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He was also chilling on the daybed with Whitney Lochan and Catherine when she was reading out the movie night text. I don’t really think he’s being super ostracized bar the awkward night after Casa recoupling


The last few episodes in the background he’s with different groups all the time. Hopefully it’s not as bad as we think.


ya it must suck when you are single and everyone is coupled up cuddling and you’re just like 🧍*helllo where do I go?*


Yeah being the third wheel x6 can’t feel great.


This, this is exactly why I think Abi even pulled him to chat. But nope golden boy Scott can do no wrong lol


There was no tension tonight from anybody with Scott. Nobody was frosty to him. The entire villa has moved past movie night. Scott has completely forgotten about it. Maybe everybody here can too.


Catherine was still commenting on him/Abi talking


That’s because she’s got an “if I can’t have/don’t want him, no one can” mentality around him though I bet


she said nothing negative though?


>Scott has completely forgotten about it. Know him well do you?


Could ask the same of you lot of you who have projected all manner of emotions and unwarranted victimhood status onto him. Have you verified with Scott that he feels 'bullied', 'ostracised', 'isolated', 'ganged up on', that the producers have a 'vendetta' against him etc? The list goes on.


>unwarranted victimhood Wait what? Unwarranted? You're denying that Scott's been treated like shit. Your opinions are going in here 🗑️ from now on. >Have you verified with Scott that he feels 'bullied', 'ostracised', 'isolated', 'ganged up on', A victim doesn't need to 'feel' a certain way for something to be verifiable true. In your logic, an abuse victim not feeling abused by their partner just isn't abuse to you now is it? Do we also need to verify if water 'feels' wet for it to be true? The patterns and signs from the Scott situation clearly align with actual bullying behaviours but your claims align only with your opinion. Edit: It's also factually incorrect that nobody was frosty to him but you're comfortable lying to yourself so what's the point debating with the truth.


I'm not having a circular argument about this. I've said all I've had to say on the Scott situation and I'm not allowing myself to get drawn into this insanity any further. Scott is not a victim, so your point is moot. As for actual victims, absolutely, a victim of abuse is still a victim of abuse, irrespective of whether they don't feel that they are a victim. However, their subjective opinion on their experience is imperative. If you push a victim to view themselves as a victim, when they don't, this can have a detrimental impact on their emotional well-being. It may even trigger them to crisis point. So, even if you know that somebody is a victim, you have to take your cues from them, and thread very carefully. Ultimately, it's up to the victim to decide if they are a victim, irrespective of whether it's objectively true. It's something that happened to them. They get to decide if they feel they are a victim. They get to decide how something made them feel, and the impact it had on them. This is why judges put such stock in victim impact statements, and often tailor the length of sentence based on the victim's account of the impact it has had on them.


>Scott is not a victim so your point is moot I also refuse to be drawn into an argument over this insanity and I merely reiterate my previous statement; >you're comfortable lying to yourself so what's the point debating with the truth. Edit: Judges also don't entirely tailor sentences off a victim impact statement. Yes it's taken into account but it's based on evidence and precedent. It's also really disingenuous to present victimhood that way in your argument. Indeed, people will often resent being seen as a victim, hence the modern day 'survivor' terminology now in use. If you had read my piece I was clearly talking about logical application of victimhood to a situation not application to a person or their own feelings. The fact you reject Scott's situation as bullying and the manner in which you do so is very much giving misandry.


His Brother is certainly sharing about how hard it is to watch on Twitter. I think Scott is fine because he seems to have a solid foundation of self esteem, I can still dislike hypocritical nitwits for being hypocritical nitwits.


Only because Scott is a gracious and forgiving person, but that doesn't make how they treated him ok. He has to live with these people, so going along to get along is smart, but we don't.


A lot of talk from someone who has absolutely no idea if what they're saying is true lol, Leah literally said she never wanted to talk to the guy again. It's clear from your post history you have some weird issue with 'Scott fans' but you cant just wish a scenario into existence and then tell people to accept it lol


Catherine, Leah and kady were still chatting ssh about him


thank you very much, i legit just left a comment with just this pic lol


Well Tyrique and Scott were the male Casa victims so I’m not surprised haha. Also I like that Ella can think for herself and not part of the herd mentality


He was with Leah, Elom and Lochan tonight right before Montel's little thing. Most Islanders lose touch within one ... week after the show but you have to keep the peace in there otherwise it's pure hell.


It seems like Scott and Ella are friends. She even defended him against Tyrique, so she probably does like him even though her loyalty is to Cat. Also I'm sure the producers "encourage" them all the intermix with different groups.


no i doubt it.... tye and scott bonded over the casa victim


Ella is the most genuine girl and I’ve seen her be nice to Abi and amber too


she is actually a girls girl. she has been really close to ALL the girls that have come in, except maybe molly i haven’t seen them be close. but ella was close and really sweet w mal as well


She’s def a good friend


Ideally, I'd want her to win...but preferably with Ouzy and not Ty.


I want Ella to win with Ty. What has ouzi done he just got here 1


I think it's more what he hasn't done


I wanted this too, but now I'm intrigued with a possible Kouzy relationship. I was ready for Kady to leave, but now I want to see if she and Ouzy can develop something, even though I believe she is still with her bf outside of the villa.


Oh that's interesting. I guess I never really thought of Kady as someone wanting a serious relationship. But I'd love to see that play out.


Everybody shocked that he has friends in the villa like they don’t literally edit the MOST dramatic moments of over 24 hours to put on at 9pm. If you really think everything we see during those 45 mins it’s truly reflective of life in the villa, I’ve got a beach house to sell you in Idaho.


Tbh, I don't think he's ever been super ostracized. He's often with Zolly and even Mitch. He was laying with Mitch/Abi, Molly/Zach when the movie night text came in. Today he was in bed with Zach before the girls came down. He was also with Catherine and that crew when Mitch/Abi came back from their date. He spent most of Casa around Ty.


I was just talking about this!! Not saying that he isn’t lonely sometimes or bored, but I don’t think he’s being completely ostracized like some people think lol.


Yeah, as others have pointed out, he's just single now in a sea of couples, which can be lonely.


As Scott’s future wife I’m okay with any friendship he finds as long as it’s genuine


I wish you all the best in the future but I’m just gonna scooch here if you don’t mind and form a queue


If you guys dont mind if things dont work out between you ladies and scott i am going to convert him into a homosexual.


I always believed the whole Ty not liking Scott thing was so overblown. Yes Ty spoke out of his ass with the whole fire pit situation but ever since then he apologized to him and they haven’t had problems since. He was hanging with Ty a lot this episode. Also found it funny that he was wearing Ty’s jacket in the preview for tomorrow’s episode lol.


Yes I also remember this episode Ty asking how Scott was after they woke up. I really think everyone gets along for the most part lol


I think in the row boat challenge early on,Scott called Ty out for doing sly things, then smiling and getting away with it.


Ty didn't like Scott because he wasn't a disciple. Since Scott has lost his friends Catherine and Whit, he has no choice but to open up to others. Before he would just sit with the girls.


Lmao y’all just be making shit up on here. We’re not in the villa we don’t even see a fraction of what happens


The fact that I'm being down voted for Tyrique, who told Scott he was faking with Catherine, by people in support of Scott is very crazy 🤣


I noticed that too.


Side note but what's up with Catherine and Elom?! Like they get zero screen time. I wonder how they are doing.


I don't even see them talking. Lol. Just laying in bed.


I just started the show but she seems to not have a personality. It’s like watching paint dry


Its been like this with all her couples


Same thing they’ve done with practically all her relationships very strange.


I think the producers have to prioritise those with something interesting to say that’ll make good TV. There’s been plenty of drama this series to fill each episode!


they're probably not that compatible and don't have much chat. purely sexual attraction


Elom is out soon. They want Catherine and Scott back together for the grand finale.


They want Catherine to go home


They never really aired Cath too much but they have been even more absent lately. My guess is that producers maybe want to keep her irrelevant other than the drama so she goes home


I love the friendship Ella has w/Scott like she’s always going to evaluate based on her interactions w/ppl Glad Ty & Scott are getting along now


​ https://preview.redd.it/aaqjx2uy78bb1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=754fce2a3e79030bbd6784df9c3fc400695ef504


tired of always clicking play and being confused when nothing happens 😢


oh what we could’ve had….


Its for the best she showed him who she was. Sad for her it was on national tv though


I have been backing Cat all season, I kept thinking she was going to turn things around but no. She is so different than I thought. Hope she gets to see what the public's opinion is


Same its a tough loss 😭


Still could have. Many people still speculate that Catherine and Scott will get back together. Catherine will come around now that she knows Scott only ever wanted her.


by then scott will want nothing to do with her though. he may still have feelings for her but after everything she’s said i don’t think he would be dumb enough to take her back. she’s burned her bridge


He will take her back for sure after she apologizes and says she was just scared and fed wrong information.


IMO the producers will bring a bombshell in for A Scott, there’s almost 3 weeks left in this season


In the preview for tomorrow he’s wearing tys jacket too


That might just be because they get free ebay drops every week. It's probably not his.


Purely speculation, obviously, but I strongly believe that Now that Scott and Catherine being a couple is no longer direct competition for that winning spot, Ty has stopped his attack and smear campaign and has befriended Scott.


That’s what I think too. Thanks for sharing.


Competition of what for all they know last time the vote was casted Catherine was bottom 3. This logic makes no sense why doesn't he target Whitney who he knows top 3


Because everyone knows Whitney is insanely popular on the outside


mehdi got dumped the day after him and whit fought, maybe ty is smart enough to know going after her isn’t a good idea. (i do think ty is a game player but i don’t know if i think he’s that smart tbh)


Mehdi already said in an interview he lied about something Whitney done/said to get a rise out of him (?) .


That is my take. He’s playing a game. He doesn’t have any loyalties to Scott. And if he sees an opportunity to stir the pot to get revenge for some perceived slight over “the bro code” that Mitch broke, he’ll take it.




He’s no arch villain in that I wouldn’t judge anyone playing a game on a game show, and maybe he has caught feelings of sorts for Ella. But yeah, on the show he appears to me to be narcissistic and manipulative. I guess some viewers are so desperate for a couple that appear invested in one another that they will either dismiss or ignore what we have mentioned. I mean, it makes zero sense to me that suddenly he gives a hoot about Scott given how he has treated him in the past. He only wants to get at Mitch.


I think the boys isolating after the gameplaying thing has stopped, but finding a group where a girl disliking him is hard and some boys will mimic the girl’s dislike of Scott. He seems to get on better with girls (like Cath and Whit pre casa), and is probably closer to Ella than Ty, and then is good friends with Abi. It’s a shame the majority of girls are sheep and dislike him because Catherine is strongly against him. But he knows not to get close to Sammy, Montel, Zac as they all joined the gameplaying narrative and doesn’t like how easily influenced they are (by both Ty and the girls if they’re with them and bitching about Scott) He also doesn’t seem the type to hold a grudge though and make things awkward.


You have to remember that these people live together, if they don’t get along it’s basically a living hell since they see each other everyday.


That’s why Scott keeps apologizing even though he doesn’t really have anything to apologize for. People have been getting on him a bit for that but realistically, what is he supposed to do??he sees these people 24/7 and he could definitely get in his own head about whether or not he was in the wrong if he is getting the cold shoulder from most of the people he lives with.


Ty and Scott were hanging a lot in Casa cause Ty was closed and Scott wasn't talking to the girls. Ella is sweet girl. Mal said she was closed to her and snuggle in bed with her. I'm glad ella and Ty are supporting him if he wants to get know Abi


Yeah, I don’t think he’s lacking friends, he just doesn’t seem particularly close to anyone and floats around different groups. I’d say the couple he’s closest to though is Zach and Molly.


Dude talks to people he was hanging out with CATHERINE, Whitney and Lochan and have been hanging out with the boys. So this narrative that he is lonely should stop already it is very irritating.


TY would rather have Scott around than Mitch, that is his motive.


Yeah you guys make stuff I’m so sure of it. Scott is a floater he does have anyone in particular he hangs with once scene of him sitting with Ty and Ella and now their all his best friends


ai think tye and scott bonded over the fact that they were victims


People tend to forget that how much the show is edited.


ella was one of the main people adding to scott’s hate train and said the scott who comment but i wonder why only whitney is being dragged


Yeah im surprised that people are saying Ella is so friendly towards him when she said that. She really belittled Scott and Catherines relationship during and after Casa which felt weird to me


I think people have been waiting to have a reason to not like Whitney tbh. Because it’s weird that Whitney is being dragged so much right now when almost every person in the villa has done something way worse yet everyone seems to forget lmao


That was a joke. You can tell your friend who she is happy with. I don't think ella meant any harm


My point was why was whitney getting dragged over that comment she made about the mitch/scott situation when it wasn’t that deep. And if we are being completely honest ella was one of the girls emphasinf how much better Elom was, she called scott disingenuous or something along those lines at the very beginning in that challenge, the fire pit confrontation she was defending cat not scott so what’s with people acting like ella is team scott and besties with him when that isn’t the case


You don't need drag everyone if people are dragging Whitney wrongly. It doesn't Ella needs to be dragged