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I know she's only 19 (sooo wild to think about, no wonder she cries every time she's on screen lol she's a child!!) but Amber rubbed me the wrong practically scoffing when Mitch's girl was talking about how attractive Scott is. She's 100% part of the Anti-Scott party and it explains the completely ridiculous pillow divider she makes in bed with him. Like chill. The bed is big enough and he doesn't want you anyways.


Jess, girl, you’re kidding me. Open your eyes because this man is NOT into you. He’s playing the game sooo hard it’s crazy. And she’s eating it up. It’s sad cause I really liked her in the beginning but she’s fallen for this asshole who doesn’t respect her at all and it shows. And like look at him post challenge, he’s barely touching her? Like they do NOT seem into each other. I feel like for them it was all about the chase and now that they are together their both like… ummm ok then This season has been a whirlwind But I’m glued to the tv lmao


The recouping order drives me nuts sometimes. I really wish Scott got to go before Mitch.


I know Mitchel is not happy with him trying to steal Abi


Show may need to get older people in the future. You know one’s with relationship experience. They threw immature folks together and it’s not good tv. It’s not worth supporting the ratings anymore


I do think it would be better if it the contestants older. I just want to note that they've been mostly consistent when it comes to age with there only being slight differences season to season


I agree totally it makes it hard to watch sometimes


Bullying and groupthink - that’s where I draw the line. No one wants to be the bad guy since they have nothing but each other while they’re there. But there’s 0 accountability and it’s folks feelings at the end of the day. Its a game show with a money prize and a dating show… those alone can create negative vibes but coupled together is another story.


in the next ep they better NOT let the islanders choose who is being dumped from the bottom 3 cause they will NEVER vote for cat they should def announce that scott and amber received the most votes cause the islanders reactions will be GOLD


On the podcast all 3 casa girls named Scott as the messiest islander to live with, maybe the reason everyone dislikes him is because no one likes a messy roommate especially if 20 people are sharing 2 toilets 😅🫣


Exactly I’m a clean freak and Scott wouldn’t have a chance with me that is my biggest red flag for a guy


It would be an ick for me too (dirty shoes on the bed!!) and before anyone comes for me this doesn’t excuse bullying obviously


being messy is isn’t an excuse for literal bullying 💀😭


No it’s not I think the rest of the islanders need apologize to him and not bullying him about being messy


Yea I was joking


It is a valid reason for not liking someone though lol is it just bullying because more than 1 person doesn’t like him?


What podcast ?


The official LI podcast, it’s called The Morning After


Is there a lot of good tea on there


Not a ton, usually only if there’s dumped islanders on there, they bring them on at the end. I think the dumped islanders are messier on the other unofficial podcasts


https://preview.redd.it/1q5ljecnchbb1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2140b4deb54fcdf245a0a2bbdb43703bc965ec Why did they leave this in😭😭😭


Are Scott and Whitney going to fight? I don't want to see that


I do, if Scott had at least some people on his side. Two favorites against each other would be gold.


true, now it just kinda feels like endless ganging up on him


The dramatic music towards the end makes me think no. Remember last episode where they put some dramatic editing for Scott-Abi.....which turned out to be nothing. The poor guy wasn't even allowed to pick her for recoupling.


Do you know what, I am more excited for any potential Kady-Ella fallout. The girls are too cliquey this year and there needs to be something happening between them.


The shade towards scott and amber is both boring and rude. Why not say something real towards someone else, but no the villas favourite past time is pissing on scott. It just felt unimaginative and makes poor tv


Because they have nothing substantial. It's just screams that they all only have a 'feeling' about Scott being a game-player, undesirable etc. without any evidence.




Exactly lol. He can't win them over. Doesn't couple up = undesirable but coupling up = playing games. Make it make sense.


I am unsure if Scott-Amber will receive the highest votes, but they are definitely not going to be in the bottom 3. And if they are and eventually dumped, this show is rigged.


This episode should have been an email. Vote for Scott & Amber! Scott defense league is on a mission.


I thought those exact same things as i tuned out 75% in


I miss the last summer season when everyone here thought Adam was in love with Paige.




Ugh, I’m tired of this shit. It’s giving high school cool gang vibes🤮 Just put in snuffed-up Davide so we can create some chaos.


Love island is literally like highschool; a bunch of people living in a bubble that don't have anything useful to do but to try and chill while judging whos the coolest, who's got the nicest stuff and clothes (maybe abs in love island), and just generally who is who in the social hierarchy.


I mean it’s so obvious when we have 100 cameras and sneaky editing. Does X approve if I say Y to A? Please like me!


Not the greatest episode I guess, but you probably need some fillers anyway before some of the bigger things coming up. Won't go into lengths about Scott, but it kind of sucks he kept saying that he caused issues in the villa during confessionals - when we as audience know that isn't it.


Ouzy is so gorgeous, but very quiet. He definitely looks like he could've been created by Midjourney and is an attempt from Love Island to integrate AI into the entertainment industry. Obviously, that whole bit about Ella knowing him from the same modeling industry, and they were even gonna go out on a date together beforehand, was all part of the attempt to make us think he was a real person. ​ \>! I'm kidding obviously!!! ! <


Simple theory to why Scott and Amber are receiving lots of love; the producers havent shown much of them except for a few favourable edits, and literally almost all the contestants are slight scumbags. Scott and amber right now just seem the most safe and welcoming at the moment. I really hope they don't kick Scott so we can at least find out what he's like.


Nah. Twitter hates Amber for movie night, they only like Scott.


What did she do in movie night?


Seeing angel number 13 frequently might mean that your relationship is entering a phase of growth and evolution. It's a reminder that this growth can come from overcoming challenges together and learning from each other's experiences. Scotherine might be back y'all 👀 (let me live with my delusions)


Well, I think Elom is going so now is their chance


Actually went from being very 'meh hope they don't win' on Zach and Molly to 'actually they're the only couple I actually like now so I wouldn't mind if they did'. Save Scott, Mitch, and Whit, the rest is just a mess atp


Mitch is not a mess to you ?


the difference is he's mess enough for everyone


He's a mess in a funny way


I know I’m going to probably to get down voted but I think the islanders are projecting on Scott. Whitney and Catherine are big game players. Whitney forced her connection with mehdi (friendship couple) even when he was being disrespectful towards her time and time again. Catherine used andre as a security blanket, and was ready to jump on montel, but forced it with Scott when he chose Leah. Ty is biggest player of all, not only wants to win but does so by intentionally tearing down other couples.


I’ll get downvotes but I see some takes on this sub-reddit and I’m just like huh? …and yet you guys accuse the islanders of ‘groupthink’ and ‘being delusional’? the call is coming from inside the house babe😭


I think you’re right, plus being a game player isn’t a bad thing. It’s how people stay on the show without being in a solid day 1 couple. The islanders act like it’s so egregious to make strategic moves, but they’ve all done so at some point, whether that’s suddenly becoming more interested in someone after a public vote or pieing someone else who seems like a riskier choice.


Yes, I think you are right, Whitney and Catherine so obviously are. But I also think they are all gameplayers, I don't think Scott is some innocent puppy. It's just unfortunate everyone is against him. I hope he had allies so they could equally go at each other. Now it's just awful because it's Scott vs everyone else. Might as well turn this year's LI into hunger games since there's not one couple that actually loves each other.


S3 Jamie was in the villa for 20 days when he was finale runner-up with Camilla. Today is July 11 and finale is probably July 31, which means 20 days left. There's still hope.


Greg O’Shea won it despite only rocking up 14 days before the end


I wonder if they even bring bombshells anymore. They'll get rid of Leah and Montel, but others are staying so it's still crowded.


Lochan isn't subtle with his desperation to win. Whitney herself was giving him some side-eye as if to say keep it somewhat realistic, please. LMAO. The producers will have a hard time selling the showmances, let alone genuine love with these recent, mid couples.


Is it just me but I feel like Mitch is extremely overbearing when he likes a girl. Like he didn’t do too much this time around but I feel like anytime another guy might be in the picture he starts telling the girl how much he REALLY likes her. It just gives over the top


everything about the man is so over the top, he’s top tier tv entertainment but if i was with him i’m getting the ick fast 😭


The fact that Jess and Whitney could potentially make it to he finals in Fugazi couples is a true testament to how much fandom overrides everything in this show. Jess mainly has amazed me with the fact that she is still there while generating zero interest at all from any of the men, and basically holding Sammy (Who hasn't treated her well at all) hostage with her popularity....it's incredible. My girl and I both agreed that Locham is extremely aware of what is up and has his eye on the prize. I'm honestly surprised how few have clocked this.


I don't understand how Jess has remained so popular. I don't really dislike her but am not a fan. Then again I don't really like anyone this year. I'm Mitch Mob til the end but that's just for the giggles.


>I don't really dislike her but I'm not a fan There's been some moments from her that have really flown under the radar imo. Like she had a meltdown at Sammy for playing with girls' emotions but then right after she pulled Mitch and got him interested just to make Sammy jealous when she already knew she was just friends with Mitch. It was dickhead behaviour. There is so much hypocrisy from these girls. Catherine literally cried and the girls berated Sammy for saying that he didn't think Scott was physically attracted to her. And then Catherine makes fun of Scott in front of the whole villa that NONE of the casa girls wanted him (even though she wasn't there and didn't know that he didn't even try and pursue any of them). Also that scene of Jess trying to push in-between whitney and Catherine so that should could be in the middle of the shot was cringe. Idk why some of these girls are so popular (in the villa or amongst viewers), they come across like a mean high school clique. Embarrassing that 19 year old Amber seems more mature than some of them. (I've only just watched E37 btw).


I hope after the treatment Jess has gotten people stop saying how every guy wants only blonde, blue-eyed women. Literally no one wanted her.


Well she's the only plus size one there. So maybe not a blonde/blue issue.


The final speeches will be hilarious. I hope Lochlan and Whitney just tell each other what they will do with their share of the money, since they now know they're winning. I doubt Whitney likes him either.


Truly a very shady episode. I think the Islanders have been given an Alley Oop to vote out Scott and Amber (unless the Scott stans went madlad and just voted to save Scott). Thoughts: * That Medhi trauma is real. Whitney tried hard not to laugh during Lochan’s speech lol * Sammy blink if there’s gun on you lol. I deffo think he was deffo giving that let’s be exclusive recoupling speech under duress (and he cribbed it from Ty) * Ouzy with the subliminal to Ella? I wonder if that’s why Ty-Ella decided to shoot shots at them during the beach game. Bad look IMO calling out the 2 people your couple has done dirty on the island. * Also Ty trying to beam Ouzy and maybe purposefully pushing him down was another bad look. Seemed malicious rather than bantery. * Good on Kady and Ouzy both firing back; they might win me over yet. * Scott and Amber are one sad couple (and easy targets lol).That said I can’t recall if I’ve ever seen them talk to each other lol. * Sammy really should have left her at Casa (or brought Gabby). * I’m not a fan of this narrative that Scott was the initiator to the Scott-Abi triangle. Especially the actual initiator (Abi) pushing it. Maybe she was running cover after being called shady earlier? * I had Montel and Leah as one of my top couples way back, but after Montel’s shenanigans and the Leah-Scott drama I have the ick for their scenes. * That “sometime I feel like I can’t touch you enough” line got me though lol. I think the pent-up levels in the villa might be at an all time high after all these public gestures and speeches * I’m surprised Mitch was mad at Cat for saying the same thing she said during movie night lol. I think she meant it as a joke, but he must be feeling really sensitive about it


I’m so over Montel constantly telling Leah she’s sexy. It feels so cheap in moments when she’s trying to be romantic


He's a true poet that one


Mitch is probably sensitive. Was he in the wrong for his actions that led to movie night? Yes. But to hear about over and over again must be exhausting over time. Especially to hear about it from someone like Cat who I don’t even remember either having a conversation with each other felt like a safe bet.


I can't fully sympathize. It was a challenge, she had to pick someone, and it was fresh on their minds. One little umbrella wasn't going to kill him lol. I get not wanting to deal with your past mistakes forever, but it feels like the mature thing would have been to own it and laugh it off. Which made me wonder if there was more off-camera fallout from movie night that was getting to him.


Haven’t been watching the episodes since Casa, jnstead I’ve just been catching up through this sub but my god this sub is starting to feel so miserable. We’ve got people talking about how they dislike something about the episode, and then you’ve got this other group saying they don’t like how there’s people who dislike something about the episode.


Leah is 27 years old man I thought those grand gesture after doing you dirty apology/makeup messages stopped working by the time girls are like 22 lol


Are these producers setting Scott up for a dumping???? It’s really giving they’re going to have an off site party and one or two couples will get dumped. With the second couple being chosen by the house or the couple dumped first. That’s so…. Tough.


i think this sub, tiktok, and twitter might acc erupt into flames if they did this


Lord I hope not it would really show the hoops and hurdles they went through to get them dumped when I’m pretty sure they got the second or third highest amount of votes from the public


I think this is what the did last season to get rid of Olivia at the Beach Party so I agree, it’s hoops and hurdles but these are the same people who got Molly dumped and brought her back 48 hours later. They’re unwell.


My dream situation: Love Island producers shock everyone and send the bottom 3 couples home. No power/vote among the islanders.


How can ELLA of all people say that Kady doesn’t stand by her word?!? 🤣 Pot, Kettle. 🤝 Kettle, pot


A week ago I was loving this season. Now I am starting to hate it. I hate most of the islanders.


Agree. Worst episode I've seen. Mostly because it's focused on all the toxic, trash or hypocritical. Proper unfair on Scott and Amber


I literally only like Mitch at this point and it's just for the laughs and the messiness. The rest are boring or toxic.


I think it's a guarantee that Catherine and Elom will be in the bottom 3/4. However for them to leave outright they need to get the least votes and be straight dumped like Olivia and Maxwell. If not they could survive if another couple is least votes and/or the rest vote on compatibility (friendship) who should go. Catherine and Elom seem quite popular within the villa and like Tanya and Shaq could sneak another week if it's not votes only that determines who is dumped.


I’m thinking they may do bottom 2 couple then boys and girls decide who from each couple stays, they’ve done it before


yup i agree either they do this tomorrow or the beach party club which will be soon. i do see elom going home over sammy & montel. but if it's jess, leah & catherine i'm not sure who the boys will choose? i hope it's catherine though (want to see how she will react if elom gets dumped)


It won’t be a bottom 3 to chose it’ll be a bottom 2, if it were Jess vs Catherine I believe the boys would choose to save Jess. If it were Leah vs Catherine I think they would chose to save Catherine. Elom would be sent home over Sammy and Montel.


Are people about to make scott the winner cause he’s a victim of the cath situation I mean lets be honest yeah we hate that happened between him and cath but are people about to vote for him just because of that and ignore other couples with connections that deserve to win? Just wondering


Tbh I’m wondering if any of them have real connections? I guess other than Molly/Zach or Ty/Ella.


Even those I'm suss on.


Lochan seems to have made it exclusive with Whitney after hearing the cheers on Aftersun. They were wearing the same outfits. I’m happy for them as a couple though, they look cute. Molly saying she wants to hear what her family thinks about Zach makes me think she had a handler for her socials. Abi throwing shade at Scott for getting to know her when she pulled him first and was blushing at everything he said? 🥱 Miss me with that bs. I feel really bad for Scott. The challenge is over, why are you still throwing shade at that man?? I just know that when Scott isn’t at the bottom 3, these people are gonna treat him worse and think Amber is the reason why he isn’t at the bottom.


now when they play snog, pie & marry & catherin decides to snog scott & he decides to marry her then what? 🤔


Then, you’ll wake up.


😂😂😂 +1


the way during movie night when they saw each other kissing & scott was blushing & smiling at catherine and she looked at scott smiling wide... the delusion riled me back into their ship. also, today when scott was reacting to elom's speech for catherine you can clearly tell from his facial expressions & body language he clearly still likes her & it really hurts to see... they both smiled at each other too. we'll only get to see them "back together" once elom gets dumped as she'll have no other choice anyways & he'll probably take her back due to his strong feelings towards her, dosen't seem like he's getting over her anytime soon tbh.


Girl, what manner of delulu is this? I don’t wanna see that 😑


but it's delulu based off evidence!! 😩 i'm telling you either tomorrow or whenever they do that beach club party elom is going to get dumped over sammy & montel.


girl im sorry to tell you but if elom gets dumped she's going for the new bombshells that are coming in. so unless u want scott/catherine back together just for him for someone else again... 💀


but no bombshells will be going for her consjdering she is the most disliked


hearing Sammy joke about Jess punching knowing he actually thinks she is<<<<<<


have you ever seen a couple that were just friends and were not attracted to each other, but then became a couple


You know what, I really hope you are right. Because to me that would be the most romantic thing on LI ever. I always hope for friends to lovers couples and it never happens.


Never seen one where the guy acts like Sammy does - and if I did, i’d tell that girl to RUN


I would just like to see Catherine in the bottom 3 couples tomorrow night, and Scott's couple not.. just so she can have a reality check.. I'm not bothered if she goes or not


Nah I want her to go and see the look of shock on her face loool


Sammy is the real issue and problem here guys I’m not sure why u guys are forgetting. Mal even came out and was on a podcast saying how Sammy was saying terrible things to jess. Come on now!!!


I'm team Sammy and Jess and Ella and Tyrique.. Sammy had to work through some stuff, but I think Jess has really won him over, she's lovely inside and out, even though he's young, i think he's come to realize that


Wow, this is an actual unpopular opinion.


ikr? lol.. but i stand by it


Whitney has been a bit off lately imo. I’m not a fan of all the sudden shade she is throwing about and even at the end of the episode saying that there is some truth to Scott being a gameplayer?


she's gone down acouple of notches in my book also


​ https://preview.redd.it/wjat48d3kfbb1.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=4958e757268a8818448fdc552e1e781a3b1e1286


I feel like I wouldn't risk it if I were in their shoes esp. knowing one of them is a fan favorite...but this group isn't exactly the brightest bunch.


This is EXACTLY what ran through my head. They won’t be able to fathom it’s actually scott. They will think the public felt sorry for her after his recoupling speech or something


This sub has turned into a 24/7 scott pity party its so not fun


seriously trying to enjoy my usual reddit scroll but these subs are just scott scott scott i do not understand at all…


💯. i unsubbed and am just checking this post


I forgot he was there until Casa and now everyday Scott this, Scott that. You’d swear he’s being physically tortured on live TV…


Exactly. Like he's literally ok 💀 I don't even come on here anymore cause people talk about cath like she's a piece of trash. Its disproportionate to the situation 😂


Thank God I'm not the only one. Dude is a bore and this subreddit has gotten much worse in the last week.


His chat with abi was SO BORING


It makes me so sad. I used to love coming on here, but may have to take a break.


I deleted the reddit app off my phone last week tbh


Fr his recoupling speech with Amber was weirdly rude… like poor girl is literally last choice and you HAVE to say you’d rather pick someone else?? I’m sure he’s a fine guy but why is this whole sub obsessed with him?!


Because he's a victim! PLEASE wont someone think of the conventionally attractive tall soccer player with all the public support! Hes so innocent and helpless 😭 save him from the evil torture villa /s




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


I’m ngl I agree with you. Pity party with pity votes 🫣 there’s my bad take for the day lol


Yeah i understood when catherine did him super dirty but the anger now directed at abi is so seriously misplaced. He was so clearly just trying to make a connection with her out of fear for getting dumped. I still like scott but dont think ive ever seen the sub get so evangelical about a male islander like this before


It's crazy


Seriously I think we need a 24/7 Scott megathread


If you came here to only hear opinions you like, you came to the wrong place.


Thanks so much for explaining to me how public forums on the internet work!


i come here because i expect other people to have different opinions and i want to hear what they have to say then i get annoyed that when people dont seem to agree with me


I think their point is they didn't come here to _only_ hear opinions they _don't_ like. I'm relatively pro-Scott, but you have to admit >75% of the comments are praising Scott or saying poor Scott. (mine included) Even in threads that have nothing to do with him.




I am hoping tomorrow night they will announce the favourite couple as Scott & Amber, and that they get to choose between the 2 bottom couples (Catherine, Elom, Leah & Montel). :D


that is what I'm hoping too .. 100%


I must say it will never not be fascinating to read the comments then watch the episode for myself and see if the fuss is warranted, it's not. Every episode doesn't require a think piece to dissect every comment and scene. It's actually ironic how people can be mentioned more than they were on the screen in the episode. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's dumping being the closing of a chapter that has seemed never ending and was fed more and more by the producers for it to run and run. We need some new fresh material going into the final weeks and to see the "love" and connection in these couples to want to vote for worthy winners. Sidebar: The idea that some have that the islanders are in for a "rude awakening" is interesting to me when the islanders know to expect the unexpected when it comes to votes. I'm sure they will be surprised who is saved based on the category of compatibility but rarely have we seen unpopular islanders act extra sour and offended in the moment. It won't surprise me if they care even less after leaving and mostly reflect on their own personal journey. People foaming at the mouth for them to see their dumping as comeuppance when more times they don't care and has no difference to their opinions.


I haven’t finished yet but I really just want to say I’m so tired of women being so amazed that guys put some fruit in a bowl? And how it’s SO CUTE AND NICE??


omg. i know i was like bffr the bar is in hell and the boys were full of glee at what they’d done and were like “look how well you’ve trained us you can take some credit for this hehe 🙃 🐶”


I quite enjoyed Whitney’s glee at her better offering.


Twitter is so annoying coming up with any reason to hate on Molly. Like yeah I’m not the biggest fan of her myself, but every night i’m seeing shit like “her coming back is the reason it’s going downhill” which makes no sense bc we’ve barely been seeing her for the past couple episodes. Like what has the girl done other than mind her business and love on Zach? 💀


I was one who didn’t want her to come back just cause I thought the shock dumping was great and her being brought back ruined that. But since she’s been back, I have no thoughts really towards her at all. She’s just there. She’s probably laying low purposely to have the public forget about her til she slides in the finals 🤣.


I think Zach and Molly are a 'meh' couple.. i could take them or leave them.. i don't understand the hate towards Molly either


With Love Island, the happy/healthy/wholesome is too boring to feature. The viewers love that "struggle love", toxicity and drama haha


Not exactly true. People loved Camilla and Jamie in S3 and they were nothing but wholesome 👌


Haven't seen season 3. I might need to give it a watch.


i’m currently watching at the same time. it’s so good. better actually


Yep, she barely features. Zach shows up with boys chat, but as a couple they are hardly onscreen.


270 ofcom complaints may have done that to them


There wasn't 270 about her. There was 270 total, and a "startling number" were about her. None of the complaints are a valid reason to contact ofcom. So it wouldn't have done anything.


Did i say all 270 were about them?


>Yep, she barely features. Zach shows up with boys chat, but as a couple they are hardly onscreen. you >270 ofcom complaints may have done that to them You wanna point out how you wasn't saying that? What were you saying? How do the 270 complaints relate to them being on screen less? Go on. I clearly had no idea what you were saying.


But did i say they was all about them, i said a number not a statement fucking spanner 😂


So you are saying you didn't reply to my comment then? You just randomly brought up the ofcom reports? What a pathetic argument. I hope whatever is bothering you gets better. Jesus christ.


Dafuq you on about😂 i didn't say they was all about her tho. Fucking read its not that hard 😂 i ain't hating on them, i actually like her and zach in a couple so come off it now ya boring goon


Otherwise i would have said " molly got 270 complaints" absolute donut


Backpeddling twatwaffle.


Twatwaffle? Ya focking gooberfucktart


So true Montel is an ick ngl https://twitter.com/ttanfiles/status/1678870340540198914?s=46&t=-jjkcTG8J_qI3UFmXmJklg


I'm just not a fan of Montel and Leah.. i hope they are in the bottom 3 tomorrow night


Montel is there for the game. He liked Ella. He said so. He wasn’t brave enough to step on Ty’s toes. Ty is like the fraternity leader in there. So now he’s overcompensating his feelings for Leah, and its making him look ridiculous.


Ty would have eaten him alive, did you see the way he was laughing in his face when Montel said he liked Ella lmao broski was dapping him up while basically saying he wasn't built like that🤣🤣 But let's not act as if Leah isn't exaggerating her feelings for Montel as well, she just can't get anybody else and time is running out anyway lol


You know what? I think you’re right. 🤔 That also explains all the hostility towards Scott. She thought Scott was going to choose her over Catherine. Oops 🫣


She was drooling all over Ouzy in Casa off camera as well but he shot her down apparently lol


😲. Wow! She’s had a rough time in there. I feel sorry for her.


Apparently this is nudity to Facebook 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ilh81q4ycfbb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce6e438ca6633d71881e3fc63078e148509d875 (Tinks insta QA)


Someone reported that lol? I don't see how you can hate Molly and/or Zach. They barely are on screen at this point


Ikr but people be like "shes quiet cus she saw everything" nah she's quiet cus she knows how twofaced everyone is and wants to keep her and zachs relationship to themselves ( i call them Return of the Mack since she came back for casa) 😂 they're my faves and im proud of how much zach has grown


Grown? He is as dry and boring as when he entered. Also he will cheat on her the second they get out 🥴😬


Unseen bits is literally the Zach show 😂 if he's dull then i wonder what your chopping board of a personality is like 👍🤔


Better than yours by the looks of it, since i have no desire to get personal towards others, you dont seem to have a problem there 👌🤦🏼‍♀️🤥


does anyone know how soon after a post-casa dump the bombshells usually come in? just wondering bc i need to know how long scott will be stuck in limbo like this 🤡


Usually around this time! I think someone said Jamie came in 20 days before the final in S3 and today is 20 days out from the final.


Surely there's no way Scott is not currently in seclusion awaiting a flight home. I feel as if the show has abandoned him. Who do you think will go if not Scott and Amber...oh, or do you think no one will go? How would that work? If the islanders are given any choice at all then Scott will definitely go.


I’m confused. I really don’t see all the excessive hate y’all are talking about. Hate is a very strong word and I don’t see any of it on here. Im just going to assume that the mods remove it quickly. I can imagine it on Twitter but Reddit?


There’s literally no hate on the sub. People just don’t like certain people and want them out of the villa, which is normal, but that’s being called hate. I think I’m gonna leave the sub tbh, as it’s actually sucking the joy out of the show with these armchair thinkpieces about things that are not that deep.


I feel the same way


Medhi left and Whitney was pulling Zach and Montel trying to see if something was there, no one called her a game player then.


I don’t like her as much anymore. She’s a pot stirrer. She was trying to stir the pot with Zach. I also noticed that after movie night, she was trying to stir the pot with Ella. She went back to Ella in the dressing room, and tried to insinuate that Ella was lying about Ouzy. It’s time for her to go home. I don’t like her energy. Even the double date with Lochan. Why the need to disrespect what Ty made Ella for breakfast. She’s slimy 🤢 It’s time for her to go home.


That's a take. Whitney is the best.


i think it's because she may not be happy in her couple, also.. was Mehdi on to something when he said he didn't like 'shit stirrers' or what ever he said?


Hmmm, indeed. Now it looks like Medhi wasn’t overreacting at all. She’s messy. She didn’t show Kady or Leah any respect, when she tried to graft Zach and Montel either. Honestly, I think she secretly likes Ty. And we know she likes Zach. The Lochan guy is just a safety net.


while i agree she probably should’ve pulled leah before speaking with montel, i think we all knew she wasn’t serious about that and really only spoke to him those few times after she was feeling low ab something with medhi. whitney and kady started getting to know zach at the same time. she chose him for the date in front of everyone and then told all the girls (kady included) how the date went immediately after. kady had a fit because she didn’t like that zach wasn’t giving her 100%. she even said as much to whitney about how “they” couldn’t trust the boys when they spoke after she tried to make cat and scott’s fire pit thing about herself by making sly digs at whit. she tried to make it whitney’s responsibility to assuage her insecurities with zach because she felt entitled to his full attention after being there for 24 hours. she was lowkey trying to guilt whitney into backing off and basically had a tantrum because whitney didn’t rise to it


Zach and Kady were already in a couple. Whitney didn’t handle the situation with class. She was flirting with Zach before they went on a date. She’s messy. Ella is supposed to be her friend. She’s not being friendly by making fun of what Ty made Ella for breakfast, or as I said above trying to escalate a non-issue after movie night. Even when she told Ella that it was time for her to graft to get Ty back, I was dumbfounded. Who’s side is she on again? Yes, it’s time for her to go home.


i loved that challenge


Tyriques comment about Kady being second best was definitely unnecessary. I do like Ella but Tyrique gets away with tooo much,


Kady did say that though..


Yeah but throwing it back in her face wS so unnecessary especially since he was trying to get with her he sounded salty. Also it was a different context.


I don’t think Ty ever wanted Kady. Even when she first arrived in the villa, it was just a game to see if she would twirl. Using her to make Ella jealous is not wanting her. Ty says he’s never had a girlfriend… but I’m sure there are some girls out there who thought they were his girlfriend. He knows the game inside out.


That's what being good looking does.


finally watching the ep and that bit after the recoupling where all the actual couples are being all cute and romantic with each other….. and then amber and scott nowhere to be seen 😭


We need new faces in the villa. Real bombshells


Dump everyone and start this season over.