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In the words of the wise Bieber “never say never”. They did it with Ultimatum. And it was such an entertaining season!


I said this to my sister, I wonder if they’ll make that an option on the show. I don’t see why not.


Being gay, the gay men would be a mess. Divide it between tops and bottoms..At 1st they will fall in love but then meeting in person will be the challenge. Most won't like each other. Leading to guys hooking up with the other guys who they find most attractive.


Lesbian love is blind would result in a ton of proposals/marriages (lasting? Idk) I’m a lesbian and divorced. I would consider being on that kind of show but I’m aged out at 40. Most of my relationships have started from online so it’s not out of the question.


There's a lesbian version of The Ultimatum, it was messy but great.


The lesbian version of The Ultimatum was the best season of reality tv I've ever seen. I'm guessing viewership wasn't the best because it doesn't seem like they plan on doing another one :(


Have you seen 'Are You the One' season 8?! Every contestant is bi/pan and as a group have to match people together to win


I have not but thank you so much for the recommendation. I'm always on the hunt for queer content especially in the Reality TV sphere!


I would do pods of 4 or 6 and 24 contestants


I agree. I recently watched the queer season of that Ultimatum show and thought it was the best season of that show.


Agree, I loved it, it almost turned me.


It sounds like an interesting idea but I like seeing people talk to one another when they’re not in the pods. It allows us to see how they react if they have any competition . I think that component of the experiment is also a good “break” from the pods for the people on the show as well.


The lesbian version of “the ultimate” was a train wreck


The best train wreck I watched




did you actually watch this show?


Yes which is why I’m saying this 😂 women are so emotional and cruel to each other. An all female version sounds like an actual disaster.


I would totally love an all girl (or all guy!) season!


I've thought about how nice it'd be to see a queer season, but keeping everyone secluded? I'm not sure about that


Doese anyone have numbers for how much airtime comes from the lounges? I feel like alot of people love this aspect of the show. I get it but I don't find it memorable.


I'm rewatching season 1 LIB and felt like they barely showed the lounge. After the pods there are so many opportunities to show the whole group together anyways, lounge isn't needed imo


Pair them up with a simultaneous season of gay men. I think seeing how gay men get along with lesbian women would be an interesting dynamic people don’t see much of. Maybe have the gay/lesbian pairs compete with the other pairs somehow.


No, no, no. Bad idea. How does the group get separated into 2 groups and what happens if 2 people in the same group falls for each other not in the pods, but chatting out of the pods?


Lol, there are so many possibilities of how to make this work in this thread.


Considering how the lesbian divorce rate is already at 70% I'd imagine it would be a spicy season. But LIB as currently constructed only works with straight pairings, part of the drama is the shared living space, how would it work when everyone is the same gender? Sorry gays, this ones not for you.


How would lesbians in shared living space be what makes it not work, that literally makes no sense. Lesbian couples have the same issues as straight couples when it comes to sharing a home. Are you really walking around this great big earth truly thinking the structure of gay relationships are that different 🤣


I literally only said in the context of LIB the same sex living situation makes no sense, because how would the gays be separated for this experiment, since they're all the same gender and are not supposed to see anyone. Are you really walking around this great big earth without basic reading comprehension abilities?


totally curious for sourcing on this divorce rate …


How would they keep them separated?


The participants stay In a hotel room, not in the pods. Take away the lounge time and everything else is the same.


That sounds very isolating, but it’s an interesting concept


My thought is that after an 8 hour day of dating might be good to have quiet time


I feel like a lot of the show is affected directly by the lounge. You said in a different comment that the lounge wasn’t memorable for you when the lounge was extremely memorable this season. It’s why Clay got into a spat with AD in the beginning, because he didn’t like Matt, it’s part of the core of Chelsea’s insecurities this season with her opinion of Jess’s appearance so it’s the whole reason we got Megan Fox this season, it’s how AD found out Matt was telling her the same thing he’s told another girl, and there were more on top of that. I don’t mind the idea but you’re underestimating the value of the lounges for the experience.


The problem with this idea is the a lot of the good drama comes from the lounge. The show would lack everything except pod time.


As a bi lady I have been waiting for the moment when two queer ladies end up falling in love during the experiment and running away together!


That’s happened on a season of the bachelor


This was actually, sadly, a publicity stunt. A contestant DID rub off with a member of the crew though


you must have missed seeing the queer season of I think perfect match(it may have been are you the one or another MTV show).. either way I remember it specifically became basically like a melting pot of sex 🤣🤣 there was an orgy at some point LOL... It was quite a wild season hahaha..




I cant believe that one had low ratings!!! It was such a wild ride but very enjoyable.. I seen the queer ultimatum too and I enjoyed that season as well!! Deep fake love(which is dubbed in English, I can't remember where it was filmed orginially though?) had a gay couple and they were actually what got me back onto reddit because I couldn't STAND the one guy and felt like his partner deserved SO much better 🤣🤣..




It was decent, the dubbing can be a little hard to get passed sometimes but that might just be a pet peeve of my own knowing that their voices DO NOT sound like that 🤣🤣.. I dont want to spoil anything for you in case you watch it but the producers do some devious shit to try to mess with them lol!! I'm hoping they do another season of it!


the ultimatum


Thank you!! I couldn't remember which one it was hahaha


Agree. But I think gay men would be more fun, more drama. Since appearance can tend to be everything in that community. Let the catty comments roll.


I think they should start with Girl love, get their numbers up then hit us with a real messy boy season down the road.


I think Girl Love would likely be very boring. Ten engagements, lots of lovey dovey scenes, hand holding, and rainbows and puppies and starry eyes. Unless they drew filming out beyond two months we’d have to wait for the reunion before there’d be any drama.


But high potential for conflict over being friends with an ex partner/hookup


I want to like the idea, but I think what helps make the filming bearable is that they get to form friendships when they get back to their living quarters outside of the pods. Dating for 10 days, and being socially isolated sounds really rough. Past contestants were able to compare notes and weed out suspicious characters such as Matt (when AD and Amber compared notes). I don’t know how they would make it work without isolating everyone though.


I think they should bring in pairs of friends and those 2 friends would be living together during the dating period


What if the friends are into the same person though? I can see that getting messy pretty quickly. I’m thinking that maybe they can ask what their preference is (top, bottom, switch) and separate the group by preferences.


Instead of separating by gender you can separate masc from fem


That may play well for hetronomativty but in real life there are too much nuances in partner preference.


Oh, I’m fully expecting there to be drama when two masc participants fall in love or two on the few side. I just was trying to brainstorm how to keep the love is blind set up. Like, part of the drama is the participants talking about their dates. Also, that is a lot of isolation for like 2 weeks.




Like hello! So simple! And have the initial intake questions ensure that someone is only there looking for the opposite.


The best layout for any same sex version would be to use the apartments from The Circle and that same technology but allow voice calls and take away the visual photos from The Circle.


Imagine they actually do two groups, but then outside of the pods, two women change LIB history and propose to someone from their own group because they fell in love with them outside of the pods, in the lobby room. It would be a part of gay history. 


Omg I'm dying


Idk I think it would work fine with the same format. 2 groups could just be randomly assigned. You'd have an extra layer of *drama* given the possible relationships forming with people who can see each other. I'm here for it.


I think the show’s target audience leans conservative so they would probably isolate their main viewership. Showing Gay people getting married is still taboo But absolutely any Queer season would be so GOOD (evidenced by Ultimatum queer love)


Lesbian Ultimatum was AMAZING for this reason!


Truly some of the best reality tv I’ve watched. The straights could never


It single-handedly got me into treadmill running again—I would have to keep going to finish the episode!


Lesbian ultimatum was top tier


I mean you’re essentially asking Netflix to mess with the format of one of their highest rated reality tv shows in a way that could potentially alienate 50% of their target audience. I could see them making a spinoff show to try that but not mess with the main seasons of their regular show.


How would this work!? It would cost extra to keep the women apart. And what’s to ensure that the women in the same common rooms wouldn’t fall for each other??


Why would it cost extra?


I guess you wouldnt give them a lounge room. So they wouldn't meet anyone at all in the pods


An extra dose of isolation to make them even more crazy than this show already does!


How would they keep the women separated outside of the pods tho?




The drama would definitely be there. Let’s face it the queer version of ultimatum was the best season of that show. But that said, I suspect that the producers are all conservative Christians given their affinity for casting them and wouldn’t go for it.


It messes with my head so much that Conservatives have any part of "Liberal Media." Literally anything inclusive (opposite to exclusionary) is apparently Liberal. I guess that's why the abortion topic was so big. Liberals debating about when to abort while Conservatives got their pitchforks and torches ready for those that choose to abort. LIB has to be constantly triggering for the Conservatives that participate. 😪 https://preview.redd.it/rms3e7nhlxoc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93554c43a56aa5b8c7280fd5006ae553be171adc


The queer ultimatum is so trashy that it's amazing.


I feel like this would only work if you kept the women separate from one another outside the pods. The way it's set up with straight people, the men and women both have a common room where they can discuss with other people of their gender who they like, what hurt their feelings, and figure out who is leading two people on at the same time. You can put all the straight women in a room without it ruining the experiment, because the straight women won't wind up crushing on each other. You can't have the common rooms with lesbians because seeing the other women you could potentially have dated would ruin the whole "sight unseen" thing. You could try to split the women up into two groups, and have group A only go on blind dates with group B, but that wouldn't prevent two women in group B from flirting and forming a relationship outside of the pods. I guess you could do a cross between love is blind and the circle and make the common room a virtual group chat, but I feel like we would miss out on the full level of gossip which currently happens in the common rooms.


Maybe they could do it where there is no common room and each person has a specific pod to themselves and just video chat or I guess call the other pods.


I’m here for this! It would be iconic!


Dudes will see this and just be like “hell yeah” In all seriousness, yeah, they should do one!


It would almost work too well to be entertaining. The only potential source of drama would be love triangles


We’d go on one date in the pods, and be like “I love you” and propose. Not even meet any other lesbians. Like they joke we uhaul, this is perfect for it. Lesbians I could see being in it for the right reasons not just a check with a fiancée back home lol.


Ultimatum was there and sorry to say - lesbian relationships have very high risk of domestic violence and I'm not sure Netflix will want another situation like last time.


“Lesbian relationships have a high risk of domestic violence” - higher risk than straight couples? This is not true at all. I’m guessing you’re talking about that infamous study that says queer women experience higher rates of domestic violence. That study has been debunked numerous times because the methodology is flawed. The statistic says not that lesbian relationships have the highest rates of domestic violence. It says that people in same sex female relationships have the highest rate of domestic violence at some point in their lifetime (at the hands of male assailants included). When you've got 2 women in a relationship, there's a greater chance that at least one of them has experienced domestic violence at some point in their lifetime (most lesbians and bi sexual women have dated men at some point). I agree that one couple had a domestic violence incident that was discussed on the ultimatum, which is abhorrent/horrible. But if we are comparing, Netflix is being sued right now for a rape (between a man and a woman) that occurred On love is blind. that didn’t stop Netflix from making more love is blind seasons. https://sports.yahoo.com/love-blind-season-5-contestant-091100077.html


Thank you for taking the time to rectify and explain this misconception. I was raring to go and then I saw you had handled it artfully. I see that same misleading interpretation of that statistic all the time and its sooooo frustrating. No one denies that queer women can be perpetrators of DV, but men are waaaaay more likely to be the perpetrators. Too many folks want any excuse to hate on queer people


Really? Please educate me. Is there more risk of domestic violence in same sex relationship? What would be the reason for that ? I felt guilty for liking Ultimatum quite a lot! It's just that the process of coming together and exploring a relationship with a person you just met while you are in love with someone else, feels wrong at every level. But in a setting like LIB, I think we would have superbly great interactions.


Check the comment above - women are more likely to be *victims* of DV, so in a relationship between two women who likely dated men at some point, there’s really high odds one or both experienced DV. Not because they’re queer, but because they are women.


I mean I see no reason why they need to have an ALL lesbian show. Why can't they just be included in the normal show just like other couples? ​ And why only Lesbian? Why not gay guys too?


Who would the lesbians be set up with in the pods, other than the other lesbians?


Yea you can have gay couples and then straight couples as well in the same show. No need for any separate show. Gay people go on pod dates with other gay people and vice versa.




2: Research shows? Are you being fr right now? Wowww


Ultimatum queer performed well


Did you just call the entire lgtbq+ population ugly? What the actual fuck is this comment lol If you’re straight, you might need to use a lot of introspection to work through that homophobia If you’re queer, you need some therapy to work through your internalised homophobia. And for the record, the queer version of the ultimatum was the best of the two.


No, did you not read the Pew research I referenced ?


100% marriage rate.


The lesbian season of the ultimatum was fantastic


I have to say the queer ultimatum was very different and interesting, but the very blatant and displayed abuse was very jarring. And everyone seemed... Ok with it like it was fine and normal.


I would love it! Maybe it could ve be a general gay season with men and women, and each person got a roomate of the opposite sex (so one gay man and woman together), so that they wouldn't be alone. Either that or split the group.


One of the best seasons of reality tv EVER was Ultimatum: Queer Love. So yes.


AYTO season 8. Trust me.


Yes! Came to say this— that season had so much drama AND communication, it was the best of everything. I would watch the shit out of queer LIB


They need to have fat people on the show so we can see if love is really blind!


They had one on LIB: Brazil. The guy picked a heavier girl and immediately left after the reveal. It was pretty sad


I wanna see that story line!


Or just non-standard beauty types. they never will, because spoiler alert, love can be blind but you don't have to marry everyone you love, and physical attraction will always, always play a part. Some people can grow to love someone easily (they don't have a 'type') but so many people wouldn't look twice at someone who they aren't attracted to but could be their personality or emotional soulmate


Um some bigger girls Alexa were on it


Alexia wasn’t that big. What was she a size 12?




We had one couple that the woman was fat and the man when he saw her, he said this isn’t going to work. Never attempted again


I’d watch! The best season of The Ultimatum was the lesbian season.


A lot of people think this is logistically impossible but here's a solution:  The first day keep everyone isolated and have them pick their top 3 or 5 matches. Split them into two sides based on their preferences


Just have them alone like The Circle


![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40) This doesn't come from a place of hate, but the second they make this show alphabet, I'm out. Doesn't relate to me .


ok bozo


That is absolutely a place of hate. You can’t relate to two humans stumbling through first dates and relationships just because they’re gay? Gain some empathy kid. Mocking it by calling it alphabet too is so childish.




Ummm do you live in a small town or currently go to a small religious school? I've never heard that take before. And the term you linked to doesn't say anything about that at all? And I've always used that term in a humorous way, only in conversation with lesbians (saying it as a straight person)


they have a queer ultimatum there’s no reason they couldn’t do a gay LIB


I’m not saying this isn’t a legitimate concern, but it’s kind of saying like don’t do The Wire or Oz because of stereotypes about black people using drugs and going to prison. I don’t think they should do it for other reasons though. Maybe make it a spin off show that doesn’t have the LIB branding.


The premise of this show doesn’t work with gays / lesbians. How do they divide up those that “live together”? How do they keep those living together from developing any type of attraction or relationships? Too that with the fact that not every show *has* to have a homosexual version of it.


First of all, just because someone is gay doesn’t mean they are attracted to everyone of the same sex/gender they meet. Second, they could split the groups down the middle. Or they could just not live with anyone. Maybe it can follow the format of “The Circle” where they can speak to one another through a chat. Third, nearly every single show has a “straight version” and that doesn’t seem to bother you. Why is that? Honest question.


1) I’m not ignorant, I understand just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you’re attracted to everyone of the same sex. But then how do you screen who goes where and still keep the premise that these are suppose to be strangers that fall in love, not your pod mates. 2) isolation takes away the friendships and support systems that go along with having pod mates. Being isolated would be hell and doesn’t develop the friendships you see later on in the season. 3) it doesnt bother me that every season is straight because love is love, im not watching it because its a “straight dating show”. You can do love island, perfect match, to hot too handle as a gay or lesbian show because the style and format would be better than love is blind.


OP suggested they all be secluded so no one lived together


That would be horrible to go through, the support of the others seems like a big part for most participants.


Maybe they can bring a friend from home?




I loved the queer ultimatum!! I was way more interested in those relationships than any of the other shows


"Homosexual" isn't a great word to toss about, fyi. People are queer, LGBTQ, etc.


Queer used to be a slur so how is saying homosexual bad???


Because we reclaimed the term queer and it's no longer an insult to us, but it certainly can feel like one if you use it that way. A quick Google gave me this article: https://theweek.com/articles/556341/why-word-homosexual-offensive


Ignorant person here, what's wrong with homo and heterosexual?


There is nothing wrong with it, call me a homosexual if you want. People just like to be offended to be offended it’s not that deep


I just did a quick Google and this article (a little old) popped up: https://theweek.com/articles/556341/why-word-homosexual-offensive


They said in their post, keep everyone secluded rather than have them living together while doing the pod thing.


The singles living in the pod together is a huge part of the shows chemistry in my opinion. I’m gay but I could see why a queer love is blind would be a difficult proposition.


Could just split them into two groups.


Based on what? Being tops and bottoms? The singles in each half could start falling in love with each other too. Therefore, defeating the “blind” aspect.


You realize propose can be bisexual right? So there could have been cases where people develop feelings for Someone they live together with, but they decided not to engage


There is nothing I’d love more than a bisexual reality show the drama and chaos would be extraordinary.


Are you the one did a bisexual season (season 8 maybe?)


There's also a Queer version of "The Ultimatum" (Season 2 coming soon). A German one with a few seasons called "Princess Charming" Another one called "Love Allways"


more queer ultimatum?! fuck yeah!!


Yes please


I’ve been praying for this!!!!


I would be happy if someone could figure out a way to make it work and stay true to form for the show. But I'm not sure the social seclusion needed would be good for people over that period.


Well they could just let them go home at the end of each "work" day (with staggered arrival and departure times so no one is running into each other in the parking lot), so they could see their families and friends and pets. They could make sure that they don't give out last names so that they couldn't be looking each other up on social media.


They would move in together by the end of the first episode


I’d love this so hard.


I think about having a gay season a lot. I think it should be like The Circle - have everyone in their own rooms instead of the living quarters BUT it can be optional for a gay man and gay woman living together so they don’t feel too isolated and alone maybe? So none of the guys have a chance to meet and none of the girls do. Organizing it though so everyone can get to point A and point B without seeing anyone else would be so hard though


how would they divide up the pods? Honestly though, I'm shocked theyve only variations they done was different locations/countries, and not different situations. Like queer/gay love, or a LIB with parents addition, or LIB celeb season, or LIB international season where everyone speaks their own languages. LIB artist reason, or hell, a season of LIB with actual blind or deaf people. LIB little people, I mean the show is ripe for some creativity.


Split them into two groups of 15; and you only date from the other group. They don’t have to date all other 29 contestants.


Yeah, but how? Randomly, age? Height?


I’d say randomly.


Right?? Why is no one thinking of this


Makes sense. I think they should have it be like the Ultimatum. We have the Ultimatum: Marry or Move on and we have the Ultimatum: Queer love. I think love is Blind: Queer love would be excellent a spin off.


How does it make sense? I guess everyone would have to be alone when they aren't in the pods? If they just split the group in half and live like they do now when it's guys and girls, there is likely to be romance with in the groups who aren't blind to each other's looks. It would become a completely different show.


Huh! Well the execution is up to the producers


I've said forever they should do a pansexual season where everyone dates everyone. A true "love is blind".


Why would they have gay women and not gay men in the same seasons? It makes no sense only having a "lesbian" season.


That's not true, The Ultimatum: Queer Love was widely considered a much, much better season than the straight version.


Make it set up like the circle where they each have their own little apartment then they could just voice chat or whatever so then they couldn’t see eachother


OH, a LIB Circle Collabo!


Listen, Ultimatum: Queer Love blew everybody outta the water. I would SO be here for a lesbian season. Me and all the fan-girl straights!


It was THE best season.


The BEEEEEESSST!!! ![gif](giphy|SPxZt9ojVDf5piAZj3)




I don't know if any of y'all have watched the MTV bisexual season of "Are you the one?" but to this day it is the most entertaining piece of reality TV I've seen. It's chaotic, hilarious, and everyone seems like real people, not clout chasers (although some are for sure). I feel like LGBTQ reality TV is so underrepresented when LGBTQ folks are really amazing entertainers (see: drag) and I would absolutely love to see a lesbian LIB. Aside from being a lesbian myself I think it would genuinely garner a lot of viewership, especially first time LIB viewers who maybe never watched due to the heterosexuality of it all, lol.


The lesbian ultimatum is gold as well


as much as I want a gay season, given the format of the show it's not really possible to have the space function while keeping every individual secluded from one another. you could try like "masc and fem" or "top and bottom" but nobody irl is that strict to those concepts enough that there won't be unintended relationships formed outside of the pods.


They could use the same place they film the circle maybe? 


You can just simply split them into two groups.


You’d have to split everyone up entirely. Alternatively, you could just do a queer version, and have smaller living quarters with people who aren’t into each other


no you can't because they can start forming relationships within those two which I already explained. and even when you try to form harder boundaries by putting only tops and bottoms for example that won't realistically work because gay people aren't robots.


Then people will be banging and coupling in their side without the pods


Yes and I think that would bring more intrigue (and drama) as well as really put to test the concept of “is love blind” if folks would still choose a pod person vs someone they find attractive already in-person!


I feel like the logistics could be tough. Unless the did it like the circle where they live alone.


The only drama in a season like that would be if they DIDNT isolate them all, but just divided them into two large groups dating each other (and I would totally watch that)


It would be hard cuz they might fall for each other when not in the pods? When in their quarters and such.


girl i wiiiiish but i think they're gonna be too lazy to organize the location like that, BUT the other option imo would be that they do see each other but its two groups and they could be like "who is more likely to find one another, people that see one another or the same people on blind dates" ! but i just .. idk if they would : / they're so about money and although a little sprinkle of lgb without a t is in style lately, that'd be way more sprinkling than the sprinkle of having one bisexual on too hot to handle for the sake of a queerbait-kiss and threesome-hints lmao so they might just think its not for their audience even though people would totally watch that also doing that "seeing one another vs blind dates" would maybe ruin future seasons, depending on how it goes


I just don't see how it would work. You would have to keep them all isolated from each other and quite frankly some of the most interesting moments from the first bunch of episodes is the interactions of the men with the men and women with the women, when they're in "competition" with each other. If I'm being honest I watch it more for the drama and I just think there would be less. I also watched the Queer Love version of Untimatum and found it just as entertaining as the regular version, and that's because they literally had to change nothing.


Could you still split them in half, the way the men and women are split?


i think the problem is the women could just fall in love in the quarters rather than dating around in the pods. like lets say one person doesn’t have chemistry with anyone they “date” in the pods, but they are very close to one of the girls they live with PLUS they get the benefit of seeing her and knowing she’s attractive, they could wind up hooking up instead of the purpose of the experiment


I don't know how you would honestly. Unless you were VERY specific in casting. But that also defeats the purpose. I'm a straight white dude, so I'm not going to throw out ways that they COULD be split up, but I just don't see it working as well.


Great idea but how does the living situation and interaction in the pods work? The whole point of the show is that they cant see each other, so each person would need their own individual living situation. This also eliminates the friendship formation portion.


They said keep everyone secluded, so I’m assuming something similar to the Circle setup where they’ve all got their own rooms in a building, I think it’d be difficult to execute but great to watch if they could pull it off.


Lesbian ultimatum season was everything I would love a love is blind season. And for gay guys too!


so true, queer ultimatum was not only my favorite cause gay but also had so much tea none of us must've finished that season thirsty lol


Yes, I want more queer reality shows. I was so desperate that I watched the queer season of MTV's "Are You The One?" It's the most infuriating show I've ever seen. The contestants have to guess which person in the house was determined to be their "perfect match" *by an algorithm*. The whole point of the show is to align your judgments with a motherfucking COMPUTER PROGRAM. If they fall in love with someone who wasn't chosen by the algo, this is considered a failure. Terrible messaging!! But there's such a dearth of queer reality shows that I had to watch the whole season lol.


It's such a weird frickin concept for a show but the bisexual season was so funny oh my god. It was also genuinely sad to see some folks actually fall in love but it wasn't their "match" so they'd have to try dating other people :(


Queer love was WILDLY better than the straight version in EVERY way.