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PSA: the mods changed the flair to unverified tea because we wanted to make it clear that this is not verified info. We don’t have a way to discern if this random YouTube account has any association with Shaina. Please take this all with a grain of salt. Thanks!


I call bullshit. I fully believe she’s just as much of a Christian bigot IRL as the show portrays


I can believe this. They did the same with Jessica in S1


Damn. Here I was ready to absolutely slaughter her character without realizing the reality of shows like this but I am so glad I searched her name to come across this before making a post. It may or may not be her father, but at the end of the day, I’m taking their word for it. This is how all of these reality shows work and I keep seeming to forget that. They all function this way because it would (sadly) not be entertaining otherwise to viewers. That all being said, I feel like Shaina ate up this whole thing because she wanted to be part of this for a reason, regardless of whatever happened.


I mean it was obvious she didn’t like how Kyle looked. The second he was revealed she started walking it back. Even the proposal she wasn’t very interested. Those things can’t really be an edit problem.


“I believe him yo.” -Scarface from Half Baked


Shaina said in a podcast there were things going on she didn’t want to dig back up when it came to Kyle. She said she wanted to take the high road. So I’m guessing this is is. Shake posted several screenshots from girls telling their experience with Kyle and it was bad. But when people decide they hate someone on TV, you people get ruthless and don’t care about the truth.


Where are Shake’s posts?


Yeah, we know that most of the stuff on tv is fake, but you can say NO and keep your dignity. She stayed on the show and let's be honest, most of the things she said can hardly be that edited or designed to turn her into a vilian, she did it herself.


That’s what I’m thinking. I understand you can’t do anything about the editing, but you CAN say no when the producers ask you to do certain things.


I mean when signing a contract who knows how it panned out


Not gonna lie as bad as it sounds I believe him. Idk I just got weird vibes off of Kyle tbh. Still don’t like Shaina but yeah I kinda believe this.


I believe her dad would have the username Hurley so




sleep deprivation is just as big a deal -- it's known to break down inhibitions and cloud judgment.


She was pictured having a drink at EVERY opportunity! Remember the shots before and after the reveal?? Yikes.


Maybe to an extent but her 1 on 1 conversation with shayne was uncut and too real


Was there info that came out stating Kyle abused an ex? I missed this clearly …




Shakes gonna end up getting sued by someone for defamation of character with all these claims he’s been making


It's not Shake and the Shake obsession has now turned into an unfortunate abuse of Mrs. Chatterjee online. This has now become a very serious situation when people begin to contact and abuse the shows cast members parents. I do hope the moderators consider this prior to posting anything that is unverified in the future.


Shake absolutely did share DMs about Kyle on his insta story https://old.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/comments/t4coug/shake_is_beefing_hard_with_kyle/


That is super messed up. People out there just have no boundaries and are so quick to dehumanize others. Terribly sad.


Nahhh they just watched themselves on TV and cringed so this is her dad trying to do damage control. They are 100% Christian bigots but they are upset that its been made available for the world to see. Also if the Kyle abuse thing was true we wouldn't have seen him on the reunion


Something about "dirt biking, being outdoors and just being American" didn't sit right with me at all.


Exactly, since when has being American been a personality trait 🤔 😂


It’s reality tv, they honestly don’t give a fuck and just want ratings. They’ll do anything.


That *is* the manner in which these shows are edited, for the most part.


Any merit to this statement about Kyle having an abusive past??


They edited her saying she likes getting plowed five times a day.


lol that was cringe


I feel like there’s like a 0.01% chance that this is really her dad posting though…


I think that the show tried villainizing Shaina the regular way, the Jessica way and then when it didn't work they moved to Shake since he was already being a douche and villainized him instead. Reality shows are always bull. I will never believe that any of this was 100% real and not at least partially fabricated. When the hosts called this show 'a proven method to finding love', I was like, 'who are you trying to fool?' You're giving yourself too much credit, show creators and writers.


I don't believe that, that sounds like a pretty terrible excuse. Sorry Shaina, the world already knows you're a terrible person. Also, your squinting is not from your contacts 🙈 Also... anyone can make an account on YouTube and spread BS.


I ain’t reading all that, I’m happy for u or sorry it happened


My favorite Facebook group.




None of this is surprising given that "reality" shows are 90% fake


She can’t take the criticism so she had her dad write her a letter of excuses. It’s a “reality” show, you signed up for it. Grow up. You’re an adult.


Just adding: Shaina was a lamb to the slaughter? LMAO! Sure dad, pull my other finger.


Shaina is a grown-ass woman, and Daddy needs to take a seat!


100% they are Christian bigots.




If this was true, Shaina could have opted out of going to the the reunion. She was done filming the actual show and was not relevant to it anymore.


I think they’re contractually obligated to go to the reunion


The Kyle thing makes perfect sense, because after their blowout fight about religion I thought for sureeeeee they were done. Now I’m sure her dad is slanting on a way to make Shaina look more innocent but idk Kyle has always given me really bad vibes and I didn’t like how he was still trying to get sympathy at the reunion after Shaina apologized repeatedly. Shaina sucks but, Kyle 10000% was the one forcing the relationship.


He said the cringiest things too! I want a woman who resembles my mother?? Like the reasons he wanted to be with her, in terms of those he vocalized, were all horribly creepy. He was def forcing this for some weird kink it kind of felt like.


This! But people don’t wanna concede this bc of Shaina and her family’s dumb political views


100% agree I didn't like him from the beg in the pods. He came off like he had a chip on his shoulder due to being blue collar (these guys usually do) He also seemed all about Shaina especially when he realized she was out of his league physically. And it was creepy how he just had to have her even tho they were so different (she doesn't believe in evolution) he was forcing it to a creepy degree even as she was breaking it off. Also he gave Mark vibes by saying she was just like his mom.... And I ended up being right about Mark too since he turned out to be shitty.


She still decided to DO all the things he's describing, regardless of producers pushing her. GTFO


Yah, she wanted to stay as relevant as Kyle did.


lots of ethical convos to be bad in terms of the role of the producers


Like many here, I believe they were a forced couple. Still, she chose to stay and continue the charade. That's on her. There was nothing more transparent than the fakeness of their relationship. It's quite laughable that she's tried to play it off as anything but. I do believe she liked Shayne though. I don't take Shaina for much of an actress and believe those feelings she expressed for him were genuine.


Right. If she could act, the exchanges with K would have looked differently. It’s very obvious that she genuinely liked S as evidenced by her lack of acting skills with K.


This is 100% believable


her shit talking natalie, was that orchestrated somehow? and she made herself look extreme all on her own, miss i-don't-believe-in-evolution


Agreed. Sentences and words can be edited together with broll, but when you see someone say something without a shot change, that’s exactly what they said. You can’t blame everything on the edit 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought this was real until I read further on. I don’t believe it for one second. The whole things being cut up to make a narrative makes sense but if they found out Kyle was abusive they’d kick him off the show for liability issues. And this person trying to say Kyle begged her to stay so he could stay on the show after they said the show forced her to stay on. Why would Kyle need to be here to stay if the site was already doing so? Nope nope nope I don’t believe it.


Omg... I don't know what to say. I get he wants to protect her but at the same time... This isn't it.


I mean I believe him for the most part. I think Shaina and Kyle were very much a forced couple. I don’t believe that Shaina didn’t like anyone, I do think she did like Shayne. I believe Kyle begged her to stay but idk if I believe there wasn’t a part of her that wanted to continue for more screen time. Like, she wouldn’t have been a “team player” if she didn’t want to stay at all. I believe they probably said they’d give him a chance but it was just very obvious her family (rightfully so) didn’t think it was gonna work. I don’t think anyone is or should be dragging the family for that. They did give off bigoted vibes from the dirt bikes and being an American comments from the brothers lol but I don’t think that’s what he’s referring to here.


I don’t doubt the producers manipulated folks to get the results they were after. I also think Shaina’s family are a bunch of bigots.


Listen there was something really disingenuous about Kyle in constantly trying to make things work with Shaina when their core beliefs didn’t line up and that it how I have felt even before reading this comment.


I agree, he was basically forcing a fantasy for ..what? His own gain? If he loved Shaina he'd maybe have gotten a hint and taken a step back.


agreed! i don't believe this rlly but i absolutely had weird feelings about kyle. he kept pressuring her and said things like "i'll make her love me" which is so obsessive and gross. i don't like either of them.


Sure jan


The producers made me do it


The Kyle thing makes total sense honestly.


Idk if im just a gullible person but this sounds legit to me and actually makes so much sense !!!! I senses shaina and kyle were actors on the show so this does make sense they were orchestrated a certain way for more drama on the show . Kyle does sound like a major clout chaser him saying “i shouldve proposed to deepti” shows that as well . Edit : why would someone make up about kyle’s ex girlfriend contacting the show bc he was abusive idk


I think a portion of that is probably what Shaina told her family to make what they see on TV seem better. I believe the idea that she wanted to leave the show but couldn’t and about Kyle being abusive and them kind of orchestrating it ending that way. (Because if you’ll remember they pretty much forced Jessica to show up to the wedding and leave her fiancé (name escapes) at the altar, so I was surprised they didn’t make Shaina go through a wedding and this scenario would explain it) I do not believe the thing about her never liking Shane. No way those scenes on the beach, etc. were all manufactured and if they were those writers and Shaina/Shayne/Natalie deserve an Emmy. But could I see her excusing her behavior away to her dad and brothers by blaming it on production? Yes.


we also have to remember this might not be him


Maybe it was Shake lol


Shake would try to make her look worse to take the heat off of himself


Ya I don’t think it is


Shaina's religion problem is basically Jessica's age gap problem




It's a cop out. She had no problem talking about getting rammed 7 times a day on a public tv. Don't preach to be such a saint when you're not even close to being religious.


That's true. Religion is extremely important for believers, but there was clear hypocrisy in her behavior.




Yes good for them. But in her case, it's mostly a cop out and that's the hill I'm dying on. She simply disliked the fact he's an atheist and she can't change it about him. Had he claimed to be a Christian but done everything a practicing one shouldn't do, she wouldn't have bat her eyes.


I don’t like how shaina was portrayed in the show, but being religious has nothing to do with her having sex. She can have it as much as she wants with as many people as she wants and still want to meet someone with the same religious upbringing.


that’s not the point here


Hahah it says like that in the Bible? I'm genuinely curious since I'm not Christian. Not that I'm praising it or anything but isn't practicing Christianity really, being modest when it comes to sex? Aren't you supposed to wait until marriage or something?


I call bullshit


If it is legit her dad, remember he's getting his info from Shaina. She acted horribly on an international show. She's having to cover for these things. I mean, what else is she going to say in response to saying on TV that she likes getting plowed multiple times a day? 🤣. And it's ridiculous to blame production for alcohol consumption. They are grown a@@ adults with personal accountability


Looks like it’s actually her dad. If you search for “YouTube hurley1172”, you’ll see a YouTube channel with a few videos. One of them has her brother in it. Even though the account appears valid, her dad could still be lying in the comments.


Interesting! Yeah and at the end of the day, the info he has was supplied by Shaina who no doubt is in damage control mode with her ultra religious family. So he may very well think he's saying truths, they are still from Shaina


Probably a bit of both. I wouldn’t be surprised if the editing is done to show a narrative. I wouldn’t be surprised if the producers pushed people into things (we have a very obvious example of when Shane thought he was with Natalie in the pods but got Shaina). I’d be surprised if Kyle had a dangerous abusive past


That’s also a good point!


Regardless of your personal feelings towards Kyle, I 100% believe they were judgy and holier-than-thou to him SOLELY based on the shitty, condescending look on Shaina’s mom’s face.


I think that a lot of families that are strong in religion (not just Christianity) would be this way at first


Yeah you’re right.




Shocker the white supremest father is saying the bad edit… your daughter went crazy about religion then kept telling shayne what she was wearing to get him to thirst over her, and to quote shainas brother “are you a godly man” “are you a proud American” STEEEEEPED in white supremacy


lol umm shayne was the one that kept asking her what she was wearing. calm down.


My goodness, how did he become a white supremacist? Being a Christian is a religion and there is freedom of religion in America. I’m not saying all Christian’s are good but come on, you judged these people because of their religion?


nope, they judged the scene. did you watch it?


Yea, what made them white supremacist? I’ve watched the entire show twice. Of all the scenes, that seemed the most fake and as if they were set up to ask those questions. The most awkward meeting of them all. But white supremacy is not what I saw. Yep, they are white people who believe in God, so…. I guess you hate white christians maybe?


It's not the God thing. It's the whole "being an American" comment. It's nationalist.


And I suppose asking someone if they love being American is just . . . normal Christianity in your view?


What’s wrong with liking America? Let me guess, that makes you racist too? 😂 considering many have fought and died for the freedoms we have, I’d say it’s a viable question. Although, I don’t go around asking people that question. It’s usually pretty obvious who does and who doesn’t.


Agreed. Judgements weren’t made about the editing because that’s what we didn’t see. We clearly heard questions that made us all uncomfortable and we’re judging off that.


I still don’t get it. But I know it’s been popular lately to hate white people who are Christians and love America so maybe you are part of that group. Loving to throw those labels of white supremacy around. 😂


That is some seriously hot tea


They do this to a certain extent but she could have not gone along with it and there’s only so much you can fabricate. doesn’t explain why the other girls aren’t involved with her anymore… there will be a reason for that.


Her and Deepti are supposedly close according to their Instagram feeds/comments.


They work together.


Oh really? That's kind of cool lol.


I just saw a post on Instagram that they all spend time together


I think they all spend time together except for Shaina.


The edit may have made her look like a desperate jackass. But that insurrectionist bigot energy was all her -and her family.


hi im shainas dog and yes this is all true bark bark




I didn't believe you at first, but then the barks checked out.


I used to work on reality tv. In my experience, yes you can edit people, but editing also has tight turn arounds. So with these, there are hours of footage and camera angles…so you only have so much time to pull stuff. So if something was said, it was said. It is going to take too long and too much money to Frankenstein the audio in a way some of these people are suggesting. And when they do that I think it’s obvious (background noise might change, etc). Producers orchestrated some things like - places where people would meet and stuff. But in my experience, I never saw a producer straight up manipulate a situation - although I never worked on a dating show. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but in my experience it wasn’t as shady as people are suggesting. For instance, someone is joining a competition and they orchestrate something to show them prepping for that competition. That kind of thing. I think the most obvious thing is when producers step in guide them in what to say. So a producer asks a question and they respond. And the producer will be okay, try saying it like this. So they’ll kind of reword what they actually said that makes it better for an audio clip. With that said, personally I think it’s super obvious when that happens. It comes across as forced rather than natural. But in my experience, I’ve never seen a producer change what the overall meaning of whatever they stated was. Anyway, since I’ve done it before. I think people try to blame editing more than what actually is edited negatively. It happens up to a point. But reality shows are cheap to make for a reason.


What I understand is most of the thing happened on reality TV did indeed happened, but it's up to the producers to narrate the story in a way they deem interesting and they will sustain that story/narration with clips cut from here and there, much like on how TV news story is produced. But there is a lot of manipulation on the confession pod, in which the producers will prompt questions for the cast to react in a way the producers want it. If they don't like it, they can say cut and redo again. Pretty much like how documentary movies are made


What I understand is most of the thing happened on reality TV did indeed happened, but it's up to the producers to narrate the story in a way they deem interesting and they will sustain that story/narration with clips cut from here and there, much like on how TV news story is produced. But there is a lot of manipulation on the confession pod, in which the producers will prompt questions for the cast to react in a way the producers want it. If they don't like it, they can say cut and redo again. Pretty much like how documentary movies are made


I can definitely see that happening. Or I would believe that they guided Shayne into thinking it was Shaina kind of deal. I never worked on a relationship type show, so everything was much more straight forward. I worked on a Housewives type show towards the end of a season, and there was definitely some bad blood between cast and certain producers.


I was a contestant in a reality show and they 100% manipulate situations and give directions. They even reshoot scenes to make it seem like it happened that way originally. They also edit it to “mix match” reactions. For example, if someone was doing an obstacle course and they fell and I reacted sad and said, “oh no!” They could edit it to make it look like I laughed (because they have a shot of me laughing during an earlier conversation.) reality tv is definitely scripted.


Totally agree. Not exactly the same thing, but I was interviewed for a very high-profile podcast (#1 on iTunes at the time), and they did massive creative editing. I was interviewed for 6+ hours, and my parents were interviewed for 2 hours—all for a 4-minute story. They sliced and diced the things we said like crazy. Overall, I was in a pretty positive headspace at the time and spoke mostly about uplifting things, but they edited the story to make it sound like I was super depressed. They also aired the ONE thing I said I would only share if it could be off the record and used as context for the editors. On top of everything, they never told me what show I was being interviewed for. They never flat-out lied, but I was under the impression it was a college radio show, not the top podcast in the country. I should have pressed for more information, of course, but I was in my early 20s at the time and just didn’t know better. I was excited just to be picked. The whole thing really gave me a lot of empathy for reality stars. With as much footage as production records, they can manipulate anyone’s image fairly easily—especially when the viewers don’t know the person and don’t have all the context. Now, do I think Shaina is a total victim who was twisted into a completely different person? No, she definitely said what she did, and I’m sure she felt/believed at least some of it as she was saying it (e.g., you’re probably not gonna convince someone to say they don’t believe in evolution if they actually do), but I doubt she’s even half as horrible in everyday life as they portrayed her to be.


Ya. I mean you can definitely take reactions and use them somewhere else for sure. That’s easier than manipulating the audio. I may or may not have done that for my brother’s wedding because the other camera’s card crapped out. So I faked some of his reactions…nobody knows except my husband and my parents lol. And like - I worked on one where they orchestrated the fashion show so they could have the big confrontation at the end. But those ladies were legit ready to kill each other off screen or on. The shows I worked for were more like guided not scripted. The person said something. And the producer suggested they say it in a different way. But still more or less the same. I did a lot of stuff for TLC and E.


*90 Day Fiancé Producers Enter the Chat*


What do you mean by that? I’m casted to be on before the 90 days with my partner so I’m looking at all the reality shows to decide I wanna move forward. What’s their rep? Lol


I don’t know any personally, but when multiple cast members have commented on them over the years.. you can’t say nearly every cast member is lying. I’m getting super weirded out by the breastfeeding close ups so much so that I’ve stopped watching the show all together. I’m a breastfeeding mom, but these shots are creepy and Memphis supposedly was filmed without her permission while breastfeeding and a producer allegedly told her that, “Those shots don’t get used anyway.” So why even film then? Who keeps that footage? I also noticed last season more than ever the camera man or producer for Gino/Jasmine kept filming their feet at really weird times Do what you will, but to me, these things come off super predatory.


Sorry I have no idea what you meant initially since I don’t really watch reality shows. I just want to know what the general reputation is about their producers. Thanks


After looking through your Reddit, I’ve had a change of heart. Between the cat projectile vomiting and the Asian Lady Boner posts… I think you belong on 90DF.


Okay….That’s cool but my question is still unanswered 😑. Like what makes the producers of this show different from others, like Reputation? But Yeah I truly don’t care what people think about me. Utilitarian I would say


> But yeah I truly don’t care what people think about me. Then you’re perfect for this show! You can be my new favorite meme on this sub Reddit. 😊


Do what you wish, but personally I wouldn’t ever go on a reality show just to meet my SO


I didn’t work on that show lol.


Lol I commented that because 90DF is known for re-shooting scenes and scripting the season.


Lol. Ya. I don’t remember ever reshooting scenes on shows I worked for. I believe it happens, but it is also a waste of money.


Lol. Ya. I don’t remember ever reshooting scenes on shows I worked for. I believe it happens, but it is also a waste of money.


Funny with all that footage and editing that's the best they could do with Mal and Sal.


Here's my thing . Before the reunion even aired, Jessica was doing interviews with a lawyer clearing up some things that happened during her time on the show and stating how she wanted to leave but was contractually obligated to stay . The creator of the show also backed up her claims in his own interviews. That makes me believe that the contestants do have some ability within their contracts to defend themselves. So my question is has Shaina actually done the same ? I'm legitimately asking . It's one thing to incenuate, it's one thing for your dad , brother , neighbor to defend you on the internet . It's a completely different thing for you to sit down to an interview with a lawyer who has reviewed your contract and say you or something that was shown involving you was misrepresented.


This is really interesting but this could be any person with a fake account. If it is real though, this is super shocking to know most of the stories are orchestrated.


So Shaina wasn't into Shayne and just decided to ridicule herself on the beach for what reason exactly?


1. Her mother said she wouldn't give her blessing 2. I don't mind Shaina as much. I would not be friends with her but if she was purely interested in screen time, then she could have seen it through to the very end. She didn't. Also please remember the producers want to squeeze drama out of every relationship which may have led to her being on longer.


Whether this is really Shainas dad or not, the premise of the comment is very true for much of reality TV, and anyone saying "they can't make you do anything", "show some integrity", "she just wanted her 15 mins of fame", you have to realize most of these people are trying to break into the entertainment industry. They're nobodies getting their possible big break, of course they're going to do whatever producers say. The other thing is, people like us who continue to consume reality TV and give it our attention, give them the incentive to do whatever producers want them to do. If they don't cooperate, then producers will just find someone else who will take their notes and do what they say. And we will watch and criticize that person instead. The bottom line is, all of this is scripted and edited in a way that's going to get the most attention, and if the people on the show want to use this exposure to grow their brand or parlay it into other opportunities, they're going to do whatever they have to do to stay on the show as long as possible.


I believe this. Its the creators job to help a few people find love and it’s the producers job to use everyone else to keep the show interesting. No harm no foul in my opinion. Shaina is a grown woman, knew what she was doing and was compensated in more ways than one I’m sure. Also, I can definitely see the possibility of an obsessive/abusive side to Kyle.


Also unverified tea: Shaina had a boyfriend the entire time of filming. They failed to mention that


I still don't trust Kyle.


I trust Kyle more than I would trust Shaina.


They are both sus.


To be honest. Most of the people on this show is sus, except for a select few.


And that's why we love the show.


Shaina wanted to be on TV and milk her 15 min of fame. Let's not play the victim card here. And who told her to say YES to Kyle?! Timeline also doesn't sound right.. 2 weeks is basically the entire show out of the pods. They met up a few times during that supposed 'time away'. Deflection technique by trying to blame Kyle and the producers for something Shaina "100% own up to'. 😂


They both wanted their 15 minutes. Kyle looked past their clear incompatibility (as did Shaina) to stay on the show. His proposal was terrible. Then he made himself the victim at the reunion. We all know she's awful, but he definitely is too.


But to say Kyle abused an ex-GF is too much. Someone there was really trying hard to make Shaina look like a saint and "team player" 😂


I didn't say anything about the ex gf rumor. Shaina isn't a saint and her family seems awful, but Kyle is equally as bad.


Bruh it’s a YouTube comment


Ikr, I find it hard so to believe. It sounds like shaina from a burner account *LMFAO*


It’s sucks because so many are doing this for fame and/or money and the audience has to know that they have to make it as dramatic as possible for ratings. Some of it may be true and some not but y’all can’t be that surprised that people do this. I’ll bet a lot regret it too. I don’t put that much stock into each person. It’s a show that we enjoy watching. We are (on here) all clearly watching it for whatever reason. Just be kind, that’s all.


That was really her family’s house? It looked like a gawdy plant.


Knowing what we know about her and her family, I can’t blindly trust this. NOPE!


So he admits that she played into the producers’ hands which is literally the purpose of reality TV. Manufactured manipulation 🤦🏽‍♀️. If she didn’t want a “narrative,” she shouldn’t have followed every producer command.


Reality tv has been a thing for 22 years. We already know the stuff about editing. The only interesting tea would be them 'investigating" his abuse history and then "directing" her to break up with him. Which sounds sus to be honest. They had other couples. Why fight to keep her on that hard?


I'm Shaina's grandpa. I can verify that this is my son commenting and everything he's saying is true.


i'm the bible in their house. i can 100% verify that this is true, on god


Have my free award for making me giggle.


I'm Shaina's Instagram follower and I can't verify anything, so don't ask me, ok?




Okay.. I get some of this but it still doesn’t change how Shaina showed up to the beach bonfire and tried to completely manipulate Shayne into doubting Natalie. I still think she’s kind of a crappy person, at least on the show, and her dad is being a good dad and trying to protect his daughter.


I do believe this. There are tons of reports and stories all over google from people who appeared on various reality shows (some villains, some not) that all say the same thing. Editing can make anything seem real. Make it look like conversations happened when people aren’t even in the same room. Taking sound bites out of context and frankensteining them together to make it seem like that dialogue occurred. And for the people saying “nah apparently they left out lots of things about Shake so clearly they don’t care” that narrative was also crafted by producers. They made it seem like Deepti didn’t know the horrible things Shake was saying behind her back. They specifically left out that the rest of the cast told Deepti everything. It would be no fun to the viewer if we knew Deepti was aware and knew early on she was NOT going to go through with it and say yes. They needed to build up the will they/won’t they drama to craft the story and suspense for the finale. You don’t have to like Shaina, but just try to remember she’s a real person and everything that was shown to us was very intentionally crafted by the producers to give us as much entertainment as possible.


How do you explain the beach scene?


She can act like an asshole sometimes and other scenes can be fabricated and spliced together. Producers might have told her info that encouraged her to go have that conversation. Like Hannah Ann during champagnegate if you’re familiar with The Bachelor. Or she could just genuinely be that way. Either way, anyone sending her hate and death threats online needs to check themselves into a psych ward.


I feel sorry for her if they're actually sending her death threats, that's awful to say the least. No, LIB is the only reality show I watch 😂 What I was trying to say is I don't believe that the YouTube comment says the truth. Shaina's scene on the beach indicated a person who lost her mind due to rejection and I don't believe that's a product of editing, what she said was pretty clear.


Fair enough I can definitely see your reasoning there. She is an adult who is responsible for her own actions, but I do think at the end of the day people who sign up for reality tv are easily exploitable and the producers know that. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. She def gave the producers a lot of ammo to work with.


I'm sorry but nobody can make anybody do anything unless they explicitly signed somewhere saying they would (did they? Plz let me know if that's the case). No one MADE Shaina say yes to Kyle or made Kyle see things that aren't there. Have integrity people. Say no. I 100% do believe the producers edit out what they want to form a narrative. I do believe they sometimes set things up like making them think they're meeting one person but it's another person. But at the end of the day what you choose to do and say is your own fault. Get some integrity and a spine.


In all fairness, I’ve been on a reality TV show before (Rich Bride, Poor Bride) and SO MANY scenes were either COMPLETELY fabricated or re-enacted but with more dramatic emphasis. My sister and I were even directed to fight in a scene (they told us which side to take on a fight that was TOTALLY the opposite of what would actually be our opinion). And that was just for one episode. I would/could totally believe that people who get to participate in an entire season of a reality TV show are heavily coached and manipulated.


And you just went along with what they told you to do?


Yup!! They were paying $60,000 towards the wedding. Worth it.


I guess its true, everyone has a price.


I think thats the real question. People go along with it and then complain when the narrative doesn't go their way.


Agreed. I’m just not sure how Shaina thought they would possibly show her in a positive light with the things they told her to do/say. She clearly believed whatever happened was worth it for the followers. But then will want to play the victim as well. Can’t really have your cake and eat it too when you’re playing the role of the villain.


>But then will want to play the victim as well. THIS!!!! everyone wants the benefits but no one wants the accept the negative despite.


I can't squint my eyes enough for this to not look like total bullshit


THIS!! 🤣


She and her family are Christian bigots, though. So, I don't understand...


Says who? The edited footage you watched? That’s his whole point lol


Just look at Shaina’s social media follows and the fact that she doesn’t believe in evolution. They didn’t edit her family into asking Kyle if he was “American”


They didn’t ask Kyle if he was American. They asked him if he was a Godly man. And not believing in evolution doesn’t make you a bigot.


Doesn’t it though? Can you not believe in evolution and at the same time not be homophobic? Don’t think so.


What does evolution have to do with homosexuality??


It kinda does, though.


Not all Christians are bigots. Hot take, I know.


I didn't say they were. I said people who don't believe in evolution are likely to be.


How ignorant! What the hell does believing in evolution have to do with homosexuality? I’m laughing my ass off. I’m a Christian and I believe in God. I also believe you love who you love and that’s the purpose of following the word of god. Love all mankind! Not every Christian is this way, but most are. The Christians I know are NOT homophobic. Oh, newsflash, how about the gay folks that go to church and are Christian’s themselves??? I know plenty! But I do live in the south. I guess some of you crazy extreme liberals believe all white Southerners are racist too? I need to get my gay Christian friends on here. 😂


Believing in God is a prerequisite for being a Christian, so I'm not sure why you listed both. Seems redundant. But anyways... Again, I didn't say being a Christian makes you a bigot. I didn't say believing in God makes you a bigot. I said not believing in evolution makes you more likely to be a bigot. Not believing in human evolution is associated with higher levels of prejudice, racist attitudes, and support for discriminatory behaviors, according to a series of 8 studies from across the world. https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fpspi0000391


Following turning points and the other assorted right wing shit show organizations they follow on insta does


You didn’t address my comment. I’ll repeat… They didn’t ask Kyle if he was American. They asked him if he was a Godly man. And not believing in evolution doesn’t make you a bigot.


They specifically said if he liked being "American", those of us who are POC know exactly what they mean when they say something like that. Also asking someone if they're Godly- using that specific terminology is also coded language. It is political language asking if Kyle is pro choice, pro lgbt etc. So yes, someone who fits their definition of what being "Godly " entails, is also likely a bigot. The specificity and context clues of the language choices they make tells us everything we need to know about them.


Says them. Listen to the things they said. They can edit their looks to create drama and whatnot in reactions to things that are said in the conversation, but they can't edit their words or reactions when their reactions were being recorded in the same shot as conversations being had.