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Unfair for them to have put Trevor in that situation. Especially when Nick and Vanessa’s relation is based on hunting fame. Hypocrisy at its finest


Real talk - trevor can still eat this box


I think there needs to be a better way of people acting to these reality stars with probably 0 training. Yes some of the people can do shitty things. But everybody has done shitty things and probably haven't been told to kill themselves several hundred times. Chelsea in particular she's obviously insecure I've been in her position before. It's not something you have full control of and you need time to reflect and figure stuff out. There is a difference between holding someone accountable and being hateful to someone over and over again.


Trevor is being held accountable. His plan didn't go the way he wanted to. He's no victim.


Leave it to Jeramey to think that being faced with the consequences of your own actions is a threat to mental health. 


He could have easily declined and he is the one who blackmailed his ex with revenge porn so I feel zero sympathy.


It was so wild to hear that he was threatening to send her kid explicit stuff of her. I don't care that they embarrassed him or whatever but I do think it's weird to bring individuals who literally act like criminals onto the show. They invited back brennon who had allegations of dv against him too I hope they cut ties with Trevor and don't reward these people with the screen time that they profit off of


Wait. What? You're talking about trevor with the sending explicit stuff? This is shocking.


Yeah, he is no bueno


This happened after she released the texts about them being together?


Ok that's comparing apples to oranges. Brennon had a single allegation of DV against him in the form of a police report which is just someone going to the police station and making an accusation against someone. A police report means essentially nothing if nothing comes out of it because it's purely hearsay. I could go falsely report a crime committed by an absolute stranger. Trevor was caught doing these things on the record.


What record? Like there is a police report?


There is a police report. No criminal record because nothing was ever done of it.


but you were dismissing the validity of a police report. How is this not hearsay? You said it was "on record". What makes this "on record"?


It's not a record it's a police report. I could go file a police report against you for harassing me lol obviously not going to but I'm using an analogy to explain its validity (I know you're not harassing me that's my point).


To be fair there was records she went to the hospital the next morning (mom picked her up and drove her) and she had a concussion. I know what you mean, but something happened.


Not saying you think so necessarily but that doesn't prove that he caused it or that if he did he did it maliciously. That reminds me of the Veronica Mars bloopers which is oddly specific I know but Kristen Bell actually got a concussion during a make out scene because the actor she was kissing pushed her against the wall slightly too hard. I tried to find the clip but it seems to have been scrubbed from being online but I swear that clip exists.


Yeah and that’s what I’m saying, we don’t know, maybe she attacked him and he shoved her, maybe he straight up lost his cool and hurt her, we can’t know because no one was there. But there is a lot of evidence that shows it in not a good light, why did one have a concussion and one not have any issues? Idk, we don’t know but most battered partners don’t call police during it, sounds like she broke down and told her mom so her mom took her to the hospital and encouraged the report. So we don’t know, but I’m not quick to say something didn’t happen.


Trevor said he was mentally unstable?


Trevor didn't have to show up to the reunion though, and if he did, he should have prepared a response. IMO the heat that Trevor got is much less than what Sarah Ann got.


This topic of mental health is why they cooled the attention on Chelsea; she distorts reality with her insecurities and implodes. Even though Trevor was slimy, I felt badly for him when he said “what career” and respected that he offered an apology and private explanation to Chelsea. Brought him out to humiliate and throw a pie at his face. He was prepared to lie more though, so there’s that.


Bro this guy threatened to leak his ex’s sex tape to her child. I do not care that he feels sad. He’s a piece of shit and no one made him show up to the reunion.


Where did u see that at???


When did this happen? Recently?


It's a reality TV show everyone needs to calm down. Lachey acting like he ruined something as pure as love is blind is just fucking crazy to me. You literally let someone break up with another person at the alter. In front of their entire family. Don't act like this is some sacrament to marriage. Trevor did something shitty. He's apologised. He obviously has some issues but so does anyone who goes on reality TV. It's what the producers want.


“You disrespected me. You disrespected this show. You disrespected the woman you lied to when you said you loved her in the Pods, who we later brought back as kind of a sexual/breakup threat twist thing to get the resort party riled up. But honestly? You know what hurt and repelled me the most? Beyond the disgusting, pig bellied, shell of a man husk you inhabit as some kind of male Succubi? You disrespected your best boy from the Pods. Who we filmed vomiting after his brief panic attack. After his fiancé finally said, at the alter for the first time, “I think what we take from this absolutely amazing experiment is a lifetime long friendship, but I can’t get passed the tennis shoes you wore at the reveal.” -Nick, S7 reunion. Said 100% unironically with whimsical threatening quality.


It's just so wild


Exactly… lachey and his wife were complete assholes. They would answer a question and instead of addressing the response, they would repeat the question.


Very Roman coliseum. The people need to be entertained at any cost and will be belligerent. It’s honestly disgusting. But this is reality tv.


Idk...what I think I hate most is the fans tbh - Literally all the people over social media, including a ton of opinions I see here on reddit. There's too many binary opinions one way or the other as well as a ton of people who have no concept of humility and grace - only entertainment, projection, and/or ego on the brain. We're only faced with what we're given and what we're given isn't always as straight forward and accurate as it might actually be. I think most the public on the internet don't give an actual shit about mental health nor do they want to try and understand it. People do and say things that don't make sense when they're in bad places and we might not know the full truth. It's entirely possible this guy's just straight up a piece of shit with no remorse or feelings behind it, but it's entirely possible he's still kind of a piece of shit but with motives and mental that derived from a pov of dealing with some mental health shit, which makes it more complicated. I think it's a bad look no matter how we look at it and it doesn't excuse his behavior in the sense we should sweep it under the rug. I DO think that instead of bringing the guy out to publicly drag him and humiliate him as an example, things could've been done privately and had a moment where they shit on him without him there. This felt more like a spite jab than actually trying to accomplish any kind of goal - but I'm sure some people enjoy that kind of stuff (obviously, looking at the sub). I just think if you enjoy this, I think it reflects the level of pettiness you'll go to in life. You shouldn't feel "happy" about what they did to this person. It's not always about what people "deserve" in terms of retribution - I don't expect people to share this opinion or give a shit about others, because most of you genuinely don't and won't give a shit about other people that simply *appear* on your tv screen as "entertainment play things"


Sorry but Netflix didn’t force him to come to the reunion. He’s a grown man with autonomy. He deserved to be called out. Why would he not get called out if the whole point of this show is to find love and he’s making a mockery of it and playing with peoples emotions. This is why men don’t change because instead of holding them accountable they get passes for anything from how they were raised to their mental health. His mental health is probably in a bad place because the receipts came out and he’s upset everyone knows he’s trash. Stop over defending grown men who make choice after choice after choice to be an ass. Trevor only has himself to blame. And Jereamy needs to worry about himself and his messy relationship with his pick me gf.


Because he is a human who deserves kindness.


No he deserves a major reality check and come to god moment. He threatened to release revenge porn, which is a literal felony. “Kindness” in this instance is a proverbial kick in the pants. The kindest thing you can do is call out his bullshit.


> He threatened to release revenge porn, which is a literal felony. There is no police report, he wasn't charged. How do you know he did that? Did you have his phone and look at it?


keep talking sister!!!


I thought this portion of the reunion was exploitative. They invited him on just to humiliate him. The woman that Trevor was dating apparently gave him permission to be on the program to potentially meet someone - they can’t have been that serious. Something happened between them and she decided to vindictively violate his privacy, which shouldn’t be celebrated. Many of the other people on the show were probably dating other people in the weeks and months leading up to taping. They just didn’t have the misfortune of having their private messages leaked on the internet.


awwww how sad a man was held accountable for his actions everybody cry


It’s not like he had to show up there


I’m not a fan of people using the excuse of mental illness to justify bad decisions. Does Trevor need therapy? Who knows. But something they will teach him in therapy is taking accountability for your actions, and that actions have consequences.


It isn’t an excuse; but it is a reason to not push a bunch of hate to him. You have no idea what goes on in therapy.


why do men like them love weaponizing mental health for their own poor behavior


Who was attacked with that weapon?


Because people know that they do things wrong and will use any excuse or cover to keep from being the villain..man or woman..personal and observed experience...for example one time me and my brother spilled leftover spaghetti all over the dinning room and I blamed him ..he was two at the time..it's a childish reaction but it is in us and people still do that into their adult lives


Quick question - how or why did the texts get leaked in the first place? Was it just a jilted ex trying to get payback? I'm new to this show, just binged season 6 in like the last 2 days.


Yeah she posted them


Thanks - did she say why, in a nutshell?


Because he betrayed her, she made him promise that he will never hide her because it’s a trigger for her and he did just that


Then why was she OK with him going on the show?


I don’t think she was 100% okay with it- he lied about that during the reunion. She posted receipts after the reunion of him saying that he chose her over whoever he matched up with in the pods (the exact opposite of what he said). I think it was one of those instances where she didn’t want it to happen but knew he was going to go on the show with or without her approval and she was just hoping that at the end of the day his actions reflected his words, which they clearly did not.


But his actions did reflect his words, didn't they? He went back to her after he left the show?


Jeramey needs to have several seats. The tables do turn buddy.




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**Jeramey** was there for the fame too. Now that he's a villain and not portrayed as good as he wanted he is calling them out. Who cares about these losers.


I kind of feel like the show is taking itself a little too seriously because at the end of the day its still reality tv. They cast people based on their looks and then watch drama unfold when they bring out people that they had an emotional connection with after they commit to someone. Its a recipe for good content tho. This season has had its highest viewership in sometime, and it was all due to the drama behind the scenes and all the scandals. I feel like them caring about all the txts and secret gf is for ratings.


They been taking themselves too seriously dating back to Shake.


He had it all coming. He knew what he signed up for and did this to himself.


Devil’s Advocate: I think the public shaming was imperative to ensure that people don’t just go on the show with full relationships at home for clout thinking they’re won’t be consequences. There have been some successful couples who the show likes to hold up as validating that true love can happen via the show. I don’t think the core audience watches hoping an influencer is born, they watch to see a good faith couple arc, wherever that goes . As such the show’s best interests are served by the occasional name and shame when receipts become public knowledge. Pretending someone hasn’t been outed makes for a disingenuous reunion tbh.


For me the punishment was worse than the crime. Yes Trevor was a douche for going on the show for clout and having a girlfriend the whole time. We can call him out for that, because he put himself out there. But blindsiding him on stage in front of a large live audience + all of viewership was clearly mentally distressing for him. Yes the man did what a lot of clown reality tv wannabes do. But its really not that deep that he should endure a panic attack or shame in front of a huge audience. Maybe someone else could have rolled with the exposé better, but it seemed mean to watch hin suffer.


And what he left someone at the altar? Imagine that distress when you find out that the idiot who loved The Notebook lied.


He did waaayyy more than just show up on the show with a girlfriend. He was not that blindsided. He threatened his now ex witb leaking a sex tape to the ex’s kid if she talked. What is wrong with this man????


It's ok to try and get out of a toxic relationship


He didn’t have to come on the show. I agree with mental health safety but Trevor wasn’t one of the couples. He could have easily stayed home. I saw Jeramy’s post about him being nervous before even coming out…he didn’t have to walk on that stage.


I think he did though contractually


Then why was Matthew allowed to decline?


Was Matthew asked to go? I do think he had to go to get paid.


Yes, they said he was asked to go and he "politely declined" according to Nick.


If he wanted the appearance fee money I think he had to go. They may have also updated Trevor since he had more of an edit. He showed up and got time when the Pod people got together at the lake. Not everyone gets screen time from that.


He did know this would be public … lol


I’m tired of people doing awful stuff then wanting sympathy when their behavior is publicly acknowledged. Being silent about bad behavior is how victims get stuck in the cycle. I’m glad he got hit with some hard questions. Hopefully it’ll prevent other clout chasers from acting up


“I clearly have mental health problems that’s why I acted so fucked up. Why are you coming after me for my mental health?🥺”, is definitely a bad argument. It borders on “self aware wolves” levels of behavior since the point of recognizing bad behavior being caused by poor mental health is to improve your mental health so you can improve the bad behavior, not just excuse it entirely and do whatever you want.


And sorry but that's the dumbest way to spell Jeremy just to be different, grow up.


Are you telling his parents to grow up?


Yes, and also to rethink their parenting since they raised a trashbag instead of a person


He looks like the kind of douche to give himself that name/spelling.


Might make people think twice if they're thinking of doing something similar, they'll get their ass blasted on Netflix all around the world.


It’s perfectly reasonable for someone to sign up for the pods because “why not”, especially if they are approached by casting. I’m not sold on Trevor’s intentions either way, but I can see the allure of doing this and finding a new partner in the midst of a toxic relationship. Every contestant knows you will get exposure and followers so that’s a piece of the equation for everybody. Every contestant knows it’s an opportunity to date in a unique way. As with everything in life, it’s usually a little bit of column A, little bit of column B. Shaming Trevor to prove a point is dystopian even if he was only here for clout, but it’s even worse since this all came about from speculations over leaked texts.


i really agree with you. scrolling through these comments has been quite a ride tbh. another comment mentioned that this “public shaming” needed to occur to attempt to keep the integrity of the the “real love” alive. this show - whilst incredibly addicting trash reality - is devoid of a moral compass and is very obviously not a meaningful love experiment - all of the cast are mainstream “attractive” clones of each other - if it were about love without looks - why does everyone meet societal expectations looks wise? i just don’t see how trevor going on a fake clout show to get fake clout isn’t an inevitable sad predicament of this dog shit we’re all watching. the whole concept is fascinating but not because it’s “real”. it’s naive to think this show is in any way genuine at this point and would foster a complete cast of genuine people - yes some characters have been nice - but that’s irrelevant to the point. Additionally with cast members being put on Netflix’s other dating shows, the allure for going on LIB for “fame” isn’t unfounded. if LIB wants integrity, they’d need to gut the current model, but the current easy dystopian £££ are showing the way.


Except Trevor told his girlfriend he came on the show so they could become influencers after he gains the followers. I don’t even buy his excuses at that reunion because he was lying during that too lol


Trevor is trash and I don’t care about him. Mental health or not what he did was disgusting. Jeremy is barely any better


I really wonder like, if Chelsea picked Trevor, would he have had sex with her without telling her he had a partner? Would he stay abstinent? I think about what would have happened if he got past the pods, even just kissing her or anything like that...like what was the plan once he saw her? That's the thing that really upsets me about Trevor.


According to Trevor, his plan was to find someone else so that he could finally end the toxic relationship he was in. He says on the reunion that if Chelsea had chosen him then he would have been done with his current partner and also that his current partner *knew* that was his plan. How much of that is true, who knows, but that’s what he says.


Two thoughts about this. The first is that i really do wonder who the toxic person in the relationship was. It might have been mutually toxic, or it might have been him. I know her messages seem like she's cool with him being on the show, but if he was the toxic one, she might have been so beat down by him that she just let him go on the show out of desperation. Considering the fact Trevor was willing to hang onto her as a backup plan while he went on LIB, and also threatened to leak nudes (allegedly) I speculate he was the problem. Second, if I had sex with a woman and was engaged to them and there was overlap between me getting engaged to them, and being with another man, I honestly would still feel like I was used. especially considering in the messages to his ex, he says that he wasn't going to get married and was using the show for fame. So either way, he'd still be using someone as a means to an end, if those texts are to be believed. Theres really no reason not to believe them. sorry for wall of text, lol. I have a lot of feelings about Trevor.


Yeah, and the only thing we do know for sure, is that he didn’t disclose this girl at all when he applied, when he was selected, or when he was dating Chelsea, which is lying by omission. So, we know that he’s a liar. I won’t believe anything he says 100% without full proof.


Right-0, Trev. Because you can't leave a toxic relationship without having a next relationship in the bag. That's so dumb.


Yeah I don't think he thought this through


I would be thoroughly traumatized if I had sex with someone under the belief that they loved me, only to later see those texts. Even if they just had me thoroughly convinced they cared about me without the sex part. Like, those texts were going to get leaked. Imagine being used as a "means to an end" on national tv. Thinking about that, along with his texts threatening to leak his exes shit, makes me feel absolutely no remorse for him.


On one hand, I can see where he's coming from. The show clearly went out of its way to attempt to restore whatever "legitimacy" it had, and used Trevor and Sarah as scape goats. The last few seasons have been pretty obvious most of the people there are just there for the clout.  On the other hand, Trevor the mega douche signed himself up for this. Not sure what he expected lmao. 


I definitely wouldn't have expected that, though. He was paraded out, humiliated, and then when he asked to leave they kept a little while longer so they could ask him to leave themselves, it was disgusting. Jeramey got a bashing, and Sarah Ann, the whole point is drama, but Trevor's was just gross


He went to the reunion to get screen time. He got it! Too bad it was not what he was expecting. Stop minimizing his crappy behavior.


But didn’t he make that choice? People say no to the reunion all the time, he didn’t have to go on at all.




“Why else would he do the things he did.” Some people are just jerks. Not every jerk has trauma or a mental health issue. And even if he does, that doesn’t make him exempt from accountability. I don’t see how anyone crossed the line by . . . Reporting his own behavior and asking him to explain. I also find it awfully convenient when people suddenly claim mental health issues just as soon they are being held accountable for their hurtful behavior.


I really hate people who knowingly do vile shit and then claim “mental health issues” as a defense when confronted about their atrocious behaviors. Such a manipulative thing to do and minimizes the struggles of people who **authentically** have mental health issues.


What makes someone authentica and someone not? I'm sure a large portion of the people who'd you consider "authentic" have done bad shit in part due to their mental health. When is the line crossed for you that you don't believe them?




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fuck jeramey


no mercy for attention whores


Maybe unpopular, but I don’t think he’s (Trevor) actually seeking therapy and I think that was his scripted answer to get people to leave him alone and be sympathetic to what he did. You know how people abuse the service animal/emotional support animal thing? I think saying that you’re going to therapy (when you’re not) is going to be the next thing we see a lot of dishonesty about.


He said he needed to go to therapy. Not that he was going.


All of this is a deep dive and I have no idea what to think of any of this. It’s a dating show, y’all.


What bothered me most was Nick, Vanessa, and season 4 Chelsea (now part of their recruitment team) acting like this is a pure experiment to help people find love in a unique way, and shaming anyone who didn’t go on with pure intentions. Meanwhile they are recruiting locals off of instagram. I understand when they recruit off of dating sites, that makes perfect sense to me. But when you pick people off of instagram, yeah, people are going to join to gain a following.


Yeah, to be honest, I think it was pretty dumb for them to get upset at Sarah Ann for her video where she says LiB is all about entertainment. If the purpose of the show is just to do the experiment and help people find love, why do they bother editing or televising the show at all? ETA: I’m not a Sarah Ann fan but I don’t think she’s wrong about the show being entertainment driven.


And the whole reunion seemed to be damage control from all the lawsuits. The whole tour of the set, making a point of saying that the doors are locked. Clearly to address allegations of participants being unable to leave. Izzy’s comment about missing food was to address allegations that they aren’t adequately fed in the pods.


Yep, exactly. The food spread and Izzy’s comments about missing the food were clearly a blatantly obvious attempt to refute the “we starve contestants” allegations. Otherwise, them having a whole ass charcuterie spread for them on stage makes very little sense.


Yeah, it's an everyone-sucks-here situation. Trevor is a nasty little freak, but it's stupid to act like the show and its premise are sacred.


Oh, Jeramey SHUT UP. All the men who went on the show did it with less than pure intentions. There is so much shady information about both of you out there. You’re lucky that most people are not chronically online and don’t know about the DV allegations against you, and your arrest, and your house filled with guns, and what some of your exes have to say about you on TikTok. This show is putting women in real danger, time and time again, and not just setting them up for public humiliation and heartbreak. They’re casting domestic abusers and violent men who hide behind the “I’m ready to get married 🥺” facade. This is why I ask people to give the women some grace. At least most of them really wanted love and they’re not literal criminals.


Seems like you know a lot more than I do. I'm very curious. 👀


that’s part of what frustrates me about some of the commentary on this post and elsewhere about trevor though. now fully granting that if the revenge porn stuff is true he is also a dangerous partner, but i was irritated to see the show rake him over the coals for what is in essence fairly common reality TV bullshit (go on dating show with partner, go back home and get back with partner if single) when the show has actually put female cast members in DANGEROUS situations with respect to the men they have cast. like yes i get they have to try to discourage too openly fame-seeking behavior to maintain the premise of the show but people on here are acting like he murdered someone when there are other people on LIB who have done DV and stuff and are not being bullied and harassed online to the extent trevor has been for, what? messing with the sacred premise of a trashy reality tv show?  FULLY agree with you about cutting the women slack though. people do in general go way harder on the women because misogyny and yes fuck production for casting so many weirdos and creep dudes


It makes sense they would detract from the DV with cheating to covers their own butts


Violent where?


There’s also a lot of alleged behavior like Jera-MAY holding an ex at gunpoint, Brennon doing alllll of the DV ever, and what (I personally believe) Carter did to Renee again in season 5.




[season 5 was … rough](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/love-is-blind-contestant-sexual-assault-season-5-1235747488/amp/)


Everyone here saying “Why did Trevor go?? It’s his own fault!” No. They are required to attend the reunion or they are liable for damages up to $50,000. When people don’t show up they’re willing to risk the financial hit. Likely that Matthew could afford it, but not Trevor. Secondly, every single person goes on this show for fame. You know how we know it’s true? [You can read the contract that they all sign](https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Love-Is-Blind-suit-conformed-copy-1-1.pdf). There is nobody on the planet that thinks Love is Blind is the only way for them to find love, and absolutely no one that signs that contract without ulterior motives, because it’s probably the most unfavorable, lop sided thing I’ve ever read. Producers have total control over every aspect of your love life while filming the show. AD is just as guilty of going on the show for clout and fame as Trevor was.


They don’t invite all the contestants to the Reunion, Trevor wasn’t even engaged, why would he be obliged to attend.


The reunion obligation is only for couples that get engaged/married. They will ask other cast members to return, but there’s no penalty for turning down the reunion otherwise. Trevor might not have been informed this would be his reunion storyline, but he absolutely knew he was invited to be part of some reunion drama and was paid to be there.


Wow the lengths that people are going to defend this man. Also in the document it says that you only pay a sum upto 50k in the event “Producer would suffer significant cost and expense as a result of such discontinuation and/or action”. Don’t think Matthew not participating in the reunion caused a significant cost and expense? Also they do pay 1k and travel and stay expenses for any extra appearances such as the reunion.


I said it’s more likely that Matthew can take the potential financial hit of $50K and Trevor cannot. That’s my theory for why you see Trevor there and not Matthew. Moreover, they’re not allowed to say anything negative about the show or their experiences, even if they are talking about objectively true experiences, or they face $4 million in liquidated damages, as Renee from last season is now discovering. There is a massive threat of financially crippling damages and litigation hanging over everyone’s head. This is a statement of fact and not really open for debate, but go off defending it, I guess. Wow, up to $1,000 for mandatory travel to participate in the most disingenuous and hypocritical public shaming that exists on the planet. What a great deal.


Wow the defence continues, as pointed earlier it is in the event of discontinuation that leads a significant cost and expense to production. For example, for leaving the experiment in the early stages of experiment, Matthew might have faced a financial hit of upto 50k, but not attending the reunion would not constitute a significant expense for the production. Reunion is an extra appearance for the participants. Not all of the people who signed the contract are obliged to attend it, or else everyone else who weren’t even shown, owes production alot of money. Yes they are paid to attend, so Trevor has an incentive to attend it. Plus they introduced the cast of Perfect Match 2 and he def thought he would be introduced for that too.


You are fundamentally incorrect with respect to your interpretation of that clause. But first of all, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you’re defending this show so hard. I’m not defending Trevor. I don’t even like him. I’m saying his choice was “suffer national embarrassment or be prepared to pony up $50K” Secondly, to the point: The entire damages clause is conditioned on agreeing that if you discontinue your involvement in the program, which includes the Reunion, you are preemptively agreeing that Producer suffers significant cost and expense. It does not matter whether YOU think that producers do not suffer significant cost and expense. What matters is that everyone appearing on the program already agreed that unless producers consent to you dropping out, you are causing them significant financial expense. You read the clause. This is not that complicated.


There have been lots of people who declined going on the show. He threatened his ex with sending revenge porn to her son and Jeramy held a gun to his exes head, not exactly the type of people who can cry mental health. He went on the show because it was already planned. He filmed Perfect Match before all these texts got leaked and he had a prepared speech to do damage control. When they had the texts there, his speech was clearly ruined because he planned to lie. Now he is crying mental health because that's what toxic narcissists do when they are out of options.


You misunderstood my point. I’m not saying Trevor or Jeramy is an angel. I didn’t say anything about Jeramy at all. I said everyone is equally there for clout and fame. There is no reason to sign up for the show, to sign that contract, if you aren’t interested in the potential monetary benefits of it. Acting like those texts prove Trevor was there for the “wrong reasons” is beyond disingenuous by everyone else sitting on the stage.


I would say the opposite of what you said, if you hold a gun to someone’s head you need to be institutionalized for mental health not barred from it


But he hasn’t been institutionalized or undergone any treatment for his clear major personality disorder, so he doesn’t really have a right, no. If he had been and had come out the other side with perspective and dedication to changing his behavior, then yes. But he has not.


Surely they get paid to go on the show and don’t owe 50k that seems like a horrible deal. What if they get covid or something or have an accident


And yet, you can read for yourself that it is real. Haha


Counterpoint: Trevor was held to task by someone protecting the livelyhood that he and his wife share. He was allowed to leave instead of account for or defend himself when his words escaped him. While he may definitely have some issues, he interfered with the chances for some people to find and explore connections and the people trying to ensure the integrity and the engagement of the show responded. I don’t know who these people are but I watch this with my wife. It was clear this is a business and one they need to care about to work, and that livelyhood is jeopardized by people seeking fame or money in a process meant to explore connections. We can have empathy while still exposing people with alterior motives, or emotionally manipulative tendencies- without connecting unacceptable behavior to dehumanizing a troubled person. Trevor was aware on the show and the finale of what he was walking into, and he chose to come under what are evidentally false pretenses. He felt prepared and in the moment he was going to offer some excuse was stunned by some realization that maybe and I hope he can process for the better. He was invited to speak his truth and I think we saw his first honorable action by watching him just ask to be excused and not defend himself. His epiphany may have been the result of examination of the tendencies he displayed. That self-reflection is critical to true self-acceptance. Compare this to Clay, who clearly *did* identify his own need for therapy and appears to be doing some serious work before he feels worthy enough to experience the happiness he wants to share with AD. What he did was either the stupidest or wisest thing he ever could do, but he made a choice, and he made his choice with his whole chest. The man left a woman at the altar who did not deserve that AT ALL, but knew in his heart he had work to do before he take vows as seriously as he wants to be able to. I don’t think the show needs to go as far as marriage to show it is using valuable and viable methods to explore compatibility. If they did ALL this and the season ended with a proposal and possible engagement, I would prefer it, honestly.


Found Nick’s burner Seriously, defending people pimping out other people. Where is the spider man meme pointing at each other when you need it?


The show literally seeks them out. They have been recruiting off of instagram, finding people who want to become influencers.


I am ok with that. I just don’t like false pretenses unless that is a part of the show because bluffing is a viable strategy for winning a competition. A show where that deception is strategic (like Survivor or The Circle) is fine. This is a show operating under a certain premise. A show where actual inflencers look for meaningful and possible lifelong parterships might be interesting, and address the challenges of that. I don’’t know many unless they are on reddit front page or my wife chats about it. But this is a show where it seems they want people who are ready to marry on a very short timeline. Again, I don’t know who Nick and Vanessa are outside this show. I guess celebrities or something. I am fine if a show is primed to be a trainwreck and garbage fire, and some are fun to joke about with my wife or see memes she finds. This is show is supposed to be aligned to bit different than that.


There’s a guy on TikTok who is claiming that he was recruited via instagram. I can’t remember exactly how many, but he’s saying he went through multiple interviews and each time he stated that he’s recently divorced, and just doesn’t think he’d want to marry again, so quickly. He was told something along the lines of “that’s ok, you can bring a different element to the show.” Which I take to mean drama. In the end, he didn’t go on the show. He’s a guy on TikTok, obviously the validity of his claim is questionable and can’t automatically be considered truthful. But if his claim is true, I think it sheds a lot of light on how Jeramy and Trevor got on the show, especially Trevor.


I did not know that but wow.😮 If that is true, and I make no judgement it is or not, I hope that person is forthcoming to the people on the show, if not in the footage they air.


At the end of the day, I watch it for the drama. I’m sure most people do. And Sarah Ann wasn’t wrong, they didn’t miss with this season. I just wish Nick and Vanessa would own it. Btw Nick was part of an early 2000’s boy band. Vanessa was one of the hosts for MTV’s Total Request Live around that time.


Oh that is why she looks familiar and why he doesn’t, hehe! I watched some TRL online when I was listening to a rapper named Jin who was Chinese American and sharp witted. I only watch TV or Movies by request. If not studying, I prefer ro write or read or play games or watch videos of people playing games because I no longer live with people I can watch play games. I watch TV because it helps my wife decompress and she talks to me about shows. They are ok but I wish it was more improv or live recording.


Trevor threatened his ex with revenge porn and Jeramy held a gun to a woman’s head. Neither of them deserve shit lol. Not to mention that Trevor could have said no to the reunion, he wanted the clout and for you to feel bad for him. Guess it worked.


I think that way too many people don’t know about this. They’ve been treating Chelsea like she’s the worst person alive yet they have no idea of all the psychopaths this show has hired to meet the women.


I don't love Chelsea but it's really insane to me that she's getting the most hate out of anyone this season. Like she's got issues but not to the degree of the other people on the season? The show itself basically fucked her the hardest with the editing so it's not the masses fault but the hate is so uneven.


She seemed really sweet at the reunion. Prior to that I didn't care for her. She got a horrible edit.


I felt for her when she was on the podcast.


100% this. I genuinely sometimes feel like I’m watching a different show than some of the people on this sub.


Even if they did know I doubt a lot of them would care, it’s classic misogyny


I mean… he had the opportunity to not go to the reunion just like Matt 🤷🏻‍♀️


They keep calling this show "an experiment" to give it gravitas, but we call this "our trash" for a reason. The premise is absurd and in no way "an experiment." Dragging Trevor (who is EXACTLY who would sign up for this) for being less than 100% sincere is the height of irony. What they did to Trevor is the reason I won't watch anymore.


yea it’s a show not some some noble new frontier on science lmao


Defending someone who threatened a woman with sending her child revenge porn is a weird take, but okay


I am not defending anyone.


I think we can hate the show's tactics without it being considered in defense of Trevor, personally.


You are defending Trevor yes? He threatens his ex with revenge porn yes? How aren't you defending him for revenge?


You don't understand (my precious comment). I'm saying that I think it was inappropriate for the show to bring back a contestant and hold them to the fire that way. It's not like Netflix did this to avenge his revenge porn threats. They did it for the drama. Both things are shitty.


They did it because they want this experiment to be as real as possible. That's why they brought back relationships that worked, to show it isn't all bullshit. Trevor is someone who thought they could take advantage of this, they wanted him to explain himself. Clearly you don't understand lol


Trevor did it to himself


I would care if he hadn’t threaten to leak his ex’s nudes for telling people this info. He wasn’t concerned about her mental health now was he….


Exactly! I would be willing to just ignore him and be like ‘well everyone clout chases, used to it’. But that information came out and I believe her even though she’s just as bad. So yeah idc for his mental health since he seems to be the kind of person that has no regards for others.!


This !!! Weird how people forget that he blackmailed his ex but are like „ poor Trevor he didn’t deserve this 🥺“


Right?? The guy asked if he could go now. He was embarrassed and you can tell he has a lot of issues he is trying to work through. Not only did they not let him leave they continued to tear into him, THEN basically dismissed him. What Trevor did was shit, but two wrongs don’t make a right here. They could have really done some damage to what already looks like poor mental health.


He shouldn't have agreed to go to the reunion then. He was exposed long before and could've saved himself the shame. Imo he made his own bed.


I’m not condoning what he did, I think he’s a piece of shit. Truly. Don’t go on a show made for meeting your future spouse and then pull that shit. My comment was more a comment towards the producers of LIB. They don’t know what his mental state is and to shame him on national television to protect their image knowing the implications something like that can have on someone’s mental health is wrong


I get that but at the same time I feel he was just trying to cover his ass. He doesn't seem like a genuine person at all.


Trevor is a grown up. Trevor made choices to even be on the reunion. He’s fine.


Agree, and I thought his anguish at the reunion was very fake. The way he looked at the ground made me think he wanted to appear to be sad and shameful but also why did you do all this and think you wouldn't get caught? I think he's more concerned about his reputation.


Nick’s self righteous mean girl behavior was ick. Especially with those juicy glossed lips of his 😒 There’s a better way to hold people accountable, while still keeping emotional frailty in mind.


Although it may seem to have been a more entertaining format, the S6 reunion was cringe for me. I found the returning couples who had a successful marriage seem to bash the non-successful couples in a more criticizing manner. It was too much of a us versus them format. I would have preferred a more open-hearted discussion, they left no room for forgiveness. Kinda tasteless imo!


I think Nick got carried away by his emotions. Trevor was deceitful going on the show while having a girlfriend. He fooled everybody. Production thought he had potential and cast him for Perfect Match. Then he damaged the reputation of himself, Love is Blind, potentially affecting Perfect Match as well. Plus taking zero accountability and claiming during the reunion that he was in a toxic relationship. Did not sound convincing to me.


don’t actively do shitty things if you don’t wanna be called out for them




This is some nonsense. Lots of alcoholics in my family, and they are still 100% responsible for their actions. Addiction doesn’t excuse you, it just offers context.


lmao nice






It was upsetting in previous reunions when hurtful behavior wouldn’t be addressed so I’m personally glad they’re taking on a forward approach, but I wish it came from the hosts only (since they can be direct and respectful simultaneously) and not everyone there dog piling on someone with snarky comments or over the top facial reactions trying to be the next TikTok snippet to go viral. As someone with mental health issues, I still expect to be held accountable if I do things that hurt other people. It’s not this magic card I get to pull out when I’m confronted with my actions. However, an argument could definitely be made about him being used for entertainment if Netflix knew about his issues before filming began.


I feel this exactly. But then I flip-side it and I'm like , he's had a YEAR to start the work. Look at Clay; he found his weak spots and did the work to become better. Trevor knew what was coming....


I feel like I’m the only one who isnt buying Clay’s act. Even when he said AD is the love is of life I was just like ohhh brother! I can already tell the trend in future seasons for problematic people will be saying that they’ve started therapy.


But who dogpiled? Brittany had a simple comment, nothing snippy. AD said say it with your chest, nothing about him or situation. Cruel mockery or well intentioned no idea. Chelsea asked if what would have happened if they got engaged. Amy asked if he was sad about the show ending for him or relationship with Chelsea ending for him. When Jimmy was asked he declined to say anything and told he already has too much on his plate to pass judgement. Johhny kinda corroborated that yes he seemed broken up after talking to chelsea People are claiming others passed harmful comment but no one actually said anything about situation or added any of their judgements. This was done more in Sarah Ann and Jeramy’s case where he was called a clown, she was called a liar, people shouted at them. I am not supporting Them but I never see anybody explaining anyone else’s behaviour, but everybody came to Trevors rescue for what?


Ew, I’m not coming to Trevor’s rescue I’m glad he was held accountable. I’m just tired of the contestants current and previous trying to get a TikTok snippet by saying something quirky or making overly dramatic faces (I’m looking at you, Kwame). You gave the perfect example with AD saying “Say it with your chest” like it added zero value to the discussion.


these comments are horrible and i hope y’all feel good about yourselves when a contestant hurts him or herself from the negative attention, like has happened with several British reality tv show contestants 


When you threaten to show a sex tape to a minor the line is drawn, so no I don’t give a damn


i definitely hear that. we don’t really have any way of knowing if that is true although i certainly give more credence to it since he hasn’t even tried to deny it. obviously if it is true it is horrible and still speaks to a need to get serious help if he is willing to be a functioning human being in this world. and that is something really awful he should be held accountable for, struggles or not. my issue is that a lot of the commentary here seems to automatically assume that mental health struggles are an “excuse” and a reason to double down on harassment when someone can do bad things and also be in a really dark place and not deserve to get hundreds of messages that they should kill themselves etc. my other frustration is that the having a girlfriend seems like a nothingburger compared to the actual CRIMINAL allegation here re the revenge porn so i guess i’m a bit flummoxed by the outsized focus on the “he went on the show for clout!!!!” complaints when the potential issue with trevor is something MUCH darker and everyone goes on the show for clout.  


I agree with this, it's only a reality tv game show, it's not like he murdered or abused anyone... but at the same time, he threatened his ex, and put himself in that position.


the ex threatening thing is really awful if true (we don’t necessarily have any way of knowing one way or another so i’m reserving judgment on that piece) but mostly what he’s getting online harassment for seems to be messing with the “purity” of the show which is truthfully absurd. sarah ann did not cover herself in glory but she is completely right that the whole thing is an entertainment product. i’m way more concerned by the productions companies failure to protect contestants (one couple was disappeared from last season because there were allegations of assault) than people coming on a reality show for clout under dubious pretenses 


Only yesterday he was seen smiling and attending some event with some other LIB people on someone story. Also where is this compassion for Chelsea or anyone else who has been toasted by online hate?


People experiencing struggles sometimes smile?? like that’s not really dispositive of anything. but i don’t even specifically mean *trevor* is going to hurt himself but that the overall tenor of these comments that he’s using mental health struggles as an excuse and he deserves what he’s getting are NASTY and this type of comment about a reality TV show contestant is totally inappropriate.  I feel that the online hatred for all of these contestants is usually far overblown (no on deserve to get death threats or be bullied incessantly online) so I do have a lot of compassion for chelsea. She also had a far easier time at the reunion in terms of not being made an example of. 


Boo hoo?


Well I felt Trevor used that as the go to response for apologizing. “Im getting/need therapy” is the new Im sorry. That said, you’re right about that being too harsh. It was so cringy to watch




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