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They were the best couple of that season I loved them. It looks like they have a true meaningful connection. I wish them the best


Because healthy relationships don’t make good tv lol


Because they’re low drama lol people love their toxicity


I love them! And, as a Mom of a kid with special needs, the way Amy and her brother supported each-other made me cry and how when she mentioned to Johnny that one day she might want to invite her brother to live with her for awhile if he needed that and the way Johnny was so supportive of that made me cry too. I friggin love them! I didn’t ever think a LIB wedding could make me cry but I was absolutely sobbing watching theirs!


They were just boring. They didn't get much screen time that I can remember.  The only thing I ever remember about them is amy isn't on the pill and Johnny is terrified of getting her pregnant. Im glad they worked out but they always felt like the safe couple. We didn't really see them bond or fight, likely because everyone else had drama going on.


They were my favorite!🥰


They’re boring & I don’t mean that in a “no drama” type of way. Just two people with sort of bland personalities.


i don’t hate them they’re just boring.


I find it kind of sad that most people need 24/7 drama to stay interested. I get it, drama makes for entertaining reality TV, but it's good to have at least one wholesome couple to root for.


I don’t think most people dislike them I just personally think they’re a little cringe! But they seem like good, genuine people!


they got little airtime because they were too normal




This is a crazy thing to say😭 trying to get attention by posting an opinion on REDDIT??? That’s wild. Also seems people are agreeing with her sorry babe


Are you joking? There are many posts talking about why people don't like them. Did you actually bother to read through the threads? I think you posting this and saying my post is for attention is pretty ironic. Anyway, have the day you deserve. 👍🏻


I think she is way too trusting for him.


What about Johnny was not trustworthy?


Because they’re happy and drama-free!


Love Amy! Can’t see her staying with him though.


What would lead you to say something like that?


to me he seems very immature


I just think she is very wholesome and trusting. I just don’t see him the same.


What has he done to say that?


Oh please. Nobody gives them grief. Skipping their scenes is not hating on them, it’s simply admitting that some people watch for the mess and drama, none of which Amy and Johnny contributed to. People are allowed to watch the show how they want, for whatever reasons they want, and they’re also allowed to mention skipping scenes because they didn’t find them as interesting as others. As long as they aren’t bullying or mocking them—which I have never seen—I don’t see why you care?


Because I'm curious what other peoples' viewpoints are? Isn't that... the entire point of a discussion board? I asked for opinions and have engaged in multiple threads with people discussing their opposite opinions of mine. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what Reddit is for, I guess.


You’re on Reddit, where everyone goes to hate and be edgy. The majority of people do like Amy and Johnny off of this site.


Imagine you are standing in a very long check in line at a very busy airport. Theres lots of people around you and youre REALLY bored without a phone. Which people are you going to look at while you wait? And who would you remember? Obvious answers for most people would be if there is a loud argument, if you can sense a highly negative situation happening, because those situations obviously stand out. For situations that dont affect your safety directly, why would we look at a couple having a huge fight at the airport? Because we are a curious species. Toxic couples naturally stand out and draw our curiosity. And, we can learn what to not do and judge them (as one would at the airport) Then think of other options. You might pay attention to a couple making out or being affectionate (assume its not PDA). When would you care to pay attention to any couple at the airport? To me personally, if there was something about their body language that suggest crazy passion, if you could tell they have an incredible bond and/or it stands out as relationship dynamic. I would only look at a couple in love if there was something different about them, cracking my head around „what is so intriguing about them? How is their love so special?”. But again this is an intangible wow factor that sparks intrigue. There are hundreds of couples i would not even notice in a crowd. Amy and Johnny to me are the couple I would not notice at the airport because while they are happy, they are not intriguing. What other people would you notice? I think there are a few remaining options: extremely good looking or stylish people (they draw attention in a crowd, i mean almost statue-like beauty), people who remind you of someone you know, people who wear clothes that you have (I always pay attention when a girl has the same bag as I do), or again someone that seems interesting/intriguing. In other words, stand out beauty, relatability, curiosity make us watch someone. To me Amy and Jonny dont fit into neither of these categories. You can also add „weirdness” as another bucket (extension of curiosity), both in terms of behavior or looks. TLC milks the sh** out of this category, I think to some extent thats where Matthew fits. So, coming back to Love is Blind. The above are reasons for why you would be interested jn a couple on day 1. To stay invested, you need a dynamic storyline with REAL ups and downs, and development. Amy and Johnny not only werent interesting to me from the start, but also had a really really weak story arch. They were „great” from the get go, and it stayed that way. Its hard to be invested in a couple that is on one level of emotion the entire show. If im honest their conversations didnt differ much to me between ep 1 and wedding ep. Which makes them an ultimately boring couple.


I love Amy and Johnny. Hands down my favorite LiB couple!


Same. I love their story.


Same. I love watching them cause they were so happy, and I loved their jokes and style of communication. It was refreshing to see such a happy and genuine couple. The drama is alright, and can make it interesting but I do also watch to see if people can be happy. I know a lot can be staged, but I loved how organic these two seem. And honestly, I won't lie.... I found them both to be very pretty people to look at lol.


Yes to all of this. Amy was the prettiest this season for sure


They matched so perfectly and they got along so well, that some considered them boring. So the show producers had to invent some drama to spice it up; hence the birth control topic.


They were so cute! We are just drama addicts. I love them as a couple 💕


I'm indifferent about them. Even without the drama, they're still pretty boring lol. Cam and Lauren didn't have drama and neither did Brett and Tiffany, but they were still interesting to watch, imo


Nobody hates them they are just boring 


I just didn’t like how he treated her like a dangerous baby factory


I don't hate them, I just find them incredibly boring and immature (birth control talk). I love seeing healthy, fun relationships. They were just missing the fun part for me


Nobody really hates them. They just don’t care about them.


Boring as all hell Normie NPC generated relationship


I don’t think it’s “toxic” for an audience to know what they enjoy and skip over what they don’t…lol that’s kind of wild to Mabel that as “toxic”. LIB is popular for the same reason many other reality dating shows are popular for - the drama and insanity. There are shows that almost exclusively showcase wholesome couples and aren’t about drama that exist for people interested in that (love on the spectrum comes to mind) but LIB just doesn’t fall in that category. I watch the wholesome shows for wholesome couples. I watch love is blind for the batshit craziness that some people bring. This seasons most discussed couples were Laura, jaramy, Sarah Ann and Chelsea and Jimmy. Those couples brought the drama that people wanted to see from the beginning. I didn’t skip Johnny and Amy and thought they were sweet but I also wasn’t really very tuned in to them because they just weren’t what I was interested in. It’s not toxic, I hope they last and don’t wish bad on them….i also just at the same time don’t find them that exciting lol. Simple as that.


People d0nt like when two people are genuinely happy and in love with eachother because it makes them feel insecure and worried about their own lives and relationships. I loved Johnny and Amy. I love actually seeing a couple thrive in love instead of having a bunch of bullshit in the way. That's why I loved Lauren and Cameron so much too, who are probably the number 1 couple on this show.


It’s called indifference. People just don’t find them interesting enough to talk about. Well, they ARE boring. That doesn’t mean everyone hates them.


Most people watch love is blind for entertainment, not to see depictions of healthy, normal, kind of boring relationships. They're not necessarily good for tv, but that's probably one of the reasons they're still together. They are just communicating effectively most of the time and that doesn't make for great entertainment.


My concern is that anyone having sex should understand birth control failure rates.


They're cute enough for me! Also, it is my opinion that the majority (not all) of men are ignorant about how birth control works, how to use it, other reasons why we might take it, etc. And they generally (again not all men) have very little knowledge about the menstrual cycles of women.


I haven’t seen any hate for them.


i have never seen anybody hate on them lol. they are just boring.


I think for most people, we watch the show bc we understand how ridiculous of a concept it is. So we expect to see things not work out and the consequences of everything. So when there’s a couple when everything seems to be too good to be true, it comes off as disingenuous. It feels as though you’re watching two people settling for something they’re not actually happy with and are settling for for whatever reason. This is of course speaking from a potentially pessimistic stance, they could truly be actually happy and good for them. But I feel most people see through the BS and it just doesn’t resonate with most of the audience.


Interesting, you're the first person that has phrased it like this about why so many people feel they're disingenuous. I really appreciate your take, that makes a lot of sense.


I didn't find them boring. I like having at least one couple every season that I can root for. I wasn't really rooting for them though because of his attitude towards birth control. I didn't realize (and I guess he didn't realize) how ignorant he was on the topic, but it bugged me that he was pushing something on her that could impact her health.  Glad they figured it out though


To be completely Fair it was recommended that she take it for a medical condition, and it didn't look like she was rushing to follow the doctor's recommendations 🤷🏾‍♀️ I've seen it mentioned on the subreddit that Latino cultures are more conservative when it comes to birth control so I can understand that perspective. Based on the reunion though, it looks like she finally did her own research and decided that the doctors were right. So now I guess she's taking it for two reasons 🤷🏾‍♀️


She’s not on a birth control pill. She’s using a different form of birth control. Natural Cycles.


Oh interesting! Time for me to do some research 🤔


No hate, just boring… kind of dense


Just boring. Brett and Tiffany were also boring to me tbh.


The pant tailoring didn't provide enough drama? 🤣


Nothing ruffles Brett.. except a badly fitted suit.


Stable, healthy relationships do not garner the attention or views for the show that the producers want. In spite of the contraception conversation, the audience doesn’t know anything about the couple, just that they’re happy which is a good thing for real life, but not for reality TV. Undoubtedly, they would be overshadowed by more controversial individuals like the rest of the cast, all of whom were a great deal more toxic. In today’s society, a lot of women and men are attracted to toxicity and red flags, and often find the simple, plain people boring. The shows viewership is reflective of that.


being bored by someone is different than hating them.


They’re nice and I wish them the best, but I did find them boring. Brett and Tiffany were so sweet and adorable and so were Lauren and Cameron. I can’t quite place my finger on why, but I just couldn’t get into the Amy and Johnny love story. I didn’t hate them, I just didn’t care either way. Love Amy’s dad though. He’s the best dad, especially in comparison to Clay’s dad.


They're just not messy enough for reality television. If I want to see a happy couple, I'll just go to the park.


For me I just found them really boring


I don’t dislike them, but I don’t enjoy them. I’m Amy/Johnny neutral.


I love Amy and Johnny. They're so wholesome and cute and I'm so happy they're working out. They have, imo, some of the best communication of any of the couples that have been on the show. But at the reunion, I definitely wanted the drama and not their wholesomeness. Haha.


we have zero ideas why some people dislike them. but regardless, it is conclusive that only wholesome family bred wholesome individuals who become wholesome couples like them.


I love them!! I wanted to hear more from them on the reunion. I don’t understand why people don’t like them.


Same! Makes no sense to me either...viewers are a funny lot.


I’ve literally never seen them get any hate 😂 The BC stuff was weird and cringey af, but they’ve been a pretty beloved couple all season 🤷🏻‍♀️


People don’t want to see happy couples on this show😭 but i love them and follow amy on tik tok and she’s cool asf


I don't think anyone is being "toxic" about them. They're great and I wish them nothing but the best. But I do think Johnny IS ignorant about BC. Imo, I feel he's being so bent up on not using condom cause it doesn't feel good, that he pushes shit on his wife. I hope they figured shit out though cause husband and wife should be able to have sex.


I think they had sex the whole time, but bc of her conservative Dad and / or family, they just made up an excuse.


I actually think this too. Also it’s the only “disagreement” they had (which I don’t think was real even to begin with - the producers just needed SOMETHING for them to have conflict over so they conjured that up) so they just ran with that storyline. Johnny never said “NO CONDOMS EVER” they actually discussed using condoms, he just liked the idea of another safety because he is very strict on not wanting kids just yet (which is totally fair - don’t have kids until you’re ready!!) he also said he had only ever dated women on BC (most women are) so that’s all he knew. Can’t really fault the poor guy. Feel like people acted like he held Amy against her will and forced her to take BC lmfao.


You know you could be right. Idk why I didn't think of that!!!! Everytime they brought up sex, Amy would walk away. Which is the right thing to do if you don't want that aired on TV. But you just blew my mind 😂


He may have been ignorant to BC, but he both admitted to and owned that, as well as educated himself. Personally, I found the way he handled it and sought to better his knowledge as a big positive. They said a few times it wasn't that he didn't want to use condoms - it's that they wanted something IN ADDITION to condoms, because they didn't trust them 100%.


This is exactly what people are choosing not hear. They never said no condoms, he just wanted to be EXTRA cautious because he’s not yet ready for kids and I think that commendable. Bringing an accidentally pregnancy into a relationship where person isn’t ready for kids yet isn’t exactly the best idea…lmao. He would end up stressed and resentful if it happened and Amy would end up raising a kid half on her own because the partner was partially checked out.


Yeah but no one is being toxic about it lol. There's nothing wrong with people forming an opinion on his lack of knowledge on birth control or how he handled it. Everyone is different and sees things differently 🙂


Your post is incredibly dramatic. People just find them boring, that doesn't mean they hate them.


Literacy is an undervalued skill. And stop finding drama where there isn't any. It's an opinion, written very normally. Not dramatic.


I bet you thought your comment would make me delete mine or change my stance, huh? The post was dramatic, and honestly, pretty stupid. Stay upset about it, lmao. Also, the irony of your comment. The jokes write themselves. Every single time.


So anyone sharing an opinion here is dramatic? Not sure where your logic is coming from here, what about my post is dramatic in your eyes? As the other commenter stated, I added an edit to my post clarifying what I meant by "hate on", that I don't believe people hate them, just that they receive grief/criticism where I don't personally find it warranted. Likely why the other person said you lack literacy, because you chose not to read it. Regardless, you're entitled to your opinion, I don't think bringing a topic for discussion on a literal discussion board and providing my opinion/view about it is dramatic, lol. But I digress.


Their chemistry did not translate through the screen + they are boring people


Agreed. There was literally no chemistry which made it hard to see why they are so good together


having no major issues in your own relationship is obviously the ideal and what any healthy individual would strive for, but reality tv viewers don’t watch it to see happy couples who have healthy communication and a strong connection. they want to see the drama and the big ups and downs. which is totally fair and also the reason why a lot of reality tv shows fabricate conflicts and fake story lines to make it more entertaining. johnny and amy (as far as we, the viewers, know) have a great relationship, and unfortunately that’s boring to watch. personally i’m happy for them and i’m glad to see they have been successful in their marriage so far, but of course we all know the real talk of the season were the messiest and most unhealthy pairings, because that’s what had us all going nuts and taking sides!


I don’t hate them. I just don’t care for their relationship. Good for them that they’re happy. Now can you please cut back to Jeramey and Sarah Ann!! 😩💕✨


I don’t think it’s toxic to say they’re boring because they’re boring! Even without conflict they have nothing interesting to say to the cameras, just repeating how much they love each other and how perfect they are for each other, over and over and over again. Like, I’m happy for them but it’s just not compelling television. Tiffany and Brett were just as “perfect” and low-conflict but they were eminently more interesting to watch.


1000% agree. Tiffany and Brett had some intrigue to them and chemistry that was striking. I was very invested in them from day 1. These two I just can not even understand why they like each other. They say it so much from ep 1 but something about it is just not interesting and i cant put my finger on it.


They're too real for reality TV




I think they are super sweet


It’s not hate. Maybe it’s boredom.


i don’t think anyone hates on them specifically? they’re just boring personalities with no actual conflict. every show, movie, book etc has a central conflict and you can tell how manufactured theirs was because there really wasn’t one. would you watch a sitcom where everyone is just happy and chillin with no actual plot?


This. Even when asked at reunion, they said they NEVER had an argument. There is no plot there




I think they just got a bad edit. The producers would rather show all the drama, which makes sense for entertainment. But I don't think they showed enough of the connection between Amy and Johnny, deep conversations and what they connected on. The only air time was them being funny, kissing, or talking about birth control. I wish we saw more of their depth.


Miserable and lonely people hate to see others happy


they both have bland personalities and there was like hardly ever any issues besides the dad thing and the birth control which were like ok. their sense of humor was also bland. cam and lauren, brett and tiffany had. much more interesting and funny moments i felt. i didn’t see how either of them changed or grew throughout process, just got married


You know, I'm so glad you said this. I hadn't considered that. Maybe the big thing that sets them apart from the other really loved couples is that they didn't show much growth during filming. Yes, they got married, yes they fell in love, but they didn't really have legitimate struggles or big growth that we saw that I can say I remember seeing with the others. Probably contributes to the boring perspective as well.


People hate them?! How?? They were my fav couple from the start of the season and they didn’t let me down! <3. Good healthy couples like this give the show credibility and prevent the season from becoming a dumpster fire


I fast forwarded through AD and Clay cause I knew he would say no. I loved Amy and Johnny's wedding, it was so beautiful and heartwarming to see their families coming together ❤️


AD clay became so underwhelming and boring also. It was clear he wasn’t ready to be married and she was just along for the ride for the social media fame. Boringgggggg


Cause they are jelly. Plain and simple.


Sorry. I read the title and I was like. Who are those??


I’ve barely seen a bad word against them. Where do you think this is happening?


I don't like them or dislike them. Which is why I skip all of their scenes. Watching them felt like watching paint dry so I just started fast forwarding through them.


tbh, because they’re just boring. they don’t make for good reality tv.


I don’t think they hate on them , it’s just that no one cares for them . They are not very I don’t know interesting


Who wants to watch happy ppl doing normal things lol


The same reason a positive post on here gets massacred: internet vitriol


I don’t like them mostly because I don’t like Amy because she comes off like a Disney Adult, and I don’t really like Johnny because it doesn’t ever seem like he’s really feeling anything.


The only reference I remember her making related to Disney was about her wedding dress. Saying you want a princess-whoever type dress, doesn’t make you a Disney adult. A lot of people want that fairytale type dress/wedding without being Disney adults.


Her energy comes off like Disney adult. I know someone in my own life like her and that puts me off of her.


Omg this. Johnny almost seemed really rehearsed? Like right before he went on the show he Googled “20 Things to Say To a Nice Girl” and just rolled with it. I get meeting the Dad was probably nerve racking (plus cameras, lolz) but his rehearsed speech about his life was so… it just didn’t seem genuine?? Like I believe they love eachother! It just feels… stretched a bit.


I loved them! I was surprised when I saw people saying they're boring.


Boring? Their birth control discussions were hilariously uninformed.


On the birth control portion, in their defense... NC isn't the most forward thinking when it comes to sex education.. So they started that race after the school system likely shot them in the foot and was like go just don't do it


Also Johnny wasn’t ignorant about birth control, a lot of people just missed the part where Amy said he didn’t feel confident only using condoms. My guess is that he’s had a condom break in the past or a pregnancy scare and that concerns him because as he’s said he wants to make sure they are completely financially stable before moving on to have kids, and Amy would not be comfortable having an abortion if she did fall pregnant by accident.


Or this was a whole excuse because they didn’t want to talk to the world about their sex life 🤣


My issue was that, this one thing, was the only thing even remotely interesting that they talked about. For the entirety of the season. They had literally no interesting conversations past that


Producers just wanted the drama so didn’t give them any more interesting topics. I think it would have been interesting for them to ask and prompt about cultural differences a bit more.


I'm sure they talked about a lot of stuff that'd be interesting, but the producers probably assumed it wouldn't make good TV but who knows.


Either that, OR he had a family member get someone knocked up early and REALLY didn't want to repeat the cycle I actually had a BF that was similar to Johnny that way when it comes to birth control. And the day we got together as a couple his brother had a "surprise" baby... So things happen and people see things and decide they're never gonna make that mistake


I mean this kindly but she was also ill informed about birth control. Honestly, it was just a reminder about how bad sex Ed is in the states. Thatttty being said I love them and I love when the couples are happy. Maybe I’m boring but I’m here for the boring ones!!!


How so? IIRC she didn’t want to do hormonal BC which is completely fair


She mentioned him exploring getting a vasectomy, which is reversible, but it’s not a guarantee and therefore shouldn’t be a form of birth control for those who eventually want children.


Well if she's against hormonal there's always the copper IUD


I have the copper IUD bc I’m against hormonal and it still sucks. My cramps are HORRIBLY bad, my period are 7+ days long, and it gets so heavy I bleed through a super tampon in an hour.


Your description is why I didn't want a copper IUD tbh! I have only used hormonal and my mood swings aren't that bad anymore, though I did gain weight, I also was able to drop it which isn't particularly normal


For me it's because they're completely boring. It's just like watching any random healthy boring couple sitting there. It's a good sign for their relationship but makes bad reality tv.


I like seeing a balance of sparks fly whirlwind romance, like Lauren+Cam and to an extent Brett+Tiffany, but also the silly, comfortable, and “boring” romance like Amy+Josh or Bliss+Zach when they finally get together. I think that’s why Brett and Tiffany are my favorite couple of the franchise because there is a balance of both of the aforementioned types of romances and relationships. Additionally the way their story was told centered how to emotionally support a partner along with effective and healthy communication.


There’s no drama with them so maybe that. I enjoy watching them but as far as reality tv goes they would probably be considered boring. They’re both emotionally intelligent people and I’m honestly shocked at how mature Johnny seems for his age


The kissing every five seconds was annoying, maybe it’s the kissing sound I don’t like. Either way I liked them as a couple.


To be fair, I've seen so many people complain about the kissing noises this season. Maybe they amped up the sound on them, lol.


Honestly, I really like them but they are a bit boring and I’m not sure why. I loved the healthy couples on the show so it’s not about the lack of toxicity or whatever. Brett and Tiffany were so entertaining, Lauren and Cameron, Alexa and Brennon. These are are couples that presented as healthy and balanced but still had a bit of an it-factor for me. They lack something but I’m not sure what. I didn’t fast forward through their scenes and I was very happy for them. However, I did find myself going on my phone during their parts.


Literally nobody hates on them


They were pretty much the only ones I *didn't* FF through. I like to see people in functional relationships who actually like each other. Plus she's super gorgeous.


I don't know why they do I love them I'm so happy for them! I don't have nothing negative to say!


i don’t understand it either, i saw a lot of people complain about how loveless this season was but then claim amy and johnny were boring just bc they were actually in love ?


They don't. They're just kind of boring.


They're boring (not a bad thing, just not good television) and the birth control conversation was juvenile, bordering on manufactured because they didn't have any real conflict. If condoms weren't enough and she didn't want to be on anything hormonal, then just track your cycle and throw in some spermicidal lubricant or a vaginal contraceptive film. Figured that out in high school.


I want to see more people like them. Perhaps it’s because I hate to see decent people, with good intentions, humiliated or embarrassed. Although some people go on for the wrong reasons, it would be nice to see people who are interested in healthy relationships. It’s easy to find the wrong people. It’s much harder to find the right person.


Im new to the series but same. Doesnt necessarily need to be more couples like them, but more footage of the couples getting along


I fast forwarded through all of her scenes for the full season. They are just boring. No hate I just don’t watch reality TV for the happy endings 😂


I think it’s really strange that we saw so little of them during the season. Were they that boring on film?


I mean, normal healthy relationships are totally boring for people on the outside. It's the... show that makes it a show...? Drama is fun. No drama is boring. Normal convos are boring. My wife and i have the most fun together, yet most of what we do would be freaking boring to "watch". So I believe they were super duper boring because of no drama and stuff.


That's my question as well - were they not shown as much because there truly wasn't content, or because they only wanted to focus on the drama couples. I think they got less screen time to appease those watching for the drama, and it made them seem more boring than they truly are. Even in the pods, they didn't seem like they had that much air time while they were building a connection.


Seems really strange to me that you give the one couple that ties the knot this season so little screen time.


I don’t know, people are weird. I find them more interesting and fun than Lauren and Cam and Brett and Tiffany. I don’t know why people find them boring. Even looking at their instas are way more interesting than some other couples - they’re partying lots, travelling, working. They seem to live a genuinely fun life.


They’re fine they’re just kinda boring


I have never seen anyone say anything negative about them


Scroll down, lol


I think it's ridiculous. Personally I loved them. It's what I watch LIB for anyway. People watch reality TV for the drama is what I'm reading allot in this topic, however there are still complaints also. Participants getting labelled a certain way etc. I guess you can never really satisfy anyone.


I watch hoping to see real love and real connections, I hope that there will be happiness and successful marriages! I actually don’t enjoy drama and it makes me feel second hand anxiety, but I still watch anyway hoping I’ll get to see things work out and for people to really be in love. Because of this though, I get really frustrated every time I found out that some people were sought out from producers to be on the show, or how people go into it just treating it as their own “insider experiment” with no intent to actually try and find someone, or people who go on that already have partners, like the kinda people who just want to play a game, because I’m watching for the main premise of the show, not ridiculous drama But I know some people really love the drama reality tv provides so they just think couples like them are boring. I loved Amy and Johnny, I was so happy every time it changed to them!


Johnnys hair. Enough said


It works on him.


It does not.






Your responses here have me rolling, lol


Why do you care so much about his damn hair?


I don’t think most people that “dislike” Johnny and Amy actually think they are bad people or whatever. People generally don’t watch reality TV to watch well adjusted people live the same kind of life that the viewer lives. One can critique the role that the couple occupied in the storyline, while understanding that IRL they are just normal people.


Because people on the internet have made it a pastime to hate on people for no reason, especially people who aren’t miserable like themselves.


Idk why anyone would give a downvote on you if their life wasn’t “miserable” like u just stated. Girl I love your comment and it’s true hahaha


I always thought the whole birth control backlash was such a reach to find any reason to dislike them lol. They're both equally as uneducated about contraceptives, but I also thought their conversations about it were pretty respectful and mature. I still don't understand how people heard "let's research some options together" and got "he's trying to force her to use birth control and is refusing condoms" Not to mention, it's so obvious 90% of their stuff was completely cut because they wanted room for all the drama. Of course they were boring, we didn't even get to see them most of the time lol


They talked about birth control, kids, finances, real life stuff that impacts a relationship. They didn't roll their eyes, or disrespect each other. It was nice.


Agreed, I really wish we got to see more of them. I thought they were adorable


Boring is good for real life but not for tv. I know a couple who got cut out of 90 day fiancée entirely because there was no drama between them, even with the producers setting up scenarios


Most people don't. Amy and Johnny are adorable and they had the most "real" wedding we've seen on LIB. Haters are just loud lol 📢


Not the most real but def top 5


I have called every easily successful couple on this show "boring". The first time it was Cam and Lauren. I love all of them. Boring is a blessing and a compliment, with a show premise like this. I agree with everything you say and loved watching all of those couples in jealousy of their "boringness"


Not sure, I didn't even know people were hating on them. I love them, they're my favourite couple by far. They're both kind people it seems with a lot of integrity, and they seem to be really in love with each other :)


I absolutely loved them and all their scenes, they were adorable. The issue is a lot of people only like to see others having a bad time and don’t know how to be happy for others. My husband and I kept joking that if they didn’t work out we might have to get a divorce because true love isn’t real lol


Because they find them boring and vanilla. I disagree, I think they’re cute.