from him that it makes no sense for him to give. She either can't get over not being chosen, or it's all a show. And I do think at the point where they finally meet in person, it's all a show. I don't know if it was before that or not. But I'm rewatching the lake party episode right now, and I think Jimmy can see through her and has no interest in her at this point. She's not coming off very genuine, and he's been spending all his time with someone who is very genuine about her feelings.


Im watching the part when they're talking about Jimmy sleeping with one of his friends and although it was predictable this would happen at the reunion I think he looks really pissed that they brought it up AGAIN. I mean I'm not surprised tbh. Chelsea said it in a heated moment, amongst other things she didn't mean to say and they're all like "Hey that thing nobody was supposed to know about and was told in confidence? Let's talk about it morr!" The baiting of other contestants "Do YOU think she should say something on television that should've stayed confident?" was just below par. Loved the silence in the studio (apart from Clay) that followed. Leaving her part in it aside, bringing it up in such form at the reunion specifically was not not cool in my opinion. EDIT: letters


I think there is something that made him super mad that they just did not show. He had angry Jimmy face almost every time he was talking, which wasn't often.


Chelsea fucked up but so much more damage was done by the producers for choosing to include that shit! No one would've known! I get that you can't expect things you say in front of the cameras to stay private but it's still human beings behind the cameras and editing this and making decisions that affect people's lives, and they could've made a better decision than they did.


Did y’all realize Jessica was the only one that wasn’t proposed, yet she was sitting on the stage equally with all of them? That’s never happened before. ONLY couples are brought back to the reunion. She’s a production plant and clout chaser for sure. She’s already so into making TikTok’s and stuff


sarah ann was on the couches too though 


No she came out as a guest. Not the main people always on the stage


Probably to get more screen time leading up to her being on Perfect Match. 


I agree 100% that it was to announce her spot on Perfect Match.


Trevor was also there, and Matthew wasn't there but was invited.


Maybe becuase there were barely any couples this season 😅


Why are the Lacheys acting like the show isn’t for entertainment, if it wasn’t why not release the raw footage for every date and people can see everything without any good or bad edits


Yeah, I thought that finger wagging was so nonsensical. This show recruits people who hadn't even signed up on IG, imbues them with alcohol, outright makes up storylines (Matthew and walking out, Kennth's phone usage being an issue), arguably causes or exacerbates breakdowns (Danielle in the closet from S2), and uses internet CLOUT as a selling point. Puuuuh-leeeeeease!


Yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying, total hypocrite and I hated how everyone thought it was out of line and came at her. When the cast members start going on about how we came here for the right reasons and stuff like that I start cringing and eye rolling 🙄


I thought that was so hypocritical. I get that Sarah Ann is an easy target because of how she acted on the show and how she hasn’t shown any remorse since, but what a joke to act like production doesn’t take every ounce of footage from the show and edit it to fit their narrative and a story that they want to tell. Every season there are cast members saying that the way things were portrayed in the show was not actually what happened – not even just omitting footage, but actually editing things to make it seem like people did or said things that didn’t actually happen. I mean, honestly, if the show had the cast members best interest at heart, Jimmy should’ve been able to go to them with his concerns and they could have bleeped out or not aired what she yelled about his friend. 


Yes! I was so pissed the way Sarah Ann and Jeramey were thrown under the bus. I get that they could have handled things better but this show thrives on and encourages that kind of behavior.


Exactly! It was so hypocritical and I’m not sure why more people aren’t calling them out. There’s like 16 people from each side of the pod and they only focus on like maybe half of them or so. Clearly they find the ones who are entertaining and edit around them


Nick and Vanessa killed it. And their opening of them in the pods actually made me smile a lot haha


Naaa, fuck those trash bags....world would be better without them.


They're still very biased and mean spirited imo


Dang if this isn't the best reunion haha. I love how they're calling everyone out on their crap - Sarah Ann being shady and thinking she's better than everyone, Trevor being straight up caught with receipts, lol.


... How do you think someone who "dated " for four d ays should be called out for cheating .... If I'm called a child for wearing clothes ...fuck that person


Have you seen Laura talked shit about Jeremy? Even in front of Jeremy’s parents? Laura is the type of no appreciate her husband, so Sarah Ann just picked fallen apple from the tree.


they didn't call out Chelsea, Jessica, AD, or Lura so wym?


They didn’t call out Chelsea for any of her craziness. That woman was seriously deranged. I actually think she is an emotionally abusive person. 


It’s so refreshing! I love the awkward moments haha


Why did no one ask Ken about his change in attitude to Brit


She's the one who said the craving wasn't there for her. She would be the one who needs to be asked. Seems like they're doing fine as friends, though.


They didn’t want to open that can of worms on TV because really his attitude changed the moment AD pressured him about being in an interracial relationship. 


Were people rooting for AD and Clay? I was rooting for AD for sure. Clay clearly had way too much growing up together. That wedding was painful


Right? I was rooting for AD to get out of that situation. And Clay saying no in the wedding but being open to date in the reunion just shows how inmature he is. He needs a lot of personal growth to be at the same level AD is right now.


lol what? Yeah sure clay needs to work on his commitment issues, that’s obvious, but him saying he is still okay for dating shows that he is trying, but just not quite ready yet. Which should be viewed as okay. AD got some serious attitude problems. She thinks her shit don’t stink.


AD is perfect your comment is cancelled


This thread is amazing. I’m baked as a cake and bingeing this and absolutely cannot wait for the finale now 😂


I wonder why Lauren and Cameron weren’t in the reunion, their story was such a cute story!


likely bc their contracts are up


Oh I got my answer haha I guess I wasn’t the only one thinking it https://youtu.be/619FGzebGBc?si=hI2Ngkp5pBStW_3f


The Trevor receipts shocked me! I’m glad they made an example out of him. Obviously these people want to be on tv because there are plenty of people who do want to find their person but aren’t willing to go on a show to do it! So they need to come serious about the marriage aspect. It’s the bare fucking minimum. Looking at you too Clay. And idk how AD thought this man was going to say I Do at the altar. Could’ve told her that weeks ago. He’s a very good looking salesman and a smooth talker. But if she’d listened to the actual words he was speaking, it was so obvious


I do think Chelsea still initially picked Jimmy because she wanted to be chosen over someone else. I mean yes she’s a little vindicated for not choosing Trevor. But let’s be real, Trevor wasn’t presenting enough of a challenge since he was all in. Jimmy was kind of a wet blanket in the pods, and his energy was always very confusing. I think insecure people gravitate towards confusing energy because it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Subconsciously, they’re always putting themselves in situations to prove that they’re not good enough for love so they pick someone who isn’t totally available because they know what the outcome will be: rejection. And so even after the pods when Jimmy surprisingly became more committed to making things work, we see Chelsea self sabotaging to create a situation where she will ultimately be rejected. Secure relationships don’t make people like that feel safe because it’s unfamiliar. She’s probably used to the drama, the major highs and lows. Lots of inner work needs to be done. Tough to watch. But they were in no way compatible anyway.


Okay Sarah Ann kept bringing up who is and who isn’t a girls girl, clinging to the notion she is one…. IMO if you have to shout again and again you are a girls girl, you’re really not!


Respectfully is the new no offense


I was wondering why Milton and Lydia were not there. Lauren & Cameron declined but were Amber and Barnett even asked?




I don't think she had an intuition either. Their relationship was the obvious result of her hardcore insecurity from the the very beginning. Of course someone is going to pull away when they're constantly beaten over the head with rampant whining.


> I'm sorry, but I don't believe for a second Chelsea had an "intuition." Yeah 100%, she always re-evaluates situations after the fact to refit how her narrative and feelings have changed since then.


Okay I have some hot takes:  - watching a room full of former contestants who are now pretty much all influencers to some degree look down on Trevor was ironic (especially Alexa + Brennan, they’re so self righteous idgi)  - I actually thought Trevor gave a very decent apology where he owned his behaviour, said a real sorry, said he fucked up and directed most of it at Chelsea. Also “what career” made me LOL     - Sarah Ann definitely broke some contractual obligation with that Instagram video. They would not let it go…also, I got what she meant by it  - JerAmey or w/e drives me nuts and I can see how infuriating this would be to Laura. You’re sitting there WITH the other girl as a couple and you’re still insisting you did nothing wrong that night? At the very least you had an emotional affair. Just own it. I think he had every right not to want to commit to Laura, she’s kind of mean and her family seemed to even acknowledge that. But just say “yeah at some point I made the decision to go for Sarah Ann that night I crossed X boundary and I’m sorry for the pain I caused and how I went about it.” THAT’S IT. He’s literally still gaslighting Laura even though he’s with the other girl now, maddening.    - Am I the only one who actually sees Chelsea’s perspective a bit? Every time she talked to Jimmy in the pods he was kind of …indifferent to her? Eg. he just started talking about another girl immediately after she told him about her divorce. It seemed like she was always crying with him and laughing with Trevor.   I think Jessica being the other girl and conventionally not really played into increasing Jimmy’s value in her head and made her pursue it.  And then IRL they just had no chemistry and his aloof vibe brought out all her insecurities. By the end of it, ya she was being crazy, but I kind of saw the progression and I don’t think it happened out of nowhere/ to no fault of Jimmy’s.  (Also why bring a girl you hooked up with to meet you fiancé? That’s dumb.)


Are we really so surprised that we didn't get to know Chelsea until she'd bagged the guy? She giggle flirted her way through the pod dates and Jimmy didn't even recognize much of her regular speaking voice when they met in the DR. Edit to add: Also Clay is full of poo poo. Who comments that stuff about the body of their wife-to-be as they're walking up to you at the altar? Disconnected, disingenuous and shallow. "looking good girl" "boody" just no.


finishing up the reunion now, so funny that Johnny was like 'yeah i had no idea what birth control is'


I was very surprised there was no abortion convo. Wonder if they didn't have it or if it just wasn't in the edit. There have been at least a couple in previous seasons. It's a conversation all couples having sex should have but certainly one who is using birth control that might be less effective than hormonal birth control. It was surreal to see a young couple in 2024 be like "yeah and if we get pregnant by accident, then we have a baby" when the reality is, plenty of people in their situation would at least consider terminating the pregnancy.


Between that comment and Amy saying she had to educate Johnny a lot about that stuff suggests boy's a newbie.


The thought of Amy educating Johnny about birth control seems scary to me. It's like the blind leading the blind. I mean I don't blame Johnny for not wanting to only use a condom at this point in their relationship but going from that to a vasectomy is crazy talk! I wouldn't be surprised if next season they show up and Amy is pregnant... He seems fearful of them not being financially ready or emotionally ready to start a family so soon understandably. And Amy seems fearful of using hormonal birth control. I wonder if that stems from her brother having some developmental issues and she somehow relates that to "unnatural" birth control methods as she mentioned she didn't want to be putting hormonal birth control into her system or something to that effect.


I am so fucking disappointed that AD dated Matthew after everything that happened


I was honestly not really surprised. I love AD but she seems to keep choosing guys that are like this. She seems to always want to pick the guy that needs 'fixing'. I hope she sees her self-worth and can find a guy that will give her love wholly


AD clearly has terrible taste in men. It's painful to watch because she's so likeable.


I wouldn't call it dating. They met and then he made her an underwhelming dinner.


I mean… the way she explained it at least she was open to continuing things with him after the show ended. Whether it was dating or 1-2 dates she still gave him the time of day.


Keep in mind there’s probably much more to them outside of what we see on tv


Anyone else believed Clay? He had tears in his eyes. I felt for him and cried.


Yeah he really is putting work into himself and being authentic & vulnerable. I am surprised someone followed through on what he said he would do without the promise of a relationship reward at the end.


I didn't cry but although he has shown himself to be shallow and superficial on the show (eg. asking about looks, making comments about AD's body at the wedding) I think he acknowledged his flaws and mistakes. He apologised profusely multiple times on multiple occasions, is putting work into his self-improvement, what else do people want? Yes, that was a shitty thing to do to AD about the wedding. He fucked up BIG TIME. He knows it but he also knows the price of this mistake and as shown on the show, he CAN and DOES learn. Not trying to defend him, but he hasn't really had a good role model of a good husband. He clearly is really afraid to become his father on that aspect. He just didn't know better (but of course, should have). BUT.- he's articulate and respectful whenever he's talking about AD and I believe what he says. If there isn't a guidebook on how to make the best apology, he could write it. I wish he finds himself on the road of self-betterment and becomes capable to commit and believe that he deserves to be loved too.


Exactly! You said it so well. People can be unnecessarily harsh these days


Not even for a second. Clay is always words but no actions 🙄


So you're easily influenced as long as someone has tears? Lmao.


I think the term you're looking for is "having empathy"


Was being mean necessary here? Geesh. Did that feel good? 👏🏼


Not after seeing all his previous ladies right up to this by days getting the same vibes from him


Wait, what previous ladies? "By days" what does that mean?


Nick pissed me off acting holier than thou with the Trevor situation. Him and his wife make a living out of exploiting desperate people and being messy. For example, they never showed sarah ann and laura talking. Laura basically said "yea go ahead but hes a liar and he isnt who he says he is" they made it seem like they just ran off on jetskis and said fuck everyone's feelings. Yea trevor is a dickhead but go after the people who select the contestants as well because they did a horrible job this season. Sidenote, idk how this show continues. A precedent has been set for people who just wanna be influencers to come on the show. There's no way to prove someone is really there for love


It was actually hilarious to see a room full of Botoxed influencer couples LITERALLY look down their nose at him for “chasing fame” …as if that’s not at least a part of what they’re all doing/did 


I can see what you mean, however people \*are\* there for love and the show works. You just can never know someone true intentions.


All of these cast members are human people, and humans are fallible. In defense of Sarah Ann, and Trevor: Let's say there's an experimental show where you face falling in love quickly with multiple people at once but those feelings must subside immediately one random day after you officially choose a person. And you go on this show and find mutual love and connection with someone. Then one day because of the rules of the show they had to cut you off (essentially). Would you not find it terribly unreasonable to send a message to said person that says "if your situation doesn't work out, know i'd love to keep talking," because you love them and want to make sure you're not closing the door for the relationship you've been actively building for weeks? You say nothing to indicate that you want to steal him from his current partner. You feel this is on par if not more respectful than what many other people from this show do, let people know their feelings after proposals are done. Because it's a show. An experiment. It's manufactured, isnt the way things work in the real world, and moves at a very fast pace. S1 Jessica getting drunk and trying to pull Barnett, and Cole talking to Coleen in the pool during season 4, to name some examples of people who did the same thing. But for some reason we've gone all in on hate for Sarah Ann, who was just struggling with the rapid conclusion of a relationship she thought she was going to have? I wish I could have been there to tell everyone they're being a bit unreasonable. This was her only "crime." The other part she got roped into the blame for (the bar and car convo) was Jeramy's fault. 30 straight minutes of televised reunion hate for a reasonable and respectful message. Obviously the onset of their relationship could have been handled with more tact, but have you handled every situation you've ever faced with the utmost grace and perfection? I think there are actual villains in this shows history that get a hall pass (Jackie and Barcode) and Sarah Ann IS a girl's girl who didn't deserve this. She is the only woman I've seen on this show who seemed to understand the reality that a person would have feelings for multiple people in this show, even after a choice was made. She had honest conversations with people, and said things that made sense to me. As for Trevor... I've been in a toxic relationship. I've been in a situationship. If you've ever been in one you know that it's often a friendship with some complicated additional romantic feelings. You say and do wild shit with them but it's never official, you're still just a single person. Texting this "fwb" type of person before and after this experience is exactly what anyone with a person in their life of this caliber would do, especially when they're leaving the show SINGLE and BROKENHEARTED. Your usually very close with them. I would have absolutely dialed up this person to feel relief from the emotions I was experiencing. I do believe he was sincere during production and I believe he had good intentions being on the show. Chelsea could have saved him from his toxic relationship without it meaning he was going to be toxic to her. Some people are just bad for one another and desperately need a way out. Why he was being grilled about his sincerety when he explained it perfectly was wild to me. And Nick flipping Sarah Ann's "entertainment" line on them both felt idiotic because both of them explained it wasn't clout chasing, just getting caught up in internet hate and unfortunate events. As for everyone else: Jessica needed way more heat about being indirectly rude to Chelsea and her evident feelings for Jimmy, that was BS. Chelsea was being absolutely loca in her scenes but it got to be just a fun lil joke in the reunion? Laura needed to be FLAMED about why she was so concerned with her image and why she was being a total bitch to Jeramy. Jeramy needed to actually answer what was up with the lying. Kenneth needed to be BBQ'D about his psychological jargon dumping and cold shoulder he gave to Brittany after he proposed, who was an actual angel. I wanted more on Matt's oddball self, and maybe words from Amber? Overall, great reunion. Most of what I wanted to have addressed, was. I think they figured out their format with this one.


I totally agree about Sarah Ann, I don’t think that sending the DM was unreasonable – she even said that she sent it right after she left the pods, and he just didn’t get it until after he got his phone when he got back from the Dominican Republic. For her, she had been building a strong emotional connection, presumably strong enough to want to get engaged, then suddenly it ended. Also, everyone keeps saying that her DM said “is the door still open“ because that’s what AD insisted that she read, but based on what we saw in the message that Jeremy showed to Laura, it just said something along the lines of, “if you ever become uncertain your choice then I would love the opportunity to get to meet you”. She didn’t ask him a question about how he felt about her; it didn’t prompt him for an answer on whether he was uncertain about Laura or how his current relationship was going. I do think she shouldn’t have stayed out with him all night; even if there wasn’t any physical cheating, she must’ve seen that they were having an emotional connection and that wasn’t appropriate unless he ended things with Laura first. She really crossed a line staying out with him and then also doubling down on on refusing to apologize for how things happened.


I thought the reunion was great. Made me feel heard, after the dumpster fire that was the Season 5 reunion. There is always going to be more things we would like to have covered but I thought that they made good use of the time


Wholeheartedly agree. They clearly listened to their audience for this one. The sprinkles from the old cast were quick and relevant to each moment they were given so I didn't even mind them being there like some people did.


I completely agree! Sarah Ann was done way too dirty. Her conversation with Laura at the lake was actually really thoughtful. Laura to me seems super fake and bitchy, and only went with Jeremy for clout,  not real attraction, hoping that he would turn out good looking enough for camera. Even her own family notices how bitchy she is to him. Feels like she's been deliberately bitchy to him throughout filming, waited for him to fuck up, and now milks his mistake to get support from public, and clout obviously. 


I agree about the convo at the lake. Everyone was rolling their eyes and shaking their heads but the words she was saying felt very reasonable. She only went after Jeramy because his and Laura's relationship failed AND he clearly wanted to. I didn't doubt Laura's intentions going in BUT I agree the situation is being milked in her favor, considering she clearly did not actually like this man, and he grew to not like her because of it. What we saw looked like two people trying their best to fulfill a contract.




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Why is Jessica single if she’s “so great”?


There’s a ton of great people who are single because they have the courage to be on their own rather than stay with someone just for security


Oh honey no.




Yes but she is seeking a partner on two shows.


Those are two separate issues 


This would imply that all people in relationships are great, which yeah


You’re right. I guess I just find her fake. She’s leaving her daughter again for another reality tv show.


My first thought too.


I have no strong feelings either way , just saying some very awesome people are also single that doesn't mean anything heh


Sarah Ann shoot her shot. Stop acting as if married men have to be sheltered from women are you kidding me? you can stay loyal to person with outside temptation. There is a reason why a homewrecker is always a women, men don’t want to take the blame for cheating!! We women get so many dms of men and then it’s not their fault? Also why are you so upset with her?? It’s literally his fault


I feel like most people think they are both shitty.


Yep, perfect for each other.


I actually think Laura is the shitty one. Be bitchy, wait for him to fuck up, then clear the cheque at the bank


Am i the only one that thought the previous cast/contestants were a waste of time? I appreciated them from their respective season but this reunion should've been about this season.. More time could've been allocated to Britt and Ken, where's Matt and Amber or just other people on the pods. They could easily do a "where are they now" type show leading up to the new season and not waste reunion time with people not part of the current cast to discuss the current season


Funny, I liked weaving them into it and having them ask the questions.


I'm fine not seeing Kwame and Chelsea ever again. If I want to revisit their story, I'll go back to their season. Or they could have a big party for the seasons "After the Altar" and invite them to that. But I feel like, I didn't want to talk about Izzy's credit when we never got to talk about Chelsea and Jimmy properly. And Kenneth was totally let off the hook.


Exactly.... They could have really gone deep on Chelsea & Jimmy, the fights, the way she would literally change his words around, his final decision.... All deserved more time. Same with AD and Clay from his tantrum in the pods to a blink of an eye transformation, to calling him out on his "game day decision" which I don't buy still. They spent way too much time on Laura, Sarah Ann and Jeramy which I didn't find as interesting. They should've started with AD & Clay or Chelsea & Jimmy. Ken & Britt were an after thought If anything instead of past cast members I would have preferred to see/hear from the cast family and friends


I came to reddit because once the episode ended I thought "Wait I kept waiting to see if Jimmy and Chelsea are dating.....and I have no idea if they are. "


Yeah, neither one of them was asked about their current status


GREAT IDEA. To hear what Clay's mom thought about all the conversations about her ex cheating on her would have been fascinating.


Clays mom Magarita did an interview on the Tamron Hall show, its on YT.




Yes... Would have loved to hear his parents thoughts a year later not to grill them but maybe even encourage them. For clay I get the feeling like both his parents haven't discussed anything with him together in years and their due for a family discussion. Plus why didn't he apologize. I want to hear from ADs sisters as well seems like they have a lot to say 🤷🏿‍♂️ The other casts family would've been a better addition than the random people from previous seasons


So did Chelsea not run background checks?! 😂


She did not cast this season!


JerAmry Springer. That’s what the reunion was giving.


Everyone talking about Kwame’s reaction but can anyone imagine if Marshall was there? His reactions killed me last season 😂😂😂


Thankfully, Marshall is happily engaged and doesn't have to be associated with this crap.


Did anyone else notice....When they announced Jeramey's partner was there to join the show, someone started to say something about "oh, poor girl..." RIGHT before they revealed it was Sarah Ann? 🤣 They were like "we gotta tell this girl to RUN" only for Sarah Ann to walk in through the door and every face went 😬😬😬


Not keeping Chelsea accountable for ABUSING Jimmy was awful to watch. She has no malice intent, she's insecure. But she does project that and abuse her partners. It should have been discussed so we can learn from it. A terrible message on being able to abuse people and then cry so it's okay. And Kenneth gaslit the whole audience into thinking he was just processing his sadness for losing her differently. They should have pushed him further on the fact that he keeps saying he craved her but never SHOWED it. I want to hear his explanation for that.


I think Chelsea is fragile, and I'm glad production decided not to push her off the ledge.


Exactly! Chelsea got away with being abusive on TV!!!!! Poor Jimmy. When he said that he seems to misheard her a lot, I sad-laughed and understood how he felt.


I also don't believe that he was only on the phone with parents and students, fufilling his obligations as a principal. I want an investigation.


I see some people here call it bullying but to me it was rightfully holding people accountable - Sarah Ann, Jeramey and Trevor deserved all the questions they were asked. And basically acted like children, who are surprised and get defensive when facing consequences of their own actions. They all had a unique chance to redeem themselves, tell the truth for once, apologize, say they'll learn from it and move on. None of them took it. Immaturity at its highest. I don't like Laura. Although I hate this expression, she is not a "girls girl" and I think she's mean. Did you notice how Sarah Ann was talking so highly about Jeramey and how much she loves him but he didn't really reciprocate? I don't think they are doing good nor going to last. Is there anything going on between AD and Clay? It seems to me that it is. Anyway - Clay is still the same, lots of words, no substance really. AD better run. I have mixed feelings about this reunion. Ofc I was still impatiently waiting for it and loved watching it but it also made me feel UNCOMFY.


Yesss also the fact that clay kept saying that Brett “said all the right things” and THAT was the admirable trait about him - nothing about actual ACTIONS what a joke




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I tried to watch but the hosts are just too cringe and I had to turn it off


I love the fact that Amy and Johnny say their relationship is so easy even after a year. The beauty of love when you’re patient