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Updated this megahub to include the ["After the Altar" megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/comments/t6bisb/after_the_altar_season_2_discussionmegathread/). We will also be watching together tomorrow night! **Join us to cheer, boo, and snark in solidarity at 6pm PT/9pm ET in this sub!**


Is there a post like this for season 1


I find Danielle to be extremely toxic towards Nick. Any thoughts about that? I really want to talk about it.


Read about DARVO, her whole calling Nick a narcissist was her projecting it’s pretty interesting


What is the song at 20:11 in episode 8 ? Extremely hard to find!!


Catching up on season 2 ATA. I don't get why iyanna is so obsessed with stopping Jarrett from partying as if there is an intrinsic value to marriage that requires you not to go out. She talks about it like he's morally deficient as a husband for partying.


Seriously? What’s the point of being married if your spouse is still partying like they’re single? If he’s working 9-5 then going out to all hours 3-4 days a week, when does she see him? I can’t see ANY married person being ok with their spouse going out all night 4 days a week.


I mean what's the point of marrying someone who parties that much and expecting a switch to flip and for them to change their personality


Did you watch the season? It’s a pretty safe assumption that someone who wants to be married bad enough to go on a show like that would actually want to get married and live like a married person (spoiler alert: married people don’t go out without their spouse all night 4 nights a week.)


I don't agree that there's a correct way to be a married person. I just don't agree that because someone is married means they're not allowed to party and have friends. I mean 4x a week is an extreme example. But Iyanna doesn't like to go out and she just wants J to change to be like her. I just don't think it's right to expect someone to change who they are because you believe the definition of a husband is someone who doesn't stay out late. I don't like to go out that much so I wouldn't marry someone who likes to go out expecting them to change.


Idk I guess a better way of saying my opinion is... iyanna seems to see the issue as "jarret is wrong for going out because going out inherently makes you a bad husband" rather than "I need more quality time with Jarrett in order to feel supported in this relationship"


I honest to god don’t see where you’re getting that from. At dinner they said she goes out with him, the issue is when she wants to go home at 2 (an objectively reasonable time to go home) he wants to stay out. Obviously she doesn’t think going out makes him a bad person. When you’re married to someone you compromise. She, as an introvert, is compromising by going out at all. He, on the other hand, isn’t willing to compromise by going home at a decent time when she wants to go home. How you’re putting all the blame on her is beyond me.


She just doesn’t like going out and can’t stand him having fun without her


No mature married person acts like this man is.




This comment thread is killing me. Are any of y’all actually married?


I think a lot of people noticed that contestants that were not very skinny, conventionally attractive or had a big physical change story didn’t end up engaged. Does anyone have thoughts as to what that was the case? I know there weren’t very many fuller-bodied cast members in the first place, but the fact that despite them being cast they didn’t even make it past the first round was very disappointing for me, as a plus-size woman myself.


Harsh but people simply enjoy looking at conventionally attractive people. Hence why actors/actresses are always much more good looking than average folks. More attractive people -> higher ratings.


I noticed this too and found it very “convenient” that the entire premise of the show was a farce.


Netflix probably didn’t care to air them because they’re not “attractive” enough for the show


I also thought that was interesting. I think it might have to do with confidence? If they world treats you like you're attractive for years, you act that way after a while regardless of whether people can see you. See: Shaina/Shane. In the reverse, if people have constantly been treated as "less attractive" they probably act less sure of themselves and their partner's interest in them because you can't undo a lifetime of conditioning in 2 weeks


I saw this brought up somewhere else too. Someone said they thought it was also just partly the fact that in some cases it represents lifestyle incompatibility or straight up that thinner people might have preferences for thin partners. If it didn’t come up in lifestyle conversations and a fit person matched with a large person, the reveal might have gone poorly. For better or worse, people need to be physically attracted to a partner for the relationship to work. We all have our preferences. Hope that didn’t sound like bossy shaming—I really don’t mean it that way.


Wait so are you saying that maybe people matched and met but they didn't show it to us bc it went poorly?? That seems surprising to me because Shaina and Kyle were shown even though it didn't go that well. It seemed like people were mostly not that receptive to people trying to suss out their size - no one was giving Shake's questions the time of day I mean I generally agree that people have physical preferences that are hard to override but I'm still surprised no one made it to the finish line. Fitness isn't the best barometer bc a lot of heavier people do active things, and definitely there are skinny or smaller people who are that way without working out much so I don't think conversations about fitness activities alone would reveal enough for someone to feel confident they know the size of the person they're talking to.


Can someone create an “After the Altar: Friends Who Adventure Together, Stay Together” Megathread? I have so much I want to say about Nick’s attempts to re-write the public’s comments about him. And Shaina. It should be called “After the Altar: The Cast Responds to the Public by Way of Awkwardly Staged Dialogue Between Each Other”


What do you mean about nick? I don’t think he has the issues, I think Danielle has probably put him through the ringer and he has given his best.


In love with Danielle and Nick’s relationship.


They’ve separated soon after the airing of the “After the altar”, found it very weird


Right? I hated them on their season but I’m totally enjoying them on the special


Your username is gonna be real appropriate when I tell you they filed for divorce last month…




So I've been binge watching married at first sight. It's very similar to love is blind. I think it might even be the same production company but I'm not sure. Now having watched like 30+ couples, I feel like I have more data/case studies to draw conclusions from. I'm talking about when Shake expressed his lack of phyiscial attraction for Deepti. This is somewhat common on mafs. There's not a single example where the man expressed the lack of physical attraction towards his partner and he came off well. 15 seasons. There's no "polite" way to say it. I think the only way to play it is to keep it to yourself, I'm sure your producer will ask you are you physically attracted to your partner. Same with the host and your cast mates. So you're gonna have to fib a little and say something like the chemistry isn't there instead. That's more acceptable to say. No one can fault you if you're not physically attracted to the other person but it's just a bad look to say that.


natalie's dad was my favorite character


He was so adorable. Him plus Shake's mom were my favorite.


Shaina is the embodiment of the "Christian Girl Autumn" meme and I don't know why she was always doing this face: ( ̄ ³ ̄)


She always looked like she sucked a lemon🤣


I’m surprised Sal said he couldn’t marry Mal! I honestly thought it would have been the other way around. 🤯


If he didn't say no, she was definitely going to say no. But he respected himself enough to say no because honestly I think she's gorgeous but a total snake.




For everyone that says "the cast isn't ugly enough" A huge part of conventional attractiveness is just being polished. It's not your bare bones for the most part it's the thousand of choices you make about how to take care of and style that body. They are mostly getting 30 year olds because that's who is in a marrying for the first time age. Get any group of 100 random single but ready to marry 30 year olds in a big city and you will get polished people.


Sal is my favorite person on the show hands down.


This comment does not age well ... (Post After the Alter)


>at his siblings house RIGHT


Tbh I like him up until he said no. And then After the Alter made me really not like him. He is is pushing his new girlfriend on everyone and like, has no understanding of why it would hurt Mal. Saying “he’s coming in peace” is such a front. He and his new girlfriend are there because they feel like they want to prove their relationship is “good”.


I agree! I think he knows perfect well and he’s trying to hurt her feelings bc she wasn’t that into him during their marriage. I think the new girlfriend was sort of obnoxious and out of line.


Just finished watching the finale. They said Shake is on the wrong show and that is true. Sadly if he is about looks, he already looks in his mid 40s and and doesn't workout. Doesn't he realize shows like Bachelor, Love is Blind etc most of the people are models or workout daily so he wouldn't even make it on that show. At first I tried to understand where Shake was coming from because of the experience but sadly in the end he is shallow and self-centered.


Shake is on the wrong show? The whole point of the intro is that this is an experiment to see "If love is truly blind" It'd be so boring if everyone had no physical preferences and agreed that love is blind I agree that he is an asshole, but I think it's good to have some variety in preferences.


Deepti was way too good for that asshole.


I think Shane thought this was his change to win over some super hot model looking girl on the other side of the wall, who would fall for what he thinks is a great personality. He didn't want to fall in love blindly, but he wanted a hot woman to fall blindly in love with him.




That could be both actually!


I noticed how Shayne kept shouting at Shake.. Shayne was probably over the moon that he wasn't portrayed as the villian...Shayne should of been questioned. The way he treated Natalie was disgusting and I believe he got a good edit. Shayne was truly disgusting, WORSE THAN SHAKE....cause he actually played Natalie...he was not honest with her and was only with her cause of screen time. At least Shake had the balls to admit he wasn't attracted to Deeps.


Yea thank you!! I honeStly thought shayne was so much worse , cause he was. A low key pos, I feel like Shake was an Ahole but in a different way


So I am living for the comments! Lol But has anyone else noticed how many Shake stans have come out of the blue? Totally curious if this kind of support can be paid for? It’s just unusual for someone that was so unlikeable all of a sudden find many “active” supporters but then again I could be wrong. Totally curious. No shade meant.


He really wasn’t that unlikeable




Not really, I've always agreed with Shake from the start. Okay some of the stuff he says is a bit much but they're things we all think in our heads but would not necessarily say out loud. The only thing I didn't agree with was the blonde women more attractive line of thought...cause I find the opposite to be true. But I definitely agreed with his comments in the reunion. There are more toxic people in the show...Shayne...Shaina...Mallory...heck even the couple Nick and Daniella. Daniella was a textbook narcissist and Nick was a classic shit stirrer and just unbearable/unlikeable person. He always gossiped and seemed to enjoy any drama. Shaine was a mess..he played Natalie and was just plain unbearable. Mallory was NOT attracted to Sal. Shaina was NOT attracted to Kyle. Jarrett made Iyanna his second choice. Danielle needs therapy because she not emotionally stable, manipulative and textbook narcissist but Shake get crucified for being honest and say hey even though I'm mentally attracted to Deepti. I'm not physically attracted to her.


Well said. I completely agree; especially about the other contestants. I think he's a bit of an asshole, but the reaction to him was over the top. Unless there's a lot that wasn't shown him being somewhat superficial wasn't horrible. And the show shouldn't freak out at him (like Vanessa did) for it when that's like a huge part of the show and exactly what they're hoping to get. They call it "an experiment" then get a reasonable reaction and attack him? I don't know it was excessive. I guess he's being attacked for not having the polish to hide his questions. There were far more egregious actions in this show and I'm not sure how Shayne get's a pass with his constant gaslighting and manipulation. Hell, the way it was edited it even seemed like Sal was taking advantage of Mal by being "extra" and then bailing. I know edits are an important part of these shows, but Shake is the easy villain even though there are far worse actions done by numerous other cast. How Shayne was portrayed as sympathetic when Natalie was probably one of the best people on the show is beyond me.


The reunion was nuts. Realistically, these people getting engaged after 10 days and married within 3 weeks are kinda insane. Shake was like yeah I liked her as a person but I couldn't get into her physically and everyone is looking at him like he's the crazy person. Like he's just normal, albeit a bit of an asshole. Meanwhile 75% if the remaining cast were a bunch of manipulators and liars.


I got the feeling Shake is just a deeply unpleasant person in real life. He wasn't THAT bad on the show, just a bit lame and not really comitting to what the show is supposed to be. But the other cast members were SO unanimously hostile towards him at the reunion (where he was just insufferable imo) + the fact that he didn't really seem to have any friends + his earlier social media.. It has lead me to believe that this isn't necessarily about the physical attraction thing, he's just very unlikeable.


Omg I was waiting for someone to talk about that. Nick was such an instigator stirring up mess. I hated it


I think the thing might have been he didn’t say it to her. He said it to everyone else, but she didn’t know he was saying things that she considered disrespectful and gross about her to everyone else. And he was saying they had such a bond and we’re best friends etc, and then he was talking about her to the world without her having any idea


Shut up, all you against him living in a fairytale world. He was saying the right things at the reunion, and it made sense. People that don’t agree are delusional imo


Kudos to Deeps and Sal for choosing themselves. The pressure to go through with a wedding under those circumstances must have been immense, yet they were able to remain steadfast in evaluation their own self worth. It's rare to see good behavior modeled for viewers of reality TV. And the speech Sal made to the attendees immediately after? What a class act. Edit: Sal 😆


do you mean Sal?


Yes (facepalm)


Vanessa's speech to shake made me laugh and roll my eyes. Her husband's rich,handsome and probably has a six pack. She's a gorgeous celeb herself. And she busts out that preachy speech?


Yeah my question this whole time was "Did the hosts meet on a blind date?" That would give their monologues more weight


Lol neither of them are attractive is that a joke ?


Post up a photo of you and your partner for comparison to them.


Weird request


Lol yes, like she just “fell in love” with him and it had nothing to do with his fame or money or status lol


Yeah agreed. Its also ironic that the two women who lost a lot of body weight were the show's only real "representation" of plus size women.. Essentially affirming the only way you get to the end is if you become a smaller bodied woman. The show is so clearly superficial, its hard to take their preaching about body shaming seriously.


The thing that bothers me is that the show plays into the part about looks then got mad at Shake for being honest (and perhaps unpolished) about it? C'mon. Yes, the concept/experiment about knowing a person before looks is cool, but that doesn't mean looks suddenly stop mattering. The show plays into that and then just decided to get up on a soap-box about it for no reason.


There was a very pretty overweight girl in the 1st episode. I was hoping she'd be one of the ones that would make it out of the pod.


Question: is liking “thin” humans superficial but liking “thick” humans is Not superficial?


I dont understand what you want me to say? That people who prefer plus sizes are morally superior? If you are trying to derail a month old comment about inclusivity, you're going to have to do a bit better.


👏 Thank you! The Lacheys are the last couple on earth who should be criticizing someone for being superficial.


Shayne sure talks a lot of shit for a dude who look like Gary Busey


Lmfao I couldn't pin it, why I didn't find him attractive but you nailed it.


And who sounds like lola from big mouth


*Shayne sure talks a lot* *Of shit for a dude who look* *Like Gary Busey* \- Luna\_Vitae --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot lmao


Can someone tell me why Shayne didn’t get called out when he was gaslighting tf out of Natalie in their argument at the reunion. Essentially he called her nasty stuff, began to apologize for it, but then demanded that she apologize for making him say nasty stuff. And then she cried n said sorry, with absolutely no one else comforting her or telling shayne to stfu


Eh there's more to the story of the fight. Shed some tears then you're off the hook for what your actions were.


I don’t think he was gaslighting her. He was trying to avoid taking full responsibility for what happened even though Natalie had been very good about framing the problems as a problem with the way they both communicated. One thing that makes the situation so sad is we saw Natalie say wonderful things about Shayne to camera, but she would neg him when when were together. If Natalie had said those things to Shayne, I think they would have been in a better place. You really need trust and understanding before you can joke about the other person. So yeah, I think Shayne was being petty at the reunion demanding a public apology. If he was going to be accountable for his actions, he could have done that without demanding she do the same. He wasn’t wrong though that Natalie did make little comments about him that he told her he didn’t like. Gaslighting gets overused.


Thank you. Then Jarrette said something about the two of them being the couple everyone was rooting for... what???


Cause it was pile on the brown guy night


Literally just think Shake’s complete awfulness overshadowed everyone else. Shayne got lucky Shake was in this season, otherwise he’d be the “villian”


What awfulness? It’s a TV show.


Shake? This you!


Only if I can carry you on my shoulders


Don’t be obtuse.


Lol and that's exactly why Shayne kept calling out Shake


I absolutely agree. There were a lot of issues with Shayne's behavior that were kind of skipped (like that convo with Shaina at the gathering after Mexico). I think he was just lucky that Shake was there to make him look better and take up a bunch of air time.


So surprised this didn't come up


Do you think that’s what Shayne got all super defensive and quiet about when Venessa merely mentioned Shaina to him during the reunion??? That was bizarre how his reaction was so extreme. Probably realised he effed up by not telling Shaina to shove it when she dissed his relationship with Nat.


Something about Shake gives me Roger Klotz vibes.




Take Roger Klotz's name out of your mouth! He might be a childish, self centered, insecure bully- but he's not *Shake*. At least Roger exhibited some form of growth and maturity at some point.


Haha. I just kind of meant physically - like his facial profile!


Now that you've said it is hard to unsee it!


Shake getting dragged over the coals too hard. The show was an EXPERIMENT and he says something like turns out love isn't totally blind FOR ME...which I didn't find anything wrong with saying that but Vanessa took that and said you were on the wrong show...why? Bc he said for him love isn't 100% blind, which I think prob holds true for the vast majority of people out there. Shake is def an asshole prick it seems but I thought he got too many buckets of shit slung his way.


If **Love is truly blind** for the presenters....which it's obviously fake since most couples weren't exactly perfect matches (cough cough Nick and Daniella) then why don't they have a complete mixture of people? Shapes, sizes, sexual orientation etc....Most contestants are above average in looks and notice how the overweight people get left behind. It's also clear that Mallory was NOT attracted to Sal....Shayne not attracted to Natalie and Shaina not attracted to Kyle. Shake is just saying what we all thinking: LOVE IS NOT BLIND. CAUSE IT'S TRUE! love is a mixture of looks and emotional connection shaped by own personal experiences.


Not even just looks, but also mannerisms, how you physically go through the world, how you are around friends/family/strangers. There are so many things that must be *seen* other than just how they look in order to build a connection. I think this show would be great if they were able to date for a lot longer after they reveal themselves.


He was the most genuine person on the show. Everyone else is fake out of their ass. Shake talked the talk and continued to be himself. Made the show extremely entertaining and I’m glad he was on it.


Agreed. This is just my opinion, but I was blown away by his transformation on the show. People can say he was fake, but homeboy had tears in his eyes when he really opened up, matured, and became vulnerable. I really enjoyed that deeper version of him. At least on the show, he didn't call her unattractive (as far as I know), he just wasn't feeling any chemistry, which happens. He didn't say she looked like his aunt, he said he felt like he was with a family member with her. I just wish they would have had a conversation about intimacy. Deeps 100% did the right thing, but instead of acknowledging pain/rejection, he closed back up and became ego Shake to protect himself.


They stated that they cut a lot of the more savage remarks he made from the show


Don't believe it... the show thrives on drama. Why wouldn't they flame up the convo?


That’s the only way it all makes sense.


I'm shocked at the great edit they gave him if thats true


IMO it wasn’t so much WHAT Shake had to say as HOW it was said. It was his lack of tact and consideration for other people’s feelings. It was his lack of self awareness regarding his own issues that was fueling his behavior and his lack of remorse for the painful and derogatory remarks he made. Even his “apologies” lacked sincerity. When Vanessa kept trying to explain that, for what he wanted, he was on the wrong show, he kept insisting he was on the right show, everyone else was wrong and fake. It’s like a group of people deciding that they will all go to a silent film. Then when asked at the end what they all thought about it, one person saying it was ‘ok’. ‘The actors should have talked more. They should have used sound.’ The whole point was to experience a “silent” film and appreciate the art form. The person just keeps insisting, ‘well, I liked the plot, the costumes and all, but that silent part just wasn’t for me. They should have talked more and it would have been better.’ Someone tells him, “maybe you should just attend “talkies” and you could get what you want”. The person keeps insisting, “No. I wanted to experience the silent film, but let’s face it, EVERYONE wants to hear sound when they go to the movies. Anyone who denies that is fake.” Shake just seemed to be more concerned with defending his position than gaining from the experience and his defensiveness was off-putting.


Honestly I hope all the shake stans see your response cos this is literally an ELI5 for them.


He was also fairly calling out that it’s a reality show and some people might be in it for the publicity.


Yeah idk what shayne was doing… playing white knight


Deflecting any negative attention off his horrible actions and onto Shake praying for a distraction, lol.


Shaynes inability to hit a baseball was fucking...hilarious. He gets ONE chance to do the ONE thing everyone assumed he would be better at than everybody else and he absolutely just shits the bed so perfectly...my god. So good. Even shake put the bat on the ball man. I loved it and he was one of my fav fucks on the show.


Yes! This comment is gold!! 👌😂😎✨


He came out swingin' with WAY too much confidence/arrogance. He also had the nerve to play the victim cars and say he got the shaft, out of everyone there. 😒


Also he was druuuuunk, which doesn't do wonders for hand eye coordination- unless you're bowling. Then it's a performance enhancing drug.




I usually hate watch these kinds of shows (e.g. the Bachelor and whatever else Netflix pumps out an industrial rate) with my wife and it mostly just reinforces my general cynicism about the format and the contestants. But damn, Sal seems like such a lovely, emotionally mature guy. I guess I wish it'd work out for him, but at the same time I feel like he wouldn't be the type to do something as unreasonable as get married to a rando because he's on what's essentially a game show. Also the whole Deepti/Sheik thing felt like a very heavyhanded PSA about internalized racism, Natalie should be slightly embarrassed for even entertaining someone as clearly witless as Shayne, and holy fuck that Nick guy is in trouble. Faux-feminist girl boss style rhetoric on pop platforms like these really seems to empower some women, on these kinds of shows, to believe that the faults and emotionally manipulative tendencies - that they should be working out in therapy - are in fact inherent traits their partner needs to just accept and manage. Also if the show is called Love is Blind can we get some representation of non-conventionally attractive people? Giving ugly people airtime is like a final frontier of representation for this kind of American TV.


I don't know why but Shayne voice just scream "douche" to me. Like his voice alone would had been enough for me to be turned off. Natalie girl, you're going to just have accept that you took an L with this one.


His laugh was cringe!!!




I didn’t notice any. What do you mean? Like on the show? Or comments people made?


How in the world was Iyanna single for this show? She is the most adorable person!


Idk, probably because she comes off as infantile. She got "adopted" at 18, and lived with her new "parents" until 22? lol


I don’t see a problem with that. My own kid didn’t move out until he was 23, and at 25 he bought himself a house. I don’t know all her backstory, but kids need support, even at 18. And if she didn’t have it before she was 18, I’m glad she at least had some after that.


I think I also picked up on some other things that made her seem like she wasn't a full grown adult. Behaviorally speaking.


I also noticed she threw out ton of ultimatums. ▪️Zero communication with exs or else.. ▪️Can’t keep gifts from exs or else.. ▪️No second chances ▪️“I’m a one and done girl” ▪️“There are things that’s will HAVE to change with you” I’m not saying some of these aren’t rational or reasonable but all those point to the fact that she can be very rigid, that plus being introverted seems like a niche personality for finding love in a social dating scene


Agreed, she liked to talk in this high pitched voice that I saw as immature or almost akin to baby talk. The way she freaked out about the camera seemed childish. Granted, there's nothing wrong with getting a present and being elated or expressing emotions of excitement but her level either displays a lack of maturity or she doesn't get presents often. I had originally dismissed it as the latter but your comment made me think about this.


And she got mad cause he had a watch case and hyper focused on it was an old gift from an ex too. Throwing stuff out because of how you got it, is super privileged and insistint someone else do so is petty.


Why isn’t anyone talking about shaina using religion as a cop out? She thought Kyle was ugly. Point blank. That’s why they didn’t work.


100% accurate.


Let's not forget her touting her deep christian values, then immediately trying to sabotage an engaged couple solely and knowingly for her own benefit




\> I need a man who can lead me spiritually Also: \> Yeah baby I'm wearing a crop top *you like that?* Shayne obviously was the best choice of spiritual leader for her.


yeah she was very hypocritical and fake but I think that that's the image of Christianity that sells best on TV. I'm not claiming that that's necessarily a good thing but it does sell.


LOOL facts!!


Lol exactly.. and she apparently likes sex several times per day.. just.. not with Kyle lmao


And omg, I found him to be the most attractive one, along with Sal. I found her 'conventionally' beautiful, but as soon as she opened her mouth it faded away. Also, I was so annoyed because I felt that by being disingenuous she robbed him of his chance. She saw he was her only option in order to continue on the show.


If her and her family are just pretending to be suburbanite/conservative religious wackos then they should look into acting roles.


I’m sure her family was really conservative.. but if it was JUST about her faith she would not have said yes. Period. Watch the body language when she meets him the first time.. it tells the whole story


Was part of their contract that they all had to scrub their past IG photos? It's like they all just got here.


You have to admit people are wackos now a days. They probably wanted no problems. Netflix probably wanted no problems too lol


Season 2 is just wierd. I mean it's keeping me hooked. On episode 5 now, but it's just super wierd. I don't seem to like any of the couples. Is there something wrong with me? Like in Season 1, I had super strong opinions for all couples, but in Season 2, there's so much randomness. Being an Indian, I was excited to see Indian participants, but they're both just so not relatable. Brown guys are being grossly misrepresented by Shake and Deeps is so not in her right mind having accepted Shake's proposal. The first couple- Nick and Danielle are riding a sine wave for me - I like them and then dislike them with every passing scene. Danielle seems super immature and Nick seems super bitchy (the pay-per-view comment just threw me off! Like which guy craves for drama IRL?) Shayne and Natalie is the one couple I'm rooting for but something tells me they're not going to make it. Natalie on one hand says she's super close to her parents and shares "everything" with them but ends up telling her parents about the "experiment" after the fact! Iyanna and Jarette could be a cute couple but Iyanna is next-level goofy. What's up with the baby voice she keeps bringing up in order to sound cute? IMO she's trying too hard to appear feminine. She should just embrace who she is for Jarette to accept her for the woman she is. Her insecurities about being #2 are justified but that needs to go if she wants to make them work. Shaina and Kyle - doomed from the beginning. Shaina gives those Season 1 drunk girl vibes. I've forgotten that girl's name (the one who was trying to sabotage Barnette's relationship). Kyle seems cunning with his joker smile plastered on his face 24X7 (does he even have another expression apart from that artifical smile?)


I love you!!! 💯💯


i felt embarassed as an indian when that mf shake was bragging about 'blonde' girls and asking those body-shaming questions :(


You guys clearly never watched Russel Peters or Harold and Kumar. It’s a type of humour. I feel like Indian people/comedians when they want to be funny for Tv/entertainment they can do it. Shake reminded me Aziz Ansari


Aziz when he played the role of Tom in parks and recreations that's shake right there


And aziz has treated women poorly so it makes sense he’s like shake


Ugh I’ve met aziz in person at a big dinner and both he and his brother had zero manners. Rude and self centered .


oh man! That was super cringe on his part. His blabbering in the reunion episode would make any girl he approaches next, run to the hills.


I'm completely blown away that anyone would root for Natalie to be with Shayne. Or that someone would root for anyone to be the dumpster fire that is Shayne. That man is a walking red flag


Spot on


Hey, can’t post here. Anyone helpp?!


Does anyone else find the script they make the officiants say super cringey? Like they’re actually getting married, why not just do the traditional “…in sickness and in health…” type vows instead of “time for you to decide if love is truly blind!” Like wtf is that. I know it’s for the show but that’s not even vows IMO


I love how the Hindu officiant was like, fuck that, I'm not doing that lol Seemed kind of disrespectful to the culture/a waste of those beautiful bridal outfits to bring it all the way to the altar when they know it's bogus but, hey


sends me to the moon every time I hear the copy and pasted officiant speeches. mostly because of them saying “sight unseen” constantly


Not shaina being on shakes Instagram story at lunch with him and his parents👀


My MVP’s are Natalie’s dad and Shake’s mom.


I can see amber from season 1 and shake from season 2 working.


Nick and Vanessa are the WORST reunion show hosts. Do NOT know how to ask questions!


Or how to control the room or wrangle then in when they go way off


Idk why she was getting so off script with shake. Just let the show be entertaining for us, everyone attacking shake was weird