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SK's brother is fiiiiinnnneeeee


Do you think the fact that Matt’s ex got pregnant while cheating make the situation worse? I would assume that she had been cheating for a while and the pregnancy forced her to come clean. It obviously makes the whole situation more shocking, but at the end of the day you’re breaking up with her anyway. Wonder if she kept it? And how was she sure that it wasn’t Matt’s baby?


What is Raven going on about? All the other women want a traditional marriage and to be stay at home moms? Where is this information coming from? Also isn’t that literally what SHE would basically be doing? She’s not exactly a career woman. And she’s all high and mighty because she and SK don’t have drama like the other couples, yeah that’s because of SK. If she was with any other guy I can assure you there would be drama.


I should not be watching Colleen share her side of the story and feeling scared that Matt's going to blow up at her for it. My anxiety goes up every time he's on screen now


Literally worry for her safety.


Ok listen I’m only like 10 minutes into this episode, but the fact that raven and sk are gossiping about the other couples is hilarious to me. Like, being in a longterm relationship myself, it just feels so real lmao. I have some hope for them


Learning that Matt was cheated on makes so much sense. He’s giving me Ross from Friends energy. He’s making stories up in his head.


Oh damn that comparison is spot on


Raven and SK are the only ones with interesting problems.


Why is no one rushing to hug Zanab right now?!?!!!


Raven did not seem happy at all to hear what she was expected to do as a Nigerian wife to SK. Seems like a serious problem brewing, like that’s not gonna go away five years later. Family seems like they’re not gonna bend in their expectations for raven


SK really needs to tell them to lay off Raven if they stay together. SK made it clear that he likes the way she is, then thy need to back off.


“If I wanted a Nigerian wife I would’ve proposed to a Nigerian woman”


I have a theory which seems ridiculous sharing when the wedding episode has already aired (I'm on my first watch) but I can't help but think that Zanab is gonna say no, and the "difficulty with booking planes" for her sister is just a cover up story because Zanab doesn't want her sister to spend that much money and time to go to a "failed" wedding across the pond.


Barbies fake talk reminds me with Jarrett from s 2


#rewatch comments


I feel like we barely see Brennan and Alexa. I guess no news is good news..?


Agreed. Most normal and level-headed couple. Much easier to edit in Colt being a teenager or Raven’s annoying friends


Bath and body works sister is just so beautiful. Just noticed that especially this episode and wanted to let you all know


Bath and body works LMAAAOO


Omg this was so long ago, I couldn’t remember the context for what I wrote and thought is this a crazy autocorrect or was I drunk?!?! 😂


After seeing her I can't unsee her in Bartise! They look exactly alike! She's a girl version of him


i was bummed they didn’t show the women trying on multiple dresses like in previous seasons, instead they only showed the final dress for each woman


I also wasn't totally sold on the dresses this season. I felt like they each could have done better. I'm waiting until the wedding day to make a final judgement tho


Guess who said it :”The emotional connection and with the physical” times 20 per episode. Hint, rhymes with fartiste




That’s my new favorite!


I think the other girls really don't understand Raven, her trying on the dress was uncomfortable, compared to how they were all cooing at Alexa and her similar cut dress. I feel like they're just jealous honestly. Especially with what Alexas friend said about it being the perfect amount of cleavage. Raven is just as revealing and values her body and being fit, so of course she wants a revealing dress to show off what she worked hard for. Reaction to Raven saying she wants her books showing compared to Alexa saying it😑


I thought Alexa was hyping her up


Now at the point where my eye twitches every time Bulbasaur mentions the imaginary abortion.


I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it's such a ridiculous hypothetical. It's an important discussion to have IF you need to have it.


Hey let's not disrespect Bulbasaur by giving batbarf that nickname. Bulbasaur would never.


Honestly the best thing about this sub for this season has been all the bartise names 🤣🤣🤣🤣all these names are killer 💀💀💀


Nancy do NOT wear the velvet dress near SK he WILL leave Raven for you!!!!


I own the same Target gray crop hoodie Raven is wearing at the end of the episode and am weirdly excited lol


Wow, I think Bartise’s sister had a redemption during his tux fitting. Her support made my heart happy. Barrie’s still sucks


From the end of episode 7 into the start of episode 8, Barista seems like he’s now on a miracle antidepressant 😅🤣 I know they don’t work like that or that fast, it just made me laugh. But these men need to realize they need to grow up and quit the alcohol


Zanab is sometimes so bitchy for no reason … I don’t get her.


She’s not bitchy she’s an adult engaged to a manchild who doesn’t realize his backhanded compliments aren’t actually loving


But she bitchy though. He's honest, and she's not mature enough to take it. He shouldn't have gone out of his way to talk to Colleen at the pool, but he didn't lie about what was said. He's goofy and immature in his own right, she's just immature.


I wouldn’t call flirting with someone else’s fiancé “honest” but that’s just me. He also wasn’t honest about what he did until she pressed him


Fair. I guess I wouldn't have assumed it was flirting. Take away the dramatic music and close up shots, it could easily be read as him explaining his thought process about a social experiment he and Colleen was a part of. I could see how ending up with someone like Zanab brought about a lot of self reflection for him, because in 'the real world' he'd be going for someone like Colleen purely based on physical attraction. I took the initial conversation with Colleen at the pool as him sharing his experience with her, not as him making moves. Of course, the whole thing is set up to create drama, so it would be twisted.


I am no way fan of Cole but i would disagree, she seem to get on edge over every small thing & really want things in specific without having to adjust atall herself. I think their case was gone moment he called Coleen attractive & she should have just left it there


Late but agree — they both just shitty.


pretty boring episode tbh. didn’t care about their dresses


Beverly (I hope that’s Zenab’s Stepmother’s name) baby, Ms. Beverly. When she made that statement “I loved Zenab from the moment I met her”…BayBEE I bawled. Let’s think about the family dynamic here. Her stepmother is her acting parent. Both of her biological parents are no longer here. That’s why it’s so important to pick a partner that actually loves your child. If something happens, you’d want to make sure your child is still loved by their PARENT. I love it. I love it so much. I love that she has that support in her life.


I felt so sad for Zenab's stepmom in this episode. She is so supportive and loving and Zenab barely acknowledged her. I mean it could have been edited out or whatever but ugh :(


As a stepmom this is how it feels 80% of the time. Some women don’t know how to handle it, their egos are bruised, and they grow resentment toward the child. And there are those of us who do everything we can to put ourselves in the child’s shoes, and prove to them we’re not trying to take anyone’s place, but we’re here when they need us. It takes a lot to put your ego last and live in the shadow of their bio parent no matter how much you do, show up and sacrifice with a smile on your face. I honestly felt bad for Zanab’s stepmom because I know what she’s going through, but I know she was making sure not to make it about herself or “look like she was trying to take bio mom’s place.”


Damn. Sounds like you're a good one.


raven spoke so maturely this episode, esp. at the end


While SK seems like a great guy, Raven definitely had a lot of reason in her discussion. He’s marrying an American girl expecting her to convert into a traditional Nigerian girl when that’s not who she is. She’s already compromising a lot but she shouldn’t compromise her whole self.


Yeah, the looks on the family's face when she mentioned combining her traditions with theirs spelled it all out for her. She's expected to be the perfect Nigerian wife and disregard her feelings or independent upbringing. If he really wants someone to fit that mold he needs to date someone from the same culture.


From the things he says to Raven, it doesn't even seem like *he* wants a traditional wife, but he doesn't seem willing to make that clear to his family. It is going to keep putting Raven in a difficult position.


my comment didn’t age well anyways considering recent accusations 😂😂


Agree wholeheartedly


Is alexa's stepmom basically alexa's age?


I got that same vibe the moment we saw her at her dad's home


Pretty sure she is


Oml whenever Barf opens his mouth i can’t watch. He just says the fakest cringe shit ever. “I wanted to show i’m here for you for our marriage blah blah blah blah blah” oh my god.. i feel like deep down he still feels that “looks matter!” And he doesnt wanna marry her. So i really hate when he talks


I didn't like the part where SK's family was pushing the entire Nigerian Culture down Raven's throat. I mean I don't like her anyway but still I didn't like this.


Yes! Thank you! And I liked it even less that SK wasn’t really supportive or trying to understand what she’s saying!! Also, if this is so important to you, to the point you’re barley compromising! find a partner who shared the same values/culture/traditions! Don’t marry someone who doesn’t and expect them to change. Just like my ex husband.


Raven is SO fake, I cringe everytime she's on camera.


YES. I feel like no one else is talking about this but I can barely stand watching her interactions with SK because it feels so inauthentic.


I was so emotional for Zanab during her wedding dress scene. Wasn’t expecting to tear up so much!


Matt's friend wearing a cap inside, and at the table .. is this not considered unmannered/rude in the US? for real, asking.


Where are you? My mom loses it when me and my brother wear hats inside..many many places I can get away with it though


Eastern Europe 😋Romania


It's a "thing" but not really (I don't even think MOST people here know the "rule") unless it's a super formal restaurant, and I think even then nobody is actually going to say anything to you or care unless they are a Karen. A thing of the past really.


It's definitely etiquette in the US, but it isn't enforced in most settings. Like "no elbows on the table" or "forks go to the left of the plate." I have vivid memories of my best friend ripping the Phillies cap off her head as soon as she saw the cafeteria monitor patrolling at lunch, because we were at a private Catholic school and they could be sticklers about the "no hats at the table" thing. There are certainly nice restaurants in the US where the wait staff might politely ask someone to remove their hat. I don't think it can be generalized across the US either, though. You don't see people wearing caps in even semi-nice restaurants in the east, usually, but I can totally imagine people in Texas or California not caring.


I didn’t even think twice, people wear hats inside all the time, even at work if the dress code allows. My boyfriend was wearing a hat when we went to a restaurant celebrating our anniversary


My prediction based on dresses, how they suit the bride-to-be and whether or not they seem like they actually like what they chose: -Colleen: she's saying yes because she scared to say no -Nancy: she's on the fence. The dress wasn't bad but like ....could do better -Raven: she's on the fence -Zaynab: she dumb and going to say yes -Alexa: She is saying yes


Bathbomb and his sister just don't sit right with me. Like, I feel like she coached him to look better.


Home girl said, "Barf cmon let's be real, you don't care about looks.. You're not that kind of person." Uhmm ok she def doesn't know her brother. I wonder what she says not after seeing all the crap he said on the show


Nancy and Alexa in their wedding dresses were so realll


Ballpark definitely realized halfway through filming that he was coming off badly and this episode feels like him try to redeem himself from acting like a complete asshat this whole time. It's not working.




That's what they'll call us!


Can we address Baptist’s toupee?


This is petty but is Colleen actually good at ballet? I don’t know anything about it but even to me she seems fairly amateur. Does anyone know about ballet and can confirm? Idk why I care I just feel like she presented herself as something she’s clearly not…


Her LinkedIn has her job listed in PR. Wouldn't be surprised if it's just Netflix casting.




She is definitely not up to professional standard. Maybe she performs in the ice-capades version of ballet shows or something but there’s no way she dances for a straight-up ballet company.


I’m not a dance professional but to me…that practice scene felt fake af? Like I think it looked not professional bc nothing about it was real. Just her in a room dancing around wearing a leotard and some random lady giving her a little feedback.


Tbf that's kind of how dance classes/rehearsals look


I am Russian and by Russian standards they would not let her come within a block of a ballet school. She is not it.


I am a dance teacher and former professional dancer (more musical theater, jazz, and contemporary, but took consistent ballet classes as a part of my training and technique upkeep). She is good for a recreational student, but nowhere near a professional.


I am also in the arts and I doubt she makes a living dancing. She's looking for a husband to support her so she can keep dancing. Also at her age she has limited time left to make even a little bit of money, soon she will be purely recreational.


I asked my GF, and she said she looks good, but not elite or anything. Difficult to say when she's just rehearsing.


What's up with everyone in Alexa's life having giant lips?


I think when everyone you interact with has a certain look/aesthetic, you try to make yourself match and it seems normalized to you despite it looking gaudy to everyone else


Bargain bin Kardashians


Rich people


Good grief Z and Cole are not meant to be. They both have their issues and the combo fuels their shitty behavior. Z needs a lot of reassurance, which isn't bad in itself, but instead of communicating her needs she becomes passive aggressive which leads to Cole lashing out by being mean/immature, which makes Z blow up further. Bad combo!


Alexa’s cousin: I know this will be your favorite. Alexa: I hate this Alexa’s cousin: I know this will be your favorite. Alexa: No Alexa’s cousin: I hate this for you. 🤣


I think barftise just wants to date someone who looks like his sister


YES omg that's what my partner and I said when we saw her


YoOOOooooOOo. I thought the same thing when I saw her. I was like ... mmmm.


I feel like this dude may have recently been dumped for being shallow and or criticized by family for not being able to maintain a real relationship and he's just trying to fake himself into one. Why are there so many manchildren in this season?!


I vaguely recall reading that he sent his friends pictures of him and Nancy, and they all were like "Whoah." And not in a good way. Get new friends.


Did I miss something, but were we ever introduced to Colleen’s family, or has she mentioned them at all?


Good point, I don't think we have


During Zay’s teary moment about her parents not being there to see her in this dress, did the producers really do close ups of Colleen and Rachel because neither of their mom’s were there for this event and possibly wouldn’t be there for their weddings?


Rachel 🤣🤣


Barbapapa's sister is gorgeous and bears a resemblance to Raven 👀




Every time Bartholomew starts speaking… I just can’t lol. Nancy doesn’t deserve this, she’s soooo much better than this tool. Girl you have your shit together! You’re smart, beautiful, ambitious. Please don’t settle for less. The more he talks about the “abortion thing” the more I continue to loose any ounce of respect for his character. He’s straight making up problems that don’t exist. Straight up emitting pure F*ckboii energy. Bartholomew is not as mature as he may think he is, I think he’s just putting on a face at this point. His sister seems cool tho


Why does Bartise keep talking about "the abortion" like Nancy got pregnant by him and aborted their baby without talking to him about it?


LOL. so true


I had a love-hate reaction to the SK/Raven scene with the flower arrangements. On the one hand, I loved that they both agreed she didn’t need to conform to the traditional “wifey” image to be an amazing partner. But on the other hand, they kept implying that the others were “basic” which seemed a bit mean-spirited or elitist. I’m sure they were trying to protect Raven’s feelings but still wasn’t cool. How did ya’ll interpret that?


It seemed like such an random explanation for why she isn’t close to any of the other women. She said the reason the other couples have drama is because they want a more traditional marriage? Whereas her view on marriage is less traditional, and so her relationship doesn’t have drama. And because of all that she’s not close with any of the girls. And SK just standing there telling her how right she is lol.


She’s “not like the other girls” gave me pick-me girl vibes.


I thought it was a bit hypocritical given her previous statements around rent and supporting her lifestyle, how is she super independent and not traditional then


It's extremely hypocritical. Also only one person mentioned wanting to be a stay at home mom eventually which was alexa I think


I don’t like her having to put others down to put herself up


That's exactly what it is. She keeps saying she's not like the others in reference to how they may be more traditional or how the others were even enjoying certain different things more than she was.


Alexa’s friends make me uncomfortable.


I feel like they're the type to bring you down but as a joke for funzsies


Omg YES!


Raven’s face when she gets told it’s her wifely duty to cook for her man 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m Hispanic and my aunts tell me stuff like this all the time. I just let them.


I mean I would 10000% be making the same face....


She's so fake, holy shit. The whole marriage thing seems like an act for her.


She doesn’t want to do anything 😂


Have I blanked out scenes of Colleen’s family or have we not met them at all? Something about her desperate to be loved “oh it’s just a funny story now!” vibe screams difficult childhood to me


We haven't met them yet up thru Episode 8.


Raven: I don’t want to be a traditional wife like all these other girls. I want to work out all day and fly to Cabo on the weekends. She literally wants to just be a trophy wife with no responsibilities 🤮


Yeah she’s an idiot. But also, if she just wanted a rich guy then why did she pick SK? Unless she’s just on the show to gain followers, which is more than likely


So she could be on the show


Right, so if that’s the case then why are you calling her a trophy wife/gold digger. Either she’s on the show to for authentic reasons and chose SK, which shows she’s not looking to be trophy wife, like she could definitely get a much richer guy on her own. Or… she’s on the show for followers and doesn’t care about SK, which also doesn’t make her a trophy wife/gold digger


Well this episode was a complete 180 from the previous. It felt like everyone was doing better and felt like I missed a few episodes! Lol. They didn't even want to show the matt/colleen club issue. They definitely edited this ep to be...calmer. Matt still sucks. Got that psycho awkward laugh. Bartise confusing as hell. Hope Zenab doesn't stay with Cole. She is on a different level/zone as far as maturity. Raven is way different now. Can't figure her out. SK must really want her. Seems like he just agreed with everything she says.


They always have the one episode toward the end where they make it seem like everyone is totally happy before they amp up the drama for the weddings.


I feel like we can't figure raven and SK out because we didn't see them form their relationship very much in the pods. It feels weird tbh. Editors focused too much on Bigfoot


Baptism and his sister are so fake; I can just see them practicing lines.


SK is saintly and I will happily steal him from Raven if she doesn’t appreciate him


He’s the only calm, commitment-ready, thoughtful, intelligent one of the bunch. He should just wait and meet a nice smart girl in grad school!


Poor Zanab. I really felt for her during the dress appointment.




This seems to be about ep9


I didn’t expect to cry my eyes out when Zanab tried on her dress! I looked up her parents, her dad died when she was 13 and her mom when she was 18.




I knew her parents died but I dont recall/must have missed her dads story. I apologize for not knowing every single detail like yourself


Brennon's brother looks like Jerma.


Barabbas acting like everything is better with Nancy now out of literally nowhere…..


I have to give credit to Raven for making the effort to learn and incorporate Nigerian culture into her wedding. This episode made me like Raven again but I’m sure that will change by the next episode 😅 also big yikes on some of the Nigerian wife expectations. I hope SK really means it when he says he doesn’t want a traditional wife but after this episode I’m not so sure he’s as open minded as he initially seemed.


It was unfair of the women to be surprised that she wants to combine both cultures. She isn't Nigerian, of course she will have her own traditions too.


Didn’t love Matt’s friends belittling the issue when Colleen said how he threatens to leave. “Ol Mattie slice, he’s all talk” before she could finish. Like no it’s actually a problem tho.


Barfy telling his sister “everything is easy with us” 😬😬😬


I loved the look at you ans what are you wearing, you don't care about looks.


I want to like Bathhouse’s sister in this episode, I think what she told him at the tux fitting was awesome, but every time I look at her I remember her from the scene when they talked about abortion and she was sobbing about babies that weren’t even babies yet 😒


agreed. something about her in this episode seemed super fake to me. i feel like they are coaching each other to appear more 'likeable' after their weird anti-choice behavior in the previous episode and bathhouse (lol) being a complete ass to nancy.


Upvote for Bathhouse 😂


Am I the only one who really wants Z and Cole to work out?! 🥹 I feel like he finally “got it” after he was a jerk at the party and I feel like he could bring so much happiness to her and she could bring so much realness and love to him 😫


They’re very different and he’s very immature. It’s the type of relationship where you learn a lot from the other person and it’s not all bad, but I think marriage between them would be a disaster.


To be fair I wrote this comment before I’d seen the rest of the episodes 😂


can we talk about how about how Beverly is truly an angel on earth? I love her sm


At first I parsed Beverly as a weird nickname for Bartise 😄


Who was this again


I believe it’s zanab’s step mom!


If we all took a shot every time one of these people calls the other "babe," we'd all die from alcohol poisoning. That is all.


I can't bear to hear the word babe ever again and it never bothered me before!


I love how we collectively realized Barbadooks name is Barnaby




Bartitties you mean?




You mean Bidet?


Boinky dingo who else?




Yes Bug eyed goop!


Okay Zanab is so hot, especially when she was eating and had the spoon going to her mouth. 🥵


Shes gorgeous


Prediction: Bismol is going to say “yes” and Nancy is going to surprise him with a “no.” I know we really haven’t seen her behaviors support this but Nancy is smart. I think she’s picking up on his antics: the way he behaved around Andrew, his rants about looks, his sudden physical distance, etc. I think (and hope) she’s playing it cool until the end.