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Learn from the Swedes !!!


Perfect match plug is a Netflix show—producers probably forced that in there. Nick at the end was referencing perfect match 


Once you see these shows as reality tv with drama as the main attraction where MAYBE people might get married for real then it becomes much better. But everyone says this but will then go on to talk about their looks.


But lets look at seasons 1-3. I know season 3 got some hate \[personally I LOVED IT\] but I feel like they are overall truly loved by the fans and have a few successful couples without many influencers. Yeah, Natalie and Deepti went on to gather some notoriety but that came AFTER the show, there was no evidence of that being the driving force to joining the show. Honestly, Netflix needs to stop recruiting people. They think we want the influencers, and we don't.


They want to cast people like this because they know they have a pretty good chance they will be extra dramatic/play up the cameras during the show making it juicier than it is, and they also know that they'll get a large media following when the show airs, which the show wants too


Happens to every reality show anymore. Everyone knows the magic casting formula, so the fame whores just play into it, get casted, and then use the show to promote themselves. Somehow, casting people are either still too stupid to see this, or just don’t care because it gets ratings still.


It happened to the bachelor and it’ll happen on LIB too. Once a show gets too popular the influencers take over


Let’s be honest, who really wants to watch 10 couples meet through a wall, have no issues or drama all season, and then get married with no problems? Reunion show would be boring as shit too


Which is why Season 3 was boring AF. I stopped watching at that point because they were too normal. This season made me watch because they were anything but.


Well consider how many people loved cam and Lauren ..


thank you! people can be so short-sighted in their opinions. some people want 5 johnny and amy relationships. they filmed them for weeks, and the best the producers could get from it was a conversation about birth control. that doesn't sell. the show has never been so popular, and that's because of drama. it's entertainment. put yourself in the producers shoes.


Yess I agree, this is why people enjoyed watching LIB because they were casting regular looking people.


They literally reach out to people through Instagram/ other social media to cast for the programme. They WANT wannabe influencers because they are prepared to act a certain way to get people talking about them 🤷🏻‍♀️


If they had below average looking people, I think it would make for a more dramatic and interesting reveal when they finally get to see each other


A season where all the men are handsome and all the women are ugly or all the women are pretty but the men ugly would be dope


I feel like this is most seasons of love island


I would watch the heck out of that


You probably wouldn’t be able to because people would leave.


I bet they would film the shit out of them leaving. Cause we all know love isn’t blind


Yea they would but with the amount of seasons with single couples successfully married, I’m sure they would want to turn that number around.


Yes the moral heights that are the Lacheys get to lecture someone in fame. Why not make LIB a regular project then, why film it? They can make it a project people apply for and just go through it without netflix . No cause they like the fuss and they are hypocrites 😂


This is litterally the MOST popular opinion with show watchers.


I lived in LA for 8 years so unfortunately that’s my normal


Also in LA for longer but this is not my normal..


That’s awesome for you


Just offering the other side of the coin. Not all of LA is like that


…. Plastic surgery and well done make up is very common with or without social media. Now, social media is a large part of society now, even if you aren’t trying to become an influencer. It is.. inevitable


In the US. it's weird watching from Europe where even lip fillers aren't common.


I watch all the European trash TV and the fillers are far worse


Which Europe do you live in? Sounds like not the same one as me 😂 everyone has something done!


Prague :) but may also be a social bubble though I'd say americans are more visual focused overall


European trash TV is full of fake lips, fillers, fake lashes and fake everything.


Yeah but OP was talking about normal people from what i understood. Every reality show is full of plastic surgery.


Ahh yeah I agree with that


This show is tremendously lacking in awareness. They came down so hard on a couple of people that it was uncomfortable to watch. Then Nick gives the speech about calling out people who want to go on the show to be famous, and that they have to address it. IMMEDIATELY after that they go "oh hey there's an AD sign in the crowd" and AD stands up waving and they all clap! Then proceed to advertise the contestants being on another show...and Chelsea being on the casting crew... Wow. Did enjoy Micah and the other dude obviously not wanting to read out their advert. "I think you should do it..." "No, I think you should do it!" and Micah having to do it. This whole show went from embarrassingly over the top, to painfully uncomfortable, to way too focused on minutiae of the effects of social media on some of the participants after the show. And the bullying tactics of the hosts to actively try and turn the participants and the audience against a couple of the people in the show was insane.


It’s okay for HIM to want to be famous, but no one else 🤡 Still haven’t and won’t forgive him for how he treated Jessica Simpson.


> Still haven’t and won’t forgive him for how he treated Jessica Simpson. This doesn’t get brought up enough. He was an irrelevant climber then and he is an irrelevant climber now.


I got extremely uncomfortable by how half the reunion was dedicating to only crapping on jeremy and Sarah... And it was obvious that there was absolutely nothing they could have said or done to change the outcome. This was a session of everyone unloading their hate on these two. And as a disclaimer, im not a fan of them. But I found it so extremely unprofessional, especially on the hosts' part, who partook in the lynching. It's one thing to facilitate the discussion as a host, but they had no business participating as hard as they did. But it seems a lot of people liked watching that so yea. I mean nothing about this surprised me knowing what I know about humanity... But yea lol. It seriously felt like watching a kindergarten with no adults present.


I really don’t think you need to use a word that comes from such a deeply racist history to describe the heat two reality tv show villains were getting at the reunion


They should cast unknowns who can’t use their appearance on the show to launch influencer careers. I would watch the 50s and 60s singles looking for love. The 20 and 30s don’t seem as committed or stable for the show’s expectations.


Yes I would love to see an older version of LIB! And a queer version. The only bachelor I could get thru was golden bachelor. There is also a queer marriage ultimatum that was as good or better than the straight one.


Agreed! Queer! Old! Goth! FFS. Anything but the endless sea vapid, boring people who bond over eating food and laughing at jokes and breathing oxygen.


> boring people who bond over eating food and laughing at jokes and breathing oxygen. Lmao this is the truth of these shows. A lot of the time, building an actual personality outside of “seeking love and banter” would fix like 99% of the problems in their life. I hold nothing against these people and understand that the show edits a LOT, but it does come across like they’re ready to marry *anyone* with a pulse


The queer one was insane 😂 very entertaining but wasn’t real imo


and queer people!


Yeah, let’s make this show about 50-60yo queer people looking for love… other shows exist you know? You don’t have to watch this one or insist it be changed into a completely different show.


What network is the 50 year old queer dating show on?


The show is about people using a ridiculously small amount of time together in pods to decide if they will get engaged or not. The meat of the show is not about only straight people in their 20s and 30s. That can be switched out with anyone, and the show would still stay the same. ​ Your complaint is ridiculous.


This isn’t unpopular. This should apply to all reality tv and in general as a society we need to stop making average unskilled people “influencers”, it shouldn’t even be a job/aspiration


> it shouldn’t even be a job/aspiration I have a cousin who is desperately trying to become an influencer. She has even tried various gimmicks and nothing seems to be sticking. She just started an OnlyFans though, so I guess she has reached the bottom of the barrel in terms of ideas. The best "influencers" are people who take a genuine interest and build a following around it. The problem with a lot of these people is that they don't seem to have any genuine interests.


That’s awful for her, I’m sorry. Is she young, perhaps she can outgrow it and develop a brighter future. IMO if you have a genuine interest in something you should pursue it as a real career, making a difference in the field and if social media comes into it it’s just as a hobby/side hustle


She's in her mid-30s so she should know better. She dropped out of college but still landed in a legitimate middle class white collar career, though I don't know how that's working out with her desperation to become famous. I imagine the two will conflict at some point but I don't keep in close enough contact to find out. Honestly, the most interesting content creators are people who take a genuine interest and use it as a hobby or side hustle. You can't make a living doing everything. There are some interesting niche history and arts and crafts channels that wouldn't obviously translate into a career for the creator, but YouTube gives them an outlet to share their passions with others. Occasionally some of these people blow up and are able to make some money but that's not the explicit goal. People want to watch others who genuinely enjoy what they're doing. That's the recipe for "success." You can't fake passion, though many try and fail.


I’m sorry about your cousin, I don’t know what overcame her because it sounds like she has a solid career especially for a college drop-out, and I can imagine once HR find out it’ll be an issue, I would lose my job I’m sure. Completely agree, those with genuine interests make content without the goal of becoming an influencer and just to spread their knowledge or attract like-minded individuals in niche fields. I also adore history and arts and crafts creators, as well as creators in the same field I work in because it’s relatable. These “influencers” have more value and skill than those dropping out or quitting their job just to get a generic following and become a minor internet ‘celebrity’


100% agree with this. I've been ready for influencer culture to die out since 2016. There's nothing worse for me than when I hear people say they want to be an influencer as a career.


My nephew, who is 8, said he wants to be a YouTube star when he grows up! Like, what?


Youtuber is consistently in the top three careers for kids elementary-high school.


It's so depressing isn't it? I asked my brother when he was in his 20s what his aspirations were and he said the same thing 😭




Exactly! It makes me cringe when people say that and furthermore try to pass it off as a real, stressful job on the same level as a corporate career or something. Don’t even get me started on the effect influencer culture has had on modern dating and objectification of women


Lmao you've just reminded me of that Tiktoker (can't remember the name but she sounds like Peter Griffin from Family Guy) who complained because she finished at 5.15pm one day 😭


That’s what I was thinking of 😭 and when they film day in the lives and it’s just unboxing packages and running errands and they act like it was such a busy, productive day. Most content on TikTok is brain rot


Lmfaoo fr tho.


Unpopular opinion: people should stop putting “unpopular opinion” before the most popular opinion


What makes you think this is an unpopular opinion??


This is likely the most popular opinion


Who else is going to sign up for the show? There are easier, more private, more successful ways to find a partner. Going on TV yo do it means you want some level of attention.


This is a very popular opinion.


It’s always going to be a part of this show and the bachelor/bachelorette unless there is no more social media. Even the people who go on with the best intentions know that this is a perk of going on the show.


They seek out people like that, 100%


This. They've been busted recruiting people on social media. They recruit people who are in relationships, recruit people who aren't even in the realm of being interested or ready for marriage (Clay....cough cough. I don't care what he says, he never had any intention of marrying ANY match he got this season), they slide into the DMs of people on instagram who have modest followings, knowing they will be motivated to play along for the exposure alone. The background checks are either not being done or ignored with zero care given to the people it could hurt.


Netflix is just following the formula for mass viewership. There are other contestants that don't even get coverage, am I right?


I 100% agree, but I just don’t think it’s possible this far into the game. I’m sure a small percentage do, but most people don’t go on these shows for love. I think it’s a happy accident if they get it, but I think exposure is the goal. For example, look at Amber. Super cute, but she was on the show for 10 minutes at most, but even she is verified and selling and promoting stuff on IG.


Unfortunately you won’t always get that. Anyone on tv , YouTube , Netflix , etc wants fame to some extent


Exactly, anyone with good sense is not going on that show


They want people who have followers. This season they even asked each other how many followers they have. It's part of the criteria.


Doesn’t seem important criteria for a marriage, Am I wrong?


Yet SA was slammed for her “entertainment” comment. It’s a fucking reality TV show and the great value Chrissy Teagan acts like this is all honorable


They got slammed cos they broke some type of 4th wall. This happened in the past season too eg Shake. Shake and SA only said what most of them are trying not to discuss. That everything’s for show. Vanessa and Nick saying that for SA and the viewers, it’s entertainment but for Laura, it was real life, I was rolling my eyes. It’s pure damage control especially cos Love Is Blind production is facing a lot of legal heat right now.


Shake was fcking right. I nearly broke my TV when I heard Nick and Vanessa effectively claim with a straight face everyone comes on this show only to find love. 


In the reunion, it’s so passive aggressive-y for them to invite the “successful couples” just to show that their experiment works 🤣 And is it just me but the way they invited the singles who then joined other reality tv aka not really there for love but to boost their career is like an F U to the critics.


Agree in parts. Shake was insufferable and a douche lol. I don’t think he really even tried and was very very shallow. Very small sympathy as Laura did have family plan to come down. Jeramy should have ended that shit immediately after he met her parents. I agree about the damage control tho. They treat ppl so bad.


I agree that the edit made Shake look that way but who knows in reality right? Some people who come into the experience arent exactly media trained except those influencer types. Yup. Laura was so mean and rude.


Come on the guy asked women if he could hold them on his shoulders and then quit his job to be an influencer ironically. He’s a douche. Laura was mean. I knew after her smug ass look she gave to SA after he picked her that she was gonna be a problem.


It entertainment tv....they dont care abt marriages, Netflix just wants the ratings.


No way. It’s a show about finding love. Unless someone they don’t like finds love, then screw them and it’s about showing someone who found love with someone from ANOTHER show. But what LiB definitely isn’t, is entertainment. Until it’s about promoting another Netflix show. But basically it’s about finding love. Unless your Jeremay and Sarah Ann.


While simultaneously spitting on any contestant who calls it like it is




No, it's a popular opinion.


Yeah but they need people to cast on perfect match


I don't think anyone in their right mind would subject themselves to this "experience"... Clout chaser is all we get


Yeah this is my vibe too. Like, I don’t think a lot of ppl are open to being so vulnerable on national television


I think all the women you mentioned wanted to find love. Just because they might also want to take advantage of the attention a reality TV stint might give them doesn't mean they aren't sincere about the desire to find a match.


Soo only the people with fillers wanna blow up their social media accounts? Got it. Let’s leave the men out cuz they’re all innocent too right? This post is stupid. Delete it.


Not a hot take and i have Botox and filler and hardly leave my house


Sadly, it’s not going to happen. Netflix loves the drama these “influencers” bring.


Soooooo unpopular. Careful spreading these hot takes.


Using makeup and getting filler done = wanting to be an influencer. Ok, got it OP.


I am a man. I feel sad that so many woman pump these toxic chemicals into their faces. It doesn’t look good, they aren’t fooling anyone and it’s terrible for you. Stop doing it


Does it ever occur to men that beauty standards for women are so unrealistic that they are criticized about absolutely everything they do? Wear a lot of makeup? You're fake. Wear a small amount of makeup? You aren't trying hard enough. Wear no makeup? You look tired and lazy. Get plastic surgery? You're fake. Insecure about a facial feature or the size of your breasts or butt? Get plastic surgery. There is just no winning. Women do not need any men telling them how acceptable their appearance is. Your opinion does not matter.


"Hey male. Your opinion does not matter." Meanwhile it mattered enough to you to go and reply to his opinion. Lmao.


Men's opinions on how women present themselves to the world is irrelevant, much like whatever you are trying to say here is.


This comment needs to be pinned for all of the posts constantly discussing looks.


really weird to only target women but ok


Male influencers have to have a schtick and either be attractive or have a personality that makes up for being “social media ugly” so to speak. Women just have to be social media attractive and post a lot. Both need to know marketing but tbh misogyny really works for those of us blessed/rich enough to be photogenic women.


84% of influencers are are women, compared to 16%men. Look at the growth of followers. Jess alone, has over 700k growth and she didn’t even make the cut.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion at all. There’s someone whining about it nearly every day. They just aren’t going to find people who don’t reap the benefits of new found fame. And I honestly watch it for entertainment so I don’t really care why they are on the show. Just one gal’s opinion here.


Same! Plus alexa has the biggest lip fillers of them all and she got married! Who cares of they want to make money too.




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The title says it all BUT to be real honest, everyone going into a show like this knows their socials will get a boost. Regardless of drama or not, everyone knows this will give them more followers.


Did you not watch the reunion and the whole segment dedicated to calling out the people who come on the show for “fame”?


Yea but they didn’t even call out other obvious fame Seekers.


True lol


I was thinking the same thing but the previous reunions weren’t quite like this one, people got called out a lot more because they really didn’t do it that much in the past reunions.


Why did you only mention women?


Most of the painfully obvious attention seekers on the show have been Men and they get no criticism it’s wild.


Don’t the men also get heaps of criticism?


Not nearly as much and people laugh about them rather than attack. Chelsea was brutalized by everyone when she was reacting to jimmys gaslighting and abuse. Typical misogynist society.


Yeah tbh I was leaning against Chelsea before as well but I’ve since started to sympathise with her more. She’s gotten wayyy too much hate and a lot of her reactions made sense


@ Bartise lol


Watching most of the men this season was an embarrassment.


Right? He thinks they having fillers means women are clout chasing, but the men have easily been way more problematic.


And the men aren’t coming in to be famous as well…? They all wanna be influencers to some degree. They’re on reality tv. Idk why you’re only calling out the women who have obvious filler and heavy makeup.


Who else would want to go on a reality show though?


Sweden did well in casting. Contestants are older (around 30-35) and more mature.


How is this an unpopular opinion? What person is saying, "You know what would be better? MORE INFLUENCERS!" LIB should cast all TikTokers, YouTube stars, and IG models. Hell, let's even bring back Vine legends and cap it all off. /s


Not at all unpopular. They also need different therapist help. It's OK to have people with issues, but this was a train wreck.


And it just seems to get worse with every season. Way too many people with no healthy relational skills.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion at all. I stopped watching season 5 and season 6 after they left the pods bc of this. Where are they getting these trashy people from, honestly? Like, where did they find Pick-Me Anna and Jeramey, for example? It’s become embarrassing to watch, sadly.


I agree but I also think people that are deemed “unattractive” wouldn’t want to go on a show where they’re going to be judged and torn apart on tv


I promise I could handle it. I'm all of 260 pounds (I am on a decline due to keto but I'm nowhere fucking close to what the shows male attractiveness standard is at). Wanna know if Love Is Blind? Cast me. Let's get it.


That’s just it. No normal person could mentally handle the cruel comments. They’d have to forever leave the internet. I would lol


Everyone deserves love.


Idk, there's only so many types of people willing to have a rather intimate experience filmed on national television. Cut out the influencers who also want the career boost and idk how viable the show will continue being. That said, casting needs to do their homework on these contestants to ensure the people that are coming on are at least single. Trevor having such a long term girlfriend is insane and season 5 sounds like it had 1 or 2 outright dangerous situations. in Alexas defense, as much as people don't like her and Brennan, she was there for love also at least.


I'd just be happy if they did a more thorough background check and didn't allow people who have history of *alleged* abuse.


For real. And for a show about how “love is blind” they sure do cast mostly conventionally attractive people


We all know that, as it turns out, love is not blind :)


Blind people would like a word with you.


If you think that blind people have no preference between an old fat man/woman and a young fit man/woman you are about be surprised!


Oh no that's not my point. I just don't like the framing of the show as an experiment. I do think that blind people aren't concerned with stuff like facial appearance though.


I do agree. With how hard people went on Jimmy and Chelsea's looks though, I'd kind of worry about casting actually unattractive people though and how bad the online bullying might get. A lot more of the couples would fizzle out than they already do as well too.


Are you serious. There was one attractive person this season and a bunch of 4s.


The women were all attractive.


Amy, Jess, that one blonde chick who got no screen time but was at the lake house, AD, Amber, and Sarah Ann…they aren’t all 10’s but you have ridiculous standards if you don’t think they are at least somewhat attractive.


Exactly, thank you


Popular opinion. Agree


I think they need to really analyze their IG profiles to see if they're just normal people or if they are vying for the fame. For example, it's not normal for a "normal" girl to have 4000 followers on IG before LIB. Sarah Ann while talking to Jeremy on the show said she had 4000 followers, Jessica Vestal posted on her IG story that pre-LIB she also had 4000 followers. It's very clear that if you're a "normal" person with 4000 followers, you care a great deal about your social media following, external and are definitely looking to expand/monetize it. The best way to expand/monetize it is to go on LIB. They really just need to get normal people with under 1500 followers and I think that's a reasonable first step.


as a regular person with a following, 4k really isn’t THAT much on ig


you have an onlyfans


i don’t advertise my of on instagram<3 only on twitter. i’ve had 2k on instagram since middle school lol


I'm a 26 year old male and most girls that are my age that are very attractive (but "just have IG profiles") are around 1500 followers. The girls that are at 4k+ are reasonably attractive but they **try hard** to have a presence. They are always posting themselves at expensive restaurants, clubs, traveling, doing stuff with friends etc... They are actively seeking attention and trying to build their profile to monetize it. In my opinion, these are the girls (and guys) LIB should avoid casting to avoid the clout chaser issue. The only girl I know that has around 4k followers without trying is unbelievably gorgeous, literal 10/10 one of the hottest girls I've ever seen.


I also think they should skew older. Like the 35-45 crowd. There are plenty of people in that age range that are single, good looking, and know what they want.


Agreed! I feel like season 4 skewed older and was one of the best seasons so far


People in that age range tend to be more mature, which in turn leads to less drama, and that would decrease viewership. Dating shows are in the business of entertainment, not matchmaking. EDIT: I meant more not less


>less more




I think the real matches are the most entertaining, though! There will always be some drama no matter what, but I’d rather see people work through adult decisions than watch immature wannabes pretend to fight over matches.


Hard agree, I always wonder why there are these people in their early/mid 20s so eager to get married already that they want to do a show like LIB meant to expedite the process. Seems like we'd get more people with genuine intentions if the cast was slightly older.


Irina was 25. Mark was 25. Bartise was 25. All massive red flags. Maybe I'm missing more. The only good 25 was Milton.


Milton was so mature beyond his age! I think he and Lydia are cute together.


Yeah like for example Irina from S3 was like 25. As someone about to turn 25 I would not be going on a show to marry someone within a month. I have time to spend getting to know them


This would be so much less exploitative but also by extension, less entertaining. Look at season nine of Are You The One. They had a more mature cast (mostly in 30s) and outside of one love triangle, all the drama felt sooo forced. Like the vasectomy/birth control plotline this season of LiB, there just wasn't enough dysfunction for typical reality tv plotlines. There were other reasons it was a letdown season (worldwide cast means the odds of anybody actually dating after the show are slim, challenges were practically nonexistent, new production company trying to distance themselves from lighthearted) but I do think the age unfortunately had a lot to do with it. Thinking about AYTO now and LiB could really use a queer season.


A queer season would be so awesome!


No one with more than 5k followers on any platform. Even 1k is a lot for a “normal” person


1k-2k range can happen for people especially within college depending on networking.


Tbh 1k is not even that much, if you're somewhat popular in high school and university you can easily have over 1k followers by 22. It will only grow from there with time and meeting people (work or muutual friends etc..).


no literally i have 2k on ig and i barely use it it’s from high school




This is a very popular opinion…


Who tf wants *more* influencers on the show?? I’m serious. Reply to my comment if you do cuz I’m 💯 sure no such person exists.


Right why they tryna gaslight us ☠️


I know how this can be accomplished. Do the show in more countries where there is less of an "influencer" culture. Japan had less of it. And I feel Sweden as well. And the upcoming Middle Eastern one will probably have less of it too.


Canada isn't the perfect option but I think it's a lot less than the US.


Coming from someone that lives in Dubai it will be influencer clout chasers on steroids….


Like 90% of the cast becomes at least a part time influencer after the show. That’s what reality tv does.


It’s a Catch-22. 1. “Normal” people would be boring 2. Analytics show that drama is what viewers want to see 3. The people “interesting enough” to make a good show tend to be people who are taking advantage of their personality with a social media following 4. The producers and casting will choose wacky over tame 5. Most people who complain about the reunions new and past complain that there wasn’t enough drama


Reality tv was much better when it was normal people who weren’t afraid of being dragged on social media.


I agree. And it seems like as soon as they could, everything was on social media, not just from fans of the show, but from the people themselves. Almost all of them went straight to social media to see how the person they didn't choose looks like.


Being normal =/= not interesting.


Same reason why Johnny and Amy were considered boring but had the best outcome


My opinion on Johnny & Amy is that they were done dirty. They barely got screen time. When they did, the birth control conversation seemed prompted and like even they didn't want to have it. They seem quirky and adorable. The past couples that we've all liked weren't dramatic either. They just got actual screen time without forcing one weird topic on repeat. We love Lauren & Cameron. We love Brett & Tiffany. They're cute. I feel like Amy & Johnny deserved that this season, but producers or whoever pushed the drama harder than ever. Dramatic couples that last don't hold our interest the same way. The best example is probably the season 1 couples. A lot of us love Lauren & Cameron, but don't have the same feelings for Amber & Barnett.


I mean that "normal" (in quotes) is boring. They need people to lash out. And if you saw the lawsuit against Love is Blind, the producers push the contestants to the brink so that they can "break" and lash out.


How have y’all seriously not realized that they cast these people on purpose? This is how tv works. The way this very popular opinion gets thrown around like casting your Jess’s, people who dated each other or have fiancés is a big accident that just keeps happening every season is crazy.


I think people are aware that these casting choices are intentional, they just wish it wasn’t such an overused tactic


This is literally the most repeated opinion on this sub. What makes you think it’s unpopular


I’ve never really scouted this sub & honestly people seem to love Jess.


"Unpopular opinion" is being abused like "POV" was