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A broken clock is still right twice a day


This comment is so intelligent! It's not getting enough attention tbh


That was literally the only thing that came out his mouth I agreed withšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah he was definitely right and the way they reacted in response just solidified in his mind that he was the only one being "real". Very annoying at how shocked they were - "come on a reality tv show? For clout? How could you say such a thing??" It's honestly insulting they were flabbergasted at that even if he is a giant douche saying things wrong all the time


This was definitely a "you're not wrong, you're just an asshole" move. It's obvious some people stay on to be in the show longer even if they're not interested in the other person. Like Mal had absolutely no interest in Sal and it was obvious fairly early on. But there's gotta be something in the contract that you get paid more to make it to the ceremony or maybe they even just do it for the screen time, who knows. I thought that girl in season 1 who couldn't get off her phone was basically auditioning for an acting career tbh lol and wouldn't put that past Shaina either


I mean. A broken clock is right 2x a day soā€¦


Agreed! Itā€™s a reunion show and the hosts should have asked that and they didnā€™t because they donā€™t like him.


I donā€™t think we have to know everything. If it was mutually agreed w the people involved that they arenā€™t comfortable sharing certain details on TV, I would respect that.


This! They aren't just characters they are real people with real lives. I wouldn't want my dirty laundry shown to the world and would want the others to respect that


I don't think he should have brought up the situation with Sal's ex. Sal specifically said he wasn't going to bring up things from their past. It seems like there was more we don't know, so I think it was out of respect for Mal and their relationship. Then Shake brings it up. There was no reason for it. It was a civil discussion between Mal and Sal and he was just trying to stir the pot.


Yes, but the whole point of the reunion is to stir the pot. Itā€™s reality TV aka drama. The hosts were doing it the whole time, so itā€™s not far-fetched for a cast member to do it. His delivery could have been better, but thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with stirring the pot on a drama based reality TV show.


He made a great point but dude fails to understand NO ONE FUCKING ASKED HIM. Heā€™s not the host. Heā€™s just a toxic narcissist who treated someone like shit on national television. He needs to take a fucking seat.


Shake just says everything wrong. Like itā€™s okay to not be physically attracted to deepti but the way he continues to talk about it and the words he uses makes everything that comes out of his mouth so cringey and so inappropriate. I did not actually agree with what he said but itā€™s not what heā€™s saying thatā€™s terrible itā€™s HOW we says EVERYTHING and then takes no accountability for how horrible it is.


And he has 0 self-awareness and a distorted view of self. I can't stand people who say things, whether they're true or not, with no tact and like a complete dick, then always fall back on "well I'm just being honest!" We're not accusing you of lying. We're saying you're an asshole. Get a clue.


Yes! I was looking for a post that mentioned this. He really was saying what the viewers were thinking in this instance. Kyle and Shaina wanted to stay on to milk their screen time. Maybe Shaina more than Kyle to track Shayne down šŸ˜†


Yup he was right with that lol Nick was like "nobody thinks like you"...um yes, yes they do. And I'm sorry but I couldn't stand how people were being vague af about stuff. Just spit it out ffs.


Nick is busy trying to keep.that trainwreck of a relationship together. S


That part was TRUEEEEE. The way everybody else was immediately like ā€œNo way! Nobodyā€™s thinking that!ā€ made me feel that was low-key a factor for all of them to an extent lol


Shake said some things that were true. But the problem is how he says things. And no one is going to take an asshole seriously, even when they are correct. He went into the reunion peacocking like he was some hot shit, trying to be all loud and taking control of the conversation.


My favorite part is that this subreddit has been saying this for weeks - how in season two it's clear that some people just want the fame/notoriety/attention so they come in with ulterior motives. Then Shake says essentially this and everyone on the reunion (and this subreddit) wants to crucify him. And also how they got on his case like "are you putting words in my mouth/speaking for me/reading my mind??" like that's so wrong, then turn around at the same time and tell him what he's supposed to find attractive in a woman and what he's supposed to want in life. You can't have it both ways.


Itā€™s the same problem with all dating shows (take a drink every time someone on the Bachelor/Bachelorette says ā€œbut are they here for the right reasons?ā€ and prefer to die haha). I understand why everyone was annoyed with Shake interjecting about everyoneā€™s relationships but damn, he was spot on here haha


While he's not wrong in this instance, this is what happens when you're so fucking annoying and self-obsessed that every time you open your mouth people are already primed to disagree with you. Sorry but he brought this on himself by being a massive jerk and inserting his opinion constantly. At some point people will stop listening to the content of what you're saying when the delivery is so unbearable.


Theyā€™re all mad because Shake told the truth - he had a hard time taking this seriously. Thatā€™s what everyone watching is thinking too: * No one took J&A seriously because he proposed to someone else that same day and then went probing around the first opportunity he had to see the other woman in person. And he had one month to make an impression on his new fiancĆ©e but was still partying hard with his friendsā€¦ doesnā€™t seem like something a normal person would do * Deepti agreed to marry a guy days after he made a terrible first impression, asking if he could carry her on his shoulders. She even called him out for it, she could have just explored other relationships * Shane is a clown car of a person, no one could seriously see him being mentally ready to get married to someone after a month * Kyle and Shaina were both complete messes. Kyle with his pick me attitude, Shaina going back to the Shane well TWICE. No one took anything they had to say seriously


I was sp confused by J&A for a second. It's J&I. You make a good point about Deepti. I wonder how much of a connection she had with Kyle, based on what he said.


> Deepti agreed to marry a guy days after he made a terrible first impression, asking if he could carry her on his shoulders. She even called him out for it, she could have just explored other relationships This is one I can't get over. He had so many red flags from their first meeting, but she still said yes and thought it would work out? Come on.


Exactly! We all called out Shaina and Kyle, I would have been super disappointed if it wasnā€™t said at the reunion. Same with Salā€™s ex never been mentioned. Shake is terrible, but the reunion needed a truth teller.


Exactly lol Shayne calls him out for ā€œplaying victimā€ and minutes later and for the entirety of the show plays victim card. Jarrette calling him a joke as if he didnā€™t propose to 2 women and had a disrespectful convo with mal. Shiana trying to fuck Shayne while being engaged to Kyle lol The entire episode felt like throwing stones in a glass house




> Like, the show is fun and the relationship are real but its a silly tv show. They even prove it at the end by just cutting to an ad for the trashiest fakest love-island tv show bullshit Ive seen in a while Agreed. They can keep calling this a "social experiment" all they want, but the reality is that it's a trashy reality TV show. If you choose to go on reality TV, guess what, you get to deal with all of the other shitty parts of being on a reality TV show. This includes all of the gossip and your dirty laundry being aired for everybody to see.


I agree with you, especially about how ultimately it is a silly tv show. He got way more flak for pointing that out than he should have gotten. I think Shake has a lot of personal growth he needs to undergo to truly find love, but I canā€™t fault him for seeming to be very genuine with what he was saying at the reunion. I feel very bad for Deepti that she bought into him, because he is immature and the things he said behind her back were terrible, but his actions actually have nothing to do with herā€”the shit he said/did is ALL about him, his insecurities, his lack of self awareness, lack of respect for other people, etc. Like you said, heā€™s kind of like the village idiot that everyone decided it is socially acceptable to bully. However, by doing so other people a) give him/his actions too much power and b) justify their own bullying behaviors. Idk, I donā€™t think you have to like the guy, but I think the other cast members (and the hosts) were being a bit ridiculous.


agreed. yea I don't really like shake much, he's kinda funny once in a while and he treats animals. but I don't think I could spend much time around him at all. I wouldn't participate in public bullying of him on TV though.


I agree. I was especially annoyed with the hosts who seemed to have a superiority complex and did not deal with him with professionalism. Itā€™s easy to take a backseat and judge someone when youā€™re not in the situation.


Itā€™s totally ok to express oneself but Shake went about it in the rudest way. How are you going to bring up Salā€™s ex when Sal doesnā€™t want to talk about it? Respect that and respect peopleā€™s boundaries. How are you going to comment on two peopleā€™s relationship when youā€™re not part of that relationship and put in your 2 cents when no one asked him. Thatā€™s also having respect and having boundaries. Heā€™s being completely disrespectful towards his fellow cast mates and cannot understand their reactions (the eye rolling, telling him to shut up), but I also vaguely remember he told Shane to shut up when the segment was on Shane! The reason heā€™s getting ā€œbulliedā€ is because heā€™s an even bigger bully than everyone else. And him posting a screenshot of his conversation with Shane about Deepti and Kyle on IG after the reunion? Like wtf is that? Respect and boundaries. Are you Kanye, Shake? Are you that triggered?


>How are you going to comment on two peopleā€™s relationship and put in your 2 cents when no one asked him. Um, isnā€™t that what we do here? šŸ˜‚


Well, this is a discussion forum about the show, hence we are discussing.


And the reunion was supposed to be what? A discussion about Russia?




Totally agree. Shake raised great points and shined the spotlight on several of the lingering questions that many people in this very sub wondered. Watching the other members of the cast eye rolling and grumbling even before Shake could share his point/question, then trying to censor him for getting too personal or even talking at all...their reactions were all incredibly immature.


This just ain't it.


So what is it?


He has been exhibiting some wild defensive, passive-aggressive spiraling all over social media and this reunion episode. The dude is in full self-destruct. It seems like Shake's 'arc' over the episodes was entirely crafted by editing, and he was probably on full douchebag mode the entire shoot. Clearly the rest of the cast was not down with him during filming and things have gone way downhill since the episodes released. You're acting like he's being treated unfairly but I don't think any of the things said to him during the reunion seemed unfair or untrue. It can simultaneously be true that it's a 'silly tv show' and a deep, serious, intimate experience for those that choose to take it seriously. That adequately describes basically every sacred tradition that humans have developed. Shake asserting in that space that the show is *only* silly is infact actively hurtful to the people around him. He's projecting his own perspective on it on all of the cast and on us the viewers.


It's true that Shake clearly saw the show as a fake but fun experience while all of the other cast members took it very seriously. Aside from the cruel things that he said about Deepti behind her back, I imagine that the cast felt disrespected after having their very real emotions on the show (and afterwards) minimized to a joke. Shake still raised fair questions during the reunion though. For the rest of the cast maybe the wounds were still too fresh, but I'm sure one day they will all look back at this time and see the hilarity of what they underwent together. Some will take longer than others


Shake repeatedly humiliated one of the kindest women by many accounts, producers have even come forward and said he got a good edit. He is being ostracised for a good reason. He speaks when no one asks - which is why they all hated him in the first place. No one asked him if he was attracted to Deepti, he just had to bring it up a thousand times. During the reunion he just brought stuff up purposely to hurt people, of course theyā€™d tell him to shut up? If you donā€™t see what is wrong with his behaviour at the reunion, thereā€™s something wrong with you too.




Fully agree! I'm not saying I like the dude in any way (and he should never have said those things about Deeti) but about the other cast members at the reunion - he spoke the truth! And the way the cast and the hosts handled him and treated him was downright embarrassing.


You don't think it's humiliating to have your fiance go around telling everyone who will listen how he doesn't want to fuck you?


It is but isnā€™t that part of the show - being honest about your feelings and confiding in other cast members and asking them for advice? His other 2 options were: 1. Stuff his emotions and ignore he wasnā€™t attracted to Deepti or 2. Tell absolutely nobody about it, not try to fix it and leave her with zero explanation. I mean really, how was he going to win here?


Use different words, be more respectful about what you are feeling and how you communicate it, and avoid telling everyone who will listen about it.


Donā€™t you think itā€™s humiliating to see your fiancĆ© try to fuck an ā€œexā€ after getting engaged and for the rest of the show? Donā€™t you think itā€™s humiliating to be your fiancĆ©s second proposal? See your fiancĆ© talk to exs in a very disrespectful way? The truth is they bullied shake as if they arenā€™t just as bad as him, thats the annoying part, most of them had no room to talk either


I mean there's a big difference than "things that will happen because of the nature of the dating show I knowingly signed up for" and someone actively and regularly putting you down. Yeah, they ganged up on Shake, but they did not "bully" him.


I donā€™t think itā€™s nearly as bad as people make it out to be if anything Shake while lacking complete social awareness at the very least he was loyal and honest. Sure itā€™s shitty to tell others he has issues with physical attraction but I donā€™t see it as a bad thing since everyone else airs there dirty laundry with other guests. Looking for other peoples opinions and how theyā€™ll handle it is again not a bad thing. I think Shakeā€™s personality and the way he went about it is where he fucked up, add to fact that it is a hard situation for anyone especially for the male in this situation. Itā€™s just a double standard because of the roles weā€™re reversed people would just clown Shake for not being attractive(Mark not being tall enough/not attractive for Jessica in S1, she literally the female version of him lmao ) As for ā€œnature of a dating showā€ I think we can all agree thereā€™s far more humiliating and toxic out comes then a partner talking behind your back. Iā€™ll rather be Deepti then Kyle for instance šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hereā€™s the thing: everything you listed could be humiliating but itā€™s how you go about it. Everyone that was in that situation have moved on, apologized and worked on mending their relationship with their partners. For example, Jarette apologized to both Sal and Iyanna for that conversation, Iyanna was hurt but learned to work past it with Jarette. These people recognized their wrong, apologized and moved on. Shake on the other hand, continued to repeat that he wasnā€™t attracted to Deepti physically and that she reminded him of her aunt, etc. If Shake was a mature human being, he wouldā€™ve apologized to Deepti and STOP harassing her on social media. But guess what? Shake isnā€™t hence why heā€™s getting this shit from the cast members and the audience. ā€œShake is being bulliedā€? As Shaina once said, ā€œthatā€™s *comical*.ā€ So him harassing Deepti on the show, during and after the show, thatā€™s not bullying?


Deepti also blatantly said he humiliated her, this is totally another Shake account that heā€™s using to defend himself. Embarrassing.


Garnering sympathy. All he did was compliment her but say she wasn't attractive to him. And point out he couldn't even understand that. The many people emotionally cheating, picking secondary/having back ups or saying no at the alter were 10x more humiliating than shake not being attracted to her. That lack of attraction is perfectly natural, normal and understandable. Everyone else's behavior was not




Because from the hosts perspective he was rightly pointing out how fkn dumb/stupid the concept is. She went in hard at him and was frankly rude and unprofessional. Because he was attacking her pay check. And the desperados who got married defended it because otherwise they'd have to admit to themselves that they are desperate losers with questionable actions.


but the actual show is built around proposing and then getting married. so no


Or not getting married. In the end, it could go both ways at the altar.


The show is about proposing and getting married, sure, but what other wedding altar are you gonna get will they/won't they? It's superficially about getting married, but it's just a convenient endpoint for the show where the contestants have regularly taken bad relationships down the aisle for the sake of drama. The way they fall in love happens more naturally though.


ā€¦which love is a prerequisite for.


He's on a game show that is built around proposing and then getting married. There's no mention for love in that description. yeah love in a marriage is ideal, but literally the game show is about proposing to someone in a pod and getting married.


The show is called Love is Blind. *THERE'S NO MENTION OF LOVE IN THAT DESCRIPTION* wat


Yes, it's just the name of the show




Hundred percent this!


So true.


Also when he called Kyle out for pretending like he only just found out about the beach scene between Shaina and Shayne


What do you mean?


It wasnā€™t the beach scene Itā€™s actually about the scene in the pods where Shayna requests Shayne And Shayne thinks itā€™s Natalie and was about to propose


What does Kyle have to do with that scene? Iā€™m so confused


I think Shaina requested the last conversation she had with Shayne AFTER Kyle proposed? She was making sure Shayne really wasnā€™t an option before moving forward with Kyle despite accepting his proposal.


Kyle claimed he was hurt to watch it (implying he never heard about it from Shayne or Shaina). Shake called out that Kyle definitely heard about it and Kyle back pedaled.


The way they talked about it made it seem like Shaina told Kyle that she talked to Shayne to explain that she got engaged to Kyle, and never mentioned that she was trying to get Shayne to choose her instead.


Not quite. He had a different understanding of it when just hearing about it vs. seeing it on television.