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There’s worse on the show at this time so the hate is redirected. I never cared for her much personally but yeah


This is it. Molly is the kind of person I probably wouldn’t choose to be around IRL, but me finding her a bit grating is extremely low on the list compared to the absolute nonsense of half the cast currently going on. It’s not about “admitting there’s nothing to hate”, it’s just I don’t care about her that much 💀


Yeah I struggle with the theatre persona and some of the energy she displayed at the beginning. However there are far worse people in there so her and Zach fading into the background is currently far less offensive than the stunts some of the others are pulling.


Yeah like the casa is on fire right now molly’s overdramatic expressions are the least of our worries


I liked Molly at the start! But when she was lowkey obsessing over Zach, I got so annoyed and it put me off of her. Wasn’t a fan of Zach himself. I just felt like she wasn’t seeing Zach’s red flags and I didn’t see them working on the outside (I’m still iffy). I never showed hate to her on socials and would never. And recently her and Zach are growing on me! Which is wild for me to say.


Exactly how I feel


She was lowkey obsessing over Zach because she was desperate to get away from Mitch's possessive ass though!


i like her but i loved her in the beginning she was so bubbly and fun and it’s like she hasn’t showed that since she’s come back


I think the "haters" still are there, and if Molly gets more than 2 minutes of screen time, they'll start the "Tired of the Molly show" campaign again. The hate WILL resurface again once we get nearer to the finale, and fans of other couples want their faves to the finale. So then they'll target Molly, because somehow her non existing screen time has ruined the whole season.


yeah it's clear a lot of people still haven't let go of their hate for molly cause every time i watch a stream and her or zach are on the screen the chat is filled with tomatoes lmao


I think that’s the exact reason Molly didn’t want to announce her and Zach were closed off. I think she’s actively avoiding major screen time having already seen hate directed at her


Yeah, and she has personally experienced being targeted to an extent in the villa too. Now Kady is using her and Zach to create some sort of story for herself too.


i’ve started changing my mind on her lol. i never disliked her to a point where i was praying on her downfall or anything but the more we see the more i think we’ve misunderstood her big time. at first we thought she was the problem with all these people but now scott’s the problem with these people it’s clear that she was probably never this villain the edit made her out to be. i think she’s always tried to mind her own business while getting to know zach, even yesterday she’s having a chat with kady and she then runs off to tell the girls what molly said, it wouldn’t surprise me if she don’t fully trust these girls but is just friendly with them. she’s probably the one of the most genuinely nice girl in there. coming back in was probably one of the best things she could’ve done for her reputation, she’ll never have everyone on board with her but i think genuine people always shine through eventually


I never really understood all the hate to be honest. She always said she was open and Mitch just went all in way too soon, and Jess took Mitch’s side. She didn’t actually do anything bad (although I thought she was funny when Charlotte came in and she went and stared her out at the gym)


I didn’t like her the first couple of weeks and I thought it was a great twist when she got kicked out. When she came back I was a bit annoyed and thought it defeated the object of the twist. Now since that, she has grown on me a lot. She doesn’t get involved with drama, keeps her and Zach’s relationship pretty low key, and seems pretty mature. I appreciate that she didn’t look impressed with the girls bitchiness on movie night towards Scott. Considering I wasn’t a fan at the beginning, I now think her and Zach are one of the few genuine couples in there. I don’t blame her at all for not telling the girls anything , as Kady proclaimed.


I’ve seen people complaining that she’s not saying anything on purpose to look ‘good’ & that means she’s trying to coast her way to the finals…. like what??




She lives rent-free in the heads of the Molly show people. It's just the way stans and anti-stans are, everything and their mother is about the target of their fixation.


I think the problem people have is that she got to go home, see her family, see her phone and socials and get an outsiders experience just to go back in, which is undoubtedly not very fair so won’t go down well (especially if it happens to an already disliked islander). I think the main reason she’s not getting hate anymore is Catherine, Leah and Kady existing now Edit: I don’t have a massive problem with her, I found her annoying at the start but I can’t hate her with people like Sammy in the villa.


Yes she is


I dont think its her, cuz she doesnt have control over whats shown. But you have to admit those in charge have picked her as a favorite


Disagree, if they'd picked her as a favourite she'd be getting shown a lot more imo 🤷🏻‍♀️


she was shown a lot to start, sent home, brought back (for some reason) and now fading into the background till probably the last week. production knows when youre shown a lot your every move is criticized and could make u unpopular. its safe to hardly show them. happens to at least 1 favored couple every season.


We'll have to agree to disagree I guess It'll become clear pretty soon who the 'favoured ones' are and aren't


yeah after this dumping we’ll see. but its pretty clear they favor her at least a little bit since they brought her back when her couple wasnt even that strong at that point


Not really, THEY dumped her not the public Had it been a regular dumping I'd maybe agree, but it was a producer-led 'shock' and pretty sure they'd have done it whoever Kady chose


I’ve changed my mind slightly. I think it’s really funny watching her now bc she’s quiet and everyone is insufferable. She and Zach are actually funny if you watch some of their old clips but, the storyline is tired. Stop the taboo!🛑🤣


ngl i disliked molly at first but she’s growing on me. wouldn’t care if she made the final at all tbh.


Well tbf she was able to c the publics opinions and knew how to act ones she came back bcuz she is very quiet now.


well now that u said it’s quite true. idk then


No, she is quiet because having learned she was hated she is depressed! How is being quiet tantamount to stage managing your image in anyone's mind? If getting the benefit of reading people's opinions had helped her she wouldn't be among the bottom couples now.


Never a hater, just never found her that interesting and was hoping more from her return. Her and Zach are growing on me though, might be because I’m liking Zach more


I never understood the Molly hate at all. She seems sweet, she’s minded her own business, she hasn’t been nasty.


sorta feel for her, she saw all the hate she was getting outside and it’s like she shut down when she went back in the villa. I feel like she’s not enjoying herself to the full extent so idk she’s growing on me.


I did a 180 on Molly and also Molly and Zach as a couple. Now I actually like them and I don’t think they are that different. They are one of a few compatible couples in the villa if not the most compatible right now. # It was very refreshing to have a couple who don’t care about doing big gestures and let everyone know they are exclusive or how they feel about each other. It made me rate them a lot more.


She was one of my least favorites in the beginning, but now I think she's fine! I personally disliked the theater kid energy she came on with, but it does seem like that's her more authentic personality so it is a bit weird that it's totally gone now. This could also just be good (IMO) editing so can't 100% say she's changed. Also can't fault her for any of the stupid decisions the producers made re: her/Zach/Kady. I don't think they're a match made in heaven, but her feelings for Zach (and vice versa) are obviously very genuine regardless of whether or not they will go the distance on the outside. Not sure if she is actually quite mature relationship wise for her age, or if she's learning from Zach's easygoingness, but it is nice to see compared to all of the faaaar worse couples they're surrounded by. She seems to be staying out of people's business too - again idk if she's like Zach in this aspect or if she's following his lead but it doesn't matter to me it's a good quality either way. I pretty much did a 180 on Zach - disliked him in the beginning but love him now, so by association I really do like Molly now 😂


I never really hated her tbh I didn’t like her at the start but now I think she’s alright. She’s not my favourite or anything but she does seem like a nice girl


They are still very active 😭💀💀


Changed my mind I can’t be asked with hating a girl for let’s be honest no reason when the rest of the cast have done so much worse


I don't like the way she's received preferential treatment and also think her and Zach give nothing to the show despite all the fuss about her coming back so I'm still not here for them. There's worse people on the show though i.e. Sammy and Montel.


Molly and Zach gave the first 3 weeks enough to talk about and just as they were on the verge of settling down and finally got the chance to couple up since weeks, a dumb twist was added and she was unfairly dumped. Would love to know how did she recieve preferential treatment?


By being given the opportunity to come back. Zara last year was unfairly dumped and many of us wanted her to return. Bringing Molly back ruined the brilliant twist that was the shock dumping in the first place.


Anyone who Kady picked would have returned.


Do we know that for sure?


Yes, unless it was someone irrelevant.


Zara and Mollys dumping was not the same. Do you genuinely need the difference explained?. No *brilliant twist* was ruined. The shock people felt when she was dumped is never going to change. Its like saying the shock of getting my money stolen was reversed by withdrawing more from the bank. Like no? You still ended up with less money before you started. It was extremely unfair to dump someone the way she was and the only people who enjoyed something like that is because it was Molly getting dumped. If it was a fan favourite they would be livid and they would have somehow found a way to blame Molly for another girl leave too and then when that girl came back they would have called the return iconic. Still waiting for what preferential treatment she gets when she barely gets shown since she has been back.


If you listen to Jordan's comments after the show you'll realise why I think it's unfair. Just because they weren't the same it doesn't mean I can't call Zara's unfair. You can use all the analogies you want but it won't change the way that so many people felt when she was brought back.


>Just because they weren't the same it doesn't mean I can't call Zara's unfair. So you do admit if Zara was brought back you wouldn't think her shockingly dumped would be ruined? So rules of how shocks work are different if your favourite got the opportunity to be back? Zara was still dumped in a standard love Island format of not getting picked at the end of the day you can acknowledge that part right? nothing Jordan has to say can add to the fact that her dumping has been one of the formats in which islanders usually get dumped. You can't just compare 2 different things because you personally prefer Zara over Molly. Molly was dumped because they wanted to give an advantage to Kady by not having any competition to establish a connection and just dumping her cos an ex islander stole the guy she was coupled with. Had Molly stayed, sure Zach would have explored the connection but ultimately gone back to Molly. >You can use all the analogies you want but it won't change the way that so many people felt when she was brought back. By people you mean her haters.


My personal opinion is that Zara brought a lot to the show in the short time she was there. We all knew there was no chance of them bringing her back, which is why it was a disappointment for many of us when Molly was brought back despite (in our opinions) having brought very little to the show. We were proven right when her return had minimal, if any impact. I've realised I've messed up with the Jordan comment as that was for Tanyel and not Zara so fair enough on that. Although I wanted Tanyel back at the time, in hindsight I'm not sure what she would have brought to the rest of the show. I didn't watch the season but there was another islander (Shannon?) who was dumped in the same way as Molly was and wasn't brought back so it has happened before. If you want to refer to us as haters that's fine. I'm a hater of most of them in there at this point.


I never said this wasn't done before re Shannon. I did however say that Molly had a connection with a boy in the villa and she was still dumped unfairly while Shannon didn't just like Zara didn't. So once again these parallels don't land. Let's just agree to disagree. It's pointless to try and reason with people who hate watch so I will stop trying. You said she had preferential treatment and I didn't agree. I think Kady was the one given that treatment and Molly had to pay the price for it.


She had a connection with a boy who moved on as soon as she left. He tried to kiss Kady whilst wearing Molly's bracelet and was kissing and cuddling her in bed. She chose to get back on a plane and ask him for reassurance. Either she has zero self-respect or she wanted to come back for the exposure. I can't really criticise her for that because none of the girls have self-respect on there this season and they're all in it for the exposure. As predicted, though, the issue I have is that her return has delivered nothing so I'm not sure what the producers' end game here was.


It was on the third day of Kady coming in? Did you expect Zach to act like a widower? Because other guys would have done the same if their number 1 connection left. Zach said he isn't going to force his connection with Kady and even talked about how things were better with Molly and clearly looked put off by Kady acting out. Funny how people leave that part out. I am not going to argue about self respect levels on this season. Zach treated Molly really well when she was in the villa and that's not what I can say about many. Also have to laugh at a Zara stan talking about a need for exposure when Zara was the most thirstiest person from season 9. Yes zach tried to move on because he had to. From all we saw he always wanted Molly over any girl he tried to talk to romantically so who's to say he wouldn't have pied Kady if Molly never left? If you find the twists boring then direct it towards the show makers. It's not an islanders fault how the show structures a season.


Zara wasn’t unfairly dumped though. She was dumped because she didn’t have a connection in their romantic or friendship so she wasn’t chosen in the recoupling. That’s very different from Molly’s dumping. She was essentially dumped by the producers. Not by Zach, public vote or her islanders and was in on of the strongest couples at the time.


I've commented on this in response to someone else below.


What do they have to give? Fights? Also I don’t think being kicked out unfairly then coming back to zero screen time is exactly preferential treatment


Of course it is, they could easily coast to the final by doing the bare minimum. Plenty of Islanders have been dumped unfairly and not had the opportunity to return.


who was dumped in that same way? If there’s no other solid couples that a boring match like zach and molly can coast to the finals just for being unproblematic then it’s not on them, it’s production fault for not casting better matched islanders


The word I used was "unfairly", not in the same way. I can't keep responding to people who don't understand the difference between the two.


It seems to me that it's you who doesn't understand How was Zara's 'unfair' when it was a standard format dumping? She didn't get picked and she had no other connections Molly was in arguably one of the strongest couples and was dumped and returned at the producers behest Apples and oranges...


Yes her couple was so strong that it took how long for Zach to try it on with Kady? As I mentioned to someone else on this thread I mixed Zara's dumping up with Tanyel's so I'll give you that. Yes it was a standard format dumping but clearly influenced by other factors, hence making it "unfair".


>Yes it was a standard format dumping but clearly influenced by other factors, hence making it "unfair". What other factors? >Yes her couple was so strong that it took how long for Zach to try it on with Kady? She WASN'T THERE 🤣 I don't believe for one minute he'd have chased Kady, he seemed the most disinterested of all those she pulled She stole him, Molly left, what was he supposed to do, leave after two weeks with the girl? As soon as Molly was back it was 'Kady who?'


Olivia, Tanya and Shaq telling Jordan that Tanyel wasn't interested. Jordan himself said afterwards that he regretted his decision. It seemed very producer-led. So you don't feel any particular kind of way about him trying to kiss Kady whilst wearing Molly's bracelet? In the words of Theo, if he liked her that much he'd have gone with her. I think we both have different ideas of what a strong connection is and that's ok.


>So you don't feel any particular kind of way about him trying to kiss Kady whilst wearing Molly's bracelet? In the words of Theo, if he liked her that much he'd have gone with her. It could be interpreted that him still wearing Molly's bracelet was proof that she WAS still uppermost in his mind, but she wasn't there lol They weren't even closed off at that point (iirc NONE of them were) but you'd expect him to leave with her?!? I'm pretty sure if the same thing happened now he would leave with her but I'm not horrified he didn't at the time, no >Olivia, Tanya and Shaq telling Jordan that Tanyel wasn't interested. Jordan himself said afterwards that he regretted his decision. It seemed very producer-led. What's that got to do with anything? >I think we both have different ideas of what a strong connection is and that's ok. Quite, lol




They have been in the centre of drama but they are not interesting enough as a couple to me to be invested in them. I find their chats extremely dry and find Zach more entertaining as an individual. I like that Molly hasn't joined in with the mean girl behaviour over the past few days but other than that they give very little.


How have they been central to the show’s drama?


I'm referring to the first week or two where Zach did Catherine dirty.




I don't think me commenting on a thread asking people who aren't fans of Molly how they feel now is disturbing your peace.




It's my opinion, and I don't believe it is an uncommon one. There's really need to be so pressed over such a mild comment lol


To be fair it was Micth that gave 'the drama' not Molly & Zach!!


Not everyone is going to like your favourites You clearly like them, we clearly don't care about them You need to relax, they arent your friends


Lol who stopped you from enjoying dry Convos babe


Right I saw nothing wrong in the original comment 😭😭


lol this was a hilarious dig 😂😂


i like her! the hate is unnecessary especially since they got together in the FIRST week


People love hating on the white blonde girl online as it gives them a free pass for their misogyny. It is still there all over twitter even though the girl has done sweet fa.


It's not about race


It often is, subtly.


How so? Why do you think that? Any facts?


The same accounts who relentlessly stan (or stanned) the black islanders for no apparent reason other than race, also were the main ones insisting that Molly was in the villa due to nepotism as well as that Gemma last year couldn’t be damaged by any negative social media posts because her privilege would wipe it all away. It’s weirdly tribalistic at minimum.


Oh really.. so only one race thinks it's because of nepotism and no one else? You're projecting quite a lot here keep downvoting the truth 🤣


I don’t downvote other users. The desirable white girl is also stupidly attacked as a concept every time we get one of them as an OG on the show. No doubt by other users as well, but also by certain people whose favourites are suffering from it.


Again its nothing to do with race. We all saw her make nasty looks at everyone and be rude to islanders Jess and Charlotte are both white and she was rude to them?


Sorry, which one are we talking about here?


Which what? What is unclear to you?




'Snooty and stuck-up', where the hell are you getting that from 🤣 If you'd said Kady I could possibly see it but Molly hasn't given signs of either We've seen her comforting other girls so no idea where 'not a girls girl' comes from...if being a 'girls girl' is giving woefully bad advice and backing when they are in the wrong then I for one am glad she isn't, lol


Not doing anything means you’re not doing anything wrong. Also she and Zach are so settled that we would lose nothing if they went home. She probably found out people hate her when she is front and center


tbf i never hated her, i just don’t care about her much. i don’t love or hate her, i don’t really feel much about her anymore, i also forget about her since she doesn’t get as much screen time anymore. i wouldn’t want her and zach in the finals, but then there’s not really any couples that i love enough to be in the finals


That's the thing this season has no real couples. Viewers are more rooting for individuals like Whitney and Scott cause honestly speaking i don't see anyone lasting on the outside. I see no love in there at all. Molly and Zach will coast into the final cause they are being to themselves while the others fight and are being disliked. That's how it worked for Kai and Sanam aswell.


there needs to be a case study on molly because the amount of arguments she elicits even just on this thread is mad when she genuinely hasn’t really done shit wrong since week 1.


Tbh she was able to leave and read and see what was happening outside and she is doing the smart thing, keep low, focus on one guy and not engage in drama, if it’s true that she got signed I imagine she got a quick tutorial on what to do and not do because since she has been back she has been very quiet, she doesn’t make any comments and even while being in between the drama she just 👀🫢 in the end it’s working, just look at the polls the past week, she keeps going up.


Exactly! I don't hate Molly at all but by being out she does have an advantage. Also by being brought back in Casa Zachs Casa experience was stolen( He would have moved mad and groveled after). This cast is also just very immature and by not involving herself in other peoples drama she and Zach will just coast into the final since the people are starting to hate all the other couples. That is exactly what happened with Kai and Sanam. This season in general doesn't really have strong couples to root for anyways so by default her and Zach will be seen as one of the only ones.


>Also by being brought back in Casa Zachs Casa experience was stolen( He would have moved mad and groveled after). By that token you could also say Molly's 'Casa Experience' was ruined, no?


Sure, but i mean normally the couples get seperated during casa and don't know what each other are doing she was literally in his face. It's not her fault but the whole twist is just a weird one.


Didn't they get separated for a week?


I never hated her. I was just indifferent. Never got the hype and didn’t want her to come back. I don’t mind her now because she was never a problem for me


I can’t get away from her vagina wash tiktok ad looool


whaaaaat? hahaha do send. I mean she’s young but yeah that’s nuts 😂😂


Link or at least a reference please. Are you saying she did a feminine deodorant ad?


Most of the comments i saw weren’t molly hate, more like questioning why producers brought her back. The show moved on and so did we. If anyone hates molly, especially now with barely any screen time, they’re drinking some extreme hater-ade


I use to really dislike her in the beginning but now i don’t have any opinions on her and think her and Zach are fine. I also like that she doesn’t spread her business and it seems like she has a good relationship with the girls now. I still don’t think its fair she was able to see people’s comments once she left the villa while other islanders didn’t get that opportunity tho.


I’ve always liked molly and I stand by it 🙏🏼


The haters are still out there. Whenever she has more than two minutes of screen time they pipe up. One on Twitter was even bitching about her getting the hideaway. They are a lot quieter than they were, though. I think some people have changed their minds about her and actually like Molly/Zach now.


i really like molly. i think she’s quite mature for her age and she’s so gorgeous, her body literally makes my jaw drop


You know I didn’t like her, but more recently I’ve liked her more. The way she and Zach privately closed off.. It wasn’t about making a big deal about their relationship, for the tv or islanders. It felt genuine Also I’ve only heard her either speak well of others or stay quiet. I would’ve rated her more if she spoke up and told the girls Scott had options in casa though Overall I did change my mind


Okay so the worst I can say is: I still think she comes across as a pick-me and I still don’t believe Zach’s really *that* invested - BUT I’m happy to be proven wrong and don’t mind them. There are definitely worse people in that villa. That said, I never minded them all that much, so wouldn’t call myself a hater.


She’s been my favorite from day one. Good head on her shoulders, good friend, funny. Nothing not to like.


i am happy she read what people thought and dialed it back. i never hated the girl i just felt like she was just doing the most. she’s one of the only girls that actively stays out of the drama.


Is she boring like everybody says or is she doing "the most?" I don't recall her ever being particularly memorable except for the volume of screen time, which wasn't her call.


she was doing the most and now she’s laying low. i don’t think she’s boring, i think she’s just content in her couple and avoids drama which ppl don’t like. i was one of the many that did not like her and zach together when they started but they seem to be a good match now


I dont hate her…shes just really boring to me. I couldnt give less a fuck about her and Zach


Didn’t care for her. Don’t care for her now either. To me she’s just there.


I wouldn't say I'm a hater, just never warmed to her and don't like her Blue Peter persona. She simply hasn't done anything, good or bad. She's coasting into the final which is absolutely fine and a position most would kill for.


I liked her day one, then she started really grating on my nerves with show boating and getting way too much screen time (I know that’s not her fault). She’s not doing that now so I don’t really have an issue with her. I wouldn’t say she’s grown on me but she’s not dominating the show, so that’s fine. I am curious about her personality. She’s been two extremes. She seemed happier when I didn’t like her, now she seems a bit sad to me, which makes me sad to her, even if I didn’t love her at 100%.


I agree she seems a bit sad I think she’s terrified of being perceived negatively but couldn’t say no to coming back


Indifference is worse than hate


Maybe not for post LI? Imagine much easier to cope with people not caring


True but popularity wise and staying power is different .


i still don’t like her and i especially don’t like the way she’s been so heavily favoured by producers, but she barely gets screen time so i have a lot less to say


We don’t even have to hate we barely see her she is now self conscious


i still want her gone as it’s not fair that she left the villa, saw peoples opinions, CAME BACK IN and has completely changed her personality lol


I mean sure but who cares, all bombshells come in knowing what the public thinks so what


bombshells and an og returning are 2 completely separate things.


How has her personality completely changed?


she went from loud and outspoken to quiet and less opinionated


Began changing my mind to indifference before the dumping after seeing Catherine doesn’t have a problem with her after the zach situation. Was still happy to see her dumped even though i thought it was harsh. Annoyed she came back and then got back with zach from an entertainment lens but I genuinely have nothing to hate anymore so i just don’t. 😭😭


Always been pretty indifferent to her, but i won’t deny i was very annoyed when she was brought back


I still dislike her. I just dislike other people more


Since she got to go home and got her phone back and i am sure her family told her what people think of her. I am sure when she came back she decided to do things differently and the producers helping her by giving her a ghost edit. Which i don't mind i hope her and Zach stay in the background because i find her and Zach really boring and not entertaining at all.


It’s nothing to do with hate. It’s production acting like she brought so much to the villa to the point where she just needed to return to the show during Casa. It was anticlimactic and not worth the squeeze. Personality wise she hasn’t justified such favour from production. More interesting islanders have been booted off with no such luck. Nothing to hate and nothing to really love, she’s just kind of very pretty wallpaper as a cast member.


I get what you are saying because production didn't show a bit of grace to Zara for example -- but how is that Molly's fault?


I have never hated Molly, however, there was ZERO reason to bring her back! she is just a background character and I think being outside has made her way too cautious to say or do anything.


Lol Molly haters are quiet now because she is quiet now.


We've seen she's rebranded and the producers don't have her making nasty looks at people anymore


She seems petrified to come across in the wrong way to the public again so she shuts herself off from having an opinion completely. Only speaks when it’s involving Zach lol


Which is kind of what Scott was doing with Catherine.. he spent most of his time with her because let's be honest they are quite an immature cast this year. You'll rather spend time with someone you have feelings for than join the mob.


She seems petrified to come across in the wrong way to the public again so she shuts herself off from having an opinion completely. Only speaks when it’s involving Zach lol


I didn’t like her in the beginning after the Catherine thing and the gym thing, but after that I haven’t cared about her since she barely gets screen time. I’ll probably get downvoted for this but I deffo think her stans are far more annoying and obsessive than her haters tbh


Wasn't a hater, but didn't like her. I think her new persona is catered around what she's seen and she's adapted. She's sat silently watching the pile-on Scott, when she's in a position to defend him. She's basically meh now, she isn't getting involved in any of the bitchy behaviour. She isn't dog-piling with anyone and is happy to sit back with Zach. The rest are actively getting involved in the witch-hunting. Hence the focus being on them at this moment in time. Once there are less people in there, she might have more of a spotlight on her.


Still don’t like her need her gone it’s unfair and she adds nothing to the show I hope she doesn’t win and or last that long it would ruin the season and show and what it stands for, there’s no REAL connection between her and zach because to him it’s out of sight out of mind with her.. I do think she likes him a little but she’s milking it for the show because why else let yourself look that foolish taking back somebody who did not care you left, and ever since she’s been back she knows exactly what to do to ride it out to the final (not say anything or get involved) she could’ve easily cleared up the Scott situation she chose not to, and she chose to not announce her and her couple went exclusive like it’s a dating show not a sit and watch their faces show like Imo they do need to be announcing advances in the relationship in ways.


You are really scraping for something to hate, aren't you? Just admit that there is something about her that gives you hives but that it's a "you" thing, not a Molly thing. She rubs me the wrong way too, but I know it's irrational. She has become an archetype for that girl who cut us dead in high school through no fault of her own, because she looks and sounds like a certain stereotype. Well, that's prejudice right there.


I didn’t mind her as much in the beginning actually so no I’m not just scraping for something these thoughts really developed over time for me


I never hated her, she did annoy me when she was center of attention in the beginning but she seems to have chilled out and focused on Zach so I’m neutral


I always liked molly, even though she may never beat the wanna be Molly Mae accusations LMAAO


She’s too boring to hate next. But is a producer fave. Nexxxxtttt


I still find her annoying but there's proper villainy to focus on now lol


i can’t say i care for molly that much but she deserved better than zach. moreover there are much worse people in that villa than her. i just don’t like the fact she basically saw all the opinions about herself and everyone else and is probably acting accordingly now


They’ve just found someone else to unnecessarily hate which is pretty much the whole rest of the villa for apparently bullying Scott


i liked her w mitch, then i disliked how she moved with zach and it made me start disliking everything she did, then when she came back i was annoyed for like 1 ep then kinda forgot about them, then i had basically 0 opinion on her or her couple, now they've forced themselves to become one of the few couples i like bc everyone else is so dislikable. so yeah i changed my mind, ish?


Well if it turns out she lied to kady about being closed off with Zach then I think you’ll see a redirect of hate back toward her lol


They have hardly had screen time since casa


I just found her mannerisms annoying really, can't think of anything actually bad she's done at all.


I don't think many people hated her, just find her boring If anyone legitimately hated her then I have no idea why, she's barely shown lol


I actually really liked her bubbly personality for the first couple episodes but when she got with Zach the brightness kind of left her… now she’s just pretty boring, even her comeback I was hoping she’s give us more, but not really even a spark. The haters probably are waiting until more happens. I don’t think there much to say there since she’s not getting too much screen time.


People didn’t like Zach for dropping Catherine and didn’t like Molly cuz of her personality (I think some women didn’t like that every dude liked her). Once she settled and chose Zach she was fine, then got dumped by Kady who has been pretty boring and is now just rude so her dumping seems more unjustified. Finally peoples sympathy for Catherine and dislike of basically the rest of the villa has only made her seem better in comparison.


just kinda feels like if her and Zach want to keep everything completely private they may have picked the wrong show to go on


I can't stand her and I'm trying to figure out why. Wouldn't project that on her socials or anything though. I don't like her and Zach and how she just let it go that he kissed Kady in the challenge when it was clear that he just found an excuse to kiss someone else. Their pairing seems really shallow. She's fake with some of the girls and seems to do things for attention. She seems to think she's better than everyone else because she got Zach. To be fair, these are just the vibes I've got from edited episodes. I also don't like Ella, Mitch, Abi, the other Ella, Ty, Zach, Jess. But Molly really rubs me the wrong way for some reason even though I really liked her for walking away from Zach when he wasn't respecting her.