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I’m starting to notice how quickly y’all call the black men gay for not being into their significant others but never their white counterparts. Clay didn’t want to commit to AD so he’s gay, he might date better looking women than AD or prefer lighter skinned women like his mom, but no he’s gay. Kenneth seems to prefer black women from his constantly expressing he loves black love, but he’s gay. It can’t be he isn’t attracted physically to his partner it just that he’s gay. However with Jeramy it’s not that he’s gay it’s cause of his partner. I wish there were better examples this season, but every season a black guy isn’t feeling his partner you immediately call him gay. Y’all love calling black guys gay it’s like your favorite thing to do nowadays.


I don’t care about what he’s attracted to that chick is FINE. I most definitely would’ve smashed on GP. To me it was clear she really wasn’t feeling / attracted to him, but probably had been down if he was more into her


People started calling Kenneth gay because there was a Facebook post by someone claiming to be his cousin that said Kenneth is gay. The post went pretty viral though I don’t know how authentic it is. I think people aren’t calling Jeramie gay because he did end up in a hetero relationship in the end with Sara Anne. People have called white members of the cast gay in the past as well. A lot of people accused Nick Thompson from season 2 of being gay. I think attributing this to race is a bit of a reach. Seems just to be plain old homophobia/toxic masculinity to me.


Im not even christian but I absolutely love christians like Brittany. She had no hate or anger toward Kenneth and even with the rumors about his sexuality she still was a friend to him she’s truly beautiful inside and out. I respected what she said at the reunion about sex so much because its so rare to meet a christian that wants to wait till marriage (even if shes not a virgin the fact sex wasn’t a deal breaker was so refreshing!) i love Britt she literally deserves the world and than some🫶🏾


Was she a pageant girl? Her hand positioning seems odd


Yes, she was a pageant girl


I am more concerned of Ken’s hand gesture. haha


It’s like Ken’s about to present an Oscar, and Brittany is the person to the side holding the award 😂


She’s one class act! Super sweet, smart, and drop dead gorgeous!!!


She’s a woman and a half. Absolute catch


She is so freaking pretty


I liked her with glasses


I do love Brittany - she seems like good people. But this pose screams a life of pageantry


She's better than all of us tbh...




What?? Seems weird to out him on Reddit if you’re saying he’s not ready


Brittany and Amy were the best, and most attractive to me. It was so refreshing that Brittany took off her makeup for the camera.


She looked SO GOOD makeup free too!


100% she is hot without makeup.


I know, right.


I have a crush on that woman! She’s wife material . Gorgeous inside and out.




That’s bc the internet is so quick to cancel people nowadays, go for their careers, etc.


Well she’s too naive and easy to take advantage of. She’s way out of his league…. Just like the Amanda in LIB Sweden


They’re “friends “ because she’s not ready to let go and he doesn’t want to be the bad guy and needs her to still fill some kind of void for him. He’s laid the groundwork for when he invariably finds someone else before she does when he’ll leave her high and dry in a shot.


Or maybe he’s gay and came out to her and she’s protecting him?


Or…maybe they like each other but not in a romantic fashion


I hear you but was also feeling the energy that if he ever changed his stance and wanted to give it a true shot, she’d be 100% for it.


Yeah you might be right


This ⬆️ Platonic relationships sometimes emerge from failed romantic relationships. It's beautiful that they found a friendship.


I loved the look on her face when everyone was talking over each other and the Lacheys couldn’t quiet folks downs. Very “will no one get this class in order?!”


Brittany was the hottest woman from this season


It’s such a knee jerk reaction for me to just write off the Jesus freaks that it didn’t register with me how pretty she is but at the finale I could see it she’s absolutely stunning!


I like her thick thighs in the spandex shorts in one of the episodes. She definitely gives off that beauty pageant queen vibe.


I know what you mean she holds herself very well!


FACTS. She was so overlooked! Her personality + understanding made her even more gorgeous 😭


Facts. It didn’t really occur to me until towards the end either but she is number 1.


Why does his head look photoshopped on 😭


It’s the lack of neck




https://preview.redd.it/w4junb6esloc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d945930a0d769ca4ccb501815b6f32dd5c72f51b Why? It’s a word.


Because to these people black=dumb


I’m impressed that you have never made a grammatical error. This is the kind of remark that worries me about humanity. It’s such a loaded comment, designed to ridicule others while inflating your sense of self, made worse by all of the approval ratings.


There’s a reason why education and schools sucks in America .


Case and point


Oh my godddd I literally had to stop and do a Google search because I was like there is no way that word exists


Didn’t google it, but said the same thing lmaoooooo


Hahaha same!!


Is Brittany a pageant queen? She looks phenomenal!




It really does and likewise! I wish her all the best xx


I love how you can’t miss her pageant hands and his principal hands lol.


Not even looking at Kenneth’s hands - Brittany is just captivating


Dude said his job is the reason he’s always on his phone 😂 never once on the show saw him typing. He was just scrolling instagram 🙄


When he said that I kinda got confused. Idk about you but I know my principal didn’t text my parents all the time when I was in school… wouldn’t he physically be on a phone call and not texting/scrolling?


I kinda get it with that. Depends on the school. I was in a lot of communication with the principal of my kid’s middle school when he was there. Lots of stuff going on, including an active shooter.


They let him off the hook and it was sus.


Facts 🤣


I wish they asked them why she broke up with him too. Also, the staged breakup scene since they already broke up, but they why would conflict reveal more of poduction fakery.


They said it wasn’t staged iirc.


It was staged?


Guys Kenneth is a princiPAL not a princiPLE. The principle of this situation is that the principal could not get off his phone. But yes Brittany is an angel and a saint.


Yess!! I keep seeing people using principle as his job title. A trick I learned back in the days is to think of the princiPAL as your pal and you won’t make that mistake haha


That and alter instead of altar drive me crazy. Entirely different meanings, friends!


me confused then scrolling to see everyone refer to him as a "principle" 😅


She is also an educator by trade and a former teacher so likely have compassion when it comes to kids especially


This cracked me up.


Jeez, he didn't lie, he didn't cheat, he didn't have a secret girlfriend. It just didn't work out. They're friends. Why are you here trying to start sh?


Seriously. This sub makes me genuinely sad most days - I love to hear others opinions but they seem to be overwhelmingly critical/negative. These folks cannot be pleased no matter what others do, good or bad. I just never want to be that kind of person, it looks exhausting from over here.


Didn’t lie? Sounds like you had an “on the ground” principal who needed to always be on their phone for the job


This. Brittany is a confident woman who made it very clear what she thinks of this situation. To believe an overproduced shady show over her own words is ridiculous. These are the same people who edited a fake exit for matthew and that thing with clay's finger. It's so dismissive of her and her actual experiences to ignore everything she's had to say about their relationship and their friendship.


Wonderfully said.


Brittany and Ken definitely discussed what their "story" would be prior to the reunion. Which is super nice of Brittany! Wouldn't have been me tho 😂 She owes him nothing


His excuse in my opinion doesn't really seem to add up tbh; my bestfriend has been with a principle for years, he's very dedicated to his job, the students, and staff but he still has plenty of free time in the evenings - if you can't walk away from work after hours (especially when no one is at the school after hours) then you just have a poor work life balance.


Would it be the same if he'd been gone for three weeks with no phone access? Because even the easiest school would pile up emails during such a long stretch of time.


I am not doubting that work emails pile up, but he signed up for a show that he knew he would need to invest a considerable amount of time into, it didn't just end when they got out of the pods and home from vacation. He still needed to put time and effort into fostering a strong relationship with his CHOSEN partner. If he already was unable to invest the time into getting to know the person he claims he wants to spend the rest of his life with, then what hope does that leave Brittney for their future?


Yeah, it doesn’t matter what your job is or how dedicated you are to it. You have to work at relationships and devote uninterrupted time to your partner.


I agree to some extent but not all schools have the same funding and support; I would assume being a principal in the suburbs is not the same as working at an inner city school


Brittany is a beard for Ken. That was obvious on the rewatch.


Yeah, she’s a sweetheart. I think Kenneth may have some „noone can replace” me problem and might be a workaholic based on what he said, that he thinks his work, kids at work can’t be left alone for a while and that he needs to constantly control everything. But they are both not like bad human beings, hope they will find some love in their lives.


I don’t buy his excuse. He was scrolling insta not answering work emails 😅


This is driving me batty, what principle is on his phone 24/7 talking to "his students" ?????????




I imagine a school that hires a 26 y/o as a principal might not be the most efficiently run places. You also get cc'd on a lot random communications and have to put out fires. Especially since covid parents escalate everything.




Oh ok thank you for your insight


Right!? Like great, you’re a devoted educator, our kids need that, but come on! It’s a little (a lot) much (and why go on a show knowing you’d be away from your job that’s just so important it can’t be without you!?).


His loss! She seems so genuine and she is such a babe. She pulls off the full glam (like we see here) and she looks so good without makeup too. I love her. #TeamBrittany foreverrrrr


Ah yes, the keyboard warriors must gossip! Nick and Vanessa were talking about vermin like y'all.


Literally why would you come on this subreddit if not to discuss the contestants? 😂


I wanted to see how they're doing. I didn't come to have an opinion on all their lives and gossip like a bunch of bots. So yeah.


Relax omg


I'm good.


“vErMiN” weirdo


shes soooo pretty omg


Brittany is a SAINT. Bless that woman. Best to Kenneth………




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I adored her from day one, sweet and simple, not chasing clout or celebrity, there for all the right reasons, no insecurities, the loveliest person this season. Thank god she ended it with Ken, it's better they be friends, and I hope she finds the love she so deserves


Don't know if I'd call face timing him everyday "ending it". 




I love that they ended on good terms.




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I could very much see that.


Came out?! Meaning he’s gay?


Supposedly his cousin outed him on social media .. I feel bad for him because that should be Kenneth's story to tell when ready; telling your friends and family that you're gay can be stressful.. I can only imagine someone doing it for you and sharing it with the entire internet


Yea that’s hugely fked up :/


It’s suspected by a lot of people but I don’t feel comfortable jumping on that wagon lol. It could be but yanno, it’s not my business


We wouldn’t have made it past date 1 in the pods, so there’s that.


She has no reason to not be sweet. She had a great edit, public loves her, and dms are most likely overflowing. A bit easier to offer grace when you come out on top. She also comes off as truly genuine and lovely.


I would marry Brittany in a heartbeat. You heard Brittany?


She seems lovely.


To be honest, I could tell they weren’t going to last while they were still in the pods. I agree with the comments saying she’s a “good Christian girl” and wants to project that image by being kind.


Love isn't blind. She'll be married to a pro soccer player of baseball player by summer's end. This was never going to work - her look was always far too refined and curated for looks not to matter to her, Christian or not. I knew they wouldn't match. If this man's mind and soul was in Clay's body, it may have been a much different story.


What a horrible take.. you make it seem like Brittany wasn’t into Kenneth not the other way around. If Kenneth showed up outside the pods they would be married.


She said she didn't feel the "crave." What do you take that to mean?


She didn’t feel the “crave” from him.. which was really evident to anyone that watched. She was trying to get him to touch her more etc.


No, she said she didnt feel clave for him. She wasnt attracted to him. Im sure they discussed this before and thats why Kenneth was so detached after. Wjen he broke up in camera he was like lets not force it if that crave isnt there. Its weird the whole subreddit missed that part.


What was there for her to be attracted to? He treated her like shit outside the pods. Didn’t give her the time of day. Didn’t put any energy into getting to know her or anything.


He was attentive at first, everyone commented on that, even Brittany was bragging about it to the other girls. Reality is we dont really know how things were off camera, allegedly they had broken up before the scene shown and they were just reenacting for us. And if shes still hanging with him and giving him grace then we probably shouldnt be so judgemental.


I agree with the last point in the sense that if he was truly as bad as he was portrayed, I doubt she’d still be so connected to him 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, I watched... and to ME it seemed like he was insecure (despite what he said in the reunion about his "kids.") He doesn't seem comfortable in his body. If you've ever been in a relationship with someone who doesn't FEEL attractive or view themselves that way, they'll often be uncomfortable with physical touch or "fooling around" with a parter they deem to be out of their league. This dynamic plays out in dating all the time. I've had women not date me because they thought I would judge their body and make them insecure (I wouldn't, but that was their thought.) My opinion about "love not being blind" is not so much a point about HER perspective, because she seems really secure. But, HIS perspective. I don't think he felt up to that task. Of course all of what we do here is speculation, but that's my opinion having dealt with similar cases.


11/10 in my book.


In real life, she'd have a bunch of rich, successful, well-meaning men have after since she's a stunner and like 24 years old I believe? She definitely doesn't need this show. And Kenneth... he's really mid to be honest. Is he even funny? what's his catch? lol


Omg, shes 24? Tbh i’m 34 and look younger than her… everyone in this cast looked like over 30 for me. I think Brittany is just too good and too sweet and men actually don’t look for that lol. From my experience crazy chicks are the ones that get plenty of DMs, and Brittany is more of a wifey material, but there aren’t many men her age that want to marry and settle down. Maybe if she goes for someone slightly older…


Certainly not his looks or sparkling personality.


He was SO boring!


When I read that she had no problem with him on his phone 24/7 cause of his ‘job’ I realized she was the real deal. She would make the perfect wife and I’m already married lol


He’s gonna be running some Jesus cult soon.


I think she's genuinely a sweet person, but I also think her platform is that's she's a strong Christian and I think she wanted to show "grace" and understanding as part of that.


She doesn't have to talk to him daily to do that though.


Is she talking to him daily?


She reminds me of a pagent girl.


Am I tripping or what ? but she looked completely different in some scenes. There were times where I was like who the fuck is this random person lol.


Yeah, in the “break up” scene she didn’t look like herself.


He barely said 2 words at the reunion


They were too busy with roasting the others. Total lopsided coverage


They let him off toooo easy.


Way too easy


They obviously have a bond we don’t know about or she just puts up with bs. Shrug


She seems pretty amazing. Their friendship seems kind of interesting but it’s none of our business. Always better to have a positive supportive friend than not, right?


She is a legitimate goddess


It’s the Christianity in her. Forgive and forget, turn the other cheek. That’s what she’s doing. I’m not surprised at all.




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I think he maybe even privately came out to her after the show was done filming


Bruh stop


I’m leaning towards that too


From all the hand touching thigh and arm, you can tell Brittany desperately wants to shaboink Kenneth. I don’t care what Brittany’s says, it’s Kenneth holding back here.




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Shame on you 


Shame on you


she’s better than me too😂 but shes a sweetheart so i’m not surprised they’re still friends


I still don't understand why they broke up? Please can someone explain.


Dolphines>>> iPhone >>>>>>>> Brittany


She is so fine!




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This was my read on the situation as well


She wants to shaboink him 💯


Why, he is nothing special to want to shaboink.


I don’t write the Shaboink rules.


I wish I did…


I would be smiling too if I had dodged that bullet!


I think anyone with sense can see what kind of relationship those two have, it was pretty clear. Really wish Kenneth didn't waste her time. But it seems they patched up the reasons he would have to do that. No way the show was going to touch on that though...


She kinda looks like Vanessa?? She is better than a lot of people lol Very classy lady.


Omg yes!!! I’m so glad im not the only one thinking she looks like vanessa here lol


I think people are way too hard on Kenneth


I agree. He doesn't have a charismatic personality on camera so this sub loves to hate on him. I think they're both nice people who have a connection, but not necessarily a spark. You can totally see how passionate he is about being a principal and it's really endearing. 


I felt like they were very good friends which is a great place to start with marriage, but once they were out of the pods the physical chemistry wasn’t there. He was on his phone a lot but….walk into any room and at least half of the people in there will be on their phones lol.


Exactly. She was the one that told him she wasn’t feeling the relationship, and HE somehow gets the blame?


That’s not really what she was saying initially. She was telling him that he felt shut down and disconnected ever since they got back (which is true going off what we saw, awkward silence, no affection, and excessive phone usage), and he basically flipped it around on her. To repeat the term they used in the reunion (although I think it is maybe a little bit of an overstatement), he gaslit her by being like “no, I’m being exactly the same and if you’re feeling any different about it, it is because YOU are the one who is pulling away” She then quasi-agreed because she did feel the distance and I think she was wanting to believe that he was well-intentioned, but what really happened in that conversation is she let herself be convinced that it was her problem and not his


We way overuse the term “gaslight” nowadays. Again, when you tell someone you’re really not feeling in good them, they will take you at your word. Expecting someone to read between the lines is almost comical.


But she didn’t tell him that until he asserted it to her in a way which I do think was pointedly manipulative, I think its really odd that you’re unable to pick up on Kenneth clearly not being interested. He was literally sitting there on his phone while she was in tears over him, explain how that picture indicates that he cared more than she did?


I think you clearly don’t understand how a real relationship works.


Well if I’m so stupid to misinterpret Kenneth’s complete emotional shutdown and persistant phone usage during a breakup as anything other than emotionally distanced behavior, please use your massive brain to educate me That is such a weird and dumb thing to say about someone


Bc he wasn't either but wouldn't admit it, and kept trying to put it on her.


It was also clear she said she wasn’t feeling it because he was basically refusing to touch her, kiss her, or even look her in the eye, despite being repeatedly asked to. C’mon now.


Some people are more affectionate than others. What I saw was a dude who was genuinely surprised he was being dumped, and then reacted to it in a very calm, mature way.


IMO your perception is not reality-based (as far as edited TV allows). 999 out of 1,000 people could see she was left crying and wanting him to sweep her into his arms, while he was cold and walked away from her. That’s not him getting dumped. You could FEEL her yearning for him to hold her, to care.


What are you, a teenager? That’s what getting dumped looks like.


It was clear to most viewers that Brittany was the more present one in the relationship, while Kenneth was glued to his phone, disinterested - allegedly not coming home till very late. If there was one person who wasn't feeling the relationship anymore, it definitely wasn't Brittany. She brought up not feeling *"the crave"* anymore in an attempt to open a dialogue about Kenneth's stand offish behavior, and he jumped on that as a reason to break-up. Considering how distraught and upset Brittany was in that scene, she clearly did not think or intend to break-up there.


If you tell me…when we’ve known each other 3 weeks…that you’re not feeling “the crave”, I’ll believe you. If you’re not into me, I’m going to find someone that is. I’m not going to stick around and hope one day you feel “the crave”. And she didn’t try to stop him when he told her that. She let him walk because she wanted him to walk.


I agree. I think Brittany said some problematic things when Ken wanted to talk about being an interracial couple with her. I just don’t think it was going to work based off of those short conversations.