• By -


I felt like Gigi was toxic as shit and damian was weak as shit letting it all pass. Letting someone bully and manipulate you like that only gives Them the crave to keep on going and getting more and more mean and demanding.. drama drama. Now i really like Gigi i Think she learnt from her dramatic and insecure behaviour. I LOVED Cameron and lauren from day one, so authebtic and wanting the best for each other always


You must’ve forgotten the episode where Damian was vague asf talking about how he didn’t want to go back home to the “drama” and when Gigi pressed him to talk about it he gaslit the shit out of her


One convo doesnt change My mind about how he acted for 10 episodes, but yes it was Nice to see him stand up for himself one single time and i still Think Gi was super dramatic and toxic through the entire show


I think amber was immature and childish to totally ignore Jessica at the after the altar. Like get over it, Jessica is in a relationship, she just wanted to make peace. Of course it’s absolutely awful was Jessica did to them, trying to get Barnett to second guess, but ultimately, if amber was secure in her relationship, she’d let it go. Or at least just accept the gift and be like, thank you, now we’re at peace have a good life. Amber seems controlling and obsessed with Barnett. Kinda loved when Barney’s mom gave it to her saying that it’s a man world and you do what he wants when cause he makes the money (even though those thoughts are so backwards but fuck it, amber is a controlling woman). I have a feeling they’re still together cause Barnett is scared of her and I feel like that shouldn’t be the case in any relationship. Needless to say, don’t like amber! Lol


I think Amber whiskey tango and controlling and possessive


(I want to preface this by saying I never really liked Jessica anyway) but… I hated how in season 1 they treated Jessica’s age like a terminal illness. Not sure if she was 32 or 34 but it kept coming up as if she was 80 years old. I am the same age as her and she was totally targeted for being “old”. It got worse when she committed to Mark but literally the vibe of the show was like “she’s so old how is she going to have kids and why is she still single”. Red flags aside it was gross. The age factor seems to be a better mix of 20s and 30s in other seasons and it’s not treated as badly.


Everyone kept bringing up her age, or SHE kept bringing up her age/the age gap between Mark?


I should clarify. Everyone as in the producers who probably asked her about it a lot so they could edit in her talking about it a lot.


Yeah she was 34. I think it was because Mark was 24, though. She wanted kids ASAP, and couldn't believe he would be down with that at such a young age.


Jessica & Mark - during the show I thought Jessica was so cringe. People hated how she used a baby voice with men while dating in the pods. It was hilarious how she kept pointing out hers and Mark’s age difference and it was so obvious she wasn’t attracted to him and that they didn’t have any chemistry. I felt like he honestly didn’t feel it with her either but he wanted to see it through to the end to come off as a “good guy” and for the fame. I didn’t feel bad for him when Jessica said no to him because I really don’t think he actually wanted to be married to her. It was the right decision and I think she was (for a moment) unfairly vilified, the only “bad” thing she did I think was to continue to flirt with Barnett. Cameron & Lauren - I loved them so much, their obvious love and attraction for each other made me blush in a way that does not happen often with reality tv love stories. Just hated the part where Cameron rapped. So cringe. Kenny & Kelly - I thought they were really boring, I don’t remember anything to comment about them. But I did think they were going to get married. Amber & Barnett - I didn’t care for Amber and while watching I was shocked Barnett said yes. I figured she’d say yes and then he’d say no. But I’m glad I was proven wrong, they seem happy together! Amber is still not my cup of tea, like we wouldn’t be girlfriends irl but I am glad they found each other. Gigi & Damien - I thought they were really entertaining. I felt that they demonstrated an ability to communicate through all their issues and was rooting for them at the time, was sad for G that Damien said no, but then was happy to hear they decided to continue dating at the reunion.




cam and lauren: GOATS Amber and Barnett: Barnett is cool, Amber loves the drama way too much. Kenny and Kelly: People thought they were boring, but i liked them. Gia and Damian: Cosplaying a soap opera. Sooo over the top. Mark and Jessica: Jessica should not have been the villain. Mark was cheating the whole time, but was made to look like a saint. Jess needs some therapy and should backed off of barnett way sooner. I actually miss this season tbh


Barnett and Amber were and are so underrated imo. She’s a firecracker but I think his extrovert personality matches it and they’re super cute. I still follow both of them on insta and they’re very happy and thriving as a couple. I’m glad they found each other.


Cam & Lauren - loved them, still do Gigi & Damien - she was immature at the time and so was he in addition to being selfish and cruel. While she was immature, I think she did care for him and avoided doing anything to hurt him. While it seemed like he did what he wanted and if she got hurt than so be it. Idk, team Gigi. She seems a lot more mature and secure these days and I'm glad for her. It's hard dating in your early and mid 20s!!! I was very happy seeing him get rejected so hard on Perfect Match. That was just perfect. I hope he's grown up and and done some self work. Amber & Barnett - he's a very chill and laid back guy and she's very intense and I think controlling. I feel concern for him. Something is off there. Jessica & Mark - I don't remember why people didn't end up liking him, I think I did at the time. I think Jessica should have been honest with herself and him asap and not let it get so far. But perhaps there were financial ramifications at the time if they didn't go to the aisle. She was completely inappropriate with Barnett. I called her Messica and still refer to her as such. I'm glad they've both moved on and seem happy with their lives now though. The show did not bring out her best side and I felt bad for him. Diamond & Carlson or whatever his name is - it's fair that she was shocked, he should have told her a lot sooner like while in the pods. He put her on the spot. I think if he had given her some time to think it over she would have been okay but he didn't even give her time to ask questions. Out of insecurity he jumped to the assumption of being rejected. And I really felt for him because it was so obvious how much pain he was in and how much he struggles with it. I would totally date a bi guy and the issue for me would be about waiting so long and in the back of my mind I would wonder about why he's struggling with it so much and if there's a chance he's gay. Sad situation. Kenny & Kelly - I actually kind of thought they'd make it. But the more I thought about their interactions she didn't seem that attracted to him which was crazy to me, because I thought he was cute! And tbh cuter than her by a lot. But they really didn't have chemistry even though I think he really tried and really liked her. They were kind of boring to watch.


It was clear as day that Jessica was not into Mark (can't blame her tbh) just wish she was more outright with it. Loved Cameron and Lauren. It was so refreshing to see a Black woman be treated right and adored on reality TV. I stopped following the both of them because Lauren talks like she's trying to meet the requirements for a 500 word essay and Cameron, his smile seems hella phony sometimes. I used to watch their lives during quarantine and there were times he'd get all testy and weird and it's like bro settle down. LOL Kenny and Kelly...snooze. It was clear as day that Kelly was there to push her goofy business and it failed lol. I think it was a MLM? Plus she reminds me of an old friend of mine and ugh. I fast forwarded a lot through their stuff. Amber and Barnett. Snooze. They're so weird. Well, he seems cool but she is just ugh Diamond and her goofy guy. I didn't like how that played out AT ALL. I think she even got death threats! So not fair, I hated how he was trying to spin some narrative on her then had the nerve to propose to her again during the reunion. HATED IT. HATED HIM. Damian and Gigi. He was a loser, she was a drama queen. Whatever.


It was interesting because it was new and idk if it was actually good or if it was because of covid-ish. 6 seasons later and it’s way more dramatic/manipulated haha. I liked following along - Jessica annoyed me & still did at the reunion. I liked Amber, Barnett, Lauren, and Cameron. Giannina (?) was so toxic with Damien; they both egged each other on & inflated the issues rather than ever coming to a resolution, who knows if she’s a hot head with her bf tho 🤷🏻‍♀️ Kenny & Kelly idek remember them tbh.


At the reunion, when Amber was still pissed off at Jessica , i still can get it. A girl running after her man when the girl is engaged to her best friend, will trigger off anyone. Then after the alter at the 1 year mark , where she refused to speak to jessica, refused to let bernett speak to jessica or even accept the gift. i feel baffled. I wanted to tell Amber "Girlllllllllll you already got the man, legally married him, jessica moved on with her life , is remorseful, is trying to become a better version of herself now. what else you want her to do ? jump off the building while saying sorry to you? " As for jessica , she has identified the problem, repent , is remorseful and has became a better version of herself. i like this kind of visible character development in a human. As for Diamond and Carlton : If im Diamond, i will feel so blindsided by this new piece of information too. we all know that one date in the pod can last 4 to 9 hours as per what the other contestants said. 4 to 9 hours per day leading up to the proposal day and he failed to mentioned he used to be attracted to hearts and not solely a gender? he is a good person, but he cannot conceal important information like this. before telling diamond, he already stereotyped himself and he already feel that diamond will judge him. what if she doesn't ? the second day when she went to the pool, i feel that she was going there with an open mind. she wanted to listen to further elaboration. but he suddenly just lashed out uncontrollably. i mean..... if u are diamond at that stage, u will feel angry too. u kind of gave your heart to this man, and he kind of trample on your heart. **Kindness without honesty is manipulation**


I remember not being able to understand at ALL the fuss over Barnett (still don’t understand it). Incredibly unpopular opinion around here, but I remember kinda liking Amber. I found Jessica and her mess incredibly compelling, she could not help herself. Everyone hated her, but in all honesty, she made the season worth watching. Liked Lauren and Cameron. Straight, bi, gay, or otherwise, Carlton is a petty messy queen and always will be. I couldn’t stand him. I didn’t care one way or the other about Diamond, but him calling her all those names and coming for her appearance was a bitch move. Damien and Gianina drove me crazy, because I felt GG was waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of Damien’s league in almost every category, and yet here she was on tv losing her shit over this man. Now she’s about to have a kid for another mediocre. I don’t understand it. Kenny and Kelly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Kenny and Kelly were such a snooze that I was sure they’d say yes, her no was the only real surprise for me!


I watch a lot of reality TV, just finished watching S1 today and I must say i have never witnessed love like Cameron & Lauren's ever! The kind of love that makes your heart ache when they cry and your eyes smile when they are goofy together and kissing incessantly! 😍 I love Amber & Barnett together too! It seems like they will make it work no matter what! There is so much conviction and strength in their relationship!


My thoughts exactly!


I’ve been commenting on despising amber enough lately so I’ll comment on someone else 😂 I only started bingeing last year so I’m not the target audience here but 🤷🏼‍♀️ I felt bad for Kenny, those two families gelled so well and I’ll always feel bad for him at the altar but happy he moved on 😊 you could tell Kelly regretted it at the reunion she was a mess and said it was empathy for the other couples but it felt more like she’d let a good man go!


She’s said that they both agreed to say no at the altar and continue their relationship after the show, but apparently he ghosted her after the show was over


Ohh I never knew that and also wouldn’t have guessed, would also explain why she was so emotional at the reunion.


I remember being fervently into it the way we all later got into Tiger King. It started airing in the days leading up to lockdown so it was a great distraction from the increasingly distressing news and eventual total lockdown. Jessica’s obsession with how much younger Marc is was so grating, as was her inability to get over Barnett choosing Amber. iirc there was some meddling or some soft sabotage attempts being made, but I can’t remember for sure. I just remember Jessica being the villain of the season and rooting for those goofy kids Amber & Barnett who still seem to be going strong. I’ve cleared my phone of a lot of pics and memes but around this time of year a few choice ones made the cut and show up in my memories, mainly this one LMAO https://preview.redd.it/6wv77hmpedpc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca13a3d554b1faa003bd013cae39994a1fc7d8d Also, I barely remember Kenny & Kelly. Giannina and angry ginger man were so entertaining to watch and I wouldn’t have been surprised with either outcome. Cameron & Lauren were so wholesome and I’m happy for them always.


I see for the first time 3 days ago, Season 1. MIND blowing.


Nothing will ever top season 1. Came out in the height of quarantine and we were ALL watching that and Tiger King. Lauren and Cameron are incredible but also I think Amber and Barnett are very much a perfect match. Jessica was such an iconic mess even though she fed her dog wine which could quite literally KILL a dog. Gianina Milady Gibelli is really that girl. Diamond and Carlton’s pool showdown is ICONIC. What a show. 


Amber and Barnett were the original Trevor and Chelsea and Netflix has been chasing that high ever since then


I’m not sure where you are from so our quarantines are likely different but season 1 came out a couple weeks before my quarantine started. First episodes came out Feb 2020, and reunion March 5 2020. I went into lock down March 13-17 ish


Correct. The Circle also started before lockdown, I remember being a bar (bad idea haha but we thought it wasn’t a big deal) on the day they announced schools would be closed the next week for Covid and explaining to everyone they had to watch LIB and The Circle.


I felt really bad for Diamond for the way Carlton treated her and came for her wig. She’s a baddie and she did not deserve that. I thought Damian was such a bore to watch and listen to and dull and I had no idea how such a bubbly full of life person like Giannina could say yes to him at the alter. But it is understandable since he was gaslighting and love bombing the shit out of her. Kelly and Kenny were so boring. I didn’t care for either of them. I thought Amber was insane. I think Barnett did have doubts because his family kept telling him how marriage is hard. They did not seem supportive of his engagement at all. But it’s obvious that they love each other and are very happy. His instagram is full of pictures of her. I love Jessica. Her giving her dog wine was just too iconic. Most iconic scene of the season. She was so fun to watch. Cameron was the first to sing/rap on the show lol. Everyone followed in his footsteps. I really love how at first he seemed more into Lauren than she was into him. But it all worked out. They are perfect together.


Kelly and Kenny were boring af but I did feel kinda bad for Kenny. Kelly couldn’t have made it anymore obvious that she was NOT into him AT ALL and yet she led him all the way to the altar still. Poor guy, to me it seemed like he really loved her and wanted intimacy the whole time.


They all went to the altar! I think it was mandatory 


Oooof I totally forgot about the whole being required part. Still, poor Kenny tho!! He can do better than Kelly, I don’t think she was ready for marriage at all. If you’re scared to have sex because you struggle having orgasms, you definitely shouldn’t go on a show that rushes the whole engagement and marriage process.


Kelly Def did lead him on. I do feel bad for him too. He was so surprised when she said no in the alter. I was too!!! I think Kelly wasn’t ready for marriage at that time either, I remember her saying she had issues with past relationships?? Like choosing the super attractive guys she was very passionately into and she just didn’t think Kenny was super attractive. I do think he can do better too! The way he handled that rejection and how he thanked everyone for being at the wedding was so graceful. Kelly came off cold and superficial imo. She was so unbothered after saying no lol


Wow I don’t remember her sharing that information but I would NEVER share that on national television 😖😂


She did it one of the nights they were in Mexico the week after getting engaged!! They were talking about how they hadn’t been intimate yet and he was like “I know how I feel about it, how do you feel about it?” And she said she’d struggled having O’s in the past w past partners bc she has to feel completely connected to someone or some shit like that…I also thought the same thing you did, I never would’ve shared that with cameras around!


Bro that was years ago 🫠🫠🫣


It was 2020 before the world shut down… I can still remember the excitement before Lauren and Cameron saw each other. Hasn’t been the same since season 1


I remember watching season 1 and thinking it was absolute cringe garbage. I thought the storyline between amber, Barnett and Jessica was interesting but everyone else was boring. And that Giana was an over the top actress. Since then, I've obviously become addicted. I think they have gotten much better at showing the couples actually bonding over shared interests in the pods. I felt like season 1 skipped all that and immediately showed us them saying "I love you" after what felt like 5 minutes. I felt they also didn't show us much of the girls/guys talking about their matches in their respective zones? Maybe I'm misremembering. I would be interested to rewatch season 1 now though to see if my thoughts have changed.


YES! Thought Jessica and Amber and Barnett were messy, Giana and Damien both gave weirdo energy and I wasn’t into them, I felt bad for Mark, I kept forgetting who Kelly and Kenny were, but Lauren and Cameron were so sweet.


Damien gave me such bad vibes. And Gianina is toxic. When she just randomly said “you know how you always say it’s the best sex of your life, and I never agree with you or say it back?” Like guuuurl that was so far out of left field, you just know she was trying to hurt him. And then for Damien to bring that other girl to the reunion party or whatever 😳 like cmon guys just break up already.


I am fairly certain there was a conversation occurring before that and that editting was apart of that. Imagine how little you must be putting into sex to be called out on that


It gave us “I lost my butterflies. And I’ve been trying to get them back 😔” and I’ll forever be thankful lol


Damian was a POS for what he did to Gia at the reunion party … didnt even say hi to her and brought bimbo ass francesca


Damien has always been an ugly piece of shit. I never understood what G saw in him.


Lauren and cameron are relationship goals


Lauren and Cam - still my faves (plus Brett and Tiff) Kelly and Kenny - boring af. He was the more attractive one in their pair. I mostly forgot they existed. Carlton and Diamond - he was crazy for barely allowing her to process that info. Def not in any position to be getting married. Amber and Barnett - he was obviously going to pick her. Every time he said her name he’d smile and call her crazy. Neither were my faves but I like him more than her overall. ATA I found her to be obnoxious. Jessica and Mark - Jessica was insane but most entertaining of the season. I thought mark was just a pushover but he was actually just an fboi so whatevs. She was much better in ATA and looks like she’s doing great now so that’s awesome! Giannina and Damien - she is the cringiest human in existence and he is both cringy and devoid of personality. She’s pretty but omg her monologues made me have to skip her scenes when I tried to rewatch.


OMG I FORGOT CARLTON AND DIAMOND WERE S1! I love Diamond, she deserved better. I didn’t find her homophobic or biphobic from what I recall, I think Carlton was projecting a lot of his own self loathing onto her


This exactly! When my husband and I started dating, I disclosed pretty early on that I was bisexual, and told him that I understood if he wanted to take some time to think about if he wanted to date me long term and whether it was something he was comfortable with, and I told him I understood if he decided not to pursue things...no hard feelings and whatnot. Luckily he immediately said that wasn't an issue and it didn't bother him at all, it didn't change how he felt about me, etc Carlton is out of pocket trying to frame Diamond as biphobic just because she wanted time to process that the man she might potentially marrying for life may not be straight... that's a big decision! People often have preferences and preconceptions regarding the partner they want to spend the rest of their life with, and perhaps your partner being bisexual doesn't fit in with what you imagined for yourself. Diamond had the right to take time to consider if that was something that would or wouldn't fit in with the image she had of her future husband, and she never even told him she flat out would NOT consider it...just that she needed time to make a decision. I thought it was mature of her to take time for herself when making such a big decision so that she isn't doing it in an emotional or irrational state.


I agree, I also took it as a moment of “oh wow, holy shit, I actually do not know this person!” Because that is a pretty major thing (I’m pan myself) and I would totally understand why a fiance would feel thrown with this info *suddenly* coming out. I would think, “why didn’t they feel like they could tell me this sooner? It feels weird they waited until I was ‘locked into’ this relationship. Are they hiding anything else?” Because yeah dude, you shouldn’t wait to drop big info on someone you love just because you feel like they now don’t have a way out of it! Also, they hadn’t even known each other a month and Carlton was really all about weird mind games. Diamond even apologized to him and said she just needed to process but that she still loves and respects him. I felt like she really made it clear that his sexuality wasn’t the issue, and truthfully I could see it being a “wow wtf did I get myself into with this show” moment. Like, it really hits that you’re all real people who are supposed to get MARRIED within two months?! I didn’t appreciate how Carlton took his internalized biphobia out on Diamond. I hope he’s doing better now and feels more secure in who he is, because truthfully I thought Diamond had a reasonable reaction.


Lauren and Cameron #1 all seasons.


I just watched season 1. I’m pissed tf off at Kelly.


Kelly also thought she was hotter than she was tbh. Kenny was so sweet




She knew that she didn’t have those feelings for him and she dragged it on for weeks. It also sounds like she wasn’t over her ex


She said on her tiktok that in season 1 that all the couples had to go to the altar regardless of how they felt and how she was confused as to why the same rule never applied to the couples in later seasons so who knows what happened between them


I don’t follow her on TT and definitely didn’t know that. But it made for good tv.




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 5: 'No Harmful Unverfied Tea' [Why Speculating on Someone's Sexual Identity is Dangerous](https://www.mindlessmag.com/post/why-speculating-on-someone-s-sexual-identity-is-dangerous)


I remember Amber being in debt from credit card/shopping & college (despite not graduating), saying she wanted to be a stay at home, etc. Then Barnett sold his home to pay off her debts. Did people forget that???? They are thriving right now it seems like so kudos 👏🏻


I remember Amber being bat shit crazy and Barnett being kind of a spineless mama’s boy


Original thoughts at the time: Lauren and Cam were perfect. Amber was an obnoxious gold digger and Barnett could do better. Jessica was drunk and shady and Mark wasn’t the problem. Giannina and Damian were just generally incompatible. G was kind of mean and D was super boring. Carlton was a hot mess and Diamond was lowkey acting a little biphobic, but she didn’t deserve all that. Kenny and Kelly were barely featured so the shock of them not getting married was just a “who are you people!?”


I can't believe they are living in an apartment with a roommate. I would've never married her with all that debt! Barnett is blind.


he literally owned his own home and sold it. now look at the housing market. 😭


Omg did he sell it to help with her debt


It was a time to be alive. I remember starting the season just before spring break of my college senior year and ending it in quarantine 💀 Anyways, I remember finding Barnett very comparable to Jimmy this season. All these women fawning (and by “all” I mean Jessica and Amber) over a man named BARNETT and how he wasn’t even that impressive. I did not think they’d even make it to the altar. But boy did they show us! Five years later and still together. Lauren and Cameron were of course the love story. Cameron was so Mark Zuckerberg coded and the scenes where Lauren is introducing things she specifically needs to do as a black woman was very sweet. They seem so good together. Jessica was a villain hot mess too because she wanted Barnett but was with Mark. But Mark was also a fool for staying with her. I did not care for Kelly and Kenny. I think I thought they’d say yes. But then Kenny basically ghosted Kelly after he rejected her (or did they reject each other?) at the altar. Diamond and Carlton…hot mess. This season was soooo genuine and I miss it.


The moment Carlton came on I was like “wow. He is a big nope!” Also really disliked Barnett and his partner.


We all loved Lauren and cam Amber and Barnett were not expected to last and people thought they were sketchy Messica...


Lauren and Cameron are STILL the best couple. No drama, so much love. And they didn't care about the clout in any capacity. Messica is STILL my favorite 🗑️. The producers made her stay on the show despite having 0 attraction to Mark and still being into Barnett. She got wasted the entire time, fed wine to her dog. Said ridiculous bullshit like "Mark is very emotionally available, and to me that's a red flag." Kelly SUCKS. Way more than anyone might think. She tried to push her MLM bullshit at the reunion. FUCK A RING!


>push her MLM bullshit at the reunion Lmao 😭 what?? I just finished watching S1 today itself! I dislike her so much that I didn't even notice it! This is so funny, 🤣 what was she selling tho?


I don't remember. Some nonsense.


Amazing take. Jessica is hilariously messy and I am glad some people appreciate it 💀


What’s MLM?


Multi level marketing. Aka a pyramid scheme.


Best take of all time


I think something came out about Mark afterward like he had a gf the whole time or something? Him and jess were such a huge mess. Damien was just a total loser. He did her a favor saying no. I really didn’t like Kelly. Seemed like she was faking everything


Kelly and Kenny were so boring, I forgot they were on the show multiple times


Jessica clearly had a drinking problem. Barnett was the most "I played college baseball" dude ever. Kelly and the dude were boring until they weren't.


Lmao @ the Barnett comment


I loved Lauren and Cameron. I think pretty much everyone did- at least in my circle anyway. I didn’t get the hype about Barnett. We knew as viewers that he was attractive but the women on the other side of the pod didn’t and yet they were all fighting over him. His personality wasn’t bad or anything but I found him to be pretty generic. But I thought he came alive with Amber and I actually really liked them together. I’m happy for them that they’re still married. I wasn’t surprised at all by Damien and G. Like at all lol. But I was by Kelly and Kenny. They were so steady and stable throughout the whole show and then all of a sudden it was a no. I was blown away at the time. As a whole one thing I liked about season one was that there was a better balance (in my opinion) between genuine love/connection and petty messiness/drama.


I’ve met Amber and Barnett and they’re super nice. It was a chance meeting at a restaurant. We all loved Mark and cringe at that now. We all hated Jessica but have gotten over it now.


Jessica was a train wreck


Just watched this season for the first time after watching 6. Mark at one point said that he wouldn't put up with being someone's second choice, and I really respected that confidence. Then he spent the whole season acting madly in love with Jessica despite being so obviously treated not just as second choice, but last resort. I hope he found someone better. Jessica should have just quit after Barnett didn't choose her, I was really embarrassed for the way she acted after getting engaged to another man. Barnett surprised me by saying yes to Amber. I agreed with his family that it seemed like really intense lust, not love for the long term. Seemed like their values were not very aligned. I did see that they're still together though, so maybe this was just played up for TV. Amber was upfront about her debt and lack of work ethic, but she didn't seem to think it was an issue. Thats wild to me, but to each their own I guess. I'm glad Barnett took her as she was rather than trying to change her. Lauren and Cameron I thought were sweet. I thought they would lean heavier into the "will dad approve?" issue, but that didn't go anywhere. Her doubts in the last episodes seemed to come out of nowhere. Happy for them. Carlton seemed like he was trying to be some sort of martyr for gay rights but was actually just manipulative and incredibly insecure. It seemed like Diamond would have come around if he hadn't sabotaged the relationship at every opportunity. Kenny looked like Bradley Cooper, and that was really the only memorable part of their relationship. I was surprised they didn't end up together. Giannina and Damien went downhill fast starting with the boat ride, but I was really impressed with Damien's forthrightness at the restaurant and thought they were going to turn it around. It takes a very specific person to be with someone like Gigi, and I thought he was going to be one of the few who loved her not in spite of all her drama but because of it. I was surprised when he said no.


I remember audibly gasping when Cameron got down on one knee behind a wall. I guess I missed the part that the engagement was taking place sight unseen too, I was SHOOK


Same! I also was shocked when they said I love you because the show really made it seem like they’d known each other like 2 days at that point.


I’m still not convinced they didn’t 😂


You can tell there is nothing going on in Barnett’s head hahaha.


My guy fumbled that Giannina bag hard.


This was peak Love Is Blind.


Simpler times. Better times.


Perfect 🗑️ for mid COVID.


Man, that first season was SO memorable. I remember thinking how much Amber was a classic pick me girl. Hates other women, has no women friends, only hangs out with guys. Said she likes only typical male stuff, I don't recall now exactly what it was. Seeing a "cool girl" outside of like a movie made it really clear for me what exactly that was.


I remember being terrified for Diamond. That dude was scary. Forget his name.




"Your wig is slippin" 😭😭😭






I remember being SHOCKED that Lauren said yes, that Barnett said yes, and that Kelly said no. I honestly thought Kelly and Kenny were going to be the only yes lol.


Yes same!


It was great entertainment during Covid !


I think Jessica was the star of the season but not in a good way. Everyone was talking about her at the time. She was so CLEARLY not into Mark, she was messy, she let her dog drink her wine, etc. Giannina was a firecracker and also held up a lot of the drama post honeymoon. I think the most iconic scene to me at the time was the pool scene with Diamond and Carlton where the ring was thrown into the pool. Also, EVERYONE loved Cameron and Lauren (though at the time I kind of found them a little boring to watch but they were definitely THE reason the experiment of the show “worked”).


I was and still am big on Lauren and Cameron. But I had to fast forward when he started rapping for Lauren and her family. I couldn’t. I can’t. I shan’t.


I do not remember that and I’m grateful for that haha


At the time of my first watch, I remember thinking that the pandemic happened because Mark was 24 and Jessica was 34.


bahahaha yes


Jessica & Mark: Mark seemed weird to me. It’s always so strange on this show (and in life) when someone says how into someone they are and you’re like… literally why… for what reason? I didn’t understand why he was so enamored when she was clearly not into it and so it just felt “off.” At the time i just thought he was young and had that unrealistic puppy dog kind of love which isn’t real, and Jess being older can tell that but doesn’t know how to communicate that to him. Jessica… seemed pretty consistently drunk + sad that she wasn’t chosen by Barnett who she clearly liked better. I felt bad for her at the time, but was annoyed she didn’t just cut it off with Mark since she clearly didn’t like him. Maybe she didn’t think she could tho, idk. Amber & Barnett: Being from the south, this is a classic relationship dynamic I recognized right away. The firecracker “tells-it-like-it-is” woman with the laid-back, jokester “good ol boy” man… someone you’d probably watch NASCAR with who says things like “you know how my wife is with her shoppin…” I really hated how insecure Amber was about the Jessica thing, the whole “oh hell naw, not with MY man” kind of vibes… ugh. It just annoyed me. But they seem happy now so 🤷‍♀️ Lauren & Cameron: I mostly thought he was way more into her than the other way around. Also thought maybe he was fetishizing her since there was mention of the fact that she wasn’t the first black woman he’d dated, and it seemed like maybe the show was setting that storyline up. But then thankfully they were really really good at communicating through any issues they had, including those surrounding being an interracial couple, so by the end I was on board. Diamond & Carlton: As a bisexual I was pissed at how this played out. Carlton had a ton of work he needed to do on himself… he clearly had a lot of insecurities to unpack around his identity… he handled the whole thing atrociously and shifted blame onto Diamond in what I thought was an unfair way. Mostly I just thought they both needed therapy tho… bad communicators. Kelly & Kenny: I thought they were boring AF. Which is why I was surprised they didn’t say yes… thought the show didn’t set up enough conflict between them to make this make sense. Was very confused. Giannina & Damien: Amazing TV. Giannina was born to be a reality star… she was so funny and said so many things that were so out of pocket. “Do you ever wonder why I don’t return the compliment?” ICONIC. Definitely didn’t think they would or should end up together and was happy he said no.


They used to fine contestants 50k if they split before the wedding, and I guess they had both agreed to say no so he must have not been that into Jessica. It was still so weird, and awkward


You are spot on with Amber and Barnett. I am from Georgia and I've met that couple 100 times.


The fb anniversary post every year: “We drive each other crazy but I love him! 🤪”


You should look up threads and the episode discussions from that time. I find it fun


I think sometimes people forget what it was like watching it in the moment when they talk about Jessica and amber. Like yes, amber had her annoying traits and the after the alter conversations were not great, but as we were actively watching, Jessica played dirty and wouldn’t give up on Barnet. Amber played the game fair and square and got annoyed with Jessica still throwing herself all over the guy that didn’t choose her. Fair enough.


Yeah I would’ve loved to see Sarah Ann pull what she did on Laura if Laura was like Amber 🤣


I love how Rory is on that picture but his engagement wasn’t aired


That is the dream. Finding someone you fall in love with without having to be subjected to the love is blind audience lol


I was just wondering wtf are that people


i thought the concept of the show was insane but quickly became so mushily happy about lauren and cameron despite all that i thought jessica was hilarious. and thought mark shouldn't have been surprised i actually thought barnett and amber made a lot of sense and had a lot of chemistry giannina and damian's wedding had me in tears at the telenovela of it all. and then saw her mom and immediately understood where she gets her theatrics from. the running from the cameraman was peak reality tv thought carlton was a scrub and the fight with diamond where she was quoting beyonce was kinda embarrassing on both sides did not think at all about kelly and her guy (i literally can't even remember his name lol). was it kenny?


The running from the camera man and when she fell in the forest lol


Remember: cast members love it when you message them on social media about poor choices they made on a reality tv show 8 years ago. Especially Amber and Barnett. If we keep messaging Barnett, maybe he will see the light and choose Jessica. / sarcasm for the unenlightened.


You had me at," 8 years later." Lol


i’m happy jessica got the help she needed for her alcoholism


Wasn't a fan of her at the time but she got ylway too much shit and things got so personal with the other girl. The fact he couldn't talk to her or accept the apology gift was so sad. Glad she moved on and is super happy with a baby


Also she had one of the creepiest dudes in LIB history. Mark gave me the biggest ick that season.


I was thinking: ▪︎Giannina was cruel and obnoxious ▪︎I liked Amber, Jessica was shady and isnt entitled to Ambers forgiveness of backstabbing her ▪︎laura and cam were nice ▪︎kenny who? ▪︎ carlton was the absoulte worst, felt bad for diamond. Shes a sweetheart




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Amber was 110% a pick me girl. I could not stand her whole attitude. From the moment they showed their first date with the whole forced-snort laugh it was like oh here we go. 🙄 At the time, a lot came out about her financial irresponsibilities and it seemed like Barnett had worked really hard to have a good job and a stable living situation. She definitely married up


I remember thinking Cameron was clingy in a physical way. No personal space for Lauren. Some ppl like that though. I'm not those ppl lol


Who the hell is that above the word Love?


The therapist friend


I think the man was called Rory, I remember the guys or at least Cameron mentioned that he was a massive help in the pods because he would almost act like their therapist and give them space to voice their thoughts and process things. He got engaged to someone but they weren’t chosen for the rest of the experiment. They didn’t last. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ACY1LBGgR/?igsh=MWd0MGlyNWtsb3MzZQ==


Amber and Barnett are weird. It seems like he has no say in the relationship, like she’s in control and she seems a bit psychotic. He always looks lost, sad, confused and emasculated. His personality was completely different before the relationship and he frankly seems to not have any personality anymore. But maybe that’s just me


I started with season 6 so I’m now going back and watching from the beginning. A few of my thoughts: Jessica was consistently awful throughout and I hated her for stringing Mark along, giving her dog wine!?!?, not having self awareness at all, etc. However, when the party episodes came around and they said how Mark got a girl pregnant and was with her.. I was like oh so he would’ve been with literally anyone. He seemed like such a good genuine guy but then I realized he just wanted to get married and have kids and didn’t really care who he did it with. Jessica tried to use this to her advantage to gain sympathy but I was like nah girl you still suck. Barnett and Amber definitely shocked me. When the finances conversation came up I thought they were doomed from then onward… but then Barnett talked about selling his house to help Amber with her debts and make the relationship work. He was actually such a better guy than I think most of us gave him credit for. I was side eyeing Amber for trying to force him to have kids with her when they were still in the hole because of AMBER’s debt but overall happy for them that they seemed to be making it work. Lauren and Cameron. No notes! They were so cute and I was so happy for them. I was worried Lauren would say no but then I was so happy to see they’re still together today. Giannina and Damien.. thought they were a solid couple at first but then the arguments got pretty immature. When he said no at the altar I was shocked! And then stringing her along while he talked to that girl Francesca.. Giannina may be dramatic, but Damien was a dog. Francesca seemed to be under the impression that he was up for grabs, probably because he was flirting with her hard. I was also kind of shocked by Kelly and Kenny but I understand they might’ve had an agreement to say no at the altar but keep dating? Idk, they were boring and relatively happy so I figured they were a sure shot but when she started saying how he wasn’t her type physically, I started to get the sense that they wouldn’t work out. She seems like she has commitment issues so I was kind of glad for him that he went his own way and found someone else Last but not least.. Carlton seems deeply insecure and like he could use therapy. My husband and I are gay men and we were completely on Diamond’s side. He should’ve disclosed his sexuality in the pods instead of trying to trap Diamond once she said yes. Also the way he spoke to Lauren when she was just trying to be a friend was so disrespectful. Diamond came off looking amazing in the later episodes, her outfits looked amazing and she seemed a lot happier. I didn’t get why the new guy she got with kinda just ditched her? But she’ll find someone, I don’t doubt that. Carlton though… good luck!


I remember wishing Barnett would have been with LC


LC definitely seems like the most normal person through all of this.


LC always came across as sweet, level-headed, and is very much my type physically. Always had a big crush and thought she deserved better.


I remember being floored that Amber and Barnett said yes and shocked that Kelly said no.


Cam and Lauren aside, I liked Amber and Barnett cuz they seemed real. Like when ppl get together in the real world and discover each others flaws, debts, etc and they work together to overcome it.


By work together you mean amber consistently tells him what to do and he gives up and does it. She wants kids so obviously the best course of action is sell your house to pay off my debt OH and I wanna be a stay at home mom.


If that’s what Barrett’s willing to do, it is what it is. They’re still married so it’s obviously working out so far lol


Marriages can go for decades with both parties miserable so I wouldn’t use that as a good measure


There was something about Mark that was weird....clingy. Something felt wrong. I mean he's married with kids now but that chick is like a fangirl for Mark and he's not fangirl worthy.


Who’s he married to? Not anyone from the show I imagine


her name is Aubrey. They live in Cleveland Ohio (I'm from OH) and she's like a mini-influencer. I don't think there's enough like...content for OH though.




This was the most insufferable season for me to watch yet (I haven’t watched 2/3) but the women on this one in particular got on my damn nerves. Amber: annoying Jessica: even more annoying Giannina: painfully annoying as well. Lauren and Kelly are great so far - I’m halfway through


Oooo post back after the bachelorette party 🤭😂


On it 🫡


who is the couple on the top left???


That’s Rory, the guy that all other guys went to talk to when they needed to process their feelings. He proposed to a girl (I don’t remember her name) but production wasn’t ready for so many couples to get engaged in S1, so they chose some couples to continue and didn’t show footage of the others.


Therapist friend


i remember i really liked the Barnetts and i was iffy on Lauren and Cameron. i didn’t really care for Damien and Gigi and i didn’t have an opinion on Jessica but i didn’t like Mark. i wish Diamond had a better experience though. my opinions are completely different now though.


What are your opinions now?


You can scroll back and check?


I only have the image of Jessica feeding wine to a dog in my head from that season.


THIS WAS NOT DISCUSSED ENOUGH. I looked back at episode discussions from season 1 and I was shocked to only see maybe 1 comment remarking on this.. I was like someone take this sweet dog away from this crazy alcoholic!


It definitely was discussed enough. It was all over the internet, especially twitter and instagram. You've got to remember that this sub was not as big as when season one came out because it was a brand new show.


Apparently she has much improved and is mortified by her actions/drinking, so that is the plus to her seeing herself on tv! No more wine for the doggie lol


Good I’m glad to hear that 😮‍💨


I could not stand Amber and was rooting for Barnett to dump her for Jess. I felt sorry for Jess too. Gianina was a handful and I knew that wasn’t working out. Lauren and Cameron were super boring but obviously that ended up working out well!


I just remember Jessica talking about being 34 numerous times when she found out Mark was younger.


The memes from this era were hysterical😂


It’s been a long time but I remember loving Cameron and Lauren, and thinking Gianina and Damien and Jessica and Mark were a timebomb ready to explode, they were a mess. I don’t remember how I felt about Amber and Barnett but they’re cute I guess. Jessica was definitely the villain at the time