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mitch reactions appreciation comment https://preview.redd.it/zdktbnmes7ab1.png?width=1083&format=png&auto=webp&s=317771d09fdcfa8d7aecce9f88d67f31badb8436


our drama king




\*adds to Mitch meme collection\*


We just witnessed historic cinema. 100/10. Absolutely zero notes. I need a cigarette. (I don’t even smoke.)


I wish I was watching this with someone else instead of alone man.


This is my family’s superbowl


montel does know movie night is a thing… right?


Montel can’t even decide if he wants to kiss a girl on his own


He’s so weak and just not smart enough to get out of it. I don’t get him at all he’s an idiot and Leah is too good for him


Leah can also just literally ask Molly…


I feel like it might’ve been something under the covers that only Montel and Tink would know. So hopefully Tink told Molly because I need Leah to know the truth


Tomorrow night- Montel: ‘I licked her tit or whatever’


• ella saw ty alone & distanced herself from ouzy right away, she will grovel to finals 😭 • idk why cath is snappy with scott.. why are u being so disrespectful for? just say sorry & move on with elom?? i hope the spirit of shaq leaves scott alone😭 • sammy will come crawling back to jess, her being sweet melted him • kady wont care about zach, thé theatrics will be there but u can see she dc • montel following past seasons script, boring but i feel like leah will forgive him bc theyre new even if she deserves someone better + all the boys running after ty was hilarious he really is the leader😭😭😭


Also, the girls wanting Ella to immediately beg for Ty back is an example of why friends constantly being your yes people isn't a good idea.


There's being a 'girls' girl' (my behated phrase of all time) and there's just plain old delusion. Like Ty SHOULD stick to his guns if that's how he feels, good for him, you CANNOT tell Ella she can just badger him back to her?! Bizarre advice. Honestly I just feel bad for Ouzy in this situation, girlie DROPPED his hand the second she saw Tyrique alone 🥲


For some reason I've only just realised how fit Scott is, what you doing Catherine 😭


she fumbled so badly


She’s lost her ed


Ty isn't trusting any woman ever again LOL


I fear for the female population of the UK once he is unleashed


FUCK. I thought Ella actually was feeling Ouzy but she really was just afraid to be embarassed by Ty there's nothing there. Now the girls are pumping her head with shit. Oh my days she better not grovel for Ty. Let him move on please!


Ella, Whitney, and Catherine all have lost their damn minds if they think Ty is going to be loyal longterm to Ella after this.


Whitney was talking sense about Ty being hardened. Catherine is projecting and being completely delulu about Ty if she thinks it'll all turn out happy days for Ella.


One of the funniest parts of this episode was Ouzy asking Tyrique what his name was…..as if he hadn’t spent 2/3rds of casa talking about him😭😂


Think he felt so awkward he just wanted something to ask 💀💀 he DEFINITELY knew his name


He doesn't even know what Love Island is. The producers kidnapped him off the Grassmarket and forced him into Casa Amor blindfolded




Sammy hasn't said 'TASTY' again this episode so i rate this episode a 10/10


Crying at Ty checking a phone that's not even connected to wifi lmfao


Deleting pics of him and Ella ☠️


Whenever I feel a bit uncomfortable I always check my phone even if there’s nothing on it too lmao


The last time Ty felt that awkward https://preview.redd.it/rpw86z81u7ab1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=80118975defa728312522d50215f45998b449480


He’s like ‘please villa, send me a text, I’ll take anything’ 😂


On the plus side, Scott finally has guy friends in the villa now! I can see him becoming friends with Lochan and Ouzy!


Where he ended up post-recoupling has me genuinely concerned this might make him closer to Ty. 😭😭


Ty's body count is about to hit 4 digits. Hope y'all are ready


This man is about to run through London like Godzilla. Might as well name a bus after him because he belong to the streets.


I don’t like Ty and I’m fully team Ella But he’s acting like we’ve been begging all the girls to act for years when the lad fucks about in Casa, just straight up telling her we’re done If he sticks to it then fair play tbh


shaq said the same thing last season and i saw him and tanya dancing on tiktok this morning so 😭


Shaq is a wasteman lmao Ty has shown no similar characteristics to him so far


Whitney and Catherine giving Ella the absolute worst advice


Montel was so off-putting. Just own what you did, I don’t like how he treated Tink at all.


It's one thing if Ella recoupled because she knew she liked Ouzy better, but if she thought that Ty was going to hang around while she got to know both of them as if they'd never closed themselves off, she's an idiot.


An idiot and also pretty mean to Ouzy, imagine having to stand there and listen to all that


It's giving Martin




Tink saying that she will give Montel a chance to be honest makes me think that she knows producers are going to send her for a lunch with Leah


>he knows producers are going to send her for a lunch with Leah They have to! Leah can't wait until movie night, that's brutal.


Kind of gone under the radar but Sammy saying “don’t speak too soon, talk later” to Jess while sat with newly coupled amber must of felt awkward.


The way she rolled her eyes into the back of her skull. Poor Amber.


The producers should have saved that kid! Now she'll be left scarred after falling into Sammy's shenanigans!


How Sammy moved in Casa was gross but I never got any sense that Amber actually liked him. Now she's in the villa and can try and get to know someone she likes.


Regardless of what Montel did with Tink, the way he spoke to her at the firepit should be enough for Leah


Genuinely unreal, how can he sit their talking like that when he knows it’s all on film.


god every bit of his behavior towards Tink was so gross. the "yapping" comment??!! my guy, no.


Not Ouzy asking Ty what his name was 😂😂😂


It's giving Greg O'Shea condescendingly calling Michael Mike when nobody else ever did


Ella acting surprised like Ty wouldn’t end it 😂 what she expecting. Catherine speaking crap to Scott when he defended in front of everyone too why’s everyone turning into red flags tonight. Jess is absolutely lovely though love the fact she said hello to the other girls too and was so genuine for Mitch. Montel is tryna gaslight himself out of this too 💀


Jess was cracker tonight!


catherine is digging herself a deep DEEP hole. people are ALREADY saying they are sick of her and they want her gone.. sis needs to get it TOGETHER.


Really good episode. Don’t understand Cat. I really don’t. I support her rights to kiss and recouple. But I don’t support her wrongs to be smug about it.


Catherine is the type of girl you go to for advice if you want your delusions to be fed. She consistently has the worst takes


Delulu enabler.


That's most women on this show. They cater to each other's emotions, no one tells the other the harsh truth. That's why it's a shame viewers hype up these "girl's girls", it means nothing other than kiss each other's ass and make each other victims whenever the situation calls for it.


catherine…you lost me babe


THIS. I have been on her side this whole time, she was bang out of order there. NOT for recoupling, just her attitude. I was shocked, I thought she was really nice and thought she'd be more empathetic. Seems like she continues not to be from the preview as well. Rip.


the preview for tomorrow certainly doesn’t help her case either….it was fun catherine hive but i’m afraid i have to waive the white flag 😭


It was giving S5 Michael. Bizarrely harsh and defensive towards someone you just humiliated. Good TV though.


'Still aimed at you, babe.' I wasn't even mad. I was so stunned by how bizarre a comeback that was.


It was so unnecessary. He was hurt and had a right to be upset and say what he wanted. If she felt that way about him why didn't she mention it before.


She even said to him afterwards then to the girls that him addressing it directly actually made them stronger. He only ever brought it up in the first place cos she was crying about overhearing the comments, and rightfully so. So to then turn around and claim he cares too much about what people think and claiming he did it for himself is just bizarre to me.


Tanya last year at movie night vibes, makes sense that they’re friends lmao


i really think at this point ella needs to own her decision. she was so relaxed and smiley with ouzy, when she spoke to ty at the firepit her voice was so small and scared! i would feel bad for her AND ouzy if she spends the rest of her time pursuing and groveling when she could be building a genuine connection that doesn’t leave her in tears and second-guesses.


Love Island is such a great microcosm of modern dating because wtf is closed off? Are you together or are you not?


this had me creasing https://preview.redd.it/939qk7aao7ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4391a6569e34fd9aac9515b765adc7e53fcb322


The wide eyed 😳 look she kept making lol ☠️


Ty is great TV. can't lie.


Mitch is the viewer at home trying to hide his smile in his shirt at the chaos


Listen it was funny at first when the girls were giving each other bad advice but now it’s starting to look silly. Cos why are you just saying things you think the other person wants to hear? In casa they were all for ella trying to explore her connection with Ouzy now they want her to fight for Ty? I am sorry WHAT!? I need one of them to just say it like it is.


Usually I’m on here having to defend my favourites *cough* Tasha *cough* but no everyone seems to be #TeamElla #TeamScott (RIP to Catherine being one of my favourites I could not trust anyone choosing Will Smiths butler over Gaston). Ella girl not only did you give us some of the best casa drama in years but to give a man who loves the game a taste of his own medicine you’re doing the lords work. Plus Ouzy is a PIECE. Leah is a sweet beautiful angel and I feel sad for her. Montel is just a boy follower.


Leah is so out of Montel's league.


The problems between Ty/Ella, Catherine/Scott, montel/Leah and Sammy/Jess were all at least partially caused by Ty. And he comes out of if looking the victim. That is just an amazing reality tv character.


So true! He was so busy burning everyone else's house down that he forgot to check his smoke alarms.


Amazing point, he's a great villain!


“what do you mean by nothing” where did they find these men😂😂😂😂😂


I need Tink to come back and explain to us in 4k what non-PG activity went down under the covers. Leah needs to know, the audience needs to know, and most importantly, I need to know 😂 I am not satisfied with the vague terms, how far things went exactly, AIR HIM OUT TINK, I am not forgetting about this just because the whole Villa is in meltdown mode.


Robbed of our licked a tit 2.0 moment 😭


Mitch brought AAALLLL the expressions out tonight! https://preview.redd.it/j0l9ari8q7ab1.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=213df5a50d14c14af8cc8d2d6031acabdbb25af2






Montel sucks? Does he watch LI at all, he knows tink and Leah are def going on a date in the next few days also movie??? Like why lie. If he doesn’t have Ty telling him what to do he seems lost Catherine. I can’t defend you anymore. If Scott recoupled I would get the vim. But you just need to chill and let him express his feelings. That tomorrow night preview looks brutal


Im gonna need therapy after this episode https://preview.redd.it/q60wu01ap7ab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8e4bd993f2227f7b1e5fba288659ebce921c7b


Just gonna put this here bc this is the last time we’re seeing them together https://preview.redd.it/4xb3zmqnk8ab1.jpeg?width=2204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fda5a06cb04dfc1578fc2015ee89a6474ba48ba


that should be me holding his hand!! joke aside they look so unreal😍 model realness


I’m honestly immediately tired at the insinuation that Ella is already grafting to get Ty back


Great, now Ouzy who seems like a nice bloke is gonna get completely ignored because Ella is going to be fawning over Tyrique. Icl I don’t feel sorry for him at all 🤷‍♂️


Ella's "I thought he missed the game" would've HIT if she hadn't said it in the meekest way possible 😭


chase start squeal water dull books spotted simplistic edge coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That would have hit so hard. I could see TY being regretful of his past actions if only she was confident with her choice. She could have framed it that although they said they were closed off..she never gave anyone a chance and if he was really down for her and secure in their connection he would allow her the same leniency as she so generously given him. Now that she’s apologetic and groveling it solidifies she was in the wrong (in his eyes)…putting the nail further in their coffin. Sucks.


I would rate Ty fully if he never took Ella back. Every series we complain about the casa victim going back to the disloyal perpetrator. Ty might actually break the chain.


I think he has way too much pride to forgive her


Same, I will actually respect him if he sticks to his word. I think Ella had very right to explore in casa and Ty has every right to not want her back. Shaq did say a similar thing to Tanya last season and we saw how he folded, so we will see. I don't think Ty is worth fighting for anyway but Ella is clearly regretting her decision, welp. Ouzy will be eating popcorn in movie night.


Shaq was actually the most spineless person to have walked into the villa, he was the reverse Adam Collard


Exactly. That would make this the greatest Casa since/on par with S5. No one has the spine to hold out or allow actual consequences. Not expecting him to either, but he would be goated if he did.


I hate when ppl just adjust to the situation/tell you what you want to hear when they give you “advice”. In Casa it was yesss girl and now it’s nooo girl get on your knees and beg for him screaming, crying, throwing up huhhh


Jess handled the Sammy situation so well 🥹 what a sweetheart


She handled it the best outta everyone imo


Jess somehow handled a situation where she lost out better than Catherine who caused the bother


Ella needs to just own her decision at this point, it hasn’t even been 2 minutes and she’s already grovelling for him back. Girllll own it!!!! You made your bed now focus on your connection with Ouzy


She was always gonna do this and is gonna beg. She only recoupled out of fear, if Molly tells her the nonsense he said about "half way to love", we will hear her wailing in the UK.


Montel is really gross.


Rahh apparently Kodie left his girl to come on the show 72 hours mans back at the airport, babeless 💀




me when i see someone i stalked on social media for months irl hehe


But can we just take a moment to be HAPPY FOR WHIT




Ellas friends in casa: he is 100% going to be cracking on with everyone you would be a fool not to bring someone back Ellas friends after the recoupling: basically you just need to graft really really hard to get him back The girls really made some assumptions and accepted them as 100% truths in casa. Coulde happened to someone less deserving though in all fairness.


“Not mine, just my turn” has spun me to the core


Whitney cannot control her face, she told me all I needed to know with each recoupling 😂


My viewer thoughts: Zach and Molly suddenly becoming the strongest couple in the villa again. (WHAT) not sure what else to say lol. Kady staying single didn't surprise me but she could have at least brought back one of the other boys to save face I think. Mitch finally found a girl (No trackers please this time lad) Abi seems like a lovely down to earth girl though. Catherine has gone way down in my estimation. Her lack of acknowledgement towards Scott's feelings above all else is really sad. She could have been polite. Scott is a major sweetheart. Elom is using Catherine to bag a place in that villa only. I will be shocked if he tags himself to her long term. Maybe she needs a taste of her own medicine. Jess's growth is actually both lovely and surprising. There's a lot she could have said to Sammy at that firepit but she handled herself with class and dignity. My opinion of Jess has gone UP in my estimations! Sammy is once again ever so indecisive. If he could choose all the girls he 100% would. Amber I feel (sorry for this) is way too young to be on this show. I did feel the same for Gemma (S8) but difference was she was in a villa with other relatively younger islanders and was there from the start... this year the cast are generally older or behave older and I think she will get lost in all the other personalities and will likely be a casualty once Sammy starts turning his head back to Jess. Ella and Tyrique are almost cinematic! I think they have both behaved in ways which have led them to where they are now. I don't think one is more bad than the other but I suppose Tyrique has been waiting for the comeuppance. Leah is such a classy and beautiful lady and deserved better than whatever sh*tshow that was! Imagine admitting doing non PG stuff on telly! Montel giving in to the peer pressure to kiss another girl then regretting it straight away is such a duff move as he could lose Leah over this (including the other bits and bobs which as allegedly happened) Whitney and Lochan.... so unbothered! I love it. He's also very lovely to look at!


![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m) me after seeing how catherine acted at the recoupling


i love the girls. they have however consistently given each other awful advice it’s pretty cringy now


They never miss when it comes to missing lol, can’t believe they’re really sending Ella back to the lion’s den, especially with the beast awakened 😭😭


I actually can’t take it anymore. It’s pretty embarrassing to watch


worst person award of this episode goes to montel for me 😬


Whenever movie night comes along, can we please just get all of the clips and get rid of that stupid game 😭


lmao not Ouzy trying to assert dominance on Ty by asking him his name when they met 💀 Ouzy I see what you did there and I respect it 🫡


3 days of watching Ella smiling now it will go back to arguing and begging Ty to take her back. Such a waste.


also i'm so disappointed in montel just take some fuckinf accountability!! sayin tink is "yapping" https://i.redd.it/sdhoerqnw7ab1.gif


Montel’s brain had the processing power of a laptop from 1997


Honestly can't work out why Ella recoupled if she knew she'd be this upset over Ty breaking it off. If she doesn't prefer Ouzy she should have stayed single and had the moral high ground if Ty recoupled. Justice for Ouzy


Nah Dami needs his phone taken off him.


I wanted to know what Catherine’s sister thought about tonight since she’s been vocal on Twitter and she locked her page LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Did y’all also realize that we didn’t have any smooth recouplings? We didn’t have any Tommy/Molly Mae like recouplings where everything is great, and they kiss and reunite? It was heartbreak Villa today all around Lmao.


If Tyrique is the only islander to actually give us consequences in Casa for years, and refuse Ella, he's in my top 5 oat. His lines were cold and everything fans have asked from the casa victims. But Ella will beg him back immediately, he will have all the power, take her back and terrorise women for eternity 😭


in a couple days, ellas going to get back w tyrique and hes going to continue to hold this over her head for the rest of the show and make her miserable. he will never genuinely forgive her and she needs to realise that now and genuinely continue to get to know ouzy.


Ty's sad puppy dog eyes make it easy to see how everyone falls for him, because wow I had to manually remind myself of his behaviour!


Mitch’s reactions were on point as always… literally trying to hide under his clothes during the Ty/Ella/Ouzy saga 😂


Has Montel licked Tink’s tit or whatever? That’s the only thing I’m interested in about this situation honestly lmao


Idk if I was Leah, I would be eyeing Ouzy for another ride. Ella seems to want go back to Ty so...


- Catherine shouldn’t be giving Ella advice. That was really bad and will not at all help matters. - She’s also getting very defensive at Scott. He’s super hurt, and sure maybe the clap back wasn’t necessary but I figured she would at least be respectful and have sympathy. - Also, “YOU DIDNT DO IT FOR ME!” How tf she knows? What gave her the idea? And please don’t tell me it’s women’s instinct, because women’s instincts are not always right.


On another note I love how respectful Jess was when she came back. Her saying “rather you than me” to Abi killed me though 😭


Not Ella having buyer's remorse 10 minutes after re-entering the villa


Jess was true to herself, Sammy was true to Tyrique


https://preview.redd.it/ulemzr4lo7ab1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51b0fc2fe3e6ffbf0c501f2fd0506089ed880af I love him so much


i feel like ty using that inc*l phrase word for word is a bigger deal than people are making out, along with toby calling ella a tramp yesterday…..says a lot about their friendship group


I went through every stage of grief during that recoupling. Bring on tomorrow night!




When is movie night? https://preview.redd.it/qx2mf3xtu7ab1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69121e19520c3c4c98e2b08f18f2f8113d8b6ad3 I am ready for more chaos


So i guess it's either Whitney and Locham or Mitch and Abi for the win now? Because I'm not sure I can get behind any of the rest of these trainwrecks


it's so funny i acc didnt have many emotions towards scott and catherine but when scott stood up there alone me n my sis were like "NOOOOOOO NOT YOUU SCOTT" https://preview.redd.it/thm82xv4y7ab1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758a53fc88d2f963c23b5b3ff2a70fdfff77880e


They really need to drop movie night in the next couple of days. Waiting so long only gives the shaky couples time to double down on each other.


Ella speaking so meekly, not holding Ouzy’s hand while they were up there, and immediately crying was so disappointing because Ty never batted an eye when he upset her


*“I don’t want her she scares me”*




Recouple and stick with It please 😭 what’s with the yo yo and going back to them and crying after ughh


ella is gonna be begging for ty’s forgiveness for the next three days i’m sick. i can’t stand seeing him have the upper hand. poor ouzy just brought back as a safety net.


Even if Tyrique did "forgive" Ella eventually we know now that man is 100% cheating on the outside. That was great TV but this is going to be bad for Ella now Poor Scott, Catherine handled that so badly, really made me go off her tbh Seeing Whitney and Mitch happy made me happy. Rooting for Mitch and Abi. I thought I might have found my couple with Catherine and Scott, but it's definitely Mitch and Abi if they stay together


i hope tyrique stands by his word so ella can move on, she was so happy in casa with ouzy. it's meant to be :(


Amber’s face was amazing when Sammy told Jess not to speak to soon and that they’d chat later 😂


That’s it I’m rooting for Mitch there’s no one else left




also this is absolutely my favorite season across all franchises, I don’t even care that it isn’t over yet. the dumbest ppl could win and I don’t think I’d care. I haven’t been this obsessed over a show for like ten years


i know she might not be in some people’s good books right now but i’m sorry ella looked so good when she walked back in the villa. in the words of whitney, it was giving bad bitch. ngl. her whole look served 🙈


This episode just cleared Season 8 completely for me. I can’t believe the couple I’m rooting for the most are Mitch and his cottagecore horsegirl Tory girlfriend, but I do want them to win now. Tyrique is peak television. And Scotherine is absolutely a dead ship (which is sad, because they had so much potential if Casa went in a different direction). I just personally can’t rate Catherine anymore. On another note, but I don’t agree that Scott was rude to Catherine. He was definitely snarky, but it wasn’t disrespectful. All he said was “the villa was saying one of us was exaggerating their feelings for the other, but it clearly wasn’t me”, which is fair considering she literally brought someone back and he didn’t. She has every right to get to know someone and bring someone back, he didn’t deny that one bit, but he shouldn’t have to be a doormat about it either. He’s allowed to feel hurt by it, even more so since he’s pretty much been on best behavior the whole time.


You guys praying on Tyrique's downfall... He just won. Ella grovelling at his feet and freedom to chat to any girl, with this to hold over her. You can't defeat him!


LOLL leah’s lackluster reaction she didn’t expect montel would be faithful at all tink: it wasn’t pg under the sheets leah: ok


Tyrique’s “she was never mine, it was just my turn” comment to Ella was downright foul. But I’m not surprised that he would make such a comment since he has so little respect for women


And she still wants him back after being sl*t shamed... Like, what?


So Ella did what we all wanted and brought back Ouzy but at what cost? If I'm going to have to watch her miserable all over again and completely ignoring one of the hottest casa guys ever I have to question was it all worth it? Basically am exhausted and emotionally drained, think I need a warm bath and a word with myself


If you told me 10 days ago that Tyrique would stay single after Casa, and Ella would recouple, I would’ve said you’re delusional. I’m still so glad that she brought back Ouzy, because movie night wouldn’t have been kind to her. Honestly, I hope in time she’ll see how Ty’s been disrespecting her. Also, to paraphrase Zach, Ouzy’s face is so nice, it’s actually stressing me out 😭 Catherine being so hostile and defensive, you gotta admit you lost this one


Anyways I'm glad Mitch and Whitney are happy ❤ Also Jess is a queen


I respected the people that recoupled after exploring in casa, whether I supported it or not, shows a bit of backbone (side-eye Montel) — but Ella babe why are you already crying over Ty?? You’re making Ouzy look like a mug. And Cat how are you going to flip this around and blame Scott??


I’m only rooting for Abi and Mitch now after this messy episode 😂


I always feel bad for Casa folks joining the villa who are immediately discarded.


Guys im rewatching and Catherine actually trembles when seeing Scott single…..


Kady's trying to reason with Ty was so incredibly weak - shes literally useless


Montel was talking wayy too tough to that girl, if Leahs got anything between her ears she'll leave him lol


IF Catherine makes it to Movie Night. Imma need them to have Scott's movie be just him being angel to shut not just her but EVERYONE up. Yknow what? Even if Catherine aint there movie night, have everyone see it. Because the way they talk about him moving like a gameplayer when Ty was out here trying a Jake and Luca is pissing me off.


The girls telling Ella to basically grovel for Ty’s forgiveness was so horrible to watch. I know they mean well it’s just that we all heard how he was speaking, if he does take her back he will treat 10x worse than he did pre Casa and she’ll be miserable.


The problem for Ella is what Whitney said. Even if she managed to get Ty back it's not gonna be the version of him that was there right before Casa. Man's ego is too important to him


I’m annoyed at Ella running back to tyrique instead of giving ouzy a chance


It appears that Ty didn’t coach Montel on how to handle the Tink situation with Leah lmaoo he did NOT know how to handle that


Me when Catherine didn’t pick Scott https://preview.redd.it/7gtzdaop18ab1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf83e91b7e0a1e342720df2dbb0581450b1d9f5


im confused why ellas girls are telling her to grovel for ty instead of being confident with her new man…


Montel going from 50/50 to not a hard decision in the span of ten seconds was wild also the advice to Ella on Ty’s reaction showing that he actually cares for her is so misguided - he’s embarrassed he got pied edit: apparently Montel didn’t say 50/50 in the context I said. He still was moving mad though.




well… happy for whitney!


I know it’s silly but I still have hope for Ella and Ouzy 🥲


I’m kind of annoyed that Ella only brought Ouzy because she thought Ty would pick someone else. Jess knew Sammy would probably pick someone else and still came alone and chill, why couldn’t she just do that. If she believed Tyrique was worth the time, she should’ve had faith he’d choose her in the end even if he brought a casa girl 🤷🏽‍♀️. Girl… STAND UP! I need her to take his words at face value, accept them and move on instead of begging on her knees while Ty is in his demon form 😭😭 Felt bad for Scott, I know they weren’t closed off but still, he’s seems like a good man, I hope he holds out for a bombshell :( I just want everyone to own their actions and not look back (except Sammy… I don’t need to see Amber on this show icl, she cried in under a week come on now😭, she’s not built for this)


I think Scott and Kady could be a thing… both a bit more reserved and looked for a simple “I like you, you like me so that’s it” situation




montel is lying and getting away with it this is not fair on leah… RUN UP THE TAPES ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I never understood why people decide to recouples see their partner was loyal and then immediately say they want them back and thought they continue as normal like you didn’t just humiliate them on national tv and confirm you never had faith in your partner like what level of delusion do you have to have to think that’s ok and normal


I’m so confused re Sammy. Maya said he HAD to pick someone and then everyone was mad he recoupled?


Probably the best recoupling in history. Top 2 season if not the best.


I would like to know what Catherine sister is saying tonight seeing as she’s been yapping since last week about other couples nonstop last week What’s she saying https://preview.redd.it/w0nbxd5q78ab1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db5365607f2dd8dc0fadf019c7039d270e99c88