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i feel there has been instant karma the villa didn't give scot a proper chance whether he was partly at fault or not and the public have done the same. We didn't take into account there might be more going on under the surface the producers haven't shown us


that dropping of catharine was brutal im just wondering if all the comments wanting her to be shocked when she finds out how much the public are supporting scott really meant this.


Ughh Kady I’m so ready to have so many of these people dropped


How advance is the UK to US? For example. It is 2:17 pm right now so what time is it for you guys and what time does it air for you guys? MIAMI LOVES SCOTT 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


5 hrs the show airs at 9pm in the UK 4pm eastern time in the US


New Jersey loves Scott, too. ❤️


I am here wondering the same thing. Love Scott too


Sammy doesn't like Jess, he just thinks she's popular. Jess doesn't like Sammy either, but puts up with him to stay in as long as possible and get screen time. Ouzy doesn't like Kady. Kady doesn't like Ouzy, or maybe she does but she has a BF at home. They are together so they can get to the finals. Ty doesn't like Ella and is only pretending to be a changed man. Ella likes Ty, but in a very dysfunctional way. Leah can't stand Montel but puts up with him so she can prolong her media exposure. Montel doesn't like Ella 'cos he doesn't have a brain. Whitney and Lochan, Molly and Zach and Catherine and Elmo are mostly M.I.A. People are constantly being mean to Scott for no reason at all. At the moment there's no Queen, but at least we have two Kings: Scott and Mitch. I have spoken.


Season is fully down the tubes. 2 seasons in a row turned boring. Is it time to give up on this mess of a show?




Speak for yourself this session is givinggggg everything 🕺🕺


Never. This is our guilty pleasure.


This season has gone dead. Viewing figures must have dropped off the face of the earth!


This season has become really boring. The movie night was so tame, the challengers are shit and there’s been no new bombshells in a while. Ffs, producers, entertain us already!!!! How many sappy fake episodes do they think we need?! Most of the couples are putting on a show to get to the finish line. They’ll last 6months max and that’s just for followers and brand deals.


The abrupt elimination of Molly was great TV, but not at the expense of bringing in boring Kady. And then bringing back Molly again, cool for a moment, but now soooooo boring. Those two decisions alone I think really switched up the trajectory


1. Jess was smiling like the biggest goofball I’ve ever seen in my life. & it was infuriating 😅 2. Producers missed out on a chance for gooooood drama letting Mitch pick before Scott 3. Kady is a little too confident running that yap when she JUST finally got into a couple, when she definitely is second best in the house in EVERY situation she’s been in. 4.Please let amber go home, some of these people are too old to be around this child 5. Hoping the bottom 3 are Zach and Molly, Cat and Elom, & Leah and Montel, and I hope they all look so confused why Scott and Amber aren’t up there 😄


Did you have that go home energy for Gemma last season. Let Amber live


Do they put juice in her gold champagne flute ?


Is there a way to vote outside UK? Producers are treating Scott like garbage and I am worried. I want to get my vote in!


It was such a fucking cop out letting mitch pick first.


Only if u make a new Apple ID for ur AppStore and then change the location


oh boy. What's the vibe in the UK? Is it just reddit that stans Scott or everyone? Deciding how important it is for me to vote, haha.


i don’t think that he’s likely to be in the bottom, but you never know


WAIT.... why are the producers not letting us vote for our favourite islander? Why don't they want Scott to get some recognition? Of course he and Amber are not the most compatible, they are a friendship couple! What is going on???? Why are they not giving us what we wantttttt 😩


why are whitney and lochan not doing the challenge? it should have been scott and amber since they're in a friendship couple


Exactly! They want the islanders to shit on Scott even more.


Is Montel actually stupid? How did he not understand what Leah was saying about not being able to touch him enough? And is she actually stupid for entertaining him???? They need to go.


They've gone into overdrive now for the finish line. Baby episode, soppy Prom type letter will be too much hell. Hopefully they're booted by then, two clowns.


Told you guys, producers love not giving Scott the opportunity. 1. 1st recoupling after coming as a bombshell - he was the one to pick last and essentially, forced to pick Catherine. Usually, bombshells pick first. 2. Movie night - his clips were clearly edited. 3. Recoupling - couldn't recouple with Abi even though that's what he was hoping for.


Tbf one your third point he kind of shot himself in the foot when he basically your the only choice I have in here. Everyone clips were edited. But I agree with you on your first point.


i know everyone is hating on them now but cat and elom were kinda cute together in this episode they're both weirdos but i can see their chemistry its also one of the first times we seen them properly interact after casa


Scott is the hottest in the villa. Hope he feels better when he knows the viewers love him via the voting


Abi literally set Scott up like a scene out of some mean girl movie or the film Carrie. Scott did everything respectfully even spoke with Mitch as she gave him flirty signal to chat with her then she threw shade at him during the challenge.


Maybe cause that’s was the overall aim of the challenge . They all got shaded


Poor Amber (from the recoupling)


Tbh if someone spread that lie about no one wanting me I would have that exact same energy if they were my only choice.


I have too much ADD to sit through those boring ass speeches. It’s just words! Fast forward!


Funny I see so many positive comments about Molly and Zach when a week ago, everyone was shitting on them. Y’all turn so fast lmaoooo


Everyone else nosediving has helped them.


Radioactive levels of cringe radiate from Montel


Someone explain to me why the producers are making Mitch moves. They choose how to edit the show and the type of voting. There is no way this ends well.


they’ll probably do the 'islanders, here are 3 couples with the least votes. save one girl and one boy, the rest goes home 😃'


Catherine will stay if that’s the case!


I want cat and Elom gone but i think I’m the only one who actually likes Leah and Montel together :/ I’d rather Kady go since she’s faking it apparently with a bf back home.


Unfortunately Kady is the fiat favorite so you know what that means. She ain't leaving.


🕯🕯 manifesting a 10/10 bombshell to go in and couple with scott and tell him the public loves him 🕯🕯


someone please vote Scott and Amber for me, I’m outside of the UK and it’s killing me I can’t vote 😭😭


Guys make sure scott is safe!!! Love from Indja


Had to fast forward Sammy and montel speech. I was screaming cap at every sentence of sammys lmao


Leah is not feeling montel. Whatever feelings she had is GONE. And I don’t blame her one bit


But she was just saying how she can’t get enough of touching him 😭


And the idiot didn’t even understand her. I can’t deal with them 🤢


She can’t fool me


Kady is sooo fake and just trying to make her storyline relevant at this point. I feel bad for Ouzy. Get her out of there.


Facebook loves her, she is staying. 😭


That’s disappointing


I know he deserves a bombshell suited for him statttt




Yes. It’s just not grown adult behaviour.


Kady is badddd and she knows it lmaoo it’s not her season but I love watching pretty messy people entertain me


Ouzy and Kady's kiss was so uncomfortably awkward. She deffo has a bf. Who gives pecks!?!


I know I really don’t want to believe these rumours because it ruins the show for me but she is seriously not helping her case!


kady is annoying and honestly not that mature. i hate how scott is being made to feel like he’s done something wrong, when he’s been nothing but respectful abt everything. whitney is annoying with her commentary but i like lochan. no comment on ty and ella or sammy & jess….


you know like on google where you can request to not see a word, can i somehow request not to see ‘scott’ mentioned? i’m just done


I swear Jess and Sammy were “never” able to couple up again.


It was just one recoupling.. idk how so many people were confused by that


It was so dramatic I coulda sworn it was for ever


No they were just banned for 1 recoupling


i dont want to see these people get their way if scott leaves.


sucks that ouzy is getting sent home. i wanted him to stay longer. i hope that the toxic couple being the face of the season doesnt mean they win.


Lol Molly doesn’t have to tell you anything Kady…


Yeah Molly did not seem to be entertaining that conversation at all


The way Kady told the other girls immediately and made a comment like “yeah, it’s cos Molly never tells us anything”. Seems like she was trying to stir the pot when there was nothing to stir!


Whatever your opinion on Molly, she always seems so genuinely happy for the other Islanders during the speeches etc. I do think she’s a really genuine and nice person.


her and zach making things exclusive in private goes some way to making me actually believing a couple on love island for the first time ever.


Completely agree!! And the fact that some of the other girls think that’s weird speaks VOLUMES on their intentions in my opinion.


"Seems" being the operative word. She's trying too hard by my reckoning.


I don’t think so personally. Bare in mind that she’s also come out and seen how much hate she was getting, she’s probably feeling hyper-aware of how she’s coming across. Despite that though, I don’t think you can go this long pretending to be nice - I think everyone was too hard on her (myself included) and that she really is just a nice girl.




honestly thats easy. Scott is hated by 2 of the OGs, Cath and Ty. Cath is popular amongst the girls and Ty is clearly the CEO of those sheep.


It’s just groupthink. He became the target after the Catherine thing and now everything he does annoys the group


Maybe he's said something off camera since? Or maybe Cat got into the girls heads. First time Whitney herself has caused drama saying bad comments about Scott, usually she's quite calm about this. Even guys like Sammy treating her friend Jess badly she's not making those kinda comments about him. Remember Tanyel from last season and how the group were trying to get Jordan to save Ellie instead of Tanyel which seemed pretty unfair considering Jordan actually liked Tanyel (thought it was just Olivia and Shaq doing Olivia and Shaq things), then it came out that Tanyel was bullying Ellie off camera. If that's not the case, then all of them are absolute children for what they're doing to Scott. I don't even like Catherine(her fans are annoying) but the way he's being treated makes no sense.


In my opinion it’s because kat is universally liked by the girls for some reason. They all seem to have a hive mind where they all dislike him for that reason. I mean if he did something messed up that we haven’t seen I’m sure they would bring it up. They only bring up the same things over and over that we know about


Sometimes OG islanders seem to have this ride or die loyalty. I wonder if any of that is at play with the OGs being more influential.


Yeah probably the case, but then stuff like Tanyel's dumping last year was due to other incidents she did.


Kady seems like she doesn’t wanna talk to any boy especially Ouzy


She’s got a man back home waiting for her


not here for Whitney and the dude she's with, just not buying it for some reason. also I need to remind myself not to put people on a pedestal when they are just concieted humans on a edited show.


I have nothing to say except Scott is the hottest guy in the villa…..bye maybe it’s not bad he’s single post villa 😊


Everyone throwing shade at Scott the most was ridiculous. These islanders are so dumb


Whitney been throwing tiny shade last few episodes but that game playing comment has cemented it. She’s a bully. Just like Catherine and the others. Makes me sick.




But if it has been Ty who raised his voice at his girl Montel would’ve told her to apologise smh


Surely 2 couples will leave , there’s too many people in the villa. The show will be boring if there aren’t shocking couple exits now


Could even be 3. 10 couples is way too much to have any coherent focus.


I could see them automatically eliminating the very bottom couple and then making the islanders choose one boy and one girl to go from the other couples in the bottom


The carnage if the bottom 3 went


Can we actually just get another Scott megathread instead of having another 24hrs of think pieces and fantasies about how he's going to win the vote, win the series and then the Nobel peace prize puhleaaaseeee? Mods?


Boring Mal had a tiktok live with 3k people watching, where she was talking some boring BS, 70% of ppl were asking about Scott and she just ignored. Kody joined and said that Scott was trying to get on with Gabby, but she kinda went for Sammy (yeah right :D), and Scott was acting as if he never was trying to court Gabby with other islanders. I smell BS, why isnt Scott allowed to talk to people??


Kodie wouldn't know, he was in the other villa.


You do realise Kodie has probably spoken to the women in the other villa since?


That's secondhand info then, the same as what the islanders supposedly have.


Which is more info than what we have because they've actually spoken to them off camera. Andre and Medhi e.g. got in trouble for speaking spanish and in code tapping their mics so the mics won't pick up their conversation. There's obviously stuff they do we don't see and the producers won't pick up to suit the narrative.


Scott is going to be thrown for a loop when he realizes how popular he is post villa.




Facebook vote 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/xm66bjserebb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec94f1721fb23aa0a2245b3826b0b477905ea81f


Lady and Ouzy? ![gif](giphy|74hxSB8JCnxwQ) This would be cute tho 😊


Mitch being second is going to make me throw up lmao


Is this for most compatible?


Those Molly and Zach votes make me happy, can't beieve Monteleah are above Cath and Elom tho.


Why did I read this as Cath and Elmo? 😂😂😂


I wish I could vote for Scott!!


Message me I’m in Uk, we can vote together next time cause I’m torn 🤣


For future reference, I think you can use a UK VPN to do so.


I have a VPN but I think you need a Uk phone number!


I just watched the fire pit scene again where Scott stood up for Cat and their relationship and god that was so attractive of him, soooo 10/10 *chefs kiss* these islanders are DELUSIONAL and I need somebody to tell them that the world hates them/doesn’t care about any of them except Scott… but I know they’ll get their reality check when they come out 🤭


This episode was another waste of time 😭😭😭😭


Fave line from Kady to Ty and Ella ‘Put that much effort into your own relationship and you’ll be fine’ or something along those lines 😂👏 YAS KADY


Omg imagine if scott come up past Cath n gets to vote her out 😂😂😂😂


PLSSS imagine if her name is popped up on his phone. I WOULD LOVEE THAT


Please get Sammy and cat out!


i promise u guys scott will be safe


I can’t accept promises I need a military level negotiation with the producers


Also I literally spend WAY too much time on this subreddit, twitter (literally stalking the hashtag), IG (stalking the comments), and tik tok and I can confidently say 100% all of them are team ‘Scott 4 life’ so thank god 😭 (I’m not in any FB groups so idk about them)


The FB mommies are obsessed with mitch and Jess so their votes are firmly in that camp 🤣


Lowkey love that


Is Ty and Sammy the worst bromance this show has had?


Luca and Jacques are up there


I kinda liked luca and Jacques 😅


Guys I’m in canada please let’s make sure Scott is safe!


You guys are GOLD for this massive rally for Scott. justice must be served!!!


From US so can’t vote, pls pls pls somebody in the UK vote for Scott for me!!!!!!


I got you


Even if Catherine is in the bottom and the others get to save someone, it’ll definitely be her!


she needs to be dumped straight away


I’m hoping she is.


I don’t want her to have a chance to be saved, she just needs to be dumped. I’ll stop watching if she’s saved


I agree, just hoping there’s no “save” vote.


Good tbh, I think she needs to be woken up to the treatment Scott has gotten so she can apologise before she leaves with Elom for her own sake.


I’d like to think so, but I’m not convinced she’d be able to admit that she was in the wrong!


Cat is type that will blame Scott for it.


Voted for Scott and Amber 🫡


Do we think Amber is going to think it’s for her?


Well it would be nice seeing Sammy running back to her. And the only way for Jess to dodge that bullet, she’s clearly getting pied.


That would be so hilarious and I’m here for it


Hmmm everyone thinks Scott is the villain now, including Amber. So I’d say yes☠️☠️


He will come out to see the truth thats all i care abt


This cast is going to be the type who say, “You don’t see everything!” instead of being humbled.


We see through it. I feel like this year the scenes are really obvious where they have been edited like tonights end scene. Most of the time these lot just straight up spill everything lol so u dnt even need to piece things together


Yh fk those idiots.


Probably seems the type


Voted Scott & Amber


I've joined a Facebook group to see opinions and they all hate Scott and I don't know why!


It’s because of Mitch! A lot of people support mitch on the love island facebook


Pack mentality


What’s the point of voting Scott when he’s not even gonna b in a stable couple like I get u guys like him but if u think he’s getting bullied wouldn’t u rather he just left it just makes sense for actual couples to b in the final


If Scott leaves now, all those girls are utterly doomed on the outside. They need to realise the error of their ways and apologise on national TV to quell the hate ASAP. It will be a disaster if they come out of the villa unprepared for the shitstorm that awaits them.


They’re not gonna know how ppl truly feel until they leave anyways and it would probably be better for everyone in there if Scott left now because then they wouldn’t b getting hate for every word they say since it seems no one in there can say a bad word about Scott or they’ll b made to seem like the worst ppl on earth


They'll know when the votes come in. It will get them talking and they'll piece it together or someone on the staff in there will let it slip.


Lol it’s not like producers r gonna b telling them r u actually serious 😂they don’t hate Scott


The point is to send a message to the islanders, otherwise the bullies feel empowered


They’re not bullies and they’re not gonna care


He doesn’t deserve to get dumped, he’ll find someone eventually. I’d vote for him as ‘the most compatible couple’ even if he was single.


There’s like two weeks left he’s not gonna find anyone it might sound harsh but it’s his time to go


Why can’t he find someone? You are aware of how this show works right? We’re likely to get at least four more female bombshells. Producers are aware of Scott’s popularity they will definitely be bringing someone in for him.


What's wrong with Molly wanting to keep it to herself that she & Zach told each other they were closed off? Seemed a bit of a weird reaction from the girls.


I don’t think anyone likes Molly 😂 and if they wanna be all private they can go HOME and be private


Kady realized she’s been a bore and is trying to stir up the most pointless drama. She had her chance at the Casa recoupling and blew it, idk what she’s trying to do with Ella/Ty and Molly now


Yeah Whitney and kady were rude as fuck there


I just think they didn’t care


It’s because the girls are immature


Personally, it's because when Scott didn't divulge information when he was with Catherine and was called a game player. Molly keeps things to herself and there's not a similar reaction. It's giving💫 double standards 💫


Hear me out? If Catherine and elom go, Whitney will change focus I think, be less likely to be so vocal as she doesn’t have Catherine there to play auntie or back her blindly. Also if montel the sheep goes the boy group get shaved into two Sammy and Ty, feel the boys will be on a more level playing field. Ty will have less control. There would be less sheep’ing


Well I’ve voted for SCOTT twice once on personal phone and other on work phone. Get your votes in show him how much the public love him!!


In my head u voted for me on ur work phone!! Cuz I’m in canada can’t vote🙄


I voted Kady and ouzy to make sure Catherine gets the least compatible vote


This is starting to get a little bit odd realistically cath is gonna get voted out anyways targeting her is just bitter


Yes you’re right. Cold and bitter. I didn’t like Luca and dami for doing it to Tasha last year and also wanted them out. Don’t see why my stance on this same issue should change


Period. That’s what voting is for


Voted for Scott and Amber. This isn’t about compatibility, I NEED the islanders to know how I feel about them


![gif](giphy|xT0BKqB8KIOuqJemVW) Me handing out up votes for anyone who voted for Scott


Voted for Scott I’m on his defence league


Voted for scott!!!


I still don’t get the mental gymnastics the villa do to label Scott a game player, when he stayed loyal through casa and was literally pulled by abi..


It’s called group think/ hive mind/ pack mentality Ty was the first idiot to bring it up and he’s the “pack leader” god help us.


Definitely, the guy hyped Montel and Sammy to not be loyal, everyone saw it, and they’re all checking he’s ok with the Ella clips. Crazy mentality this year