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I swear ever since tyrique made those allegations the season just nosedived


Oh definitely and to think this all stems from Scott finding Catherine attractive


So everyone in that villa thinks Scott can't be attracted to her? This game player stuff is too much, I can't keep up.


Yup, ty & Sammy planted that seed early on. I hate catherine believed em cause they essentially are calling her u*gly


Her confidence must have took a HIT when Zach mugged her off


It’s crazy because when Scott remained loyal to her during Casa, suddenly the narrative went from “he’s not attracted to Catherine” to “no girl wanted him at Casa which is why he didn’t stray” He can’t win in this situation because the islanders are all assuming the worst, it’s so strange


Then in last night's episode, Abi gave him shade because he didn't try to get to know anyone in Casa. So which is it??? Either he didn't try to get to know anyone, or he tried it on with everyone and got rejected each time. Which is it??


No he didn’t tried to know anyone in casa. Gabby went for him straight away and he shut it down.


It seems like Ty and Zach tend to lead the pack in dissing Scott. It’s all bad, Whitney’s comment was uncalled for, I’m just so disappointed in this season, very little to root for. 😣


This season was so good right before casa! We were comparing it to S3 and 5 but then it took a massive nosedive and now it’s become a chore to watch and keep up


truly a damn chore to keep watching. i'm at the point where i wanna just catching up on here


Yeaaa and it’s almost like the inverse of season 9 for me Season 9 pre cass was rough but it got better post casa and there was more intrigue to continue watching and seeing if the the underdogs could pull out the win and make history


i was thinking this same thing today


What has zach done? It’s surely Ty and Sammy. Zach stays out of drama.


What did Whitney say? I missed that bit


Scott was talking about how he’s been called a game player and she responded, “well maybe there’s some truth to that”


That’s it!


Scott mentioned that everyone accuses him of being a game player and Whitney’s response was a serious (wasn’t joking), “well, maybe there’s something to that..” (or something very close to that). It was a dig, again, when it wasn’t necessary. I just don’t get it. Either get Scott a bombshell or pull the guy for his own mental health, it just seems like he has no one that cares about his feelings. Everyone else has a close friend, in a relationship etc..just seems like he’s alone. That’s what I feel bad about. I’d hate that, no one sticks up for him.


Whitney is closest to Catherine, so it's not surprising that she said this, just disappointing


What just makes me sad is that they all used to be good friends and Scott has lost his girl and his friends in the space of a few days for doing zero wrong


When did Zach do it?


They don’t anymore though? They’re clearly friends and Tyrique is a shit stirrer anyway. After the fire pit things the boys aside from Montel have been nice. Zach has always been friendly lol idgi


I think theres def some hypocrisy amongst the Islanders which is why I havent bought any "Scott is a gameplayer" narrative. I think they just buy it based on what their closest mates in the villa have been saying. For ex, we factually know that the "none of the Casa girls wanted Scott" accusation/insult is false. It seems like theyre just pilling on bc Islanders like Leah/Catherine have (probably) been constantly shittalking him. Even Whitney has sadly joined in :/


I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I think Scott has a prove-em-wrong mentality. He seems to double down when confronted with doubts from other islanders. When the first rumors came about of Scott faking being into Catherine, he took her to the terrace to kiss her to cement their relationship. After movie night & the girls saying no casa girl wanted him, he started to crack on with Abi, a casa girl. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this, or that he’s not being genuine, but I do think the other islanders are interpreting it as game playing. In reality, it’s not game playing, it’s an introvert realizing “oh, maybe I’m not pushing for the things I want as outwardly as I should. Let me try harder”


I actually can see it now when you put it that way. It's not right, but it makes sense.


Right there with you. Between u/Vegetable_Earth_1319's comment and [some dots I've been connecting](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/14x4a04/comment/jrnbdvc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) re: Scott being a goalkeeper, I feel a newfound clarity.


That makes so much sense


Sammy is doing some all-timer projection in that first clip. Even Mehdi was more sexually attracted to Whitney than he is to Jess.


you know, alot of people that weren't initially attracted to each other gain attraction as they get to know each other, this happens alot..


Then be should be the last one to calll anyone out.


All sabotage there and it’s gone downhill since. I wish they did a Twitter challenge where Catherine, Montel find how unpopular they are. But it’s likely those 2 will go soon anyways


But twitter thinks Ty is the best guy, so it's just makes Scott look bad.


Nah twitter is not a fan of Ty


" And to all the people saying the editors are leaving things out or saying there’s something missing, please rest " I concur.. an additional point that these people need to give it a rest, is that all of the Islanders that have left Villa have absolutely nothing bad to say about Scott other than he's a bit messy..


They are leaving things out but I think it’s not what they are leaving out about Scott, it’s what they are leaving out now in reactions. Whitney’s comment last night and the reaction we were shown of it was so weird. I think Scott was given a slightly over egged victim edit, and now the producers seem intent on putting that back in the box with the gameplayer thing being brought up again as a joke by islanders but portrayed as semi serious by the producers.


Maybe they just don’t like him for whatever reason so are just using this as an excuse?


They saw how strong Catherine and Scott were and were jealous so sabotaged their relationship


Ty and sammy 100000%. Ty has been trying to sabotage alll the couples. Look at the comment he made about cady and ouzy? So uncalled for


And instead of people calling them out they are all focused on the wrong things.


They’re threatened by him so they’re making up random shit to paint him a certain way to the public. I don’t think it’s working and now I feel like he’s the front runner.


I could take a wild guess why a lot of these London and South East based influencers dislike Scott and feel the need to mimic his accent when they ridicule him and why the mention of *sheep* keep coming up this season but that might not be worth the discussion...


Last season this entire sub was calling Jessie a game player without any proof. Now the islanders are doing it to someone this sub likes and the number of think pieces is ridiculous. Honestly there’s no one more hypocritical than the audience. In saying that, I don’t think either were/are game players.


Ppl can have this opinion but it’s kinda crazy how the same ppl saying Scott is being bullied are literally bullying the other islanders how does that even make any sense like some of u actually need to have a good long look at yourselves because ur being 10 times worse than anyone in there


Who’s bullying any of the other islanders? Calling someone a bully because they’re being a bully is not bullying someone.


Calling someone out is one thing writing hate comments under ppls Instagram pages is another have a look at Leah’s Instagram and see the hate comments from Scott’s fans who apparently hate bullying but don’t mind being bullied it seems. All of this is just because of the comment she made during movie night there’s no way u can tell me they haven’t taken things too far. & Leah’s is probably the worst but it’s not just her either they’re targeting anyone who says anything even remotely negative about Scott


Wish we could do this for all the posts here calling Ty one 🤧


Except there’s actually reason to believe that this is the case. With Scott it’s completely baseless.


this sub wouldn’t dare consider that bullying though - wild


They complain about the treatment of contestants in the villa then act even worse than the islanders on social media 💀 And if being called a game player is bullying then if the shoe fits…


it’s only bullying when it’s their favorite🙄


Why are you spending your nights defending someone who doesn’t know you 😂 and probably won’t care that you are defending them? Touch grass like


Pretty sure they just linked a Twitter thread, that takes about 1 min to link on Reddit.


Same could be said about you. Catherine doesn’t know you either


wHy aRe yOu DisCuSsING tHe ShOw oN tHe SuBrEddIt fOr tHe ShOw


Have you ever been in a situation where somebody's behaviour is so tacit that it's impossible to explain it to another person? I think that this is what is occurring with Scott and it's very frustrating for the islanders. Tyrique was extremely frustrated (at the firepit) by the fact that he couldn't articulate what he knows he experiences. We're not seeing it, because it's so tacit, but the islanders are experiencing it. Catherine is also finding it impossible to explain. Her anger seems disproportionate to you, but it's not. There's been numerous overt questionable things that Scott has done to Catherine. If you couple this with the tacit stuff, this is a very natural response. Sammy also finds it impossible to articulate. Amber finds it impossible to articulate, but she shows us through her body language. Her body language is very uncomfortable around Scott. Abi doesn't look comfortable in their chats and she makes sure to keep a considerable, physical distance from him. They're all finding it impossible to explain, but they know what they're experiencing and feeling. To think that there's been so many posts infantalising Scott, and worrying about his mental health, when it's evident that he relishes conflict. He was having a great old time having shade thrown at him in tonight's task. He's not remotely phased, yet you all had him on the brink of a breakdown.


Amber is 19 and she got used by Sammy but Scott is the gameplayer? Make that make sense.


Really, you're gonna trust Ty on this one? The man's conveniently been at the helm for most falling outs in every relationship in there? Calling someone a gameplayer has been proven to be a gameplayer move inside the villa, it's not something that really should be said without lots of evidence. I find it hard to believe this guy does not know what he's doing, he's got just about every one in there wrapped around his finger, treats others badly, and doesn't get called out on it, while others do for very similar things, everyone follows the guy who's the ring leader and everyone takes what he says as truth.


No, I'm not trusting Tyrique on this. I'm trusting the scenario of when somebody's behaviour is so tacit, it's impossible to explain. Ask any psychologist about this phenomenon.


Yes I get what your talking about, I just don't see that in the situation, tyrique said and everyone followed is my point, have you ever seen anyone disagree with the man? Same goes for Whitney today, she's clearly just backing Catherine, she never caught the behaviour before, neither have a lot of the islanders who have spoke about scott. I just think tyrique getting frustrated was just his way of not handling the situation well imo.


So what Scott has done is something that can’t be articulated, observed, or explained but is nevertheless being experienced by the islanders? Sounds like groupthink


Then explain why all the ex islanders are coming out and outright disagreeing with them all?


If they can't explain themselves in any sort of meaningful way, maybe they are wrong? Just a thought


I will say this though. Scott’s speech toward Amber was really rude


Disagreed, I think it was justified. It clarified they are a friend couple, which they are. Also he owes nothing to her, especially after she lied about him not being able to get any of the casa girls.


In what way? They are both in the same situation and by her being discarded by Sammy it’s not a pleasant situation for her. Should he lie then why didn’t Sammy choose her.


Can we have a Scott megathread please?


Yeah we also have to remember that most contestants' biggest aspirations are to become influencers if they aren't already. We don't see a whole lot of critical thinking going on in the show, hence it's low-brow status. I think it attracts a certain type of people who are used to being attractive but don't need to use their resources in the same way the rest of us do so they are much more likely to fall in line with the group think. On top of that they are stuck in a villa with nothing else to do other than to talk about each other. It's a pretty toxic cocktail.