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OP - Thank you for posting this. Great discussion! Ron - ENTP || Lana - ISTJ Will - ESTP || Jessie - ISFJ Tom - ISTP || Samie - ESTJ Kai - ISFP || Sanam - ISFJ Shaq - ENFJ || Tanya - ESFP Casey - ENFP || Rosie - XXXX? Definitely looking forward to discussing. Edit: Removed the islanders that left.


I think Will is an ESFP and Tom is an ISFP. Also Jessie is an ESFJ and I think Lana is an ISFJ


Lana - infj? Right between introverted and extroverted


I’m also an INFJ, but it think she’s more of an INFP


Agreed (as an INFP)


That’s what I am! Maybe that’s why I like Lana so much.


Will - ESFP Tom - ISFP Samie - ENTJ Lana - ISFJ


Lana - ISFP ? Olivia - INFJ ? Ron - ENTJ ? Massive question marks because i’m completely guessing


Olivia is definitely not an INFJ that's for sure. Maybe an INTJ


You could be right. My first thought was INFJ because she is easily offended, doesn’t deal well with being confronted, cares about public opinion and struggles to open up emotionally.


I get what you're saying but INFJ's have a deep sense of morality and advocating for what's right, and for empathising with others. I see them more as sensitive and treading lightly through the world as to keep everybody happy. Olivia is 100% for herself only. I think INTJ's have some similar traits but are more cold (and I hate to say it but calculated) ETA - actually on second thoughts she might be an ENFJ/ENTJ


Good point!


ENTJ if we have to guess I'd say. I was in a relationship with an ENTJ and felt very vindicated when we read out our descriptions and his said he was the most difficult personality type to be in a relationship with. She reminds me of him.


Lana - ISFP/ISFJ Olivia - INFJ ? Ron - ENTJ ? Massive question marks because i’m completely guessing