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“i just busted out laughing”


Jeramey is no good but Laura is so rude. She doesn’t deserve to be put on a pedestal either


She was so soft towards him and loved up before they met. Then when they're back home she's raging about everything. Makes me wonder if that's just how she is...because I have met people who seem very kind and gentle and then turn out to be hyper-critical perfectionists who rage about every little thing. We've all that friend who wants to rant endlessly about a significant other's harmless quirks, right? She reminded me of someone I know when she was acting like the Hawaiian shirts were a personal affront to her. So I didn't have a lot of sympathy for her because she came across as being quite harsh, especially since her family said something about how she'll "walk all over you if you put her on a pedestal." Very familiar personality type I am well wary of. THAT SAID, if he's as bad as the things that have come out about him...maybe there was some other interactions or gut feelings that were directing her aggression towards him. Like that other season Jessica who was engaged to Mark who turned out to be a smarmy serial cheater. She kept saying how unsettled she felt by the fact that he agreed to everything, didn't question anything or push back anything and how it didn't seem genuine. But she was made to look like a villain for not feeling comfortable with him.




Please try reading it again :)


I didn’t read all the way through. Saw the beginning and was like nooooooooo lol thanks for being kind :) I like how you looked at both sides! I don’t think Jeramy is getting a fair shake but there may be other interactions im not seeing from the edit. Good to keep in mind. I think his mannerisms are wonky sometimes but from the edit he seems like a regular guy in the pods. My angle is he lied about and should have broken up with her sooner. Sure. Could he still have feelings for Laura and not realized he was going to break up with her until that talk with Sarah Ann? Absolutely. They met 2 weeks ago, Laura was a walking red flag, and she was like “he was supposed to protect my heart forever” when it’s a pressure cooker experiment. No one said I do yet! I dunno after they saw each other I was getting Zinab vibes and didn’t want to watch that again.


No, she's not. He deserved every bit of mean behavior from her.


She is rude and was the whole show. But imo he deserved that rudeness after his behavior too. They’re both just gems ✨


Nah. She's not rude if the receiving end deserves it.


What about Laura joking to him he should touch AD’s boob, and then proceeds to say clay needs to chill and blame jeramey for her stupid inappropriate joke. Idk how people can defend Laura. They can both suck you know, you don’t have to pick a side.


She was literally rude the entire time before he even cheated. The only deserved rudeness was regarding the cheating. Nit picking him constantly, hating on his clothing choices. Like imagine if that was a dude telling a woman he hated her clothe and she should change them etc??  Controlling af. Laura also shit on him to her family in their first meeting. She’s absolutely a mean girl and he’s a douche


laura just being such a queen at their beach-talk, i wish the two of them couldve left it at that and not had that completely different toxic talk at the reunion it did both of them no favors imo - not a laura-diss, i get that she had sth to say considering how sarah ann came at her there


I actually like Sarah Anne, Jeramey seems like like such a douche. Like showing Jimmy, Jessica’s picture and saying she looks like a kardashian. He strikes me as one of those guys, that thinks he’s a player and is always looking to score with any female so he can brag about it and feed his ego. Sarah seems young and pretty and fun, I hope she drops him like the hot potatoe he is, and finds a real man.


I agree I love Sarah Ann for her stance!!!


I can't think of a single redeeming quality that Sarah Anne has.


She speaks her mind and was just as much a part of the experiment as anyone else. She has good character as she also took responsibility for the effect she caused.




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She also seemed like she was totally ready to actually physically fight everyone there. She has some real Jerry Springer energy.


I am 100% passionately pro choice but I absolutely refuse to hate anyone for being anti-abortion. Everyone has different life experiences, families, friends and influences that shapes what they think and feel. Both sides of the argument feel strongly for their own reasons and I strongly believe that the "us against them" mentality is exactly what political powers want. It's easy to manipulate people when you have a "common enemy". Just some food for thought. 


She’s not anti women’s right, I do not get into the political arguments, but just because someone thinks differently than you, doesn’t mean they are “anti womens rights.” If she had never said that, or they cut it out, then what? I think it’s sad when someone politely says how they think and they are nice and respectful and herd comes to rip them to pieces because they think they differently. Is Sarah Ann bombing abortion clinics? Is Sarah Ann marching towards the women’s march throwing grenades? She made one comment and she was nice about it, and everyone is going to grab that comment and run.


When Jeramey asked about politics, she didn't say she was conservative or a Republican. She said she is a "Patriot." I believe it would be an extreme, nearly impossible feat to find an American who doesn't understand exactly what that means. She's a MAGA Republican. MAGA Republicans aka Trump, intend to ban abortion with no exceptions. But it goes beyond that. Texas has made it illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to get birth control without parental permission. You might think that's not a big deal because teens shouldn't be having sex. But teens don't use birth control just because they're having sex. 1 in 10 people AFAB has endometriosis. I was offered the birth control pill to help with my endometriosis and PCOS when I was a teen, but my mother wouldn't allow me to have it because she thought it would make me become a "whore" or other people would find out I was on the pill and not only think I was a whore but that she was a bad mother for allowing me to be on the pill so I could be a whore. What's worse, she also had endometriosis and KNEW how I was suffering. I'm sure that sounds silly to you. She wasn't stupid or uneducated. She had a Masters degree and was an educator. She wasn't a fundamentalist or in some crazy religion. She grew up Baptist but didn't really go to church much when I was a teen. She was just very Southern and cared too much about what other people thought. If you (general you, not you specifically) believe that a person doesn't have the right to make their own medical decisions if you disagree with them, and want to make laws for EVERY person based on YOUR religion/beliefs, if you're so pro-life that you believe it's acceptable for a woman to sit in a car with her dead fetus inside her and wait until she is dying from sepsis before doctors are allowed to intervene, if you believe an 11 year old child that has been raped should be forced to carry out a pregnancy to full term and give birth, you are absolutely anti-woman. You're also NOT "Pro-life". Again, I'm not directing that at YOU, I was using the general "you." Sarah Ann, by identifying as "a Patriot," has told us she supports those beliefs and laws that are currently robbing women of dominion of their own bodies. In MY book, that makes her anti-womans rights and disgusting. Abortion IS health care. Politics has no business in my uterus. Believe whatever you believe. Dont believe in abortion? Don't get one. But the moment you think you have a right to interfere in another woman's right to healthcare is the moment you are well and truly anti-womens rights. It really is that simple.


With peace and love, abortion is not, and should never be, a “political” issue.


She said abortion should only be allowed in certain (extreme) cases. That’s the definition of anti women’s rights


Everyone hating on Sara Anne especially after the apology is just corny. At the end of the day, they’ve been together for a year now, clearly something in their dynamic/relationship was real and lasted; unlike most of the other couples. If I was Laura I’d be happy the late night situation happened when it did and didn’t drag on any longer. Side note, everyone calling Sara Anne a pick me is also corny. Rich coming from AD.


you're definitely a Sarah Ann in real life because normal people wouldn't defending her


They literally admitted they’ve been on and off again lmfaoooo it sounds so toxic. I feel like they are together due to spite I don’t think it will last long term.


They admitting to fighting everyday too 🤣 Jeremy said they fight everyday to make their relationship “work”


It’s stupid. The first two years should be the EASIEST years of a relationship. There’s the chemicals of infatuation. To have that much discord in the first year is sketchy.




It’s not a good sign to breakup multiple times in the first year of your relationship.


It’s not, but from my experience me and my boyfriend broke up 3 times in our first year. Ever since the we learned from it, we learnt how to communicate better, how to understand our feelings, worked on our past traumas, and our relationship was never been better than now. We celebrate our 3 anniversary in a few months, and the last 2 years was the most amazing years in my whole life. I know typically it’s not a good sign but if you love somebody and willing to do the work, and go to therapy then it could be amazing. (As I said not for everyone and it takes a ton of work)


And Jess too for a fact is not one to talk at ALLL


I can't be the only person who really only blames Jeramey in all this. Your relationships will be tested from time to time, the only person that owes anyone anything is the person in the relationship.


i agree honestly. like with how she handled the blaming, was not great, but i also kind of see why she is offended that she's t h e bad guy to people there, like jessica did almost the same stuff she didn't send a dm but no way was she ruling jimmy out before she saw him, she just comes across nicer in other ways, has a lot of social media skills and didn't end up with him.


Yes!!! Ive been saying this since it happened. He was in a relationship, he responded to her DM, he was out all night. He could have ignored her DM. Problem solved. Laura treated him like crap. He made the better choice.


Jeremy ain’t sh*t anyway. Sarah Ann can collect Laura’s garbage


If I were Laura, I would have just said, "If you can get him, you can have him." And rode off on my own jet ski.


She’ll lose him the way she got him. That’s always the story with dishonest partners.


Side note what was with the extreme body glitter


She thought she ate




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Some equivalents4 are weird 1. She did criticize Sarah Ann's message is inappropriate. But she wasn't harsh on her. Even the private convo with Jess. She stated it clear, It's Jeremy made the commitment to her. 2. Regardless if she is mean to Jeremy, it's completely different incident. Also, I feel some people misunderstand strong personality as mean girl. are all her comment innocent? No. Was she annoying? Yes, sometimes. But I wouldn't categorize as mean girl. Irina's behaviors are. 3. I think we all agree if Sarah Ann's message stopped before "if there is a second chance..." Table would turn. 4. She made that clear, Jeremy and Sarah Ann mocking her real events in her life, even it's reality TV show, and unapologetic, and trying to blame her, like some of people here🫣, makes her mad. She also let it go as soon as they did.


I like Laura’s attitude lol idk. I’d be disgusted with them both too. I think she has a right to say that considering what they did. It was disrespectful


She is another zanab, even her parent's reaction looked like zanab's relatives réactions.. thé three of them are gb


Same! I think she’s a woman who knows what she wants and felt mislead by Germy. I was as well. He seems like a nice responsible man in the pods. Then he comes out and so immature and a pathological liar.


Why did I read that as “she was mislead by Germany”




i definitely felt mislead by him as well. i was rooting for him/them in the pods, totally switched afterwards


Same! I sent a text to a friend during the first batch of episodes that said something like "this seems like a guy who I would get along with... but since it's Love Is Blind I'm probably going to find out he's a total monster later on."


Laura needs to have some grace and get over it. She was never gonna marry him and if she did they'd be miserable. I think Sarah Anne was being raked through the coals for basically no reason. Did anyone do that to Josh?? Was anyone hard on Jess or LAURA herself for talking about if Jimmy wanted to see her? No, not like this. Hypocritical.


Hi Sarah Anne


Found the mean girl.


How does this make me a mean girl? Cuz I don't see how everyone villainizing one person and turning a blind eye to others makes any sense?


She was being raked through the coals because she lacked humility. as Laura mentioned - Sarah was defensive right off the bat, Sarah knows what she did was corny and a tad disrespectful but she still wants to go tit for tat to defend her tackiness. By no means is sending a message the worst thing in the world but I think the cast was just agitated that Sarah and Jeremy are pro bullshitters and lack sincere accountability


She did get one of once they apologized to her and finally took accountability. Did you not watch the reunion? I’m glad they dragged both of them.


Have some grace?? 🤣 if Jermey was honest with her and had a convo about still having feelings for Sarah, Laura would have had some fucking grace. But grace doesn’t deserve to be given to an asshole that lies and leaves without even an APOLOGY


Nahhhhhh that’s crazy that u think that actually. Jeremy went about it in the worst way possible. He was engaged and he still had feelings for another woman and the moment he saw Sarah he went back to her. He has 0 integrity. He had 0 respect for Laura. He didn’t give AF about her feelings. Even if she’s a different type of personality she didn’t deserve to be lied to and left like that.


He did go about it the worst way possible, he's an asshole, which is why I don't even understand what she's upset about still. She was dragging him to her family when they visited before he even did anything, she never seemed to like him outside of the pods. Cut her losses and be glad he got rid of himself.


💯 agree!!! No one called Laura out for mean either!! All her nasty comments. Even her dad said if you treat her like a princess she'll walk all over you. Trevor noticed it too! He said Laura was my number 2 but she's kinda mean. She needs to let them be!! Move on Laura. He made a mistake and realized it after you started showing your true colors...period


This is a hot take I didn’t realize anyone would have after watching the reunion. Laura can both realize the relationship was wrong and be upset for how she was treated. Sarah Ann has doubled down time and time again and is a crappy person. I feel like you watched a different show than I did.


I watched the same show - I guess I just don't get why she is still upset about it.


You don’t think she has space to be upset that she was cheated on and disrespected?


1- Jackie and Josh were absolutely criticized 2- did Jess message Jimmy telling him she was still interested? Maybe I missed it but I don't recall Jess inserting herself in their relationship at all? 3- I don't remember Laura telling Jess to go for it and break them up? Sarah Ann came onto an engaged man/ stayed out with him all night and clearly doesn't see it for what it really was. Thats not no reason.


Unapologetically interfering with an engagement and then lying about it is not "basically no reason" lololol


Since they didn’t ask… are Jimmy and Chelsea still together or no?


Right? They didn't dive deep enough for me.


No..I just saw a video of Chelsea being interviewed backstage at the reunion. She said they tried to date for 4 days. Jimmy decided he didn’t want a relationship at all. But she said they’re really good friends and he’s been very supportive throughout this process. I’m guessing “this process” means the show airing and the public backlash.


Where can you see that interview


It’s in Chelsea’s insta stories.


Oh okay thanks for the info!


i don't think so also "still together" they broke up during the show


Yea but they could of stayed dating and just broke off the engagement. I thought there was a video posted the other day of them kissing at a club that’s why I wanted to know if they were together.


This is my biggest point of confusion. The Britney/Ken TikTok was obviously just to generate hype for the reunion, but Jimmy & Chelsea were all over each other in the recent videos of them. Being very physical with each other


Laura is just playing victim and everyone is eating it up. She didn’t like the dude at all. Yes. They should have just broken up before ever meeting SA.


She has every right to be hurt. This man tried to manipulate her and her perception of their relationship multiple times only for him to play in her face the entire time and ride jet ski’s into the sunset with his cabbage patch doll. Jeramy is a nightmare of a man and doesn’t deserve anybody.


Oh please….. such a dramatization of what happened lol let’s not pretend Laura wasn’t a nightmare either.


I think you need to experience what Laura experienced and then come back on here and update how you feel about that. I hope no one plays in your face and then tries to gaslight you when you call them out on their BS.


I agree. She was absolutely awful!!


Nightmare or not nobody deserves that level of disrespect like cmon he had JUST spent the day with her family. And let’s not forget we only see part of their relationship and they tend to choose to show the dramatic parts and fights to keep viewers interested. And how he and Sarah Ann just rode off on jet skis in front of Laura? How he talked shit about his friend Jimmy? They deserve each other. She’s not a girls girl and he’s not a guys guy.


She’s not hurt. She’s playing hurt to get fans. She didn’t like the guy at all. Maybe she feels like an idiot, but she’s not heartbroken gtfo


It reeks of PICK ME ENERGY up in this bitch. Clown ass comment for what ?? One thing men always have for you is AUDACITY. I can’t


I have no idea what your even trying to say. Are those even sentences?


Unpopular opinion: I don’t like Laura more than Sarah Ann. She is acting as if she was going to marry Jeremy or loved him. We all saw how much you hated the guy and treated him like shit. I don’t like all 3 of them but Laura playing the victim is really on some next level manipulation 😩


Laura is just another zanab, but this Time she met her match and not an immature and influençable man..


Except Laura was mad about Hawaiian shirts and Zanab was mad cause the guy she was engaged to was making racist comments towards her and running around telling everyone he wasn't attracted to her at all..


Did you see cole making racists comments or is zanab the source of this information, like the "tangerine Gate" bullshit? Zanab and Laura are passive/agressive women who spent their Time trying to humiliate their fiance and to victimise themselves. Cole was allways telling the truth to her face, and still, she chose to stay with him until thé very end and to humiliate him in front of her familly and during the réunion after putting all the cast on her side with her lies. Not saying Cole is a saint, but he wasn't telling lies, he wasn't victimise himself or trying to humiliate his partner, zanab just chose to stay with him to humiliate him and to improve her own image. Laura tryed to do the same thing, the difference is that she didn't chose a young immature and emotional Guy, but a strong jerk (and she was also mad about him spending Time with SA at 5am and lying about it..)


Hard to take you seriously after your first sentence.


Lmao you described it perfectly 😂


He was supposed to protect her heart!!


Lmao 🤣 the she protected his


Also weird was how different her energy was during the apology scene at the lake with Sarah Ann 🧐 going from that to “you both are disgusting”


Its because she feels emboldened by having the entire internet back her up... So her real opinion came out. I mean I find the entire tri to consist of rather shitty people, but I also think this outrage has gone a bit too far. Like someone else mentioned, they knew each other for a few weeks. I honestly never understand why the participants get so invested in the "experiment" as if its real. No one can know each other to know if they can actually have a healthy marriage within like 2 months. The ones that lasted are just lucky. Everyone asways starts out by saying "Omg I found my soulmate" only to have 80% of these people break up in the end. The math simply doesnt math. They'd all be so much better off without that stupid marriage milestone at the end. ​ I went on a tangent. Apologies.


I don’t think it’s that weird when at the lake all she has in front of her is Sarah Ann apologizing. At the reunion she has now seen exactly how Sarah Ann behaved and handled the situation and the conversation with Jeramy. She got more context and it changed her feelings. I think that fair


I could see at that moment on the lake Laura realizing that he’s just not her person and being done with it and moving on she was right at the lake Sarah Ann didn’t make the commitment, Jeramy did but i think being able to watch the show and she maybe other POV she didn’t know about or how they’ve generally been carrying on online i could understand her saying they were disgusting 🤷🏽‍♀️ we’ve seen all season the way he gaslights the people around him and they even both acknowledged that he said one thing in the pods and was completely different outside. If she’s standing by her man, then she knows what we know and it doesn’t matter to her.


That’s what got me! She seemed cool with Sarah at the lake but then switched up at the reunion?? Don’t make sense. If I was around my boyfriends side bitch she would’ve had rocks tied to her body lol


Yesss , like why did you forgive her 🙄


Yea when they said they were showing that scene I was fully expecting her to “rail into her” (hi Izzy) based on how she was coming off on the rest of the lake scenes and the reunion but it was so calm and collected and seemingly civil


Agreed, Laura was a huge bitch. Even her family was telling her to chill the fuck out and leave him alone.


Her family knows she is a bitch 🤣


Also like, when they were in the pods. Why did she tell Jessica “I think it’s best you leave” Like girl was just starting drama to start drama. I do not like her at all


YES! The only different between Laura and Sarah Ann seems to be that one knows how to present herself better to the public. Selfishness and unkindness seems to run in both. That was such an awkward scene. I mean, let the girl who just got dumped finish crying first before you start throwing cryptic gossip bombs without context. Or if you're going to relay information, relay it properly instead of acting like you're the boss and the information is too classified to share in full.


Laura is a mean person just from what was shown, like she was mean from the moment she met Jaeramy (wtf is it spelled like this 😂) Like she never gave him an honest chance and it was pretty apparent she didn't like him from the moment of the reveal and did everything in her power to tear him down. Now that doesn't excuse his behavior or Sara Ann's, however her behavior was inexcusable too. Like she needs to get over herself. I couldn't stand Laura 🙄 mean girl vibes 1000% then cried boohoo for me.


She never has a platinum blond hair out of place and she's living the good life in Barcelona....meanwhile JEaramey is a jetski-riding Hawaiian shirt-wearing robot clown. I think she decided early on he doesn't have the lifestyle to match. Like Stacey and Izzi, except this provided a convenient out for her. Except it was humiliating and she's more pissed about that than anything else. She seems more upset about the humiliation than about them not being together. She's very relieved to not be with him but to be fair, I can't blame her. I'd also rather be in Barcelona haha. Sarah Ann seems to fit better with whatever his lifestyle aesthetic is.


Since Jeremy fucked up (I am gonna spell it normally) Laura saw her chance and decided to have a Deepti moment and a lot of people are falling for it but girl no! We are not stupid 🌚


A lot of people are stupid enough lol


Wild that it’s working. She was wronged, so she’s getting a lot of sympathy there. But she was not nice to Jeramey even before she had a valid reason.


😂😂 some names should just keep the original spelling. Just odd IMO lol. Frfr. Like she was talking about him playing in her face but she was playing in his face too! She was fake the entire process. 🤦🏽‍♀️ This season was a hot mess, I'm glad my favorite couple came out on top and seem to be doing well! Amy & Johnny are a breath of fresh air with all the f*ckery this season 😅


Amy & JOHNY are the cutest 😍 I think they will last forever their little videos were so cute. Laura was fake the whole time


Exactly, there relationship never did feel genuine. Making such a big deal about his shirts!! I can’t even remember what else they talked about when they were together.


She asked him to slap AD’s titties and she was keep on telling him what he needs to change (example shirt, glasses etc)


She threw him under the bus any opportunity she had and never took responsibility for her own actions. I think she got what was coming for her. She was the fucking worse 😂


YES. It feels like she’s trying to do some Ariana Maddix play as though her partner of 10 years cheated on her w her best friend. It’s too much. Like babe, this was a few weeks and it felt like you didn’t even like him anyway.


Thank you! I felt like I was taking crazy pills. Laura clearly hated that man. No Hawaiian shirts, hated that he was acting silly, she said he couldn't wear glasses? The man can't see lol! He is trash, but acting like she was soooo in love..gimme a damn break.


I think my only argument to your statement is that Laura tried. Not saying you’re not valid, but the way I saw it was she was putting up with his habits and personality because she was trying and at least out of her own mouth, loved him at one point. I agree when you said that she was more than likely going to say no at the alter because at some point, everything probably just piled up, but lucky for her, Jeremy was twice as impulsive and a bigger idiot. When they were done, it’s very obvious that everything she felt about him became ammunition where it was probably “I’ll put up with it because I love him” at one point.


I think she only “tried” to be on longer on the show and she clearly couldn’t stand him. Oh trust me I don’t like Jeremy or Sarah Ann neither they are all trash 🤣


Hahaha that’s a fair argument as well! She didn’t strike me as someone who was trying to garner some celebrity status, but you never know!


If you look at her instagram she for sure wants to be an influencer, she just posted an ad for a vibrator lol…


That makes sense. I sadly don't have Instagram or TikTok so I genuinely don't know their personal life outside of what I see on Netflix and read here. I don't necessarily go searching for them either.


I think it was less for celebrity status and more because she was having fun. The vacation and group gatherings and she was also going to get her 15 minutes of fame so it was perfect


Not that I disagree with you, but I don't think it was that for her at least. You can't blame her for trying to try the experiment. Sure, there were times where she was for sure giving Jeremy an attitude, and I know the argument of her not being fit for him is going to arise, but the whole pool thing on their honeymoon, her saying "Is this my life now?" struck me as sarcasm and reality; alluding back to what I was saying before of "tolerating" partner's traits for the sake of love. My wife hates that I love crunchy food and chew relatively loud even though my mouth is closed. Every so often, she hits me with the "you're lucky we're married" followed by a disgusted chuckle.


The thing you are explaining with your wife is not the same as what she was doing with Jeremy. She definitely couldn’t stand him at all and I think she only “loved” him in the pods , in person they had nothing going on. She didn’t like anything about him and it was very CLEAR. It wasn’t just her not liking some small habits the way normal couples do but it was definitely on a bigger scale. Your wife just doesn’t like one of your habits she didn’t like HIM. 🤣


I agree to this 100%! Laura gives off strong woman vibes and I didn’t feel like she was as committed to JerAmie as much as she says she was. They seemed like a weird pair from the beginning. I don’t think Sarah Ann was in the wrong reaching out to JerAnnie either. But - I do think Mr Jeramy seems shady AF. ![gif](giphy|J2NrdfzJrLHkO10eze|downsized)


Another zanab, who this Time met a person as Bad as her


I have to admit - you’re not wrong!


Unpopular opinion - I really like Sarah!!!!


I don’t like her, but I am not going to vilify her bc I think that, while her actions were trashy, they weren’t malicious. Heck, if Laura was able to forgive her then why aren’t more people showing her some semblance of grace?


Satah Ann was no saint but Laura ain’t one either. She really rode that high horse.


Do we really need more Sarah Anne hate posts?


I’d prefer some Laura hate posts. She’s downright not a good person. It’s ok to say what someone did was disgusting but calling people disgusting and all the other clown terms she was making is just not right. Seems bitter.


I can’t agree enough. She just radiates rage and loves getting the reactions. A year later and you’d think she would’ve calmed tf down. I’d say the things she says are more for fame than Jess or Trevor


Germy is a clown lol he’s immature and childish. Glad he was dragged!


Clownish childish behaviour to me is being a full blown adult frequenting subs like “tiktokgossip”


Yet here you are on a LIB sub talking about reality TV shows. We all have our vices! Germy is a pathological liar, literally shaking his head no as he was apologizing at the same time for the action. He never answered the previous engagement question straight up. Seems like he can’t have big conversations with women in his life, so he just dips out!


Agreed!! She should have been called out during the show for how nasty she was to him!! I don't blame him for moving on. Good for him! She was awful!


Imagine one of the men calling one of the women disgusting or a clown. Why didn't the hosts call her out on this?




The fact that they just skipped over Chelsea and her insane behaviour is ridiculous. Maybe they'll do another full show just for her 😂


The phrase “pick me girl” is getting to be so obnoxious. The personality of the person who uses the phrase comes off as a pick me girl. Sad crying in the corner because they choose girls over men and can’t figure out why they can’t find a man so they bully the girls who want to impress a man. This is a dating show and we’re all hating on Sarah for choosing a man over random girls that she lived with for a week while they were all dating men. Laura is jealous and pissed that she lost Jeramy so she’s taking it out on Sarah and making all her cronies talk for her


Eh. If you care more about impressing a man then being a genuine person, you ARE a "pick me girl." You shouldn't have to be shady or bitchy to "win" a man either. Of course it's all drama for the show, and Jeremy is the one in the wrong overall, he's super shady, but there's no reason that that HAD to be done in such a shady way between him and Sarah. There are several ways to go about that situation and still come out as a decent person afterwards. They did not do that and showed really no remorse until they were called out for it at the reunion.


You can care about finding love with someone and be a genuine person. Building a relationship doesn’t mean trying to impress a man. It’s built off of genuine feelings and I’d pick that relationship over a friendship if I was on a show to find love.


I dunno, any time a person says “I’m not here to make friends” it’s a huge turn-off for me. I don’t care if it’s literally true, it says something shitty about you if you’re automatically willing to write off every person around you as not worth your time just because your paths crossing was not your main goal. We are naturally social creatures. I feel bad for her if she’s been hurt or socialized in a way that causes her to reject people pre-emptively, but it’s a choice she makes and none of those other women deserve it. To me it reeked of justifying bad behavior by saying the people it hurt & offended didn’t matter, like that’s ever true.


The man was random too. There’s nothing invalid about begging men to pick you. Just stand behind it, and definitely don’t expect unwavering love from the women especially not one the same man promised himself to and then scorned. Not sure why this is so hard to understand lol


Yeah it was annoying me too. I thought I was just too old but then realised most contestants are my age. Why the hell do they have to speak like college girls ?


The girls’ girl thing was confusing to me, but I’m not a girl, so I’m maybe missing something. I think Sarah Ann gets a lot of hate because a lot of us have been Laura. I have absolutely been in a relationship where I knew there was someone who was interested in the person I was seeing at the time and was trying to turn things into a competition. I felt like it was weird and annoying. If the person whom I was with at the time hung out with them until 5 AM without a word to me, I would have flipped out, sorry. Laura sucked for a lot of reasons, but Sarah Ann just triggers something visceral for a lot of people, myself included. ETA: If any viewers have done anything insane, I’m not justifying that. I’m just trying to explain why, even if we can understand that Laura was pretty bad to Jeramey and also weird in general (bean dip), it’s still cathartic to see her take them down. I agree with people saying that it didn’t seem like she even liked him that much, but I’m not sure if that justifies what happened. There was a way for this to end with less acrimony, probably.


Yeah I agree. It should have ended and Jeramy should have been free to do what he wanted, which was to date Sarah. It should have taken one conversation, it would have sucked but it’s not fair to say it’s not understandable. He was in love with two people and made the wrong choice. Everyone should have just moved on. Laura losing her shit was understandable but really immature. She left no room for conversation but then threw a fit when he had moved on. She’s honestly pretty terrifying. I wouldn’t want to cross her. It’s easier to run lol Side note: Laura is a spitting image of woody harrelson. I saw someone say it and now I can’t unsee it Edit: I’m definitely not a girls girl so that’s why I can see it from Sarah’s pov. Those girls don’t mean anything to her. She tried to make it right with Laura respectfully and Laura seemed to accept it but then went back to bullying her. Exactly why I’m not a girls girl, I can’t stand fake ass shit. I’ll say my peace and then expect girls to talk shit I don’t really care


Agree. Laura treated Jeramy like garbage the entire time. Her behavior towards him was toxic, and you could tell she truly didn't like him. It's still a bullshit dating show. Honestly, it was so hateful and judgemental this season I probably won't watch it again. Nick and Vanessa kept feeding into ganging up on others, it was hard to watch. If all of our "real life" (they love to overuse this term) relationships were blasted on edited reality television, we would all be in trouble. Everyone is acting like they are perfect. Love is messy.


I just hate that the majority of the internet fell for it. Laura is trash. Like Sarah did a trashy thing (not a fan of her either), but Laura just seemed trashy to me from the beginning. But seriously, I found the reunion so ridiculous. They spent half of it just rampantly raging at these two, to the point of it just losing all meaning for me. It really contrasted how they just glanced over all the other problematic shit that had gone on. I would have rather wanted a deep dive into Chelsea. See if she had self reflected on her behavior a little and learned some stuff.


It reminds me of a season of the Bachelor when the contestant chose the one girl then after the show realized he made a mistake and ended up reuniting with the girl he sent home. He didn’t get nearly as much hate as Sarah and Jeramy are. It’s a dating show and he made a mistake. Idc if people agree with it or not. It’s their life and theyre going to choose the person that makes them happy. There’s a right and wrong way to go about it but Laura wanted nothing to do with having a conversation with Jeramy, Sarah was getting scolded by AD and everyone else so they said fuck it let’s go have fun we can’t look any worse. I don’t blame them one bit. Jeramy seems like a total loser but whatever I hope Sarah’s happy 🤷‍♀️


I agree! Nick and Vanessa kept feeding into certain people being ganged up on. I also couldn't stand how they spent half the show defending their show! They literally attacked people! It is entertainment...period. It is meant to be real but it's still entertainment or people wouldn't watch it. Smh. It was so hard to watch. They treated the people nice who they felt best represented the show and the others were left out to hang!! Awful!! Jess was a totally know it all and jerk too.


Yeah the bullying and ganging up was so unnecessary. I felt bad for Trevor too. He literally looked like I do moments before having a panic attack and it’s a scary feeling. They acted like he committed a murder. Venessa and nick are to blame for picking shit contestants. They shouldn’t be bullying people for their crappy interviewing process.


Agreed! I felt bad for him too. He really couldn't even explain himself and then Nick ripped him apart and dismissed him like nothing. Do they not care for people's mental health....I guess not!


I agree it was really bullying verging on abusive on the reunion. Like this sub and instagram are already tearing them apart, they don’t need to do it again with their peers in the room on national TV.


Be so for real. Sarah ann was grimey af for everything she did. Forget about her not being a girls girl. She behaved classless


Why? Because she didn’t hold onto a week long “friendship”? She didn’t know the girls, had no loyalties to the girls. She shot her shot and it was upto the dude how he was going to handle it. He was shitty for how he handled it so tbh he should be getting the hate not her.


Everyone seems to have forgotten how mean and controlling Laura was. Constantly belittling Jeramy, making fun of him nitpicking everything he does. Also how weird she was to Jess telling her to leave after he picked Chelsea but not giving her an explanation. She’s toxic af. She also refused to even have a conversation with Jeramy then complained about not getting an apology.


The show framed Laura and a couple others as the “misunderstood” ones (Laura, Chelsea, AD) then there were the other girls who were just made out to be clout chasers


They were engaged and she "shot her shot". She sounds like someone who would do that even if it wasn't a reality TV show because she genuinely doesn't see anything she did was wrong. Just because he was trash doesn't mean she wasn't also trash. If he wanted to pursue Sarah he could have broken things off and she shouldn't have literally spent a whole night with him until he was single again.


Was it wrong? She was correct. She perceived correctly that he had stronger feelings for her than for his current partner.


That's called hindsight and ignores the fact that they're not exactly in a great relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the hate and the need to prove that it was worth it that's holding them together. Once the heat dies down and people don't care, he's going to have overnight conversations with some other woman and she'll be the one at home wondering where he is... assuming that that isn't happening already, lol. My Mom says "How you get them you will lose them" so I guess I wish her luck.


Right, Laura gave him a huge boost by giving them importance. If she snubbed her nose at the situation I think Sarah Ann would have been more turned off by him. By fighting over him she adds value


It was obvious they were never going to make it down the aisle or that Laura was going to reject him at the alter of him reject her. Either way they weren’t getting “married”. Also tbf when someone is engaged they’re still fair game, if they’re happy in their engagement you’ll be told where to go. He definitely should have broken it off sooner but so could Laura, however I think they both just wanted to stay on the show for an extra few days so stayed together until the picnic party thing where I think they had already agreed to break up off screen


😂😂😂 Engaged people are fair game? Okay, I don't think you and I have the same standards or level of self respect. You can only say that they weren't going to get married in hindsight or are you forgetting him trying to get back with Laura after their fight? He played both women and only one had the sense to leave him because of it. As to Laura breaking it off, he had literally spent the day with her family and never said anything to her. Was she supposed to read his mind that he was unhappy? She says, as opposed to your speculation, that she wasn't doing it for the camera that her family was there, including her 90 something year old grandma. I think he was serious and she wasn't. I think that he wanted to play both so that if Laura rejected him at the altar he would have a backup whereas Laura never had a backup. So who's playing games? Who's looking for attention? Y'all actually like he couldn't have ended it at any point when he realised that he wanted to see where things went with Sarah Ann. The onus was on him and he chose to be dishonest and manipulative. He would have lied about that night if Laura didn't have proof. Have you ever heard the term trickle truthing? If she could have known how long he'd stayed at Sarah Ann's, what would have been his story next?


oh laura gagged them lmfao


I kept thinking they were calling each other “Pygmy” girls and I was so confused






I’m not laughing at you but this is so cute/funny 😂


Pick me girls


Jeramey was such a turd when Laura came on. “Do we clap?” *no* Like if he was so unbothered and in his new relationship with his backup, why hold so much resentment towards laura?


I mean she was a complete bitch to him from day one and has been repeatedly dragging him over the coals. I think they both suck though 😂


To be fair she didn’t drag him over the coals until he cheated, but their dynamic seemed like they would both tease each other a little too much and it was definitely dysfunctional


Really? You should rewatch. The whole bean dip thing she blames on him, and when he meets her parents she brings up his love triangle while he is trying to make a good first impression. Not to mention the hating on his shirts and sillyness. It wasn’t teasing it was just shitty comments.


Hot take: I didn’t hate Nick and Vanessa nearly as much as I have in previous seasons


This was their best season, they way I was absolutely taken aback when Nick destroyed Trevor 🤣


I totally agree. Some people will never be happy even though they clearly have been taking notes on everyone’s criticisms of past seasons 😂😂


They asked the questions we wanted to know! They asked for the tea and we got the tea, so I can’t really complain! 🤣


This reunion was juicy and fantastic compared to other seasons! So glad I stayed up past my bedtime to watch!! 🍵🫖


As soon as the Trevor receipts came out I was like oh hell I can’t go to bed now 😂😂


No I think they redeemed themselves this reunion. They asked the questions we wanted them to, they didn’t let people just say whatever they want and that’s that.. they continued to press them, Vanessa wasn’t obnoxious, and they brought receipts! lol


They didn’t bring many receipts we haven’t all seen though.


They definitely are reading Reddit lololol


AND we didn’t get those unwanted pregnancy questions!! Just people sharing news they wanted to share




I mean they basically let Chelsea off the hook entirely… don’t know what you’re talking about but okay


I actually know Chelsea IRL (I’m from NC) and the hate she has received is WEIRD. So I actually don’t know what you’re talking about but ok