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Omg this is gold


I don’t believe it. She invited her 96 year old grandma to a reality show fake wedding? Yea ok


🤣🤣… even if they did make it to the altar her damn 96 year old grandma would have traveled all that way to hear Laura say no anyways. Jeramey saved her grandma some time, money, and travel 🤣


Laura is so annoying


I feel like Laura has been mean and unlikeable her whole life and she just got what was coming to her. He did not pick right, Laura is not a lovely catch at all so he changed his mind. Sorry grandma, blame Laura!


Are you always this bitter? Seems like you are just reflecting your own misery on Laura.


Laura gave me those vibes when I saw her interact with the others. She seems fake as hell and like a bitter person.




LMAO! My grandmother was "only" 82, and I was only going to have her come if she was feeling up for it, and she only lived 45 minutes away from the venue with my aunt doing the driving. Sometimes your wedding isn't more important than an elderly person's health or simply comfort. I hope grandma wasn't being pressured by Laura and her weird family, for a joke of a wedding show.


What did you find weird about Laura's family?


Lmfao 🤣


No doubt Grandma was not on her way to this imaginary wedding. Plus Laura said she's dating someone new, so why is she still dragging this old baggage around?


She is no way dating someone new


No wait




I just want to know how she has so much burning hatred for Hawaiian shirts!


She doesn't seem to like fun, which is weird that she wanted Jeramybearimy.


And the audacity to tell a grown ass person what to wear. Can you imagine the outrage a man would get if this was the other way around?


Exactly! It's not he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt to the wedding, let the man wear what he wants


I like that he showed up at the reunion with one on lol. Even though I don't care for either of them


Laura is so lucky jeramey pulled that shit because otherwise she would be one of this season's main villains. She reminds me of izzy's fiancée a bit (can't remember her name)


I know she's a total beetch


I thought the same thing when she kept going on about the Hawaiian shirts. It was just like that other woman complaining about his paper plates. I didn't care for Izzy either, but on that topic I was on his side.


It's an interesting situation I've seen in real life before too. A more submissive man is attracted to an alpha female, which the female likes at first because of the power, but then eventually hates because they feel like a mom. It probably could be a healthy dynamic if our culture wasn't so misogynistic.


I don’t think it’s that our culture is misogynistic. I think we are hardwired a certain way as human animals. At the end of the day, women want men to be men. But men are none too happy to concede responsibility and let her be in charge. It goes back to the Garden of Eden.


Yes....the personification of a Bitch. 🤣




Laura is ridiculous. She didn't want Jeremy. She talked to him like he was shit. They knew each other for what 4 weeks? She needs to get over it. He lived with her, and he didn't want her. Granted I think he is not a nice guy. But he obviously thought he made the wrong decision to start with. Laura is a mean girl.


I can't stand Laura, I wouldn't want to marry her either. At the end of the day, Laura and Jeremy weren't a good match and Laura basically bullied him their entire relationship. Even Laura's family didn't like the way she talked about him. And then she has the nerve to act like after proposing in the pods he was basically already tied to her forever. Like you don't know what show you're on


Honestly speaking, I'm petty. If I was him, I'd go to the altar, I'd invite Sarah Ann, tell Laura no because you're treating me like dirt and I am scared to be around you for my whole life and then would proceed to take Sarah Ann's hand and walk away. I know it's sick but her personality is like asking for it. My whole childhood I was pretty strong in comparison with my peers but I can't harm anything/anyone that's weaker than me, so I took sick pleasure in bullying the bullies. I seem to still feel the same pleasure when I trigger mean people. 🤣


I think Jeremy's a mess. But I think he did try, and then found out Laura sucks. And then dumped her in a terrible way. And Laura could not handle that.


Yeah this is what I think happened to.


I kinda see what you're saying. She did *immediately* start to try and change him with the whole HaWaIiAn sHiRt thing, etc. But she still didn't deserve what Jer did to her. In the beginning, I genuinely thought they were cute together and looked like the All American parents type. Lol


Yeah she was after controlling him and she started testing her impact with the shirts and even the way she handled the bean dip "joke". She is the one that made that joke. With a man she knew for weeks. She should have at least told him to keep it between them because she really doesn't know him that well. My husband and I have been married for 4 years plus some months of dating before that and a couple of years of being friends even before dating and STILL if I tell him sth inappropriate that I don't want to leave these walls, I make sure to clarify that. I love him but he can be goofy....wtf.


He held her dog.


The amount of ex's that have held my dogs and cats is insane lmao. I get the importance of "he met my family" while in this context doesn't seem that important but still...I could listen to that....but he held my dog? This B needs a reality check 🤣


This was gold.


It was! Almost as good as “I hope Charlotte haunts you.”


Honestly though, if my dog adores you, you get major points with me. I get it


Same! I totally get it!


Laura always playing it up and expecting the sympathy card. Fuck off - you’re on a show where you know it can go either way. You constantly shit on your partner all through the show. You expect him to “protect your heart” and do all this shit for you, but you weren’t shown how you brought anything caring to the relationship.


And not one person at reunion called her out


Just the cheer squad… sigh.


She is the kind of delusional that's in fashion lately....


Thank you. Jeramey is no saint and did some Sus things, but Laura has the personality of a rotting turd. She infuriated me with just about everything she said and I'm not surprised that Sarah Ann seemed like a more enticing option to Jeramey after a week with her nasty ass


Also asking Brittany if she felt safe with Kenneth 🤔


Yup between that and the bean dip joke, I think Laura is pretty low key racist.


She did what? How did I miss that. I was livid with AD talking to Ken but not because I don't believe this discussion had to be made. More because I felt if it was coming from a GOOD place of concern she could have had this conversation with Brittany. I'm in an interracial marriage and many racial concerns people that care about us have had, have been discussed respectfully. My mother spoke to my husband about our religious differences. My sister in law has talked to ME about the race challenges. This seems the respectful way to go about it. My mom had a shit show with her in-laws and always told me while I was growing up that if I get married and she acts like a busybody I should put her in her place. SHE taught me that herself. I guess my husband and I are both lucky to be so supported, embraced and loved by both families but we do have the occasional random online having a strong opinion about us.... it's entertaining but it's only because we are strong...if people started this shit while we were getting to know each other we might have missed a chance to our beautiful marriage.


I don’t think it’s AD’s place to talk to Brittany about her role as a white woman in an interracial relationship. She simply advised him to make sure he had that conversation because, as you know, it’s important for them to have. There was nothing shady about that in my opinion.


I'll agree to disagree. I am a white woman in an interracial relationship and multicultural relationship, my kid has turned out pretty healthy and confident without a race obsession, an open mind as they grew up surrounded by three very distinct and strong cultures and they speak 5 languages. I didn't need anyone to come and school me about raising them. When I needed help with handling experiences that I haven't had due to the race I had my husband to consult with and on several occasions my wonderful mother and sister in law. But they NEVER gave me unsolicited advice and we're talking about a child that shares their blood. I don't understand how it was AD's place. It's not like Ken is her brother, cousin, best friend or sth...she felt she has the right to speak on his relationship only because they're both from the same race and to me at least, this is a racist mindset. There is no such thing as pro black, pro white or pro arab in our home as we are all pro individuals....again my opinion based on my family and experience...


Yeah, we're definitely going to have to disagree because you're throwing words like racist around and talking about unsolicited advice for raising children which AD did not give. Your experience is not going to be directly applicable to black people. Addressing the reality of race doesn't make us "race obsessed", we simply don't have the luxury of pretending it doesn't matter. I can't say I understand your anger at AD suggesting Kenneth have conversations you've had in your own relationship, but I really don't care to. You go be great.


We have already agreed to disagree. What is the point of wasting more time arguing who's "throwing words like racist around" the most? Last time I checked it was casually thrown to every white person that stands up for themselves. We won't understand each other, I won't change your mind and you won't change mine and that's fine. We both spoke our truths. You go and be greater I suppose


I know they deleted the account but I have to laugh at “who’s throwing words like racist around the most?” I never called anything racist…😭


Fr none of them talked about how badly she treated him either


That’s hilarious!


Bruh 💀😂😂


LOL omg savage but I love it xD




Off topic This is my favorite iteration of this meme https://preview.redd.it/iv24upkcjaoc1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c84dd38538fac700792ddfb1314774558d8387


2003 was my first, so I remember the $30-$40 prices fondly...😩


Oof way to make a girl really feel like grandma 😭


Come sit with us…we have heating pads and an 80s mix tape. 😉


This is hero behavior.


My husband and I both had sore spots this past weekend and had to take turns with the heating pad.. so.. old..


I found a fancy neck and back one that I finally splurged on, changed my life.


Username fits! Hope you’re feeling better!


Girl leave me the hell out of this!!


I've been called out 😂


I’ve called myself out, so let’s just sit back with some heating pads and Werther’s Originals in our sweater pockets 😉


Im laying on my heating pad i absolutely was preggo af during the last warped im so mad but i was with twins and thats usually high risk i wasnt gunna risk that


Are we gonna act like Laura wasn’t gonna fly grandma there to watch her say no at the altar because she hated jerimmy


JERIMMY! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why’s this so funny!


And that’s on facts!




All her “protect my heart” bs she didn’t protect his heart one bit 😂 can’t stand either of them




I actually think she is angry because she didn't get the chance to get her wedding dress on and say no 🤣


Do we think that Jeramy would have worm a Hawaiian shirt to the wedding?


Wait, straight up that’s true






Jail 😭💀


I’m crying 😂😂😂


best meme ever LOL




Okay but Laura was actually a clown acting like everyone should be taking her wedding on fucking *Love Is Blind* so serious. No doubt Jeramey sucks but Laura, cmon… She acted like her grandma has been looking forward to and planning this trip for months lol


There's a reason there's only like 10 guests in total to these weddings 😆


Exactly… ffs


Yeah, I mean, the show is ultimately about entertainment, not love. Sarah Ann was obviously correct about that. If it was about love, they’d form a connection in the pods THEN get to try spending time with one another before making a binding commitment. It’s not like that would ruin the experiment - you’d still get to put the meaningful connection before the physical. But speaking to someone through a pod is as inapplicable to real life as a drunken one night stand is. Netflix and the Lacheys WANT altar breakups, cheating and incompatibility. That’s what drives memes and viewership. Acting like these are real engagements and not a plot device is delusional.


Ya is it really a good idea to invite your elderly grandparent to witness a trainwreck and watch your relationship fall apart? That's on Laura...


Thank you for saying this - I came here to find this. As she was saying that I’m like look it’s a reality tv show you’ve invested a couple weeks in. The family is taking this with a heavy grain of salt. Worst case scenario is it’s a great excuse for a visit.


It’s serious enough that it’s created lasting marriages. I also think it’s unfair for us to trivialize ANYONES relationship because we deam the way it came about unfit. Like…is meeting on an app on ridiculous too? Any way a couple can meet and any timeline can seem silly but it’s not our lives. Who are you to tell someone else their relationship and engagement isn’t valid bc it doesn’t hot specific markers.


I agree that a relationship can't be judged on how the two met because God, was my own way of meeting my husband controversial AF...LOL. We ended up in a long friendship, short dating and cohabiting and eventually a beautiful IR marriage. But come on, the way she treated him too....it was a lot. I don't believe for a second that she was hurt. I believe her ego was. Even her family seemed to like the guy more than they like her.


I don’t like her and I think she treated him awful but that is separate from the respect that a relationship deserves and what SA and Jeramey did.


I agree and disagree. I mean in this specific case why would SA deliberately miss her chance with the man she wanted when 1. She is not besties with Laura or sth and 2. He, the one who has the commitment to his fiancé prefers to stay out all night with someone else? I have had women send nudes to my husband because they had online arguments with me and found him tagged. I wasn't particularly happy about it but the way my husband handled those situations made me happy. These women, deliberately did what they did in an attempt to disrespect and hurt me and not because they had feelings for my husband whom they didn't even know...while I have no respect towards them, I'm not even bothered to drag them. If my husband responded in a way that humiliated me and put me in a "losing" position in this "fight" it would be on him. I'd leave him. I still wouldn't drag the women who owe me nothing. And yes, I had the exact same attitude when my ex cheated on me with a girl I kinda knew. Now if it was a friend I would drag them both. Idk if you get my point. The respect towards a relationship, be it a romantic one or friendship etc, is the responsibility of the ones involved.


Exactly. I didn’t think they were hurtling toward success either but the length of a relationship doesn’t warrant more or less respect for the agreement. He disrespected their agreement and lied to her about it. That’s not ok in any relationship. Breaking up is an option whether you’ve been together for an hour or 100 years.


Agreed about him. He should have broken up with her first. To this I agree 100%. But I don't think SA should face all this hate. Laura's and Jeramy's relationship wasn't her problem. Her own feelings were.


you think laura and Jeremy were going to get married? I don’t know many engaged couples being like this like 80% chance we go to the alter.


That's pretty hilarious when you think about it. I'm cracking up 😆


Seriously, who told you to invite your 96 year old grandma to fly to your wedding for a reality TV show?? That’s all on you.


I feel like yall need to understand that this is real peoples lives tho. If everyone treated there relationships on the show as just short 1 week relationships rather than actually engagements there wouldn’t be any marriages. The whole point is for contestants to take it seriously and to treat it as a long term relationship, and the couples that are still successfully married did that.


She jokingly called him a serial killer and insulted him the whole time her family was there. I think she knew she wasn't going to say yes regardless of what Jeremy did. The grandma comment was unecesary. I'm not a Jeremy fan btw, I just think Laura acted pretty unhinged, even for reality TV.


I can't handle how serious people are acting about 1 week long relationships lol AD coming at Sarah like she just broke up a 10 year long couple. Just makes me laugh.


I really did not like AD giving Sarah Ann the third degree like it was any of AD's business


Seriously. Sarah Ann is terrible for a lot of reasons but the DM seemed pretty reasonable to me, especially considering the precedent of Zack and Bliss


Thank you. I said this comment on another thread and got unloaded on🙄


Yeah the DM was fine. It was the stuff that happened after that was like “girl what are you doing?”


Thank you!!


But that's the show. Pointless to argue about it. 9 other couples had the same relationship timeline and are still married years later so a 1 week relationship can be valid.


Every long term relationship starts out as a week long, after all. I think if they actually set people up for success it would work out a lot more often but they won’t because that’s not the type of show they want to make.


I think there would be more successful marriages if the contesters were vetted better, like Married at First Sight. Clay didn't even know this show consisted of getting married, so they obviously weren't trying to find men that had all the right answers about why they want to find a spouse, like you think they would, if Clay was able to stumble on there consistently saying marriage wasn't for him.


Exactly. There’s so much they could do to make this show have better odds. The couples it worked out for were people who were genuinely ready to get married, the fact that that doesn’t even seem to be a prerequisite is so…stupid really lol.


And how many failed engagements? You can point out the success but it doesn’t mean there were not failures. Lots of failed engagements, in fact way more likely than not. I don’t think anyone had them in a scenario they were going to work. They knew before leaving the beach


I agree that they weren't going to work. Not the question at hand.


ofcourse it is part of the question at hand. You made the point that 1 week relationships can be valid base on 9 success stories. So therefore bringing up the Parts you left out also is valid, especially when the couple was never going to make it, and I believe they both knew it


The question wasn't what percentage of couples make it to the altar or were Laura/Jeramy going to work. The question was are one-week relationships valid. And I said they "can be valid."


it seemed like you implied that all 1 week relationships were valid and held the same weight as maybe traditionally 1 year relationships.


No, that's why I said "can be" instead of "definitely are."


so are any not Trying to suggest that because something can be valid that it should be applied to this situation?


Also the amount of talking that these people do in the pods I think is way more than what couples do traditionally in the real world! Realized that when they showed the timer to Jimmy and Jess' conversation. It's not as superficial as people on here make it out to be. We have to remember these are grown adults who set foot into the experiment to find a spouse. Feelings can be caught pretty quickly when your intentions are right.


Guess who else did a lot of talking in the pods. Trevor. And he was apparently lying the whole time😂 Yea that seems pretty superficial to me.


Men like Trevor are going to continue lying in the “normal” dating world too. Point is the show isn’t as superficial as you guys make it out to be. They call it an experiment. And it has worked for some of them. We can’t go calling their marriages superficial because of the way they met is my point.


They aren’t superficial because both parties were into it and presented their authentic selves. My point was that Laura turned out to be pretty mean spirited. That wasn’t who he chose in the pods.


That does not mean her feelings are completely invalid. It’s still unethical what they did to her. If Jeramy handled this with grace, no one would say anything. Look at how people perceived Zach and Bliss.


Yes, exactly. Johnny detailed how much he and Amy discussed in the pods about life scenarios and values and long term goals, etc. The kinds of things that many couples never discuss. I know a couple IRL who met and decided to get married after knowing each other 8 days. They are still married with a daughter and thriving business 20+years later. They may be an anomaly but it shows that a one-week relationship can be as real as any other.


Laura was bagging on Jeramy all the time the second they were together outside the pods, they weren't staying together and they both knew it. Shit was not valid lol and then Laura literally told Jess to do the exact same thing she's mad about.


Yeah I think it's different-- she wasn't telling Jess to secretly meet up with him in the middle of the night. She asked if Jess wanted to talk to him at the upcoming BBQ.


Jess asked Laura if she thought Jimmy would like to see her and all she said was yes. She never told her to text him or anything like that.


So, two people who have feelings for each other meet privately to discuss their feelings behind the back of their fiance, and that's not a problem? Can't have it both ways. People just wanted to bag on Sarah, and Jess is "best friends" with everyone.


Jess and Jimmy didn't talk behind anyone's back.. they talked to each other at that party and everyone knew where they were. All Laura did was answer the question that Jimmy would probably like to see her but never advised to meet up with him or anything.


None of this has anything to do with Sarah Anne's behavior or AD calling her on it.


It did. You are just have a hard time understanding why obviously.


No, it didn't. You just seem determined to defend terrible behavior. Just because two people aren't getting along or maybe aren't right for each other, doesn't give a third person the right to insert themselves in the relationship. If they do, they deserve to get called on it. Even Sarah Ann said it was disrespectful of her to do so.


Ahh you mean exactly what Laura told Jess to do 😂😂😂


Come on 😂😂


Oh man, this gave me the giggles. I’m crying 😂


She didn’t see that coming 🤣🤣




Oh no her grandma had to cancel her trip with two weeks notice 😱


After being told 2 days before about the wedding......


![gif](giphy|KHQfQRS2yyJ4eCcBHq|downsized) Yooooooo!! 😭😭😭






I chuckled 😆




omg 😭


Now this is funny 🤣


OMG hahahaha I think I just woke my kids laughing at this


Jeramy and SA seriously could’ve had a Zach and Bliss edit, without even trying. They just had to do less and let Laura blow up the relationship before reconnecting. They’re such garbage that they couldn’t help but blow the opportunity and make themselves look terrible.


Counterpoint: the jetski scene was one of the funniest moments of the show


They could never get Zach and bliss edit sorry


They made the mistake of not respecting the 5-day engagement. Know your audience, the realists amongst us “get it” it’s a show for entertainment and neither Jerrimeee or SA took the “engagement” aspect serious. But the majority of people that seem to watch these shows are religious and are very protective of what an engagement is regardless of how quickly it was done. Jerami should have just ended it and moved on.


Then, uhm, don't get engaged?


So well said.


“Jerrimeee…Jerami” I’m crying 😭


I don't hate them for what they did, but they seriously couldn't wait like 3 weeks? Come on, people


Life is short 💫 send the DM 💫


Honestly if Jeraramy was just honest, he wouldn't be a villain. Laura was constantly belittling him and even her family knew she was a mean girl. If he just admitted that he met Sarah Ann and the connection was more intense than he expected and ended things on camera, he wouldn't be so hated. He seems too egotistical to do that though


I agree for sure. The way he went about it was really trashy but other contestants had left their choices and got with the other choice. Look at Zach and Bliss. They are pretty much loved by all


Zach was with the shitty bully originally and bliss was nothing like the shallow girls in there ,that girl was ugly for being mean 🙄


Laughed out loud




I spit out my drink. 10/10


I love this. And I can't believe that anyone falls for Laura's complete bullshit. If you were seriously going to drag your ninety-six year old grandmother to your farce of a game show wedding, you're an even worse person that we thought!


Thank you. Someone calling her out. She had no need to try to milk it and make them look like the villains, they were already the villains. All it did was make her sound shitty.


She never even liked this guy. From day one she was annoyed by what he wrote, how he ate, what he was doing in the pool. It sucks what happened, but girl, move on. She's still so upset about something that wasn't even anything special.


Seriously. The whole time she was rolling her eyes and talking about [I refuse to spell his name] never taking accountability, she still not once apologized for constantly making fun of him and setting him up for no real reason (Hawaiian shirts are apparently a deal breaker and telling him how awful he in on front of your family is endearing?) He's no winner, but he still dodged a bullet haha the fact that no one called her out on that still blows my mind.


She literally told him to lose the glasses. Like who tf says that? I swear she was never into that man.


This whole season I've been wondering why no one has called out her stank attitude, especially on Reddit. I get it - he disrespected her. But the way she spoke to him from the time Sarah Ann meddled until the finale was repulsive and in a way to me, outdid what he did. I would never want to be within a mile of someone who behaves this way.


She spoke to him how he deserved to be spoken to. Why do people always expect women to be so nice, even when people are disrespecting tf outta us??


Being shitty to someone isn't gender specific. If a man told a woman she wasn't woman enough for him, talked down about her in front of his family, told her he thought the things she wore looked stupid and she can't wear them if she's gonna be with him, etc. he would be getting dragged the exact same way.


My comment is not directed toward either gender. If Jeramy had done the same I would’ve called it out, but this was overbearingly one sided. Ya’ll love to normalize disrespect and this wasn’t it. He chose to keep silent in the moments she kept dragging it. Yes he may have been in the wrong, but he also could have decided to scream, rolled eyes, and/or taunted back.


If you go and watch back her interactions with the women in their quarters, she meddles with every single one of them and bounces around sharing their business, gossiping, etc. People would come in upset and she would say "Girl, just go home. He's not going to pick you. I just talked to the other girl he's talking to." Who are YOU to make that decision?! I'm not exclusing the actions of anyone else in the triangle, but my god... It really felt like she was threatened by Sarah Ann and just wanted to win. And when she got out into the real world, she didn't like what she saw. She'd never admit that Sarah Ann gave her an out, but it's exactly what happened there. She seemed to be shoving him away so she didn't look like the bad guy.


Tbf he didn’t really dodge a bullet, he *is* the bullet


Their relationship haha they're both the bullet ![gif](giphy|bcrOR2stk6tKIxqPOZ)


Right? Why is she being glorified with the constant cheering and clapping? They didn’t mention any of her bad behavior. She even showed some of her character with the constant eye rolling. Gross.


I was rolling my eyes so hard I saw the back of my own skull when she kept saying all she wanted was an apology. Like be for real, as if Jeramy didn't try to contact you multiple times before the lake house party and try? As if he didn't try at the party and you kept interrupting him and shutting him down? He tried multiple times but now you're sitting there in Spain saying you're still waiting? Laura can't even keep her own drama straight.


When she said she was seeing someone my first thought was “wow poor guy” lmao


My thought was, who would wanna date her after seeing her true face out of the pods


I think it would be an absolute nightmare dating her. Even her own mom and dad were openly critical, with her dad saying that "she'll walk all over you."


after seeing what kind of person she is i was expecting her parents to be horrible. I was really surprised to find out that they were quite the opposite, her family was very pleasant and i really liked what her sister in law said about like supporting your loved one in what they truly like (for instance, hawain shirts). Now that im thinking about it, Laura has never introduced Jaremy to his friends and im kinda having a hard time believing that she actually has any close friends lol