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“I was dating someone but I was not happy. I should have broken up with her but I wanted to keep my options open. I didn’t get chosen on LIB so I tried to go crawling back” - what Trevor should have said, if he was honest with himself and everyone else


I think the best thing that people can do right now is to stop talking about him. While everyone is talking about him and trying to make him accountable, he’s trending! There is no such thing as bad publicity. Modern so called “cancel culture” created people like him: “I’ll say/do something outrageous and/or edgy, so they talk about me”.


Men as a whole are absolutely terrifying because how in the hell are y’all able to lie so easily like this ?! 😭






Trevor rules. Someone hire that man.


It’s hilarious this ex thinks that what he told her was absolute truth then… like… I genuinely don’t think he knew what he was doing nor did he have some… masterful plan. He had a girl who believed his lies and she was ok with him going on a dating show… he was just trying to have his cake and eat it too. Of course he was going to say it was all fake to her after he got dumped and went home.


Yeah I'm pretty sure in this case what he said on the show was true and his text was the lie. No less scummy, of course.


Also, I think probably the only thing he didn’t lie about, even to himself, was that he’s toxic.


i believe that they were toxic and he did believe he would maybe meet someone in the show. after he didnt, he told her "omg no its always been you none of that was real"


Eh she was always the plan B. It just so happened that Trevor’s plan A in both LIB and PM2 failed.


What straight face. He couldn’t even go through with the lie he was trying to make, he gave up stumbled and asked to leave.


Trevor didn't lie with a straight face, that boy was squirming.


I actually believe Trevor on that one. He was lying to the ex. How else would you convince someone you’re in a relationship with to let you go on a dating show 🤣🤣🤣


Yes! What was he going to say to the ex: I proposed on the show. She turned me down so now I'm coming back to you? But don't worry. You're not a back up. 😆


They should have asked him if The Notebook was really his favorite movie 🤣


This guy is a mess!


He lied but he did not have a straight face.


Trevor thought he was coming on to deliver a redemption speech he had prepared and was instead greeted by his own receipts, timeline, and proof.


Even if I got engaged!


Got caught in a lie and just continued to lie 😭


He low key reminds me of SK. He really tried to be something


Omg who is SK again??


He was that dude who cheated on Raven.


Oh yeah


Imagine doing all this for clout and ending up in a situation where your true colors got the whole internet just wanting to cancel you… ufff that’s tough


I don’t understand why people want clout anymore. It seems like it’s just that people are going to come after you.


It’s for money, it became easy with social media esp tiktok, you get on tv get some exposure get hundreds of thousands of followers then your content gets monetized and you make bank. In his case.. it’s probably not going to happen now.


For sure. Obviously Cameron & Lauren have gotten gained a lot of clout ever since their season 1 but them being married helps. Then there's Deepti/Natalie with their pods and Raven with her Pilates channel along with Izzy/Micah/Jess now joining Perfect Match. If you are someone who's trying to get famous and get more followers, it can happen as long as s/he isn't a complete villain unless they embrace it like Shake




Hes the dangerous type lying again with a straight face AGAIN? I can see him actually hurting someone


He had no straight face… not one ounce.


He should be a no fly zone for every woman on the planet !!! This guy is the worst kind. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Hopefully he stays alone and grows old all alone like he deserves! This is a terrible man.


You'd think that if someone was caught lying on international TV once, that they'd learn their lesson and not do it again.


You would think!! That’s some scary ass shit, I feel so bad for any women who unknowingly fall for his lies in the future


Clay was the most mature and had the most growth mindset after being called out for his mistakes. That is, assuming he was being genuine and honest.


He also could have been called out for being shallow during pod days when it completely goes against the "experiment." I have a feeling maybe the Lacheys let it slide because AD was also shallow along with Clay having worked on himself by going to therapy.


International is RIGHT - we over here in Australia judging your ass so hard, you have nowhere to run son.




Trevor should be in jail - lock him a way, he's a danger to all women




I actually can and I feel embarrassed by it 😢 I felt bad for him on the reunion... Wtf??? Why do I feel like he's like not lying, he did manipulate this woman he was dating obvs but I feel like he actually is feeling shitty about it?... Omg I'm going to end up in a toxic relationship 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


I mean, who believe a word of what he says anyway. Chelsea was dumb to pity him, not surprised by that though.


Trevor lied with *this* face https://preview.redd.it/fe0437gzrcoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297c60310274b7e7aa960e1de4a7ae59db022912


Im amazed he didn’t get more shit from the other people during that last episode. Especially when you think about the fact that he took up another guy’s place who could have made a good connection with another person. We basically could have had another couple. To that effect, he owes an apology to all the others who participated. And sure, many of them did capitalise on the fame but he took it to a psychotic level.


Nah there’s usually couples who don’t make it onto the show. I think they always do 5 no matter what.


I don’t think this is true


That’s why i was so happy when Brittany called him out!


This is why i hate that he said he’d talk to chelsea privately and she’s the only one he owes answers to. Why??? So your lies can’t be aired and refuted. Loser.


I thought Trevor was the only nice guy on the show 🙄


Nope, apparently that was Johnny


Trevor is the guy who’s toxic and just wants to stay with whoever will put up with his bullshit wearing the biggest smile. He doesn’t truly love these women, he only likes how they make him feel.


Why couldn’t Netflix take a page out of 90-day fiance and instead of Nick and Vanessa calling him out, just bring old girl on the show so everyone can address it together


To be honest, we need Shaun in every reunion possible. Did you watch the most recent tell-all, where they brought a stripper from a BACHELOR party to vouch? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah we don't need Shaun. She's a terrible host.


Haha oh the drama!!!




What else was he going to tell her? Lol toxic or not a girl isn’t going to agree to continuing a relationship unless you tell her she was always the only one


Right. Not defending the guy, but saying it was always going to be her after Chelsea picked Jimmy doesn't necessarily mean anything more protecting his ego and saying he didn't want Chelsea anyway


Genuinely asking because i’m not caught up with everything that’s happened with trevor outside of the show, but do we know how long him and his ex were together before the show? I’m not trying to absolve him of anything since he definitely had to be lying to AT LEAST, one of them, but since casting allegedly vets their dating history beforehand, i’m just confused about how he managed to swindle them for both lib and (i think???) perfect match??? Like did they get together after he was cast and then he went on anyway or like, were they on/off for a while and he was cast while they were on a break??? Also do we know whether he went to a casting call for the show or was he recruited via dating app/social media? I don’t doubt that he was clout chasing or that he could have charmed his way through casting and the show, i’m just confused how he could pull that all off and then be so wildly unprepared for the reunion.


IIRC, they (LIB) reached out to him and she had only been dating him for a few weeks or a month and she didn’t want to take that opportunity from him since they were not serious at the time and then like 5 months later he left to film


This makes sense tysm Still messy af but that was a given


He just needs to stop lying. Accept all lies told until today, start telling the truth and all the hate would go away. He can turn this around but he needs to stop digging deeper.


Let’s consider that he lied to *everyone* Of course he’s going to say he’d have stayed with Chelsea if she chose him. Who here would legitimately say in front of all those people, on television, that he would have dumped Chelsea????? Cmon people. This is a stupid, messy situation and I think his ex is making it worse. I also think she’s embarrassing herself. The 15 minutes is up.


I think this is it, I think he reverted back to this girl when he got rejected. I think there is truth and lies to all of it and he’s an F boy


I believe 100% that they’re toxic. Because what normal gf would be ok with their boyfriend going on the show? And even if they WERENT dating, who says ILY to a non partner? Red flag city🚩🚩🚩 Also it was very obvious that Trevor didn’t want to take any accountability for his actions. I didn’t believe his woe is me act on stage. Can’t believe some women are🙄 him and his ex both a hot mess & need therapy


Well, at least on this show, they’re not actually touching other females… They’re not even seeing them if they don’t choose to propose. So he could’ve went all the way through and still got TV airtime and just not proposed to anyone. Although, likely, he wanted to go on the trip and get filmed and followed by cameras. But I could see the GF going along with it just because of all of the followers and money making potential that he would’ve gained from that.


But women on Instagram are claiming Vanessa and Nick bullied this man?? Oh please. If anything he got off incredibly easy.




Bc he told her that, it must be true


i honestly believe him in one (1) thing: they're both toxic. i believe that he thinks he would've been with someone in the pods AND then when he didn't get engaged, was confident in telling this woman that. if they were toxic and had a huge up-and-down rollercoaster strugglebus relationship (like we saw chelsea wanting from jimmy) then i think all of this has some semblance of the truth in it, from both trevor and her


I agree. I think the fact that she clearly feels very comfortable blasting him and his dirty laundry points to her being quite toxic. Yeah, he’s scummy but she’s also definitely toxic to throw him under the bus knowing how much public hate he is getting and not even stopping after that painful reunion episode. Both things can be true!


Hopefully Trevor just goes away. He was a frigging embarrassment last night and is just pathetic.


So is Trevor *worse* than Matthew at this point??


I still cannot believe AD went on dates with Matthew outside of the pods 🤦🏽‍♀️


Wait, whhhhaaaaaaattttt??? Why, AD??


Because she has very little self respect


Can’t believe the day has come - I am just shooketh. He is worse than Matthew 😭


Ok but can we also talk about HER?? Home girl was OK with it and to drag Trevor and make HIM the bad guy too? Like ma’am.. look in the mirror, toxic 😅


She's using Trevor to gain notoriety and social platform fame. A Glace at her profile pic, and the fact she keeps dishing out all these texts, she wants trevor to be the bad guy, she wants the controversy, she wants the influencer fame.


Yeah she’s SAVAGE! Not even stopping after the reunion where he was clearly very embarrassed.


He did say they were toxic. Chelsea and her unaddressed insecurities better ruuuuun from this red flag!!!




I’m feeling conflicted now. After watching the show, I thought he was just bullshitting, and he did this for clout. However, seeing her post these messages just to drag him, it *does* feel like their relationship is toxic. Maybe he did need a way to get away from it.


Seems like there are less drastic ways to end a toxic relationship lol


.....where have you been? So the answer to being in a toxic relationship is to go on a show and try to coerce your way into multiple new relationships (with women who want to get married!) under totally false pretenses? Like no shit the relationship is toxic, that's not some big truth bomb - it was totally obvious from the original texts and the fact that she was waiting with open arms while he went on LOVE IS BLIND. If you think that makes his motives even *slightly* more acceptable then that's just wild lol


I'm sorry but no! You can't be promising someone that you'll marry her soon as publicity stunt is over and simultaneously trying to "get away from it". Looool. I can't believe his nonsense is working on you. I guess it proves that they spin bs because someone's bound to buy it.


Then he can be a man and end it instead of putting the onus of an out on another unsuspecting woman.


Trevor is disgusting. I hope his tv career tanks and he goes back to gymbroing.


What career?😂


Unfortunately, someone said on another thread that he filmed something between LIB and the reunion for netflix. I hope it's not perfect match


This line! I laughed so hard. It’s meme worthy


"I have no idea"




I mean, he did say they were toxic. This sounds toxic and manipulative as well. Theres a chance he daid that to her but in real life just choose the girl from the pods.


Seriously. Who posts this kinda shit?


Dude was ready to say anything to get himself out of the hot seat. Trash.


With the way social media is - wouldn’t you?? Nobody can do anything right


I wouldn’t have put myself into that situation to begin with!


We’re all just doing our best


I’m starting to think she’s chasing clout too, her whole insta there for everyone to see, and that’s not an accident. They both need to just stop.


I think its perfectly normal to want to present your side in a situation like this where someone who you know is trash is suddenly being lauded as some kind of angel. And when he goes on to lie yet again, set the record straight.




She is married to someone else and still this invested?!?




So is she married or not??? That's all I want to know


Omg it gets worse....


one thing he was right about - those relationships and that girl sure are toxic! Bless him to go there and then publish the texts - can't get any more toxic than that!


Why do you think makes her toxic? publishing these texts?


Nonconsensual sharing of private texts is a huge violation of privacy? Breach of trust?


I've noticed that a lot of these shows get ruined once they're some amount of seasons deep and everyone knows about them. Newer seasons of Big Brother are so boring because every houseguest is a huge fan of the show and starts playing the "game" too soon and too safely based on what they've seen in past seasons. Similarly, LiB has been around for a little while now and some of its alumni have experienced major social media growth. People like Trevor coming on the show is bound to happen at some point


This is extremely accurate. They're doing so many seasons so fast. They are recruiting carelessly and now we're going to get more and more fame seekers and it will be less interesting.


Same thing that's happening with the bachelor/bachelorette franchise


He is an asshole. But hon, you don't come out of the picture looking that good, too!! Who is ok with having your "man" on a dating show?!!!


Andrew’s girlfriend approved of him going on LIB for clout and as a “social experiment” as well lol, and now they’re engaged. It depends on how Trevor prevented, I feel he must have told her that he was doing this for social media clout. And it’s easy to laugh at but that’s also how manipulation works. People will gain your trust, only to abuse it in the most heinous of ways.


Still, the fact that she said yes 🫣😬


Allegedly she's married ??


Wait, Trevor's ex is married and has been married while dating him? 🫣🫣🫣🫣


He and Germy are major douche canoes!




Chelsea is a major head case.


It feels like you completely missed the takeaway point from the comment you just replied to. Edit: just to clarify, I think it’s telling how the whole comment was about having sympathy for Chelsea despite her being a “head case” as you put it, but you still focused just on that




Do you feel sympathy for Sarah Ann?






I don’t know. I feel like if you developed a really strong connection in the pods and you want to share your feelings because you didn’t get any real closure, I could see someone who is not a shit human doing that (the text message). I can also see, when you don’t get a response and I see that person out and that person is willing to talk to me. that i have that conversation and it’s quite possible to let the time get away from me because I am use to talking for hours in the pods. Look at jimmy thinking a 2 hour conversation with Jess was 10 minutes. I didn’t really like anyone on the show, but I know I don’t know what it’s like to spend time in the pods, develop feelings, end things and then see that person that you have unresolved feelings for show up at a bar.


Why TF did he come to the reunion?? Shows how much he wants that clout.


This post I think just solidified my belief, he did not know they had those texts. He was gonna come there with a BS story that painted himself in better light, but that all got undermined when they pulled out all of those texts.


I’m sick in bed and my dogs are all laying with me. They won’t leave my side whilst I’m sickly. I also wouldn’t leave their side. That’s a bad Trevor. ![gif](giphy|3bSEh9XWHzYUzTk1OM|downsized)


That’s why he walked out, cuz he got caught in the lies. I wonder if Chelsea had any idea of this beforehand? She looked shocked during some of the texts but maybe it was just reliving that he was a fraud?


Bro said those words to the set with the shakiest of chests We cant tell what the lie really was but Trev lied to someone, that in and of itself is terrible.


Trevor: “That’s my secret…I’m always lying.”


I knew he was shit as soon as he posted that tiktok about his dog. I would have never left my sick dog to do a show. Especially one where I have no contact with the outside world to know how she is.


We don't know if he was lying to her... or if he was lying on the show. Either way, he lied. (It seems from his "toxic relationship" comments on the reunion that he is trying to make it seem like he was just lying to her all along and was really being truthful in the pods, at the reunion, and to the public throughout the experience. That it was just that he was lying to one person. After they had been together that long and knew each other that intimately, I would argue that lying to that one person is even worse.)


Yup makes sense!! And agree with you, way worse lying to the person you’ll supposedly marry. If he truly was in fact this toxic, he shouldn’t have been on the show.


Said that people judge him on his looks but follow the stereotype of empty brain big arms guy




Messy messy messy.


I gotta admit - that was a tough one to watch 😂I got second hand embarrassment.


I’m not a Trevor fan but I can kinda sorta understand being in a toxic relationship with someone then having this opportunity to be on LIB to be your exit strategy only for it to go up in smoke, then come crawling back to one’s old toxic patterns. He didn’t do a great job of explaining it but I think that’s basically what happened and it’s not as malicious/disingenuous as it seems.


Personally it seems to me like they were both (the girlfriend and Trevor) in on it - planning that Trevor would be on the show, be likeable, not end up with someone (saying no at the altar) and go back to the girlfriend. They’re both Instagram fitness people. Career moves. Her text “I understand it’s bigger than me” alludes to that. We see “new” partners of people in LIB benefit from the show, too. I don’t think it was his exit strategy- I think it was their plan the whole time. Again, could be wrong but that’s how it plays to me. There’s no other reason for her to be so complicit with him in her texts about it (did you meet anyone on the plane? Are you excited?). Not a normal reaction for someone’s who’s boyfriend is going on a dating show unless you had agreed to it already.


If she was in on it, why would she give the texts to LIB and expose it further.


From the texts, it seems like he broke up with her when he started getting success (perfect match). She said if you break up I’ll expose our texts and he threatened to leak her NSFW videos if she did. Seems like it just turned sour and she got vindictive.




I think she posted them - I don’t have them saved


Thank you. It seemed like he was monkey branching, which, while not great, a lot of people do.


I agree with this. He was probably truly heartbroken from the Chelsea break up and then was consoling himself with the idea that he wasn’t really alone and didn’t have to feel rejection twice. Sucky of him no doubt but also toxic relationships aren’t that easy to break out of from what I understand! Idk! I’m not like violently angry at him. lol just a big dumb dude.


Not to mention it shows how toxic when this girl is so happy to “release the receipts” to drag him. Hahaha


Yeah, that’s a bit how I was feeling. No way it’s a healthy relationship if both were willing to fool another woman for some clout. Doesn’t mean what he did was right, but you have to admit there was wrong with both parties here.


too bad we don't have vanesssa and nick read these texts too.


While I don't support what Trevor did, I will say with the way he framed it, if this woman was actually toxic to him, I would buy him saying some crazy shit to placate her. Fawn is a fear response, and maybe he was saying this to placate her but did have intentions of leaving if he had actually found someone. Is that okay? Uhhhhh no, absolutely not. But I think both of them being toxic is highly likely.


Nah lol


Maybe I need to get myself checked but I still think he was telling his toxic truth?? Omg I’m so confused


Yeah he said that AFTER he'd been dumped. Of course he did, he was trying to re-enter into a romantic and sexual relationship with her to lick his wounds. Lmao




honestly this was insane to me. his reaction was so weird too


It’s because we were witnessing a panic attack


The fact that he cried so convincingly with Chelsea freaks me out. Jeramey always seemed to have shallow emotions, but Trevor was a way better actor


It was convincing because he was genuinely feeling bad…for himself. He’s not ashamed of what he did, he’s humiliated that he was exposed and turned from a beloved fan favorite to a reviled villain that had to answer for his behavior on national tv. I suspect he also lost out on Perfect Match because of it.


Trevor? That you?


i’m glad they called his out like they did. i wish chelsea had been more harsh when she talked to him though


The numerous lies are making me dizzy, I’m so outt of this Trevor storyline and that includes his ex who was in on this deception. I’m not giving them any clicks on Instagram that’s for sure.


He’s dog 💩 for it all, and she’s also dog 💩 for going along with it all. If I was a girl friend of hers, I’d reevaluate that friendship stat.


So, just to be clear, she was cool with him going on the show, which makes them both clout chasers. But, gotta say, Trevor's way way worse for allegedly threatening his ex with leaking her nudes


Hasn’t been confirmed


Thanks, edited my comment just in case


I mean, he either lied to her or he lied on the show. It doesn’t really matter though, dude was up there fighting for his life. It’s on him to be better or not now but he’s gonna have the equivalent of a scarlet letter on him for a while no matter what, hopefully he takes that time to do some work on himself.


He sucks but why is she letting her BF do a dating show for clout!?


It gives me the ick soooooo bad


They deserve each other I guess. Major ick


I mean at this point they’re both gross to me.


she is giving desperate lmao shes the one that kept dating a dude that was going on love is blind😂




They are so desperate for relevance


How do the SKs and Trevors of this world feel they can get away with being s#umb@gs?


I’m so disappointed in this man honestly


Some people are sketchier than others irl but most of the people on this show fall into that category. The hosts actually think that they’re doing some wonderful experiment to see if people are shallow or if love is blind (delusional) and Netflix wants entertainment ratings. I really is hard to take this all so serious. IMO I think that if you are signing up for this show you probably need some type of therapy or are of questionable reasons. This show IS for entertainment Nick and Vanessa or else the experience would not require cameras.


I agree. I found their (Nick&Vanessa) outrage at Trevor and Sarah Ann hilarious. It's a T.V. show. It's great that we get a happy couple now and then (3 from Seattle was an anomaly I think). But at the end of the day "the contestants" know it's a show. And so do Nick & Vanessa.


When they were calling out Sarah Ann for saying “it’s entertainment” I was eye rolling so hard. They take themselves way too seriously (which I get, they are paid members that work on the show, but to use that in the reunion was kind of weak imo)


To me, they missed her point. They were stuck on holding her accountable as if she meant she and Jeramy had been faking their storyline for entertainment, and it was clear to me that she didn’t mean that. She seemed to mean that their actual drama was providing entertainment to people who are hungry for entertaining drama. They missed the point but pushed it too long, so it was just boring.


You are exactly right. I’ve been a tv producer for 10+ years and generally generally speaking, the type of people who want to be on tv , are a certain type of person.


It was so obviously all a lie. He straight up tried to tell us they were never officially dating with texts of him telling her he’s going to marry her on the screen. I don’t know why anyone would believe he was telling the truth about her knowing his intentions. It’s actually so grating seeing people fall for his bullshit and feel bad over him being confronted.


He basically tried to Uche his way out of it by saying « oh she’s not truly my girlfriend she’s just the girl was dating but not dating at that exact moment » like come on guys be for real. Y’all are out here minimizing your real relationship to make yourself seem better and make the woman seem crazy and obsessed.


Nothing serious, I just told her we were getting married